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Generation neXt: Backstage


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Linked to from the [URL="http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=59965"]Audition Thread.[/URL]

After receiving a PM from Kenso who politely indicated that my back story is a little bit vague in prior events in the storyline. So I am posting this to add to the back story.


Earth 616 (The mainstream Marvel universe) during the year 2004. This is done intentionally so that I didn't have to wade my way through the Cluster****s that are House of M and Civil War. As such, there has been no mass de-powering of the mutants. However, events have occured differently than in the past.

Professor Xavier passed away in the late 80's, a victim of an attack by the superpowered duo known as Fenris while he attended Magnetos trial for crimes against humanity. The X-Men have since changed leadership multiple times, most recently being led by Nightcrawler and Forge.

As such, this is an alternative version of Earth 616 which has shaped the world.

Status of Popular Characters- Most non mutant characters are in the same position as what they generally are and probably won't be bought up that often at all. In regards to the X-Men then there have been a few losses and new additions to the roster.

-Deaths & Departures-

Cyclops was killed in action during the events of Operation: Zero Tolerance while fighting the Prime Sentinels.

Banshee was killed by Mondo after the latter joined forces with Black Tom Cassidy.

Wolverine is currently missing in action, having essentailly dissapeared while investigating the Weapon X program some more.

Bishop returned to his timeline in pursuit of the fugitive Trevor Fitzroy. It is currently unknown if he will be able to return.


Mondo temporarily became a member of the X-Men for a year before allying himself with Black Tom Cassidy.

Blink (The original Blink) was ressurected through the Techno-organic virus that was later purged from her system by Beast. This experimentation led to the re-creation of the Phalanx.

Haxx (This guy is a new one by me to flesh things out) is a young technopath who acts as a lab assistant for Beast. Doesn't act as an active member of the X-Men but is commonly seen helping behind the scenes.

There have been numerous reshufflings amongst the various X-Teams but things have generally remained the same as the original timeline.

If you have any questions then PM me or ask in this thread.
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