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Bush Tortures, Terrorist Off the Hook

Mr. Blonde

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Susan J. Crawford (the official in charge of deciding whether Guantanamo Bay detainees go to trial) has declined to refer Mohammed al-Qahtani (a Saudi national who attempted to take part in the September 11th attacks as the 5th man on flight 93) for trial because it is now evident that he was tortured while imprisoned.


So much for Bush's torture policy bringing justice to the world and avenging the deaths of those killed on September 11th. Now this would be terrorist will go free because of an archaic torture policy (which Cheney denied exists) that the Bush administration has used on Guantanamo Bay detainees.
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Assuming he even exists. Or that he, in fact, intended to get the plane and he's not just some unfortunate "Mohammed the Plumber" tagged and bagged for the convenience of HomeSec.

I can't believe Guantanamo Bay is still open. It would suck if I got stationed there.

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As horrible as this sounds, he did "get" it for being a terrorist. Reading the article sent a chill down my spine as I read what all they had done to him. Some of that is almost unbearable and the fact that he landed in the hospital twice?

I honestly think there was justice served here, if he truly is who he's been labeled as.
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[quote name='JJ']As horrible as this sounds, he did "get" it for being a terrorist. Reading the article sent a chill down my spine as I read what all they had done to him. Some of that is almost unbearable and the fact that he landed in the hospital twice?

I honestly think there was justice served here, if he truly is who he's been labeled as.[/QUOTE]

Justice? I would hardly call this justice.

"Rumsfeld warned in 2002 that torturing would jeopardize convictions of 550 detainees at Gitmo, hundreds ultimately go free with no charges. Dozens are tortured, eight fatally. Three are convicted on U.S. soil, twelve hundred immigrants are rounded up without due process, without bail, without court dates, and without a single charge of terrorism"

That's not justice. We're getting that bad drinker face, and we're looking more and more like the terrorists.
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