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Hunters: Grand Apocalypse


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The female captive looked up at Rasic quickly, and with a violent snarl, leaped onto him, plunging a knife towards his throat. Rasic barely managed to grab it before the other two captives whipped out concealed knives and rushed him. The captives were also acolytes! Ty moved to help the half daemon, but suddenly the floor in front of him exploded outwards and a Hellhound, with fire dripping from his fangs, pounced. All around the theater, the floor exploded as hidden hounds rushed towards the Hunters. From behind the curtain poured more Acolytes.
Mortus smiled as flames erupted from the Emissary Circle. His ambushes would definitely keep the Hunters from stopping the ritual. He had gone all out, summoning copious amounts of daemons for weeks. His fangs glistened in the sickly light of the Hellfire pouring out of the circle as the first claw reached out of the depths into the world.
Night rounded a corner, Skylar not far behind, when he froze and crouched, holding up a hand signaling his partner to stop. All was silent.
"What is it?"
"Shhh...something's...following us..."
The building above suddenly crumbled outwards as a horned skeletal horse the size of a car came screeching down towards the pair. Night threw himself onto Skylar, both rolling out of the way as the daemon smashed into the ground. It rose slowly, hissing at the pair as the Hunters got to their feet, weapons drawn. From behind, footsteps. A door was kicked open and Acolytes poured out of the building towards them.
"Shit! Skylar, take care of them! I'll handle the Gilgamesh!"
With that, the red cloaked hunter threw himself towards the daemon, whirling Vendetta around in a glittering arc as the pair clashed. The Acolytes spread around Skylar, surrounding her as blades were pulled from robes and jackets.
"Gut her quick, so we can get to Night!"
They all rushed in towards her.
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Ty could feel Rasic tense up when he felt Ty at his back. "It's just me. Listen, we have to find a way to get out of here. We're looking at 6 hell hounds I can see and probably 30 acolytes and I'm sure more on the way."

"I'm sorry Ty, I wasn't thi...."

Ty cut him off before he could finish his thought. "First off, you never apologize until it's over. Secondally, I'm not without my tricks." Ty prepared to make a move when an acolyte, who was apparently the leader of this ramble, stepped forward.

"You have no chance whatsoever hunter. But I tell you what, renounce your god and open up to the truth. Or you will be food for my Hell hounds." As the man spoke the daemon dogs made their way though the crowd and stood in a circle around Rasic and Ty. Teeth barred sickening unholy growls escaping from deep within their throats.

"Well I highly doubt these are your pooches. I've never met anyone who would breed such ugly dogs. I mean honestly, they make poodles look absolutely delightful, also I don't know how YOU tie your shoes, let alone summon this many nasty hell hounds. So me and my partner are just going to kill everything here got it?"

"Ty, how the hell are you planning on doing that?"

As he spoke, Ty slowly reached for his flask. He could see the acolytes tense, likely thinking he had a gun. "Relax guys, just a last drink." Luckily he was right about the leader's intelligence level, apparently whoever had summoned the dogs just wanted this guy to be cannon fodder.

As soon as he had the lid off Ty rolled in a circle around Rasic, shaking the holy water over every dog as he did so. The smell of burning, stinking flesh filled his nose as the unholy growls turned into cries of pain, as pitiful as any child.

"NOW!" Ty yelled as he ended his circle by sliding his flask into his pocket and simultaneously raising Vanguard into a striking stance.

Ty lept full go at the dogs, easily felling all three nasty mutts with a blow that severed their heads in half. Ty continued his motion and lept into the crowd of acolytes, hacking and slashing. Killing at least 4 in his initial burst. He wouldn't stop till he got to the outside of the groupd where he could think of the next part of his plan. Hopefully Rasic was fairing nearly as well.
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[COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Thea ignored the man for the moment and turned her attention to the creatures that were now surrounding them. She gripped her weapon tighter and flared her wings open in a warning not to approach. She bared her teeth which were pointed and fearsome. She split the weapon in half and got ready for a fight. Looking between the monsters and the man she wasn't sure which she should fear the most though neither of them bothered her that much. She was only waiting for one or the other to make a move first. She tensed her body ready to spring when the first one would strike she would be ready to strike back.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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[COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="1"]As soon as Rasic saw the way the Hell Hounds smoked at the touch of the water, he cringed away, wincing as he touched his face. "UGH. Oh yeah....that aught to work." He muttered under his breathe as the other Hunter took care of the Hounds with gruesome efficiency. As Ty gave the order, Rasic whipped out his dagger and jumped, planting one booted foot on an Acolyte before leaping over several into a less densely packed area of the room. He landed and hacked at several Acolytes, spinning in a semi-circle before sliding his blade along the edge of his coat, the blood smearing it a dark red. He sheathed it quickly and backed up, several Acolytes already recovering and rushing at him, weapons drawn. He pinched the ends of his gloves and grimaced. "I....hate doing this. But it needs to be done." With that, he pulled off one thick glove, his fingers uncurling and stretching.....and stretching. Claws unfolded from his finger tips, thick and oddly long, in the place of actual nails. He stripped the other glove off and raised his hands as the Acolytes charged him blindly, faces twisted. Rasic snarled, dodging amongst them in a flash and began shredding humans left and right, the unnatural claws on his hands tearing through flesh and blocking weapons with scary speed. Before long, several lay dead or dying around him as he kicked and dodged. The half daemon panted, making his way across the floor.

"Damnit. We're way outnumbered, Ty!" He called over the fighting, dodging around an Acolyte and sending him into a nose dive against a theater seat.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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From behind Jonas came a low growl. The Hunter whipped around and gave a shout, diving to the side as an emaciated woman swinging a meat cleaver pounced at him. Kurai spun to react, but two clawed hands burst through the wall near her, grabbing her arms and hurling her into the next room, separating the three Hunters. Cal didn't even have time to react as a daemon with long knife claws stepped in front of him, the blades rasping against each other as he roared a challenge. The halberd fell, but the creature rapidly deflected it, kicking Cal hard in the chest with one obscenely long leg. The hunter rolled backwards. This daemon was fast, fast enough that mere slicing wouldn't be enough to beat him. Jonas unloaded round after round into his attacker, but it did little to stem her rabid assault. Kurai was trapped in a large concrete room by a heavy handed obese daemon with a gaping jaw, and all her attacks seemed to be ignored as the creature plodded towards her, long tongue snapping in the air like a bull whip.
Night ducked under a sweeping slash by the Gilgamesh. The daemon looked like the skeleton of a horse, only much larger, and covered in spines. It hissed, lowering it's head to charge forward. The red cloaked hunter leaped onto the wall and kicked off, vaulting over the daemon as it smashed through the wall. He spun, Vendetta making a glittering arc of steel as he slashed at the beast's hindquarters. The creature roared, rearing forward and kicking Night heavily in the chest. He flew backwards, slamming hard into the brick of the building.
"GAH! Oof! Dammit!"
He rolled out of the way of yet another charge, and the beast rumbled as it glared at Night, turning to face him as it's mouth began to glow.
The hunter vaulted higher, grabbing the railing of a nearby staircase and hauling himself upwards as a fountain of magma spewed from behind the fangs of the Gilgamesh. He pulled himself onto the second floor, inadvertently moving farther from Skylar. He readied himself as the beast climbed the stairs towards it's prey. With a shout, he threw himself forward, sparks showering as Vendetta carved through the rooftop, slamming down onto the beast's head with a resounding CRACK! The creature shuddered, pushing back as Night slid across the floor, shoving all his weight onto his blade against the daemon. He spun and slammed the blade into the creatures shoulder, cracking the bones and lifting the massive beast off the ground. With a roar, the hunter hurled the creature against the opposite wall, regaining his balance and rushing towards it, Vendetta whistling through the air as claw and blade clashed again.
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As the large daemons closed in and loomed over the man and the half-daemon, he noticed that she was poised to attack, but remained in a defensive stance as if waiting for someone to initiate the first strike. She seemed very level headed about the whole situation, and displayed only a sense of caution as opposed to fear. At this point it appeared that this Hunter was without her friends. The fact that she had also neglected to react to the mans greeting lead the man to believe she wouldn?t partake in dialogue. Naturally he was oblivious to the fact the words he spoke were alphabet soup.

The man pulled himself up and he delved into thought. With the toxicity within him slightly diminished everything around him became just that much clearer. Unfortunately there was a job that had to be done, and the lass needed to stay away from the fort. Digging his hand into his coat, he fished out a walkie-talkie, and addressed the person on the other side of the line. ?Play us a song Maestro,? he announced surprisingly coherently.

A moment after the call a build up of sound flooded the residence. A scratchy big band song echoed between the buildings and flowed outward to touch the ears of those outside. Within the area the loud music rattled the eardrums of those caught within it, but a sturdy person like her guest shouldn?t be to bothered by it. Hopefully this would call an audience to the show, and add a little spice to the situation.

The man tried to drown out the music as best he could and he began to concentrate upon the magic inside him. Around him, prismatic distortions began to flicker, but gradually solidifying into a form.
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Cal slowly stood up and spat on the ground. He rubbed his chin and then let out a sigh. In the distance, he heard Jonas unloading more rounds into the beast that he was fighting. Cal gave a small smile as he heard Jonas scream.

"Hey, guys? I could use a little help here!" He fired a couple more rounds as Cal snorted a laugh.

"Sorry, kid. We are all a little buisy." He never took his eyes off the demonic beast that was in front of him but he yelled to the other room where Kurai was. "Hey, pup, you doin' alright in there? Need me to bail you out?" He heard a groan then her voice seemed to appear out of the darkness.

"I think I can manage it on my own for now."

"Good, cuz I got something on my hands at the moment." He turned his head back to the daemon. "So, whats it gonna be there big boy?"

The daemon snarled at him and started to slowly pace towards him. Cal started to walk to the side as the daemon changed direction and began to copy him. Both were walking around, making a circle, neither one taking their eyes off of each other.

The daemon attacked first, slashing at Cal's mid section. Cal blocked it then tried to match force with the daemon. For a few seconds, they stood there, then the daemon started to push Cal back.

"Well, this isn't good." Cal gritted his teeth and then let the daemon's force throw itself off balance as he moved out of the way. In a flash, Cal swung his blade down, catching the daemon behind its shoulder blades. As the blade connected, it stopped. "Shit!" The daemon whirled around, causing the halbert to go flying off into the distance. Cal took a couple of steps back and then started to flex his right hand. In the blink of an eye, the daemon charged. Cal tried to get out of the way but misjudged the daemons size and was hurled into a metal beam.

Cal slowly sat upright and then got to his feet. He caughed hard as bood spatted accross the ground. "That sonova bitch." Cal finally made it to his feet as the daemon charged again. This time, Cal spun around the daemon and then grabbed its neck. "Don't worry, I will meet you in Hell." Cal smiled as he pulled a blade from his shoulder and then stuck it in the daemon's eye, pushing it unilt the hilt had reached and gone through the daemon's skull. Slowly the daemon stopped moving and went limp in Cal's grip.

"That was a-" Cal slowly fell to the floor. Dizziness consuming him. "a little tough." He took in a deep breath and then looked around, wondering how everyone else was faring.
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Ty smiled as the Acoloytes near him began to scatter. He had taken many lives and the ones that still had theirs became increasingly cautious with theirs.

Suddenly a nearby set of chairs exploded from the floor, revealing a pair of hell hounds that had been hiding. Apparently these weren't the only ones, Rasic's next comment said it all.

"Any more of that holy water Ty?" The half-daemon called from halfway across the auditorium.

"No, I barley had enough for all those nasty poodles earlier. I've never encountered this many summoned creatures before. I think we need to work on an exit strategy.....and FAST" Ty's comment was rushed thanks to the thickening smoke seen on the ceiling of the theatre.

Apparently these acolytes had set the theatre on fire, and were prepared to make this the day they descended into hell. What they hadn't counted on is the fact that Ty wasn't ready to face all the things he had sent back, and all the people he had killed.

"Rasic, concentrate on the hounds and start making your way towards the emergency exit....." Before he could finish the nearest hound pounced, receiving a silver knife in one of its hind legs. It wouldn't kill it, but it would take it out of commision for the time being. Ty was ready for the second swinging [I]Vanguard[/I] as he turned.

He had timed it right and split the evil mutt in half in a ball of fire, he reversed and severed the head off of the mutt he had incapacitated first.

As Ty turned to again face the acolytes, the gathering smoke began to sting his eyes, and he could see where the fire was coming from.....all the exits were ablaze.

Ty gulped as he tried to start thinking of a plan before the acolytes grew brave again.
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The music surrounding the group drowned out the hissing and rasping of the creature slithering around the lamp post behind Thea. As it reared up, reaching a height of 20 feet off the ground, the half daemon's ears finally picked up the noise. She barely dodge the strike of the gargantuan emerald green serpent as it came crashing down, barreling through the street with a screeching hiss, crushing a crater the size of a car into the asphalt. As it coiled back up, it's head rose to lock eyes with the hunter. It looked like a colossal cobra, but a human skull with needle fangs stood as it's face. It coiled it's massive body around, swaying in front of her as it hissed and roared at her. It was probably 30 feet long and 5 feet thick around as it prepared for yet another strike.
Night spun and brought Vendetta down against the skeletal daemon, forcing it back against the wall when his cell phone rang. He whipped it out of his pocket and avoided another charge by the Gilgamesh. Hitting a button, he jammed the phone against his ear.
"Night! This is Francis, down at the -SHIT LOOK OUT! LEFT! LEFT! - Down at the slums! We need help, we're being swarmed here! There are - DOWN! DOWN, IT'S MAKING ANOTHER PASS! NIGHT WE NEED HE-*KZZZT* The number you have dialed has been temporarily disconnected, please hang up and dial again."
Night leaped out of the way of the Gilgamesh again, cursing as his phone suddenly rang again. Another hunter's number.
"Night, they're everywhere! I've never seen this many daemons! Boris and Nikki are dead! They just came out of the - ARRGHH! *FWOOOSHH-Kzzzt* The number you have dialed has been temporarily discon-"
Night slammed the phone down, shoving it back into his pocket as he smashed against the daemon again, shoving it out a window. What was going on? The city was crawling with daemons and acolytes, but something was very strange. They were ambushing all of his hunters, they were separating them off. Everything was organized, planned. Something was wrong here. He had to get his hunters back into one group, before any more were picked off.
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The acolyte screamed as he flew into the wall. Sighing, Skylar charged at the remaining acolytes, spinning her staff rapidly with much precision. The humans were easy to knock down, but were very persistent in their attacks, unfortunately she couldn't purify humans. Removing a few strips of paper from her pouch, she started to chant. After a few moments, she threw the paper at the acolytes, causing an electric pulse to pin them to the ground.

"Yes! I knew my seals would come in handy." Noticing the loud crash, she raced to the broken window with an arrow already strung. "Sorry for the wait, but I can't kill humans, so I had to use other methods...speaking of. My seals won't last for much longer, I suggest we get out of here, or you finish them off. I cannot." Peering out the window at the crippled daemon, she raised her bow and aimed. " I can take care of this one."

Releasing the arrow, it descended rapidly into the daemons chest. It screamed bloodcurdlingly as a white light protruded through its body, quickly disintegrating it. Skylar frowned sadly, and went to her knees. Bowing her head, she began to pray for the daemons spirit to rest peacefully. Suddenly, she heard a large grunt behind her as Night pulled her from the ground.

"We don't have time for this nonsense!"

"Fine! But my customs are not nonsense, even daemons deserve to descend into a higher plane...though, I did sense something was going wrong outside here."
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Cal slowly stood up, resting most of his weight on his halbert. "This is kinda getting old. Hey, kid you still alive?" He listened, but didn't hear any gunshots from the other room. He then turned around twards the room in which Kurai was dragged into and then stopped.

All the blood in Cal's body seemed to drain from him. He froze in midstep to the sound of scratching. "No fucking way! There is no FUCKING way you are still alive!" He spun around to see the giant daemon standing up, its claws scrapping on the ground as it stood.

Slowly, it reached it eye and grabbed the hilt of the blade that was jabbed into it. With a squishing sound, the blade came free and a few seconds later the eye started to heal.

"Again, you have got to be fucking kidding me! How the hell do you kill something like this?" Cal sucked in a deep breath and then started to run at the daemon. It let out a loud raor and then charged at him.
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[FONT="Century Gothic"]Senka smiled and laughed to herself. She now had a larger group of hellhounds and acolytes under her command. The trap could not fail this time.

"Fane! Get over here!"

A tall, acolyte with dark hai and an eyepatch walked over. He was much older than Senka, however he was still below her.

"Yes, Mistress Senka?" He asked while bowing.

"There's a hunter out there that is arrogant and thinks he can take us down. I want you to take some hellhounds and other acolytes and teach him a lesson."

Fane bowed once more. "Yes, mistress."

After Fane left, Senka motioned for Drogo to follow her.

"What are we doing? I thought you wanted Fane to handle the attack." He asked her.

"You never learn, Drogo. Fane is just a diversion. We'll be there to make sure everything goes as plan."

Senka and Drogo moved quickly, soon a new group of acolyte's and hellhounds attacked Cal as he fought the daemon.[/FONT]

[B]OOC: I hope this is okay, ScreamSin. If not, PM me and I'll make the changes.[/B]
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Night started walking quickly towards downtown.
"Don't waste your breath praying for daemons, they'll gut you while your distracted and sending them to a 'higher plane' is a bigger punishment then sending one of us to Hell. Go to the construction yard, find Cal, Kurai, and Jonas, help them. Move quickly, we've already lost three other groups."
"What about the hunters who called you?"
"They're already dead, and I don't plan on losing anymore."
"SHUT UP AND MOVE! We're low on time! I'm heading to Thea's position, I'll send Ty and Rasic to help you out when I get into contact with them."
With that, the red cloaked hunter moved towards downtown, tossing his car keys to Skylar.
"Use the car!"
He sprinted around the corner and was gone, heading rapidly towards the hotel. Whipping out his cell phone, he dialed Thea's number.
"Come on, come on....don't be dead..."
Jonas limped out of the room, covered in daemon blood. He looked up at Cal dueling with the huge daemon. He moved to help, but a hellhound caught his eye, sprinting towards Cal's exposed back. The hunter unloaded three rounds, straight through the hound's eye, then put himself behind Cal, watching the flood of daemons moving towards them.
"I got your back, don't worry!"
The hunter pulled out a knife with his left hand, aiming with his right, and set to attacking the other daemons.
Senka paused in her steps as a large flame snapped in front of her, materializing into Mortus. He stared at her with his green eyes.
"The ambush was a success Senka. Night is moving away from the docks, and we even managed to kill several Hunters. You're doing well, but others are coming to aid them. Keep them distracted for a little longer, then withdraw back to the docks for further orders."
Without even waiting for a response, Mortus disappeared into a flame.
((The skirmishes are wrapping up, start finishing off your foes and wrapping up.))
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Ty dropped another acolyte, purley out of luck this time. The smoke and heat was as incapacitating for them as it was for him, and at this point they were all close to being finished.

"Rasic *cough cough* how're you holding up?" Ty's voice was choked off, his eyes watering uncontrollably.

Just then Ty was railed from behind and dropped to the floor. Clinging tight to [I]Vanguard[/I] he began swinging wildly, taking out the leg of one Acolyte. A kick to the face made him go limp, his hold on his blade was the only thing he could do consciously. Just then a phone rang, the tune was unrecognizable, and Ty was reasonably sure it wasn't his.

"Hello?" The voice was of somebody not of this world. Ty at first thought he was imagining things, but anybody would be hacking in this blanket of smoke. "Yes, the plan is going perfectally. We'll rap up these two momentarily, what's that? Excellent, soon these hunters will all be gone." Ty swung his blade upwards, knocking an acolyte to the floor and rolling to his feet.

Standing in front of him was what looked human, but on closer inspection proved to be quite to the conterary. A massive frame, at least 7ft tall, this was undoubtedly the demon that was behind this ambush. It made perfect sense now, but Ty was actually worried now. He couldn't possibly fend off a demon, he wasn't in any shape to do much of anything.

Knowing this, the daemon charged. Ty knew he was done, all he could do was close his eyes and pray the smoke would take away his consciousness before the pain.

Ty's eyes snapped open when he heard the thud sound. Rasic was standing in front, apparently he had body checked the Daemon and grabbed Ty. "Oh thank god you halfling son of a bitch. I thought I was done for." Rasic ran through the main aisleway, the daemon in pursuit, the acolytes succombing to the black smoke.

Ty noticed that all the pillars were burning, apparently the daemon had planned on none but him escaping, he hadn't accounted for Rasic. Ty also noticed that Rasic was heading for the burning pillar right in front of them.

"Hey, I see what you're doing. Can I get off this ride before the crash?" Rasic didn't even pause, he crashed into the pillar full force. Everything then went black.

Ty woke up in the back seat of his car. They duo were driving, the scenary suggested they were on their way back to Night's. "Wait!" Ty mustered up all his remaining strength to call out, unfortunetly it came out a little louder then exptected. As the car screeched to a halt Rasic whipped around.

"They'll be monitoring Night's place. Let's just drive around until he calls." The big man nodded

"Oh and Rasic" the car once again stopped and Rasic whipped around facing Ty.

"There better not be one scratch on my baby" Rasic smiled and started off again. "don't think I didn't see those big ass claws you were hiding. damn things could scratch your feet and the top of your head at the same time." Ty smiled, as he let himself relax a little. He was happy to be alive, the fear for the other hunters couldn't break that yet, when Night called he would know what to do. No sense in worrying to much.
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[SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkRed"]Rasic had been slowly pulling his gloves back on over his claws, driving one handed and using his teeth as he folded his clawed fingers with some effort into the 'almost' normal sized gloves. "Don't worry, Ty. I'm pretty careful with these things......gotta be." He replied, a slight smile still on his face as he slowly started driving them in a circle around the city.
The smile dropped as he realized what had almost happened tonight. He'd set off an obvious ambush, gotten them into an unnecessary fight, and nearly gotten Ty killed. He sighed in dismay as he finally managed to shove both hands securely back into their gloves. "Well I gotta say, I fucked up my first night pretty expertly, don'tcha think?" He asked, glancing back at the other Hunter with a slight smile on his face. "Heh.....at least we aren't dead or anything!" He looked closer at the human. "Ey. You feeling a bit better? No broken bones or anything, yeah?"[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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Night hung up after the third attempt to call Thea. No answer. He sped up, dialing Ty's number.
"*click* Night, we-"
Night rounded a corner, nearly slipping as he spotted the hotel. Then....music? There was music in the distance, from the hotel.
"Dammit! Dammit dammit! It was all a trap! Get over to Cal! Skylar will meet up with you guys there! They were waiting for us! I didn't see-!"
Night stumbled slightly as he paused to catch his breath.
"Night? Night?! You still there?!"
"Get to them before something horrible happens! NOW!"
Night quickly hung up the phone and started sprinting towards the hotel again.
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((Tetra, whoa, no no no. Not good enough kitten. Fix that, you completely ignored your own foe and topped off the other one way too easily.

Guys, I should probably emphasize something: Daemons. Are. Hard. To. Kill. You aren't uber soldiers here, you're tough, not invincible. Put a little more effort into this guys, seriously! I told you this would be combat heavy, that doesn't mean you win everytime.

Either put a little thought into your post or leave the RP. If something happens where you can't post, lemme know, not a big deal.))
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[B]OOC: Hope you don't mind I'm not waiting on Tetra, though let her slide on this one Scream. She just got over being sick and probably didn't want you to think she just bailed.[/B]

Ty clicked the phone shut and sat up in his seat.

"Whoa you sure you're okay? That was some beating you took." Rasic's voice broke into Deans panic.

"That wasn't half as bad as the beating I'm taking with your Driving. That was Night, we aren't the only ones to get hit. It's everywhere, 7 down so far. Cal and his group and taking a beating at the construction site." Rasic slamed on the gas forcing Ty all the way into the back seat again.

As the duo pulled up, gunshots filled the night. Tracing them Ty saw Cal, Kurai, and a huge daemon that was rising to his feet. All around them the construction zone was filling with Acolytes racing to defend the summoned daemon.

"What the hell do we do?" Rasic was in a panic. There were at least 20 Acolytes heading in Cal's direction. Luckily though they hadn't spoted the car yet.

"Give me the keys, I have just the cure." Ty grabed the keys and opened the trunk. Seconds later he returned with a sawed up double barrel and a .45 revolver.

"Can't kill a daemon with them, but I'll be damned if I've ever seen an Acolyte get back up from one of these babie.

He handed Rasic the revolver, and loaded up the shotgun. "Not many rounds, I didn't expect to need them. We can at least cut a path to the others with them though."

Ty got out, Rasic in tow. Sprinting towards the ocean of acolytes seperating them from their allies.
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Cal looked around and spat on the ground. "Damn. I guess I am a little out numbered." Slowly he looked around and then spotted something flash in the distance. He squinted his eyes and noticed two figures stepping away from a car.

"Well, aren't we a lucky bunch of bastards." Cal smirked and slowly stood up straight, taking his weight off his halbert. He tapped his right toe on the ground, then the left. "Good, i do like being a half blood. It really helps with the healing process."

"You, abomination. Your time has ended here. You will not live to see the morning sun!" One of the acolites started to walk forward as Cal turned his attention to him.

"You don't say?" Cal took a step twards him and then stopped. "I hate to break it to you, but neither will you." Cal smiled as the acolite's head exploaded, sending him flying to the ground. "See, told you." Cal looked up to see Jonas hanging from a beam, the daemon he was fighting had its own cleaver splitting its skull in two.

"Now, where were we?" Cal turned around and faced the daemon with blades as it let out a roar. "Right, right, don't worry, I didn't forget about you." Cal streatched his neck and then in a flash, ran twards the daemon.

Cal sidestepped as the daemon thrust is bladded fist at him. Cal spun around and then landed his kick to the daemon's head. The daemon let out a scream and then turn to face Cal, its eyes blazing hatered.

"BAd Move, looks like your eye still hasn't healed all the way yet, has it?" Cal smirked as the daemon charged him. cal jumped to the right, in the daemon's now blind spot and then ran around to the daemon's back as it turned, trying to find him. "Your mine asshole!" Cal stopped and then jumped on its back, bringing his halbert down on the daemon's neck, severing its head from its body.

Slowly, Cal made his way off the daemon's back. He set the blade of his halbert on the ground and then fell to his knees. Cal caughs as blood starts to run from his mouth down his chin.

"Damn, I punctured a lung on that last one." He felt the hole in his chest and then at the spike on the daemon's back that stabbed him. "But, then again, I didn't have much of a choice." Cal looked around him at all of the hell hounds and acolites. "I may be on the loosing side of this one tonight. What a bummer."
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((Unfortunately this is more me demonstrating to you all that I?m still involved rather than a constructive post. Just there is only so much a mentally depraved drunk can do on his own.))

Several ribbon-like manifestations of dark energy danced around the man like charmed serpents. Swaying with grace despite their translucent and distorted image. In but a moment their moments relaxed and folded almost dormant in the air around him.

The man?s eyes caught the glimpse of a ravenous creature that emerged from the shadows, almost choreographed to the sporadic beat of the music. It?s massive body propelling toward the half-daemon in an attempted ambush. This daemon weaved through the hulking bodies of the ape-like creatures that held the target in place.

With a chuckle the man muttered aloud ?Mortus you ol? snake in the grass,? he seemed as if he was amused by his own ill attempted pun. Considering the odds against the half-daemon, the man no longer felt any concern of having to initiate combat himself, and that he wouldn?t be deemed responsible if the target met an unfortunate end.

His back now faced the conflict, and the man stared down the wide road ahead, however, he then noticed the garbed figures of his acolytes spilling out of the buildings they were residing in. Their frantic movement indicated they were in a state of alarm. Perhaps they saw something that got their adrenaline running wild.
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[COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"][SIZE="3"][COLOR="Navy"][B]Sorry for the delay everyone been so busy and got a writers block on this but I'm gonna try, so here goes.[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]

Thea let her left foot slid back and allowed it to put her in a fighting stance as she listened to the rustling move behind her. She had a split second to dodge before something attacked, she cursed as it grazed her belt and took her phone with it, listening she heard the crunch as the phone was broken into pieces.
"Great, now I'm in trouble with Night if he tries to call."
She split her weapon into the two scythe knives and waited. As the monster lunged again she reached out and threw one of the weapons into the ground and caught the beast by the throat. She cringed as she saw a Deamon that looked like a mutated snake with fur. She growled as it lashed out catching her with it's tail and sliceing her arm from her shoulder to her elbow.
"Well now, this is getting interesting."
She picked up her scythe and took her fighting stance once again and sliced down as it came at her again, hearing it scream in pain she was sure she had it, but feeling a pull on her leg she looked down and realized it was a pair and she was in the middle of them. She growled more as the one biting down on her ankle began to wrap around her legs and torso. She splayed her wings open so the creature could not wrap around her entire body and strangle her. As it moved towards her face she bit down on the flesh and sank her fangs as deep as they would go. Hearing the monster scream she held on, sure that after a few times of trying to get a hold of her and she not answering Night would soon be on his way. She was not worried but merely held at bay. [/FONT][/COLOR]
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The Acolytes fleeing the building had indeed seen something. Night was sprinting full tilt, sword drawn, straight towards them. He had flushed most of them out of the buildings into the streets, and he was slicing them down left and right, never stopping. He head straight towards Benoit, boots pounding against the street as he leveled the blade towards the Acolyte's throat. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the Kabra, twisting and rolling around. As it writhed about, Night saw wings and a purple figure hanging on for dear life. Thea! The hunter swerved, kicking off towards the snake daemon and away from Benoit. With a roar, Night sank Vendetta deep into the scales of the Kabra. The creature hissed loudly, coiling around to slap at Night with it's tail. The hunter took the blow hard to the ribs, skidding across the ground. Rolling with the impact, Night quickly took to his feet, running back towards the daemon. Spinning around, he dodged a strike, swinging Vendetta upwards and cleaving a huge gash through the exposed underside of the beast. He spun again, releasing Vendetta as he ducked under a tail swipe. Grabbing the handle, he brought it down heavily onto the beast's back, cutting through the spine. The creature gave a final death roar before crashing limp into the street. As it's body began to burn away, Night grabbed Thea's arm, hauling her away from the blaze. He spun, remembering the Acolyte he had missed. He stared at the apparently incredibly inebriated man, who stared back with a strange expression. Night glared at him, breathing heavily as he raised Vendetta to point at the man. Then...silence. The man did nothing. He didn't approach, he didn't threaten, he didn't run. He didn't do anything that an Acolyte normally did when facing a Hunter. Night narrowed his eyes.
"You wanted to keep us distracted, not kill us. What happened tonight? What have you done, slave of Hell?"
A hound walked over to Senka. From it's gaping mouth came a voice, disembodied and slurred with corruption.
"Senka, the master commands you to withdraw back to the docks. The hunters have regrouped. Even now, they approach this location to aid their brethren. Leave your minions, they have served their purpose. Return. The Emissary commands it."
The hound turned and bounded back to the fight.
Mortus bowed his head to the large daemon standing in front of him. The acolytes had been killed during the ritual, their blood soaking the fur of the black, lion-headed daemon that stood in the warehouse.
"Welcome lord to Earth! All is prepared for your arrival."
"You have done well Mortus. Many of the inner circles believed that the wretched hunters would prevent my arrival. I am pleased that you proved them wrong."
Mortus allowed himself a small smile, head still bowed. He raised his eyes to the beast.
"What do the Shadow Lords wish of me?"
The Emissary's horrid face split into a disgusting grin.
"We have great plans for these mortals. Come. We have much to do to prepare."
"Pardon my asking, Lord, but what are we preparing for?"
The creature spread it's wings, setting the pommel of it's gargantuan axe into the ground.
[CENTER]"The Grand Apocalypse, hell-kin...the greatest ever seen by the universe."[/CENTER]
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[SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkRed"]Rasic swallowed hard, already rather fatigued from their encounter with the ambush and escape from the burning theater. "Right.....just gotta protect the others..." He muttered, raising the revolver and tightening his grip on it. He knew how to use guns.....but only in well....theory. He aimed and fired, shooting into the acolytes in an effort to clear them out before drawing his blade, moving forward menacingly.

Several had turned from the conflict to this new danger, several rushing at Ty only to be mowed down by a single shotgun blast, the others retreating to shoot at him at a distance. Rasic squinted, seeing a familiar Hunter from earlier that evening in the fighting. He had just felled a large daemon and was hunched over, apparently wounded. "Crap, i'm going in!!!" He called, bull rushing a knot of acolytes and cutting them down, almost shoving his way through as he slashed and stabbed, dodged and ducked. Several weapons cut into him but he barely seemed to feel them, spinning to block the slash of a man with a sword as he drew close to the other Hunter. With a grunt he shoved the Acolyte back, shooting the man in the face as he lost balance before backing toward the downed Hunter. "Hey, you aren't dying on me, right?" He asked almost stupidly, seeing the puncture wound in his chest. "Uh ah crap...."[/COLOR][/SIZE]

((Woah early morning daze. @_@ If anything needs to be altered just message me, alright?))
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Cal looked up at Rasic. Then slowly stood up. "No worries." He put his hand to the hole in his chest and then took a deep breath. Slowly, the blood stopped pouring out and then the hole started to take the form of scared tissue.

"Thats a neat trick. You may have to teach it to me sometime." Rasic winked and then turned to look at the acolites that were surrounding them. "There sure is alot of them. Just like at the theater."

Cal nodded and then spit on the ground. The blood that was there had gone. "True, but I have a feeling that this is just the forfront. Something bad is happening, and I am sure that wer are gonna have one hell of a time trying to stop it." Cal raised his halbert and then spun it over his head a few times before stopping and getting into a fighting stance.

"You aren't seriously thinking of going in there, are you? Hell, you just closed up that hole." He paused for a moment. "Well, actually, you just closed up that hole, I guess you should be ok right?"

Cal smiled and then nodded. "I have two choices here, well, actually, we both have two choices here. We can either stand our ground and take them out as they come at us." He glanced around and saw the other hunter making his way to the group. "Or, we can cut our way through and then form a perimiter around them, causing them to slowly shrink into a small cluster for our taking. With Jonus up top, and us three surrounding them, it may be the easier task."

"Right, but we still have to make our way out of here first, right?" Rasic smiled and gripped his sword tighter. "I like the odds of that."

"Good, because it actually sounds like fun." Cal glanced back at Rasic who nodded at him. Cal nodded back and then turned his attention to the acolites in front of him. Without waiting on a word, he charged into the group, taking down anyone who got within five feet of his halbert.
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