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Band of the Blood Moon (Mature)

Drizzt Do'urden

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"Okay, Sam, let's fight!" Karyn said with a confident grin. Sam was about to move forward when a voice familiar to Karyn rang through the trees.

"Fall back, Sam. If she killed you, it would only make our clan look weaker than it does already, what with these fools killing off werewolves right and left. I'll take her on." the cold, sharp voice said calmly. Karyn's ears drooped and her tail curled up between her quivering legs. Her stomach twisted and turned and her pulse sped up.

"Syckle..." Karyn squeaked, though she meant for it to come out as a snarl. Suddenly, Karyn's half brother appeared in front of her, only about a foot away. He had the same light brown, scruffy hair and blood red eyes that Karyn and her father shared. Karyn simply stared wide-eyed at Syckle as he raised his weapon- a pair of sickles. Then Karyn felt an odd sensation of floating into the air and backward, away from Syckle.

"Karyn! What were you doing?! Why were you just standing there?!" Draco demanded, concern layered onto his voice. Apparently, he had lifted Karyn up and gotten her away from Syckle.

"I-I-I... H-he-! S-sorry, Draco..." Karyn whimpered, still shaking. Draco turned her around and grabbed both of her shoulders.

"Karyn, what's the matter? What's his ability?" Draco asked gently.

"H-he... is like a ghost! He can turn invisible and walk through things like a ghost, but only for 30 seconds at a time. He has to take minute and a half breaks between each phasing..."

"Karyn, what did he do to make you so afraid of him?"

"I haunted her. Every single night, I haunted her. Down until the last night she spent in the village. I would scare the living daylights out of her, giving her small cuts with my sickles." Syckle mused, a sick grin on his face. "And I would have killed her before she left the village, had her damned mother not interfered. That woman-! A week before that bitch you're holding left, her mother gave her a night-light shaped like a damn puppy! It was blessed by an exorcist of amazing power to have a shielding effect. I couldn't touch her. Scare her, but not harm her. She and her mother were the only ones that could handle it in the village, having human blood in their veins. I'm willing to bet anything that she still uses it!"

"You're sick!" Draco growled.

"Maybe. But you both will be dead quickly. Dad says he wants to kill you off, [B]sister[/B]. But I refuse to let him waste his time like that! I'll finish you off and make him even prouder of me than he already is!" Syckle cackled.

"We'll see who dies, [B]Sicky[/B]!" Karyn sneered. "I bet your weak health is still in effect, yes? After all, you're cursed by your own mother! A sickly curse than can never be removed!"

"Don't go there, mutt..."

"Why not?! Why are you so proud, being the cursed son of a raped werewolf sorceress?! At least when Dad had me with MY mom, it was out of love! Even if he didn't love me, he loved my mom!"

"You will die first, Karyn..." Syckle snarled, rushing at her and Draco, a sickle in each hand.
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[COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Calil gritted her teeth as she watched Anya run her hands over Dean to make sure he was alright. She didn't mind the help but it aggravated her that she was announcing her self as the 'hero' of the evening when she was the one who had come all the way out here and thought of it in the first damn place. She felt the growl bubble in her throat and swallowed it down. She looked down at Anya and shook her head.
"That plan won't work Anya, these guys aren't stupid. Our scent is all over this place and not only that some one else saw us here with him. We'd be caught in no time. Not only that Dawner's father is in here and if he's anything like his dad, than I'm sure his dad isn't blind, in more ways than one. The best thing to do, and I hate saying this, is to lay low til we can find a better opening."
Anya looked up at her, she could see the anger rise to her cheeks as she mulled Calil's words through her head realizing she was right.
"We can try We can-"
Calil shook her head violently.
"We'd all be dead by the time we even saw the end of the cave, Karyn's father is paroling outside. We're not strong enough for that."
"Speak for your self."
"I'm speaking on experience, he's to fast and to strong for just the two of us-"
"Dunan is out there too."
"Than we all three would be killed."
She looked down at Dean and pushed Anya's hands away taking his face in her hands.
"I'll get you out of here, I promise. I'll be back. I love you."
She stood up and grabbed Anya's arm and yanked her up to her feet.
"Go out there and tell Dunan that you and him need to go get the others. We need everyone here to get him out."
"His sister's soul-"
"I understand that damnit! But no offense to Dunan Dean is more important at this moment!"
"Why cause he's your lover?"
"No, cause he's our leader."
Calil's answer was so short and final Anya couldn't find the words to fight back. She nodded slowly and dashed out the front of the cave looking for Dunan while Calil stood in front of Dean with her arms crossed. He looked at her, pain filling his eyes but he was calm, showing no fear; but his eyes seemed hollow.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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Dunan sttod, the wind ruffling his tattered trench coat. Sonya looked on at him, her face just as he remembered. Sonya smiled, holding her sythe. Raising it above her head, she posed, ready to come attacking him.

"Like you can beat me, you're just a floozy flunkie of Holden's. That sythe doesn't scare me."

Holding her sythe out, Sonya spoke. "Now is that anyway to speak to your sister?"

Dunan grit his teeth, she even had Sonya's voice. "My sister is dead."

"As soon will be her brother."

Dunan launched himself at the doll, and she turned her sythe, aiming for Dunan's head. Dunan bent his body over, sending his foot up at the sythe, kicking it up and over into a tree. Sonya wrenched it out, coming for Dunan. She swung it again, cutting down trees left and right. Dunan launched himself at Sonya, and she lifted her sythe, getting it in his way. Dunan planted his feet on it, and lifted back, sailing into the trees. Sonya calmly walked over to the tree, and tapped her sythe against her shoulder.

"Fool. You seem to think you have a chance."

Dunan retorted. "I know I do." He came down, and slapped her sythe out of his way, swinging on it to plant his feet on the tip.

"I'm just warming up." Dunan said. Sonya yanked her sythe back, and Dunan back flipped off of it. "As am I." she responded.

Sonya raised her sythe, barreling at Dunan, her mouth wide in a sinister smile. Dunan smacked the sythe, bringing it down to the ground. Dunan raised his foot, to snap the sythe. Sonya grabbed his ankle, and Dunan twisted his body to slam his opposite foot into the sythe, succeeding. Sonya whirled him around, slamming him into a a tree. Dunan reached out, and his hands landed on another tree Sonya had intended on crushing him against. Using his free foot, he brought it up, knocking Sonya in the chin.

She let go, and Dunan twisted to his feet, whirling to face Sonya. A crack appeared on her delicate face.

"You'd raise a hand to your sister? Didn't our mother teach you better than to hit a girl?"

"You're not a girl." Dunan swung his fist, and Sonya caught it inches from her face. She smirked, the crack disappearing. "You seem to be under the impression that I'm like those other dolls."

Dunan snorted. "Oh, you're different. You're more of a bitch." Dunan pushed against her, but she didn't let go, instead bring her own foot up to crunch Dunan in the chest. Dunan rocketed backwards, skidding across the ground. Dunan sighed. "With that pretty face, you'd think you'd be a little nicer."

Sonya didn't respond, she only came after him once more.
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[SIZE="1"]ooc back in my other post dawner's magical powers were stripped from him a wolf is bringing the dagger to fabien just to in form u guys[/SIZE]

?For so long I tried to keep my psychic powers under check rarely even use them but now it seems they will have to save my life? Dawner thought, he didn?t know why His father sent wolves to take his magical abilities from him he didn?t know that was even possible. All that mattered was now and how he would silence Damien for good.

?So do you always have your lover?s fight your battles?? Said Damien, his fur was all matted and his ear was torn.

?Well it looks like my lover sure did a number on you? Dawner laughed, he reached out with his empathy powers he felt Damien?s anger.

Damien growled and started at Dawner. Dawner thrust his hands out repeatedly sending out waves of kinetic energy every time missing Damien narrowly and he was getting close each second.

?Damn I don?t know if I can best him hand to hand? Dawner thought franticly then he picked himself up with his power, Damien crashed straight into the tree behind Dawner. Before Dawner could determine what became of Damien he was tackled to the ground.

?You die here and now weakling? Snarled Damien as he straddled Dawner hold his hands down.

?Weakling you say?? Dawner head bashed Damien straight in the nose, he jumped off Dawner and yelped in pain.

Dawner stood quickly, almost falling over he dove into a roll then pushed off the ground with his hands kicking Damien upwards, Dawner threw himself upward with his telekinesis and bear hugged Damien he began to spin with such velocity that a whirlwind picked up Dawner tossed Damien into the air and his body spun and twisted bones could be heard breaking in the psychic whirlwind.

?it ends here? Dawner stretched his hand to the fallen tree and made it soar above Damien then he brought in crashing down upon him there was a unrealistic splat and Dawner was not able to sense Damien at all anymore.

?I?I did it.? Dawner couldn?t hold himself up any longer and he began to fall just before he hit the ground he mustarded up enough energy to slow himself down.

Then he felt a pain so severe he almost blinded him, the pain felt as if it would ripped his heart to shreds Dawner quickly realize this pain as heartache, somewhere Dunan was suffering greatly. Dawner began running towards Dunan was?. Where exactly he was unsure but his empathy powers picked up Dunan?s strong emotions and Dawner would let that be his guild.

?Please stay alive love?
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[I]"I suggest your little friends leave Dean. Holdren isn't happy about them violating the rules of the game."[/I]

It was then Dean thought of the werewolves who killed Sile, they were much more powerful then the first set the team faced. Plus one of them resembled Sile...

Dean put his hand on Calil's and looked to Anya. "I'm so glad Dunan contacted you...I'm not sure what the hell his sister is doing here but you have to get him to finish her quick. Your real fight has just begun..." Anya didn't wait a second to make her way towards the cave entrance.

"But Dean she'll be..." Dean shook his head, cutting her off.

"They won't touch her, the same goes for you if you get out of here now." Dean could feel the pain in his voice, on his face as he spoke to her.

"I'm not leaving you, I took way to long in tracking you down."

"I'm not asking you too Calil, I only ask that you..."

"You die now humans!" from nowhere Karyn's father lept from the shadows towards Calil and Dean.

Barley escaping a certain death Calil lept back, and Dean rolled backwards and onto his feet, putting the wolf in between them.

"Apparently your silly team was able to kill most of my family...but no matter." He put his head back and howled in the same manner Karyn had earlier..."We'll see how your team does when my real team attack now."

"Oh god...Calil you have to get out of here and warn everybody. One of the wolves looks like Sile..." Dean was cut off as the wolf lept at him, barley dodging Dean drew his blade which was glowing again, that same glow as during the battle with Malachai.

"I told you, I'm not leaving you Dean. You're too important to the team, to me."

"Aww isn't that sweet, the little bitch loves her master." Karyn's father may have been brute force, but he wasn't stupid. He knew how to push buttons, and stir a fight.

"Calil, i'm not asking. If Dunan is fighting his sister...for god knows what reason, the team won't be able to handle the others. They're smart, coordinated, and strong. They killed Sile without even trying..."

Even though they were at odds about Dean for a long time, the pain of losing a teamate...a friend like Sile was evident on Calil's face.

"Please go, I'll be fine. Holdren doesn't want to kill us, he wants us to live." Dean charged the huge wolf, ducked a claw and landed a kick to his stomach. He lurched a little, but not as much as Dean hoped. He recovered quickly and landed a back hand that sent Dean sailing back, luckily though he was able to correct himself and land on his feet beside Calil.

Turning towards her he took her in his arms. "Calil I love you, but you're the only one who knows about Sile besides me. And you have to warn the others. I don't want to lose anybody else Calil...especially you."

Dean pushed her away as they were seperated by Lox again. Dean didn't wait to see if she left, he rushed Karyn's father again with everything he had. Apparently this fight that Holdren had planned as a public showing was happening now, whether he wanted it too or not.

[I]"How does it feel to lie to the one you love Dean? Lie right to her face? You know the reason you wanted her to go, and with every second that draws closer to your normal "feeding" time you feel it more and more. I must admit that I didn't calculate you discovering the power the little bitches blood possessed, the angelic healing properties. But without that it's coming out isn't it Dean...my pet. It will emerge before this fight is over, and you will use it to kill Karyn's father. Who else will you kill? Will you be able to control it? What ever will you do?" [/I]It wasn't Holdren this time, it was Fabian invading his brain...what was happening? Dean only wished he had time to figure more out, but Karyn's father was coming at him again.


As Syckle rushed Draco Azriel peered at the scence. He waited until he was almost upon him and lauched a fireball, striking Draco sending him realing.

Another wolf emerged slowly making her way towards Draco and Karyn, a blue aura surrounding her...


"Wow good job Dawner, you fought well." Sile emerged from the trees, making her way towards Dawner. He thoughts, emotions, everything perfectally emulating Sile...

Behind Dawner, a thick black cloud of fog moved slowly in his direction...
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Anya had heard the clashing within the cave, and she was hesitant to go rushing back to find Dunan. There were a lot of wolves in the cave, and no one else around. Dunan would be fine for a while longer, but Cali and Dean wouldn't.

Cali came rushing out of the cave, her eyes watering. "Anya?!"

Anya fell into pace next to her, and smiled. "Oh, I heard the commotion. I'm surprised you left his side."

"He... wanted me to warn everyone...You should go find Dunan."

"I think Dunan will be fine contending with his sister. She won't be that much of a challenge, if he realizes for himself it's not really her. You're off to find the others?"

"Yeah. I have to get to them. Dunan will be fine, right? You come with me. The real power is starting to attack the others. A heavy hitter like you will come in handy."

"So that means I can ditch this robe? It's itchy." Anya grasped the shoulder, and flew the cloak to the wind. She kept up the pace, and soon enough they were hurtling through the trees.

Cali started to explain what was really going on now.

"Dunan is contending with his own issues, right? Well, we got ours. One of the wolves is impersonating Sile."

"Well, they sure picked a personality, didn't they?"

"Hopefully, they'll notice something is off if they see her. Otherwise, someone else is going to get hurt, or worse. We have to get over to the others. I just pray it's not too late..."

Anya nodded her agreement. Cali was onlu looking out for everyone, even if she was kind of a bitch.



"You're a bit of a bitch, you know that? But don't get me wrong, it's something I rather like. I understand you only try to look out for everyone."

Cali snorted. "This is no time to get sentimental. But, thank you for the compliment."

"No problem. Let's kick some ass." Anya went crashing through the trees, smiling, having a field day. She was quite happy to inflict damage onto the wolves.

She came to the end of the trees, but saw only a thick black cloud, the scent of toxic gas was strong.

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[COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Calil made no move to follow Anya, she turned back and looked at the cave, she could hear Dean and Lox fighting and felt her heart tug, it was to much on her to leave him and rushed back in as Dean met Lox's claws with his sword. Dean's back was to her and she took a deep breath about to call out to him when she was hit hard by a blast of wind from no where and thrown against the wall. Falling she grunted and wiped away the blood seeping from her split lip.
"Well now, what have we here?"
Dean spun around and gritted his teeth as he saw Calil stand and square her shoulders facing Dawner's father.
"Dean, pay attention, your in the middle of a fight, and now so am I."
She crouched down and rolled as a plume of fire singed the wall she was just on, she could smell the burnt hair immediately as she stood back up and charged she rammed her shoulder into his stomach and threw him away from her knocking Lox out of the was as well. She walked over and stood by Dean who was shaking.
"You going to be alright?"
"Yeah, just be careful please?"
She nodded and put her hand on his shoulder letting it linger there a moment and than took off sprinting at Dawner's father. She hit him with her shoulder against his and threw him back against the wall of the cave as Lox went back for Dean. She grabbed Dawner's father by the throat and slammed his head into the stone behind him.
"It's time for you to die."
He smiled and shoved her back.
"This should be interesting."[/FONT][/COLOR]
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?Sile?. You?re okay, I started to worry because I hadn?t seen you for a while? Dawner said, his hands behind his head as he tried to catch his breath.

?Yeah I was trying to find Dean and a bunch of those vermin wolves came out of no where.?

?But obviously you took care of?em? Dawner gave her a wide smile and started towards her, he wrapped his arms around her in a tight embrace. ?But like I said I?m glad you?re okay? Dawner said squeezing but Sile being the motherly woman she was didn?t squeeze back, her embrace was vacant of the tenderness Dawner always felt from her. Dawner stepped back slightly he looked at her up and down.. ?Sile are you okay?...?

?I?m fine Dawner? Sile smiled. But that was the second time she had called him ?Dawner? and not Dawnie? Dawner was always taught to observe his surroundings and the people he surrounded himself with? Sile had taught him that herself. Ether she was under some spell or? it was not her at all.

?Dawner behind you!!? Anya exclaimed from a tree, Dawner didn?t take the time to look around he grabbed Sile and levitated in the air as a black cloud came under him.

?DROP THAT BITCH RIGHT NOW YOU TWIT!! THAT ISNT SILE!? Anya screamed, before Dawner could react ?Sile? stabbed him in the same spot the magical siphoned dagger had once been, she twisted it and Dawner yell in pain and dropped her in the black fog.

?Hurry and change back Reaper!? Screamed Sile franticly as she was swallowed by the fog.

Dawner began to fall too, but Anya quickly caught him and jumped to the other tree.

?Only Dunan would pick the most dumb blonde he could find? Anya said groaning.

?Y-you?re s such a?bitch? Dawner coughed.

?Aw..well at least you?re okay? Anya laughed.

?You don?t sound too happy about that?? Dawner managed between coughs.

Anya faked a sighed, ?Well some wishes don?t come true I guess, next time I?ll find a brighter star?
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Anya jumped to the ground, setting Dawner down. "Besides, I don't think Dunan would be too happy with me if I let you get yourself killed..."

Looking back, the Sile impersonator was coughing and gagging, her eyes rolling into the back of her head. Her form was changing, showing her true human form. Anya smiled. "Well, isn't that an ugly bitch. Feel special, Dawner. You've got one up on her, at least.."

"HEY!" Dawner held his abdomen, his blood seeping from his wound. Dawner fell to one knee, and Anya watched the black cloud become a were-wolf. Anya watched the other wolves carefully. The wolf that had impersonated Sile collapsed onto the ground, convulsing. She was as good as dead. The wolf that had accidentally killed her, he didn't even look remotely sorry he had done so.

"Stupid wolves..." Anya commented. "Killed by their own plan. Jesus, you'd think that they'd know better than to use the same plan twice in a row."

Dawner stood back up, his bleeding still pretty bad. "What do you mean?"

Anya shrugged. "It's simple, blondie, I'm willing to bet that was the same plan used to kill the real Sile. Dunan told me earlier he could smell her...and told me she was dead."

Dawner's face became a troubled mask. "Sile... is dead? They weren't just imitating her?"

"No, doofus, she's having a tea party with Dean and Holden, and we're all invited to play charades afterward. Yes, she's dead."

Dawner looked around, a wolf with a blue Aura was encroaching on them.

"Dawner, get over to Dunan. He can heal your wound, before you bleed to death. He's fighting his sister right now."

"Sister? Sonya? But she's dead!"

"Yeah well, Holden is controlling a demon puppet that looks just like her, apparently, it even smells like her. Dunan is a sentimental sap, he'd never be able to destroy it. My suggestion is that you get your ass over there and do it for him. I can hold off the wolves here. Get your ass in gear, little boy."

Dawner looked like he wanted to argue, but said nothing, and turned to run into the trees, holding his wound.

"Well, now I can fight with out worrying about him...Stupid blonde." Anya snorted, bringing her right foot in front of her, assuming a jutsu pose.

"Come on, let's play, wolf." Anya readied herself for the coming attack. "Just because you can turn into a killer fart cloud doesn't mean I'm scared of you."

Reaper grinned, and flexed his claws. "You'll pay for that remark."

"Bring it, Fart-head."
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OOC: EVERYONE MOVE YOUR BODY! :animesmil and excel... oh hell no :rotflmao:

Dunan daced an elegant dace with his sister, her moves matching his blow for blow. Yet, his heart was not in the fight. He couldn't muster the strength to go all out against her.

Sonya glared at him, and she attacked once more, Dunan rolling out of the way, and turning to face her. She'd managed to pick up her broken sythe blade, and hurtled it at Dunan. Dunan batted to the side, if only to be impaled by the broken handle in the shoulder. Dunan gasped, his eyes wide with pain.

"Looks like your little sister is better at fighting."

"Looks like you under estimate me." Dunan grasped the handle, and wrenched himself forward on it, bringing his face inches from Sonya's. "I'm a vampire, now, little sister."

Dunan swung the back of his hand into her, sending her up against a tree. She slammed against it, and sunk to the ground. Dunan wrenched the metal from him, and held it in front of him, eyeballing it. It was covered in thick black blood, and he tossed it away, blood seeping from his wounded shoulder. The wound slowly closed, and he flexed his arm.

"Indeed. I know there is a small piece of my sister within your imitation body. I understand that, though while it is her, it is also only a fragment. The real Sonya is beyond resurrection. You're nothing more than a doll given a personality, and it's nothing like hers. You have her face, her voice, and even her scent. But you're not my sister."

The doll stood, her long hair billowing in the wind. Her short black leather shirt showing off her abdomen. "And even so, you can not even bother to destroy me, simply because of the small piece of Sonya that I possess. You can't bring yourself to convince yourself of that. An ironic twist, is it not?"

Sonya came at Dunan, her legs in the air, aiming a kick at him. Dunan raised his hands, shielding himself from her violent kicks.he flicked his hand out, smacking her leg down, only to have her twist to start punching him. Dunan was inched back by the sheer force of her blows, until she ducked down, spining and lashing out with her feet, kicking Dunan's feet from out from under him. Caught by surprise, Dunan fell on his backside, Sonya instantly on her feet, kicking him into another tree.

Dunan sailed across the small clearing, hitting the tree with enough force to break it. Dunan crumpled to the ground, his chest bones shattered. Through a hazy field of vision, Dunan looked over to the image of Sonya.

Sonya reached down, and snapped a tree branch off of the trunk. She peered down at it, and smiled. "How ironic that you would die here, killed by your own sister."

She raised the tree branch, ready to impale Dunan through the heart. Dunan closed his eyes, thinking of Dawner. Dunan would die here, leaving his sweet heart all alone, and he couldn't even raise a hand to this pale faced freak of a fake sister.

Sonya plunged the tree branch down, aiming for the kill.

"Sonya...I don't hate you. I still love you." Dunan had planned of those being his last words. The branch impaled him, but next to his heart, missing by a mile. Dunan opened his eyes through the haze of pain. Sonya was trembling, a battle within herself. She pitched back, screaming. "NO! A FRAGMENT DOESN'T HAVE THE POWER TO OVERCOME ME! RELEASE ME! THERE IS NO USE FOR YOU!"

Sonya screamed again, and began to breathe in short rasps. Her eyes began to fluxuate between colors, between a blood red and Sonya's serene blue, eyes that looked exactly like Dunan's own once upon a time.

Dunan scooted up, his back against the tree, horrified. Sonya wasclawing at herself, trying to force something into submission. Then two words came from her lips, ringing so clear with four hundred years of unspoken words behind them. "Free me."

Sonya convulsed backwards, slamming into a tree, she was now unstable. Sonya got to her feet, screaming like a mad woman. Dunan could barely move, let alone fight.

Sonya came roaring at Dunan, her face contorted into a mad grin, as she aimed to kill. Dunan pulled the branch from his chest, and with only one eye open, he swung. He caught her in the side, knocking her down. Like a rabid animal, she spun on his, her fists flying. Dunan couldn't fight, he knew that whatever was left of his sister had spoken to him, tortured by what she could not control. Sonya pulled back, and with her bare fist, plunged it deep into his chest, through the wound already there, again missing his heart. Blood spattered behind him, and he grimanced through his already pulverized face.

"Son...ya...." He said, reaching up to touch her face. It felt exactly as it once did, smooth and flawless. Yet now, it was cold and smelled of clay and death. Sonya stopped moving, trembling. "Kill... me...." She whispered, hr eyes oddly hollow now.

Whatever was going on, Dunan wasn't sure. A soul once fragmented, it shouldn't be able to muster up the power to break through. But, stranger things have happened.....

Dunan didn't have a chance to do anything, a tormented scream echoed through the trees. A psychic blast rocked Sonya away, flinging her away like she was a rag doll.

Sonya slowly stood, but her arm was shattered beyond repair. Dunan looked down, it was still lodged in his chest.

"Get your filthy hands off my man..."

Dawner came staggering into the clearing, his eyes swirling with the psyonic powers he had been blessed with. Dunan sighed, a smile on his face.

"About time you saved my ass for once." Dunan said, lying his head back. "You're hurt..." Dunan commented, looking at the large blood stain on Dawner's clothes.

"So are you. You're gonna have to sit tight for a minute while I deal with her."

"Dawner... let me introduce you...This... is Sonya..."

Dawner snorted. "But she can't control herself, can she? She almost killed you..."

"Yeah...Sorry about that..."

Dawner came over to Dunan, getting in between him and Sonya, who was still quite slow at getting up. Dawner pulled the broken arm from Dunan, tossing it aside. Dawner's eyes welled up with tears, and he smacked Dunan across the face.

Dunan smiled a little, a trickle of blood coming from his mouth.

"Don't you ever, ever give up like that!"

"Heh... I guess I deserved that..."

Dawner turned his attention to the doll. "So... that's what your sister looked like?"

"That's not her..." Dunan's eyes welled up with tears. Again, red streams came down his face as he gazed at the pathetic monster the doll was. "Dawner... I can't kill her."

"I know. Hush now, I'm here." Dawner wiped away Dunan's tears, kissing him on the forehead. "If you were able to kill her, then I'd wonder if you were a monster..."

Dawner stood up, and the trees began to move. Dawner lifted up a crumpled tree with his mind, and brought it down on Sonya, shattering her body into a thousand peices.

Sonya was no more. The remains of her body became like glitter, and blew away in the wind, a voice ringing out around them from the trees.

[I]"I love you, Dunan."[/I]

Dunan panted, his wounds closing. He was a bit winded, but his strength would return momentarily. "I'll... crush Holden myself..."

Dawner fell back against him, the both of them wincing in pain. Dunan looked down, Dawner had lost a lot of blood. "Let me heal that..." Dunan ran his fingers in his own blood, and placed them on the wound. Dawner's wound closed instantly, thanks to the powers held within vampirc blood. Dawner sat down next to him, waiting for Dunan's own wounds to heal.

Soon enough, Dunan was completely healed, and held his hand out to help Dawner up. Dunand groaned, shaking himself. His strength was returning, little by little.

"My magic has been sealed." Dawner said, looking down."I don't know how much use I'm going to be."

"Plenty, I'm sure. Come on, the others need us." Dunan looked acoss the trees, hearing the faint sounds of battle.

"Right." Together, the two of them ran back to the others, ready to fight. Dunan and Dawner broke through the trees, seeing Anya fighting.

Dawner snorted. "Your friend is a bitch, Dunan."

"Yeah, well, you got something she never will."

Dawner glanced at Dunan, before turning his attention back to the fight in front of him. "And that would be what? A penis?"

Dunan smiled. "Well, that, and of course, me. She's just a little jealous of you, Dawner. Don't mind her. She means well enough, I suppose."

Dawner's expression became exasperated. "Yeah... sure she does...."

"Well Dawner, Shall we?" Dunan's smile widened, anticipating the coming fights. "Don't get yourself killed, Dawner."

"Same goes for you, bub." The two kissed deaply, and on letting go of each other, leaped into action, each heading off in opposite directions to help different members of the team.
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"Be careful Calil." Dean tried concentrating on his fight, but admitedly it was difficult. Lox charged again, Dean dodged bringing his blade in an arc and hacking a deap gash into the beast.

With a roar the werewolf kicked Dean off, slamming him into a rock. With a smile he licked his wounds, and to Dean's amazement they healed right in front of him. "Guess little Karyn didn't tell you about my...'gift'. My saliva carries a special property that allows me to heal any wound inflicted to me or any other werewolf."

As he talked Dean charged again, but he was ready. He dodged Dean's thursing blade and clamped his huge jaws down onto Dean's arm cutting deap. So deap that blood began pouring from the wound.

[I]"Oh no Dean...it looks like your losing blood. The more of yours you lose, the more of Sile's you lose. Bringing the moment closer, and closer...Holdren and I schemed for a long time about how to...infect somebody. How lovely it'll be to watch you tear your "team" to shreds. That is, if you survive this encounter with little Karyn's father."[/I]

"Get out of my head!" Dean cried and charged Lox, at the last moment planting and switching directions. He charged Fabian, almost knocking Calil down in the process. He swung his sword straight for Fabian's middle. Only to be knocked back by a psychic blast.

"Dean!" Dean saw Calil chargin Fabian, with Lox moving to intercept.

Jumping to his feet Dean sprinted towards the werewolf, slamming a shoulder into him, knocking him to the ground.

Dean heard his sword clatter, but didn't have time to grab it. He began slamming his fists into Lox's face, over and over again. Rage like he never felt brewing deap within him.

As if he were nothing the werewolf tossed him off, Dean righted himself in the air and landed by his sword. Picking it up he charged again, the werewolf on his feet. Their claws met with a wicked clang, as if it was steel on steel. "I'm going to kill you, your bitch, and then whatever members of you team survive the fight." Lox growled.

Dean could feel the bloodloss start to take it's toll, his arms begining to quiver...

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[COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Calil ran and side stepped knocking Fabian in the jaw and landing nimbly on her feet only to be tripped by the staff he carried.
She flipped her self back up swinging her leg around catching him again this time in the stomach, looking over at Dean she noticed him losing alot of blood.
"Dean, focus!"
He looked her way and she was momentarily taken aback by the feral look in his eyes as he stared at her.
He turned away from her facing Lox again and she felt a strange pull, as if he were pulling away from her but she didn't have time to think about that as Fabian's staff slammed into the side of her head knocking her to the side causing blood to seep out from under her bangs. She wiped the blood away and cursed as her vision was blurred by it yet again. She stood up and drew her large sword and faced Fabian, as he charged she met his staff with her sword and threw him back. He smiled and straightened him self up and threw his hand out throwing her back against the wall with a force that knocked her breath away. She cried out in pain and put her hand on her shoulder as a loose piece of the cave wall pierced through it. She looked up to see Dean staring at her, a hungry look in his eyes til he was distracted by Lox yet again. She stood up and gripped her sword tight, as Fabian came at her she side stepped and swung around catching him in the back making a huge gash on his back. She looked at him and smiled. She was serious now.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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"Frail health right. Im suprised Your father hasnt killed you yet for being weak!" I said with laughter in my voice.

"You bastard I kill you first!" Sickle said.

He swung his sythes over and over again. Missing everytime and him getting angrier each time. I was still carring Karyn and didnt have a free arm to fight back with.

"Karyn, Im going to let you off on that tree over their. If he goes invisable, use your nose to find him. He reakes of rotten meat. Thats how we can find him." I said dodging even more attacks.

"Ok! Lets do it!" Karyn said in her normal happy voice.

"One, two, three!" I said landing on the tree letting Karyn off then jumping off in another dirrection from her.

(OoC: Chibi Master, I'll let you decide how we kill him.)
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Anya smirked, putting her metallic hands on her rather sensual hips. She lickes her bright red lips, painted to bring in her.... clientel.

"Come on... Reaper, she called you? Well, I say you're name is fart-head now."

"You bitch..."

Anya shrugged, nonchalant, and smiled. "Yeah, people often call me that. Thanks for the compliment."

Reaper charged her, his massive form rocketing at her. Anya sidestepped him, swinging her leg up to catch him in the back of the head. He stumbled forth, turning his attention back to her. He had underestimated her.

"Filthy wench..." Reaper said, lumbering at her again. He exhaled, toxic gases escaping from his mouth. His saliva dripped onto the ground, causing the grass to wither and die.

"Ugh... Talk about bad breath..." Anya wrinkled her nose, waving her hand in front of her like it genuinely stunk. "Seriously, when was the last time you brushed your teeth?"

Reaper cam charging at her once more. Anya jumped back as he slammed his fist into the ground, and repeated it as he did so over and over, moving Anya back. Anya glanced behind her, seeing the edge of the cliff bank coming up behind her. She moved to the left, and Reaper just kept coming. She jumped back, landing on the bridge. Looking around at it, she noted it was rather new, the boards crossing the spans of rope looked freshly cut. At least she wouldn't have to worry about rotten wood under her feet. She smirked, confident.

"Well, you can't pull that little trick again." she said, looking at her hands. She pretended to examine the edges of her fingertips, looking for scratches. "If you do that, then you might fall into the water below."

"As if I am that stupid."

"Yeah? Well you used that plan twice and managed to kill your little friend. Perhaps if she was still alive, then you two might have a chance to kill me. Now, You don't. I will win this fight, whether you like it or not, fart-head."

"Little whore!" Reaper came charging at her once more, but he stumbled, the bridge wasn't able to stay still from side to side when he ran at her, his weight was too much.

Anya had hoped that the bridge would do just that. This was a strategic advantage for her. She just hoped she could provoke him enough to noy change into that killer cloud.

"So, lard-ass. You can't do that on the bridge. My god, are you stupid too? Oh wait, It's you I'm dealing with..."

Reaper stepped to her, getting angry. Anya smiled again. It was working. "Oh, did I make you mad? Not like I care, of course, but still, Your momma was so stupid, she thought she needed a token to get on the soul train."

A vein began to poke out of Reaper's neck as he advanced.

"Ew... just look at that vein. Not so hot. Don't worry, your Mom's cool. Although I hear she got hit by a parked train...." Reaper swund his arm at Anya, and she pushed down on the rope, using it like a spring board to jump at Reaper. He roared in fury, at Anya's sheer impudence. Anya landed behind him, and lasked out with her fists. Whaming them into Reaper's back, he fell forward. Anya grasped the sides of the bridge,and swung herself up.Bringing her legs down hard. She slammed him through the wooden planks, but she jumped back as a toxic cloud rose above her, rematerializing into Reaper.

"Not gonna work...Stupid."

"Please, you're such an idiot. I knew you would do that. You're predictable. And, because you're predictable, you're pathetic."

Reaper advanced on Anya again, swinging his arms at her. Anya ducked down, planting her hands on the wooden board, twisting her body to swing her legs up to plant a kick into his chest. However, Reaper grinned as he caught her leg, and raised her up. "I'm gonna rip you apart..." He breathed. Anya held her hand up to her face, not only was his breath ranky, but it was making her see stars. Reaper let his tongue protrude from his mouth, reaching it to lick Anya's face. She reached out and grasped his nasty tongue, her gloved hands yanking on it hard. He grunted in pain, his eyes wide. Anya kicked him back, and used the loosened grip Reaper had on her to get away. He clutched his mouth, howling in pain. Anya leaped at him again, the bridge swinging wildly. Grasping his fur at the shoulders, she let loose with another electrical discharge. Anya kicked him across the bridge, Reaper having been stunned. The bridge bounced as he hit and rolled along it, Anya having used the rope as a bracer for the coming turbulence.

Reaper slowly stood, Anya hadn't had the opportunity to surprice him with the bridge moving about so wildly. Reaper rose as the bridge settled, smoke rising from his singed fur.

"Oh.... how do you like your wolf?" Anya chided. "Well done or extra-crispy?"

Reaper snarled, advancing on Anya once more. Reaper swung his arms at her, but she wasn't fast enough. She rocked back, almost going over the bridge. She grasped the rop and used it to swing back at Reaper, landing a punch on his jaw. He didn't budge, so instead the two stood there, exchanging blows. Anya was getting dinged up pretty good, But every time he landed a hit on her softer parts, she almost passed out from the pain. She jumped back, and launched herself at Reaper once more. He caught her by the arm, and raised her up. She smiled, and once more insulted him.

"Stupid wolf.." She let loose with another discharge, and Reaper let her go. Anya jumped back, knowing she couldn't take much more of this. Her gloves were nothing more than scraps of cloth now, showing off her metal knuckles amidst the rags of what remained of her gloves. Anya reached behind her, but continued insulting Reaper, as so he wouldn't get wise to what she was doing.

"Hey, Reaper... I hear you're the most pathetic of the Lox clan." Reaper's eyes widened in anger once more, and he stepped to her.She pulled the pin from a small square grenade hidden within her panties, something she had developed herself. She dropped it between the cracks of the bridge, letting it fall below. There was another minute before it exploded, she had to act quickly.

"Don't worry, I've seen worse, big boy... But I've seen better too. She reached out to the ropes, and ducked down, doing the splits and tucking her feet on either side. Small sharp blades protruded from her fingertips, and she slashed the ropes, severing the bridge. The two fighters plummetied, but Reaper smirked. "Stupid human.." He began changing into his clouded form, and stopped falling inches from the water.

"Stupid wolf..." Anya commented. The grenade exploded, water rushing up and swallowing the toxic cloud. Because Reaper was only gas, the water trapped his gaseous form within it, absolving him. Anya watched, her dress flung up around her breasts, her feet caught by the ropes. She raised up on her hands,not turning completely upright. Reaper was dead, tricked into his form that had killed Sile, and now it had ensured his own demise.

"How fitting..." Anya commented.

Dunan called to her from above. "Hey, Anya! nice undies!"

"And!?" She called up to him. "You know you like them!"

"Um, no." Dunan responded.

Dunan furrowed his brow, itching to ask a question as Anya climbed up the bridge, now more like a rope ladder.

He grasped her hand, and Anya smiled as he pulled her up.

"I'd much rather see Dawner's undies..." he sighed.

Anya snorted. "I bet my panty line is flawless." She hiked her dress for Dunan to see, and he screeched out. "YOU'RE SHOWING ME YOUR PANTIES!"

"SO?! Not like anyone else is seeing them!"

"What the hell kind of logic is that?" Dunan shouted.

"Works for me!" Anya replied, dropping her dress and running off to the others, laughing. Dunan followed after her, a confused look on his face as he shook his head, both disgusted and humored.
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"Heh! Just try to catch me, Karyn!" Syckle chuckled. He suddenly disappeared from sight. Karyn lifted her nose into the air and sniffed for rotten meat.

"Karyn, can you smell him?" Draco asked. Karyn sniffed a little more before answering.

"I got 'im! He's right...behind...me." Karyn gasped. She quickly leaped forward and off the branch, but Syckle was too fast. Karyn yelped in pain as a slash suddenly opened on her upper left arm. She fell to the ground grasping the wound, still gasping at the agonizing hurt she felt. There was an odd burning sensation that surrounded the gash. "Auuugh..." she groaned. Without warning, Syckle appeared again.

"Oh, didn't I tell you? As I've grown in power, so have my sickles. You see, they are covered in a poison that will make you feel as if you're on fire as it kills you. And there's only one cure. Father's healing saliva. Meaning you'll die soon, seeing as he would never help you. You'll also be dead before you see him, I'm sure. So then, any last words, little sister?" Syckle sneered.

"DRACO, NOW!" Karyn shouted. Syckle howled out in pain as a katana forced it's way through his back and out his chest, heart pierced. Syckle couged out some spatters of blood onto Karyn and died. "Bye, sicky..." Karyn breathed as she fell over on the ground, writhing in agony from the fiery poison.
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Dunan laughed, and came barreling at the wolf standing there, observing.

"Come on, big boy! Let's play!" Dunan shouted, charging blindly into battle, having no clue what the hell he was up against, as usual.

The wolf smirked and waved his massive arm, a blast of fire coming straight at Dunan.

Dunan jumped away, landing on a patch of grass not far from where he had been standing.

"Damn..This one uses magic too?" Dunan sighed. "Oh god damn it... Why do I always have to pick the shit heads who use magic?"

Dunan rose from his spot on the ground, bracing himself for another onslaught. The wolf raised his hands into the air, fireballs appearing in them. Fire came from his mouth as well. The wolf took a deep breath, and roared, sending flames shooting at Dunan.

Dunan furrowed his brow. "I know the chili at the bar was spicy... but this is ridiculous!" Dunan jumped out of the way, his body feeling the heat.

"I won't be so easy to kill as the others.." The wolf started. Dunan nodded. "Yeah yeah.. so the rest of them said too. Come on, come up with something original!"

The wolf began to fling fireballs at Dunan, smashing them at his feet. Using some fast footwork, Dunan managed to void them, but he had to move farther away from his target.

[I]Gotta get closer...[/I] Dunan thought, and he started moving in a circle, hoping he could wind around the wolf, and slowly get closer.The wolf breathed fire once more, and Dunan jumped up, aiming for a kick at the wolf's head. However, the wolf had anticipated this, and launched another assault. The wolf belched up another fireball, engulfing Dunan in flames. Dunan came crashing into the ground, his face burnt, and his clothes torched. Dunan writhed in pain and the wolf stepped to him.

"That looks painful..." The wolf growled. "Allow me to end it for you right now!" The wolf raised his foot, and stomped Dunan into the ground. Dunan cried out, his vision blurring. The wolf had put Dunan out, and he leaned over, putting pressure on Dunan. Dunan grunted, but didn't do anything. Half of his face had been burnt to cinders, and hs torso was covered in nothing more than charred rags.

"You vampires really are pathetic... so high and mighty.. until you meet your match."

Dunan coughed, and grasped the wolf's leg. Dunan started to rise, and he smirked.

"The likes of a lowly dog like you, my equal? How pathetic!" Dunan got up, and twirled the wolf around, picking up speed.

"Can't use your powers at this range can you? You might toast yourself!"

Dunan let go, and the wolf flew into a tree. There was a sickening crack, and when the wolf stood, his arm hung limply at his side, the bones exposed.

"How... dare... you..." The wolf seethed. Dunan shrugged, his own wounds beginning to heal. "You attacked us, you mangy dog.
Dunan snorted. "Yet one more reason trash like you never has been and never will be my equal."
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Dawner felt somewhat renewed from the healing properties of Dunan’s blood but he still wished this mission were over. ‘It will be, and I will not loose anymore of my family.’ Dawner stopped at a large tree and put his hands on it a heart wrenching sob escaped his lips. With all the fast pace action and the whole ‘trying-to-stay-alive’ thing going on, the realization of Sile’s demised just struck him like a tons on bricks.

“Oh S-sSile.” Dawner groaned after a few minutes. “You will be avenged” Dawner started running again. “I swear it”

Dawner started to approach a huge cave, “This must be it.” Upon getting closer to the mouth he hit a barrier and was flung back, he flipped in the air, recovering and landing on his feet.

“Sorry, but Fabian wants to destroy your companions before starting on you.” A female werewolf said she was shrouded in the same blue aura that blocked the cave mouth from which Dawner could clearly hear a battle.

“I’ll be damned if I let that happen.” Dawner said glaring at her as she crossed to stand in front the cave. She was stunning, tall, with beautiful red hair she wore black leather pants and a flimsy black shirt showing off her busty-ness, the last thing that caught Dawner’s eyes was the black choker that adorned her neck.

She laughed, “ That would have intimidated me but we both know you’re blowing hot air or your friend would still be alive” She let out a shrill laugh, Dawner was mere seconds away from punching her, but she had acted quickly. Her aura pulsed before expanding into a dome around her throwing Dawner against a tree, but he was up the next second, a large branch started to fall and Dawner caught it with a psychic grip and lunged it towards the werewolf. The branch smashed into the shield braking.

“Hehe, My name is Tamara, better know as your undertaker” Tamara giggled as she grabbed a whip from her hip and let it fly at Dawner who rolled out the way then sent a psyblast hurtling towards Tamara only to be blocked by her shield.

“There’s no way you or your projectiles will get to me.” Tamara laughed again, Dawner could feel her sheer excitement and feelings of victory and it made him sick…. But more importantly it made him realize how clueless he was. Dawner smiled,

“Why don’t we just end it already you top heavy whore” Dawner began to run towards her and she twirled letting her whip fly at him, Dawner let the whip catch his leg and she slammed him to the ground.

Dawner rocketed a boulder at her which made a thud sound upon contact with her shield and she flung her whip at it making it explode into pieces.

“You’re a bit slow, don’t you realize there is nothing that can penetrate my shield?” She said walking towards him. “This was too easy” She said laughing but then she started choking.

“And you are a bit stupid…” Dawner said getting up his eyes were pulsing with psychic energy. “I’m not as slow as you think, I realized upon feeling your emotions of early triumph that there IS in fact one thing that can penetrate your shield, do you know what that is darling?”

Tamara made a gargling noise. “Um… no honey that was not the answer, but close. The answer is thought. This is where my psychic abilities come in, all I had to do was force something inside your shield to harm you. Quite elementary, if I do say so myself.” Dawner caused her choker to squeeze tighter as he got to her kneeling down just out her reached as she tried to grasp him.

“Tch tch tch” Dawner shook his head. Tamara started to grip at her neck basically clawing herself but she couldn’t get hold of the choker. Dawner smiled with animalistic pleasure. He had been consumed by an inner power that just enjoyed the pain he was issuing her. “Poor thing, lesson for your next life; Don’t challenge someone out of your league.” Tamara collapsed, dead and bleeding from the claw marks on her neck. Dawner picked up her whip and fastened it to his belt.

The field around the cave dispersed and Dawner began walking towards it he tried shaking the bloodlust feeling he had. After Tamara died the alter ego began to reced. ‘I felt as if I were someone completely different….’ Dawner thought. ‘This misson has become too tiring, the sooner we’re done here the better.” Said Dawner letting his fear go.

“Father, I’m coming.” Dawner entered the cave and started to run to where the battle could be heard.
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"I am not going to let you die Karyn! I will not lose another love one ever again!" I said has a goldesh red aura appeared around my body.

"W..whats happening to you Draco?" Karyn said with a confused tone.

"What happens to me isnt my problem right now. All that matters is that I get you to your dad before the poison kills you. I said picking her up in my arms.

I started running towards the cave when a familier scent passed my nose. It was Sile's scent but it smelt of death. She was killed but I couldnt do anything for but stay alive.

I arived at the cave and seeing a dead fem-wolf infront of the entrance. Bleeding from her neck. No other markes on her body so Dawner must have killed her. I could hear fighting inside. Dean, what could you be doing?

"Karyn, if anything bad happens to me in their, please do me a favor." I said looking into her eyes.

"What is...is it Draco?" Karyn said, her voice getting weaker little by little.

"Bury me next to my parents" I said running into the caves.
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Dean could actually feel when the last drop of Sile's blood left his veins. A sort've freezing heat rose through his body both chilling and scorching him. He looked up to see Lox raise a massive paw into the air for the killing blow...

[I]It's finally time to rest...Calil I'm so sorry to have left you so early. So much more time...so much more to do...[/I] Dean closed his eyes, he knew the blow was coming but couldn't bear to watch it.

After a moment, Dean snapped his eyes open. Why hadn't the blow fallen? Looking up, Dean saw Draco struggling with Lox. Like two massive beasts straight out of a story they fought. Teeth knashing, vicious jaws snapping each other. A new hope entered Dean's head. Maybe his death wouldn't be the end? Maybe Draco and the others could somehow do it without him...

Then the dread returned, Lox planted a kick into Draco's chest that sent him into a wall, and was immediateally on top of him moving for a killing blow. Though he was stayed just inches away, a blue aura glowing from his neck.

"Daw..Dawnie?" Dean managed to sputer.

"I'm here Dean, and I've learned a thing or two about my psychic abilities." Dean smiled as he finally succumbed to the darkness...

In the darkness Dean saw a figure, standing in the darkness. So close to him, but too far away for him to reach.

"It's time to awaken Dean, time to lead hell's charge back to this plane." The voice was Holdren's, but the figure looked like Fabian.

"You've...managed to possess two psychics at once?"

"Yes it's possible, though sometimes hard to control. No matter though, Fabian will be dead within a few minutes anyways. And Holdren is long gone, he's on his way to your teams next checkpoint."

"I'll never help you, you've manipulated me for far to long already you demon!" Dean tried reaching out for the man with his hands, tried to choke the life out of him, but it was to no avail.

"Oh belive me, I know you wouldn't. Fortunetly for me, your demon half will respond a little better."


"Oh you never knew? You see when you and your little dead friend made your pact, you forgot to read the fineprint. The "deal" she made, allowed me to infuse you with some of my own blood, making you my son. But as I said earlier, I never accounted for you to discover the blood would keep you in limbo, though you never knew that did you. Never knew what was really happeneing, how sad for you..."

"You bastard...I'll never allow it. I have a much stronger will then that."

"We shall see...it's time to awaken my pet...my son."

The darkness faded away, and Dean was once again back in the cave. This time however, he was overcome with the strongest feeling of hate...

Raising to his feet he suddenly felt pity on Lox, and something told him it was wrong to hurt him.

"Dawner, let him go." Dean growled at the young man.

"Are you crazy? Dean he'll kill us all."

"DAWNER!" Dean roard, throwing a puch that landed square in his ribs sending Dawner into a nearby wall.

The blue aura faded off of Lox's neck, just as Draco grabed the wolf by the head, and with a mighty wrench severed the head. "You guys take Fabian, Karyn needs this to cure her of her poison." He didn't even notice what Dean did to Dawner

Dean turned his attention to Calil, who was unaware of the events unfolding as she was locked in battle with Fabian. Dean could feel his love for Calil, but for some reason hated that. But the hate he had for Fabian he loved, so he turned his attention to Calil...the one he loved, but yet hated...

OOC: Okay that was a mouthfull, Sorry about the length, with the past couple weeks being what they've been it's been hard to get on much. So here's the skimmy, Dean's in a sort've ferral bloodlust rage right now. Lichen it to a supercharged Draco/Dunan combo, and for the time being is stronger.

Don't worry I'm not planning on being this way for the rest of the RP, just until Fabian gets away with Dawner's powers in that magical dagger. Then, as you've all realized how I do this, more revilations about our current predicament.
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Dunan's hair began to flail around, his eyes ablaze with the vampiric powers surfacing from within him. His burned coat disintegrated from the sheer power emitting from Dunan. "You're pathetic." Dunan snarled, the very image of the vampires of legend. "You do nothing but wreak havoc on innocent people, killing for mere sport and entertainment! I an your judge, jury, and executioner!"

"I'll roast you alive, vampire!" the wolf spat.

Dunan shrugged, unconcerned. "You wolves are so.... garish." Dunan curled his lips. "At least Karyn didn't turn out like you twisted fucks."

The wolf roared, sending fire rocketing at Dunan. Dunan dodged to the side, jumping at the wolf. The wolf launched himself at Dunan, grasping him by the arm and throwing him into the ground. The wolf twisted Dunan's arm, snapping it like a toothpick. Dunan drew in a rasping breath but didn't cry out.

The wolf chuckled. "What's the matter? Not going to cry out? I'll make you scream..."

"Good luck with that..." Dunan said, smirking. The wolf picked Dunan up and smiled. The wolf's claws traced Dunan's abdomen, resting just below his navel. "Yes... I think I will enjoy having you scream to stop..."

Dunan smiled, his grin wide and evil. "Going to rape me? Please, you're not going to even touch me." Dunan swung his legs up, his knees at the wolf's neck. "You're going to die."

Dunan squeezed his legs around the wolf's neck Realizing what Dunan was about to do, and that it was too late, the wolf tried to breathe fire once more and destroy the both of them. Dunan squeezed his legs more, and then jerked them, snapping the vertebrae within the wolf's neck.

Dunan stood up, looking at the dead wolf before him. The chest cavity was swelling, and letting off waves of heat. Dunan kicked the head with a force great enough to sever it. "Fucking wolf..." He looked at the body, and he spat in the pool of blood oozing from around the body. The body erupted into flames, the fire having been stopped with the death of the wolf was now bursting out and consuming it.

Dunan yanked on his arm, grunting in pain. His arm straightened out, and began to heal properly. Soon enough, Dunan was bending it normally, and he pulled his smoked from his pants pocket. He smiled, they were just fine. He removed his lighter, and lit one. Taking a deep drag, he turned to the woods, setting out to help his friends.

Taking his time as so not to be ambushed, he quickly set a pace to get to the cave. He could smell blood. And a lot of it.

Dunan wasn't liking this at all. He could smell Dean clear as day, even at this distance. He could smell everyone, most of his friends were bleeding.

"Damn it.." Then, Dunan sensed it.

Bloodlust. Intense, unbridled bloodlust. He could smell fear, coming from Dawner. Dunan jumped into the trees to better move faster. Dunan came rushing at the cave, finding Karyn outside, weak and recovering from something. Draco had a corpse next to hem, using it to help Karyn.

"What's going on?" Dunan asked, but didn't wait to hear an answer. Dunan went charging into the cave to find Dawner holding his side and Cali fighting a sorcerer. Dunan went to Dawner and knelt down next to him. "Dunan...Something's not right in Dean's head... There's something taking over him..." Dawner was fretting, he couldn't muster up his strength. "Please help him..."

Dunan looked over to see Dean advancing on Cali, who was bridled in combat with the sorcerer, not noticing what was going on behind her. Dean seemed to be struggling against himself, and losing. Dunan kissed Dawner on the forehead. "Don't worry, my love. I'll beat some sense back into him. I promise."

With that remark, Dunan moved quickly behind Dean, who was reaching to grab Cali, to rip her apart.

"Hey, Dean!" Dunan said, and Dean turned to him, his attention turned from Cali. She glanced back to see that Dean was turning away from her, that he had been going for her to hurt her.

"Why don't you pick on someone who can take you on?" Dunan whirled on the spot, lashing out with his leg, making contact to Dean's left shoulder, sending Dean into the cave wall.

Dean wrenched himself from the wall of the cave, stepping to Dunan. "You're dead, Vampire."

Dunan readied himself for an attack. "Well don't just tell me, do it!"

Dean came at Dunan, his speed catching Dunan off guard. Dean swung his fist into Dunan's face, knocking him down.

"DUNAN!" Dawner shouted, but couldn't muster the strength to stand. He fell forward, wincing. "DUNAN!"

Dunan started to get up, but Dean knocked him down again. Dunan looked over to his lover, and smiled. "I'll be fine, sweets. You just stay there."

Dean advanced on Dunan as he got to his hands and knees, wiping the trickle of blood from his mouth. "Well, aren't you strong..."

"You die now, Vampire." was Dean's only response. Dean lifted his own leg, kicking Dunan in his underside. Dunan's eyes buldged as he tried to cry out, the wind knocked out of him. Dunan placed his hands under him, and twisted his body, sending his feet into Dan's jaw as he tried to kick Dunan in the stomach again. Dean staggered back, but recovered quickly.

Dunan had recovered his breath, gasping it in. Dean was proving to be much more difficult now that there was something different about him. Dean's blood was giving off a different scent. Dunan knew that before he could have easily taken Dean, but it was a whole different ballgame now.

Dunan snorted. "You'll find I'm not someone to take lightly, Dean. I promised Dawner I'd bring you back to your senses, so that's exactly what I'm going to do. Nothing more, and nothing less." Dunan readied himself for another attack, his long hair beginning to flail about as he drew more and more power from his reserves. Dunan spotted Draco lumbering into the cave, Karyn held in his arms. Draco placed Karyn next to Dawner, and then stood up to look at Dunan and Dean fighting. Dean's eyes were as red as Dunan's, Draco could easily see that.

"Draco! I could use some help over here!"
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OOC: I will apologize in advance for this being so quick, Inu won't even let me change out of my work clothes....just so I can do this.... Dear god he's still stoked on painkillers...or pot. I'm not sure yet....this should make everyone happy the last wolf is dead, even though i'm making her out to be pathetic.

Anya walked back into the woods, but stopped when a female wolf appeared ahead of her. She grinned, and images of her began to appear all over the area, copies and they all attacked.

Anya jumped back, but was slammed by the real wolf into the ground. Anya looked up, and she saw all of the wolves giggling.

"Fakes... all of them." Anya snorted. "You think I can't tell the difference? You must really think all humans are stupid."

Anya smirked, and she pointed at one of the wolves. "I know that's you."

The wolf laughed. "Not even close!" The wolves attacked again, but this time Anya swung he leg back, catching the real one off guard.

She staggered, and Anya grabbed her. "I give you the chance to run away, now. Otherwise, You die."

"How... did you know where I really was?"

"Because only the real one smells. And trust me, you need a bath. You stink."

The wolf yanked herself away, and swung her claws at Anya. Anya held up her arm, breaking the wolf's claws. "One of you already did that...She did the same thing too." Anya commented. Anya kicked the wolf in the chest, and she heard the crack of ribs. The wolf slumped down, lifeless. Anya cocked her head.

"Damn... Done already? Jeeze... give me a challenge already...."
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"Whats wrong Dunan?" I said coming up next to him.

"Its Dean. Something isnt right in his brain. We need to knock some sense into him." Dunan said.

"Something smelled wrong a few minutes ago. I thought it was Lox who smelled. So Dean eh? Dont go for any vitals now. Just smack him till he gets his head back." I said lunging at Dean.

Dean evaded and landed a very hard knee to my stomach. It almost knocked the wind out of me. Then an elbow to the back of my back. I hit the ground with a loud thoud. Dunan charged Dean from another angle but Dean avoided again and kicked him into the wall.

"You will die to wolf." Dean said laughing.

I jump off the floor and back onto my feet.

"Dean, wake up! Remember we are a team. Team mates dont try to kill each other! You almost attact Calil. What the hell got into your head?" I said pointing towards Calil.

"He what?" Calil said trying to look at Dean.

"Calil, keep your attention on Fabian. Me and Dunan will get Dean back from what ever is taking over his head. Dean, with all your knowledge on everything. Fight it with everything you know. I want you to stay with US!" I said grabing Dean from the back.
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Dunan attacked from the front, But dean lifted his legs, aiming to kick Dunan to keep him from hitting Dean.

Dunan twisted his body around, hitting Dean's feet and flipping off. Dunan came at Dean again, with Draco still holding him. Dunan smacked Dean's feet down, and socked him one in the jaw. Dunan's fist few with an intensity like no other, yet he was still holding something in check. Dean wrenched his arm from Draco's grasp, hitting Dunan with a force enough to send him back.

"All of you will die here." Dean said, using his free arm to pick Draco up and throw him into Dunan. With a loud WHUMP Draco slammed into Dunan, knocking them both into the ground.

They managed to get out of the way of a furious fist, and when the dust cleared, Dunan could see a small crater in the floor of the cave.

Dawner was crying, wailing at the top of his lungs. "Dean. please stop this..."

Dean turned to Dawner, and began advancing on him. "Shut up!" Dunan didn't skip a beat. Dunan took advantage of Dean's distraction, shoving Dean in the back against the cave wall. Draco jumped up, landing a kick into his head. Draco fell back, next to Dunan.

Dean turned, his bloodlust had not sated yet.

"Dunan. Dean's not going to be that easy..."

"What else would you expect from our fearless leader? Come on, have more faith in him."

Draco considered Dunan's words. "True enough, Dunan. Got any bright ideas?"

"Throw me." Dunan jumped into the air, and Draco whirled on the spot, catching the back of Dunan's shirt, and on another rotation, flung Dunan at Dean full force. Dunan swung his fist up, knocking Dean into the wall. Dust and smoke rose, hiding them both from view.

When the dust settled, Dunan had a hold on Dean, Dunan had him splayed about, Deans arms in an angle that wouldn't allow him to use any of his strength, Dunan's foot against his back.

"Come on Dean, snap out of it. Don't make me get serious..."

Dean wrestled with the hold, and he twisted his body, aiming a kick into Dunan's abs. Dunan tightened his grip on Dean, receiving kick after kick. Dunan yanked on Dean's arms, bringing him up and over. Dunan had planned on using a kind of wrestling move, but Dean was fast. Bending over himself, both of them were abdomen up, supporting each each other from falling down. Draco jumped up, landing on Dean. Dean gasped, and knocked Dunan into Draco again. Draco stumbled, and Dunan grabbed Dean's feet. and used them to ground himself.

Dean scuttled away from the two of them, if only to attack once more. Dunan ducked down in front of the large form of Draco, who was ready for another onslaught.

"Draco, thinking what I'm thinking?" Dunan asked, seeing the way Dean was charging them, both hands in the air, his hands raised to kill in a blind rage.

"Possibly." Draco said. "He's not thinking right... He focuses on only one thing at a time..."

"Let's give him a two for one special, shall we?" Dunan launched himself at Dean, looking like he would be the lead attacker. Dean didn't even suspect a thing, he was focused solely on Dunan. Stepping aside at the last minute, Draco took the lead, catching Dean by surprise. Draco used this off moment to slam Dean into the ground.

Dunan spun, raising his leg up in a vertical split as Draco jumped away. Dunan dropped his leg, lowering his entire body to attack.

Dean crossed his arms above his head, blocking Dunan. If the kick had landed, he would have succeeded in knocking Dean out. Dean threw Dunan off, as Draco jumped onto his chest. Dean threw him off as well, though now without his breath. Dunan came at him once more, not relenting. Draco did the same, and they both managed get thrown back again.

"He's a worthy sparring partner, at least, isn't he Draco?"

Dunan hoped that he would be able to distract Dean again, to make him focus solely on him so Draco could attack. "Of course, he's a regal ass now too."

It worked. Dean roared at the insult, his attention on the two of them wavering.

"Come on, bitch boy, attack me already!" Dunan said, rising to his feet. Dean came at him, and he ducked down backwards as Draco planted a kick squarely in between Dean's shoulders, sending him flying above Dunan. In a motion far too quick for human eyes too see, Dunan lifted his body onto his hands, and kicked dean up into the roof of the cave. Dean slammed back down, but rose to his feet once more.

"STOP IT! ALL OF YOU! STOP FIGHTING!" Dawner came running, and he clutched at Dean, tears pouring down his cheeks. "Stop it Dean, just stop it!" Dawner's tears seemed to jar Dean, he seemed hesitant once more. "You're all going to kill yourselves!"

a sound of tearing flesh and clothing came to Dunan's ears.

Dawner's eyes buldged, and Dean stepped back. Dunan's breath caught in his throat. Blood was seeping rapidly from a wound to his chest Dean had inflicted. Dawner gasped, and fell backward onto the cold stone floor.

"DAWNER!" Dunan screamed, and in an instant, was at his side. Dunan picked up the body of Dawner, who was lying limp, his breathing labored.

"Dunan....I tried.... to... help..." he said, trying to manage a smile. "I'm sorry....Please.. don't blame him..."

Behind them, Dean let out a blood curdling shriek, falling to his knees. Dean clenched his fists, shaking his head. "NO NO NO NO NO NO!" He cried, shaking vehemently.

Dunan only focused on Dawner. "It's okay... You tried to save us all." Dawner smiled, growing weaker in Dunan's arms. "Even if it cost you your life..."

Dunan shook his head. "I won't let you die..." Opening his mouth, Dunan's fangs protruded. Dunan held Dawner close, his fangs inches from Dawner's neck. "I won't change you... if you want to die as a mortal...."

Dawner's eyes opened wide in surprise. "But..."

Dunan's eyes filled with tears. "Please, Dawner... Don't leave me alone again... Be with me forever...Please Dawner, You have only a few minutes left..." Dunan's eyes filled with his tears, the bloody tears tracing down his cheeks, he being unable to stop them. "Please...." He whispered, begging Dawner to never leave him. "Don't leave me....I love you."

Dawner reached up, weakly pulling Dunan to him, kissing him. "Do you really want to be with me forever?" Dunan shook his head, unable to speak. Dawner let go, and then spoke. "Do it...."

Not wasting any time, Dunan bit deeply into Dawner's neck, drinking his humanity away. After a moment,he let go, and Dunan then bit his tongue, a trickle of thick black blood escaping his mouth. Wiping this away with his fingers, he rubbed them on the wound on Dawner's chest. "Drink deeply my love... your time as a mortal ends here and now. Life truly begins with me at this moment." Dunan kissed his beloved Dawner, letting his blood enter into Dawner's mouth.

Dunan's blood, almost as if it had a will of its own, coursed into Dawner's mouth, leaving Dawner no choice but to gulp the cool liquid down. It wasn't nasty, like one would think, but rather like a sweet nectar. Dawner drank deeply of the blood now coursing into him. A trickle of black blood trailed down his cheek from the kiss of renewed life. Dawner closed his eyes, and felt the blood changing him, invading him. It felt like love, of a dark sort.

Dunan held Dawner, until Dawner collapsed, slipping into sweet slumber as his body changed. Dunan could feel Dawner's body heat cooling, as his blood took effect, mutating Dawner into a vampire. Dunan let go of Dawner, and looked at the red wound that was quickly healing up. Dawner's heart was returning to a normal beat, no longer skipping in his chest.

"Amazing... how one simple action can last for eternity..." Dunan commented, before turning to Dean. Dean was still mentally coming to his senses, Draco was trying to comfort him.

Dean pushed him away. "NO! I KILLED DAWNER! KILL ME!" Dean grasped his sword, but Dunan was too quick. As Dean was about run himself through, Dunan caught it. Dunan's hand was cut along the blade, keeping Dean from doing something extremely stupid.

"It appears you have come to your senses." Dunan said. Dunan's face was a mask, not letting Dean know what he was thinking.

"Dunan?" Dean weakly tried to move the srord, but Dunan still held the sword at bay, his blood slowly trailing along the length of the blade, dripping onto the cave floor. "Sile's blood was keeping the monster within you at bay. I assumed her blood left you....and you lost it. Am I correct?" Dean nodded in response, unsure how this was going to go.

Dunan yanked the sword away, and threw it on the ground. Dean lurched at it, still suicidal. Dunan kicked him back against the wall of the cave. "Dean. Stop. You weren't in control of yourself. I can not fault you, so you shouldn't either."

"But... Dawner..." he stuttered, still wrought with guilt. Dunan shook his head. "Dawner will be fine. He might not have told you, but he was thinking about being with me for eternity. This simply forced his hand. When Dawner awakens, he will still be Dawner... but he will be like me as well. He won't be human anymore. I will look after that particular aspect of him... He won't hurt anyone."

"But I still hurt him!" Draco stepped forward, back handing Dean across the face. "Do you thnk we really fault you? Do you think we thought you would have willingly hurt him, had you been yourself?"

"Stop the pity party, Dean. It's getting old quick." Dunan picked the sword up, and held it to give Dean back his sword. "We have a fight to win, don't we? I think we can address this at a later time."

Dean looked at the sword, before getting to his feet and taking it. "You're right. Let's finish this."

Dunan smiled, as did Draco."Now that's more like it." they both said together.

OOC: Alright, I saw this as the perfect opportunity to start the Dawner vampire bit.... if you guys don't want it, then I'll edit it out. Otherwise.... YAY! VAMPIRES! VAMPIRE BUTT SEX AHOY!
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Dean slowly turned towards Calil, who was slumped onto the floor. "Calil...oh my god." Running over to her he was relieved to find she was only unconscious, most likely from one of Fabian's psychic attacks.

"He's gone...I can't feel him anywhere." Dawner said in a way Dean couldn't figure out was relief or sadness.

"Well...Draco can you carry Calil? I would, but I'm starting to wonder if i can carry myself."


The trip back to the tavern where this had all began was a somber one, while they were all glad to have gained an ally as strong as Anya, the loss of Sile was more then most of them could bear. Dean had Dunan carry her body back with them, that way in a day or so they could give her a proper burial.

They had a lot to talk about, Dean knew what was coming next. But knew they had no chance of stopping it at the current moment. Right now they just had to take a couple days to recouperate...


Okay mission #2 down. Of course since Sile is dead our transportation is shot, but I don't think that'll be a problem. We'er going to make the inn our home for now. Let's take a couple days for down time, and then the 3rd and possibly final mission will begin.
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[I]Karyn blinked and looked around. She felt like there was a fog surrounding her mind. She felt she was lying down. Turning over, she came face-to-face with the severed head of her father. "......!" Karyn tried to scream, but no sound came out. Then she remembered Syckle's instructions. Wincing, Karyn poked at a pool of her father's saliva that had collected on the cave floor via his tongue hanging out. She smeared it over the wound on her left arm. Suddenly, the wound disappeared, the fiery sensation gone. Glancing around the cave, she saw her father's body not to far away. Crawling over to it, she dragged the dead weight over to the head. She took some shoelace and made holes in her father's neck, both on the body and the head with her claws. She started to sew the head back onto the body. "I hate you...but even I can't let you be buried looking like that..." Karyn mumbled. Head now attached to the body, Karyn let out a series of mourning howls, traditional for the death ceremonies in her old village. One long, sad howl for Sile, another bittersweet one for her father. And then another for all those "zombie wolves" and even childhood bullies that had given their lives, tricked by her father.[/I]
~X(End Flashback)X~

Karyn was resting in her bed, staring blankly at the ceiling. "...I could say I have no family now, my mom, dad and sibling gone. But then I'd be lying. This team is my family now. And I won't let any of them die, I promise, Sile." Karyn said, turning over to stare at her puppy nightlight. Her stomach let out a long growl. "I'm hungry..." she whined.
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