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Band of the Blood Moon (Mature)

Drizzt Do'urden

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[COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Calil backed away falling back onto her butt looking up at Holdren, her face pale and her eyes wide.
"Oh my god! What the hell is that thing!?"
He looked down on her and laughed, he reached down and put his finger to her chest and pushed, she lost her breath and flew across the clearing, as she rolled she caught a glimpse of the stones she had entered earlier and knew that if she hit one of them she would be crippled, possibly even killed. She closed her eyes ready for the impact but it never came, she looked up as she felt her self stop and breathed a sigh of relief as she saw Dean.
"Thanks, that would have ended badly."
He nodded once and put her down gently and stood beside her.
"This is going to be hard, Dean he's stronger than anything I've ever seen."
He nodded again putting his hand on her shoulder.
"Just becareful Calil."
She nodded and took off running, Dean right behind her, she ran at Holdren and as he took a swing at her she ducked and ran up his arm til she was behind his head and shot a round from her pistol. She gasped as the only thing he did was reach behind him and scratch the back of his head where there was a small burn mark where her bullet had hit him. He grabbed her knocking the wind out of her yet again and threw her threw the clearing and into Draco which sent them both flying across and into the small thicket of trees. Calil screamed as she hit a small sapling and one of the thinner branches went through her shoulder and broke off.
"Well, what do you think Draco? I think this might be tougher than we first thought."
He nodded and helped her up looking over at her shoulder.
"It's nothing, I'm fine, lets get back to the others."
He nodded once and took off sprinting back into the fight, Calil right behind him.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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Dawner and Dunan ran toward the huge Holdren creature.

?Eh, well you said you wanted some fun right babe?? Dunan said craning his neck up looking at holdren.

Dawner smiled, ?The bigger the better? as he flexed his claws the crackling sound was made as magic surged through his hands.

?I love your attitude, but don?t go into this recklessly? Dunan said eyeing his lover.

Dawner laughed, ?Oh look who?s talking? Hmm? Am I making you that nervous to cause you to be so worried?? Dawner kissed Dunan on the cheek. ?Don?t fret love, I can handle myself.?

?Hey you two we could use some-? Draco was sent flying into a nearby tree by holdren? who had missed draco by a inch but the shockwave of the attack was what had caught him.

?I?ll go see about Draco, you go help the others? Dunan said running towards Draco.

Dawner jumped up high then came soaring down and slammed his heels in the ground causing the earth beneath him to give way. When the dust cleared there were numerous rocks and huge boulders hovering in the air above a large crater in the ground? on the the largest boulder stood Dawner.

?This will be fun?

Dawner saw Calil about to get stomped so he willed the rocks to form a tight dome over her, The rock formation caused Holdren to loose balance and he began to stumble back.

Dawner started to laughed. ?The bigger they are the easier it is to make them fall??

?That saying does not go like that.? Draco said shaking his head, Dawner turned around to see Dunan and Draco standing on one of the boulders. Dunan looked around, ?And do you plan on using these for??

?Projectiles and maneuverability of course??Dawner smiled and so did Dunan.

?I love the way your brain thinks.?

?Why thank you? Dawner grinned from ear to ear showing his fangs.

?Holdren believe this fight would be easy, I?ll be damned if I let him get away with thinking something so ridiculous.?
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"Not to break your little love fest here but I think its one of those times where its keep your eye on the ball. Becarefull........." Before I could finish I was hit by another psycic blast sending into on of the pillers causing it to collapse.

"Draco are you ok?" Calil called out.

Spitting up blood "Yea, *Cough* I'll be fine. " I said getting up from the rubble.

(OoC: Sorry you guys didnt have anything to say.)
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"Draco!" Karyn gasped, seeing him hit the pillar. She started to sprint over to him, but was bashed into the ground by a psychic blast. "Guh!" she grunted. Karyn rolled over and jumped up to her feet. Karyn's jaw dropped at the sight of Holdren.

"KARYN! Stop spacing out and get moving!" Dean shouted. Karyn's head snapped toward Dean.

"Oh, sorry about that!" she called back, jumping out of the way of Holdren's enormous foot. "What the crap?!" Karyn yelped, her tail stuck under Holdren's foot. She attempted to pull away, but her tail wouldn't budge. Holdren's laughter rang out.

"Well, well, look what we have here, Dawnie! Why, it's your little half-breed friend! Say good bye to your playmate, Dawnie!"

"GYAAAAAARGH!!!" Karyn cried, struggling to scramble away.
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[FONT="Comic Sans MS"][COLOR="Navy"]Calil sprinted her body tucked low to the ground and leaped over karyn's head landing on Holdren's foot. Cocking her pistol she put the barrel to his foot and shot, no hole appeared, he seemed not to be in pain what so ever and she cringed as he laughed.
"Say good bye to the girls Dean!"
Calil grabbed Karyn's head and leaned over her as if protecting her from a blast; Karyn's yells echoing in her ear.
"We're gonna die!"
"No we're not! Just wait!"
Almost as soon as she got done with her sentence it seemed as if the veins on Holdren's foot were moving. Calil took out her sword and stabbed Holdren's foot making him twitch, just enough to get Karyn free, throwing her towards Draco she spun around facing Holdren as he noticed his foot.
"What the hell is this?"
She smiled showing her small fangs as his foot began to sizzle.
"What did you do?"
"Acid shot, one of my favorite bullets to use on bastards like you."
He growled as the skin on his foot began to melt and the smell of burning flesh filled the clearing.
"That hurts, you bitch!"
She gasped as his hand came at her like a battering ram, she knew she couldn't dodge it so she braced her self for the hit and screamed when it came. She was thrown back to the out skirts of the clearing and into a boulder. She felt her head crack against the rock and smelt the blood as it ran down her shoulder, she felt the break in her arm from the blow and groaned as she crumpled to the ground a few feet below her. Looking up she blinked trying to rid her vision of the blood that flowed down and into her eyes. Wiping her forehead she cursed as she saw that a few of her fingers were either out of place or broken.
"Son of a bitch..."
Coughing she wiped her mouth and saw the red blood on her hand and rolled her eyes.
"He hit me harder than I thought..."
She coughed again and screamed as she felt her ribs move in an unnatural way, broken. She looked up as a few of her teammates ran to her, her vision to clouded by blood and to fuzzy as she slipped into unconsciousness to tell who it was. She smiled as she smelt the acid burning of Holdren's skin and flesh above everything and knew that she had given Dean a weak spot to hit, her head lolled to the side as she passed out, the smile still in place.[/COLOR][/FONT]
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I was the nearest one to Calil. I kneal down beside her and looked at her. She was in no condition to fight anymore. I take my shirt and jacket off and rapped her head in both and tied them tight. It should stop the bleeding but she needs to be taken out of here and have a proper med kit applied asap.

"Hey Dean, I'll get Calil out of here and....." Draco said being cut off by a blast from Holdren.

I flew through the piller and into another one. I blacked out on the second piller. It was weird. I could see my parents but they where just beyond my reach.

"My son, you can't join us just yet." Draco's mother said.

"Mother!" Draco said crying.

"Draco stop crying. Your too old for that. Save those tears for a more happier occasion." Draco's father said.

"I miss you both so much." Draco said with a said tone.

"We are soo proud of you Draco. When hope seems lost. Remember that your team is your family. It will give you strength you thought didn't exist. Your still young, soo much to learn, so much to live for. Don't throw it away for us. Their are people who need you right now. Wake up Draco." They both say has they slowly drift away into the light.

"I don't want to wake up!" Draco said starting to hear other voices.

"You will survive. Protect those you hold dear now." Draco's mother said with a happy tone.
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The sensless destruction...when Calil had been hit Dean literally froze. Unable to move he watched in horror as Draco was struck before reaching Calil...

It was happening...there was no way they could stop this mammoth. That's when something unexpected happened, a familiar voice in a very unfamiliar tone sounded from behind him.

"Dean, why are you stopping?" Spinning around Dean's jaw hit the floor at the sight of Sile standing there...or rather Sile's spirit.

"Sile!? Wait...how...how are you here?" Dean could feel tears welling up at the sight of his fallen friend.

"Holdren has many enemies in hell, none of which want to see the gate be opened. They don't want to lose favor in Satan's eyes, you have to stop him Dean. I only have another moment or so before I'll have to return."

Dean reached a hand out to Sile, only to have it pass through. A bone chilling freeze passed through his hand, causing him to shiver uncontrollably.

"Stop that, and pick your ass up. You have too much to live for Dean. Go do it, for your team." Sile slowly faded out of sight...

Dean stood drawing his blade, as he started to run his foot struck something. Somehow the dagger had been knocked to his position, picking it up Dean eyed the gate. With Draco out of the fight and tending to Calil, Karyn being an unknown, that left 4 of them against the behemoth...unless they got some help.

Grabbing the ankh Dean hurridly sent a message to Dawner. "Dawner, get your ass over here. I have a job for you. Get Dunan and Anya to distract Holdren for just a minute."

Dean ducked behind a rock, awaiting Dawner.
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"DRACO!!!" Karyn screamed. She kneeled next to Draco and poked at his arm. "Draco... Draco, wake up!" Karyn demanded. When Draco only responded with a groan, Karyn began to shake him. Grabbing his shoulders she violently shook him back and forth, a comical scene had their lives not been in danger...

Then, seeing Dean hide behind a rock, Karyn decided to do the same. She grabbed Draco's arm and tried to pull him to safety. But being 7 feet tall and unconcious equaled a bit of deadweight... So Karyn rolled Draco over, grabbed his tail and the scruff of his neck, and dragged him behing the same rock as Dean. "I just sent foe Anya, Dawner and Dunan!" Dean said, holding up the ankh.

"Dammit, where are the show offs when you need 'em?!" Karyn sighed.
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?Wait ? I?m coming with you? Dunan?s face was set, he was not going to accept no for an answer.

?Love? Please, Dean had specific instructions for us, I have to do my part and so do you? Dunan was about to protest but Dawner put his finger to his lips. ?Sssh, I need you to let me do this Dunan, We all have to work as a team and that means following our leader. Now be a good boy and get Anya?s ass to work and distract Holdren.?

Dunan narrowed his eyes and was opening his mouth to retort, but Dawner kissed him passionately and then pushed his off the floating platform of rock he was on. Upon reaching the ground Dawner slowed his fall so Dunan could recollect himself in the air and he land with grace.

Dawner Forced to rocks to fly around houldren?s head every once in a while one would pelt him in the face or temple. That should give Dawner enough time to get to Dean.

?Hiya partner,? Dawner said when he reached Dean who was crouthing down.

?Don?t partner me, what took you so long getting here?? Dean groaned dramatically. ?You?d think with your new vampire speed you?d stop being late, go figure?

?Oh? you?re a funny one? Dawner said stretching out his hand to Dean, Dean grasped it and Dawner gasped as he felt a chill colder than death itself enter his body. Dawner saw a hazy vision? Sile? Dean and Sile talking, Dean trying to grab her, then her vanishing.

?Dawnie, what?s wrong?? Said Dean shaking Dawner back to the present. A single tear rolled down his cheek.

?You..you saw her, didn?t you??

?How do you know that?? Dean asked. Dawner grabbed his hand holding it?

?You tried to touch her? I guess the moment left a strong imprint on you? and when I grabbed your hand I saw it or? it showed itself to me.

?You?re psychic powers are getting? remarkably stronger Dawnie, but we?ll have time to talk about that later.? Dean pulled the dagger from his pocket. Dawner?s face shone with hope.
?The dagger? maybe we have a chance now, we can close that bad boy up!? Dawner exclaimed but receded when Dean did not join in his jubilant display of post victory.

?I mean? we are closing it? right Dean?? Dawner looked nervous. What kind of plan had concocted in his head? Dawner didn?t know but he could sense it.

?Okay, Dawnie?? Dean put his hand on Dawner?s shoulders and brought him closer. Dawner flushed at the little space that was between them but still listen intently.
?I need you to trust me completely, there?s not much time to explain?

?Or you don?t want to explain because you know you?ll sound completely bonkers? Yeah Dawner wanted to say it but he didn?t want to get wacked so ? I digress.

?HEY! block head! Are you listening!?? Dean yelled, looking slightly impatient. ?Dawner I really need you to not spazz out at a time like this okay??

?Okay, okay?. What is it you need me to do??

?We have to open the gate and move away from it?

Dawner guessed he was chosen because of his speed and agility or the fact that he was the only one who trusted Dean enough to blindly follow his orders?

?Okay so what?s our strategy on getting there, right under his nose?? Dawner asked

?Get there? really fast? Dean laughed then he looked serious again. ?Are you ready? ?

?Looks like we?ll have to be? I think that last boulder pissed him off? Dawner said peeking around the rock formation they were hiding behind. ?Oh shi- lets go?

?Huh?? Dean said as he started to look behind the rock. ?Damn it!? Holdren was looking in their very direction. Dean and Dawner took off towards the gate.

They were narrowly dodging Holdren?s attacks until he got smart and started blasting where they were going to be instead of where they were.

Dawner felt the change in attack. ?Jump!? Dawner didn?t have to tell dean twice it was like they were moving as one but Holdren was a step ahead he shot a full blast the headed straight toward them.

?Dawner you have to finish this!? Dean yelled grabbing him and twirling at such a speed it made Dawner almost sick.

?Wait waiiit!?

?No, go on and don?t look back!? Dean tossed Dawner toward the pillar at the side of the gate just before he was hit with the blast.

Dawner recovered and put his heels in the ground slowing himself down. There it was? so sinister looking. He didn?t think twice as he thrust the key into the lock and with great effort he turned it?. Opening it.

Dawner felt a sickening presence as he heard the gate open, following orders he didn?t look back instead he spotted Dean in the rubble and ran to him.

?Good job Dawnie.. I knew I could depend on you? Dean smile and took Dawner?s hand.

?Of course you could? He helped Dean up.

?Are you ready to end this?? Dawner asked Dean?

?More than ready.? Dean unsheathed is sword and Dawner flexed his claws.

?Then? shall we?? Dean said smiling.

?Lets? Dawner returned the smile.
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As the gate slowly opened, time itself seemed to freeze. The enormous rocks of stonehenge flew into the air, forming a large archway. Dean, Dawner, and even Holdren himself watched in sheer amazement as the tiny spark in the middle exploded into an inferno...hell itself.

"Is...Is that what I think it is?" Dawner stuttered.

"Sure is Dawnie...We're now looking straight into hell." Dean's words were choked back as the temperature rose to an alarming height.

"I suppose I should thank you mortal fools." Holdren's voice cackled in a sick laugh as he turned. "Lord Master Satan! Rise, your servent bids..." Holdren stopped as puffs of smoke, demons in their lesser form, shot out of hell into the distance.

He gasped outloud as half a dozen began swarming him and attempting to pull him towards the gate. "No...No you envious bastards, I'm the one who will bask in the master's glory."

All of a sudden, a mighty force began pulling everything in sight towards the gate. Dawner grasped Dean in an attempt to keep his footing..."what...what's happening Dean?" Dawner had one foot literally off the ground as Dean struggled for footing, praying the others were at a safe distance.

"The other demons are trying to pull Holdren back, to keep him from gaining Satan's favor..." Dean watched the struggle, it seemed the demons were slowly winning. That's when he heard Sile's voice...

"Dean...Dean it's not enough. The dark lord is making his way up the chasm...oh my god I can feel him coming Dean. Holdren has to go NOW!"

Dean turned to look at the rest of the group, it seemed they were all either out of range of the pulling force, or latched on to something. That is besides him and Dawner.

Dean grabbed Dawner tight, "Remember when I said to trust me?" Dawner nodded, the force grew stronger now the vampire boy had two legs in the air. "Now I'm asking you to forgive me."

With a grunt Dean threw all his weight into reversing Dawner's momentum and thurst his sword through the boys shoulder into the dirt pinning him to thr ground.

Turning Dean launched himself towards Holdren at full-blast. The resounding force, gave just enough push to shove Holdren...and Dean into the gaping gate.

As Dean turned down the burning corridor he could actually see straight into hell. He saw the millions of souls reaching up towards the opened gate, he could see Holdren being carried by much bigger and most likely stronger demons, lastly he could see a giant red cloud making its way towards the gate...it was him.

As a large arm reached out of the cloud towards him, Dean felt something grab his collar. Looking up he saw Sile, latched onto the side of the chasm. "Let's get the hell out of here!" She cried as Dean grabbed the ledge below her, together the two crawled out ripping out chunks of dirt, struggling to get out.

A mighty roar could be heard inside the gate as they exited. "It's too late." Dean cried out, as the gate slammed shut. The stones returning to their positions....

Sitting up, Dean looked around baffeled. That's when he saw Karyn twirling the dagger in her hands smiling. "You always think it's going to be one of the show-offs that save the day." The simple comment made Dean smile, that is until the thought about Sile. "Where...where'd Sile go?"

"What do you mean Dean? Sile's been dead for awhile now?" Karyn seemed puzzled.

A throat clear from on top of one of the stones drew their attention, standing atop Sile was smiling down on the group. "Can't even rest in piece, I'm always saving your guys asses." With a chuckle she faded away...finally at peace.

[B]OOC: Not quite ready to call it quits again. It's time to head back to the mansion, I'm thinking maybe our resident suped up psychic could possibly give us a ride cough cough Dawner?[/B]
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[COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Calil moaned as she felt her body shift and someone lift her off the ground. Her eyes focused long enough to see Dunan's face swim into view and than her vision went dark again, she listened as he spoke, talking to Dean.
"She got hit hard, I don't know if she'll come to for a little while."
She felt her weight shift again as Dunan handed her off to Dean who held her tight. She shifted her body so she could look up into his face and coughed lightly, tasting fresh blood she grimaced.
"I'll b-be fine."
Dean jumped as he heard her talk and looked down at her.
"Calil, your awake!"
"Not for very long...is it over?"
"Yeah, it is, I'm pretty sure Dawner is about to take us home."
She nodded and let her head fall to the side as she passed out again.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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Dawner softly and slowly began mouthing a chant, Dean couldn't help worry that this would be to much of a move for the weakened Dawner, but he held faith he wouldn't have attempted it if he wasn't ready.

His fear was compounded as he looked to a wound Calil had on her arm that was oozing a substance different from her blood. It's smell was sickening, stinging even. At once Dean knew...or thought he knew.

As the light swirled around him, the next thing he knew they stood outside the mansion. The rain falling around them.

Everybody turned to Dean at that moment, nobody had really spoken since Holdren was defeated. It was as if the adreniline still hadn't worn off, or his horrifying transformation instilled so much fear that they were all thinking about how many demons escaped hell as they tried to send just one back.

"I have to get Calil to the medics fast, I think the poison from the cloud that surrounded the gate managed to seep into her. It did something to her blood." Dean looked to his team. As a leader he couldn't ask for anything more, they had cunning, strength, and above all they had loyalty to each other.

"I can smell it on her. Her blood seems to be pure poison, I...I'm not sure how she's surviving" Dunan, who was holding tightly to a much more weakened Dawner, confirmed what Dean already knew.

At that moment, Dean's legs finally gave out. The many cuts, scrapes, bruises and blows he sustained all seemed to hit him at once. From nowhere Draco and Anya moved in unison to his side, Anya grabbing Calil and Draco hoisting Dean up. "Let's get them both to the infirmary at once."

Laying on the table next to Calil, Dean's thoughts swirled around what to do next...Should they hunt the demons? They'd lost one to this manipulitive being...Dean's thoughts finally overloaded his brain until he was asleep.

"Dean, Dean" A familiar voice woke him from a sleep filled with visions of a dying Sile who Dean was thankfull was at least at peace now. The voice was Samuel's, one of the many staffed healers. Dean at once regreted opening his eyes as the look on the man's face was as disheartening of one as he'd ever seen.

"Dean, I'm afraid master Dunan was correct in his assumption of Lady Calil. The poison has reacted with her blood in a way that I've never seen. It's now turned her cocktail of poisons into an incredibly potent one that seems to coat her skin. It's enhanced so much about her, but unfortunetly...and this is hard for me to say to YOU...nobody can even touch her bare flesh without succumbing to it. Now I can reverse it, though in doing so she will lose many of her new strengths..."

Dean at once wanted to plead Samuel to change her, change her back to the old Calil. But he knew it wasn't his place to do so, it wasn't just his decision. He decided to call the team together...including Calil, and allow everyone to decide what would be best. Though he feared he knew what would come of it...
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[COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Calil looked at the floor as the medic spoke to her.
"The poison from Holdren's cloud was so strong it ate through the vampire and were wolf venom that was already in your blood stream and well, it fused with your blood."
"So what does that mean?"
He took his scalpel and sliced her hand open she didn't feel the pain but gasped as the steel of the scalpel began to sizzle and melt.
"Your blood is morphine and acid. It can cauterize and relieve pain. But to much and it could kill who ever it touches, that being said you have to wear special gloves, physical contact would be impossible, you would poison some one if you touched them for to long."
She looked up horrified.
"Are you saying that I can not have a physical relationship with anyone at all?"
"No, never.You would have to take the stairs from now on as well, you submit fumes if they stay around you to much, it'll kill them."
"Can you change me back?"
"Yes, but you'll be nothing but human again, no strengths, and every weakness."
She looked back down at the floor and than up at the doctor.
"Do it, turn me back."
"I think it would be wise if you spoke with your team about this."
Now she sat in front of them, the gloves over her arms, the ones with sensitive noses covering them to keep the smell at bay. She looked over them all after explaining that this transformation would make her a well applied medic in the field, she would need training but she would never be allowed to have physical contact with any of them past what her newly designed clothes and gloves would allow. She looked up at the others and saw the look on most everyone's face and knew what the answer was. She would be more useful as the field medic. She looked at Dean and saw the pain written on his face and looked away. The barracks would have to be redesigned with air filters and vents to allow her fumes to escape. She stood up and walked away to her room and opened the window. This was going to be hard on her and the others. Mostly Dean.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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Calil had sort of evoled into a good-bad combo. She could heal but too long exposure would likely kill anyone. The fumes coming from her wasn't that bad. Smelt like roses but after awhile starts to smell like rotten eggs.

"Dean, Can I have a minute with you in privit?" I call out to Dean.

"Yeah sure, *Both Dean and Draco move outside the room* what is it?" Dean.

"Dean, I know you tried to keep you and Calil a secret but that battle showed us that you care for her. More than anyone else realized. I'm willing to have her has a human but I can accpet her has she is now. I might not be able to hold her for long without sucuming to her fumes and/or touch. It will be difficult for everyone especially you. A field med is something any of us can do. She can be human or she can be what she has become. She is still Calil, my friend and teammate. Till death seperates us. Thats what I decided when you made the group." Draco putting his right hand on Deans left shoulder.

"Maybe your right. Its her choice, I'm not going to force her to be a normal human." Dean looking at his feet.

"Their are things normal humans can do that we can't. Don't forget that. Look how far they have come yet they still push the edges of invention. Short life spans gives them and edge of developing things quicker. Anything we have today is because of them. Thats one thing normal humans have soo much of. I have a favor to ask Dean." Draco.

"Thats true Draco. What is it?" Dean looking a tad bit happier.

"Can I take a small trip back to my home to get something?" Draco.
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Dawner groaned, interrupting Calil’s explaination of how much of an asset she’d be to the group with this… new found blood. They all looked at him..

“I don’t even know why we’re having this conversation… Cali.l Yes you would be our official field medic but all the repercussions that are tied to it are not worth it.”

Calil frowned. “Dawner, do you know how much this could change our group.. adding to the powers we as a whole already have?”

“Yes, of course I do but I also see the pain it would cause you…and us just by knowing you’re going through it. And what can we do to comfort you? Sure as hell cant hug you or talk to you for too long cause your fumes would be too deadly for some of us. Is that what you want?” Dawner felt lightheaded… something was fueling his rant.. maybe he was channeling what the others were feeling along with his own emotions.

Dunan grabbed Dawner’s hand the way he did it signaled Dawner he was being a little harsh but Dawner pulled away. Calil could handle the truth and no one else was going to call her out on what this was really about so… he had to, but Dawner was okay with it if this was going to save her he’d reprimand her ten times over.

Calil was next to get steamed… “Why does it seem so impossible to you that I want to be more of a help to our cause! “

“Because it’s not even about that! And you know it!” Dawner shot back.

“What the hell are you talking about?” Calil was getting angry but at the same time she was almost amazed at Dawner growing balls… and to stand up to her. Any other time she would have been proud but right now she was just getting annoyed.

“Calil, you may try to hide the fact that you feel like your post blood abilities were inadequate by having a hard exterior but we.. or at least I know how you are feeling. You’ve always doubted what you could do but every time you rose above the odds and conquered! Why cant you see you do not need this super blood… this extra power?”

“Because I don’t want to feel like a weak link. And okay lets say I do it your way… And just revert to being human, not only would I be weaker than before but I will also be a liability and easy target. Ether way it’s bad Dawner, you can make this black and white. This is a difficult choice I have to make… please understand that.” Calil said regaining her composer.

“Okay, whatever you decide I’m behind” Was all he could muster up. Dawner sat back, feeling defeated… He felt that Calil had already made her decision but at what cost? … and what was the real reason behind it? Regardless of the reason why, this was something Calil had to decide. Dawner like, everyone else, just hoped everything would work out…..
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[COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]OCC: Hey Takkuya, Calil doesn't want to be like this, she's not looking for a reason to turn back she wants everyone's opinion

Calil sighed as the scientists looked over her blood through a microscope, as he inserted the antidote to her blood under the glass he looked back up at her and blinked.
"That's interesting."
"Your new blood is eatting the antidote clean away. It's not taking to it."
"What does that mean exactly?"
"It means, that it's going to take longer to fix your problem than we first thought. Months, maybe years."
She watched as he reached for another vial of blood and tried fuseing it with her blood under the glass as well."
"Very interesting."
"It burned right through Dean's vampire venom..."
He took another vial like the first.
"And werewolf as well..."
She looked at the floor and felt the tears well in her eyes. She didn't want to be like this. She wanted to be able to hold Dean, and be with him. But this was going to make it impossible.
"Is there anything you can do?"
The doctor came and tried to take her blood but the needle was gone within a few seconds.
"It's gotten more potent..."
She looked up at him as his face tuned pale and she yanked her arm away from him as he coughed. She looked around and saw that the rest of the medical staff was starting to look pale. She pulled the gloves that were given to her back on and hopped off the table.
"I'll look into things and see if Dawner can help me with his magic."
She left before they could say anything and into the barracks where everyone sat waiting. She stopped as Dean stood up and moved towards her she looked away and shook her head, slipping past the others she walked quickly down the hall to her room and locked her self in. Unless her and Dawner could find a way to turn her back she was stuck like this for a while. And it was torturing her.

Okay, there it is, Calil cant be turned back for while. I'm planning on keeping it that way til we're a little into the sequel.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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[SIZE="1"]OOC: o okay, well i hope i got my little idea across in this post, it was kinda long lol[/SIZE]

Dawner was sitting in front of the mirror after getting out of the shower. A crease in his brow was forming.

?Sweetheart?? Dunan said coming up behind him. ?What are you doing??



?Well, shifting.? Dawner said. ?Have you ever notice when you summon up your vampiric strength your fangs enlarge, claws grow sharper, and you gain more muscle along with alarming speed and power??

?Yes, but what does that have to do with anything??

?ME!? Dawner turned around. ?Look at me? I?m completely different, Longer hair golden eyes that turn red. Why did I change so drastically? Along with all these intense emotions I?m more out of control then I was?? Dawner sighed, ?So maybe if I focus enough I can shift back to my normal appearance?

?You have Vampire blood? meaning you?re very DNA has been altered, naturally you?d show this alteration physically, it?s just more extreme than normal people who have changed. Also take it into account that you died along with most of your original genetic code.? Said Dunan surprising Dawner, he never heard Dunan speak so intellectually it was quite the turn on.

Dawner smack his head and groaned. ?Why didn?t I think of that, as a Sorcerer I should understand the laws of magic along with physics as well? I never thought of Vampirism on a molecular level, I thought it was all magic? You get bitten then boom you?re a blood sucker? Oh no offence Love?

?None taken, but babe don?t stress out about it. You have a new life and a new appearance to go along with it. But here? Dunan placed his hand on Dawner?s heart. ?You will always be the Dawner every one knows and loves.? He kissed Dawner?s cheek and retreated from the bathroom.

?Well? Said Dawner looking into the mirror. ?Guess I?ll have to work with this. There?s no hope of me shifting to what is no longer written in my genetic code?but? Calil on the other hand?

Something had occurred to Dawner in this realization. He was a vampire and couldn?t shift back to his normal self simply because the vampire DNA had destroyed his human DNA changing him permanently, never to revert back but Calil?s case was completely different. The toxins were fusing with her DNA and had a possibility of not destroying it but altering it and making it stronger. There was hope she could suppress this and be able to evoke the Powers of her new DNA only when needed, like a vampire does or a werewolf when transforming.

?I must tell her?? Dawner rush out the room and headed to Calil?s. This would seem impossible only if Calil didn?t have magical back up.
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Karyn inched up to Calil's door and tapped on it. "Uh...Calil..."

"Yeah..." came the muffled reply.

"You okay?"

"What do you think?"

"Heh. Guess not..."

"N-no, no... I mean... What do you think?"


"How I am now... Do you think I should change, or what?"

"...Well, whatever you want, Calil. If you revert to being human again, I could bite ya' and you'd be half werewolf or something, but I don't care if you stay the way you are now either."

"Okay...not exactly helpful..."

"Calil, this is a choice you need to make yourself. Anyway, I'd better get back to the others before the fumes start seeping under the door or something." Karyn joked, getting up and walking away.
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[COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Calil didn't bother with commenting on Karyn's statement on her fumes, she was busy looking through a few of Dean's books that she swiped from his room, she flipped through them as fast as possible as she read so that Dean would not notice them gone. She bit her bottom lip lightly and closed the book she was looking through reaching for another one as there was a knock on her door.
"Who is it?"
"What's up? I'm kinda busy..."
"Can I come in and speak to you?"
She looked around her room and saw that the wall paper was peeling and her potted plant was dead.
"No, I think it's best if you stay out there."
She walked to her window and opened it letting in some fresh air and sighed as the leaves on the tree closest to her window turned brown and fell to the ground.
"I think I have a solution to your problem."
"Really what's that?"
"Suppression, like vampires and werewolves do."
"Dawner, good thought, but this is something totally different. It's not like I was bitten by anything, my body absorbed poisons, when I went through that cloud of Holdren's the poison was so strong that I absorbed it ripped through every other venom I had running through my blood stream at the time and fused with it, I no longer have actual blood, I mean hey sure I bleed but it's acidic and poisonous. If someone were to kiss me they would die shortly afterward. I've been doing research and there has only been one other case of something like this and it was centuries ago, she was used as a body guard for an emperor, a taste tester you could say, she took bits of his food and drink and tired them to see if they were poisoned. Her whole body being venomous as it was it could do no damage to her but she could taste the poison in his food, no matter how weak or strong it was."
"She died. The poison eventually ae away her body and that was that."
"So morbid."
"Heh, well I'm thinking and looking stuff up to see if there is a cure or something, cause the idiots here don't know what their talking about, tht antidote they made is to weak, my blood eats right through it, and the venom form both bloods and canines. As of right now, I have no cure. But if I can just have some time, I think I can come up with something."
"Your starting to sound like Dean Calil..."
"Yeah well...drawn at the heart I suppose..."
She looked up from her note book and looked out the window, the night was clear and beautiful and peaceful. Sighing she put on a pair of reading glasses and ducked her head back down reading another paragraph from a book and jotting down notes as she flipped through. She heard Dawner sigh.
"So as of right now, there is no hope of changing you back?"
"Not one, but I hope that I can find one soon..."
She heard him put his hand on her door and than walk away. She took a deep breath and went back to her reading. She wouldn't stop til she found something, til she was able to be normal again, at least normal enough for her team.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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Dean nodded to Dawner as he passed him in the hallway, he felt bad not stopping but he had one thing in mind, one agenda to fullfill. Storming into the room Calil seemed to half jump up, startled. Though having her "cool" exterior she hid it well, or maybe she didn't jump Dean wasn't worried.

Without a word he grabbed a chair and moved it by the window, opening it as he set it down. Looking to Calil he pointed to it, "Sit" was all he said.

Looking shoocked he would talk to her that way she obeyed immediately. Then walking to the other side of the room Dean stood by the door with his arms crossed, thinking of the words to say.

"Calil, you need to get your nose out of those books." He tried mocking her tone when she used to tell him the same.

"Your answer won't come from any of those, hell it won't come from any of us. The only way you're going to get an answer is to just deal with it until a cure is obtained, and then and only then will you be ready." Dean marched up to her, the fumes were tolerable but he could feel their potency. "I love you Calil, you know that. But I also love our cause, and I can understand wanting to support it no matter what. I'll support your decision when the time comes, but for now you can't hide from the others. We'll have the team start putting vents and everything else in. For now we're having a team meeting in 20 minutes. I have an announcement to make."

Dean started out, he was more determined at that moment to fullfill what he decided the moment the gates closed on Holdren....
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[COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Calil was speechless, she watched him go and wished dearly that she could give him a hug but knew she couldn't. Picking up the book she had just been looking through she tabbed the page she was looking at and closed the book, her thoughts on that still. Substitution. It would take Dawner, he knew this kind of magic, but it would mean that another body would have to take on the poison. She wouldn't do that to any of the team but she was sure that she could find something that would work. She stretched and walked out as Dawner and Dunan came from their room.
"Dawner! I need to ask you something."
She walked up to him and gave him and small smile.
"I think I may have found something, I was about to come tell you when Dean burst into my room to tell me about the meeting."
He gave her a small nod.
"So what did you find?"
"You would have to be the one to help me. Due to the fact its a spell."
"What kind?"
"Sounds advanced. What would we have to do?"
"Find something or someone to take what I have, but in return I get what ever they have. You see?"
"So say Dean, just a metaphor, he would get the poison and you..."
"Would get any sickness he had."
"Interesting. I think we'll have to look into this, it might work to your benefit, say we find a demon with a power you like, I'm sure I can word it so you their powers while they get to die from a body full of poison..."
She stopped and smiled as they walked on leaving her behind as she leaned on the wall smiling to her self. He got excited and she was glad to be able to give him something to do, at least he wouldn't be getting bored to much with this little time of peace they were getting with Holdren gone. [/FONT][/COLOR]
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Inuyasha and i would like to apologize for being absent... there's been alot of drama, and he almost died the other day. he's okay, but really up to doing much. Send him lots of ims to make him feel better.:catgirl:

Anya peered out over the wooded areas around the mansion. IT was a nice place, almost overtly done to make people feel at home. But then again, looking on, many of the people here had no where else to go.

Anya sighed. She was once like almost everyone here. She herself was more machine than human. As such, she was both, and yet neither.

Anya stood up from the pavillion, and began to walk inside. Maybe Dunan wasn't busy
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After the meeting, the group was broken up. Dean had alot to sort through and it might have been too much too quick for his brain. Not being able to touch nor kiss Calil was going to be hard for him. But he had to find a demon or something to make Dawner's spell work. The problem was that finding one that was has strong has her and good looking was going to take time.

Now that humans developed mass produced guns and steam powered ships. Traveling and defending was wide open to everything. It might take years to find and track a sutable body for Calil. It was sad to see Anya, Dunan, and Dawner go and Karyn going back to Scottland to clame her late fathers clan. I would go with her to bury her dad and give her comfort. But before I would take my leave with Karyn, I needed Dawners help one last time.

"Hey Dawner, can I have a word with you?" Draco asks in a corner.

"For you, sure. What is it big guy?" Dawner, he seemed like the old one but he had relaxed a bit.

"Your a wizard, correct?" Draco.

"Well I'm an Arcane spellcaster." Dawner waving his hand in a poshy way.

"Well, you know any spell that would make me look human even to me?" Draco asks with extreme curiosity.

"I think I know a spell, but it will take time to prepare it." Dawner, always kind and gentle at heart.

"Thank you, just get me when its ready, I'll be on the roof. Oh, Dawnie, please make it last till the gang gets back together. I want to be just human for awhile." Draco said jumping out the window without waiting for Dawner to respond.

(Ok, this is part one of two post explaining how my character dissappears for what ever Drizz decides. Oh, by the way to any in here that are in Adventure of Space Bounty Hunters, check the back stage post for an edited post by me.)
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Dunan was standing on the water tower, over looking the mansion. So many things had happened.

Dunan used his mind to sense Dawner's presence, and leaped off. Landing on the roof of the mansion, he started off torwards the bedroom that was his. Dunan could tell there was a lot on his precious Dawner's mind, but not exactly what, his thoughts were moving too fast.

Dunan leaped off the roof, landing almost on top of Anya.


Dunan shrugged her insult off. "Where've you been? I was looking for you earlier."

"Really? What for?"

"Well, I was thinking of having your mechanical limbs upgraded. You know i have the money, and you need it." Dunan reached out and took Anya's hand. Pulling up her sleeve, he showed her all of the nics and scratches on them from the fight with the were-wolves. Some of her metal was damaged, and she moved and bent her arm in different ways.

"Dunan, my arms are fine. So they're dinged up a little. Big deal."

"Spar with me." Dunan looked dead into her eyes. "Come. Spar with me." Dunan let go, twisting his back to flip onto his hands and stopped about seven feet away from her. "I'll prove it to you."

"Come on! They're fine!"

"I'm not giving you a choice in the matter, Anya. Ready or not, here I come."

Dunan leaped at Anya, his nails clawing at the air in front of him. He was holding back, but Anya managed to block him. She whirled, but in that time Dunan skid back and kicked up, making Anya loose her footing and leaving her wide open. Dunan Slashed through the air at her, and she just barely managed to deflect Dunan's attack.


"Anya, anyone else you have sparred against, they took it easy on you because they cared for you. Because I care for you, I will do no such thing. Understand?"

"Yeah... From you, I wouldn't expect anything less." Anya smiled, enjoying the fight, knowing Dunan wasn't holding back.

Dunan attacked again. He was relentless, the clash of metal and claw loud as can be, reverberating through the walls of the mansion, sounding off and only getting more ferocious. Dunan twisted and turned, the fight looking more and more like a ballet from hell. Dunan finally took the fight to its climax, rendering Anya helpless, his claws at her throat.

"Two seconds." Dunan said, after he twisted her around and brought her to her knees. "Your reaction speed is much slower than usual. Two seconds can mean the difference between life and death in a fight, Anya. Please, heed my words. I don't want to loose you like I have so many other people I care so deeply for."

Anya huffed. "Fine, if it will make you happy."

"Good." Dunan let her go, and she stood.

"Dunan, Dawner was looking kind of troubled."

"I know he is. His thoughts are racing right now."

Dunan looked back at the mansion. "I'm going to go see him now. You do what you have to do. I'll talk to you later."

Dunan walked away, going after Dawner. Soon enough, he found him. Slidding up behind him, Dunan placed his arms around Dawner's waist, giving him a kiss on the neck. "Hey, babe. Whatcha doin'?"
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[COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Calil poured over the book in front of her looking for a certain demon, she sat up straight and snapped the book closed and stood up throwing her chair into her door. Looking back she scribbled a note quickly and left on her desk as she lept out the window and took off at a run, crouching low she sprinted quickly through the woods, after what seemed like forever she stopped and looked up noticing that the sun was setting, but she was sure she had left at night...her eyes widened, she had been running a full night and day and felt no fatigue. Taking a deep breath she nodded to her self and took off again til she had come to a tower in the middle of now where. Looking up at it she went to the door at the bottom and knocked back as a little old man flung open the door.
"What do you want?"
"I'm looking for Pinbroooke. Is he in?"
"Who's asking?"
"I need to speak with him. My name is Calil."
At the moment the little old man was knocked sideways and a young man with black hair and piercing blue eyes was in the door way looking at her.
"What can I do for you young lady?"
She rolled her eyes as he leaned on the door.
"I'm not here for a date, I need your help."
"How so?"
She held her hand over a small leaf of ivy the grew on the tower. and sighed as it wilted.
"Yeah, get rid of it."
He blinked and let her through.
"It'll take time. I can make it controllable but I don't think this level of toxin can be taken away completely."
She handed him the substitution spell and crossed her arms.
"This is complex magic, do you know of someone who could do this if I find a way to switch this?"
"Yes. But I need your help with finding a demon strong enough to take this."
"Would you be willing to take the body of a woman who had been dormant for years? She was my lover from long ago, I think her body will be to your liking."
"What happened to her?"
"Her soul was stolen. I've tried getting it back several times but she was sold to an ogre for money."
Calil put her hand on his shoulder.
"Only if your willing. She's your lover."
"It's fine, we need your friend though."
She nodded and was about to walk away, she looked back.
"What is it about her that your saying I'll like?"
"You move gracefully, she was a hybrid, a cursed child of clans."
"You mean a vampire/were wolf mix?"
"Yes, but not the way you think, she was born that way. Her mother and father were killed. Is that a problem?"
"Not at all, as a matter of fact it's perfect. Anything else?"
"Nothing worth mentioning."
Calil nodded and followed him towards the back and saw her, she was shocked they looked almost identical only the woman had an edgier look to her, a tattoo that covered her shoulder and her hair was slightly darker.
"Now you know the preparation for this spell correct?"
"No, do you?"
"Yes, I do. I'll have you stay here while I help you with it. It's painful and time consuming."
"Than why are you helping me?"
"I've not had something to do for at least the past century, I need a project."
She nodded and followed him up the tower to an empty room.
"I'll have linens brought up for you, any color?"
"Black, and don't think that I'll be staying here either. I have some one waiting for me."
"Of course. A woman of your quality would."
She rolled her eyes again and put her hand on his shoulder.
"Penbrooke, when are you going to forgive me?"
"Your sister asked me the same question before her soul was taken."
She sighed.
"Look, that was not my fault."
"You were with her, you should have done something anything. Your the oldest."
"You know how she was! Like she would have let me do anything. You know how much I beat my self up for letter them take her soul like that."
"And now you take her body."
She grabbed him and threw him against the wall.
"I know your only doing this cause she would want you too, but from now on, don't act like I'm a stranger. I loved my sister just as much as you did. We both know there is no getting her back now, Ogres eat souls. You know that as much as I do. It's the only thing her body is good for, unless you'd rather keep it for decoration."
He frowned and continued walking.
"You seemed surprised by how she looked."
"Yes, her body still ages I see, she looks more like me than I thought she would."
"Don't remind me."
She growled and followed him to her room where her sheets and curtains were already waiting for her.
"I'll be up here in the morning to start the treatment for switching your soul to her body."
She nodded and lay down thinking of her family back at the mansion waiting for her to come back. She only hoped Dean would understand.

I'll put up a pic of Calil and how she'll look for the next chapter.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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