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Band of the Blood Moon (Mature)

Drizzt Do'urden

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Dawner set the book he was reading down, and leaned back into Dunan?s arms.
He inhaled his sent.

?You were at the water tower?? Dawner smiled, His inhanced senses were becoming normal to him now.

?Yup,? Dunan smiled proudly. ?Where our love began? Dunan kissed his Dawner on the neck right over the scar that changed both their lives forever? giving them an eternity together.

?So.. Whats with all these book Babe?? Dunan said glancing around?

?Ah well?? Dawner turned around picking up the book he set down.
?Calil believes that we can cure her by giving her aliment to some one else, preferably a demon with decent powers so that she may inherit their strength whilst they get hers.?

Dunan made a face.?Sounds complicated??

?It is, And Draco wants me to make him look human...? Dawner added.

?That explains why our room looks like a post bombing of a library?? Dawner laughed, thankful he had Dunan to lighten his spirits. He was not used to being a person who people truly needed and relied on.

?Now that I think of it, Draco?s problem seems a great deal more easy than Calil?s. I mean all I need is a glamour spell along with a little of Draco?s blood.? Dawner went to a pile of books and fished through them. ?Hmm.. if I reword this spell?and do the inner self ritual..? Dawner grabbed two more books and headed toward the little desk near the coner of the room. Dunan peered over his sholder.

?Do I smell a breakthrough?? Dunan inquired.

?Indeed love?? Dawner put on his reading glasses and conjured a black quill pen and ink out of thin air. ?Replace this item with Draco?s tears.. and.. There we have it.?

?And you?ve found a spell just like that? Wow, Calil and Draco sure are lucky they have you.?

Dawner chuckle? ?Well I don?t know yet about Calil yet, Love. But This should make Draco quite happy. And it?s not just A spell its several put together with my twist and a couple of rituals combined with a few replacements in ingredients that I already have at my disposal.?

Dawner jumped up and kissed Dunan full on the lips. ?I owe it all to you my muse. I?ll be back I?m going to go and tell Draco the great news.? Dawner dashed out the room and headed to where Draco was.
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Dean stood in front of the same fireplace he stood in front of when this all began. Looking upon the friends he'd made over the years. He'd heard what Calil was planning, the pain her decision to change herself for him was too much for him to bear.

He knew he should've been happy about that, but he just couldn't get past the feeling that it wasn't fair for her to change everything for him.

Dean cleared his throat, drawing playfull "shushes" from Karyn and Dawner.

"I called you all here today for one reason...to tell you I'm leaving." Dean was glad nobody said a word, it was hard enough as it was.

As if on que Stephen, one of the Band's support members poked his head in the room, "Sir, preparations are complete and the rest of the staff is already gone."

Nodding Dean sighed, he hadn't mentioned the biggest announcement he had and he was sure everybody realized it.

"Dean, what's going on?" Calil stared hard a Dean. It wasn't the cold stare he expected...it was like everybody else's, confused, worried.

"With the openening of the gate we were able to force Holdren back in, but in doing so many lesser demons were allowed to escape hell's grasp. I've received word that I've been put on a rather large "hit" list of sorts thanks to some of Holdren's friends. So I have to disappear, and the only way to make that happen is...well is by saying goodbye." Dean couldn't fight back the tears anymore, he had to wrap it up or he would surely lose it.

"The mansion is going to be destroyed in 4 hours, and the word is going to be spread that I was killed in it." Grabbing his gear up Dean began marching out of the room he paused in front of Calil. Her poison was growing more potent and he was nauseated in an instant.

He bent down and gave her one last kiss on her lips and whispered in her ear. "I love you"

As he reached the door he didn't look back, he didn't want the tears to be seen, though he knew they were heard. "Do not try and contact me, you won't find me."

Without a word Dean left, and with him went the Band of the Blood Moon. The unsung heros of the world...
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Draco ran outside and caught Dean before he left completly.

"Dean, take this. When the time is right, lite it. You saved my life from myself. A debt I can never repay. When you burn this, I'll know where you are." Draco said then jump back towards the mansion.

Dean was put on enough stress already. Draco had to collect a few items and talk to Dawner. After maybe a half hour, Draco had his trunk loaded with his stuff and started to drag it along behind him.

He past Calil's room, smelling her poison air. Knocking on the door.

"Calil, its not your fault. We all need to dissappear for a while. Find your new body, it will take years to find one that fits your needs but don't give up. I believe in you." Draco said outside the door.

He heard a noise coming from down the hall. It was Dunan and Dawner.
Draco rushed over to them and almost ran over Dunan.

"Sorry Dunan, didn't see you their." Draco rubbing the back of his head.

"Its alright. Me and Dawner are leaving." Dunan.

"I know but Dawner has an answer to what I asked him a few hours ago." Draco.

"How do you know that?" Dawner.

"Besides the fact that you smell like excitment? My simple transformation spell is alot easier than Calil's. So I figured you'd have that ready." Draco standing in all of his tallnest.
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[COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Calil sat in her room going over what Dean had said, it made sense but...why would he go withouot her? He knew she could take care of her self, he knew she could fight. So why, why would he do this to them... She grabbed the one bag that she had packed and headed out the door, seeing Dawner and Dunan she walked up to them and handed them an address.
"Come see me here. It's where I'll be staying. It's secluded so don't worry about being followed and you don't have to wear a mask, come as your selves."
Before they could say anything she walked past them and out of the mansion, she leaned on the wall and felt hot tears start to flow forward. She went around the mansion and started headed north. When she got back to the tower she went inside and went up to her sisters old room and flopped down on the bed, the sheets had already been changed. Draco was right, it was going to take years before her sister's body was ready. Til then she would stay here.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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Karyn sat sniffling in her room as she packed her few things. She grabbed the nearest item of clothing and wiped her eyes with it. Holding it out in front of her, she realized it was the pink fuzzy heart sweater she had worn with Sile. Karyn suddenly stopped crying. She smiled and carefully folded the sweater. "If I don't hurry up and leave, I'll be blown up with the mansion!" she told herself.

Karyn walked past the gate at the end of the mansion's property. Setting her bag down, she turned to face the building one last time before it was destroyed. "I'm sure I'll see them again sometime...right? Yeah, I know I will..." she sighed. Tail wagging, she set off for Scotland. "Only question is, how am I supposed to get there?!"
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"I'll tell you how." Draco said.

Karyn jumped really high in the air and landed on her butt.

"Draco, you scared me. So whats this way to Scotland?" Karyn said dusting herself off.

Draco pulled two ship tickets from his inner coat poket.

"By ship, here take this one. We'll travel to Scotland together and after that we part ways for now." Draco said with a tear running down his silky fur.

"Don't cry Draco, we'll always have each other in mind." Karyn said smilling.

"Right, thats true. Meet me at the dock in 2 hours. I got to get something from Dawner." Draco said wipping the tear from his face and jumping out of sight.
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Dawner walked out the manor and looked towards the water tower in the distance.

?Everything will be fine, I?m sure all this will blow over soon.? Dunan kissed the tear rolling down Dawner?s face? It was not enough to comfort him he felt horrible. Everything was so sudden. How could Dean break up the family and at a time like this. Dawner felt hurt and a bit angry don?t only thing he had to look forward to was helping Draco.

Draco came walking up to Dawner who wiped his face hastily.

?Just the person I wanted to see?? Dawner smiled.

Draco looked excited his tail wagging franticly, he was so cute. Dawner had a hard time believing the power that flowed from this man?. Er wolf.

?You had a break through??

?I wouldn?t call it a break true? it?s quite simple. What I did was combine magical ingredients and basic science.? Dawner pulled out a vial of glowing liquid.

?Ooo... Shiny? Draco said, Will this allow me to be look human for a while??

?It does a bit more than that, You?ll have to mentally train your body to convert into your true human form, this stuff will make it easier. But im not sure if you?ll be able to control when you change back and forth?. It will take time but I?m sure you?ll master it.?

?Are you sure this will work?? Draco said, looking at the potion like it was some strange outer space being

?I?m very sure Draco? Dawner?s smile showed his excitement for Draco. This was going to be really good for him.

?Are you serious?? Draco asked unbelievingly

?Like a UV ray to a vampire, buddy.? Dawner put the potion into Draco?s hands.
?You take care Draco okay??
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(OoC: Im not done with Band of the Blood Moon yet. 2 More post from Dawner and me)

"Thank you so much Dawner. Just one tiny question." Draco said looking at the potion.

"And what might that be?" Dawner.

"How do I use this? Im no sourcerer you know." Draco.

(OoC: Sorry for the short post but Taki will have to respond before I finish up here.)
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?Just drink it silly? Dawner laughed, he would miss moments like these. ?And The only side affect is that when you?re in human form you?re a bit weaker than normal. The only thing you must do is think really hard and concentrate on changing into a human form. Once you drink this it will get into your system and stay there even embedding in your genetic code.?

Draco?s eyes started to get really watery. ?I don?t know how to thank you Dawn, you have no idea what this means to me.?

Dawner sniffed? Damn it why did Draco have to do this right now. He had no idea how much of a effort Dawner put into keeping his emotions at bay. ?Actually I do, Draco. And it was my pleasure.?

Draco lunged at Dawner picking him up in a big tight embrace. Low growls could be picked up from Dunan who was standing a few feet away with Anya.

?Hmmp! Dr-Draco!? Dawner managed.

?Oh sorry,?

?Its fine, I really don?t need lungs being dead and all but I still like having them? ya know for sentimental reasons? Dawneer smiled and Draco laughed. Dawner hugged Draco tightly.

?You take care of yourself mister? Dawner stood on his toes and kissed Draco jaw. ?I really hope your human form is a bit shorter.? They shared a laugh once again. Dunan and Anya joined Dawner.

?Well I guess we should be leaving? we have a train to snatch..? Dawner glared at Dunan. ?I mean catch. Heh heh.?

Dawn looked at the mansion one last time and side. Knowing this was a goodbye he couldn?t help but shed a few tears. What could the future possibly hold for him and the people he loved.
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Dunan placed his arm around Dawner, knowing that they would remain together until the end of time itself. The trio walked off, and headed to the nearby train station. They would be heading off to Paris, where Dunan's night club was waiting. Dunan had been away for awhile, and he needed to get back to it.

"Hey, Dunan?" Dawner started, looking peturbed. "What's Paris like?"

Dunan smiled. "It's the city of beauty and romance, my sweet. And being who we are, we'll have the entire city eating from the palms of our hands..."

Anya snorts. "Can you cut the lovey dovey crap? I think I'm going to vomit...."

"Anya.... be nice." Dunan scolded.

"I am being nice."

Dawner only rolled his eyes. The three now stood on the platform, and looked behind them, at the manor which would soon be devoid of life.

"It's such a shame...It's a beautiful mansion." Anya said.

"Anya, we'll become quite busy in the near future.... let's make sue we come back to visit."

"Dunan," Dawner said, tugging his coat."Think Dean will be alright?"

Dunan shrugged. "I don't know. He's strong, but... his heart is wavering. Even the strongest of people have moments of weakness, whether they're human or not. I have faith in that he'll pull through."

Dunan shrugged. "Besides, i told him he's welcome at my club anytime. He'll drop by eventually."
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(OoC: Lets hope my pc doesnt randomly shut off this time.)

Draco ran to the docks as fast as he could. Karyn was their so he relaxed a bit. He still had the potion in his hand. He drunk the potion and started to concentrate on being human.

After closing his eyes and reopening them, he didnt see his snout and no fur. Excitment isnt a word he oould say. This was a dream he thought could never have happened.
Draco walked up to Karyn and pulled her tail.

"Owch that hurts." Karyn.

"Did I pull too hard?" Draco

"Yes you did and who are you?" Karyn.

"Its me, Draco, Dawner gave this potion and now Im human." Draco.

"Thats great! Good for you." Karyn said looking said.

"You don't like me like this don't you." Draco.

"No, its not that. Its because we have to go our own ways." Karyn said.

Draco was rumminging through his bag and pulled a small box with a seal on it.

"Here, this is a promise that I will come back after Im done overseas." Draco holds the box out to her.

"Whats in the box?" Karyn said while looking at it.

"Thats for you to find out when I return. I got to go, my boats about to go withot me." Draco said.

"Alright, how will it take?" Karyn.

"If all goes right, 6 months. Please promise me you won't open it till then?" Draco said climbing the ladder to the boat.

"Yes, I promise. Have a safe journy." Karyn.

"I will and have fun running a clan." Draco said hopping over the rails.

"I hope so." Karyn.


Two weeks later.

"Finally we arrived at Port, Maine." Draco.

Unknown to Draco, the coal pit crew threw too much coal into the fire and ovrpreasurized the boilers. It got so great that it exploded and destroyed the ship.

Draco got hit in the head with a heavy peice of metal and was flung off the ship with his bag. When Draco came to he was in a bed on a boat.

"Where am I?" Draco said confused.

"Your onboard my fishing boat kid. The ship you where on blew up. Your lucky to survive." Mysterious stranger.

"Ok, I believe you but who am I?" Draco said.

"Hmm, just as I feared." Stranger.

"Whats wrong?" Draco.

"You have amnsesia. Do you know what that is?" Stranger.

"Sort of. Loss of long term memory." Draco.

"Correct. It might take years to recover your memories. The names Pet. The bag you had death grip on says Draco. Sothat must be your name." Pet.

"Draco, weird name but ok. Pet, could I stay and work for you?" Draco.

"I could use another strong back. Sure, tell you what. I'll give you a place to stay and some food." Pet.

"Thank you Pet. I shall never forget this." Draco.

(OoC: Ok, their it is.)
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