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Band of the Blood Moon (Mature)

Drizzt Do'urden

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?Well at least we know the innocents are not in the church,? Dean said before running his sword clean through the belly of a familiar and then ferociously thrusting it up splitting him in two. ?They would not have come out here so fast and in such a great number leaving their food supply unguarded?

Dawner took off his top hat and taped it with his wand. ?Incendius Lupinion? instantly a roaring fire exploding from the hat in the shape of a canine like fiend but with rabbit-ish long ears. It charged at a group of familiars.

?Or they?re just the weaker ones sent out to fight, the stronger guards could be protecting the? livestock? Dawner finally responded.

?You could be right Dawny? Dean said using a pet name Dawner hated but before Dawner could retort Dean grabbed him in a quick spinning motion avoiding a lunging familiar who met a swift in as Dawner shoved the stake with dead mans blood through his head. Dean laughed, ?That was not it?s intended use but quite effective, kudos.?

?Why thank you kind sir? Dawner grinned bowing slightly.

?We?re going to need a distraction to get in the church and do a quick search? Dean said wrinkling his brow in thought which made Dawner smile inwardly at Dean?s intentional charm.

?Leave it to me? Dawner repeated his spell summoning two more of his fire fiends.

?We?ll need to be quick, it wont hold for long and I?m starting to get drained from these advanced spells.?

?You should really start using your telekinesis it?s a great offence, I never understand why you don?t rely more on you psychic powers? Dean said thoughtfully as Dawner groaned, now was not the time to go into this again.

Dawner didn?t trust his psychic abilities as he did his arcane talents. Witchcraft was a bit simpler and had rules and text and laws which Dawner had always been comfortable operating in. He had always been book smart. His psychic powers on the other hand were out of control telekinesis was good on some days and off on others his empathic power was such a curse he never could turn it off only suppress it.

?Hello!? Dean waved his hands infront of Dawner bringing him back to earth. ?Now is not the time to space out, lets go? Dean said taking control of the situation. He grabbed Dawner?s wrist and nearly lifted him off his feet as they rushed in the church
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"Dawner." Dunan held up the ankh to his mouth. "Let Dean know there's a powerful vampire somewhere in the town. His name is Malachai. He's one of the most dangerous creatures on this planet, Dean should have heard of him, Malachai is in every hunter's bingo book. If we find Malachai, what does he want us to do?"

Dunan bent backward, avoiding a vampire's attack, then used his motion to pivot on one leg to bring the vampire smashing to the ground with his other. To onlookers, it looked like a morbid dance of death, beautiful in inspite of the blood being strewn everywhere.

"Let us waltz." Dunan said to the downed vampire. He picked up the vampire, and begin to smash him into various things. "My my, you just seem to have two left feet..." Dunan smiled, and snapped the vampires neck. "Oh dear... I think I broke him..." Dean finished the job on the vampire, and looked up to see several vampires coming around a corner, causing Duna to lose interest in his 'dance' partner.

"Oh man.. they just keep coming....
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[COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Calil huffed slightly at being paired with Sile but she quickly hid it as Dawner gave her a questioning look. Looking away she made sure her weapons were secure and began to walk in the direction Dean told her to go. She didn't wait for Sile but started out on her own not caring if Sile was behind her or not. She smelt the blood, she smelt the infected and she could hear them scuttling through the allies, she was unafraid. She looked back as the others broke off into their teams and watched as Dean left with his team as well, she raised her hand above her head and waved to them as they all walked in different directions.
"Watch your back everyone, we're being watched."
They all nodded and continued on to where they were going.

Now she sat on a roof adjacent from Sile keeping an eye out for anything suspicious, so far nothing but she was patient as she waited for something to happen. [/FONT][/COLOR]
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Dean pulled Dawner inside, at the alter of the church the scene was unfolding like something straight out of a twisted fairy tale. Just as the "heros" arrive the villians kill the captives off....and this is just as it was.

Standing at the twisted altar was 5 men, Dean could tell one was a vampire but couldn't tell which. As they duo finished the two familiars quickly, the others noted the carnage and decided the feast wasn't worth dying over.

Just as Dean turned the corner blood was flowing from the alter as throats were slit. Dean saw the last to die, a child was bitten by the man that was apparently the vampire.

Pulling Dawner into a doorway Dean was sure his face was as white as it seemed. "The redhead is a vampire Dawner, I'm pretty certain the others are familiars. But be careful."

Dean errupted from the closet, a new rage he hadn't felt in ages. He launched a throwing knife as he drew his katana. The deadly blade landed him and a familiar went down, it wasn't a killing blow but it was enough. Dean then cut to the right, and having battled together before, in training missions at least, Dawner cut the oppisite way into the other rows of pews.

Just before they got into battle Dawner called to Dean through their mindlink. "Dean, Dunan and them set off the bomb. Apparently the leader around here is Malachai." That was all Dean needed to here. "Dawner, send a message to everyone here. If they see a vampire with an upside down cross tatood on his face to RUN!" Dean lost focus and was tackled by one of the familiars.

His vampire strength still coursing through his veins he easily threw the familiar off of him, slicing him in half as he rose. He noted the vampire smiling at the top of the stairs. Seeing the redheaded vampire in full view it was easy to recognize him, it was the nest of vampires that turned Dean all those years ago. Which meant that Malachai wasn't the biggest threat afterall.
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"Run? Why would we do that? I mean, come on, seriously?" Dunan said aloud after hearing the psychic message.

Dunan shrugged. "Ah well. First things first." Dunan and his team finished off the vampires, and then set out once more.

"Draco? You realize that Malachai is the vampire that killed my maker? He's the ringleader here. But, something's not right. Why hasn't he shown himself? Is he letting his nest finish us off?"

Dunan peered into rooms, searching in what he knew was a hopeless endeavor. There were no survivors. He already knew that. He grit his teeth thinking about it.

"Hey, Karyn? Tell me, can you sense any life here? This place... seems like a trap."

"Yeah, I feel it too."

"Good, I was hoping it wasn't just my imagination." Dunan stopped, listening to a sound.

"That's..... a fuse! We have to get out of here!" Dunan ran down the hall, his acompanyment close behind. Dunan darted behind a corner, and ducked down. He grabbed Karyn, and used his body like a shield for her, just as a blast rocked the building. Dust came roaring at them, thick and choking. Dunan looked at Karyn, and smiled.

"You alright, Karyn?" He asked when the smoke and dust had partially cleared.

"Yes, I'm fine."

"Good." Dunan didn't know why he had instinctively grabbed her like that, but a distant memory came to him, of the family he no longer had. The family that had died centuries ago.

"I had a younger sister once, she died not long before I was changed... Her name was Sonya. She had died of the same disease I almost did." Dunan sat up, and offered his hand to help Karyn up. "She was alot like you, always bubbling, always a sweetheart. Forgive me my weakness to protect you." Dunan helped Karyn up.

The building began to echo with a gut wrenching groan, the floors and walls vibrating.

"Damn..." Dunan could feel the building shifting. He moved back to the gaping hole, several floors of the building were damaged, central supports and girders gone or fractured. "The building's superstructure is damaged. Looks like Town Hall isn't going to be standing much longer. One more blast, And we'll be buried under it. And this entire building is rigged. I don't think we're going to be finding anything else here other than decomposing bodies. My suggestion, Let's get the hell out of here."
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Coming around the corner, Draco saw Dunan grab Karyn and shield her like a bomb vest as the blast blew overthem. Then Draco went over to the two and picked them up.

[COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Dont bother looking for survivers. I can smell people and I only smell death. This whole town smells of death. Dunan, do me a favor. Dont waste your energy fighting these familiers and this weak vampires. Karyn, lets clear this place and find this Malachai for Dunan."[/COLOR]

Draco looked at them. His eyes where completly black. Either he was going alone or with Karyn.

[COLOR="Pink"]Karyn: "All right! Lets go get some action!"[/COLOR]

They both started walking down the hall, being carefull not to trip anymore IEDs.

(IED is short for Imporvised Explosive Devises for anyone who didnt know.)
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[FONT="Century Gothic"]As Sile waited with Calil, there appeared to be no one on the roof. Calil motioned for Sile to take the door while she would go into the vent. Sile nodded and opened the door and walked downstairs silently.

Sile looked around but there was no sign of anyone in the school. There were only blood stains in the hall. This was bad, the vampires probably cleared this place out. Sile holstered her épée and pulled out her katar. The school itself was cramped, so it wouldn't be a good place for anything besides close quarters fighting. Sile moved along past the bloody lockers only to hear the cries of children. It was probably a trap, but she had to check it out just in case.

Sile finally found the source of the cries. It was a group of children in the corner of a classroom. There was blood everywhere, just like in the hallways, but none of them seemed to be hurt. They were tied up and put in a circle, but for some suspicious reason none of them had been gagged. Why would the vampires do that? Unless of course they wanted her to find the kids...

All Sile knew is she didn't have much time left. She lifted her eyepatch and a portal opened from her damaged eye. All of the children slowly slid into it. She closed up her eyepatch after all the kids were in there and fell to the ground. Her nose started bleeding and she felt like she was going to cough up blood as well. Something was wrong, one of the kids wasn't what he or she seemed to be.

Sile had no time to concentrate on that however, someone was coming down the hall. Could it be Calil? Or someone else?[/FONT]

[B]OOC: I hope that's okay, Drizzt. If not, let me know and I'll make it longer.[/B]
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Draco turns a corner only to find about 10 "slaves" rushing at Karyn and him. He pushes Karyn behind him and them grabs one slave and rips him apart with his bare hands. Then he threw the torso and legs at the rest of the slaves nocking them down like a bowling ball hitting pins.

Draco then picks 3 of them and tosses them towards Karyn.

[COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Hey Karyn, heres three of them. Take care of them i you get what I mean."[/COLOR]

[COLOR="Pink"]Karyn: "Alright, about time I get someone."[/COLOR]

Draco felt bad not letting her kill something. He also felt pissed off about Dunan killing things while they sat in the back ground.

These slaves wherent that much of a threat considering how freaking weak they are. It wasnt even much of a fair fight for him. More like a warm up.

[COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Hey Dunan, is their any real vampires in this group of slaves? Im tired of mowing these things down."[/COLOR]
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[quote name='Dragons Wolfie']Draco felt bad not letting her kill something.[/QUOTE]

For some reason, I found this hilarious! XD

Karyn looked at the three that Draco had tossed her. Cracking her knuckles, she took a step forward.

"Time to prove who's stronger here..." she murmured. One of the weaklings rushed at her. She stuck her foot out at the last second, driving it into the slave's stomach area. While the slave gasped for air, Karyn delivered a jab straight to his temple, sending his head actually flying right off. Karyn admired her work until her left ear twitched. Both of the remaining drones were starting to circle her. Deciding not to wait for them to come to her, Karyn leapt forward and drove her claws into one of the weak creature's neck. Next, she roundhouse kicked said creature's head right off. Karyn quickly turned around only to be greeted by a nasty little drone that had tried to jump her from behind. She quickly ducked, sending the disgusting creature hurtling into Draco's back. Karyn gasped as an agitated looking Draco turned his head. "Ah, uhm...sorry about that... I was just about to kill it!" she said quickly. Draco sighed and lightly kicked the slave in the face, sending it skidding back to Karyn. Karyn kicked the sprawling monster's head off like a soccer ball. "Okay! But guys, I have a [B]really[/B] bad feeling... I think we should get out of here and await further instructions from Dean." she muttered, looking around. Draco nodded. Dunan hesitated a bit, wanting to find the vampire who had killed his maker and slay him, but eventually he too nodded. Now they just needed to find a way out without running into more trouble and getting killed...
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Karyn, Dunan, and Draco started to look for an exit killing any slave that got in their way. It was like a maze, hall way after hall way. It felt like hours fighting off the slaves and running down hall ways. Then it hit Draco, they have been running around in a circle.

[COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco:"Hey Dunan, Karyn, we have been running in circles!"[/COLOR]

[COLOR="Blue"]Dunan: "Are you kidding me?"[/COLOR]

[COLOR="Pink"]Karyn: "We have to get out."[/COLOR]

Draco stopped and looked around. Then he pushed the two out of the way and started to rip the floor out to drop down a floor to the main floor.

[COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Hey, do me a favor. Keep those slaves off me."[/COLOR]

They both nodded and started to kill slave after slave while Draco tore the floor a new hole. About 10 minutes later Draco finally got threw the floor and dropped down. Dunan and Karyn followed suit. They landed in the main hall where the big front doors are. Their they saw the rigged door with explosives.

[COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Dunan grab a slave and toss him at the door. That should open it and let us escape."[/COLOR]

[COLOR="Blue"]Dunan: "Great idea. Alright stand back. Lets dance."[/COLOR]

Dunan grabs a slave and starts to twirl with him. Then tosses him at the door and runs to Draco and Karyn who are hiding behind a wall. BOOM! The whole building started to shake and collapse.

[COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Ok, that wasnt what I planned. Everyone get out now!"[/COLOR]
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Dunan seized Draco and Karyn, And leaped for the doors, barely making it out, before several more chained explosions brought the building down.

"Well then..." Dunan looked at the tangled expansion of broken wood and metal before him. "I hope they have bomb insurance..."

Dunan looked around, there were familiars encroaching on them.

Off in the distance, Dunan heard a clock tower chiming the hour.

"The city clock tower..." he muttered, and peered at the tower. It was built high, from the top, the entire town could be easily seen. "Hey, you two, I think I've just discovered where the big bad boss man is..." He pointed to the tower, and his eyes scaned the face of the building, his pupils expanding and shrinking as his vision became binocular.

Focusing on the clock faces, he saw what he was loking for, a man with a tattoo on his face.

"Found you.." Turning to his team members, he jerked his thumb at the clocktower over his shoulder. "That's where Malachai is hiding. He's taken the highest vantage point to direct any assault against us."

He smiles, and bowed his head, shrugging. "Predictable. It's warfare 101. Take the highest ground. So, what do we do? We bring the fight to him." Dunan jumped up, and into the smoking debris of Town hall, and several grinding noises could be heard as he shifted the rubble around, before he appeared with a plaque, with a map of the city bound in it.

"I think this might be useful."
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Dawner ran towards the familiars and using his telekinesis he propelled himself toward the largest of the three. Dawner had kicked him with so much force that the familiar was throne out of the window. Dawner threw a vial of ink onto the floor, as it smashed he used his powers to form a glyph. This was a trick he perfected just for occasions like these where he couldn?t take his time with chalk to draw magical symbols. This way was quick and quit flashy.

? Athena, Goddess of war, brandish your sword. I wish my enemies no more.? As Dawner finished his incantation a brilliant yellow orb of light was released from the glyph. Dawner raised his hand and the light went soaring up out of view, just as the familiars began charging at him he brought his hand down pointing at them and the orb had came down in the shape of a giant sword of light. The light sword fell upon the monsters with a crash and flash of hot light, when the blinding light subsided all that was left was a smoking burnt spot on the floor. Magically drain Dawner stumbled and grab hold to a pew to keep from falling.

?Come on, pull yourself together Dawn? He told himself shaking his head. Dawner turn toward Dean sensing he was in trouble he began to run to him but was cut off as the redheaded vampire jumped in front of him. Suddenly Dawner felt this immense pressure all around him and his head felt as if it would explode all this a result of the Vampire trying to telepathically crush Dawner?s mind. Dawner fell to his knees in pain screaming.
?I?ve come to far to die like this? he thought as the Vampire approached him slowly, fangs bared. ?Not far enough little one? the vamp answered out loud.

?Get out of my head? Dawner said through gritted teeth. ?GET OUT? As he screamed these word he unknowingly but by his strong will created a psychic blast that repelled everything that was in 20 feet of him. The vampire and his familiars including Dean were thrown back, some tumbling on the floor and others smashing into a wall as did the Vampire.

Dawner got up slowly and shaking after he found his balance. ?Oh no? Dean? Dawner started to walk towards him but his legs gave out. ?Damn it? Dean had been thrown near the alter. Dawner began to get up again still shaking but able to walk he went to Dean only to be cut off by the Vampire again.

?You will not stand in my way? Dawner said venomously his eyes showing such fury they had a faint glow of arcane energy. Dawner saw past the vamp and looked at Dean who was standing making hand gestures behind the Vamp supposedly trying to relay a plan.
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Dean finally gave up on signaling Dawner. He wanted Dawner to hit the vamp with the blood soaked stake, instead he decided to take matters into his own hands.

Dean rushed the vamp from behind, drawing the stake as he closed in. Just as he reached the vamp and swung the stake, it turned, kicking Dean in the chest sending him flying.

"Dead man's blood eh? Never thought YOU'D use that tactic on a vampire. After what we did to you." The vampire's deap throated laugh sent Dean's head spinning.

"What's he mean Dean?" Dawner asked, Dean could see him bringing the stake out from behind his back.

"Malachai locked Deanie boy here up in an Iron maiden, each spike dipped in Dead man'sblood. He left him in there for a week....oh his screams filled us with such joy." The vampire's fangs descended as he spoke, Dean could see his lips quivering as the fangs pushed against them.

"Now I'm going to turn you again, and let you feast on your team." The vampire charged Dean, full bore. Luckily for Dean the knowledge of his retained strength wasn't well known yet.

As the vampire closed Dean locked his legs giving himself a strong base. As they crashed, Dean pushed forward with all his strength knocking the vampire backwards where Dawner stood, stake in hand.

His scream was as horrible as his laugh. Dean couldn't help feel a little bad, he knew the burning, draining, stabbing sensation the blood made all throughout your body.

"Looks like you underestimated us a little. Now tell me is 'He' here?" Dean was right up in his face, which was now paler then it had been.

"You'll be finding out soon enough I suppose." A coughing fit took over.

Without another word the vampire slowly reached into his coat, withdrawing a miners detonator. It was then Dean noticed the wires trailing from the vampire into the areas of the Pews, where apparent hidden explosives lie in wait.

The sickening hand crept to the top of the Detonator. "Dawner, RUN!" Dean dropped the vamp and tore towards the nearest window. Dawner's footsteps were all he could hear. They crashed through windows simultaneously just as the Church burst into flames.

Dean sat on the cold ground and looked over to Dawner who had an odd smile on his face. "What are you smiling about?"

Dean couldn't fight back a smile when Dawner replied. "I know you said beheading them was the only way to kill them, but do you think that did the trick?"
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Dawner?s head was throbbing as Dean picked him yet he still gave a reassuring smile saying he was fine.
?Have everyone meet at the square? Dean said. Dawner contacted every one relaying the massage, ?Alright team lets regroup at the square?

?Do you think Malachia will show himself Dean? Dawner said wanting to hold his side as they ran towards the center of the town.

?It?s hard to say? Dean said not phased by running and talking at the same time? ?Vampires have it so good? Dawner thought.
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Dunan's team had receiced the telepathic message to meet up in the square, so he dusted himself off and the three of them made their way to the others.

"Dean! Dawner!" Dunan exclaimed, and hopped over a bloody "Welcome to..." sign. IT had been broken, and the remainder was covered in coagulated blood.

"It's nice to see the two of you are unscathed."

"And you're covered in soot."

"Yeah well, when you're the cause of several explosions... you'll have that." Dunan peered at Dawner, and bent forward, and smiled, his face level with Dawner's.

"Nice to see ya again, honey." Dunan licked Dawner's cheek, just to make him squeal. "Oh come on! It was a JOKE!" Dunan laughed, pointing at Dawner hiding behind Dean.

"NOT FUNNY!" Dunan just laughed some more, and between hurried breaths, he said, "I thought it was.."

"Dunan." Dean was all buisness. "You know where Malachai is?"

"Of course. He's in the clock tower. Not exactly a smart move."

Dawner cocked his head, peering out from behind Dean. "Why?"

"It's predictable. I would have taken the school as my base, and kept the kids alive, to make sure their scent was still wafting around." Dunan sniffed the breeze blowing, it was coming downwind frm the school.

"Hmph. Looks like school's going to be out for summer and then some..." Dunan could smell everything he needed to know.

"Looks like the kids were the last to be killed...Pity. A fool's move. He has no bargaining chips, but he's hoping we're stupid. Apparently, he didn't count on so many factors in this fight, like me. By now, he's spotted me from his roost, but his plans remain unchanged. He still thinks he's as powerful over me as I am to humans. Too bad for him. It is a miscalculation he will pay dearly for."

Dunan grit his teeth, his eyes flaring red, his jovial mannerism changing.

"And he has no comprehension of the power of vengeance. He will pay for the killing of my maker... and of the slaughter of all of these people..." Dunan turned to look at the devastated village. "I despise vampires like Malachai...." Dunan turned to look at Dean. "I will enjoy his dying screams as I feast on his throat. Would that be so wrong?" Dunan smiled wide, his tongue sliding like a snake to and from, his teeth ringing it like spikes. Shaking himself back to his more human form, Dunan looked to the clock tower. He was just itching to run and over take it. "So, Fearless Leader, what's the plan?" Dunan took another step. "Vampire blood, at least to me, is kind of like a rare treat, like fresh cool watermelon on a warm summer's night... Please don't deprive me of such a treat." Dunan smiled at the thought of making Malachai beg for mercy he didn't deserve, of making him feel the same as all his victims had.

"I will make him feel like hell is a welcome respite after I'm done with him."
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[B]OOC: Sorry this took so long, I couldn't post on Saturday so thanks guys for moving this along.[/B]

Calil and Sile were the last to arrive in the town square where plans were already being made.

"Nice of you ladies to join us." Dunan's sarcasm was driving Dean crazy.

"Shut the hell up Dunan." Sile was obviously not in a mood to be messed with "Dean, I sent about 20 kids to the mansion. Though there was 1 waiting....1 that was turned."

Dean didn't need to hear anymore. It was always hard to kill a turned child, normally it was a deed Dean didn't expose Sile too. For all her bluster, she was more human then he could ever hope to be.

"Listen, we're dealing with 2 VERY powerful forces here. As Dunan said, a vampire by the name of Malachai, and his boss." This caused even Dunan's eyebrow to raise. Head vampires don't answer to anybody.

"There is another by the name of Holdren. A powerfull possessed human psychic. He's telekenetic, telepathic, and far more dangerous then anything any of you have ever faced...." Dean was interupted by something slaming him from the side, launching him into the rest of the group.

Standing before the group was Malachai. The vampire both Dunan and Dean had been searching for.

"Dean....Dunan. Well this is certainley unexpected...or rather not. Holdren had you pegged as soon as you arrived. Though I'm sad to say he didn't wish to stick around and observe the slaughter."

Malachai wasn't what you'd expect from a normal vampire. most were of average size, and maintained that. From years of serving a demonic master and being endowed all sorts've extra abilities and enhanced strenght. Malachai had become a powerfull psychic. But more then that he'd become a monster of a man. Over 8 feet tall he made Draco seem just average. His arms and legs could crush the strongest in a single blow.

What was worse, was the gathering of vampire's that closed in on them. Dean counted quite a few, of course the bulk were just recentally turned, they would still pose a serious threat.

"One moment my children." Malachai clapped his hands, apparently inacting a spell he'd cast on the area.

The ground shook, twisted, distorted. Then at once stopped. Next, one by one giant pillars exploded behind the vampires. Pillars of solid stone grew side by side, closing off any hope of escape the group had. Leaving only the team, 10 lesser vampires, that Dean was sure were "special" in their own rights, and Malachai. Things didn't look up for the team.. not at all.

[B]OOC: Okay we're finally back together, but not a moment to enjoy each other's company. It's time for us to see what we're made of. Remember, vampires are strong, and these have all sort's of assorted powers (I'll let you pick what they have.) We're going to take on one at a time (1 on 1 combat.) I'd like the single combat to take on 1, but no more then 2 posts. [/B]

[B]Show everybody what you got, I'm going to be using this for future plannings. Make sure everybody finishes before you get on to the next opponent.[/B]
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[COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Calil wasted no time in starting the fight she knew was bound to happen any way and she was not one to wait around and let some one else make first blood. Jumping upward she smiled slightly as a young man met her face to face in mid air.
"Your different."
She smiled sadistically.
"You noticed?"
She fired her gun across her back which launched her forwards and towards the vampire in waiting. She hit him hard from the front catching him off guard and punched him hard in the mouth as he brought his head down to bite on her arm.
"Nice try blood sucker."
She blinked as he suddenly was gone, the hair on the back of her neck stood on end as he was behind her, breathing down her neck.
"You were saying girl?"
She landed on the ground facing him and growled, putting her pistol away she did a quick glance around and saw everyone else engaging as well. She pulled out her sword and took a battle stance, her weight on her back leg and her blade point down ready for an upward slash. She froze as his voice once again came from behind her.
"Well now, alittle slow aren't we?"
"What the hell are you?"
"I have an ability that allows me to slow down time just enough to get behind my enemy and kill them with no problem. I call it flash step."
"Fancy, but I'll kill you regardless."
She spun around bringing her blade with her and smiled as a piece of his shirt hung on the blade.
"Your faster than you let on girlie."
"There's a lot to me that you don't know about."
She smiled fully and watched as he blinked seeing fangs that she his so well by never smiling.
"There alot more to me than meets the eye."
She dropped the smile and hit him head on making him take a step back. Letting out a dark laugh she followed him letting her feral nature take over, her eyes took on a redish tint and her movement gained momentum. After slamming into him a good dozen times he began to read her attacks and flash stepped behind her, her only clue to this tactic was his scent that moved whenever he did. Following it was not easy and she groaned as his super sharp nails raked over her skin dozens of times. But he was not walking away unscathed either, every hit he took bruised him, broke something or sliced open his thin pale skin. They were toying with each other and everyone who looked in on the fight could tell that they were just getting started.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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Dunan stepped forward, and motioned to Dean. "This won't be any real challenge, the hardest part about this fight is dealing with their stench."

Dunan peeped around, and came face to face with a woman who was very beautiful, despite her ghastly appearance of being covered in blood.

"So I see you enjoy torture..." Dunan commented.

"Yes...and I'll love torturing you too..." She withdrew a blade from her riped and torn dress, and Dunan only smiled.

"Aw, baby.... Only four inches?"

The woman lashed at him, shrieking, "You'll feel me!"

Dunan side stepped her, and grasped her hair, smiling widely as he bent her back, exposing her throat. "Foolish child. You beleive you can kill me? Only those who are consumed by stupidity charge to their deaths."

Dunan opened wide, and tore into her neck, ripping chunks and blood flying everywhere. Dunan dropped her, and she crumpled to the ground, holding her hand to Malachai. "h-help..... me..."

"There is no help for you." Dunan twisted her head off, and threw it at Malachai.

"You're next..."

Dunan turned to see a young man, his teeth bared.

"Aww... look, he's mad." Dunan taunted, his face dripping the woman's blood. "Come get some."

The vampire charged, and Dunan was just barely able to dodge. The man turned, and charged again, this time ripping Dunan's arm open.

"So you're faster than average. Interesting."

"I'm gonna rip your throat out..."

"Many people have said that to me. You see that I'm very much alive."

"Not for much longer." Dunan watched as the man charged again, and this time Dunan moved just quick enough to avoid having his heart removed.

"You die now.."

Dunan coughed up blood, thick and black. "You will have no such pleasure as dispersing me, you ass!"

Dunan reached up and grasped the man's arm, and yanked.

Hard. Really hard.

With a sickening POP the man's arm severed, and Dunan staggered back, blood pouring from a hole in his chest. He fell to one knee, and smiled.

"You're more of a challenge than I thought..."
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Karyn looked around desperately. Nobody had charged at her yet. She was waiting for an opponent when she saw Dunan fall to his knee. He was bleeding badly. Karyn heard an animalistic shriek that she barely recognized as her own. Her mind was in a haze as she charged at the armless vampire that was staggering from the pain of losing a limb. She saw herself punching a hole right through the vampire's stomach, but she was numbed by the thoughts of Dunan smirking, Dunan starring at Draco's ears, Dunan shielding her and telling her about his sister, Sonya. Karyn was seething with fury.

Suddenly, the numbness went away. The hairs on the back of Karyn's neck stood up, and she ducked. Looking up, she saw a female vampire. The vampire had straight, black-as-ink hair that went down to her ankles and cold, heartless black eyes. Karyn saw the vampiress' mouth move as if she were speaking, but Karyn's ears were blocking out sounds as of now. Karyn didn't even wait for the blood-sucker's mouth to stop moving. She gave an angry, agitated howl and morphed into her rarely-used wolf form. Sprinting forward, she saw the vampiress' hands suddenly become surrounded by flames. A pyro... Karyn dodged the fire balls and leaped upward. She saw the horror on the vampiress' face, and it was wonderful. Karyn proceeded to rip the vampiress' face clean off and spit it out.

As the woman lay bleeding on the ground, Karyn trotted over to Dunan. He looked up at her with a bit of surprise. Karyn sniffed at Dunan's shoulder, and bit it lightly. The bite was one of the very few abilities Karyn had inherited from her full-blooded father. But unlike a full-blood's bite, hers could only turn the bitten party into a wolf [I]pup[/I] for about half an hour; even vampires or hybrids or whatnot, just not a full-blooded werewolf. After Dunan had turned into a pup (a really degrading thing that she was sure he'd yell at her for later), Karyn turned back into her human with wolf ears and a tail form.

She scooped Dunan up and looked at everybody else fight. She was determined to protect her injured friend. There was a plus side to being bitten by Karyn. When the bitten party turns into a pup, they are healed. They do not retain the injuries they may have in their other form. And any injuries they receive in the pup form are null and void once they turn back into their old form. Karyn sighed and thought about how glad she was that her half-blood self could be helpful to her comrades.
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Dunan kiiled one vampire, pretty to boot, and was taking care of of another one. Sile was in a battle with a fast one and seemed to be taking a hit. So 2 out of 10 lesser vampires and Malachai are left. Eventually everyone inclding himself would be fighting a lesser vampire. Draco wanted a crack shoot a Malachai for being taller than him. But that would have to wait, a short vampire jumped in front of him.

Draco was guessing she was about 4'9". She was pretty too. Didnt look younger than 13. Draco hated hitting any girl even if she was a vampire. He looks down at her and kneels.

[COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Hey little girl. I don't want to hurt you and dont I know you from somwhere?"[/COLOR]

She stares into his eyes.

[COLOR="DarkPurple"]Lafeil: "I want to hurt you and No I dont know you."[/COLOR]

She leaps into the air and comes down for a high kick to the head. Draco dodges and jumps up higher than she did. He looks down and she was gone. Draco was looking around to find her. Next thing he knew, he got hit in the back of the head by her. Landing face first, he got back up and turned around. Again another kick to the head. Staggering back, but not falling down, she was quite agile for being soo small.

[COLOR="Green"]Dean: "Draco, just dont stand their. Fight back!"[/COLOR]

Draco knew he had to hit her but just enough to nock her out. Unless she doesnt back down then he would have to get serious. She then pulled a dagger out of her belt and slashed my chest deep. He grabbed his chest, and dodged another slash attack. I grabbed her hand and throw her to the ground. She got back up and lunged toward him again.

[COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Please stop fighting me. This is pointless, im taller and Im stronger than you."[/COLOR]

[COLOR="DarkPurple"]Lafiel: "I will kill you. I must kill you."[/COLOR]

Again she lunges towards him. Draco has no choice but to get really serious about the fight. He grabbed her again, this time he jumps so high everyone seemed liked kids.

[COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "I do remember you now. about 185 years ago. You where just about 12. What happened to you?"[/COLOR]

Draco then threw her down to the ground making a big creator. She got up and didnt seem to have a scratch. He was also feeling a little dizzy from the gash on his chest. If he could get her to stay down for just a minute. He could grab the the med kit and try to slow the bleeding.

[COLOR="DarkPurple"]Lafeil: "I changed, Im not the girl you used to know. Now DIE!"[/COLOR]
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Dean grimmaced as Draco took off with the female vampire. [I]"You idiot, you're going to get yourself killed."[/I]

"I think you should be more worried about yourself getting killed traitor." A thin vampire was standing in front of Dean. He was so thin Dean swore his ribs would pop right out of his chest.

"I was never one of you. So therefore, not a traitor. I am interested in where you all got these nifty powers from though." Dean slowly drew out his katana as he spoke.

"Lord Malachai bestowed these gifts from master Hodren just for this occasion. I'm eager to try mine out, so let's quit dawdling." The vampire lept at Dean, slamming him with the full force of his body.

Dean braced himself, the force of the vampire almost knocking him over. Dean kicked off the vampire, did a back roll, and launched the stake he used to subdue the redhead just a short while before.

Dean rolled to his feet, expecting to see the vamp. on the ground screaming. Instead he was standing there, holding the stake in his hand. Somehow he anticipated and sidestepped the attack. There was only 1 way that could've been.

"Telepathic eh?" Dean tried not to sound worried. Now every move he made would be read before hand....unless. Well it was a stretch but worth a try. Dean readied his blade and charged, either to victory or death.
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Dunan and Karyn watched, time ticking by. Time was not their ally at the moment, all of Dunan's power had faded in this new form, he wouldn't be much use. He looked around, and spotted a vampire sneaking up on Karyn. Dunan leaped away from Karyn, lunging at the vampre, floating a few inches above the ground, so she wouldn't be able to hear him. He bit into the guy's throat, frothing at the mouth.

"Some one get this rabid mutt off me!" The Vampire batted at Dunan, before ripping him off and throwing him into the air. The vampire lashed out, sending Dunan hurtling into a wall. He let out a yelp, before dropping to the ground.

"Dunan!" Karyn shrieked. Dunan lied motionless on the ground, his fur ruffling in the breeze, his eyes closed.

"You're next, little girl." The vampire encroached on Karyn, seizing her and bending her to his will. Dunan stirred, his body rippling as he returned to his normal self. He began to gasp and grunt, his wolfish features beginning to fade away, his muzzle shrinking, his fur disappearing. Seeing that Karyn was in danger, he launched himself, using the wall as leverage. Dunan came flying into the fray again, and grasped the vampire.

"GET YOUR HANDS OFF HER!" Dunan began to rend the vampire limb from limb, Dunan tossing the chunks of flesh aside and grasping more. His eyes seethed with the darkness he knew himself to possess, he flew into a rage, he cannot be stopped. All the while, he steadily growing more and more powerful as The werewolf faded from his system.

The vampire screamed in agony as he was being torn apart, causing everyone, good and bad, to pause in their own fights. Even Malachai, high and mighty as he was, looked on in horror.

Dunan still tore away at the poor vampire, even after his dying screams faded. Soon enough, Dunan turned, his face covered in blood, the vampire's heart danging from his clawed hand. Dunan Tossed it over his shoulder, and smiled.

Malachai looked as if he was staring into his own open grave. Dunan began to take slow deliberate steps, speaking, his voice a loud growl, his movements like some twisted god of death.

"You killed Vahn. You have slaughtered an entire village for nothing more than your own merriment. You've crossed my path once more. A mistake that has cost you your life."

Malachai took a step back, before masking his own fear. "Look boys and girls... it's little Dunan, my how he's grown."

Dunan cocked his head, his eyes red as blood, all traces of the sweetheart gone.

"Dunan..?" Dawner made a step for him, but Dunan only stared at Malachai. His ears could hear nothing but the racing heart of the one before him.

"Last time we saw you, you were lapping Vahn's blood off the floor like a lowly dog."

"And you see how strong it has made me. Now, you die."

Dunan ducked forward, moving far too quickly for human eyes to see. He jumped into the air in front of Malachai, using his momentum to kick him in the chest. Malachai reels from the blow, And Dunan used his backward momentum now to flip onto his hands, bringing his legs down into a crouch.

"Let's play....." Dunan cackled.

OOC: okay, Dunan's gone crazy.....Can I kill Malachai?

Can I can I can I? Pretty pretty please?*pouts*
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Dawner started towards Dunan to help try and snap him out of his berserker like stage; suddenly he was knocked off his feet to the opposite wall hard. There was a giggle then a man stepped up to Dawner followed by a taller, slimmer man who looked slightly crazed.

?Where do you think you?re going little Red?? the taller man said,

? Hugo, this one doesn?t look much of a fight.? Said the shorter guy, who had place his foot on Dawner?s chest to keep him down and it was very effective. Dawner felt as if a truck was sitting on top of him. ?G.. Get of me? He struggled but to no avail.

?Oh no Huey, I see fire in his eyes he has spunk? Hugo said

?I?ll show you fire? Dawner aimed his wand at Huey?s face ?Incendio? Fire blast the man a couple feet away. Dawn windmill kick his way onto his hands and brought his legs down standing up? being in the circus you learn a few things.

?Ooo? witchcraft, and strong magic too. Very nice.? Huey said standing up, he had a gapping hole in his mid section.

?Brother you best regenerate? Commanded Hugo the elder brother.

?Yes brother.? Huey took off the gloves he was wearing and Dawner could see the strange aura shrouding them.

Dawner held his wand up. ?That?s enough out of you? Hugo said, ?Sel In?mute Len?cea?

Dawner?s throat felt as if it was on fire, he tried to scream out but no words came. Huey picked him up coking him, and as Huey tried to squeeze the life out of him he was stealing Dawner?s life force and the hole in his chest began to seal up.

Dawner focused with all his might then released the energy around him knocking Huey and Hugo on their butts.

This time he had no magic, just psychic abilities, and wit.

?This is going to be hard? He thought to himself.
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[B]OOC: Malachai is more then any one person can handle. Plus remember, chibi's bite turned you into a wolf pup, so I doubt you'd even be able to scratch him. Sit tight, still 7 vampires to go.[/B]

Dean's plan was either about to make or break him. He lunged at the vampire, he swung his blade in a wide arc. The vampire easily dodge, planting a firm kick in Dean's chest sending him realing straight into Calil.

Apparently thinking him to be an enemy Calil turned with a kick sending Dean sailing. "Oh Dean sorry." She reached down and helped him up.

"Are we going to finish this girlie?" Her vampire combatant hissed.

"Looks like somebodies in a hurry to die." Dean shot her a grin, everybody knew how he felt about killing vampires. It wasn't hard to figure he'd be a little happy about the situation.

Dean turned and rushed his vamp. Up until this point, every move he made was already anticipated, hopefully this one wouldn't be. Dean began swung his blade low, as expected the vampire jumped over it. As he spun through the attack he thought to himself [I]"Feint high and swing low."[/I]

Coming through the spin Dean came high. The vampire lept, assuming Dean was going to switch his attack low. Instead Dean kept his momentum, his blade dug in deep into the vampire. Severing his arm and digging halfway into his abdomen.

"You bastard!" Dean discerned from the screaming. "How did you?"

Dean put his foot in the chest of the vamp, and ripped his blade out. The sound was sickening sweet, it even made Dean smile. "It's amazing how a beautiful woman can even make a vamp break his concentration." Dean glanced at Calil as she was fighting the vampire that moved so fast Dean hoped she'd be alright.

"Malachai will feast on your friends flesh." The last words the vamp ever spoke as Dean took his head.

Dean looked around to see how his friends were fairing, that's when he noticed the big vampire approaching Karyn from behind. Dean charged towards her. "Karyn, DOWN!" Dean called, at once Karyn hit the dirt and Dean vaulted off her back landing a kick in the vampires chest. Only to have himself knocked back by the vampires strength.

"I may need some help with this one Karyn." Dean called to the young wolf. "Hey where's Dunan?" Karyn pointed to the small werewolf standing in front of Malachai. "He killed one, but the little guy just doesn't know when to quit."

Dean couldn't help but smile a bit. It was like Dunan to want to go for it all, but if he didn't break up the fight he WOULD die....
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"Karyn, quick! Grab Dunan before he does something [I]really[/I] stupid!" shouted Dean. Karyn nodded, running toward Dunan. She grabbed him by the scruff of the neck and turned back toward Dean.

"DEAN, CAAATCH!!!" she called out as she tossed Dunan to Dean. Dunan yelped, which could probably be translated into cursing. Dean caught the vampire-turned-were-pup.

"Cool it, Mr. Bloodlust, or you'll get us [I]all[/I] killed." Dean huffed, turning to face the most enormous lug of a vampire he had ever seen. "On second thought... SICK 'IM, DUNAN!" hollered Dean, tossing Dunan at the vampire's head. Karyn half expected the plan to not work, but it appeared that the vampire was very, very, VERY slow speed-wise in exchange for being equally as strong. (She hadn't determined his intelligence yet.) Dunan snarled as he clawed and bit into the slow vampire's face. When the vampire was about to rip Dunan off, Karyn leaped up and snatched him away before he could.

"Dean! This guy seems like a dumb muscle! Let's sandwhich 'im!" Karyn called across the vampire to Dean. Dean nodded in agreement. Karyn charged at the vampire's right side while Dean charged left. The vampire simply tensed up. When Karyn hit, she was bounced right off the giant. Dean, however, had more luck when he stuck his sword into the beast of a blood-sucker. The vampire howled in rage and went for Dean, who was now struggling to get his weapon [I]out[/I] of the monster.

"Karyn! A little help here?!" he yelled toward the half-werewolf who was still a little dizzy from being knocked off the vampire.

"Okay! This guy's strong! But we're stronger!" Karyn proclaimed, running toward the giant vampire with Dunan slightly ahead. The two jumped onto the vampire's back. Dunan climbed to the monster's shoulder and began tearing into it. Karyn was searching te vampire's spine, looking for that one vertibrae...

Suddenly, the vampire tumbled to the ground. Dean had gotten his weapon and himself off in time. From under the vampire's body crawled the blood-covered Karyn and Dunan. "I yanked out the section of the spine in his neck!" Karyn explained, grinning from ear to ear. Suddenly, the Dunan pup trembled a little, then morphed back into the regular Dunan. "Oh, would you look at that!" Karyn exclaimed. "I guess my bite only works for about 15 minutes on really strong vampires. About half the time as other things." she mused.

"Ah, it feels good to be back in my usual body..." Dunan sighed.

"I think it's a shame. I mean, really! You were so much cuddlier as a puppy!" Karyn whined. Dean just smiled and turned to check on the others.
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