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Band of the Blood Moon (Mature)

Drizzt Do'urden

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[COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Hey Karyn, Can you get her off me for a minute so I can close this wound?"[/COLOR]

[COLOR="DarkGreen"]Karyn: "Sure thing just give me a minute."[/COLOR]

Draco turns his head to see the vampire landing another kick on his chest. He dodge and hits her down to the ground. Then picks her up and kicks her towards Karyn. Karyn then begins to pund the hell out of her and Draco runs over to Dawner.

[COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Dawner, do you have a med kit?"[/COLOR]

[COLOR="Blue"]Dawner: "Catch Draco! Becarefull thats the only med kit we have!"[/COLOR]

Draco caught the med kit and began to use it on the wound on his chest. The liquid that was in the kit stinged so bad that Draco howled so loud that everyone (and I mean everyone) looked at Draco.

[COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "What? It hurts."[/COLOR]

Everyone went back to fighting and Draco continued to heal his wound. While healing his wound which was pretty deap, He remembered that that little vampire was the one who killed his parents when He was just a youngling.

A feeling that he hasnt felt since that day began to come up. It was more than rage that he showed in the City Hall. It was power but everything became hazy. Names and faces started to dissapear and this urge to kill everything began to set in.

His eyes glowed red and his nails in his hand started to resimbled claws from were-wolves. He went over to Karyn and the vampire and grab the vampire by the hair.
Then he tossed her like a rag doll in the air. Before she can recover from the toss, Draco was above her and started to beat the (I hope cursing is allowed) shit out of her.

Then grabs her by the throat and throws her to the ground so hard that it would liquified any normal vampire. Finally she showed signs of damage. Holding her arm and spitting out blood. Draco wasnt done yet. Dropping infront of her she began to plea for her life.

[COLOR="DarkPurple"]Lafeil: "Please spare my life!"[/COLOR]

[COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Did you show any mercy has my parents plead for their lives when you killed them? No, and I wont either. Your life ends here and now!"[/COLOR]

She trys to run but Draco cuts her off. He grabs an arm and rips it right off and continues to tear her apart. Draco didnt stop their, he didnt stop till she was a small peice. Covered in blood, he looks for his next victim.
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[quote name='Dragons Wolfie'][COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Hey Karyn, Can you get her off me for a minute so I can close this wound?"[/COLOR]

[COLOR="DarkGreen"]Karyn: "Sure thing just give me a minute."[/COLOR]

Draco turns his head to see the vampire landing another kick on his chest. He dodge and hits her down to the ground. Then picks her up and kicks her towards Karyn. Karyn then begins to pund the hell out of her and Draco runs over to Dawner.

[COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Dawner, do you have a med kit?"[/COLOR]

[COLOR="Blue"]Dawner: "Catch Draco! Becarefull thats the only med kit we have!"[/COLOR]

Draco caught the med kit and began to use it on the wound on his chest. The liquid that was in the kit stinged so bad that Draco howled so loud that everyone (and I mean everyone) looked at Draco.

[COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "What? It hurts."[/COLOR]

Everyone went back to fighting and Draco continued to heal his wound. While healing his wound which was pretty deap, He remembered that that little vampire was the one who killed his parents when He was just a youngling.

A feeling that he hasnt felt since that day began to come up. It was more than rage that he showed in the City Hall. It was power but everything became hazy. Names and faces started to dissapear and this urge to kill everything began to set in.

His eyes glowed red and his nails in his hand started to resimbled claws from were-wolves. He went over to Karyn and the vampire and grab the vampire by the hair.
Then he tossed her like a rag doll in the air. Before she can recover from the toss, Draco was above her and started to beat the (I hope cursing is allowed) shit out of her.

Then grabs her by the throat and throws her to the ground so hard that it would liquified any normal vampire. Finally she showed signs of damage. Holding her arm and spitting out blood. Draco wasnt done yet. Dropping infront of her she began to plea for her life.

[COLOR="DarkPurple"]Lafeil: "Please spare my life!"[/COLOR]

[COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Did you show any mercy has my parents plead for their lives when you killed them? No, and I wont either. Your life ends here and now!"[/COLOR]

She trys to run but Draco cuts her off. He grabs an arm and rips it right off and continues to tear her apart. Draco didnt stop their, he didnt stop till she was a small peice. Covered in blood, he looks for his next victim.[/QUOTE]

(OoC: Has you probally guessed by now. She killed his parents when he was a youngling. This is a side of my character that probally would be best to never appear again till he learns to controll it.)
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[COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][B][COLOR="Navy"]Holy crap I leave this place for a few days to move and miss alot. Thanks for keeping Calil involved![/B][/COLOR]

Calil looked around her and smiled, rooptops and pipes. She ran for a building hearing the jeers of the vampire she was fighting.
"Running away?"
She lept at a wall and landed on the side for a second, all she needed, she pushed off and went flying at the vampire who tried to do his stepping move behind her, what he didn't realize is she did the same manuver off the other building and was already face to face with him now. She smiled again showing her hidden fangs and punched him in the face, the rest of the team heard the sickening crunch as his nose broke and his cheek caved in. She landed next to him and took out her sword as he tried to clear the blood from his eyes. Slicing downward she severed his head as he screamed and wiped his blood from her cheek. Looking over at Dean she nodded and waited for another vampire to challenge her.

[COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][B]Sorry it's so short, I misplaced the computer power cord during the move which is why I'm rushing, will patch this up when I find it. Promise.[/COLOR][/B][/COLOR]
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[FONT="Century Gothic"]Sile watched as everone fought against the vampires. There wasn't much for her to do at the moment, everyone seemed to have everything in hand. Just then, a dagger was thrown at Calil. Actuing just in time, Sile put a portal in between her and the dagger. The exit portal caused it to stab its master in the arm. The vampire ducked down quickly in pain. Sile walked over to her, smiling. It seemed this would be an easy kill.

[I]"No one loves you."[/I]

Sile stopped, surprised. Where did that voice come from?

[I]"You were a mistake. Never meant to be born."[/I]

[I]"All of your friends hate you."[/I]

[I]"Everyone hates you."[/I]

[I]"You are worthless."[/I]

[I]"Just give up."[/I]

Sile was being overloaded with telepathic messages of despair. She rightly guessed that they were coming from the female vampire. The vampire grinned and walked up to Sile who was kneeling on the ground.

"The name is Unity. And now that you know the truth, give into the despair. I'll do you the favor of ending it all right now." Unity said as she pulled out another dagger and put it under Sile's throat.

Sile surprised Unity with a punch to the jaw that layed her flat.

"What can I say? I'm a bitch. What you told me was nothing new." Sile said, laughing as she pulled out her katar and rushed towards Unity.[/FONT]

[B]OOC: Sorry guys, had internet troubles and this weekend looks like it will be pretty busy. But I'll see what I can do.[/B]
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[B]OOC: Okay 4 vampires left, plus malachai. I think it's time to get ready to end this first mission.[/B]

Dean finished pulling his blade out of the giant vampire. Standing back he thought about how his team had grown. Now they stood together, facing their foes. Dunan and Dawner were squaring off against one, Sile another, Karyn and Calil were engaging a third, and Draco...

Deans' eyes grew wide as he saw the 4th and final vampire stalking Draco. Or at least the footprints he was making in the soft soil. Apparently this vampire was invisible, and Draco was stuck trying to end the beserk state.

[I]"I guess it's up to me"[/I] Dean charged, leading with a throwing knife that dug into the vampires back.

Though it was unmistakably invisible to the naked eye, it's scream was most certainly not. It's scream made Draco, still beserk, turn. Seeing the dagger hanging in the air, not worried about a possible weapon, Draco dove on the vampire and began grabbing and ripping.

Dean couldn't fight the nausea accompanied by Draco's show. The vampire lay waste at his feat...or rather pieces of the vampire.

"Draco, calm down. You're going to crap out." At the sound of his name, Draco turned to face Dean. Hate on his face..

What happened next, Dean knew, was inevitable. Draco charged Dean, beserk and ready to kill. Dean knew he could match his strength on a normal time, no chance now. He had to rely on his demeanor to take him down, he had to find a way to calm down Draco, or it was very likely one of them would die.
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[COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Calil looked up as Draco ran at Dean.
"Shit! Karyn hold out for a few."
She nodded and fought on as Calil rushed Draco from the side, she could see the fight draining from Dean and knew he was tired, like the others that were like her their endurance was more than normal. Hitting him broad side she heard Dean yell.
"Calil, don't!"
She growled as Draco bit down on her arm and snapped at his face her self, this was more of a fight between beast than trying to calm him down. She rolled with him as he tried to gain the upper hand, snapping and growling at one another the ones watching were horrified as Draco bit down into Calil's arm yet again, this time she bit down into his shoulder drawing a yelp from his as well he looked up at her and blinked as she rolled him so she was sitting on his chest, his arm pinned above his head as they both continued to breath in and out the others could tell their breaths were labored and they were waiting for a moment to gain ground over the other. Calil snapped at his arm and put more of her strength into her hold as he began to struggle again.
"Draco! Snap out of it or I'll snap your damn arms!"
She bent his arms back to emphasis her point as he growled at him she growled back and gave the team a good look at the fangs given to her from the experimentation done on her as she snapped at him again, this time catching a spot on his muzzle making it blees. She held him there till he seemed to calm down enough to let him go, doing so she looked at where she had been holding him and blinked. Her nails had gotten longer and sharper, another side effect, which ever species she acted like the most she began to transform into slightly, this time around it was her werewolf side and she took a deep breath trying to calm her nerves while she was holding Draco down, she looked at Dean and nodded.
"You alright?"
It was a question that was full of concern, and nerve.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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The energy stealing vampire, Huey rushed Dawner, just as he hoped. Dawner backflipped onto his hands and pushed off ascending into the air at the same time spinning. Being raised in a circus really helped when your mother was the leading acrobat, Dawner was very light footed and agile. Dawner pulled razor sharp cards from his sleeves and flung them at th pining him down on his back. As soon as Dawner landed he was overcome with pain as electricity shot through him.

Dawner would have screamed but the slender vampire?s mute spell was still active.
He dropped to his knees. He heard the crackling sound of electricity and he dove out of the way, a small crater where he once stood.

?You wont be able to evade me for long little fox? Hugo said menacingly.

Dawner looked him straight in the eye waiting for him to move the next move when he heard a groan from behind, Huey let out a fearsome roar as he broke from his bindings.

?I?m going to drain your life force dry.? Huey began walking towards Dawner, his hands twitching.

?If only I could get them to touch each other, Huey?s energy powers would draw Hugo's electric powers and they would kill themselves?? Dawner didn?t have time to think more on his plan as he jumped to late and was hit with a bolt from Hugo.

?You?re going to die now? Hugo said, motioning to his brother. ? Drain his life-force then we can feast on his blood?

?I don?t think so? Dawner sent a blast of telekinesis soaring toward Huey, it was only visible because it tore up the earth as it moved. As Huey was thrown in the air, Hugo shot another wave of energy at Dawner, but this time he was ready, redirected it towards Huey who screamed in pain as he was impaled by one of the earth spikes.

?You bastard,? Hugo?s body began charging with so much electricity his eyes turned a glowing blue and his figernails glowed red with heat.

?You will pay for that.?

Dawner readied himself for the retribution that was coming.
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Draco lies as Calil as him pinned to the ground. His muzzle bleeding from her bitting it but he doesnt remember it. Trying to move so he could get up and apply first aid to his bleeding check, Calil still thinks he is in his berserk state so she bends his arms a little bit.

[COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "You that hurts Calil."[/COLOR]

[COLOR="LightPink"]Calil: "Oh your back"[/COLOR]

[COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Yeah I'm back but why is my check bleeding and what happened to the vampire i was fighting?"[/COLOR]

Dean walks up to him, helping him up from the ground. Dean sure did looked a little beat up than he remembered.

[COLOR="Green"]Dean: "Well whats left of her is right their and here is another vampire that you killed. You almost killed me and Calil here as well. Other than that everything is peachy."[/COLOR]

[COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Oh, I tried to kill you two? Im sorry, I don't even remember killing the vampires no less you two. Thanks Calil for calming me down. I wouldn't want to live if I killed my best friends because I can't controll my berserker state."[/COLOR]

Calil shruggin it off like it was nothing yet again. Draco sat down and started to apply first aid to the bits on his check and to Dean and Calil for their cuts and bit marks he caused them.

(OoC: Ok, Drizz and Knuckles Girl. I wanted to see what you guys would do so I made the post accordingling. Oh also, sorry about the double post earlier. I dont know what the hell happened after I edited it.)
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Karyn stared at Draco with wonder and pity. [I]Poor guy... Even Half-Bloods like me can control their berserker states! He's so mature and well-tempered, it's amazing that he can't! Not being able to control your berserker state is something only young werewolf pups do! That's a little sad and pathetic. I feel sorry for the guy...[/I] She thought with a sigh. Suddenly, she ducked. Karyn's ears fell flat against the top of her head. Someone very strong was behind her. Not as powerful as Malachai, but pretty darn near it...

"That was a nice escape, but I doubt you could do it again." muttered a voice from behind Karyn. She heard the sound of a dagger being unsheathed and jumped forward and away from her assailant. Turning around, Karyn saw a vampire of about average height with medium-length dark blue hair that had been slicked back. He had on a black tux coated with blood spatters, not an outfit one would expect another to wear during a fight. Small, round glasses stood in front of his red eyes. In his left hand was the dagger Karyn had heard.

"You don't look so tough!" Karyn scoffed, narrowing her eyes. The vampire grinned wickedly and let out a malicious cackle. Swaying to and fro like a drunk, the vampire moved toward Karyn. [I]Heh. Looks like he isn't very stable! He should be easy to be-![/I] Karyn's thoughts were interrupted by the vampire's sudden speed. He suddenly showed up right in front of Karyn, his dagger poised in front of her face. Karyn gasped and leaped away just in time.

"Come ba~ack, little puppy~! Let's pla~ay~!" called the wacky bloodsucker. Karyn had never felt such a feeling of dread and fear. There was something off about this guy, something that made her too afraid to approach him, even if it was to strike back.

"CALIL!!! GET OVER HERE [B]NOW[/B]!!!" Karyn shrieked. Something was definitely not right about this certain vampire...
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[COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Calil felt the hair on the back of her neck stand on end and spun around looking for Kayn, finding her she sprinted in her direction and screamed as a dagger suddenly appeared in her right shoulder.
"What the hell?"
She turned wide eyed as the vampire spoke to her.
"Well well, what do we have here, you have good speed, wanna play?"
Calil blinked and turned on him pulling the dagger out and throwing it on the ground, he smiled at her as she rotated her arm and smiled back.
"I think I can play, Karyn, go make sure the others are alright; I can handle this."
"Don't argue with me, just go."
She nodded and jogged off towards the others; as far as Calil knew he was the last one beside the big dog and he seemed to be a good fight. She bounce from one foot to the next and moved her arms in circles getting her body loosened up and ready for a fight. She stopped moving and listened as the vampire swayed like he had with Karyn and than vanished quickly. She heard the move behind her and duck shoving her left foot upward and under his chin throwing him back a good ten feet. As he stood an angry look fell upon his face as he notice she had shattered a lens on his glasses.
"How dare you!"
She only gave him a winning smiled and loosened her body again in the same fashion as before. She halted her movements as this time he simply vanished, the swaying part was to confuse his enemies and she knew it was a move that worked. She stood still listening for any change and head it behind her, spinning she blinked as a single dagger was thrown into the ground.
"Got you!"
She spun and gritted her teeth as he jumped down ward shoving her down and onto her back, feeling the tip of the dagger rip her shirt and prick her stomach and growled and threw him back as best she could. But soon found out he was stronger than she thought, she grunted as he pushed back down and pushed the point of the dagger into her soft skin and smiled as he smelled her blood.
"You smell wonderful. Such sweet smelling blood. I'm surprised you look as cute as you do with the sweet tooth you must have for such sugary smelling blood."
Calil felt her cheeks flush, the team thought she hated the sugary candies, she always looked at them with disdain when ever they ate them and to let them know she enjoyed them too was an embarrassment.
"Although, you have so much muscle, you must push your self well over your limits to make sure they never show on this pretty body of yours."
She shivered and felt her blood run cold as he ran the blade of his dagger along her side lifting her shirt some.
"Pale and beautiful, and none of the others seem to notice. How sad."
She growled as he poked fun at the fact she seemed to not be close to any of the others and pushed against him.
"I could keep you warm at night. Come along."
He got up and held out a hand to her, she looked up at it and than at the others and smiled to them. She took the hand offered to her and pulled him close to her shoving the dagger into his chest making her growl, as he looked down at the dagger she pulled her sword out and spun around dropping to one knee as the wound on her stomach opened up more letting blood hit the ground.
"Looks like that's done..."
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Dunan looked at the chaos surounding him. So much fighting, for a cause long since dead. Dunan looked off the distance, to the cemetary.

"So many lost souls wander this place.... their lives stolen from them in a horrid fashion."

Dunan leapt up, surveying his surroundings. He caught sight of Karyn, and used his momentum to land beside her. "Are you alright?" he asked, his concern evident.

"I'm alright. But Cali.... she's hurt. She's hurt bad.." Dunan looked over to where Karyn was pointing, to an injured Cali on one knee.

"Damn it." Dunan jumped, and back flipped into the fray once more. The vampire she had been fighting, fall backwards, his head rolling along the ground.

"Nice work." he commented. Dunan looked at her wound, she washolding her insides in. "That looks bad... Do you need some help?" Dunan held his wrist to his mouth, and bit down, hard. Blood started to come pouring from the wound, thick, black, and full of healing.

"Blood magic....." Cali coughed. Dunan wiped his wrist on the wound, and it closed, leaving not a trace behind.

"There we go..." Dunan helped Cali up, and smiled. "Okay, who do we kill next?"

Cali pointed with her sword. "Those two."

She pointed at two who were attacking Dawner.

"Okay, no probs."

The two dashed over, Dunan getting right in the way of an electrical blast from one of them. He stopped, screaming in pain. The onslaught stopped, and Dunan fell to his knees, smoke rising from his burnt clothing. There was a gaping hole in the front of his shirt, his charred flesh rejeuvanating before their eyes.

"Another Vampire? We were not informed of this-" Cali had come up behind the attacker, and surprised him. Again, a vampire's head went rolling. The other one looked on in dumbstruck awe, while Dunan stood to his feet.

"You're next."

"Really? Try me." Dunan sidestepped a blast, and came up on the vampire, grasping him by the hair.

"Really. I don't take it lightly when people attack my friends. I would let you say your prayers, but I'm just not in the mood." Dunan held the vampire close, and yanked on his head by the hair. Dunan relished the sounds of his vertibrae breaking. Dunan cocked his head, smiling, knowing the vampire was terrified of being fed on himself.

"Au revoir, mon amour." Dunan bit, blood surging into his mouth, leaking from the sides and tasting like the sweetest nectar. He savored it, not caring how he looked to others. Dunan feasted, as blood steadily dripped down onto the ground below.

Dunan looked up, and saw everyone staring. The vampire he was holding was convulsing, violent tremors ripping through him. Dunan let go, dropping the dead vampire. Blood was all over his mouth, and he smiled, his bloody teeth pointed and eerily shiny.

"Who's next?"
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As if from nowhere Dunan was sent flying by a blast of psychic energy. As he rose to his feet it was clear who it had come from. Malachai stood, eyes closed as the ground swirled around him. He was ripe with psychic energy, his power seemed to emit from nowhere, but yet was everywhere.

"I also do not take lightly to people attacking my friends boy!" The comment was directed at Dunan, who was on his feet and with the rest of the group.

"That wasn't very nice, here I was going to allow Dean the pleasure of ending your life. But I believe I'm going to be doing just that now." Dunan suddenly shot off like a bat out of hell towards Malachai.

"Dunan stop!" Dean tried to call out, but it was too late. The vampire was already fully commited.

Malachai shot blast after blast, but Dunan managed to dodge each. Dean was almost impressed as Dunan lept into the air, vaulting over a final burst and came down ontop of Malachai.

Dean watched in horror as Malachai's fist appeared in the hole the electrical blast put in Dunan's chest. He gasped as Dunan was lifted into the air and tossed like a ragdoll into the remains of a still smoldering building.

"Dunan!" Dawner called out, running to the aid of his teamate.

"Dean....I'm dissapointed. Holdren had high hopes for you, he'll be heartbroken when I tell him how easily I dispatched you and your band of morons." malachai smiled as he said this and drew his blade. The word Destoryer was etched on the sides. It wasn't too hard to discern why since the blade was as long as a man, and equally as large.

"Shut up we're not morons....moron." Karyn yelled back, standing tall.

Dean smiled as he thought about how strong his team had become during their time together. Even Dunan, who tried way to hard to be the baddass of the group. They would overcome this obstacle as they had overcome several others, though admitingly this was their toughest challenge to date....

[B]OOC: Okay really wasn't much of a summary, but it's time to square off against the big guy. I'm really not worried about a posting order or anything like that for this, but I don't want anybody killing him or any other surprises for now. It's just us against Malachai. [/B]

[B]I already have who's going to kill Malachai, but I'm keeping it on lockdown. Hopefully we can finish this up through the week, but if not it's okay. [/B]
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Dawner used his power to throw himself forward at the same time turning to catch Dunan. Dawner caught Dunan but the force he was thrown with plus the fact that Dawner was smaller than Dunan sent them both to the ground. It didn?t matter Dawner was glad to have broken Dunan?s fall.

?Dunan? Dawner whisper bending down to his ear, he was not breathing. ? Wait, Vampire? living dead? duh?. Vampires didn?t need as much air as humans so it was hard to detect breathing.

Dawner reached into his vest pocket and pulled out a pink vial of liquid which was slightly glowing. He tipped it into dunan?s mouth. The hole in his chest began to close while Dawner muttered a spell to help the process.

Dunan shudder then coughed up blood and Dawner held him up. ?It okay, Shh.?

Dunan blinked then frowned? ?That bastard..? He coughed again as he tried to get up Dawner held him down.

?Stop it you need to take a break, Ever since you got here you?ve been pushing yourself like you have something to prove.?

?Aw let me up I?m fine, they need my help?? Dunan tried again, but this time Dawner flicked him in the forehead.

?The best way you can help right now is to rest a bit while I finish healing you, now stay still. Please just let me help you.? Dawner pleaded.
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[COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Calil growled and clenched her fists as she felt the anger well up inside of her. She bent down close to the ground and felt her fangs extend.
"Calil don't rush him like Dunan, you saw what happened."
"Shut it Dean. I know what I'm doing. Besides, I'm not that reckless."
She gripped the dirt with her hands and ran at Malachai digging into the ground to gain momentum and felt the air turn cold, she dodged to the left as the ground shattered with his power, feeling cold dread well up in her chest she held it back as she dodged again and again, the only indication of the attack was a change in the air. She sucked in a breath and let it out putting all her weight into her attack, she was so close she could hear his breathing.
"Come my pet. I'll change you and use you against your allies."
She smiled and launched her self into the air, landing infront of him she pushed up with her legs and slammed the top of her head into the bottom of his jaw, hearing the sickening crack she spun around and brought her left leg forward connecting with the side of his head, she than hit the ground and launched forward wrapping her arms and legs around him and sank her fangs into his shoulder. Hearing him chuckle she felt his own fangs sink into the soft side of her neck. Yelling out she felt him rip out a chunk from her shoulder and neck. He picked her up by the back of her shirt and smiled.
"How interesting, she was planning on holding me while you attacked, she was bait. How sweet, she did it so you wouldn't get hurt. She must fancy you Dean."
"That's why I love fighting guys like you, you all think your tough shit."
He looked down and saw with wide eyes the massive gun she had pointed directly at his chest. Pulling the trigger they saw the blood splatter the surroundings as her explosive bullets pierced his chest. She looked up with wide eyes as he stood there holding her above the ground, a gaping hole in his chest and smiling like it was nothing.
"We shall see if you like fighting me soon enough."
She felt the change in the air and felt real fear grip her heart and screamed as his physic attack hit her full blast short range. She felt her skin burn and her clothes shred from the power of it. Letting her go the others watched as she flew through the air only to land in a bloody heap at Dean's feet. Looking up at him she took a ragged breath and sighed.
"Hey, I gave it my best shot..."[/FONT][/COLOR]
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Dunan lied there, annoyed as all hell.

"I do have something to prove..." He mumbled.

Dawner responded. "And why would you have to prove something? Is it not enough that we let you come with us?"

"No." Dunan's wound had closed, and he sat up. He rushed a breath, it made a ratting sound as he stood up.

"What is it you have to prove? You're strong, we know that."

"That I'm not one of those....monsters." Dunan's face grimanced in sorrow. "I honestly don't think any of you believe that quite yet."

Dunan crouched, ready to attack. "I am a monster. I have been for almost four centuries. However, I'm still not like these things we're fighting. My darkness is used by the light. Fighting fire with fire, as they say."

Dunan drew a deep breath, and turned to Dawner. "Dawner, I have a favor to ask..."

Dunan motioned for Dawner to come to him, and Dunan grasped his hand. "My strength is drained, even with your healing powers......" Dunan looked down. "I....I... Want to.... ask....."

"If you can drink my blood?" Dawner took a step closer. "Will that make you strong again? Will you be able to fight?"

"At full strength... despite the vampire blood I've drank today.... The mystic powers it holds were used to sustain me, not make me stronger."

"You're asking? Permission?" Dawner was taken aback, he had never been drank from, let alone asked to be drank from.

Dawner pulled his collar down. "Don't take to much.... Will it hurt?

"My... my meals, for lack of a better term, I choose what they feel."

Dunan stepped up to Dawner, and kissed his neck. Using his scent, he enveloped Dawner, Dawner becoming placid.

Dunan bit, quickly and painlessly. Soon enough, Dawner felt as if every fiber of his being was being massaged.

Dunan felt the warmth of human blood come surging into his mouth, the hot heat instantly causing him to sprout an erection. The magic within his blood felt like it was supercharging him. Dunan grank only a few mouthfuls, before lightly letting go, Dawner's eyes were glassy from the experience.

"Hey, sugar, wakey wakey!" Dunan lightly tapped on Dawner's face, making him come to from his reverie. "Come on... the fight's waiting..."

Dunan jumped up and away, laughing. However, turning in midair, he focus on the sexual energies surging through him. He landed beside Dean.

"Mmmmmmmn," Dunan rocked on his heels, he was completely taken by the bloodlust. His breathing was heavy, and he looked at Dean. He leaned over, and ran his hand across his cheek. "Can I play with him? I know I can wear him down....Oh..... oh the power of Dawner's blood..." He closed his eyes, and it was almost like he had an orgasm.

"The power...."

"Do as you see fit.... weirdo."

"Oh thank you...Malachai... oh come on..." Dunan jumped up, and grabbed a rope hanging of of one of the pilliars. He yanked it from the ruined cart it was attached to, and came running at Malachai.

Malachai swung his sword at Dunan, but Dunan vanished.

"Huh? where'd he go?" Dunan jumped down, the tips of his toes touching the blade.

"Oh come on... you can do better than that, can't you?" Dunan laughed as Malachai tried to grab him, using the awkward balance of Malachai to kick him into a wall. Dunan trailed the rope behind him, and swished it around, letting his energies over take it, and possess it. Soon, it was like an extention of himself, swishing and snapping like a whip. "Work with me,baby! Work with me!" Dunan exclamed, and the rope slapped around Malachai's wrist. Dunan launched himself in the air, and landed on Malachai's back, using his momentum to start strangling him with the rope.

Indeed, Dunan was litterally gettng off on the movement, every motion was sexually stimulating, thanks to the blood of Dawner. Perhaps it was the magic within it that was making him feel this way.

"Oh god yeah...." Dunan smiled, but Malachai managed to snap the rope, causing Dunan to fall to the ground. He used his position to land on his hands, and then pivoted to send Malachai sailing.

"Mmmm... I like my vampire tenderized..." The supercharge was wearing off as Dunan stepped to Malachai, but he took a step back, when Malachai stood up.

There was only a few scratches on him...

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After seeing Dunan attack twice and Calil attack and get blown back beatened, Draco thought it was his turn to attack as well to get the momentum back in him.
Knowing that it would better to work with speed rather than power like Dunan was doing and use more tatic like Calil but with a bit more strength attatched to it.

Draco jumped up onto a piller that stood by Malachai then crouched down ontop of it. Draco shot off like a rocket into the night sky hoping that his black attire would make him dissappear into the sky. He landed behind Malachai and grabs his sword from its sheath (this is the first time Draco pulls a weapon out.) and with such speed and such accuracy that the arm which was holding the sword from Malachai just seemed to be attached still.

Malachai turned around and punched Draco in the stomach sending him flying backwards and hitting a piller. Draco got back up and dodge a few pyscic blasts and got hit by one a moment latter.

[COLOR="Blue"]Malachai: "Nice try half breed. Now you will see what happens when you try to attack me!"[/COLOR]

Draco laughs and points at him.

[COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Do you really think I missed that cut? I never miss my swings. Ask Dean over there and ask him about our little sparring sessions."[/COLOR]

Malachai raised his sword up into the air and was about to swing when the arm popped off blood spraying out of the socket. Then Draco got hit by a huge blast and was sent flying behind Dean.
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Karyn had been watching on the sidelines, frozen by the sheer power her team mates showed.

"They're all strong...but I've got to become stronger..." she muttered, clenching her fist. She morphed into her wolf form and charged toward Malachai. The over-sized vampire was too preoccupied with his missing limb to notice the furry creature sprinting at him. Karyn nimbly leaped partially into the gaping hole in Malachai's stomach that Calil had created. "This is so gross..." Karyn whined as she morphed back into her usual form and began ripping at Malachai's insides with her claws.

"AUGH! You little-! Well, well, it seems I have a young pup here..." Malachai stated, lifting Karyn up in front of him by the back of her shirt.

"Leggo, you damned mosquito!" Karyn snarled, scratching and kicking at the air helplessly. Malachai's eyes slanted. He let out a below of gut-wrenching laughter and tossed the werewolf into a nearby pillar. "GUH!!!" Karyn grunted as she made contact with the stone structure and slid down its side. She was in agony, so great was the pain. Her vision was blurring a little, though she could still see a puddle of her own blood forming around her like a lake as she lay limp on her side.

"I guess it's time for a little snack..." Malachai purred as he walked toward Karyn.

[I]I guess this is the end...[/I] Karyn thought as she felt herself try and fail to squirm away. And then she started to see black spots around her field of vision. [I]No...I can't faint! The others'll never let me forget it if I make it out of here alive.[/I] she thought desperately. But Malachai was coming closer, and Karyn could see in his eyes that he had no intentions of letting her live.
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Dunan kicked, sending Malachai reeling. Dunan was thrashing at Malachai, his strength amplified by the injury to Karyn, Dunan reached up and poked Malachai's eye out, causing him to scream.

Dunan moved over to Karyn, and held her up. Blood was trailing down her face, and her eyes were glazed.

"Hey,,, wakey wakey..." Dunan smiled at her, and she feebily smiled back. "Dunan? You were such a cute puppy."

"Yeah yeah..." Dunan bit his wrist, and placed it near her wound, closing it. His blood oozed into her, revitalizing her, making her come to her senses.

"Good, you're back with us."

"I feel stronger.."

"Yeah... yeah...Vampire blood has that quality, but it wasn't enough to make you into someone like me."


"Now then... let's be a little more careful, alright? I keep using blood magic, I'm going to have to feed again before long..."
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Dean had hoped his team could finish off Malachai themselves, but it seemed all they managed to do was wound him. He looked to the ground at Calil, who seemed to be moving in and out of consciousness. He knelt beside her, lifted up her head and whispered something into her ear.

"I need you to stay with us Calil. I need to you be here and give me strength...."

Dean raised his Katana and pointed at Malachai, who was preparing another psychic blast. "Dunan!" He cried at the top of his lungs. "Step back; you've done more then enough for now. Let me finish this jackass off." Dean rushed Malachai full go.

He came in high with a sweeping blow that was deflected easily by Malachai's much larger blade. Dean quickly spun back slaming his sword against Malachai's again, harder, faster his blows came.

"You're going to tire quickly at this pace Dean. Allow me to make it quicker!" Malachai caught dean offguard with a kick to the ribs, another kick to the midsection sent Dean down to a knee. "Too easy" The big vampire exclaimed as he brought his sword above his head...

Dead didn't hear the shot until the spot on Malachai's forhead appeared. Then the resounding bang caused Dean to look over his shoulder at Calil, who was lying on her side. Her smoking gun was evidence of the shot. Dean rose to his feet, and ramed his blade deap into Malachai's chest and ripped down. Splitting him all the way to the hole Karyn was playing in.

Malachai steped back, but was far from beaten.

"The difference in us Malachai, is I wasn't turned to destroy. I was turned to protect. Holdren had us turned for this exact moment. Unfortunetly you alone aren't enough to destroy us 'morons'. You've lost, now DIE!"

Dean made a move, but Malachai was still the faster. He brought his blade down in a hard slash, Dean's only hope was to deflect in time. As the two blades neared, Dean's thoughts turned to Calil, and the others, and what would happen if he failed....failed to protect them. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed for the first time, his blade glowed. In writing similar to the etchings on Malachai's blade, the word "Guardian" shown in white hot letters.

As the two blades met, Dean's eyes grew as big as melons when his blade sliced through Malachai's as though it was nothing. Dean smiled as Malachai looked upon him in horror. "I told you that you've lost." Dean rose back to his feet, just in time to be slammed by a psychic blast, landing him face down just a few feet from Calil.

Dean could here Malachai bearing down on him, he just hoped somebody would catch him in time.

[B]OOC: Okay Malachai's morale is broken, his blade is broken, all that's left is for him to be broken. I'm going to pm the person(s) to finish the job now. If I don't pm you, sit tight. This story is far from over (though this particular part may be). [/B]
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[COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"][COLOR="Blue"]Calil's eye snapped open as she heard Dean land somewhere by her, knowing it was him by his scent she summoned the last bit of her strength and stood on shaky legs. Looking up she wiped blood from her eyes and took a few steps forward, kneeling down she looked him over and cringed. He was a mess, just like the rest of them. Malachai had ripped through them like they were nothing, alone that is. She looked around and noticed that half the team was either crippled or just about there. She looked up as Malachai's shadow enveloped her, shuddering she turned and saw him standing over her with his fist raised ready to slam her into the ground along with Dean. She took a deep breath and grabbed the collar of Deans shirt, waiting she watched til the last second when his fist was only a few seconds from hitting her square in the face to spin and knock him off balance with Dean's form, his legs hitting Malachai in the face, taking the split second this gave her she threw him onto her back and took one last life saving leap onto the abandoned building that was near them. Landing on her feet she pushed her weight forward so she didn't fall back and ontop of Dean. Rolling to the side and looked at him and smiled.
"You alright? Sorry about useing you."
He shook his head slowly.
"Thank you, I'd be dead if you hadn't gotten me out of there."
"This team is nothing with out you Dean. You above all others here have to live. I'll be back to get you, I have to make sure he doesn't follow me up here."
"Wait Calil, your hurt badly. Don't-"
She didn't hear what else he had to say as she stepped off the side of the building and landed infront of the giant blood sucker. She smiled as she looked around.
"Where I wonder could Dean be?"
"Not learning from me, I can tell you that much."
"We shall see."
She saw his hand come for her throat and didn't move, hearing the others calling her name she looked at them and smiled.
"I'm not about to die everyone, just while I'm out; take care of Dean."
She felt Malachai's hand close around her throat and lift her off the ground. putting his other hand on her chest she closed her eyes and readied her self for the blast that was to come. Screaming she felt pain more intense that she had ever felt in her life. Going limp in his grip he looked over her broken and blood form, barely recognizable through all the blood that soaked her skin, hair, and clothes. Biting back a curse he threw her into the air and back onto the roof where she left Dean as he had tried tilting her chin to look at her face and received a quick but harsh bite to his hand. Hitting the roof top she rolled a few feet and into Dean where she lay to exhausted and to beaten to move. She moved her eyes looking up into Dean's face.
"Hi, I'll be in intensive care for a week or so, so if you could ask them not to give us anything after this for a while, I'd love that."
Coughing she put her face down in the cement roof top and drifted out of consciousness again, only this time she had no intention of waking up til this was over. [/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR]
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"C-calil..." Karyn whispered, glancing at all the injured team mates around her. Suddenly she felt something inside her spark. She was sure that part of it was the blood Dunan had given her, the other her fierce loyalty and adoration for her team mates- [I]No.[/I]- she corrected herself. [I]They're my friends![/I] The half-breed tottered over to Draco, dragged his head down, and whispered something in his furry ear. His eyes widened a little, but he soon nodded. Then she did the same to Dunan, though his ear was not cute and fuzzy. He smiled and chuckled under his breath. "Hey, Dean." Karyn said.


"When we get back to the mansion, let's have a big pancake-eating contest, 'kay!"

"...Whatever you say, Karyn." Dean sighed with a smile, trying to hold back laughter.

"Okay. Then, GO!" Karyn shouted. Dunan rushed toward Malachai. Malachai sent out a psychic blast, but Dunan managed to dodge it. He jumped up to the over-sized vampire, planning to knock him with a right hook. But Malachai was faster. He buried his fist into Dunan's stomach and let out a psychic wave through the fist. Dunan was knocked back about a hundred yards. But he still managed to give the signal.

"NOW, DRACO!!!" he shouted before passing out. Draco nodded and grabbed Malachai from behing, securing his arms.

"GO, KID!" Draco bellowed to Karyn.

"WHAT THE-! A DIVERSION?!" Malachai screamed as he came to a realization of what was happening. But he couldn't think for long because Karyn was soon standing on his shoulders, grabbing both sides of his head.

"GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!" she shrieked as she ripped his head clean off and threw it to the ground.

"Torch it, Dawner, torch it!" Dean called to the red head.

"[I]IGNIS!!![/I]" Dawner boomed, pointing his wand at the decapitated head. The head suddenly burst into purple flame, Malachai's screams reverberating through the area.

"W-we did it!" Karyn gasped. "I didn't expect that!"

"You mean you didn't think your own plan would work? Even though you sounded so confident?" Draco demanded.

"That's right!"

"But you still asked us to follow through with it?!"

"Well, when you and Dunan both agreed to help me with it, I thought it was a sign. Sorta like, 'Gee, they agreed to it! It must work!', y'know?"


While Karyn and Draco argued about what was stupid, who was stupid and who should maybe just shut up, Dean, Dawner and Sile gathered up Calil and Dunan.

"Well, I guess it's finally over..." Dean sighed, heaving Dunan's right arm over his shoulder, Dawner taking the other.

"Let's go back to HQ and get some rest..." groaned Sile as she draped Calil's right arm over her shoulder.

"Yes...but we should probably get those two to break up the fight before it turns physical." Dawner suggested, looking back at Karyn and Draco.

[B]OC: By the way, I was the one Drizzt PMed, so please don't flame me for finishing off Malachai...[/B]:animedepr
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It was over, well at leat for now. Sure Malachai was defeated, but the real threat lie in Holdren. The demon possessed human psychic who was behind turning Dean, and most likely it was him behind the killing of Dunan's friend.

What did Holdren want with them, why did it come to Dean and Dunan together vs. Malachai? It had to be more then mere coincidence.


"Dean....how exactally are we supposed to get out of here?" Karyn and Draco had finally finished their huffing and puffing, "I sort've think the whole town being dead is going to make it hard!?"

"Relax Karyn, we just needed to walk far enough away from the debris and dead bodies for Sile." Dean nodded at Sile who laid Calil down on the ground, "think you're ready kiddo?"

"Like I'd do it without being sure Dean. Though can you stand behind me? This is probably going to be a lot more then I can handle." Sile closed her eye and began chanting softly to herself. Nobody besides Dean had seen this spell, and it was likely nobody had seen anything like this before.

A huge glyph appeared below the team as Sile's chanting grew louder. It glowed a brilliant white color that slowly grew to a point where it was almost blinding. Dean watched as Sile slowly reached up and grabed at her eye patch. Lifting it as her chants turned to cries, everything turned white.

Seconds later Dean looked around at the basement of the mansion.

"Sile that was amazing!" Dawner, the resident Arcane expert was the obvious to like that, "what sort've chant was that. I've never noticed a language like that."

Sile just starred forward until, as she predicted, she collapsed into Dean's arms. Dean slowly lowered her to the ground next to Calil, she was out cold.

"Shall I send for some medics sir?" Stephen was waiting for them in the basement, he'd probably been there for most of the duration of their trip. "Yes, we'll need three beds for these guys. Dunan and Calil will need the most attention, but they heal fast. Sile just needs to rest." Dean looked at the rest of his team. He'd talk to them in time, but right now it was time to rest. They'd accomplished mission number 1, and that was all that matters.

"I'll have everybody report for duty so the kitchen will be at your disposal. The water tower will be lighted so we can all get a hot bath or shower. Good job guys, debriefings can wait until tomorrow. Our healers are top notch, so if you guys need anything looked at I suggest you take advantage of it." Dean waited till the medics arrived, and escorted his downed teamates to the infirmary.

He stood beside Calil till she came around. "Dean? What happened?" He put a finger to her lips, smiled, and yelled "Don't you EVER do something like that again Calil. You....you could've been killed easily." Without another word he turned away, tears welling up. Dean retired to his room for a hot bath, and a second to think on some things.

[B]OOC: Malachai is officially defeated, and we're back home. I left a message on the backstage for anybody who wants to check it out. Nothing major, just basically says good job and the like. It also says it's interaction time. Take this opportunity to sleep up, mingle with other characters, make alliances and vote somebody off of the is....wait wrong show.[/B]

[B]Seriously though, let's get to know each other because the next mission is coming soon. [/B]
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[COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Calil blinked rapidly and watched him go unable to say anything due to the quickness that he left. She closed her eyes listening to the monitors they had he hooked up to and sighed. She was glad they had all survived but she was disappointed as well, in her self. She knew she had more power than that, more speed, more control over things than what happened out there. She should have been able to stay on her feet no problem. Gritting her teeth she closed her eyes and pressed the palms of her hands into her eyes. She turned quickly as she heard a voice speak to her.
"As far as i heard you did well girl, you kept the leader out of harms way, but that's your intention all along is it not?"
She looked up at the window sill and rolled her eyes as a large black and white cat sat there licking his tail and staring at her with wide red eyes.
"Mortimor, not now."
"Well being the mansion house cat I see and hear alot of things, like promises people make to them selves. Or how one person can be so jealous of another."
She threw a syringe at the cat who merely chuckled and watched it hit the wall. Jumping down he lay on her lap and began to purr and watch her.
"Funny, how you seem to be the only one with these feelings and your the only one who never really opens up to the other of the house, why do you think that is?"
She stared at him giving him a cold glare and than smiled asking him a similar question.
"Why is it I'm the only one you seem to like to mess with cat?"
"Your interesting and fun to play with, things get to you so easily."
She growled and sat up as her monitor beeped signaling she was done, getting up she grabbed her things and walked out, nodding to the others as they walked by she made her way to her room and shut the door. Walking over to her desk she took out a gold pack of light cigarettes s and lit one, she rarely smoked and when she did she really needed it. Looking at herself in her mirror she counted no scars or bruises left from her fight with the beastly vampire, flicking the burning stick of tabacco out her window she walked into her bathroom and ran hot water, taking a shower she leaned on the wall letting her mind wander. It was late and she was exhausted but not satisfied, donning on her gym clothes she headed for the training room where she began her work out as usual only this time it seemed like she was fighting demons that haunted her everywhere she went. Her face serious and intense. Her i-pod blocking out all noise but her own thoughts.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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Dunan came to, amidst bright lights.

"Ow.." He said, his eyes burning.

He sat up, and looked around. He was in the mansion, he could smell all of the familiar scents. e turned, and put his feet on the floor. He was alone. He could feel his hunger stirring, and he shook himself.

"Ugh...Man, I'm starving!" He muttered. He sat up, but couldn't get up enough, corder were attached to his shirtless abdomen. Dunan looked at the primitive machinery, they looked foreign to him. "Science, huh?" Dunan flexed, and yanked the cords out of their respective ports. "I'm no one's experiment!"

"Really? A vampire in our midst, that won't hurt us? Who's on our side? Can you blame them for taking the chance to examine you?" Dunan smirked. "Well, when you put it that way, no, I can't."

Dunan stood up, and walked over to Dean. "So. You want to talk to me?"

Dean smelled fresh and clean, unlike himself. He reeked of sweat and blood. His pale skin doing a dayglow effect. He looked around, and saw the remains od his coat and shirt in a heap on the floor.

Dean sighed. "So, you're a vampire, huh? I don't think we ever had a formal talk. What with the mission, and our first encounter."

"Eh, I have no ill will against you for it." Dunan yawned. "But, If you want to talk, let's do it later, okay? Right now, I'm starving and I need a shower."

Dean crossed his arms. "We can cater to your unique hunger, the mansion attendants went into the nearby town to the slaughterhouse to get some... food for you."

"Good. Are they back? I need some food." Dean nodded and Dunan bounded up the stairs,first taking a shower, then heading for the kitchen. On entering, he was handed a wine bottle and a wine glass. Judging from the scent, cow blood filled the bottle. He smiled, and walked into the dining room. Karyn was enjoying a large plate of pancakes with Draco, Dunan smiled seeing the two of them shove giant mouthfuls in.

"Now, that's attractive...." Dunan commented, sitting beside Karyn. Maple syrup was dribbling down her chin.

"Mmph shumb?" Karyn asked, her mouth full.

"Ah, no." Dunan poured himself a glass, and took a drink, still dressed only in his pants. His skin bore no marks, and his eyes shifted to a reddish hue. "Mn.. yummy."

Dawner came into the room, and started shoving pancakes down his throat.

"Looks like everyone's enjoying pancakes..." Dunan smirked at the lot of them.

"Want some?" Dawner asked. Dunan held up his hand, passing. "Karyn already asked me."

Dawner smiled, and scooted closer to Dunan.

"Yes? Can I help you?" Dunan peered at Dawner, his eyes narrowed.

"You... are really strong...."

"Yeah, I get that a lot." Dunan took another drink, and breathed in the scent of Dawner. He smirked and turned. In a rather obvious tone he said, "You know, you smell pretty good right now. And you already know I bite." Dunan took another drink, and started pouring another glass.

"Do you want to go up to the water tower tonight? Alone?" Dawner asked, his face a little flushed.

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" Karyn sounded off. Dunan cocked his head over in her direction, and smiled. He leaned over to Dawner and smiled.

"You know, you are pretty cute...." Dunan leaned over closer, and knew Dawner was inhaling his scent. Dunan smiled, warm and inviting. "I guess I wouldn't mind." Dunan sat his glass down, and placed his hand on Dawner's cheek. "Trust me... I'll only bite if you say I can. Otherwise.. My kiss has been known to leave quite a few mortals breathless."

Dunan stood up, grasped his glass and bottle. "See ya later...I think I'd like to get to know you better," he said, and walked out of the room. "I'll see you later tonight, Dawner. I'll come find you. I'l just use my nose."
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Karyn set her two forks down on top of her plate. "Those were really good!" she exclaimed, getting up from the table, her short pigtails bouncing. "Well, I'm gonna go take a bath!" she added, walking out of the room.

Karyn climbed out of the tub and shook herself off like a wet dog. "That was refreshing..." she said to herself with a smile. She picked up a towel and wrapped it around herself. But her smile soon left as she looked at herself in the mirror.She studied her soaking ears, the ones she had inherited from her full-blooded father. Her big red eyes narrowed at the very memory of her parents.

~X(Lulz, flashback tiiime!)X~
[I]"Mommy, the other pups were making fun of me again..." a 5 year old Karyn mumbled to a woman in a wooden chair. The woman had long, bouncy blonde hair and soft blue eyes.

"Don't mind them, sweety. They're just not used to such a...unique...kind of werewolf." the woman replied, scruffling Karyn's (at that time->) long hair. Suddenly, a gruff chuckle could be heard from the other side of the room.

"Don't sugarcoat it for her, May! C'mere, kid!" commanded the tall, muscular man with scruffy hair that was the same as Karyn's in color and texture. He also had red eyes like her. Karyn obediently walked up to him.

"Daddy, why do they pick on only me?" she asked, her big eyes looking up at him innocently. The man grabbed Karyn by her dress collar and lifted her up to his eye level.

"Isn't it obvious?! You're a half-breed! A damned freak! You're weak, and they know it! You'll never be as strong as us full-breeds! And don't even think about being stronger than us! You're useless!"

"B-but I look the same as them!"

"So?! We can smell your kind from miles away! Don't ever underestimate a full-breed! You got that, kid?!" the man shouted. At this point, Karyn was crying and trying to squirm out of his grasp.

"Kesler, stop!" Karyn's mom shouted, getting up from her chair.

"YOU! This is your fault! I knew better than to get involved with a human! THIS THING is all your fault!" Karyn's dad growled, tossing Karyn down at her mom's feet.

"Karyn!" her mother screamed, scooping the child up. "Kesler, how could you?!"

"How could I?! How dare you question me!" he answered. The next thing Karyn knew, her parents were fighting a bloody brawl. Karyn knew her mom didn't stand a chance.

"Karyn, honey, run..." her mom pleaded with her dying breath. Karyn turned and ran out the door, somehow outrunning her father. It was that day that Karyn decided to get strong enough to take on her father, the strongest werewolf in her pack. She decided to become the strongest half-breed in the world.[/I]
~X(End flashback.)X~

Karyn shuddered at the memories. She sank to the ground and sobbed. "I'll get you, Dad! And when I do, I'll slaughter your sorry ass!" she howled.

[B]OC: Ah, this one was a little more serious than usual for me...[/B]:o
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