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Band of the Blood Moon (Mature)

Drizzt Do'urden

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"Mn?" Dunan was walking past a door when the sounds of someone crying came to him.

"Karyn?" The crying stopped. Dunaan knocked on the door, and a towel-clad Karyn answered. Her eyes were red and puffy.

"Dunan? What is it?" she smiled, and if not for her eyes, then Dunan would have thought he had been imagining things.

"What's wrong? Why are you crying?"not knowing what to say.

"What-I-um...." She was taken aback, tears welling in her eyes again. Dunan dropped the bottle and glass he was holding, and wrapped his arms around her. "Shush now, It's alright...."

Karyn sobbed, her tears falling against Dunan's bare skin, he still hadn't gotten dressed yet. Her knees went weak, and he patted her head. "Come on, tell me what's wrong."

"My Mom was killed by my Dad....I was just remembering."


"Was it my fault? He went into a rage... because I'm only a half breed."

"No! No!" Dunan comforted her. "It's not your fault. You father was just a douchebag with an anger problem..." Dunan's exclamation caused Karyn to stop crying. and to giggle a little bit. "Come on, let me see that smile..."

Karyn obliged him, and huggled him. "Thank you, Dunan."

"I already told you you're alot like my little sister. Can I help but cheer you up?" Dunan smiled. "I have an idea! Get dressed and then we can go outside. We can.... um..." Dunan looked at her ears. "We can play frisbee! We can ask the cook to burrn a pancake."

Karyn looked at him blankly. "I'm not a dog."

Dunan ruffled her hair. "Yeah well, I can up with an idea. Think of it as big brother teasing you." Dunan smiled, exactly like an older brother would to his much younger sister. "I'm glad you're feeling better, kiddo."

"Yeah, I am. Thanks. Okay, let me get dressed and we can go play. BUT WE AREN'T PLAYING FRISBEE!"
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Draco was sitting in his room with the lights out. Remembering all the events through his life till now. His berserk state happened three times in his life. One was when was about 7 years old (If you havn't realized this yet but Draco is actually about 200 years old) when the female vampire he killed, killed his parents. The other time is when a whole town tried to kill him for being the way he was. The port town of New Bumster, Maine. He could stil hear the women screaming, the children crying, and the men trying to kill him with pitchforks. The third time was just half a day ago.

[COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Their has to be a connecting between my berserk and what has happened. Maybe Dean or Sile can give me some insight to my problem."[/COLOR]

He gets up from his chair and grabs his weapon. His ears twitch to the bath tower. He could hear someone crying and someone talking but the thick walls made it too difficult to make out words and who they belong to. Anyways, he thinks Sile would be in her room and she would be closest to him. But knowing that she doesnt like to be disturbed while she is in her room, Draco decided to go see Dean. He knew exactly where Dean was.
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Dean wasn't surprised to hear the knock on his door. He was surprised to see Draco standing in the doorway after he invited whoever to enter.

"What's up Draco? Everything okay?" Draco sighed and nudged his head at a nearby chair.

"Oh, sorry I'm forgetting my maners. Have a seat." Draco smiled as he sat down. Dean was amazed at the sheer size of Draco from the moment he'd met him. 7tf tall was amazing for any werewolf, it was apparent there was more to him.

"Dean you've been doing this for awhile right? Researching, fighting, studying all sorts of...inhuman creatures correct?" Dean could almost put together the next string of words before Draco uttered them "have you ever come across anything like me? Anything with a beserk state of being?"

Dean sighed, rose from his bed and retrieved a book from one of his many bookshelves and flopped it in Draco's lap. "This text was written 4000 years before Christ. Outside it seems like a simple story, but after examining it further I've found it depicts several instances of Demons crossing over, possessing vampires, werewolves, and the like. Then mating with humans and breeding spawn of their own on this plane."

Draco thumbed through the pages as he listened to Dean.

"You told us Demons could only use their psychic powers with hosts though, so why would they bother?"

Dean tried to fight it, but the fear over how the boy may react to his answer was real. "It seems that in the case of mating, it's not black and white. Somehow the fusion completly ignores all logic and produces a half-demon, halfwhatever spawn with incredible capabilities. In your case...."

Before Dean could finish Draco stood up, a look of shock on his face. "Listen, I don't know if you already knew. You suspected, or what but you are a half-demon, half-werewolf. That explains your appearance, your feral or beserker state, everything. But I need you to keep quiet about it Draco...there are things at work that I'm only begining to understand. And all the answers we need will be given once we find and trap holdren."

Dean couldn't read Draco at that moment. It was obvious that he would have to think deeply before he reacted, a sign that his feral side came from somewhere else. "Listen, you are still Draco. And between you and me, you aren't the only person carrying Demon blood in this team. You want to know where your beserker state comes from?"

Draco shook his head, apparently he'd had to much thrown at him. "You only go beserk when your protecting someone. Just like against Malachai."

Draco rose to his feet, turned and began walking out of the room. "What does it matter if I end up killing those I'm trying to help protect?" The door slamed and he was gone.

[I]"Damn it Holdren, what the hell are you up too?" [/I]

Dean pulled another volume off his shelf and dove in. He had a lot to look into, and not very long before the teams next journey.
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"Well now, looks like out fearless leader knows how to piss people off." Dunan commented, opening the door. Deand sighed.

"It wasn't intentional."

"I'm sure. I know you wanted to talk, so let's talk."

"You knew Malachai, right? So did I."

"Not surprising. Fate has a funny way of bringing people together. I'd learned that lesson by the time I was seventy."

"I still can't get over how old you are.... You look barely older than any of the others."

"You know vampires don't age in the way humans do. We grow more powerful, not wrinkled."

"I know. I... was a vampire once."

"I know. Despite you having become a human, the scent never really leaves. It's faint, but you still smell of snake venom."


"Yes. I wasn't sure, honestly, until now. But now that its just me and you, I'm positive." Dunan took a seat, and he poured himself a glass of red liquid. "I'd offer you some, but something tells me you'd pass."

"You're right." Dean peered at Dunan, watching his movements. "I have a rather personal question for you."

"Yes? Feel free to ask. I have no problems answering truthfully. Although, they say curiousity killed the cat."

"And satisfaction brought it back. You aren't like other vampires, why is that?"

"Vampires are just like humans, only with more supernatural prowess. Each has the choice of being good, or evil. Depends on the person. Vahn, the one who turned me, said I was far too precious a person to die so cruel a manner.

"What happened that night?"

Dunan sighed, and looked up at the ceiling. "It's been so long...I've grown accustomed to letting memories slip through my fingers like grains of sand. But I remember that clearly. I was lying in bed, thin, frail, and dying. My fever was at its highest, and I was shivering. My breathing had become labored, and he walked into the room."

Dunan closed his eyes. "We talked. I grew closer and closer to death. Then, He revealed himself to me. He... made me what I am today. I don't care to get into details."

"I know the feeling. I don't like to get into details either. Do you regret making that decision?"

"Honestly? No. I've seen so much more that I ever would have If I had remained human. There is much beauty in this world, I've enjoyed seeing it, and whatever else might come.

"Can I ask you something else?"


"Would you ever choose to become human once more?"

Dunan thought for a moment."No. I like my existence. Granted, I have to drink blood, but still. I've been able to save lives. Life itself is so very precious. Even to save just one life, my existence is justified."

Dunan stood up. "It's been good talking to you Dean, but I have to get dressed to meet up with Dawner sometime soon..."

"Taken a fancy to him?"

"Well... yeah, I have. He's cute, and a sweet guy. Reminds me of myself when I was human. Anyway, I'll see you later." and with that, Dunan walked away.
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(OoC: "Ok everyone, I cant do this third person anymore. Its weird and it isnt working for me. So from now on Im doing first person unless indicated by [Draco: "])

I passes Dunan in the hall way but didnt even say hi to him. I was to deep into thought to even notice where I was walking. I already know I was a half breed between a were-wolf and a demon but that wasnt bothering me. What is bothering me is that my parents I loved where human. Bothe where human but I wasnt not. Maybe I took the form of a human because my parents wanted me to resemble a human. Or that I was impanted into my mother and was born thourgh her. That makes sense I quess.

My parents where kind and gentle. I never believed they created me to be a killing monster. Nor did they ever tell me that I wasnt their son. Maybe since I lost my parents at the age of 7, my rage got buried underneath and the demon side turned that into berserk state that I cant control.

Im sure Dean knew who my parents where but I'll wait till it feels right to tell him the truth about my parents. Perhaps someday I will understand why I am unique. I have seen half demons before but most look like an artist had a very bad artist block and couldnt paint well. Before I knew it, I was at the front gates of the mansion. I remember the first time I walked through them. I came here to find what was really the reason my parents created me and why the berserk state is uncontrollable.

+=Memory of my parents before their death.=+
[COLOR="Purple"]Dr. Kenith Alero: "Draco, Draco where are you? I tell you Anneta. He does sure take after you."[/COLOR] Laughing at the joke.

[COLOR="Blue"]Dr. Anneta Alero: "Well, he does have your kindness Kenith. His aging is amazing though. He is 14 years old but he doesnt appear to be more than 7 years old."[/COLOR]

I come from behind the couch and walk over to mother. I tug her pants and she picks me up.

[COLOR="Purple"]Kenith: "We do have to tell him sometime or other that we might not be here when he reaches 18. Well, we'll tell him when he turns 10."[/COLOR]

[COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Mom, what is dad talking about?"[/COLOR]

[COLOR="Blue"]Anneta: "Its nothing Draco. Go get ready for the trip to town. We have someone you should meet."[/COLOR]

I run upstairs to my room and started to put on my small overcoat and tuck my tail into my pants when she showed up and killed them infront of me. I can hear and see them like they where right infront of me. My mother yelling at me to run to town and find a lady named Jesp. I ran for what seem to be hours to town. Hiding my face to the towns folk.
+=End of memory=+

I started to cry a single tear but I quickly wip it away. Maybe Sile would know more about demons and stuff. So I started to walk back inside to find her.
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[COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Calil dropped to the floor slamming her fist into the tile of the training room with a curse as sweat fell from her forehead onto the floor. Breathing heavily she fell back onto her butt and sighed, she was worn out now and she still had things on her mind, why was she so weak? Why had she been thrown around like a rag doll while Karyn had killed Malachai easily? Why had Dean yelled at her and than just walked off? She frowned as these thought ran through her mind over and over again and slammed her fist into the floor again, this time cracking the tile and making her knuckles bleed. Why was she thinking so much, she couldn't remember the last time her mind ran so wild with thoughts and it was pissing her off. She stood up and wiped the sweat from her face and looked around.
"Great, looks like another shower is in order for me."
Gathering her towel and i-pod she headed for her room which passed Dean's on the way. She took a deep breath and stopped out side his door, hearing him curse and rile through pages of a book she blinked.
'Reading again? How much time does he spend with his nose in a book?'
She sighed and knocked on his door blinking rapidly and taking a step back as it swung open with a force that if he was not holding the handle she was sure it would have come off the hinges it was attached to.
"C-Calil, what are doing here?"
"Well besides living here I heard you rifling through some pages, are you always in a book?"
He gave her a questioning look which made her shake her head.
"Almost everytime I pass your room, your in a book."
He looked down at his feet and looked to be deep in thought.
"Would ouo like to take a break and...I dunno, go for a walk or something? I have alot on my mind and a walk usually helps, if you'd like to join me it might help."
He looked up from his feet and met her eyes, she could see he was troubled by something and sighed.
"Also, I know I may not seem like the type, but I listen pretty well, you could talk to me."
She watched as he looked back into his room at his books and than back to her.
"Or if it's something you think Sile would be more inclined to help you with, I could go see if she's up still. Either way if I ccn help let me know."
She put a hand on his shoulder and let it fall, turning to walk to her room she stopped as he finally spoke up.
"Actually, a walk sounds nice right now. I'll take up your offer on that."
She gave him a small smile and nodded.
"Lemme go get out of these sweaty clothes and I'll be back to get you."
He nodded and watched her walk away, he small smile still in place, going to her room she changed from her work out clothes into a pair of black jeans and a white tank top. Brushing out her hair she walked back out and met Dean in the hall.
"That was fast."
"It's a walk not a date, I told you I was changing and I'd be right back, now come on."
She took his arm and drug him out of the building and onto the grounds, putting her hands in her pockets she walked side by side with him around the building and through the grounds silently enjoying the company.
"So, what exactly is one your mind to make your self bury your nose in a book til the next mission?"
He looked at his feet and continued to walk, his mind on other things, racing just like her's at the moment, but she knew how to hide it. Unlike him it seemed.
"Hello, earth to Dean."
"Sorry, what did you want to know?"
"Why bury your nose in a book til the next mission? What's bothering you so much to make you do that?"
He looked at her and than sighed.
"What's on your mind to make you train so hard?"
She blinked and looked down at her feet, her own thoughts returning ten fold to make her frown.
"Just stuff."
He voice took on a stiff note and he could tell it was not something she was very happy with.
"You don't like to think to much do you?"
"Thinking about things before you do them makes you react slowly, you could get killed that way, thinking to much after the fact makes you feel guilty about it, even if it's something not worth feeling guilty for. So no, not really. But on occasion, it's nice to sit back and think about your actions, sometimes it makes you think how to do things differently the next time around."
He nodded and continued to walk with her til she stopped and looked up at him.
"Can I ask you something?"
He looked back at her giving her another questioning look.
"Go ahead."
"Why did you yell at me back in the infirmary and than walk off with out saying another word to me?"
"Oh that..."
She walked up to him frowning.
"Yeah that, care to explain?"
He remained silent for a moment and jumped when she poked him in the ribs.
"I'm waiting."
She crossed her arms and waited for his reply.
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[FONT="Century Gothic"]Sile woke up slowly in her own bed. Her eye was hurting and she tried to remember why. Then she remembered that she had teleported everyone back from the battle. Yawning, she lifted up the blankets off of the bed. She was naked. Which meant that Dean had stripped her and put her to bed. At least she hoped that it was Dean.

Sile got up, not bothering to get dressed and walked around looking for the others, to see how they were doing. Calil and some of the others had been hit pretty hard during the battle.

Walking down one of the many hallways of the mansion, Sile soon ran into someone she didn't expect. It was Dawner, and it looked like he was in a hurry to be somewhere.

"Hi Dawner." She said.

"Oh, hi Sile."

Dawner stopped and waved. He didn't seem to even notice that she was naked, which struck her as a little odd at the time.

"Going somewhere? Mind if I walk with you?" Sile asked.

He shook his head and they both walked along together. As they walked, Dawner asked her all sorts of questions about the incantation that she used to teleport everyone back home.

"Whoa, whoa slow down. All of these questions are making my head spin. Why are you so interested in Arcane arts anyways?" Sile asked him.

[B]OOC: Take it from here. I hope you don't mind if I caught you on the way to the water tower, Takuuya.[/B][/FONT]
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[quote name='Knuckles' Girl'][COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Why had she been thrown around like a rag doll while Karyn had killed Malachai easily?

OC: Uhm, ouch (I think)!:animeblus

Karyn quickly changed out of the soaked towel and into an over-sized floppy T-shirt and some shorts that were hidden by the length of the T-shirt. "Oh boy! I'm going to go play outside with Dunan! Oh! I just remembered! He made it through the mission alive, so now I need to let him touch my ears and tail! Guess I better go find him!" she giggled, leaving the bathroom. She walked down the stairs and spotted Sile and Dawner talking. This would've been just normal to Karyn, but Sile was in her birthday suit. She blushed and stumbled on one of the steps she had been about to step on. She fell over the railing of the stairs. "GYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!" she screamed, tumbling to the ground.

"OOMPH!" Draco grunted as he crumbled under the sudden weight of a certain falling werewolf. "Uuurgh..." he groaned as he rolled over, shoving Karyn off.

"Oh, hello, Draco..." Karyn mumbled, face down on the floor.

"What were you doing?" Draco demanded, standing back up.

"Welllll... (Caution: to really get the gist of what Karyn is sounding like, you have to try and read this as if it's being said all in one breath. Even better if you say it out loud.) I was going to go find Dunan so we could go play outside, beacause he promised me he would, y'know? Anyway, while I was walking down the stairs I saw Sile, and I was all like 'What the hell?!' because she was all nudey patoodie, y'know? That's not to say she doesn't have a nice body or anything, but I was just all freaked out because I'm not used to seeing my team mates prancing around naked with Dawner, right? Although I think Dunan might want to because he was making funny moany groany sounds when he drank his blood and stuff. Anyway, I was so surprised that I fell right off the stairs and onto your noggin, and that's what happened!" Karyn rambled. But Draco was already half-way up the stairs, apparently haven given up on the explanation.
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[B]OOC: This is going rather well, I hope everyone doesn't mind if we hold off a few more days before breaking into mission mode. We'll plan on moving along on Wednesday or so. [/B]

[B]Oh and Chibi, please don't ever change. [/B]

Dean had hoped she would never have called him out on what happened in the infirmary. He rarely lost his cool, and he'd never lost his cool with her. Every move she made during battle was for the good of the team, even what happened at the battlegrounds was much to do with her.

"There was no reason...I...I was just worried about you okay? You were a little worse for wear then everybody else." Dean tried to hide his face in his jacket, he could feel the heat from his cheeks and knew he was blushing.

"Worried about me? I believe if I wouldn't have done what I did you would've been the one in the infirmary not me." Dean could see how strong she was, more then ever at that moment. She would never accept the truth, but he'd give it to her anyways.

"You were pretty out of it, but did you happen to see what happened to my sword during the fight with Malachai?"

"Yeah after I shot Malachai, it started glowing but I guess I never really thought about why." She just sort've shrugged it off, again showing Dean the strength he loved about her.

"Well, me and Malachai's blades are ancient. His forged in the west, and mine in the east. His blade was forged to destroy, and mine was forged to protect. Though we didn't know it, we were both being played by Holdren." He felt his cheek go from red to white when he thought about how sick that made him.

"I guess it's amazing what you find out when you have your nose shoved in a book for 12 hours a day eh?" God bless her, she made him laugh.

"Well, there are things I can't seem to figure out. Like how I didn't know any of this until the fight with malachai. All my years with the blade and Sile I couldn't activate it, but for some reason the thought of....." Dean couldnt' finish. He wanted to badly to tell her, but he couldn't find the words.

"The thought of what?" For somebody who didn't like to think, she never missed a beat.

Dean could feel the fire build back up in his face, it was the moment of truth and he was thinking way to much.

"Well, let's just say I found something worth protecting. Which is why I couldn't stand the thought of you lying on the ground." Dean waited for the beratement, there was no way she'd let him live that down.

"That's sweet, but you can't try and protect me forever, you know I won't let you."

Dean threw his arms around her and embraced her. He wanted so much more, he wanted more, but as in everything with him something held him back.

She pulled slightly away and looked into his eyes. He smiled as he brushed her hair out of her face.

"That's all I can offer right now Calil. Until I figure this whole thing out, that's all I can give." Her features changed, he was no longer able to read her sweet face.

"It's Sile isn't it? You guys have been through a lot together and you can't break her heart huh?" She turned from him and walked/ran back towards the mansion.

"Calil! It's not like that." He found himself having to yell she was already so far away. "I...lo...damnit she's gone." He'd blew his chance to tell her how he felt, but in truth it was Sile. Though not in the way Calil assumed.

"Stupid man Dean...stupid man..." Dean's hands went into his pocket and he started a lonley walk back towards the mansion. Though he wanted to go apologize, he knew figuring out Holdren was far more important at the moment. At least if he wanted to make sure he had another chance sometime soon.
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[COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Calil turned a corner and hit the wall breathing heavily, feeling the knot in her throat she bit her lip to keep the tears her body wanted so badly to shed at bay. She had not cried in years and she wasn't about to. Spinning she punched the wall making it crack and the side of the mansion tremble. Gritting her teeth she shoved her hands in her pockets and walked back to her room looking down so her hair shadowed her face. As she walked in she spotted Karyn and nodded to her, Karyn stopped her search for Dunan and looked up at Calil.
"Good job out there tonight Karyn. Your growing up and your power is increasing, keep it up."
She patted her shoulder and put her hand back in her pocket and started to head up stairs to her room when Karyn spoke to her.
"Thanks Calil, that means alot coming from you."
"Don't mention if pup, I'll see you later."
She walked past the young woman and up the stairs, hearing Sile and Dawner she ducked into a closet and waited til the passed, when she came out she heard a grunt from the other side of the door and looked around it seeing Dunan.
"Sorry...Karyn is at the bottom of the stairs looking for you I assume."
He nodded and took a step to go past her and than looked back with some what wide eyes.
"What what?
Calil blinked and looked at him curious.
"You spoke a full sentence to me...that's rare."
"Not really."
"Considering you usually only talk to Dean."
She felt her cheeks flush slightly and shrugged.
"What ever, maybe it's just the rush of the fight still, something like that."
She turned and walked back to her room, passing Dean's room yet again she didn't bother to stop, or even look at his door, heard the pages flipping in the room she knew he was in a book yet again. The flipping was fast and agitated, something was bothering him, more than before. She resisted the urge to knock on his door and try to help, Sile was up and about so he would probably go talk to her soon any way. Walking to her room she threw a pack of noodles in her microwave and sat on her bed, he thoughts running wild. It wasn't so hard to see why Sile would hold a special part of Dean's heart, he drank her blood. It's not like she wouldn't do it to if she could but there was no chance, her blood would make him go crazy. Both poisons running though her veins. There was no chance, they had looked into it since him and her shared the same blood type. She buried her face in her palms and sighed. This was what she had to deal with, she took this job knowing that something some how would happen to make her think again, to make her feel and this was it. Though she had been hiding how she felt about Dean for the longest time it was starting to show more and more everyday whether she wanted it to or not. She jumped out of her thoughts as the timer on the microwave went off, standing she went to the machine and pulled her bowl out setting it on the top she let it cool and was just about to dig into it when there was a resounding crash from down the hall, rolling her eyes she opened her door and blinked as dust came from under Dean's door.
"Great, what did he do now..."
She took a deep breath and walked the few feet between their rooms and knocked on the door, she kept her face straight as it swung open with him coughing and covered in a layer of dust.
"I heard the crash, what happened? You alright?"
He coughed again and nodded.
"Just found a box of old books I haven't read in a few years."
"Looks like more than a few."
Looking past him she saw the stack of books on the floor that lead from the middle of his room to his closet.
"What are you looking for exactly?"
"Just an old book."
"On what?"
"Nothing to important."
"Uh-huh...alright fine, keep your secrets, but if you need help lemme know and I'll help you find it, depending on how old it is it might have a certain scent I can find among all this...stuff."
She turned and walked back to her room not giving him the chance to say anything else to her. Closing her door she leaned on it and heaved a sigh, she grabbed the bowl of noodles and threw them down the drain having lost her will to eat she flopped onto her bed and covered her face with her pillow. It wasn't to long later til she woke up realizing that she had drifted into sleep and that some one was knocking on her door, with bleary eyes and a disheveled appearance from her sleep she opened the door scratching the top of her head and trying to rub the from her eyes, her tank top ruffled and hanging off one shoulder, cheeks flushed and her movements slower than usual. She blinked a few times clearing her vision as the form of Dean, breathing heavily and obviously excited about something came into view.
"Dean? What's going on?"
She rubber her eyes more and yelped as he grabbed her arm and pulled her down the hall to his room.
"I figured something out!"
"That's great, mind if I wake up first?"
"To important, you gotta hear this, it's about my sword."
"Oh-kay...It can't wait til I wake up enough to understand it?"
She grunted as he pushed her into a chair in his room and shoved a mug of coffee in her hands, sniffing it she snorted as the strong aroma filled her nose making blink.
"Dean, how long have you been at this?"
"All night."
She blinked again and set the coffee down on the table beside her, looking at him she could tell it was the coffee alone that was keeping him going, standing up she put her hand on his shoulder and made him stop.
"Take a break, we finished the first mission, we're done for the time being, take a rest, get some sleep. You need it."
Looking at him now she saw his blood shot eyes and felt the tension in his body as her hand rested on his shoulder. She growled and swiped the book he just pick up from his hands. Shoving him down on his bed she stood over him frowning, her hands on her hips.
"You need sleep as much as the rest of us Dean. Go to sleep."
He shook his head and tried to sit up and blinked as he found her hand pushing him back onto his bed, firm but gently.
"Please Dean, your gonna run your self into the ground by the time we leave again..."
He nodded slowly, his body finally giving up, she crossed her arms as she sat in the chair looking at him and felt her self nod back off as well.

[B]Sorry for the length, just wanted to get a good one in today, have alot to do.[/B]
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Dunan paused, thinking. Distant memories were coming back to haunt him, like a ghost that would never vanish.

"Why?" he breathed. "Why do these thoughts return to plague me?" He closed his eyes, trying to push them away.

[I]"No! Please stop!"

"Why me?"

"Please stop hurting him!"

"Make it stop!"

A laughter, perverse and maniacal, bursting through the night as innocent people were killed right in front of his eyes...[/I]

Dunan held his forehead, dizzy with the onslaught of his past. "No..... I don't want to remember this..." He fell to his knees, blood beginning to leak from his eyes, for tears of salt and water no longer flowed down his cheeks.

"Yeah... not being human...Guess this is what I asked for..." All of the memories of his early life, all of the killing, all of the screams, the pain, the suffering, and yet more sorrow than any human could ever know battered Dunan's mind as he wrestled with his mind to shut it out.

"Please, Dunan, accept my offer..." Vahn's eyes began to redden, as tears of blood began to pour down his cheeks. "You're far too sweet and giving to die this way... You're one of the most giving souls I've ever known, this is far too cruel. Let me give my dark gift to you."

Through labored breath and heavy eyes, Dunan responded. "Death...is what.... gives life... its meaning...... I'm.... ready ....to die...."

"Please Dunan! I'm begging you!"

Dunan eyes opened slightly, he looked over at Vahn. "Why.....?"

"Let me give countless more people the pleasure of knowing you... of giving their lives meaning when all hope is lost for them! You saved me..." Vahn grasped Dunan's pale hand, holding it to his forehead. Drops of red were staining the sheets. "You saved me from that fate, you saved me from feeling that way, from ending my existence."

"You...really..... want me.... to live?" Dunan looked back torwards the ceiling. "Sonya... would she?" Dunan's eyes were blurring, and he saw his sister's face.

"Make me....immortal...." he breathed. Vahn looked up in shock, before his face broke into a sad smile. "Alright...."[/I]

"And this comes back now..." Dunan's mind was clearing, and he stood up, wiping his face.

"Oh yeah... Karyn and I were supposed to go outside and play..."

Karyn came hurtling from around a corner, and slammed into him, knocking him for a loop.

"Ow...." He said, his mouth open wide in a semi-concious manner. "gaaaaaahhhh.." He let out a groan, and twitched.

"Dunan!" Karyn said, picking him up, and he stood against her limply, still with a goofy expression on his face, in a daze. "You hit really hard......gah..."

"I'm sorry!"

"Okay... Dunan came out of his daze, and then smiled. "Ok... let's go out and play.."
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OOC : sorry i've been moving and its hard to get a signal out in ass fuck egypt lol..

Dawner had to think for a minute. He had always been drawn to the arcane arts.

“Well you know how limited my control over my psychic powers are Sile, But I have more control over magic because it’s mostly about guidelines and texts, which I’m good at”

“I see” said Sile thoughtfully. “But you must try to get a hold of those powers Dawnster, Especially your empathic abilities.” She shot him a crooked smile.

Dawner knew what that was about, whenever he felt a certain powerful emotion his epathy powers would go out of wack and cause everyone around him to feel what he was feeling. Sile called them involuntary mood swings.

“I’m trying I swear.” Dawner pleaded.

Sile laughed, “Don’t worry I have fate in you, you’ve come a long way since coming here. That reminds me, What do you think about our newest addition?”

Dawner blushed and yet he didn’t know why, who are we kidding yes he did. “Well I believe him to be quite interesting, and he’s a great fighter with such a pure heart”

Sile stopped walking and faced Dawner, “You know that’s not what I meant” she frowned. “Don’t keep things from me.”

Dawner started to feel bad he never had any problems talking to Sile, she was always his comfort, and secret keeper, his own secret squirrel.

“SO!?” Sile waved at him bringing him back down to earth. “Stop spazing out”

“Oh sorry.”

“So is there anything between you too?”

“I’m not sure, well I am it’s just. I genially like him and want to get to know him a but he’s extremely flirtatious.”

“And you want to know if something serious could be between you?” Sile finished his thought. Dawner hoped he wasn’t projecting his feelings again…

“Yeah, which is why we’re meeting at the water tower to talk things over.”

“Well I hope things go well Dawn.” Sile smiled, “And if he tries any funny business you blast his ass off that tower understood?” Sile put her hands on her hips, her knockers swaying.

“Yes ma’am, I’ll tell you how things go when I get back.” Dawner smiled cheekily, and Sile patted him on the head before he walked out the back door.
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After I was seemingly repeatedly being either bombarded with explanations or accidentall injures from Karyn, I still was much in thought for anything. Maybe ontop of the clock tower would get me away from everything. I would give me time to think about what Dean said. But what Dean said didnt add up to me. I spent years before this mission when I first met Dean researching on any known half breed that involved demons and were-wolves but couldnt find anything.

I finally got to the clock tower and climbed out the window. I jumped from one edge to another till I was ontop of the tower. I could see the crew walking around and talking. Everyword was like listening to someone face to face. I wasnt really paying attention to them at this time. What I was really so deep into thought was that even Malachai thought I was a half-bread like Karyn, but Karyn is more than that. She is stronger than pure bloods not by her strength but by her spirit. She is a unique individuall like my self but I'm something else.

Maybe it was time to tell Dean the truth of my "birth" and get this feeling off my chest. Dean is the only person vampire or not I could talk to about anything if I can get him out of those books. When I finally got out of my deep thought I havent realized it was morning already. The morning dew felt great on my face. Maybe I should make pancakes for Karyn and me. I'd bet she'd love my pancakes for sure.
So I get off my ass and get back inside the mansion before Dean or Sile see me on the roof. They don't like it when I get on the roof. It was still early morning and everyone was still asleep so I left a note on her door telling her to come to the dining hall in an hour for something special and a small tournement.

I spent what felt like hours in the kitchen making plates upon plates of hot pancakes. I found a way to make them melt in your mouth but yet still light and full of taste. I hope she likes this
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[quote name='Takuuya']
Dawner blushed and yet he didn?t know why, who are we kidding yes he did.

?And if he tries any funny business you blast his ass off that tower understood??.[/QUOTE]

oh hell no... i laughed my ass off at those two lines

Dunan and Karyn played for awhile, before Dunan glanced up at the water tower. "Karyn I go met Dawner."

"Okay!" She crouched down low, peering at Duan through her hands. "I shall be covert!" She tip toed around, causing Dunan to just stare at her blankly. "I are spy!" She cried.

"Um... miss spy... I want to go up and talk to him alone."

"OH!!!" She said, and fell over laughing. "YOU GONNA DO THE DIRTY!"

Dunan just stared, before turning around and walking off. Karyn stayed behind. Dunan jumped up, and climbed the side of the house, before jumping onto the water tower.

Dawner was waiting, he hadn't seen Dunan yet. Dunan's breath caught. He saw Dawner standing there, the breeze ruffling his hair.

"Well," Dunan said, causing Dawner to jolt. " I hope you haven't been waiting long."

"No... not really."

Dunan was keeping his thoughts to himself, he knew Dawner couldn't feel a thing from him, other than kindness.


"You were really strong....during the mission."

"Yeah, vampires are strong. It's a part of our nature, our very being." Dunan smirked, a blot of contempt blurring hiss mind for but a moment. "Vampires are built to be the perfect killing machine."

"Oh..." Dawner looked down at the field next to the manor. "I'm not afraid of you."

"Come on, that's because you can't help it. My scent drives you wild, my eyes draw you in." Dunan turned to Dawner, and then clenched the railing of the water tower. "If I was serious, I could destroy you and everyone else here in a matter of minutes." Dunan griped the railing tightly, and there was a groan as the metal bent to acomadate the pressure.

"But you're not like those... those.... things!" Dawner protested. He took a step closer to Dunan, and inwardly cringed. Dunan cocked his head. "You're not sure about wanting to come near me. You are afraid. That's good."

"But not of you! I'm afraid.... you might not like me...."

Dunan took a step back. Now it was his turn to be confused. "No one.... has ever said something... so....odd and sweet to me/

Dunan took the two long strides to Dawner. "Why would I not like you?"

"Because... um.... uh....." Dawner was frustrated, stammering, and becoming more and more red by the second. Dunan laughed. "Why are you so nervous?"

Dunan laughed some more, until Dawner looked away, off into the sunset." Are you.... wanting something with me? Like.... a relationship, maybe?"

Dunan grew silent. "When I was human, those thoughts were commonplace in my mind. Even after I was changed, for the first fifty years, they were still there."

"What changed?"

"Time." Dunan sighed.


"Yes. Even when you are old and grey, I will still be as I am now. I will still be this way long after you are gone." Dunan looked into Dawner's eyes. "I once watched everyone I know grow old and die. For four hundred years, so it has been. I've lived long enough to have led many lives. I've had many lovers, people I've grown attached to, and watched them die. Seldom have I ever been able to deeply care for someone, simply because I know that they will die. Even for someone as old as me, time doesn't make things easier, when it comes to the death of loved ones."

Dunan looked away, his eyes were beginning to water. A single drop of blood trailed down his cheek.

"Even still... maybe.... we could????"Dawner started again.

Dunan smiled. "Seldom have I opened up to people. I'm sorry to say it, but you're not the first, and you won't be the last." Dunan smiled,"But you're number five."

Dunan started laughing, his laughter sad and haunting, sounding as fragile as glass. "For someone like me to fall in love again!" Soon enough, there was a tinkle like he was breaking.

Dawner reached out, touching Dunan on the shoulder.

"You want to. You can't hide that, even if I can't read you like others." Dunan stopped laughing, looking at Dawner with eyes like rubies. Yet, there was nothing sinister there, only the echo of a heart long since frozen over, a spark of something begging to be found again. Dawner moved quickly, before he lost his nerve.

Dunan's breath caught once more, his eyes wide, until he reached up, to touch Dawner's face, feeling his smooth skin, his warmth. Dunan had felt so very cold for so long, he couldn't stop himself. Dawner felt like the heat of a roaring fire, warm and bright.

To Dawner, Dunan felt as cold as death, his skin soft but unyielding. Despite having seen what Dunan was capable of, Dunan's touch belied none of that, his touch was as soft as his skin, and his kiss was every bit as breath-taking as he had bragged it was. Dunan let go of his guarded emotions, and Dawner felt only a desire to be wanted, a desire to know someone cared, just like him.

Dunan broke the kiss, and smiled. "Told ya...I'm a good kisser..."

"Let's get down from here.... We can talk more on the ground."

"I've got no probs with that." Dunan grabbed Dawner and hoisted him up, holding him like groom held his bride, and leaped off the tower.

"GYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Dawner screamed all the way down. Dunan landed with the grace of a cat, and thus smiled. Dawner was scrunched up, cowering into his chest.

"Dawner... it's alright..."

Dawner looked around, and Dunan sat him down on the ground.


"Heh... sorry..."
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Karyn grinned as Dunan walked off to the tower. She moved up next to the tower, flared her ears as wide as she could and listened. There was a lot of sentimental mush exchanged. "Gawd, I wish they would start smooching or do something dirty already!" she muttered under her breath in annoyance. She wanted to scream 'GET ON WITH IT ALREADY!' at the two. But that would blow her cover. Suddenly she heard the distinctive sound of a vampire making out with a red headed empath. "Dreams really do come true!" she squealed to herself. After a little more dialogue, the talk was replaced with Dawner yelling and shouting. "Huh? Don't tell me they're already f- OHCRAP!!" Karyn yelped as she looked up and saw Dunan and Dawner falling down to the spot she was squated. "EEEP!" she squeaked, scurrying backwards and behind a wall. "That was close!" she declared, gasping for air.

"Were you just spying on those two, Karyn?"asked the voice of a certain hybrid.

"Ah! Urm...Uh...Uhm... Yesh..." Karyn mumbled, turning away from Draco, blushing furiously.

"I see. Well, then..." Draco started dragging Karyn off toward the cafeteria by the back of her shirt. "Come, I have pancakes."

"I BET I CAN EAT 'EM FASTER THAN YOU!" proclaimed Karyn with her fist in the air.
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Dawner blew his hair out of his eyes.

?You are just too adorable? Duncan grinned.

?Oh shut it,? Dawner swated at him and Dunan dodged.

?Too slow? He stuck out his tongue.

?You are so cocky, I can take you. Don?t be fooled sir, I may be human but I can hold my own.?

?Oh really now?? Dunan stepped closer leaning in closely.

Dawner kissed him emitting a spark of magic through his lips then he lightly bite Dunan.
He pulled back.

?I bite too.? Dawner grinned. ? Come on I want to show you something? Dawner grabbed Dunan?s hand and walking towards the garden area.

?Where are you taking me sweet heart??

?Somewhere nice.? They turned on a pathway close to the house, a horde of fireflies danced in the moonlight.

?These flowers are beautiful.? Dunan said.

?They should take pointers from you? Dawner said squeezing Dunan?s hand.

?Well aren?t you charming? Dunan smiled.

There was a slight change in the air, after a quick pause, Dawner looked at Dunan square in the face.

?I hope you will allow me to get close to you Dunan, all I want is to give you less reason to unhappy. I only want to ease your pain. I?m sure Vahn didn?t bless you with life to live it alone.?

For a brief second there was a hurt look on Dunan?s face then he quickly gain composer. ?I suppose you?re right? he said looking the other way.

?Damn it why?d I have to bring him up, he obviously has some sort of feelings towards him still.? Dawner thought.

?I?m sorry, I should not have sai-? Dawner started.

?It?s okay, but you are right I cant drown in my sorrows anymore it would be tainting the life he gave to me. Thank you Dawn.? Dunan kissed him but this time there were unspoken words in his kiss.
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I drugged Karyn off from the base of the water tower to the cafe. She acted like she was in high school listening for something to gossip about. She was still just a kid in her own way but she had it where it counts. I stopped at room and I let go of Karyns shirt.

[COLOR="Blue"]Karyn: "Why are we stopping? Arnt we going to the cafe?"[/COLOR]

[COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Yes but I want to give you something first."[/COLOR]

I opened my door to my room and walked in. About 2-3 minutes later I walk out with a small box in my hand.

[COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Karyn, Here take this."[/COLOR]

Karyn took the box and then looked at me.

[COLOR="Blue"]Karyn: "Ooh, what is it?"[/COLOR]

[COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "It belonged to my parents. If they wherent so kind has they where, I wouldnt be here now."[/COLOR]

Karyn opened up the box and music started playing from it while an image played in a little screen. Underneath the screen was a necklace that was studded with diamonds, precious gems, and made of platnum.

[COLOR="Blue"]Karyn: "I cant accept this. This belongs to your parents."[/COLOR]

[COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "IF they where on this earth anymore. After I heard from Dean about your mother, I knew that you would understand how long it takes to recover from your mothers death. My mother was also human. Kind, gentle, beautiful, kind of like you. I wanted to give you this a long time ago but I was still nervous of you."[/COLOR]

A single tear ran down my face. It dropped off my face and landed on the music box. Karyn reached out and grabed my hand.

[COLOR="Blue"]Karyn: "I will treasure it forever."[/COLOR]

I bent down so far that my head was below hers.

[COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Karyn, I also want to tell you this. Being a half bread doesnt make you weaker than pure bloods. I beleive it makes you stronger than them. If you were like any other full bread. You wouldnt be you. Just remember that. Now lets go get those pancakes before they get cold!"[/COLOR]

I picked her up and threw her on my back like a dad giving their child a piggy-back ride. I run through the hall ways to the cafe and opened the doors with my foot.
I could sense her joy when she saw what seemed to be mountains of still steaming hot pancakes across the table.
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(i think it's time to really heat things up....:devil:)

Dunan looked around, letting go Of Dawner's hand. He peered up at the sky, his eyes glittering with the shine of the infinite number of stars.

"Mortals can't see the stars like I can. I can see so many more. Hundreds, maybe thousands."

"One of the benefits of being a vampire?"

"Of course. But, it's not all fun beauty and games, you know."

"Yeah.. I know. You never show weakness.. at least no vampire ones.

"That's just it. My weakness is protecting innocent people. But, that's what makes me different."

Dunan looked over to a pavilion, where a piano sttod, sheilded from the elements. "Come on, I have something to show you."

Dunan walked over to the piano, and flung off the old cloth. Underneath was a beautiful glossed black piano. Dunan ran his fingers along the surface, loving the feel. He could smell the laquer and varnish, the faint scent of the wood.

"Perfection." Dunan commented. He sat down on the bench, and lifted the cover. Shining ivory met his eyes, and he smiled. "Almost as pretty as you Dawner."

Dunan lifted his hands to the keys, and music began to play. The melody was haunting, and wound through the manor like ribbon, coming to the ears of all nearby.

"Wow...." Dawner breathed. He'd never heard anything like it. It felt like eternity, the never ending ups and downs of joy and sorrow. the melody overtook the senses, filling all who heard with a hypnotic peace. Dawner's eyes unfocused as he was taken away by the music.

"You're so talented..."

"Heh, Thanks. This is nothing compared to what I can do..."

"I see...." Dawner shook out of his reverie, and he smiled. "Talented.. why don't you perform in front of an audience?"

"I don't want to get famous. I'd rather live in the shadows. I'm also good with the violin, the flute, the guitar, the drums, and the harp."

"Oh... you'll have to play them for me." Dunan moved again, but then he looked away. His stomach roared. "Oops..."

"Hungry?" Dawner snapped his fingers, and pulled off hi hat. He pulled a bottle of wine and a glass from it, then pulled another bottle of an amber colored liguid.

"You can have your drink, I'll have mine."

Dunan poured a wine glass full of the dark red liquid. He took a drink, his eyes faintly glowed. He licked his lips, and looked at Dawner, innocently sipping his wine.

"You know, your blood tasted better."

"I should hope so. That's pig." Dawner miffed at Dunan's comment. Dunan laughed. "Indignant, are we?"


Dunan took another drink, and poured another glass. "You know something? Your blood made me so.....excited. If just your blood does that to me, I wonder how the person will do." He took a drink, and scooted over. He had a goofy smile on his face. "Just remember, I'll bite if you say I can."

Dawner looked away, his nose in the air. "Hmph!" there was a faint smile on his lips.

"Please." Dunan turned Dawner's face and then kissed him, his hand trailing down to his thigh. Dawner melted, the farse dropped. Dunan swund his leg over Dawner, straddling his lap. His eyes glittered, he didn't want blood.

"You know, I've been known to drink things other than blood..." Dunan's hand reached under Dawner's clothing, his cold hand trailing Dawner's bare skin, making him jump.

"That's cold!"

"Then warm me up." Dunan said, helping Dawner up. "Come on... let's go back to my room."

"They assigned you one?"

"They better...Although, I wouldn't mind sharing a room with you..." Dunan headed back to the manor, he was going to get his room. "Come on..."

"Don't you sleep in a coffin or something?"

"Don't listen to everything you've heard, that's a myth. I sleep in a bed just like everyone else. Hopefully, my bed will be big enough for the two of us."
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Dean sighed, there he was all alone in his room. While everyone was enjoying the time off. "Seems like this is always the way it's going to be eh boy?" The large wolf's big ears stood up and he glanced up at his master lovingly.

Dean had found Cota while him and Sile were working together in one of their first missions. His pack had been devastated, and only he and his mother, who was dying anwyas, had survived. Dean remembered how sad he felt for the silver colored wolf, especially when he looked at him with those ice blue eyes.

There was a knock on the door, Dean prayed it wasn't Calil. After he'd just let her leave without telling her, not once but twice, he couldn't face her a third time at that moment. Instead he was relieved to find it was Sile, walking in naked as a newly born baby. Most others were intimidated by her, or turned away in embarassment. This was how he saw her more often then not, especially after a mission. It was like she enjoyed the freedom she could never receive in the life she had.

"You nose in those books AGAIN Dean!?" She'd always told him that he would not die in battle, but most likley of the stress caused by trying to know everything that was going on. "Do I have to physically make you get some air?"

Dean chuckled, she was always watching out for him. From the moment she took the plunge she did with the ceremony, she'd been the one watching out for him. "I'm pretty much done, but we have a new problem."

"Isn't there always a new problem Dean? Can't we for once just enjoy a few days off?"

"You knew it was going to be this way, especially when we took the team on. We did that so we'd have some extra hands and be able to take on some extra work remember?"
They had argued that point several times when they first kicked around the idea of bringing others into the "life" as they liked to call it.

"Yeah, well it seems they're out having lives while you're slaving away in here. Something doesn't seem to right about that Dean? Don't most vampire covens and wolf dens make the lower ranking people do the foot work?" The irony in her statement killed him.

"Yeah, I know....I haven't been here all day. I went for a walk with Calil ealier." Dean had feared that statment may upset her. The two had always seemed at odds for some reason, and Calil would always get weird around the mention of her. Dean chalked it up to jealousy or some sort've personal thing, but it was odd. This time she blushed.....

"Well good; at least you got out a little. What's this new job we're apparently going to have?"

"Well, it's almost time to...eat. Do you mind going and grabbing everyone and having them assemble in the living room? I have one last thing I want to check out and then I'll be down."

"Sure Dean, but when we get back from this one I want all your time spent with everybody on the team. If you're ever going to be more then just the 'leader' then you need to get to know everybody better." She turned with that and walked out the door.

Dean sat on what she said for a moment, gathered up his things and made his way for the living room. What she said had cut him pretty deap, but it wasn't anything he didn't know. It just hurt that he wasn't the only one who felt that way.
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Karyn was skipping through a field of Hershey Kiss flowers with a stream of syrup. The clouds were made of cotton candy and there was a cobblestone path of pancakes weaving through the field. "Where am I?" Karyn wondered as she glanced at a chocolate bunny that was bounding through the field. "And what the heck did Draco put in those pancakes?!"

"KARYYYN~!" called a distant voice.

"H-hello?" Karyn answered cautiously.





"KARYN LOX, YOU HAD BETTER WAKE UP AND GET YOUR BUTT TO THE LIVING AREA BEFORE I SKIN YOU!!!" screamed an irritated sounding Sile who seemed to be pounding on a thick door. Karyn shot up, wide eyed and awake. She seemed to be soaked in a cold...sweat? No, it was too sweet smelling...

"SIIILE!!! I'M SWEATING SYRUP!!!" Karyn shrieked. Sile burst into the room in her birthday suit.

"You're going to be sweating blood if you don't hurry your ass up! And you are not sweating syrup, moron! You just ate messily and are covered in it!" she replied. Karyn glanced at herself.

"Ooohhh..." Then she glanced at Sile. "Uhm, Sile?"


"Here, take this for the meeting..." Karyn said as she shoved a pink fuzzy sweater over Sile's naked self. It had a bright red heart embroidered on the chest of it and was over-sized even on her. "Now hold on!" Karyn demanded as she scrambled into her closet. She emerged in an equally large, identical pink sweater. "Hehe! We match! We're twins! Yippee!" Karyn giggled.

"Whatever, let's just go get everyone else..." Sile muttered, blushing.
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[COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Calil woke with a start realizeing with a pull that she was in her room and comfortably on her bed. Dean had moved her in the middle of sleep and she had never noticed, she sighed and got up hearing Sile argue with Karyn that they were to meet in the living area. She didn't bother doing anything to her apperance, merely stood and walked out of her room looking up at the other two girls in the hall and blinking rapidly as Sile looked up at her in nothing but a repulsive pink sweater, she blinked more as Karyn stepped out behind her in the same sweater smiling.
"Hi Calil!"
She nodded and walked past them down the stairs to the living area where she ran head long into Dean as he sat down waiting for the others.
"Um, hey...thanks for putting me to bed last night."
He only nodded at her which made her all the more uncomfortable. She sighed and scratched her head through her sleep ruffled hair and scolded her self for not at least running a brush through her hair. She looked up and blinked a few times trying to rid some left over sleep from her eyes and staggered slightly as she yawned and felt her balance waver. Her cheeks flushed as she felt Dean grab her arm to stable her.
"You alright? You usually never lose your balance."
"Just woke up...that's all."
He nodded and guided her to a chair where she sat and let out another yawn not really sure why she was so tired all of a sudden.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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I had no time to sleep. As soon as I got to my room, Sile said to go to the living room. Hopefully its not about another mission already. A week at least to make sure everyone was back at fighting strength. Calil espically since she took a beating like that. And I need to head back to the states to my parents grave to tell them I have gotten the revenge I was after and to retrive a trunk of notes, journals, diaries, and documents on me. I knew they where on my because they said I could have it when I was older. Now is the time and maybe Dean could make sense of what am I.

When I got their everone was their and I saw Sile and Karyn wearing matching shirts. I got shivers running down my back because Sile looked soo creepy with that heart shirt. Anyways, Dean was blabing on and on about his sword and what happened and blah blah blah. Nothing about another mission that was good.

If I should ask now, he should understand my reasons. I stand up and cut his speach short.

[COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Dean, since we are not going on another mission right now. I'd like to take some time to visit my parents grave and to retrive something you might find..intriging..about me."[/COLOR]

Dean looked dumbfounded at what I said. I who rarely asks for any type of leave ask for a vacation. Also I see a faint look of happyness about reading something new for once than all those books he has.

(OoC: Drizz Im going to wait till you reply to this post before I make my next move.)
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[B]OOC: Wow Dragon's you threw me a curve ball on this one...[/B]

Dean starred slackjawed at Draco...the request he made could not have come at a worse time. "I think you've misunderstood me. There is very much a mission, I've just been waiting on."

As if it were rehursed the rest of the group wandered into the living room. Sile in tow, if Dean's jaw could've dropped any farther it would've falled off at the sight of Sile wearing that pink sweater.

"Umm...Well now that we're all here I have some important news to share with everyone." Dean had taken a deap breath, he was about to divulge something that made his stomach turn just thinking about it.

"Could we hurry this up? I was in the middle of something very important." Dean noted the look Dawner shot Dunan when he made that statement. Apparently the two had been in the middle of something when Sile had summoned them.

"I know we haven't had much time off. Most of you probably haven't gotten any sleep at all, and for that I apologize. But something big has come up..." Dean couldn't tell them, not when they were like this. Tired, beaten up, and all thanks to Holdren's plan for them...no there would be time later for that. The mission was the most important at the moment...

"I received word a couple hours ago, of a werewolf clan decimating a small town in Scotland." Dean paused and shot a look at Karyn...

"The supposed leader of this clan is said to carry the surname Lox..." Karyn's face turned white, as the team turned and stared.

"The clan is blending with the community well, and picking them out is going to be difficult. Our sources say nobody in town is displaying any odd behavior, the smell of werewolf is nowhere to be found, and the only clue is the Lunar cycle. As most of you know, unlike our special few, not many werewolves can change at will so this is time sensitive."

Dean could hear the groans in his head before they were uttered. It wasn't fair to ask this of them. They were tired, weak, and he wasn't totally sure Calil had fully recovered. "Sleep tonight, because tomorrow Sile will be teleporting us all to an undisclosable point in Scotland. We meet tomorrow at 0500 sharp in the lab." Dean wanted to tell them how sorry he was, wanted to tell him that it was a joke.

Truth be told though he wasn't sorry. Stopping the evil's of this world is what they all signed up for. Sure if he made them jump at every utter of a human life lost at the hands of a...creature they would work everyday for the festo f their lives.

As the team filed out, Dean grabbed Draco and held him while the others left. "Listen...I know it sucks, but I'll tell you what we can do. Sile should be strong enough to take the two of you back to your home, though that'll make it hard for either of you to get any sleep yourselves it's up to you get back here as soon as possible. If you want her to leave you there that's fine, but I need her back before morning."

Draco began to turn, he was obviously unhappy with Dean's decision. "Listen Draco...I shouldn't ask this of you. But could you put this off? As a personal favor that you don't owe me, could you please take care of Karyn tonight. I didn't make a big deal of it, because...well I don't even know what to say to her. We've drifted apart since this team became a reality and I just don't have the bond with her that you do. Please..."

Dean didn't allow him a chance to respond. He had one more person he needed to speak with before he headed off to bed. He doubted, though, that she'd have much to say to him after his screw up today. He had realized something after she walked away though, something he didn't know how much longer he'd have to tell her...

[B]OOC: Still plenty of time to finish what some of you started...hinting at you Inuyasha and Takuuya. Didn't meant to cut you guys off, just wanted to give the rest of us a chance to catch some shut eye while you were at it ;)[/B]
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"We have to make up time we lost in that damn meeting love bird." Said Dunan rushing to his room with Dawner in tow. "

“Dunan, let's slow down” Breathed Dawner, their quick pace left him quite flustered.

“Oh dear, you’ll have to keep up if you want to dance with me.” Dunan said almost lifted Dawner off the ground as they rounded corner.

“Dunan we need to slow down…” Dawner said panting.

“Okay, okay” Dunan slowed his pace then stop to turn and look at Dawner, after a minute he spoke. “Are you alright now?” Dunan touched Dawner’s cheek. “Ready to go”

“That’s not what I meant… I mean this is to fast, us I mean… we’re moving too fast..” Dawner stammered looking at his feet.

Dunan looked disappointed for a brief second then it faded away. “Well we can slow down then I guess.” He smiled reaching out for Dawner’s hand, he pulled him close putting his other hand on the small of Dawner’s back.

Dawner put his hand on Dunan’s chest to create distance, “And you better stop trying to seduce me damn it. You and your red, hypnotic, beautiful eyes” Dawner kissed Dunan lightly on the lips.

“ Since we’re on the subject, have I told you, I love the brilliant shade of your green eyes, they’re the most loveliest emeralds I’ve ever seen “ Dunan said returning a kiss.

“Are you sure? I’m certain you’ve seen more than you let on… how can I compare?” Dawner pouted, though there was a bit of playfulness to his banter he really was nevous about feeling like he was just another fling in Dunan’s life…

“No, I’m positive. You are truly a beauty, Dawn.” Dunan said convincingly.

“Mhmm, But for how long?”

Dunan smirk, “Yes, for how long indeed?”

Dawner punched Dunan in he arm, “You’re horrible!”

“I’m just teasing” Dunan laughed.

Dawner turned sharply and began to walk off.

“Oh don’t be like that,” Dunan grabbed him from behind and blew on Dawner’s neck which sent him shivering and melting into Dunan’s embrace.

“You’re so cute when you pout” Dunan said close to Dawner’s ear.

“Hopefully I am long enough to keep you interested” snapped Dawner.
OOC: your first night at the manor and you want to get in Dawnie's pants?! what kind of char do you think he is? Perv lol
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I Didnt want Sile to transport me home because It would take tooo much out of her. We'll my parents arent going anywere so might as well wait. As for Karyn, maybe I should have her come over to my room and stay with me. This will be a test of her training for this is what she waited for since she joined us.

As everyone left the meeting hall, I grab Karyns hand and pull her towards me. I just stood their holding her even though she was short by comparison.

[COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Karyn, revenge inst the answer to your mothers death. Even with my age I still learned that with that vampire. I understand were you come from and why you want it but dont spoil your mothers kindness she gave you like I did. Please, Karyn, come to my room."[/COLOR]

I let go before even letting her respond to what I said. I still cannont tell her how I feel about her. IF anyone knew the real truth about me, they may not want me around. Dean is the only one who can make sense of whats inside the trunk but I cant get it for him.

I will not abandon my team for that. No, they need me but its really I need them. Before Dean and Sile found me on that beach in Maine (USA) I wanted to die because no-one could ever exept me for what I really am. But this group, these people even Dunan who has a weird head on his shoulders have become freinds. Maybe Karyn is the one I've been looking for but I dont know if she feels the same way before.

I walked right into my door almost fell backwards. Well sleep well my mother and father. Till another day.
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