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Band of the Blood Moon (Mature)

Drizzt Do'urden

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Karyn stood blinking as Draco left. She used he wall for support as she dragged herself outside. "I know it isn't the answer...but it's the only thing I've got to hang onto right now!" she muttered, dragging herself toward some bushes. She was on her knees as she recalled what Dean had said.

"[I]The supposed leader of this clan is said to carry the surname Lox...[/I]" At the very thought of her father, Karyn's stomach twisted. She thought she was going to be sick in the bushes, but she somehow managed to calm her stomach. Karyn pounded her fist into the grass.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid!!! I hate him! I hate that stupid father of mine!" she snarled. Her fist suddenly stopped as she registered the rest of what Draco had said.

"[I]Please, Karyn, come to my room.[/I]"

"Hmm... Well, I guess I shouldn't keep him waiting any longer..." Karyn mumbled, getting up and wiping her wet, grassy fist on her fuzzy sweater. "Wonder what he wants..."
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[FONT="Comic Sans MS"][COLOR="Navy"]Calil yawned as she retreated from her bathroom, the sound of water draining from the bathtub apparent, a large, thick book tucked under her arm as she wiped her face of the steam and water she just emerged from. Setting the book on her beside table she flipped the towel off and watched as it landed soundlessly on the floor by her bed, her hair wrapped in another towel to keep the moisture off her back and shoulders as she fished through her drawers and pulled out a silk nightgown the reached the middle of her thighs. Grabbing the book off her table she tucked her leg under her butt and sat down on her bed, the satin camo printed sheets, comforter and pillow cases wafting up the sweet scent of her raspberry shampoo and wash made her close her eyes and let her body relax as she rung out and brushed her hair, she than opened the book where her book mark stuck out, the tassel on the end swung left and right as she put the end of the marker in her mouth and chewed on it with an obsession. She jumped slightly as there was a soft knock on her door, she blinked as she looked at the clock on her left and raised a single eyes brow, who would be wanting to talk to her now? They all needed sleep and she knew that most of the others were in bed, whether alone or not she didn't want to know. She grabbed a robe that matched her night gown from the peg next to her door and pulled it on over the thin straps of her night wear not bothering to pull it closed. She scratched her head and opened the door blinking as Dean stood there blinking as well. He didn't speak nearly pointed to his own mouth indicating that there was something in her's, putting her hand on her lips her eyes widened as she realized that her book mark was still in her mouth. Pulling it out she stood there, the cold air from the hall making her bare feet numb.
"Um, hey, is there something wrong?"
She avoided thinking about earlier, she didn't want to act as if it bothered her, although it did very much. Life had taught her to keep her chin up and take the blows as they came at her. Dean's cold shoulder since the walk was just another hurtle she had to get over. She watched as he scratched the top of his head and she could smell the sweat forming on his palms. She took a deep breath and sighed moving from the door way.
"Would you like to come in and get a soda or something?"
He nodded silently and walked past her blinking slightly.
"Sorry if the smell is to much, I just got out of the bath..."
He shook his head and worried his bottom lip with his teeth; he was anxious about something and it made her nervous. Sitting down on her bed she put the book mark back in it's place and looked up at him pointing towards the mini fridge in the corner.
"I don't really have much but help your self."
He nodded again and made his way to the fridge still looking as if something were bothering him to no end. She didn't see what drink he stood with but only smelled the sweat as it beaded on his forehead now. She heaved a sigh and looked at the book in her lap. A fictional story about vampires and werewolves, ironic considering her job now. She looked up as him as she heard him take a large gulp of the soda.
"Is there something you were wanting to talk to me about Dean?"
She knew she didn't disguise the slight twinge of hurt in her voice as she mentioned talking with him, what happened earlier that evening on their walk still fresh in her mind as she waited for him to answer.[/COLOR][/FONT]
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I sat on my bed thinking to my self 'I'm crazy if I tell her what I am but sooner or latereveryone will learn,' when I heard a soft knock on my door. I walk over to my door and opened it. It was Karyn still in that oversized t-shirt. I almost wanted to laugh but I refrained from doing so.

[COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Karyn, please come in and grab a drink."[/COLOR]

[COLOR="DarkBlue"]Karyn: "Thanks, so what did you ask me to come to your room for?"[/COLOR]

She is looking at my room which was mostly bare walls and a plain bed. Not much to look at besides a pile of books about demons and were-wolves and otherthings. A fridge near a window that overlooks the cliff the mansion was on. A walk in closet and a small bathroom with a shower in it. Hard wood floors that where so cold in made Karyn jump into the shoes I had by my bed.

[COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Karyn, what am I? Don't suger-coat it. Tell me what you think."[/COLOR]

She looks at me for a what seem like hours and tilted her head up towards the ceiling.

[COLOR="DarkBlue"]Karyn: "Well, I think you are like me, a half breed."[/COLOR]

[COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Is that because Dean said it or Malachai?"[/COLOR]

Karyn looked stuned and a bit confused. She did not know why I would ask something like that to anyone since I am not the one to ask anything.

[COLOR="DarkBlue"]Karyn: "No, I really believe you to be a hlaf breed. Why would you ask that?"[/COLOR]

She was very confused. I never asked anyone what they thought of me and I never had anyone in my room. Not even Dean nor any servent.

[COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Karyn, I want you to promise me that you will keep this between us for now. Dean is smart but he tends to be book smart about subjects he doesnt know from experince."[/COLOR]

[COLOR="DarkBlue"]Karyn: "Ok Draco, I'll keep this a secret! You have my word."[/COLOR]

She says things like she was happy all the time. I know that she was hurting on the inside. Trying not to be like her father but she tends to be soo kind when not being threatened.

[COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Ok, Karyn, Im not a half breed. Im a military project code name Triumpth by the US military to deal with vampire nests in American territories and as a weapon to combat on military fronts. Im Test subject number 5 or 5. My parents picked up where their predicestors left off after 3 failed tests. Subject 4 made it to maturity to fast and learned his life and commeted suicide by jumping to his death. The government was about to cancel the project due to how much it was costing. My parents figured out that the reason why the other 4 fail was not due to their genes nor their mental strength but thier was no heart, no comperhension of their life. That and the fact they where grown in a test tubes. So before the program was canceled, they impregnated my mother and hid in the Rocky Mountains in Colorado. They also took all the research papers and documents about the program and kept notes on my growth from implantation and brith. Also on my aging. The one thing I want Dean to do is look through them and find the secret to the berserker state I have so I can control it. I cant let it happen again. I almost killed you, Dean, and Calil and I dont even remembered it."[/COLOR]

Karyn looked dumb founded. It sounded soo far fetched but it was the truth. Then Karyn asked me a question that I havn't been asked even by Sile.

[COLOR="DarkBlue"]Karyn: "So why do you look like a were-wolf and a human?"[/COLOR]

[COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "That was because were-wolves are unable to be turned into a vampire and the human appearence was that of my mother. I actually mutated in the womb around 4 months. It took twice as long as a normal human to be born. Instead of 8-9 months, it took me 16-18 months. Also You noticed that I cant control the berserker state which is only aquired through demon blood. So im a new breed in my own right but I do not know if I can reproduce and Im not sure If I want to try. Imagine what they would look like and if they inherite the berserker trait too."[/COLOR]

I laughed to myself because I was imaging little me's runing around the place in the Rockies.

(OoC: Ok if you havnt noticed yet. When I write what people say I usually use the [COLOR="insert color"]Karyn: "insert wording"[/COLOR]. I find it to be rather helpfull. Oh Drizz, I might not decide to join this mission due to my character not being able to turn into normal human and he would stick out like a sore thumb due to his heigth.)
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[quote name='Dragons Wolfie']Oh Drizz, I might not decide to join this mission due to my character not being able to turn into normal human and he would stick out like a sore thumb due to his heigth.)[/QUOTE]

[B]OC: Hats and trench coats, my friend. Hats and trench coats. With the collar up. Besides, I'm sure the townspeople would accept Draco knowing he was there to help. And not being discreet would have the werewolves flocking to us because they know we're trying to stop them! It's genius! Or not, but who cares?![/B]

Karyn sighed a little. She thought about the information that had just been given to her. [I]Poor Draco... I want to help him...but I'm not sure what I can do...[/I] she thought. Then she had an idea of what she could do to help him.

"Huh?" Draco gasped as Karyn clamped her arms around him.

"You looked like you needed a hug..." she claimed with a grin. Yes, hugs, in Karyn's book, were the cure to anything. Draco blinked and smiled a little. "I'm happy that you trust me with this. It makes me feel happy, for some reason."

"It does?"

"Uh huh! It lets me know you trust me! ...Hey, Draco?"


"If you want, I can try to help you control your berserker state. I was able to control mine at an age younger than most werewolves. It was the one thing that ever made my-!" she paused a little, "...Father proud of me..."

Draco looked down at Karyn. He felt bad for her having to face her old clan on this next mission.

[B]OC (again): Whether Draco wants to or not, I'll leave the decission to you, Dragons Wolfie.[/B]
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(I think he's hard up for some action.... :devil:)

Dunan smiled, and laughed. "You know, if you try hard enough, you might be able to wrap me around your little finger."

"You're such a perv."


"You're hopeless."

"Yeah. Pretty much."

Dawner groaned, and sighed. "So, we were going to your room?"

"Yup. And if you don't want to play, then you don't have to."

Dunan pulled Dawner along, the pace more relaxed, and Dunan hummed some. They came to his room, and Dunan opened the door. There was a small silver flask, and it smelled faintly of the blood inside.

"A welcoming present, huh?" Dunan commented. He let go of Dawner's hand, and flopped back on the bed. "Wow.. It's soft and comfy..." Dawner produced another bottle of wine.

"Yeah, the manor takes care of it's own." Dawner let himself the courtesy of sitting down on the bed. "Look in your closet."

"Mn?" Dunan got up, and flung open the doors. Inside, was a random assortment of clothing. All of it looked to be made of tight leather, metal spikes, and boots designed to put eyes out.

"Wow... They know my style."

"There's no point in getting dressed...."

"Is there a point in getting undressed?" Dunan flicked a button on his tight pants, and they sprung open, revealing.....

"Commando? You go Commando?" Dawner eyed Dunan's man-bush.

"Not usually, I wear underwear, but I was rather rushed in leaving my prior home."


Dunan took a step forward, and let his pants slide down to the floor. He smiled, and then he kicked his pants at Dawner. They flew at him, and hit his chest.

Dawner never even looked at them.

"If you keep staring, Dawner, your eyes will pop out."

"What?" Dawner stared at Dunan's body, It was flawless. He was a perfect specimen of man. Dunan flexed his muscles, and Dawner's eyes really did almost pop out.

"I sleep naked."

"What? Come again?"

"I sleep naked. Is something wrong?"

"No... no..." Dawner blinked and looked down. Dunan came over, and lied down on his stomach. Dawner reached over and started diving him a massage. He spotted a tattoo on Dunan's left shoulder, it was a small vined rose, well fitting his personality.

"Cute tattoo."

"Well, thank you. About what you said earlier.... for how long?"

"Yeah, I remember." Dawner continued to massage Dunan, taking deep drinks of wine.

"Until the day you die, I will be near."

Dawner's breath caught in his throat. "Why?"

"Because... I can see things in you that other people can't. I can see a fire unlike anything else in this world. A passion and a heart far more giving and kind than I've seen in almost a century."

Dunan reared up, facing Dawner. His hand moved up to Dawner's cheek, gently touching it, his touch cool as always, but with no meanace, no anger. Only a soft sensation of gentle love.

"Dawner, with you, I feel safer than I've ever felt in a long time. I've been alone, unwilling to share anything with anyone. With you, I want to share everything."

"But... We barely know one another."

"I know as much as I need to to be sure, Dawner. Yes, I want to know more, But, I'm already..." Dunan choked. "I'm already falling head over heels for you."

Dunan wasn't lying. He moved closer, and gave him a kiss, this time, his hand holding Dawner close. "I'll be with you untill you die, Dawner. Even when you're old and grey, I'll still take your hand."

Dawner melted into Dunan's embrace. They kissed passionately, their inhibitions flung to the wind. Dawner began undoing his clothes, and soon they were on the floor and the furniture. They kissed, and Dunan said, "I'm gonna make you laugh."

Dawner blinked. "What?"

Dunan grasped Dawner's underwear and flung them on the light fixture. "Look... glowing manties."

"Oh... oh hell no." Dawner began laughing. They started flinging their clothing everywhere, laughing as it landed on various furniture, being very comfortable with their naked bodies.

That, and by this time they were drunk. Soon enough, there was no clothing within their reach, and they collapsed on the bed, laughing and giggling like idiots, butt naked and rasping for breath.

"You really know how to make someone laugh.." Dawner commented, giggling lke a little school girl.

"Yeah well,the booze helps."

"I'm sure..." Dawner glanced down, and smiled. "So. We're naked."


"Any bright ideas?"




"You're hopeless..."
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[B](OoC: Yea trench coats, think I can carry 2 moddified shotgun underneath? Hats really dont fit the trench coat feel.Oh I know a hooded shirt like this one![IMG]http://pop.gameguru.ru/images/Assassins_Creed/Assassins_Creed_27.jpg[/IMG][/B]

I felt sad for the first time sinse what happened to my godmother. She can control her berserk but that was different. I was almost 210 years old and I looked like I was 24. I bent down to her face and gave her a kiss.

[COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Karyn, no matter what happens. I will not let anything happen to you. That neckless represent my feelings towards you. Even if we get seperated, just wear it and I'll be right next to you. To lend my strength, my wisdom, my...........love......to you."[/COLOR]

Even with his dark fur she can see him blush. Her ability to be happy and to be cheerfull is amazing. I wish I can give her a long life like mine.

[COLOR="DarkBlue"]Karyn: "Ok Draco. I'll keep it close to me forever!"[/COLOR]

She smiles, it almost made me fall backwards. I smile a real smile for the first time in years. No matter what I am she accepts me. Im a military project meant for war and killing yet here I am with this girl who could care less about that. She sees the person I really am.

[COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Hey, stay right here. If I am to go on this mission. I need to hide my tail and my head from the average person. Then I need some clothing to do that. I got something in my closet so I'll be right back."[/COLOR]

I almost jump into my huge closet and closed the door. Inside you could hear things flying around and stuff being tossed around. 5 minutes later I come out wearing a long trench coat that reached my feet and hide my tail and a hooded shirt that covered my head and left nothing but a black inprint where my face was. My shoes where stealplates with bits of leather here and their to keep together. My arms where covered in underarmer and my hands had black leather gloves.

Karyn almost fell over laughing.

[COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "What, did I forget something?"[/COLOR]

[COLOR="DarkBlue"]Karyn: "No, no, its not that. Its just the fact that you never wore anything like that sense we meet. I had no idea that you had alot of cloths.[/COLOR]

[COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Well, its hard to find anything my size. [COLOR="Black"](I do that thing with my hands on my hips. Made her laugh even harder.)[/COLOR] Their alot of things about me that I don't show to people that often. Well its getting late, Karyn. I'll walk you back to your room and I'll go back to mine. We have along day ahead.[/COLOR]
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Dean couldn't fight it anymore, he sat there staring at Calil. So much so, she probably knew what he was going to say before he said it.

"I wanted to finish our conversation from before, when we were out walking," He could tell the subject made her uneasy by the way she shifted in her chair, "I wanted to finish by telling you that it is because of Sile that I'm so careful around you."

"Wow, good talk Dean. Let's do it again sometime." She stood, agitated. But Dean was there for a reason, to do something he should've done long ago.

"I have to be careful, because of the way I feel about you Calil. I've always told myself that it was because if I told you how I felt, and you felt the same It would be hard for me to focus and keep the team as a hole protected since I'd be worried about you." Dean stood up and walked over to Calil, mere inches away from her face he grabbed her hands. Holding them at their sides.

"You know I can take care of myself Dean, I don't need protecting." Her voice was hard, he'd figured the comment would've angered her a bit.

"I know that, this mission especially showed me how strong you really are, and it was then right there I knew I couldn't pretend anymore." He was lost, in her eyes, her smell. He felt like a child, for the first time meeting a "special" girl. He was shy and nervous, when he was normally confident and outspoken.

"I've been in love with you for a long time Calil...longer then I dare mention. I don't know what urged me to tell you this today, it's what I wanted to say earlier."

"What about Sile? I thought you guys had a "special" bond?" The sternous of her words threw Dean off balance.

"We do, I'm able to be me because of her. Without her blood and sacrifice I wouldn't be here telling you how I feel. Without her blood I would...well I can't say, but me and her share a lot. But our bond is our own, it's nothing like what I feel for you Calil." She started to interupt him, but he put a finger to her lips.

Dean moved his finger off her lips, brushing her hair out of her eye and behind her ear. Savoring every beautiful feature. "I'm sorry I stumbled so much today, I know I upset you. But all I really wanted to say if all that mess was that...I love you."

[B]OOC: [/B]Hope you'll reconsider coming with us Dragons. This mission is going to reveal more then the first did about our antagonist. It would be horrible if you weren't with us when the truth of all this comes out...
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"Bye, Draco!" Karyn called down the hall, waving. She closed the door and jumped onto her bed. She squealed and rolled around on the covers before rolling right off the bed. She landed with a nice, thick, "THUMP!!!". But even the fall did not hurt her spirit. "H-h-he kissed meee!!!" she squeaked, rolling around on the soft, plushy carpet. "And he loves me! Even if I'm a half-breed that so many have called worthless, he loves me!!!" She thought about what Draco had said:

[I]Well, it's hard to find anything my size.[/I]

She giggled at the memory of Draco, the big, strong guy with adorable ears, standing with his hands on his hips. "I think I'll make him a fuzzy sweater... Of course, I'll have to get his measurements in secret so he doesn't find out! It'll be a surprise!" She laughed even harder at the thought of Draco in a fuzzy sweater. "Well, I'm finally ready for you, Dad! I have something other than revenge to hang on to! I have a loved one I want to protect! BWAHAHAHA!!! Beat [I]that[/I], you murderous old bastard!!!" Karyn shouted with a grin and simotaneously punching a hole into her closet door.
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Dunan and Dawner were in each other's arms, having already explored each other's anatomy. Dunan got up and grabbed his pants off the floor. He pulled them up, but left them undone. The remains of his clothing had been brought to his room, and he removed a silver ciggarette case from the remains of his jacket. He he searched for his lighter, but groaned when he couldn't find it.

"Allow me. [I]Vertos Meridia![/I]" He snapped his fingers and a ball of fire appeared, lighting his cigarette. He took a deep drag, and offered it to Dawner. Dawner took a drag as well, and handed it back. "I'm good, thanks."

Dunan sat back on the bed, his cigarette glowing in the dimly lit room. He smiled, and Dawner moved to sit next to him. "So, you were great."

"Eh, was I? I just did what came naturally. I just had some fun. You were the one who was great. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were the vampire."

"Now you're just flattering me." Dawner lied back down, naked as sin. He smiled sweetly. "Come here. big boy, ready for round two?"

"How about the rest of round one?" Dunan chided, and was met with a pillow to his head.

"Ass hole." Dawner kicked him playfully, knowing dunan was only kidding. Dunan lied beside him, and kicked of his pants.

"Ready when you are.
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(OoC: Oh I will Drizz, I will but I got something sneaky for you.)

I couldnt sleep. I couldnt help but think about our next mission. Malachai was in someway connected to Dunan and Dean and the female vampire was connected to me. Now Karyn? Their has to be someone pulling strings behind these peoples. It all seems too easy and fast. Like a trap. I get off my bed and put on the cloths that I shall use for the mission. Its still around 11pm and even is in bed or at least in their rooms.

Opening the door ever so slowly I exit into the all. I need a walk, something long and quite. Their is a town with a superb library with even more books than Dean has in his. Maybe I can find something out about myself and Karyn. I ran most of the way with only took me about 1.5 hours so it was 12:30am when I got to the the library. A lady was locking up and I landed next to her. She was soo scared, I think if she could she would have no pants on.

[COLOR="Pink"]Librarian: "Don't kill me! Take my purse, do what ever you want just don't kill me!"[/COLOR]

I grabed her hands and put the purse back in her hands and took off my hood.

[COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "My apologies, miss, but Im looking for a book thats bound in gold lettering about mythical creatures. Does this library carry it?"[/COLOR]

She was white has a ghost.

[COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "How much is it?"[/COLOR]

[COLOR="Pink"]Librarian: "I...its very expensive. $150,000."[/COLOR]

[COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Don't worry, I wont kill you or anything. Would a check be good?"[/COLOR]

She looked suprised has I pulled a check book from my trench coat.

[COLOR="Pink"]Librarian: "Yes a check will be ok. Wait here while I get it."[/COLOR]

I noded and ten minutes later she comes out with a suitcase. She opens it and lets me see that its in their and it isnt boobie trapped. I smile and give two checks. One was for the library for the book and one was blank and meant for her.

[COLOR="Pink"]Librarian: "Whats the blank one for?"[/COLOR]

[COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "That one is for you. Thanks for not freaking out and calling for help. Please take $25,000 and thank you. I've been waiting for this rare book to come in for years."[/COLOR]

I take the suitcase and jumped out of sight of the librarian who was still in shock. Well at least I got something for Dean to stick his nose into for the night. By the time I got back it was 3:39am and Dean's room light was still on. What better time to give him a gift than now? So I walk up to his room and knock on the door hard but not loud enough to wake the others.
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Dunan let out a hearty laugh as he rolled over Dawner to the side next to him, “That… was.. so cute” Manage to say in-between giggles.

“What’s so funny!? “ Dawner pouted after he had recovered from round four.

“That was the cutest face you’ve ever made” Dunan stifled a laugh.

“You.. you mean when i.. er, when i..” By the second Dawner began to grow redder and redder.

“Yes that’s exactly when you made that face.” Dunan sat up, facing the still blushing youth. “It just made me feel like even more of a cradle robber.”

“As you should, offering me candied treats so I can go to your room. Despicable old man” Dawner got on top of him and kissed him tenderly.

“OOo feisty little fox ready for round five?” Dunan cooed.

“Oh no sir, I believe I’m drain.” Dawner smiled. “If we were to go at it again all that would come out is a stick with a white flag”

They both laugh. “Well I will be right back… going to grab a stack..” Dawner pushed Dunan back down. “No need to follow love, I’ll bring something for you too.”

“Why don’t you just conjure something?”

“I’m starting to hate the after taste of magic…” Dawner made a face and shivered at the thought.

“Well be quick babe, I’ll miss you…” Dunan said sincerely and Dawner was so touched wheter it was a joke or not Dawner took it to heart. No one ever looked at him so loving and wanting like that…

Dawner nodded, and left the room, closing the door behind him.
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[COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Calil stood there letting his words sink in before she could move she felt her cheeks flame and she looked down at her feet not really sure she had heard him right. She looked back up, her cheeks still pink from her blush.
"Are you sure it's me? Or is it just your imagination?"
Seeing him smile she heard her heart speed up and was sure that her face was on fire. She looked up at him seeing his smile widen as he looked down at her moving her hair behind her ear again made her shudder at his touch and her breath catch in her throat. She looked up at him doubt in her eyes and he could see it clearly.
"I just don't want you to say this and than something happen and you find out you really feel this way about Sile or some thing like that."
He shook his head looking away from her and than back, he was so quiet it unnerved her to no end, he was usually that one that was speaking up the most. She looked up at him one last time before a yawn broke through making her cover her mouth, her eyes watering. Rubbing them childishly she looked up at him, a new blush touching her cheeks, one from sleeplessness. He smiled down at her and touched her cheek.
"You should get some sleep Calil, we've got a long day coming up."
She nodded and took his hand leading him to her bed, he pulled back slightly making her look back at him. She smiled and sat down patting the spot next to her gently, when he sat down she merely lay down under her covers and curled up to his side putting her head on his chest and closing her eyes letting her body relax. He put his arm around her and looked around, catching sight of the book she was reading he reached over and picked it up looking at the cover.
"Interesting topic, and I thought you said something about noting getting done with your nose in a book."
She yawned again and curled closer to him as sleep edged into her mind slowly taking over as her speech got sluggish and began to string together.
She felt him chuckle under her head and smiled in reply, it didn't take long for the heat of his body to warm her through the covers on her bed. She inhaled one last large breath and finally felt sleep over take her. It was not the love scene that she had seen in movies where they professed their love for one another and than fallen into each others arms, but she was happy that he returned her feelings. She was comfortable to lay against him listening to his heart beat in her ear, the smell of him lazing her to sleep. She thought of this often and now that it was real she was sure it was a dream. But his scent was to real, his body heat was to real. She sighed and shifted til she was more comfortable, her head on his chest her arm wrapped around his waist, she drifted to sleep content for the time being, he was right they had a long day in the morning, she was in no rush to make more of this, they needed their minds on the mission. Feeling him kiss the top of her head she let the last bits of her mind drift away into sleep. [/FONT][/COLOR]
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Dunan stretched, and twinkled his toe, gazing up at the ceiling. He pondered what would happen now. I'm all of his intelligence, he couldn't help but get frustrated thinking of the mission to come. There was too much in common, there was something bringing them closer together, but he didn't know why. He found his lighter, and lit another cigarette.

"So much, for so little." he muttered. This Holden person, he'd heard that name before. His memory was failing him.

"Holden.... Holden..." A possessed human, but possessed by what?"

Dunan sat back down, and closed his eyes, thinking. "Holden...Holden..." His eyes popped open, and he stood up. He hurridly hiked up a pair of pants and hurried down to the library. He bumbed into Dawner, and excitedly told him what was going on. He rushed to the library, and spotted the library assistant with her nose in a book. She smiled at him, and said, "Can I help you?"

"Yes, possibly. I'm looking for records of the city of Taloma, France, from about four hundred years ago.."

"Pardon me for asking, but, why do you want something like that?"

"The guy we're after. He's not human, but his body is. I remember him when he was human. I just need to trace him through the ages. I also need references on vampire and demon activities from the last 300 and fifty years."

"Hm. I'll see what we got. If I'm not mistaken then I think that we have about sixty related books. I'll bring them to you."

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Dean awoke with a start a few hours later. He heard a soft breathing beside him. Leaning up he watched her sleep for a few moments, she was even beautiful when she slept.

As he slowly snuck out of her room Dean checked his pocket watch... 2:00 a.m. In only a few hours they would be on their way to the mission, and another piece of the puzzle. On his way back to his room, Dean saw the lights on in two other rooms. It seemed both Draco and Dunan were up and about...

The first room Dean stopped at was Draco's. It was odd for the big man to be up this late, or perhaps he was just waking up for the day. Stepping in it was apparent that Draco had in fact been up all night, apparently his nose in a book. Dean didn't bother checking the title, he was only interested in one thing.

"Did you have a chance to speak with Karyn today?" Draco jerked, whatever he was doing he was caught up in it.

"You should be in bed Draco, it's late." Dean turned to walk out when Draco spoke up.

"Karyn's going to be just fine, she's ready for this. And you're a fine one to talk Dean, you're still up. Doesn't matter though, there will be plenty of time to sleep on the way." Dean turned at that comment and smiled. "Sorry to dissapoint, but Gregory and the boys have seen to it that we don't need to fret about travel time. Wouldn't want to miss the Lunar cycle afterall."

Draco stared puzzeled at the comment as Dean shut the door.

Dean starred at Dunan's door, he'd been meaning to have a talk with him ever since they arrived back at the mansion. Dean knocked softly, just incase he was sleeping with his light on.

The door opened a crack to Dunan staring back at Dean. "What can I do for you Dean?"

"Hey I need to talk to you, do you have a minute?" Dean waited while Dunan went into the room and rummaged around. "Come on in Dean" his voice was still very soft for some reason.

"I just wanted to...oh" Dean noticed Dawner's sleeping form in Dunan's bed. He was naked from the waist up, and Dean had a feeling he was probably still underneath naked underneath the covers.

"So what did you want to talk to me about Dean?"

"Listen Dunan, I admire your strength. And the fact that Dawner has obviously taken to you so much is kind've another point."

"Is this the be careful with him or you'll answer to me speech? Or the I'm the leader do what I say speech?"

Dean stumbled on his words for a second, it was pretty obvious that this was what it is about.

"Well it's a little bit of both. Dawnie means a lot to this team, but more then that it's about what you were doing during this past mission. I don't make anybody listen to me, the only thing I ask is that you take it easy."

"What an odd thing for a leader to say? The more I do the less everybody else is in danger."

"That's not the point Dunan." Dean was agitated that he'd so readily risk his life, "the point is I need to know that you'll rely on the team as a whole. I've already heard how you ran amuck in the town hall killing everything yourself and not relying on your team. With this upcoming fight, that'll get you killed quickly...those vampires, well besides Malachai, were nothing but cannon fodder for something coming up. These werewolves are stronger and faster, they may not have the age that some of those vampires did, but they do have brute force. If you don't rely on the team they can't rely on you...and that includes Dawnie."

Dean excused himself and headed to his bedroom. 3:00 a.m. two hours until it begins...
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[COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Calil rolled over in her sleep expecting to curl up to Dean's side and stay warm, when met with cold sheets she woke up rubbing her eyes.
Looking around she caught sight of the clock and groaned, 3:15. She swept her hand over her face pushing her hair back and sighed. She supposed it was to much to fast to think that he would be comfortable to have her fall asleep on him like that, let alone fall asleep in her room as well she assumed. Blowing her cheeks up with air she let it out in a huff and stood, stretching she looked in the mirror and turned sideways poking her thing stomach and received a loud growl in return. She let a small smile creep into her features and slipped into her closet where she changed from her sleeping attire into a pair of black hiphuggers and a black one sleeve top that was accented with buckles and chains, along with this she strapped her calf high combat boots on and tapped the toes of them against the floor to make sure they were tight. Looking at her self in the mirror she was pleased with her over all look; she took her hair and braided it tying it together with a piece of leather. She went to the fridge and opened a pack of sausage and a carton of eggs and began to make her self something to eat, putting on a pot of coffee as well she was pleased as the smells began to waft through out her room.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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Dawner was afraid, no terrified… He check each and every room of the castle but all he saw was blood soaked bricks, broken furniture, a unfamiliar corpse here and there… but not what he was looking for…

Finally he reached the dinning hall and there he was..

Long blood red hair twisted into a braid, he was was taller than Dawner. He’s attire black and he had a whip in one hand which he cracked at the numerous werewolves yelling orders.

A Large werewolf possible the leader of the pack, came out of the shadows with others in tow. They all were dragging bodies… the bodies of his motherly Sile, Hot headed Calil, hyper Karyn, adorable Draco, honorable Dean,…. And his lover Dunan..

“Father no!” He sat straight up and looked around every item was spinning in the room and Dunan was stuck to the ceiling, the next second everything that was caught in Dawner’s psychic whirlwind dropped.

“Don’t you EVER scare me like that again” Said Dunan from the floor. He got up and went to Dawner’s aid.

“Wha…what happen are you hurt im so sorry..”

“It’s fine I’m… fine.. By the looks of it you were having a nightmare and when I tried to wake you all this happen..” Dunan gestured to the wreckage of the room.

“I gotta see Dean..” Dawner began to get dressed.

“Wait why? What happen? I heard you say ‘father’ what was that about?” Dunan grab Dawner’s wrist.

“I’m sorry I’ll explain everything when I get back. But I believe my father has teamed up with the werewolves or maybe he’s commanding them I don’t know… but Dean might.” After Dawner finished he rushed out the door in search of Dean.
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[B]OC: Okay, guys, why does Dean always have the answeres to everyone's personal problems? Hahaha! XD[/B]

Karyn shot straight up from her peaceful sleep. Everyone was up and worried; she could feel it. [I]They're probably all worried about the mission...[/I] Karyn thought sadly. [I]And it's all because of my Father...[/I] She looked around her room. It was dark, except for a little puppy nightlight that she had never needed, but always loved. "I need a hug... But I'm not going to go bother someone at...3:25 in the morning..." she sighed, glancing at the clock. Karyn tried to think about things other than the mission, but it was no use. [I]I'll finally be going up against my father... And a lot of his grunts will be werewolves from my childhood. But that shouldn't matter much. They bullied me, after all... But I bet I can beat some information out of them about what happened when I left and where Father is...[/I] Karyn told herself. She curled up and rocked back and forth on her bed. "My tummy hurts..." she mumbled. "Guuu... I wish I had someone to hug..."
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Dunan watched Dawner's receding figure, and thought of Dean's words. Dunan went back into his room and started leafing through the books the librarian had brought to him. But, he just couldn't get into the books, and he thought on Dean's words.

Dunan knew he was looking out for everyone, he wasn't angry at all for what Dean had said to him. He looked at his hand, how Dawner had just left him like that. Dunan was hurt.

"You know what?" He said out loud. "Fuck this. I'm gonna go see what's wrong."

Dunan chased after Dawner, looking around for him. He was getting sleepy, but Dawner was more important.

He finally found Dawner speaking with Dean in the living room. Dunan leaned against the doorway, listening, his arms crossed. He cleared his throat, and the two jumped.

"Dunan!" Dawner looked slightly embarassed. "I'm sorry about earlier."

"It's fine. However, if something upsets you, then I ask that you at least run it by me first." Dunan sighed. "I kind of hurt the way you brushed me off."

"What? I-"

"Wasn't meaning to, I know. It's alright. Please, continue with what you were saying." Dunan looked into Dean's eyes, his own red eyes piercing into Dean's soul. Dunan looked away, and smiled. He understood quite well what Dean had been saying, and he would honestly try. But, He would still give anything to protect them, he would fight tooth and claw to do so. He listened as Dawner confided in Dean, with him present. Dunan walked over and put his arm around him, comforting him. He kissed Dawner's forehead, he was visibly upset. "Shush now, it's alright. You've got us here."
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Drizz already had plans to travel before the mission? Weird, how it seems too close to be anything but a plan. Well the way I see it, its better to get their together and split off on to groups of two and have one by him/herself. I grab the suit case and start walking towards Deans room when I heard someone runing by. I hid in a closet and saw Dawner runing like superman towards Deans room. I stay in the closet and waited till I heard the door open then Dunan came runing by too.

[COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Oh the drama tonight. I thought everyone was suposed to be asleep by now. Might as well give Dean the book I brought for him as a gift then go to the basement."[/COLOR]

I was about to walk into Deans room when they started talking about something. I could hear the fustration in Dawners voice as per the interruption. So I stand near the door and listen in on Dawners Conversation. He was talking to Dean and Dunan about his father maybe in lead with the werewolves or what not but It didnt make any sense to me. Why would a Arcane user side with those creatures?

Anyways after listening for about 35 or so minutes Dawner and Dunan walk out of Deans room. Appearently they didnt see me because I was in a dark corner. I can hear Dean shufling around his room. So I walk in stealth like and grab Dean. Dean almost jumped out of his pants.

[COLOR="DarkGreen"]Dean: "What the hell is wrong with you? I could of killed you!"[/COLOR]

[COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Really then? What might I have been? A vampire and a spell user that are in love and come in here talking to you about Dawners Dad? No, I just came here to give you this. I picked it up a few hours ago at the town library."[/COLOR]

I hand over the suitcase to Dean and sat down. Waiting to see his face when he opens the case.

[COLOR="DarkGreen"]Dean: "What is it? The librarians head? Its fucking heavy!"[/COLOR]

I laugh and only stair at him. He opened the suitcase and saw the book. The book was a very rare limited edition collector item that is over 1,000 years old. It was also very very thick and heavy.

[COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "I figuered since you love books so much that you might like this one. It has every know creature ever to exist and full deep detail of them in both words and color printed pictures. The wording is printed in gold leaf and the pages are like silk cloths that wont tear. Also, I didnt just come here to give you that."[/COLOR]

[COLOR="DarkGreen"]Dean: "............Then what did you come here for?"[/COLOR]

[COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Well, its about the mission. I think we should split up into teams of two and search the area for any leads. It would increase our chances of catch anyone of Karyn's fathers clan memeber and get him to spill any info. But theirs a problem with that."[/COLOR]

Dean look suprised for a moment, then looked sort of pleased.

[COLOR="DarkGreen"]Dean: "So you are coming. Good, now whats the problem?"[/COLOR]

I stand up obviously eclipseing Dean.

[COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "The problem is that their are only seven of use. If you and Calil team up, Karyn and Sile team up, and Dawner and Dunan team up, that leaves me by myself. I know that you don want to leave one person out but I would do better by myself this time. In fact, if he doesnt know theirs a seventh person in the field then that gives us an advantage. Think about it Dean and tell me before we head out to a trap."[/COLOR]

I jump out an open window and land on the wall below. I look up towards Dean's room and jumped around to the main enterance and went to the meeting hall first since thats where we will be briefed by Dean.
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"What a peculiar way to exit a room?" Dean shurged and turned back to Dawner. "Your father was in the dream you say?" Dawner had just finished explaining everything when Dunan popped in, and then Draco seconds after.

"You don't seem very surprised Dean." Dunan stated somewhat suspiciously.

"Well frankly I'm not, it looks like I'm going to have to explain everything earlier then I'd hoped." Dean trailed off putting his hand on his chin, lost in thought.

"What's going on Dean? Why would my father be running around leading a pack of wolves!?" Dean felt for Dawner, he'd always been close with Dawnie. Him hurting tugged at Dean's heartstrings harder then almost anything had...

"Listen, I'll explain everything. But this just changed our mission BIG time. Do me a favor, we all need to get ready to go. I've heard so banging around, so more then just us are up and at them. Bang on doors while you're heading back to your room, wake everybody up and tell them to meet in the living area in 20 minutes. I promise most of your questions will be answered then."

Dunan didn't back away, instead he walked up to Dean. His face inches away, baring his fangs. "You'll explain NOW! I won't have Dawner freaking out anymore. Don't you care about how he's feeling!?"

Dean didn't back in inch, instead he places his forehead on Dunan's. "First of all, you need to study your foe better before trying to intimidate them. Trust me, I've killed stronger. Secondally I know you care for Dawner, but you're only acting on your emotions. Dawnie is everybit as important to me as he is you, but everybody needs to hear this information because Dawner's dad is just a pawn as we've all been up to this point. So again I ask you to wake everyone up on your way back, or you can leave. Now if you want to help Dawner, trust me."

Dunan stared into Dean's eyes, he was angry because of Dawner. He was angry that Dean possibly had the solution and wouldn't give it to him. For another minute the two stared each other down, Dean wouldn't budge. Dunan had seemed to ridicule him from the start, and if it came to it Dean would strike him down...or at least try.

Finally Dawner grabbed Dunan. "Dunan, let it go. Dean would tell me if he'd thought it'd help me. But the truth is until I see for myself nothing he'll say can really help. And he knows that. Let's go."

Dean grimaced as Dunan slammed the door when they left, it was obviously going to need repaired now...
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[COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Calil popped her head out of her door in time to see Dunan stalk away from Dean's door and Dawner follow him looking worried. She inspected Dean's door from where she was and blinked as she saw a giant crack going down the middle of it, apparently some one got upset, she started to walk down the hall when she heard what she could describe as a whine mixed with a moan looking she realized it was from Karyn's room. Without thinking she knocked gingerly on Karyn's door and blinked as the door was flung open and karyn, looking some what fried, stood there staring at her. She cocked her head to the side as Karyn mumbled something under her breath and than flung her arms around Calil's waist. Blinking rapidly she stood frozen for a moment before she patted Karyn's head.
"What's wrong with you pup?"
Karyn didn't answer just clung to her like a life line for what felt like an eternity than gave her a bright 100 wat smile and patted that top of Calil's head.
"Thank Calil! I just needed a hug!"
Skipping back into her room she shut the door and Calil heard her climb back into bed.
"O-kay....that wasn't weird..."
She turned and walked down to Dean's room and peered through the large crack in his door and than let out a low whistle making him look her way. She waved at him and than opened the door stepping in and than looking back at the door.
"Whoa...who did you piss off?"
She shook her head and leaned on the door looking at him.
"Don't you think we should be in bed?"
"Probably. But I don't think I can sleep."
"Don't worry, I woke up to a cold bed and couldn't fall back either, so your not alone."
"Don't you think you'll be worn out?"
"Nah, I can run on minimum sleep. Good strong mug of coffee and something good to eat and I'm set. Speaking of which I have some left over food that I just made in my room and some coffee if you would like some; just head on down whenever you want it and give a knock."
He answered her with a thoughtful nod and propped him self against his table looking troubled. She shook her head and walked over to him giving him a quick kiss on the cheek and then rubbing her hand on his arm comfortingly.
"What ever is on your mind don't let it bother you to much, your getting wrinkles."
She walked out and gently closed his door heading to her own room she put on some music and picked up her book, sitting on her bed she continued to read where she left off sipping at her coffee.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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[COLOR="DarkOrange"]OOC ooo the drama makes me giggle... what nxt a love triangle? maybe even a love rectangle?[/COLOR]
They’ve been sitting on the edge of the bed in silence for sometime now.
Dunan opened his mouth to say something but no words came.

“I’m sorry if I hurt you Dunan I never meant to brush you off I swear. It’s just I joined this team for many reasons but finding my father was my main goal along with helping people. And Dean knows that which is why I felt I had to get to him first.” Dawner said, not sure if he mended Dunan’s wound or deepened it.

Dunan faced Dawner looking intently into his eyes, Dawner felt as if his very heart was being read.

“Do you trust me?” He asked in a quite voice.

“With my life.” Answered Dawner promptly.

“Then please, please allow me into your life Dawn. I guess the closeness that you and Dean bothers me because I have yet to know that side of you. All I ask is that you let me in a bit more Dawner and consider my feelings.”

Dawner’s eyes felt so heavy and full, he wiped his eyes with his sleeve.

“I never meant to disregard your feelings” he sniffled. “I feel horrible, I promise I’ll never do it again Dunan. Can you forgive me love?”

Dunan kissed him full on the lips then kissed his tears away.

“I already have”

“Well I guess we better head out to the living area” Dawner said. He stood up and offered Dunan his hand.

“Shall we?” He said in a mock gentleman’s voice.

“..Lets” Dunan said taking his hand. They both walked out the room and Dawner clung to his arm tightly, happy that their problem had been fix… now if only he could fix the problem between Dunan and Dean…

‘Its best not to think of that right now I guess’ Dawner thought.
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The two made their way down to the living room, and Dunan stretched put on a love seat, he had donned a billowy trenchcoat and rolled up the sleeves. He bare abs looked almost translucent, the skin pale, flawless. He muscles twitched, and he drummed his fingers on the elegant wooden backing on the chair. Dawner sat next to him.

Dunan looked skyward, then closed his eyes. He lit up a cigarette, he had found his lighter. He inhaled, and Dawner jabbed him in the ribs. "You know, smoking is bad for you."

"Not like it's going to kill me, Dawner."

"True enough." Dunan took another drag, and exhaled. He looked around, and then leaned back, allowing Dawner to lean against him. His eyes unfocused, listening to the movement of others in the manor. Dean came into the room, and Dunan put his free arm around Dawner. He took a drag on his smoke again, eying Dean.

"Dean." Dunan spoke with force, but no anger. Dean looked over at him, and Dunan smiled. "I must say, I have to give you a hand. Not many people don't shirk away at the sight of me pissed off. And one other thing."

"Yes?" Dean's brow furrowed. Dunan smiled even wider. "Sorry about the door. I'm still a little angry, but I will apologize for losing my temper."

"It's fine, the door can be fixed."

"Well, allow me to make up for it. I happen to be the owner of a certain gentlemen's club."

Dawner snorted, and looked up at him."You own a nightclub? Let me guess, blood is a house specialty?"

"Not exactly. We're a bit.. how do you say... 'risque'."

"A nightclub, huh?" Dean's expresion was skeptical. Dunan placed his hand on his chin, looking rather like guilty, his expression mock innocence. "I won't lie, my girls are nicknamed the 'Diamond Dogs'."

Dawner shot up, his eyes wide with realization. "You own The Ritz?"

"Of course."

"The Ritz? The most accomplished buisness in Paris?"

"Yes, the one and the same. You might find we'll be going there soon. Information is a precious commodity. My ladies and my gentlemen specialize in gathering it."

"Information, huh? And You'll get all of us in?"

"Yes. I suggest that if we want to find Holden, we try there next. Who knows? Maybe we'll find something. Besides, a little rest and relaxation might do us a world of good."
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Karyn stood behind her closed door. "Ah, that was a nice hug! Aww, but now I can't get to sleep!" Karyn said in a whiny voice. She opened the door back up and started walking down the hall. "I think I'll go make pancakes for everybody!" she giggled. Now, Karyn was usually a very good cook. But being up too early was never a good thing for Karyn. She staggered into the kitchen. Though very sleep-deprived, she was still hyper. "Hee hee hee!!! I'm gonna make some pancakes..." she laughed, bringing out all the ingredients she needed. She started breaking eggs into a pot and tossing in some flour. Then she added some marshmellows and chocolate syrup. She tossed in some sprinkles and some milk and sugar. To finish it off, she poured in a ton of whipped cream. Then she mixed the ingredients together and poured the entire pot's worth of 'pancake mix' onto a small skillet. "Yup, I'll just cook this up and cut it into a buncha' pieces and give some to everyone for breakfast!" she mumbled as she waited by the stove for about ten minutes before dumping the 'pancake' onto a plate. "HEY, EVERYONE! COME AND HAVE SOME PANCAKES!!!!!" she shouted. She smiled and giggled to herself, barely able to contain her excitement as she listened to the team come to the kitchen to see what the commotion was about.
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Dunan could smell the concoction, he wasn't sure if whatever she was making was even edible.


"Huh? What?"

"Um... let me cook, okay?"

"Why?" Karyn looked confused, and Dunan didn't want to break her little heart by telling her she was a horrible cook. The smell coming from the pan was starting to make him feel ill.

"Just let me cook, okay? I'm sure it will be every bit as...um... good as yours, okay?"

Karyn scrunched up her face, peering at him. "Okay..."

Dunan got out all of the ingredients, and proceeded to make pancakes, making a show out of it.He did everything a masterchef would do, and flipped the pancakes using the pan and throwing them up into the air.He made more and more, the pancakes going higher and higher until....

[I]FLOP![/I] Dunan looked down, and realised the pancake he had been making hadn't come back down. He looked up to the ceiling, and saw it was stuck there. "Oops..."

Karyn burst into laughter, and Dawner merely looked puzzled, until he saw the pancake on the ceiling. "Oh...my..." He started cracking up too. Dunan shrugged, and said."Eh, that's what I get for being too confident."

Dunan went about making another, and finished it in time for the ceiling bound pancake to peel off and come falling back into the pan. "I'll eat this one." he said, and made some more. Soon enough, there was a huge pile of pancakes on the table, and then they were moved to the dining room where a feast began. Dunan prepared some eggs, bacon, omlettes, sausages, and squeezed some fresh orange juice to produce a real breakfast.

"Here we go!" he said, and brought in his creations. There were so many dishes, most of the others didn't know where to start. "Just eat!" Dunan exclaimed, and started piling stuff onto a plate.
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