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Band of the Blood Moon (Mature)

Drizzt Do'urden

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I pushed away the pancakes and left the table. I went into the kitchen and grabbed Karyn's ginormus pancake of [B]DOOM[/B]!I plop it down on the table and pured surop all over it and was about to eat it when Dunan interrupted.

[COLOR="DarkYellow"]Dunan: "Are you sure you want to eat it?"[/COLOR]

[COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Can't be worse than that time I had to eat squirels for a month."[/COLOR]

That set off the laughing keg of Karyn. She was laughing sooo hard she fell off her seat and rolled around on the floor. So I sniff her cooking and decided better eat this thing before IT comes alive and tries to eat me.

I cut it into two peices and then somemore to make it more managable. It didnt look too bad.

[COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Well, down the hatches. Watch out stomach, here it comes!."[/COLOR]

Karyn got the hic-ups from that one. Well Dunan was looking like he was about to through up, if vampires can through up. Dawner looked amazed that I could eat that thing, Dean looked away, Calil also looked away, and last but not least Sile came right in and saw me eat it.

[COLOR="DarkBrown"]Sile: "Thats disgusting Draco."[/COLOR]

After chewing a bit and swallowing it. I looked at Karyn.

[COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Can you make more?"[/COLOR]

She looked suprised and the rest looked liked they have been hit by a weird scene.

[COLOR="HotPink"]Karyn: "Yea, I think soo. Are they good?"[/COLOR]

I already eaten the entire thing and was looking at her.

[COLOR="DarkGreen"]Dean: "I think thats a yes Karyn."[/COLOR]
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Dunan made a funny noise, he looked like he was going to be sick. He groaned, and looked away.

Dawner patted his back, and looked every bit as ill as he did. He held his hand up to his mouth as his cheeks expanded violently. He swallowed his vomit, and Dawner grabbed a glass and some water. Dunan gulped it down, and smiled feebily.

"HEY! MY COCKING ISN'T THAT BAD!" Karyn shreiked. Dunan just smiled and cocked his head, apologizing. "I think I'm going to pass on eating..."

"What, after making all this?" Draco commented, watching Karyn make another 'pancake'. Dawner put his hands on his hips.

"You, mister, are going to eat something solid for once." Dawner pushed Dunan's plate at him. "Especially after making such a yummy spread."

Grudgingly, Dunan began to eat what was on his plate. It smelled considerably better than the smell wafting through the doorway into the kitchen. He munched for awhile, until Karyn brought several more 'pancakes' to the table. Then, Dunan just couldn't eat any more. He excused himself, and hurried from the dining room after telling Dawner he should eat. He went back to his room, and threw off his trenchcoat before he grabbed a musty old book, which still smelled better than the faint yet still very prominent odor of Karyn's cooking. A normal human wouldn't have smelled it all the way up here, but he could. He concentrated on his book, and sighed.

"Sleepy sleepy time..." He mumbled as his eyes quickly grew heavy. Soon enough, he was asleep, and the book tumbled to the floor, falling open on its spine
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Dean looked around at the crowd in the kitchen, they'd all come together. He couldn't help feel a pain in his chest when he realized that it was all planned out by somebody other then them...

"Okay guys, it's time to get rolling. Dawner will you run up and get Dunan and any other stragglers and meet us in the living area?" Dawner nodded, rose to his feet and walked out while the rest followed Dean.

As everyone took their seats Dean nodded to Sile who stood over a gobblet ordained with demons slaughtering humans and throwing them up and over the rim of the cup. While Sile prepared Dean started...

"Dunan, while I appreciate your offer of using your nightclub for info. We cannot ignore the people being slaughterd by the werewolves. They're our top priority."

"Dean do you have the dagger?" Sile bumped in.

Dean withdrew a short dagger, the blade was bone carved down into a serated edge. The handle was infact the rest of the bone, it revealed that the handle was the hand. The bones in the wrist made the crosspiece. And one of the forearm bones were carved into the sickening blade...

Everybody had seen this ritual before, everyone except Dunan who was watching, incredibly engaged by the act. "You know this is probably just a trap don't you Dean? We could stop at my nightclub and find some clue to fighting Holdren, or even what he is." Dunan didn't take his eyes of Sile, who was mumbling

"We don't need to worry about Holdren on this one. You see I know for a fact that he won't be there, Oh and if what he is is what you were looking for. He's a human psychic possessed by one of hell's generals...Azreil" Sile's chanting grew louder, and Dean broke from his lecture to go stand by her.

Everybody looked away, except for Dunan who was still entrhalled, as Sile dug the dagger deap into her hand. The blood ran freely, and soon a whole pint had filled the cup.

Dean took a white cloth off the end table and wrapped Sile's hand.

"This, you see, is our second test as a team."

"Test? What do you mean test? Is my dad there or what?" Dawner broke in, Dean felt bad almost forgetting how he was feeling.

"Not a test by my doings Dawnie, but Holdren's. You see he's been working on creating a new army for hell. The first step is to find a capable squad of commanding. Malachai, Karyn's father, and myself were all choosen to lead. A team of vampires, a team of werewolves, and a team of "misfits"."

"What are you saying Dean? That we didn't come together by chance?" Sile was sitting there holding her hand in pain, but the cloth was helping.

"I'm saying that this started a long time ago. I'd even venture that Malachai killing your sire was no coincidence Dunan. We are a team of misplaced "creatures" who were supposed to unwittingly set about the end of the world, and then lead it to it's ultimate demise."

"I don't think I like this game, can't we just play checkers?" Karyn chimed in drawing nervous laughter from around the room.

"Unfortunetly he hit on my one weakspot, well all of ours, he knows how I feel about humans. How I feel the need to help them, so I am going to throw him a curveball though. Any of you who don't want to join me have the option of staying. I'm not forcing anybody to come. In one hour Sile's going to send us there. Meet me in the basement if you're going..."

"Wait, feel about humans? You're human." Dunan said as they all rose to their feet. "Besides, Sile won't be ready to go, that's a lot of blood."

Dean grabbed the goblet, filled to the brim with the thick red blood Sile had given up for him. "First off I lost the priveledge of being human long ago, and I think Sile will be ready." Dean felt sick as he brought the cup to his lips, the wanted to vomit at the sickening sweet taste. He wanted nothing more then to wipe the blood trickling down his face, but the burning was always more then he could take. The blood burned his insides, then his muscles, his head. He broke out into a sweat and nearly toppled over, finally he stood with a resounding roar, and then it was over.

"I still don't see how Sile is going..." Dunan trailed off as he looked at Sile, waving at him. The cut completly gone...

"You shouldn't assume things Dunan." Sile smiled and turned to leave.

"Sile, thank you." Dean called to her as she walked out of the room. The turned and nodded...something was up with her.

[B]OOC:[/B] Sorry for the lengthy post...another lengthy post would probably be better. Last minute prep and it'll be time to go. I meant what I said, if anybody doesn't want to come they don't have to. If you're interested in another...dangerous job PM me.
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I bet he is tired of doing that ritual. One hour and I could decide not to go, but I said I would and I meant that. I followed Dean to his room and opened the cracked door.

[COLOR="DarkRed"]"Dean, I said I would go earlier. That doesnt change anything at all when you said we had a choice. I still want to go retrive something but it can wait. Its not going anywhere and this mission is important to Karyn. I will come for Karyn and for you."[/COLOR] I said with a little ethusiasim.

[COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Thanks Draco, now go get ready."[/COLOR] Dean said with happyness in his voice.

[COLOR="DarkRed"]"I didnt come here to tell just that. I already told Karyn and I've known you since you rescued me from that beach in Maine almost dead. I'd follow you anywhere and you know that. Its time to tell you why you havnt seen another person like my ever."[/COLOR]

Dean motioned me to sit down and gave me a cup of coffee. I handed it back and shook my head.

[COLOR="DarkRed"]"I dont drink coffee anymore. Anyways, the reason why you havnt found anything like me is because of Project Triumpth." [/COLOR]I said.

[COLOR="DarkGreen"]"I heard about that, but never could get any details on what was going on. I heard, that it was shut down after the government thought it wouldnt work and pulled founding."[/COLOR] Dean said with more and more interest.

[COLOR="DarkRed"]"Well, not before the leading scientist where able to put the last experiment in the one place they could check."[/COLOR] I said.

[COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Your mother was one of the leading scientist? So your the only experrmint to survive the project."[/COLOR] Dean said while looking me over.

[COLOR="DarkRed"]"Yes and their where four other expermients but they failed because they had no reason to live. They gave me mine and I lost it when you found me. I know have a reason to live, a reason to fight. I was born from my mother and while I was developing inside, I mutated into what I am today. I am 210 years old but I've seen the world during my godmother's travels. Dean, The item I want to get is something that could give me more insight into what I am."[/COLOR] I said to Dean, waiting on his repsonse.
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Karyn stared up at everyone in the kitchen. She was suddenly energized and not at all sleepy. But she was nervous. [I]Everyone is so serious...[/I] she thought, biting her bottom lip. [I]Argh! I don't want everyone to be so gloomy... Must find something to brighten mood!!![/I] she told herself desperately. "UH! UH! UHM!!! D-DUNAN! AH! URGH! D-do you and D-dawner want me to s-soundproof your rooms?!" she stuttered.

"Huh? Why would I want you to do that?" Dunan asked.

"Y-you guys are really, reallly, [B]really[/B] loud! You were making these weird sounds a-and-! Y-yeah..." Karyn blurted out. She made a squeaking sound, covered her mouth, and turned her reddening face against her shoulder. "I! I m-! I mean! Th-that is... MEEEP!!!" she squealed before sprinting off at amazing speed toward the basement. [I]Uuug... Maybe that'll lighten the mood...[/I] she thought, coming to a sudden stop in the basement. "ACK! THat was sooo embarassing..." Karyn whined.

"I would feel that way too. So why were you so flustered?" asked the familiar voice voice of Draco. Apparently, he had followed Karyn without her noticing in her rush.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIEEEEE!!!!!" Karyn screamed, jumping out of her skin and 12 feet into the air. She landed on her rear and looked up and the 7 foot tall hybrid. "Oh! Hi, Draco! I didn't know you were there!" Karyn gasped, her tail was frizzed up and her ears were flat aginst the top of her head. Draco looked down at Karyn for a few moments before he started laughing. It was a nice, amused laugh that Karyn had certainly never heard out of him.

"Here, need some help?" Draco asked, bending over and lifting Karyn up by her arm.

"Heh heh! Thanks!" Karyn laughed nervously, brushing off her tail.
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[COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Calil yawned as she lounged in one of the chairs, she couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy as Dean tipped the cup of Sile's blood to his lips and began to drink it. She watched silently, wisely staying away from Karyn's sugar loaded "pancake", til he was done, grabbing a napkin from the table she took it to him plus a glass of water as he covered his mouth trying to keep the red liquid down. He gabbed the glass and took a large drink churning it around in his mouth to wash away the taste of blood. She handed him the napkin as well pointing to the side of her mouth indicating he had some on the side of his mouth. Wiping his mouth he looked at her and gave her a slight smile.
"You gonna be alright?"
He nodded and put his hand on the table for stability, Putting her hand on his shoulder she squeezed lightly showing him support, being in the middle of everyone made her somewhat self conscious about her self, she had a feeling everyone expected Dean and Sile to have something, plus she wasn't sure how far he wanted to go with their relationship, besides she hadn't gotten around to telling her side of the feelings yet; though she was sure he already knew. She was there for him whenever he needed her, and sometime when he didn't. She gave him another gentle squeeze on the shoulder.
"You'll be alright, just take a deep breath."
He nodded and kept his eyes on the table. She looked at him and gave him a small smile mouthing the words 'I love you' to him and than turning and walking back to the chair where she propped her feet on the table and closed her eyes waiting for whatever was to come. [/FONT][/COLOR]
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Dunan sighed, and he leaned over to Dawner. "Come on, let's go back to bed."
"Huh? Why?"

"Because I might want to snuggle up with you before we leave."

"Oh." Dawner stood up, and so did he. The two walked back to Dunan's room, and he smiled. "I'm stripping down again."

"What? Horny again?" Dawner's jaw dropped.

"Nope. Just more comfy."

Dunan lied back down, and he felt Dawner lie back next to him. "Hey. Dawner?"


"Karyn heard us, right?"


Dunan rolled over. "Why would she listen to something like that? I mean, come on..."

"Well, that's Karyn for you."

"I see. Next time, let's be even louder." Dawner just stared at Dunan, a blank look on his face. Dunan laughed, and put his head into the pillow, and within a few minutes he started snoozing, oblivious to the world. He dreamed of naked Dawners running around, then sprouting tails and throwing dodge balls.

His next dream came in a flash, he and Dawner were embracing in the moonlight, their eyes both a pretty red color. Then, a bunch of can can dancers started marching in on them.

His strange dreams continued on....

However, sweet dreams can go on only for so long. Soon, his dreams became nightmares.

Dunan walks a dark hallway, his feet thudding loudly on the floor. He didn't reconize anything he saw, until he came to a child's bedroom. Up against the wall, was Dawner.

Blood was trickling from his neck, from fresh bite marks. He looked around, and saw his other friends the same way, their eyes dull.

Looking back at the figure of Dawner, he gasped. Dawner slumped forward, his blood pooling around him. Dunan raced for him, but the figure just got farther way. He ran as hard and as fast as he could, but to no avail.[/I]

Dunan woke with a start, yelling out.

Dawner had been sitting next to him, and came up behind him. "Shush... it was only a dream."

Dunan trembled, and turned around, holding Dawner close. He heaved in breaths, but no words escaped his throat. Dawner comforted him sweetly.

Dunan slowly regained his composure, but he was still troubled. He got up, and walked over the window, drawing the curtain open. His thoughts were heavy, and so, he spoke. His dream had shown him something, and he didn't like it.


Dawner looked up at his name. "Yes?"

"You've been thinking of asking me something, haven't you?" Dunan looked out the window, across the grounds. His eyes followed the coming clouds.

Dawner looked startled. "How... did.... how did you know?"

"It's not hard to discern, Dawner. You want to know what being a vampire is really like. Am I wrong in guessing... you want to be with me forever?"

Dawner's eyes shot open, but he said nothing. He then curled up on the bed, looking at Dunan. Dunan turned from the window, his eyes glowing red in the dark.

"For centuries I've been alone. I've always thought I could stop the pain of eternity, if I only didn't think about it, if I lived for only the moment. With you, I've felt more alive than I ever have in all of these years." Dunan took a step to Dawner. "If I wanted, I could take you and you'd never be able to resist."

Dunan bore down on Dawner, coming closer, his eyes holding Dawner captive. There was no malicious intent, only a gazed that pierced through Dawner's soul. Dunan came ever closer, his footsteps light, yet audible. "If I made you into someone like me, then your spells would more or less be super charged with vampire energy, and you would grow ever stronger, more powerful. within a few weeks even, You might be able to hold your own against even me."

Dunan leaned over Dawner, his hand caressing Dawner's face. Dunan's cold skin felt so smooth, so powerful. Liquid power flowed through Dunan's veins. He kissed Dawner, his lips like heaven, his touch intoxicating, leaving Dawner wanting him so much to remain with Dunan forever.

"Eternity is a long time, Dawner. I will live it, and then live beyond even that. You will grow old and die, living for but a glimmer in time. Are you content to be by my side only as a mortal?" Dunan's eyes glowed ever more like embers, they gazed at Dawner almost as if searching his heart for the answer. "I'm willing to stand by you for the rest of your life, even when you are old and grey, and even for the rest of time, should you really desire that."

Dunan stood back up, his eyes fading. "I will leave it to you to decide your future Dawner. I don't expect an answer right off, either. Let's wait awhile, I'm content either way you choose."

Dunan turned back around and looked back out the window. He watched the clouds go by, his heart just as clouded. Rain drops began to fall. Dunan sighed, and lied back down, his eyes fixed on the window.

"There is an old saying about vampire eyes." Dunan glanced quickly at Dawner's figure, lying beside him, before they flitted back to the window. "They say if you look into a vampires red eyes, you'll be taken away by them, held captive by their spell. Sometimes, even I wonder if there's truth in that phrase." Dunan turned over, and Dawner didn't move. He saw Dawner was watching him closely. Dunan breathed in, and his eyes burned. "Do you hate me, Dawner?"

"No" came his reply. "It's.... just a lot to think about." Dunan closed his eyes, but he wasn't satisfied. He felt like Dawner was distancing himself, but then Dunan's eyes opened when he felt Dawner move to embrace him. Dunan smiled sadly, and placed his hand on Dawner's. "I love you, Dawner."

"I love you,too, Dunan. I honestly don't know what to say. I can't give you an answer right now..."

Soon Dunan drifted into uneasy slumber, his thoughts trailing with him into the dreams.
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[B]OOC: [/B]Sorry about my delay in getting this going, I've had a REALLY busy weekend...

Dean looked around as the Dunan entered the basement, marking the last member of the team to enter the basement. "Dean, I took the liberty of sending a letter to a dear friend about Holdren. She's going to do some checking into local occult activity so we can try and get a bead on him."

Dean couldn't hide the fact that he was shocked, but he did hold back a thank you. Truth be told he was happy to have another pair of eyes keeping watch, but at the same time he didn't like somebody he didn't know prying into the teams business. All he could muster was a nod at the time...

"So what the hell is this thing?" Calil pointed out the giant pentagram on the floor, a single burning candle at each point.

Dean started motioning everybody to the points as he spoke. "This device is similar to thew communication pendants we wore last mission. They, however, were only made for communication, this baby is going to amplify Sile's power to a point in which she can teleport us without killing herself.

Knowing the drill, the team stood silenly while Sile began chanting. Just like the day prior she spoke the same, her voice growing louder until it echoed off the basement walls...

When Dean opened his eyes the team was inside a field. He was at once amazed by the green in the grass...however the beauty was short lived. Almost at once a set of low growls was heard all around the team. It was hard to discern how many for sure, but it was easy to tell what they were.

Apparently they'd landed in the middle of a hunting ground, and only being the 3rd day of this lunar cycle, these were most likely freshly turned wolves that didn't have any trace of humanity left in them. Though the number was probably going to be tough to tell...

"Looks like we get to start sooner then planned guys." Dean said drawing his sword out...

The first wolf burst through the trees and made a V-line for Karyn...starting sooner indeed.
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OOC: howdy everyone! Make room! Here comes the bitch, crashing in, so get the hell out of my way! WHAHOO!

Anya sat back, her arm clinking against her glass. She knew that she would be attacked tonight, there had already been several encounters with... things. She didn't know what they were, but they were nothing like Dunan.

Dunan had a heart. These things had a death wish.

She walked over to the window, pulling on her dress for the evening. She resembled a feminine circus ringleader for the evening, complete with a top hat. She put on her high heels, and jumped over the balcony. As she was a woman, her artificial limbs were streamlined, fitting of a lady. She always wore long sleeves and gloves to cover them up. People often regarded her as a freak with her metal limbs.

Anya smiled, hearing them come for her. She had suspected it was because she was a personal friend of Dunan that they attacked her and only her. Dunan himself had placed strict rules on the other girls, they were in his personal protection, and they knew it. As long as they remained within the club during the night hours, they could fall under no harm. The spells and enchantments on it would ensure as much, Dunan himself having placed them on the club.

A night club of human and vampire dancers and bouncers. A little utopia of people living with one another, getting along, hiding no secrets. Anya couldn't be happier. This had been her home since Dunan had taken her in, after the man who found her had brought her here. She was more than happy to protect it.

Anya walked down the street, her heels clacking on the cobblestones. She smiled, hearing them follow her. She may not have been a vampire, but these fuckers weren't exactly subtle. They wanted her to be afraid. They had no idea that this bitch packed a punch. Too bad for them, their ploy to scare her failed.

She stopped in the middle of the foggy street, and turned. "Oh, come on already! You're boring me!"

She tapped her toes on the ground, and leaned over, now stomping. "ARG! JUST ATTACK ME ALREADY YOU FLEA BITTEN MONGRELS!"

"As you wish...." A gigantic figure leaped out of the fog at her, and she rolled back, her dress being ripped by claws.

She rolled back onto her feet, and braced herself for another attack. She smiled, looking at her assailant. "That all you got, mutt?" She got to her feet, and charged.

She ran full force up to the furry beast, and she raised her leg, twirling on her heel like a ballerina of death. She slammed the backside on her calf into the were-wolf, and it went flying into a trash recepticle across the street, then flopped over it into a pile of trash. "Oh, there we go. That's a good look for you." Anya stated. "You belong in the trash anyway." She snorted, lifting her long hair back.

Another beast jumped down in front of her, bringing its claws down. She bent back, the claw slicing through her petticoat.

Her cleavage now exposed, she smiled. "Mn, I always did like to show them off." Her large breasts were almost perfection. The beast slammed the back on his hand into her, and she slammed into a wall. "Mn, yes, that's the spot!" She got to her feet once more, and crossed her arms, enjoying the cool air. These beasts were nothing to her. The beast hesitated, phased by her attitude.

"Come on, I know they look good, But weren't we fighting?" she taunted. The first beast got out of the trash, lumbering in her direction.

"About time." Anya commented. She sighed. "Two on one, huh? Sounds fair enough." Anya jumped up and rocketed at her opponents. her grin wide and her arm back ready to slam into the side of a monster's head. Her leg, however was caught. and she was yanked into the air.

"We were ready for you, princess."

"I'm no princess, ass wipe." She spun her abdomen, using her legs to crack a few ribs. She laughed as she landed back on her feet, but she was snatched up by the other. It held her up, breathing in her face.

"Not so powerful now, are you?" Anya merely smiled."Sorry, dick head, date's over. You're just not my type!" She brought her free leg down, crunching the skull of the were-wolf. It slumped down, and she landed on her hands, and swung her body to her feet.

"Well. A lot of good that did him." She turned away from the beast. "Now, as for you. Come on. Let's play some more."

"As you wish, human." The were-wolf launched himself, he was fast. She swung her arm up, but again, she'd underestimated the power of a were-wolf. He'd caught her arm, his mouth wide and toothy.

"Mn....." He licked his chops. "I think it's time for a bite..." He said, his tongue licking her petticoat sleeve. Her eyes opened wide. He grasped her at the shoulder and elbow, and bit down as hard as he could. His teeth ripped the cloth covering her arm. He yowled in pain, pulling back.

Anya smiled once more. "What's the matter, big boy? A little too tough to chew?" She held her arm up in the dim light of the street lamps. Metal glinted through the ripped fabric, revealing that wolfie boy had made a dear mistake. One that he'd be regretting quite soon.

"What..?" The wolf cried, his eyes wide. Anya took a step up to him, ripping the sleeve all the way off. "A little bit of advice for your next life?" Anya taunted. "Never assume someone has limbs made of flesh." She cocked back, and slammed her fist into the head of the were-wolf, and she withdrew from the scene, looking at her arm.

"Oh, God damn it! He scratched it! Dunan's gonna kill me!" Anya panicked, not sure what to do. She sighed, and began her walk back to the night club. She looked at the postage box, a letter had arrived by means of an express mail courier. Opening it, she saw that it was from Dunan. Her eyes were wide when she read the name of whom he wanted to know about. She'd been hearing rumors about this person. And she didn't like what she had heard what was going on with a select group of people who had apparently been putting a thorn in his side. Several rumors had it he was going to kill them, others had the facts laid out that Holden was going to use them, then kill them. She bit her lip, not liking at all where this looked like it was going.

It was far too coincidental that she'd heard rumors about Holden, now Dunan was asking her about him. She hailed a horse drawn buggy, and took it to the train station. She had to get to them before it was too late. Maybe her presence would upset the balance of power being used by Holden, maybe she alone would be enough to keep them alive.... and of course, keep Dunan out of trouble...
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Karyn's eyes widened as the wolf sprinted toward her. She herself morphed into a wolf and met the other one head-on. Karyn had the other easily pinned to the ground. They both turned into their humanoid selves, except for ears and tail. The boy underneath Karyn had long brown hair put in a braid with gray ears and a tail. His eyes were red. "Okay, Dmitri, talk!" Karyn barked.

"Go to hell, half-breed bitch!" Dmitri growled back. Karyn dug her nails into his neck, drawing blood. At this point, the other werewolves in the trees seemed to be keeping back in order to discern the strength of the team. Though some let out low growls to show their dissapproval of their comrade's weakness in getting pinned to the ground. Of course, they didn't help him. He was now considered weak. And the weak were not tolerated.

"Where is that good-for-nothing father of mine?! TELL ME!" Karyn screamed. Dmitri made a gurggling sound.

"G-gah! Stupid mixed blood! Wh-when did you-"

"Get so strong?! I've been waiting for this for [I]years[/I], you awful, rotten dirtbag!" Karyn snarled. Suddenly, she felt a hand on her shoulder. Karyn whipped her head around to face Draco.

"Settle down, Karyn... You're going to put off the rest of the team..." he muttered. Karyn stared at him for a few moments before loosening her grip a little on the other werewolf's neck.

"Okay... Now where is he?" Karyn demanded, her voice a bit shaky. Dmitri glared at her.

"Why should I tell you?!"

"Because I could kill you in many painful ways at this very moment."

"...I hope you and your little hybrid freak buddy die a bloody death! And I know you will soon enough anyway! HAHAHAHAHA!!!" Dmitri cackled. Karyn's eyes narrowed and she crushed his trachea.

"Dmitri was always an ass anyway... I never really expected him to say anything...I'd have been surprised if he did..." Karyn mumbled. Dean walked over and pat Karyn's head.

"Don't worry, there will be plenty more of them to get information out of." Dean said. Karyn just nodded her head and shuffled away from the dead Dmitri.
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Dunan's eyes glowed with his ferocity, but he did nothing.

"Scum." He commented. He turned in a circle, counting.

"Dean. Think we could handle this?" Dunan's red eyes focus on several moving bodies, each of them large and glowering at them with yellow eyes. Dunan smiled. "There's eight of them in the vicinity, and I can smell even more around us."

"Really." Came Dean's reply. "Sure. There will be plenty of action for all of us. Have at it Dunan. Dawner, you're his back up. You two can handle the ones around us, we need to conserve out strengths, And Dunan, you're more or less a power house."

"Okie dokie!" Dunan smiled, his eyes glowing even brighter.

"Alright!" Dunan took a step forward. "Come on, you furry fleabags. Come get some!" Dunan leaped into action, as the were-wolves began their assault. Dawner let loose with a ferocious fire ball, blasting into the trees. [I]"Aditos Mertoba!"[/I]

Dunan ran into the trees, dodging fireballs and landing on a wolf. He grasped the head and twisted it around, baring his fangs. All around him, a blaze of fire was roaring. Wolves were going up in poofs of smoke, as Dunan jumped from body to body, desecrating them. He leaped back into the group, and smiled, his now clawed hands covered in blood. "Ugh.. I already need a shower."

"Blood is so not a good look for you." Dawner commented. He let loose with a fire ball barrage again, incinerating more wolves. Soon enough, all the immiediate wolves were dead or burning. Dunan wrinkled his nose.

"Smells kind of like burnt pork here, doesn't it?"

The other's just looked at him like he was crazy. Dunan shrugged, and wiped his hands off in the grass. He sighed, and stood up. "Alright... I smell blood." He turned around behind him, his eyes glowing ever more still. "Human blood." Dunan furrowed his brow. "They've been busy. He sniffed the air, the smell of blood over powering. He shook himself, he was getting hungry.

"They've already killed more than their fair share of humans. I suspect they didn't stop screaming until their throats were ripped out." Dunan took a step forward, looking around for more wolves. He didn't see any, but he could smell them. "They've made so many new wolves... I can't tell just how many there are. I'm concerned. If we get mobbed by all of them, I don't think that we have a chance." Dunan grimanced. "Not even me.. I can handle a lot, but not as many as I sense."

Dean nodded. "I realize there's a lot. You and Dawner did good work. Now, the smell of blood... that's probably coming from their base of operations. Let's get moving."

Dunan fell back. following Dean. He fell to his place by Dawner's side. "Think we have a chance?" Dawner asked.

"Of course. With me and you, there's nothing to worry about." Dunan encouraged.
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[COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Calil fell in behind Dean as usual hearing Dunan's comment she looked over at them and gave a crocked smile.
"And what are the rest of us? Chopped liver?"
They gave her an alarmed look but didn't press the subject of her talking, she walked up to Dean and bumped her shoulder with his making him look down at her.
"I decided to visit the labs when we got back from that first mission, I think they came up with something that might help us with this."
He looked at her as she handed him a small tube of what looked like blue powder.
"It's a...how do I say...truth powder, if we catch another one of these flea bags, no offense to anyone here, and we want answers; with this they have no choice but to tell us what we want to know. Karyn, I think you should be the one to hold this."
The young girl looked up at her with a questioning look.
"Why me?"
"It's your father we're looking for isn't it?"
She nodded.
"That's why."
Karyn took the blue powder from Calil and fell into the formation that they had seemed to form with out realizing it. Turning to Dean she took a deep breath and sighed wrinkling her nose.
"These wild ones have a different smell from Karyn and Draco, it's just weird, Karyn and Draco still smell somewhat like humans, they have a human smell but it has a wild edge to it, these guys just smell wild and unreal almost, I think we need to stay on out toes here. I know I have no special talent but I can smell that much."
Dean nodded, she reached down and took his hand giving it a squeeze, and unlike most times, she did not release it this time, she held it tightly, the smell of blood and wild beasts all around her made her uneasy, after all she was a hybrid, bred in a lab, between the nightwalkers and wolves, she was sure to become a target to them once they found out.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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Anya looked out across the fields of the passing medows, soon enough she would board a ship bound for england. She looked at the small boy siting with his mother in the booth next to her. The boy couldn't stop staring at her. Looking herself over, she realized the metal of her wrist was showing. She smiled.

"Cooler than skin, huh?" she said. The little boy smiled, and nodded. She went back to looking out the window. Again, she gazed out the window, her attention hazed over. She didn't know what was going on, but she wouldn't be left out of whatever Dunan was getting mixed up into. God only knew the chaos he was jumping head first into.

But, That was Dunan, always following his heart without a second thought. Dunan and her had always done that. Time and time again, she had tried to stop him from doing something foolish, but time and time again, she had failed. In the end, everything was alright, just like Dunan always said it would be.

Anya loved Dunan, there was no other way around it. She knew he saw her as a little sister, and despite him prefering men over women, she had never worried about him abandoning her. Dunan was Dunan, he protected her, and had taken her in. Old Man Reynolds had done so as well, but he couldn't handle her wild attitude. So far, Dunan was the only person she would ever even consider listening to. Dunan was her equal, both in and out of battle. She had fought beside him so many times, the two having gone through so many hardships.

Anya sighed, lying her head back against the seat. "Dunan..." She had been raised by him, Reynolds doing her maintenance. She looked up to him, much like an older brother. Dunan hadn't aged at all, not in the sixteen years she had known him. She knew full well that he would live far beyond her. It was something she had accepted, that wasn't going to change.

A sweet smell permiated the air, and a dinner cart rolled by. She took the meal offered her, thankful she had a high motabolism.

She ate in silence, thinking. Within a few short hours, she would be in scotland. And then, another short train ride, and she would be at the Manor where she knew Dunan was staying.


ok.... that was the picture i had intended for her to look like... interesting, no?
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Dean squeezed Calil's hand and smiled, it seemed that she was letting her guard down with him a bit. Though it was easy to tell she was uneasy, she seemed almost happy in a way. He'd thought that even if he'd helped her be a bit happier in this life, then even if she never told him the feelings she shared he'd be okay with it.

"Dunan come here a second." Dean motioned Dunan too him. As soon as he was in reaching distance he flipped him hard on the nose.

"Oww, what the hell was that for?" Dunan rubbed his nose as he protested. "You do realize that a bite from a werewolf IS fatal to vampires eh? I'd thought you and Dawner were going to be a big more inconspicuous then THAT!"

He pointed with his free hand at the fire that was now buring wildly in front of them.

"Oh that's okay, Dawner can put that out." His smile faded as he looked at Dawner shaking his head. "Sorry Dean, I got a bit carried away." Dawner apologized sincerly.

"Dunan can do whatever he wants for all I care. But you should be able to control yourself Dawnie...Now we need to think of a backup plan really quick now."

"Perhaps I can help Dean." Draco spoke up for the first time since Karyn killed the werewolf. "Most of these running around are fresh bloods, only recentally turned and don't know anything but killing and eating. Maybe if I was to draw their attention away the rest of you could get away. I doubt they could catch me."

Dean let go of Calil's hand and reached up putting his hands on Draco's shoulder. "I like your idea Draco, but I'm going to modify it. Karyn and I are going to draw them off."

Draco's eyes were instantally filled with Rage at the thought of Karyn going through everything. "Listen, I have my reasons for this. I want you to promise me you'll keep track of everybody else, especially you know who," Dean motioned his head towards Dunan "keep everybody alive you're going to get a few stragglers, but the bulk of them will be after us. Get them all to Harrington's bar, a friend will be meeting up with you there soon. Good luck buddy."

Dean turned and sprinted towards a small path leading close to the fire. Without a word Karyn followed close behind.

"Common Karyn if we're going to catch one of these bad boys we're going to have to be quick."

"Catch them...umm there's only two of us and like a million of them. How are we going to do that."

Dean smiled and looked back at her. "Very carefully, first we have to draw their attention though. Any ideas?"
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Dunan snorted in contempt, but followed orders. He crossed his arms, and stalked off behind the others. Dawner was still apologetic, but ready for battle.

"Sorry, Dunan.. I got us in trouble..."

Dunan shrugged. "Eh.. It's fine. Dean just needs to get that stick out of his ass." Dunan joked, not serious about the ass comment. He sighed.

"So, We're supposed to get to the bar, huh?" Dunan asked, and Draco nodded. "Want me to clear the way? You know I can, and it will keep everyone stronger, however much longer. Like Dean said, I'm the powerhouse of the team."

"And he told me to keep you in line. You might very well get yourself killed." Dunan pouted for a moment, until he smelled blood, and it was strong. They came upon a little girl, covered in blood, her throat had been ripped out. Dunan knew she was beyond saving, but he knelt over her, and saw the tears that had run down her face as she died. Dunan reached out and closed her eyes, his heart heavy. "Poor thing...There was no mercy shown to you..."

Dunan's eyes were glowing, he'd been enticed by the scent of blood. He wasn't beyond control, but his hunger was growing stronger and stronger. He hadn't fed recently, the last blood he'd had had been with Dawner on the pavillion.

Dawner sensed it, and came up to Dunan. "Hungry?"

"Why ask something you already know the answer to?" Dunan glanced over at Dawner, and smiled. "Yes, I'm hungry. And not for pancakes." Dunan smiled at the concerned expressions. "Don't worry, there will be enough blood for me to gorge myself tonight."

They continue on, several wolves attacking them. Dunan held back, allowing the others to disperse them easily. Dunan wasn't too concerned. He stood back, he knew his time would come.

A beast came after Dawner, leaping down from the tree. Dunan reached above Dawner's head, grasping it by the muzzle, and then snapping its neck. It fell with a dull thud to the ground, and he spoke to Dawner.

"I'll always protect you, whether your human or not."
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[COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Calil balled her fists tightly as he ran towards the fire with Karyn, she looked at Draco and took a deep breath putting her hard mask back on.
"I'll take up the rear Draco, lets get moving."
He nodded and began leading them through towards the bar Dean had told them about. She Looked all around her as they walked the smell of wild wolves mixing with the smell of the burning field behind them and the fresh grass that blew in the wind in front of them. She looked back over her shoulder knowing she wouldn't see Dean but hoping to anyway. She was nervous for Dean and Karyn. Taking a deep breath she looked ahead at Draco's back, he was thrilled about this either but like Calil he was trusting Dean's judgment. [/FONT][/COLOR]
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Dawner felt as if they walked for what seemed like hours but was merely minutes. He was nervous with anticipation. So much was running through his This mission might lead him to clue about where his father is which would be amazing and terrifying because it meant he was in trouble or causing it. Dawner didn?t know much about his father besides the fact that he abandon him and his mom or he assumed that because she would always get really upset when talking about him. And then there was Dunan?s proposal?. Dawner felt I his heart that he should but fear of what he?d become scared him completely what if he couldn?t control himself and hurt someone? Plus there was the whole being dead thing? Dawner already had a slightly pale complexion anyways? did he really need to add to it?

Dawner audibly sighed; Dunan squeezed his hand holding it. ?Penny for your thoughts,?? He said.

?Only pennies? ?Didn?t know I was so cheap..Hmmp? Dawner sped up in walking to add affect to his little joke.

?Hey you? Dunan grabbed his hand, ?That wont work on me silly, now what?s bothering you??

Dawner sighed again, ?Well? lets just say I want to get this mission over with so we can get back to us and your? proposal.?

Dunan fell silent for a bit, ?I understand completely, and remember you don?t have to rush coming to a decision love.?

They held hands in understanding. Dawner felt almost complete and safe not to mention comfortable. Not too comfortable as to not sense a few werewolves coming there way.

?Hey guys, we have company? Dawner sounded to the front of the group?

Why did these lesser wolves stalk them, didn?t they know they were dealing with professionals?

Dawner chuckled. Blasting one into a tree and cringing as Dunan ripped his throat out
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"I think I have an idea, though it might be dangerous..." Karyn said. Dean stared back with a concerned look.

"[B]How[/B] dangerous, Karyn?" he demanded. Karyn widened her already large eyes and put her ears down on her head and sniffled.

"N-not very! I-it's-! D-don't you trust meeeee?!?!?!" Karyn whimpered. It was a cutesy fake crying tecnique that Dean hadn't seen in a long time. In fact, the last time he'd seen it was before training, when she begged him to let her onto the team despite her young age.

"L-let's hear the plan [B]first[/B]!" Dean stuttered, turning his head from the face that would surely give him cavaties. Karyn snapped back to her normal smiling face. Apparently, she had been cured of her sulky mood.

"Well, I remember when I was really teensy weensy, our clan had a special set of howls for communication! No one else on the planet knows how to get the notes [B]just[/B] right except for those of our clan! Everyone was really surprised when I passed at the top of the class! In fact, it's actually called the Lox Clan Code! I could use it to draw some werewolves here! We could hide up in the trees and swoop down to capture one! He'll never know what hit 'im until it's too late! And nobody will come to his rescue because of his now weak status!" Karyn bubbled over, awaiting Dean's reply.
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Dean gulped, he'd hoped for a little bit more subtle of an approach. If this could help attract the clan wolves and not the wild ones it was worth a try.

"Alright Karyn...I guess let's just give it a shot." Dean watched as Karyn tapped her chin, thinking deaply.

"Okay, it's been awhile. But I'm pretty sure this is how it went..." Karyn cleared her throat in an overly exagerating way that couldn't help put a smile on Dean's face.

Karyn tilted her head up to the moon and let out a sickening sweet howl that went on for a few seconds until ending in her hacking.

"Sorry...had a tickle in my throat." Dean actually laughed outloud when she smiled shyly, apparently embarassed by her interuption.

"Okay, this time I got it."

The howl this time was much more sorrowful. Coming from a sweet girl like Karyn, it actually carried a note of terror and sent a chill up and down Dean's spine.

As if by clockwork the trees exploded, 3 werewolves rushed out head long at Karyn.

"Friends of yours?" Dean already had his blade out rushing to meet them.

"No, these guys are just wild mutts. They wouldn't know anything, and probably couldn't even talk." Karyn landed a kick in the lead werewolfs chest that sent him reeling.

Dean came in from behind, burying his blade in the beasts throat as it laid on the ground. A quick twist severed all but a few ligiments holding the head to the body, the beast didn't make a sound.

The other two realized at that time they had ignored the second being, only concerned with the unknown wolf.

Karyn picked up a branch and struck the wolf closest to her sending him flying. She was on him in an instant, and in a quick motion snapped the beasts neck.

The other wolf had choosen Dean, apparently thinking him just a human with a blade. The wolf charged slamming into Dean sending them both to the ground. It pinned his arms down with it's clawed hands and went for his neck.

Underestimating Dean for what he was, it was easy to roll backwards taking the beast with him. Dean was quickly on top and drove his sword through the beasts gapping jaws destroying the brain in an instant.

Rising to his feet Dean looked towards Karyn to tell her she did good, but instead was met with a fully formed Karyn whose ears were back as if she was ready to pounce.

*Clap Clap Clap* came ringing through the trees. "It seems like you've grown stronger Karyn, though regretfully you couldn't prove it before your father ripped your weakling of a mother's head off."

Dean spotted the female werewolf standing atop a tree branch, partially conceled by the trees.

"We really could've used you, our clan was devestated by a group of hunters. Only a handfull of us survived to rebuild, thanks to your father's new friends."

[I]"Dawner's dad and Holdren..."[/I] Dean thought to himself as the she-wolf talked.

"Get down here" Karyn snarled, the viciousness in her voice startled Dean.

"Oh I will, I want to show you how truley week you are. Oh and your little trick didn't work. The rest of the clan herded the wilds towards town before heading back to base. Oh wait...isn't that where the rest of your little group is heading?" Karyn had had enough. She lept into the trees with a speed that made Dean's head spin...he just hoped she left enough of that girl to find some info from.
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Karyn tried to grab at the other werewolf, but to no avail. Her opponent leaped out of the way at the last second. Karyn grasped nothing but air as she turned just a fraction to come face-to-face with the female werewolf. "GUH!" Karyn gasped as an awful pain spread through her side. She skidded across the forest floor until she slammed into a thick tree trunk. "Damn you, Dariya!" Karyn growled.

"You know what's really pathetic about this, Karyn? The fact that Dmitri and I are the weakest of the clan! Your little friends won't stand a chance! And if by some miracle they [B]do[/B] defeat one of those wilds, it won't be as easily as Dmitri was killed! Those guys can go on fighting without their throats or limbs for a considerable amount of time!"

"Like zombies?"

"W-what?! NO! Not like zombies! Like with their pure will, you moron!" While Dariya ranted about the difference between wilds and zombies, Karyn jumped at her, clawing Dariya's face. "Ah!" Dariya gasped, covering her face with her hands. Karyn took advantage of Dariya's open torso and jabbed a whole through her stomach with her claws. Then she shoved Dariya up against a tree and grabbed her neck.

"Tell me where he is!" Karyn snarled. "Or you'll die like your brother Dmitri did!"

".......At the edge of town! Th-there's...an old..."

"Yes? An old what?"

"Series of caves... Lox is in the biggest one toward the end... It has an escape route, though, so you'll never corner him!" Dariya sputtered.

"Okay, Dean! We have a location!" Karyn said triumphantly, dropping the bleeding Dariya to the ground. "Now we just need to try not to be killed by that were-zombie bregade!"

"They're not zombies, you insolent twit! And [B]you[/B] won't have to worry about being killed by the wilds... Your Dad wants to kill you himself! Y'know, finish what he started!" Dariya shouted. Karyn froze in her path. Then she walked off toward Dean.

"Hey, Dean! It's a good thing I didn't have to use this blue powdery stuff! I forgot to ask Calil how to use it!" Karyn whispered to him with a nervous laugh.
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Dunan whirled when he heard Karyn, his backbone chilled with a cold realization she wasn't always so sweet. It was easy to over look just what she was, but Dunan didn't like it that she'd had to expose her more vicious side.

Dunan turned around, if only to see what the other's could not.

Several large bulky bodies were coming at them, their mouths frothing, no more than rabid dogs. Dunan braced himself, before shouting.

"Were-wolves, straight ahead!" He jumped ahead, while the others readied themselves. Dawner let loose again, fiendish beasts of flame roaring at their enemies. Dunan kicked up into the trees.

"Let's move it!" Draco called. He was seeing what Dunan was seeing now. "There's too many of them!"

"Right!" Dawner called, and he waved his wand once more."Everyone cover your eyes!" Dawner raised his wand. [I] "Luminos Grandetis!"[/I] A brilliant light erupted from it, and the wolves howled in pain. Dunan graped Dawner and the two made their way through the wolves, quickly followed by the others. They raced away, the wolves still holding their eyes. The broke the tree line, looking at the desolate town. The wolves were quickly catching up, Dunan turned, facing them.

"It's fight or flight, Draco. I'll let you decide. I can hold my own, if you guys want to use this to get into town, then do so now." Dunan cocked his hands, his fingers sprouting long inky black claws. His eyes glowed malevolently, he was ready to fight if given the command.
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[I]"What do you mean, they've all left?" Anya yelled, slamming her fist into the table, cracking it in two. "I came all the way here, from Paris, and they're all gone?"

The man bowed, apologetic. "I apologize, miss. They have already departed on a mission."

"I see. Mind telling me where?"[/I]

And so it came to be she had already left the mansion, heading off to the boonies to play hero. She groaned, it was taking too long. The carridge was too slow. But, soon enough she had made her way to the small city where Dunan and his crew had gone. She let herself off of the carridge, looking around. Nothing out of the ordinary. She walked over to the local bar, taking a seat. There were several stares, but she paid them no mind. Off in the distance, she could hear an unearthly howl. She smiled, knowing that whatever Dunan was fighting, she was about to see him face to face.

She held her hand up, and called for the bartender. "Hey, barkeep. I'll take a shot of the strongest poison you got."

"Sure thing." She placed the money on the counter, and he poured her a drink. She downed it, and smiled sweetly. "Another please." She waited for it, and soon enough she received it.After downing it too, she snorted.

"Any time now, Dunan. It's impolite to keep a lady waiting...."
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Draco shook his head. "No. Let's head into town. They won't attack head on. Let's get to the bar."

"Fine." Dunan retracted his claws, and they took off into the town. The wolves didn't emerge from the trees, holding back for some unknown reason. They turned around, heading around, going to some unknown destination. Dunan knew it was a matter of time before they headed back, probably with more numbers.

Dunan shuddered at the thought. They walked away, momentarily safe. They saw the bar Dean had spoken about, and took up seats in a corner. Dunan sat with Dawner, his arm around him. The looks and stares they got weren't the least bit unnerving to Dunan. If they had a problem, he'd kick their ass.

A man stepped up to the table, glaring. "We don't like your kind here. Get the hell out, faggots."

Dunan smiled. "Really now. And If I don't? What do you plan to do then?" Several men got up, angry with Dunan's casual tone. The man pulled a knife, and held it at Dunan's throat. Dunan's eyes held something in check for the poor fool.

"You're going to kill me?" He asked, his in a wide grin."Please, put it out of your feeble little head if you want to be alive come dawn." He wasn't surprised when the man pressed the knife into his neck, causing a trickle to appear. "I'm not asking, you faggot." Dawner was wide eyed, Draco not moving from under his hood, his face hidden in shadow.

"Well. I'm not budging. It'll take a lot more than the likes of you to get me to move." Dunan's attitude confused the man. "You're crazy." Dunan lifted his hand, and grasped the knife between his thumb and forefinger. He pressed down, and snapped the blade in two. The man went slack jawed.

"You were saying?" The other men started crowding the table. Dawner looked nervous. "Dunan... please don't hurt them too much."

Sile snorted. "Asses like this aren't deserving to go up against us."

"True enough." Dunan stated. He smiled, and the man reached for Sile. Dunan grabbed his wrist, holding it, applying pressure. He bent the man's arm, and he started yelping in pain. Dawner by this time was getting huffy. Dunan smiled, not intending to hurt him much more. Dawner had seen enough, but knew Dunan was only toying with him, and wasn't going to kill the poor schmuck.
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Then, a familiar scent came to Dunan's nose. A sweet perfume, one of expensive quality. A woman sitting at the counter exuded this delicate scent. Her bright blue dress caught his eye, and she slowly turned around on her stool, looking at Dunan with mild interest. She snorted sarcastically, holding her shot glass in the air. She downed it on a single gulp, and spoke.

"Dunan, stop playing with your food. Didn't your mother teach you better table manners than that? Coming from nobility, I would think so."

The man began to apologize, and Dunan let him go, kicking him across the room into a table which collapsed into broken wood. Dunan turned to the beautiful young woman. "Heh... sorry about that, Anya."

"I was wondering if I should help out, but I guess you handled it. You never change, Dunan Knute." Her mouth spread into a wide and seductive grin.

Anya hopped onto the floor, and jumped over the broken table. His buddied were picking him up and then proceeded to carry him out.

Anya grasped Dunan in a bear hug, and Dunan picked her up and spun her around, laughing. Anya, once put back onto the ground, smiled, looking back at the broken table. "You sure know how to get some attention, Dunan."

"Yeah well... he pissed me off." Dunan replied.

All around the table, the many faces were staring at her. "My name is Anya Romanov. A pleasure to meet you." She held out her to a boy in a top hat. He looked to be about her age. Dunan had been beside him. "Nice to meet you." She grasped his hand, and squeezed it gently.

"Dawner... nice to meet you too...OW!" Anya let go of his hand, having accidentally squeezed it too hard. "Oops...Sorry..."

Dunan shook his head. "Watch it Anya, that's my man." His gentle smile made everyone realize that Dunan and Anya had obviously gone way back. She smiled. "Man, huh?" She snorted, and got up for Dunan to sit down beside Dawner. She scrutinized Dawner, and snorted.

"My boobs are bigger."

Dawner blinked, confused as all hell. "I'm a boy....." He stated, his face blank.

"Oh, well then. I bet I still have more balls than you." She was rather contemptuous, and thus turned her attention to the others. "And you guys are?"

Sile closed her eye. "Sile. Pleasure to meet you."

"Cali. Hello."


Dunan cleared his throat. "There's two more of us, Dean and Karyn, but they went on their own way. We're waiting for them and a contact of our fearless leaders'."

"I see. Well, I guess I'll have to wait too. I want to know what the hell kind of a crowd my so called 'brother' is hanging out with." From this, came confused looks. They could tell she was human, but why was she calling Dunan her brother?

"Dunan raised me since I was a child." she said, answering their unspoken question. She raised her hand, and called out for the bartender again. "Hey! Let's get some drinks over here!"
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[COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Calil crossed her arms and put her hand palm down on the table drawing looks from the rest at the table.
"We're on a mission, and a dangerous one at that, the last thing we need in our systems at this moment is alcohol. No offense. It's just best we stay as alert as possible."
She looked to the door with a hopeful look watching for Dean and Karyn, but nothing. She took a deep breath and looked back at the others.
"You all can drink if it pleases you but I have a feeling if Dean shows up and we have booze on our breath he'll skin us alive."
Draco nodded watching the door as well for Karyn. She wrinkled her nose and let a low growl form in her throat, it bubbled up til it escaped making the others stare at her.
"They're getting closer, sticking to the shadows. If Dean and Karyn show up at this moment they'll be ambushed."
Draco stood in one fluid motion, Calil following his example, and they headed for the door. He opened it for her and bowed his head in a gentlemanly fashion. She walked past him and stiffened covering her nose as she was assaulted by the smell of wild wolves. She shook her head and pulled out her sword; she cracked her neck and looked at Draco as he readied him self for a fight as well. Walking side by side they headed to a back alley in town. When they turned around they saw a line of werewolves blocking their way back to the bar, Calil smiled and nudged Draco.
"You think there is enough of them?"
"No, you?"
"Nope, I'll take left, you can have the ones on the right."
"Sounds fair to me."
She smiled more and took her stance waiting for Draco or one of the younger wolves to make the first move.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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