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Band of the Blood Moon (Mature)

Drizzt Do'urden

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Dunan sat in the bar, tapping his fingers on the table. Cali and Draco could handle their own buisness, Dunan was worried the wolves would attack the bar itself. The smell of prey... how could they resist?

And he wasn't wrong, as much as he wished he had been.

A wolf jumped through the window, and rose its muzzle to the sky, howling. People scrambled and screamed. Dunan shrugged. Dawner readied himself, wand out. Dunan stood, and eyed the wolf, which turned, and snarled. Drool escaped its toothy mouth, dripping on the floor.

"Ugh... that's nasty." Anya commented.

Dunan wrinkled his nose. "You think that's bad, I can smell its breath. He seriously needs a breath mint."

Dawner raised his wand, but he stopped. "Dunan! I can't cast my spells in here! Theres not enough room! I might blow something up!"

Dunan sighed. "Then you sit there and drink your beer while we handle this." He turned and looked over at Anya. "Think you and me can keep it occupied?"

"Sure... Wanna dance?" She readied herself, taking Dunan's hand. Striking up a dance pose, the two smiled, their faces mirror image expressions.

"You're done for!" they stated, and they let go as the beast brought a clawed hand down in their direction. Dunan and Anya spun, bringing the heels of Anya's left foot and Dunan's right into the chest of the beast, sending it flying. It crashed into the bar, and flew into the booze shelf behind it. The shelves splintered, and the glass bottles crashed into the floor, shattering on impact. the pungent smell of alcohol filled the room.

The beast stood up, and roared before charging again. Dunan leaped up high, Anya ducked down low, bringing on two levels of pain at once.

Anya placed her hand on the floor, and using it to ground herself, she spun her foot into the beast, cracking the chest cavity bones. It sputtered, choking up thick red blood. Dunan landed on the beast's neck, bring it to the floor. Dunan grasped it, and smiled. He held the wolfen wrist, and pulled it up, snapping the bones. "You know, this pub has a marvelous special, Anya."

"Oh? I had no idea. What's it called?" She grasped the ankle, and twisted it, more bones shattering. The beast roared again, frothing at the mouth. It glared at Dawner, snapping its mouth at him. It was nothing more than a killing machine, Dunan actually pitied it.

"The Pain Platter!!" Dunan exclaimed, and twisted the neck around, hearing all of the vertebrae snap like toothpicks. It slumped down, as Dawner took a drink of beer. He'd been watching the entire time, knowing they would win easily.

"Dunan....that line was kind of lame..." he stated. Dunan just got up and walked over, taking Dawner's beer and downing it. "HEY!"

"That's what you get, smart ass." Dunan smiled, and shrugged. "Come on, let's get the hell out of here. The smell of blood is really making me hungry. And making matters worse, there isn't a decent meal in the room."

Anya furrowed her brow. "You know, I'm not sure whether to be insulted or happy you said that..."
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"If I remember right, the bar should be..." Dean stopped in his tracks, almost causing Karyn to crash into him. "Dean what the...ohh" Karyn was cut off as she saw the bar in the distance.

There was a line of wolves standing just inside the treeline, and it seemed they were about to attack. Dean could barley make out two figures just outside the doorway, Draco and Calil stood, pursed to fight.

"They have no idea what's about to come." Dean scanned the trees and counted just about 20 of the wild "zombie" wolves, as Karyn and dubed them, and a single wolf much larger then the others at the rear making growling and snapping noises.

"A friend of yours?" Dean pointed the huge wolf out. "Yeah, he's saying that once he leaves they're to wait for the signal and attack. I think he's probably going to use our code, so maybe I can trick them...

"No, I doubt it this time." Dean watched as the big wolf took off. "Listen, I want you to transform and sprint as hard as you can towards the bar. Make sure you transform back before you make it, or Draco and Calil may mistake you for one of them. Warn them and get out the back before this happens."

"B-but what are you gonna do? I can't leave you alone out here." Dean shurgged, "I'll be fine, I can hold my own out here I'm counting on you to keep the others safe." She still stood hesitantly, "Karyn go NOW!" he reached out and gave her a shove. He knew his team was strong, but 20 of those things...it wasn't possible.

Karyn bolted out of sight, Dean could hear the sickening pop of bones as she transformed though. He saw her on a sprint just in front of the tree-line...and then it happened. An eerie howl, much like Karyn's from a moment ago rang in the sky. And the wolves started moving.

[I]"Damn, they'll be on them in no time"[/I] Dean took off like a bat out of hell, running full bore into the flank. Barreling into a werewolf, who knocked another down, and again another...

Squaring off, Dean had three of the beasties on him. That took three away from the others...maybe they could do it now...for the first time since he was turned, Dean shot up a little prayer for them. Leaving himself out...three on one, this wasn't going to be easy.
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Dunan heard the howl, and Anya and Dawner both turned to the door.

Dunan raced to the door, ripping off its hinges with a single punch. There were people rushing around the street.


Anya called to Dunan. "I'll handle getting them inside! You and Dawner get your asses in gear!"

Anya pushed past him, and started getting people inside. "I'm crowd control! MOVE IT!!"

Dunan picked up Dawner, and sprinted off torwards the howl. He could see a werewolf sprinting at them, but he could smell Karyn's scent. Dunan rushed past her with a nod of acknowledgment. He knew she was racing into town, on the orders of Dean. Karyn pointed off behind her, and Dunan could make out the dim figures of people fighting. Wolves, and a lot of them, were converging on Dean.

Dunan was there in moments, and he let Dawner down. "Got an ice spell?" He asked. "We need a lot of ice to go shooting into the trees.

Dawner nodded, and readied himself. "Just tell me when."

"Dean!" He called. "Duck!"

He jumped up into the trees as Dean hit the ground. "Now, Dawner!"

Dawner waved his wand, and brought it down with a forceful SWISH! Icicles appeared above him, hundreds upon hundreds. With another wave of his wand, they shot into the trees, impaling the wolves several times over. They roared in frustration, having been slowed down, but not stopped.

Dunan landed on one, ripping its head off with his clawed hands. He flipped off, throwing the decapitated carcas into several lumbering their way. Dean stood, his back to Dunan's, sword in hand. Dawner was preparing another spell, this time fire to burn away enemies. The wolves encroached, Dunan smiled, his claws raised.

"So. Dean. Removed that stick from your ass?"

"Did you?" he retorted, smiling.

"Touche, Dean. Think we can handle this?"

"There's a lot of them...and three of us."

Dunan smiled maliciously. "My kind of odds. Shall we?" Dunan lowered himself, ready and waiting for the 'go' word.

"After you!" Dunan leaped up, and onto his hands. A whirlwind double kick sent a wolf right at Dean. Dean slashed, the wolf's head coming off. Dawner let loose with a barrage of fire, Dunan grabbed Dean and shot up into the air, kicking off of a tree at another pair of wolves. Dean raised his sword, Dunan using his momentum to go into a spin.Dean slashed, Dunan following his example.

They readied themselves for another onslaught. Backs against one another again, they saw three more wolves had been taken out, and two more howling in pain, their bodies ablaze.

Dunan took a deep breath, his hunger was growing, becoming ever more debilitating. He was growing weaker by the minute.

Together, the three fended off wolf after wolf, kicking, slashing, punching, gouging.

Soon enough, once more, Dean and Dunan were back to back, breathing hard. Dunan was becoming weaker, and Dean and Dawner had both noticed.

"Dunan... you're not as powerful as usual..."

"Hungry vampires grow weaker.." He smirked, riding the tough guy attitude. He sunk to one knee, gasping for breath. His body was screaming for blood, or at least a moment to rest. However, the wolves were neither edible nor letting up.

"Don't die on me yet, Dunan." Dean looked over at him, and he smirked. "I thought vampires were stronger than that."

Dunan rose, his fangs bared. Dean's taunting spurred more energy forth. "No need to worry, fearless leader, I've got plenty more energy to deal with these vermin..."

Dunan leaped back into action, Dean with a smile on his face as he followed suit. Dawner blasted off again, another icicle barrage shooting through the trees. The three fought on, ensnared in a deadly dance of destruction and blood.
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Karyn was panting as she looked out the window of the bar desperately. She pushed herself to see what was going on out in the forest. She wanted to scream and shout at Dunan for running off into battle and dragging Dawner with him. But she was secretly relieved. Karyn didn't want Dean out there by himself fighting those zombie things.

Karyn didn't even dare to look at the rest of the team. Even the new peson she could sense. [I]Hmmm... I wonder why she smells like metal?[/I] Karyn asked herself. "We shouldn't be in here! We should be out there helping Dean!" Calil stated in a concerned voice.

"Dean wants us to stay in here. I think we should trust him." Sile replied.

"I agree. If Dean, Dunan and Dawner aren't enough to hold off those werewolves, they'll ask for our help." Draco added.

"But-!" Calil started. But she was interrupted by something clamping onto her sleeve. She looked down and saw Karyn, head down and face hidden, clinging to her sleeve like a security blanket.

"I trust him... Don't you?" Karyn asked quietly. She lifted her head up to reveal the same fake-cry face that she had used on Dean.

"Yeah... I just wish he wouldn't try to put so much pressure on himself..." Calil sighed.

"Are you sure you're not talking about Dunan?" Sile asked. Karyn burst into a fit of giggles and Calil smiled.
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[COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Calil punched a table making it split in two and cursed standing.
"I was out there to begin with damnit! I'm not staying in here with my head up my ass. I'm fighting."
Karyn ran and stood in front of her.
"Wait there's something you don't know about them!"
"I don't care! I"m sick and tired that once everything starts being told to hide while the guys go out and have fun, protecting us like fucking kids!"
She balled her fists tightly and than stalked out the door leaving the others to watch her as she stood there, she didn't have to wait long til a werewolf spotted her and charged.
"Calil watch out!"
She looked up in time to see Dean knock another werewolf out of the way trying to get to her. To help her...she growled and tensed her body. She was sick of it...sick of being protected, sick of being babied...She was not weak. She barred her teeth and pulled back as the wolf flung it self at her. She threw her fist down and into the wolfs head as it whipped past her, she threw a well aimed kick an heard with satisfaction the breaking of ribs as the animal sailed away from her and hit the trunk of a large tree. Advancing on the wolf she smiled grimly as it jumped up and locked it's teeth around her arm, she shook her head and threw the wolf off not feeling the pain in her arm from the venom that spread through her now, she knew she was safe from turning, but it stung none the less. She caught the wolf's jaw as he came in for another bite and began to pull the top and bottom jaw away from each other til it couldn't take it anymore and ripped the wolf's head in half. She looked up at Dean and Dunan as blood sprayed over her making her look evil and dangerous.
"Well now, could you use a hand out here?"
She didn't wait for their reply but barreled into the mass of oncoming wolves, her smile grim and spine chilling as she met another head on.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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"Karyn, Sile, lets go." I said.

"Right." They both said.

I pulled out my sword and cut a wolf that was about to attack Dean from his back.

"Thanks Draco but I told you to stay in the bar!" Dean Said with an angry voice.

"What, and let you have all the fun? Dont think so. I have a plan Dean but I need to do it alone." I siad with a sad tone.

"What is it?" Dean said.

"Im going to try to enter berserker. I think I figured out why I couldnt control my self. So, I should be able to control it now but just in case.."I said handing Dean a tranquliser gun.

"Why would I need this for?" Dean commented.

"Just incase if I cant control my self. Theirs enough tranquliser in their to take down 20 elelphants. Dont worry Dean, all it will do is calm me down but it wont knock me out." I said with a smile.

"Fine just hurry it up." Dean said while fighting another wolf off.

I stood their trying to remember every little thing I could remember painfull and missery but nothing came up. Then I felt something i never felt before. It was the berserker in me but it wasnt hatred, it was love. Karyn helped me by caring for me.

A huge wind came from me that went every where and everyone stopped and looked at me. I grew a foot more and my hair wasnt black. It was like I was born blonde. Dean got the tranqu gun out and pointed at me.

"Put that down Dean. I am my self." I said while pushing the gun down.

"What the hell Draco? I never seen you like this." Dean said.

"I know, neither have I. I tried to think of all the most painfull memories and nothing came up. Then I thought of Karyn and everyone of the team. You are family to me. One more special than I care dream about. I do know why test subject 4 was able to control his berserker. He never had lived long enough to care about anyone. But that only contributed to his death. I found the true berserk inside myself. Thanks Dean. I know I can trust you." I said.

"No problem Draco but if you wont mind. We are fighting here!" Dean said.

"Whoops, sorry. Forgot all about them. Ok time to take some idiots out!" I said grabbing one right out of the air and just one quick motion. Snapped his neck like it was cream pie.

I let the now dead wolf go and sprinted towards a line of wolves that where converging on Kary, Sile, and Calil.

"Hey ladies, duck!" I said grabing my sword out.

They ducked and I swong that sword soo fast that it actually moved the sound around it. A row of wolves head just tumbles off their torso.

"Ok, that should give you more room. Dont get yourself killed no!" I said jumping into the tree line.

"What the hell was that." Sile said in a calm matter.

"That was Draco! He can control his berserk! Yay!" Karyn said with a huge smile.

A few seconds later the tree line started to shake. Wolf after wolf start flying out of the tree line with either their heads or half their bodies missing. I could feel my strength with every blow. I know that I cant keep this up for a very long battle but I can shrink their numbers down to a managable level for the group.

(OoC: Just for everyone to know. The sword I carry is a Japanese Katana Long Sword. It is about 5'10" long.)
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Dunan drew in rasping breaths, and fell face forward into the dirt. He struggled to stand, the wolves encroaching on them. He felt like he couldn't breathe. His teeth were a mass of fangs as the hunger roared in his ears, his vision going dim, as his eyes glowed a dull red.

His face contorted in pain, as Dawner turned to see him. Wide eyes, Dawner screamed. Forgetting where he was, Dawner began running to him, screaming out.

"DUNAN!" The desperation in his voice echoes, the heart wrenching gutteral cry. "DUNAN! GET UP! DEAR GOD PLEASE GET UP!"

Dunan's eyes shot open, as a wolf picked him up. The others wouldn't be able to make it in time... not even Dawner had a miracle worker spell to save him.

"DUNAN! NO!" Dawner screamed, panicked and terrified.

[I]Dawner....[/I] Dunan thought. An image of Dawner crying came to him.He was unable to bear the thought of making him cry.

"Do you know any tricks, little doggie?" Dunan asked, his eyes glowing red. The wolf opened it mouth, ready to bite. Dunan gave an exhausted smile, full of malicious intent. "I guess not." Dunan raised his hand, his nails growing, becoming claws once more. "Let's teach you to play dead." He slashed across the beasts eyes, and the wolf threw him away into a tree. Dunan sunk to the ground, barely able to stand. His breathing was coming in short rasps. The wolf charged, blindly coming for him. Dunan side stepped, the wolf hurtling into the tree. A sickening CRACK and the wolf fell over, having caved in its skull.

Dawner came rushing over, picking up Dunan and holding him. Dawner pulled off his ascot, revealing his neck. "Dunan, you need to drink."

All of his strength spent, Dunan tried in vain to push Dawner away. "No..."

"You've drank from me before... What's different now? I'm offering."

Dunan gazed up at him, his eyes a faint red. "I... love you...That's what's.... different."

"Dunan! Do it for me!" Dawner's eyes watered, and he lifted Dunan to his neck. "I can't lose you...Please drink, do it for me."

Dunan opened his mouth, Dawner's scent was intoxicating, Dunan could feel the hot blood pulsing just underneath Dawner's flawless skin. Dunan's fangs sprouted, taking form. But he just barely resisted biting. "I... don't know... if I can... stop.."

Dawner shoved him into his neck,Dunan's mouth against his skin. "I trust you."

And Dunan was no longer able to resist. Opening his mouth wide, Dunan biting into his neck.

Dawner's eyes opened wide with the prick of Dunan's fangs. Dunan began to drink. He gulped down the hot blood, feeling it course through him, bring his power and strength back. Dawner closed his eyes, leaning back. Dunan held him close, drinking.

Dunan let go, and roared. Supercharged from the magics within Dawner's blood, He stood. Dunan aided Dawner in standing, a trickle of blood oozing down his neck, and from Dunan's mouth.

"See? I knew you could stop..." Dawner breathed, and readied his wand once more.

"I guess so." Dunan flexed his fingers. "Shall we, love?"


Dunan began to slash, and Dawner began to cast his spells. Dunan moved like some twisted ballet dancer of impending doom, dodging Dawner's blasts of fire and ice, Twirling and kicking the beast into the way of the spells. The others fought as well, slashing with their weapons and claws, dancing a dance of death.

Soon enough, many wolves had met their fate. The group huddled together, all but Dunan out of breath. Anya was still within the town making sure the people were safe. They quickly decimated the remainder of the wolves.

Dunan sighed. I'm so glad that's over." He looked over to Dawner, making sure he was alright.


"Dunan. I'm fine. Quit worrying. Unlike you, I don't get tired when I'm hungry."

"Not yet, possibly."

With this the others looked at the two of them, wondering just what Dunan had meant. Dunan held Dawner close, and wiped the blood from his neck. Holding it to his mouth, he licked it. "Mmmm... so tasty..." There was no smile, only a feeling being ashamed.

"Well, I hope so." Dawner reached up and kissed him. "I told you to do it, please don't feel bad."

"Fine fine." The group walked away from the scene of carnage. They knew that this wasn't the only batch, there had to be more.

However, they would cross that bridge when it comes.
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Anya took a deep breath. The towns people were all inside, finally. She looked over to the trees, where Dunan and Dawner had headed off to.

Anya stood atop the highest buiding in the town, balancing herself perfectly. Shewatched them come forward, and noticed Dunan wiping his mouth. Dawner's ascot was missing, and it came to her what had happened. Dunan had drunk deelply.

She sighed, thankful and jealous. Her dress fluttered in the wind, as she stood on the railing. Dunan looked around, but shrugged and headed back into the bar. The others followed suit, and she merely kept watch. None of them had apparently seen her.

As she stood there, behind her came a whir of magical energies. Anya turned, balancing on the railing.

"Little Anya Romanov. A princess among paupers."

Anya's eyes narrowed, a smile on her face, wide and sinister. "A princess, you say? Tell me, what makes you have such an interest in little old me?"

"To be quite honest, We were not anticipating you to be here, at this moment. The indomitable human spirit that you are."

"Why, thank you for the compliment. Now, tell me the truth." Anya crossed her arms, once more the wind billowing her blue dress.

A stand off scene from the old western cliche.

Anya watched her opponent closely. He made no movements, not for her anyway. He remained calm. "Who are you?" Anya asked. "How do you know my name?"

"Poor little Anya, went asking for knowledge and only found trouble." The man stood there, hidden beneath his cloak. He held a wand up, ready to attack.

"Trouble?" Anya repeated, and started laughing. "TROUBLE??!" she repeated again. "You've got to be kidding! I AM TROUBLE!" She started laughing again, finding the whole thing hilarious.

"SILENCE!" He bellowed, and Anya continued to laugh. "This is too real!" she managed to say.

"Your attitude is beginning to become rather irksome." He held up his wand, and twirled, pointing it at Anya. [I]"Leuverto!"[/I] Fire whizzed past Anya, clipping the railing. The railing became unstable, but Anya didn't loose her footing. The railing collapsed, and Anya stepped off as it fell to clatter on the ground below. Anya rolled sideways, dodging the fire. She raced at the man, but he leaped back, just out of her reach. His cloak billowed in the wind as they stood at odds once more.

"Give a message to Dawner." He said, twirling his wand and then vanishing in a puff of smoke.

[I]"Tell him Daddy would like to see him."[/I]
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OOC: For everybody who hasn't been checking the backstage. Nessaja has had to leave OB for an indefinite period of time. We're going to keep Sile until the end of this chapter and most likely start a new one (the chapter not the mission)...

[I]"You've taken good care of my team for me Dean. I must say I'm impressed"[/I] Dean recognized the voice, but couldn't place it.

"Who's there?" Dean's eye's bounced from tree to tree.

"Dean, are you okay?" Calil stared at him with a genuine look of concern on her face.

[I]"You shouldn't talk to yourself Dean, it'll make them question your leadership"[/I]

"Don't you hear that? Where's that voice coming from?" Dean spun around scanning the tree line, the voice was so loud it had to be coming from barley inside the treeline.

"Dean...I don't hear anything. And with these ears, believe me, I hear A LOT." Karyn chimed in looking at him

[I]"Aww now they've think you've lost it. Looks like it's time for you to be replaced. Why don't you come to Lox's hideout?"[/I]

"No!" Dean could already feel himself lose control of his body. His arms started flailing as if he was a child with no motor skills.

[I]"Sorry about that, it's been awhile since I've drove like this...Okay there we have it. Tell the nice people good-bye Dean."[/I]

Before Dean could utter a word his body stood itself up and took off running in the direction the wolf Karyn questioned pointed out. He couldn't believe the speed he was moving in, in a matter of seconds the shouting of his teamates became mere whispers.

As he near'd the entrance to a rather large Cave. Dean tried putting up his hands in defense of the mass of wolves outside the cave entrance. He was still unable to control anything, and at once was in the cave running in the dark...

Dean finally came to a stop in a large room. It was dimly lighted, but it was easy to make out the silouhetes of the other three in the room. One was the largest werewolf Dean had ever seen...the other two seemed human. But Dean was unable to make out their features.

"Dean how lovely to finally meet the man who has been taking care of my Dawnie. You've done a fine job, he's quite the sorcerer." Dawner's dad, apparently.

"Oh and we know you have that little bitch on stand-by. I don't know who she is, but if she's part of your team she's as good as dead" the wolf hissed, apparently that was Karyn's dad.

"Well I wouldn't be so cocky, Dean and his team killed Malachai. Even with the enchancements to his sword I gave." The third voice...

"Holdren..." Dean's voice trailed off. Apparently the scum used his telepathy to take over Dean's mind.

"What is all this?"

"Oh come now Dean, it should be pretty obvious by now. I know in all your reading, you've picked up on the prophecy of Satan's return. You and your team are fighting for the right to be the lead unit in the war, and bring about hell on earth...now doesn't that sound exciting?"

"Why would you think we'd help you?"

Dean decided that Holdren didn't look as human as he'd thought. He could actually see the bleach white of his skull as he stepped forward. It was evident that possessing a human for this many years yeilded consiquences to the host.

"I just need the vessels. I have a horde of demons that will be taking the bodies of all those uncoroporative. and trust me, I've seen into the minds of your team. More then one of them would jump by yourside, no matter what path you choose." Dean knew he was smiling, but it was impossible to tell if the skull was smiling or not.

"Mr. Lox. Tell your men the battle has begun. I suggest you prepare, because you and Mr. Remington here are going to fight after it's all said and done to see who will lead this unit."

Dean gulped as the Wolf growled in amusement. Apparently he didn't see Dean as much of a challenge...hopefully he'd underestimate him enough.

OOC: Okay boys and girls it's time or some serious werewolf pounding...or some team misfit pounding...

There are 14 members of the Lox Clan that are charging towards the team. You're free to pair up, go solo, or cower and hide. These are going to be FIGHTS not one hit kills. I still don't have control overmyself so I can't use our pendents to send a message to Dawner, so you won't have much warning...good luck.

Oh and share this, it's supposed to be fun. Here's an "outline" of the surrounding terrain...

You guys are all currently in the forest,

There is the town close by, a large field split in half by a gorge with a fierce river running through it. There is a rope bridge connecting the two halves of the field...

Feel free to fight anywhere in any of those areas I mentioned. Like I said, this is meant to be a fun way for the story to come together. I'll be giving updates for the storyline AND what's going on in the battles...

I have a Lox clan character list in the backstage area, I'll list the name of the wolf and a basic outline of his/her strengths. I mean basic too, so it'll be up to you to decide the specifics of him/her.

I won't be on again until Monday due to my grandfathers funeral being Saturday...so enjoy this. And not everybody can keep up posting everyday, so don't get ancy and kill 3 or 4 or you'll sit in timeout for the rest of the mission.
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[B]OOC: Hey, Drizzt, sorry about your grandfather. I hope you're alright.[/B]

Karyn gaped at the direction Dean had gone toward. "NO!" she screamed. "YOU GUYS! H-HE WENT OFF TOWARD THE WEREWOLVES' HIDEOUT!"

"H-he what?!" Calil demanded, though she heard the statement perfectly well.

"We need to help hi- GUH!!!" Karyn grunted as she was knocked across the forest floor. Leaves in her hair, she stood back up on wobbly legs and glanced at her opponent. Correction: Opponent[B]s[/B].

"Hey, look at that! It's our favorite little weakling!" Rico boomed.

"Ready for some hardball, Karyn?!" Jensen added. The two looked almost identical, but their ears and tails were different colors. Rico had black ears and a tail. Jensen had grey.

"Oh, it's you two idiots! Good! I thought I was going to have a hard time there for a minute!" Karyn sighed in a relieved voice, mocking the two.

"You little-!" Rico shouted. He and Jensen made a dash toward Karyn. She jumped out of their way at the last minute and the two ran into a tree instead. The tree came thundering to the ground and the two werewolves turned to face Karyn.

"...oh, shit..." she squeaked as she turned to run. But the two were on her in an instant.

"Kinda reminds you of our childhood, eh, Rico?" Jensen inquired, holding Karyn up by her tail.

"Yup! Let's grind the mouthy little bitch into the ground!" Rico replied, cracking his knuckles.

"Leggo my tail, ya' moron!" Karyn barked. She swung her foot into Jensen's groin. Jensen howled in pain and dropped Karyn. "Ow!" she yelped, landing with a bellyflop on the ground.

"I'll kill you!" Rico snarled. He lifted his foot, his plan being to step on Karyn like one would an ant. Karyn rolled out of the way of Rico's foot. Suddenly Rico fell to the ground writhing in pain. "GAAAAAAAAAAH!!!" he screamed. Karyn flinched at the noise level. Apparently, Rico had slammed his foot onto the ground heel-first and broken it. Karyn took the opportunity to jab her claws into the back of his neck. Suddenly, Rico was silent, passed out. He wasn't dead yet, but he probably would be soon. And if he did survive, he would be paralyzed completely.

"Oh, you're going to get it now, you piece of shit!" Jensen growled. Karyn gulped and tensed up. Jensen was usually the gentler of the two, but he could be worse than Rico if angered.

"Bring it, Jen!" Karyn shouted, using Jensen's childhood nickname.
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Dunan moved to help Karyn, she was being attacked by two of the wolves at once. At once, he was back slapped into a tree. Looking up, he saw who had done it.

"Dunan!" Karyn called. "That's Walker! He's every bit as fast as you!" Karyn went back fighting her opponents, Dunan returning his attention to this Walker person.

A trickle of blood escaped his mouth, and he smiled, wiping it away.

"Just as fast as me, huh?" He commented."Well. It's been awhile since I had a good fight."

Walker stepped to him, his smile evident. "A challenge, you think? That's all I am to you?"

"Why, should you be more?" Dunan removed himself from the tree, shrugging. "Sorry, But I'm just not into hairy guys."

"Too bad. Shall we start getting down to buisness then?" Walker crouched, and ran at Dunan full force, merely a blur to human eyes. Dunan smiled. He jumped up and kicked off from the tree, rocketing at his opponent. He punched the wolf hard in the side of the head.

Dunan skidded to a stop, and the wolf shook himself.

"Quick enough to avoid a fatal blow, then? My, I guess you can be more than a challenge." Dunan commented.

Dunan turned, facing his opponent once more. Dunan's eyes closed. "It's a beautiful night, isn't it?" The wind brought to him the smells of flowers and water, of wood and grass. Walker smiled once more. "Yes, I will agree."

Dunan cocked his head, the wind fluttering past the two."Why do you side with Lox and Holden?" Dunan was curious, he wanted to know more about his opponent. This wolf had an obvious soft spot for beauty. The wolf shrugged. "Why should I tell you? You're about to die."

Dunan retorted, but not in contempt. "I'm sorry, but I have no intention of dying. There's people I live now to protect, and a promise from long ago that I must keep."

With this, the wolf's eyes glimmered with something, but only for a moment. Dunan had seen it, but said nothing. The wind blew once more, the two supernatural beings sizing one another up. Both were strong, both were fast. Both exuded auras of immense power.

"You have asked a question of me, allow me the courtesy of the same."

"Go ahead. Ask me anything you wish. Of course, that doesn't mean I'll answer."

"Why do you side with the humans? You're a vampire, a monster like myself. We are both creatures of the night, devourers of flesh..."

Dunan moved his hand, catching a flower petal in the wind. He gazed at it, his eyes clouded over, watching a memory inside his head. "An honest answer would be the memory of my younger sister." Dunan looked at his opponent, but said nothing more.

"I see." The wolf crouched again. " It is a shame you must die."

"I'm afraid it is you who must be the one to die." Dunan released the petal, allowing it to flutter away in the wind. "You yourself are much like how I was once. I too was consumed by vengeance. It is not to late to change your ways."

"Fool! How dare you compare me to you!" The wolf attacked, moving far quicker than Dunan had anticipated he would. Dunan was knocked across the field, and he flipped onto his hands once he gained control of his momentum. The wolf attacked again, claws raised, barreling for Dunan. Dunan leaped into the air, flipping to land behind the wolf. He used his momentum to spin, raising his leg. In a complete clockwork spin, he made contact, sending Walker for a nosedive into the ground. Walker bounced, and came to a stop several feet away, dust and dirt billowing up all around him.

Walker raised himself, shaking off wooziness. "Equally matched..." he snarled. Dunan could see the were-wolf for what it truly is, a beast of prey. Vampires, should they pushed far enough, were not so different. Dunan glanced over to Dawner, thinking of how strong he would become, should he choose to be with Dunan for the rest of eternity. Whether Dawner chose immortality or a long and happy life with Dunan until he died, Dunan would always protect him, no matter the cost to himself.

The wolf attacked once more, sanding Dunan for a loop, Knocking him to the ground. Dunan rolled to dodge a crippling stomp aimed for his groin. He had only just managed to get to his feet when he was knocked away again like a toy. He stood, a short distance away from the wolf.

Dunan's eyes began to glow faintly as he summoned up his vampiric powers, his attention once again on Walker.

"You'll require more power than I thought." Dunan lifted his hand, and beckoned the wolf forward. Dunan's eyes glowed brighter, he was ready.

Dunan allowed the wolf to barge forward, claws raised. Dunan listened to the steps, and raised his hands catching the wolf by surprise. Dunan held him off with sheer strength, Walker's muzzle inches from his face. Dunan held the wolf's clawed hands at bay, grimancing from the strain. Dunan may have been powerful, but he wasn't god.

"This is your only chance to run away..." Dunan grunted out, still holding the wolf off. Dunan began to lower their arms, Walker's eyes were wide with anger and surprise. "I don't show mercy to many people..I suggest you take it..."

"NEVER!" The beast roared. Dunan closed his eyes in pity, before opening them, his pupils slitted like a feline. "I'm sorry you feel that way." Dunan pushed the wolf away, and spun to deliver a kick to his chest. Dunan heard the sickening crack of ribs breaking, before the wolf was flung away by the sheer force. Dunan sighed, waiting for the wolf to get back up once more. It coughed as it rose up to its feet, thick red blood oozed from his mouth, mixed with saliva.

"I will offer my mercy once more. I haven't even begun to fight, and you're already seriously injured." Dunan readied himself, bracing himself for another onslaught. "I will not give this opportunity again."

The wolf glared at Dunan, teeth bared. "The likes of you show me mercy? A vampire? Don't make me laugh!" The wolf raised his clawed hands, and then launched him self at Dunan, arm raised to slice him in two.

Dunan rocked backward, the claws grazing his abdomen. Dunan brought his legs down on Walker's arm, knocking him off balance. But, the wolf had anticipated this, and he swung his opposite arm into Dunan, peircing him with his claws just below Dunan's ribcage. Dunan smirked, as did Walker.

Dunan's blood seeped forth, thick and black. Dunan grasped the wolf by the arm, and with a violent thrust, bent it back at the elbow. Delivering a punch with enough force to knock a human head from its torso, Dunan launched the wolf over near the gorge drop off.

Dunan stretched, the wound he had closing slowly. He lowered his head, shrugging. "You know, a few centuries ago, that would have closed up almost instantly. I must be getting old."

The wolf attacked once more, and Dunan jumped up, seizing his arm, as The wolf seized his leg. Dunan's foot was merely inches from Walker's toothy muzzle. Dunan pitched his body up,yanking his foot from Walker's grasp, Dunan spun with his hands, reaching for and grasping Walker's ears, using his momentum to back hand Walker across the face, while Walker reached for him, grasping his wrist. Dunan twisted, swinging his body back behind Walker, planting both of his knees into the wolf's back, causing the wolf to double back, mouth wide in pain.

Dunan flipped backward, away from the wolf. Walker turned, And raced for Dunan once more. Dunan ducked low, and swung on his hands, bringing his feet up to plant them into the stomach of the wolf. Dunan succeeded, but Walker grasped both of his ankles milliseconds later, and swung him down into the ground. Dunan let out a cry as he slammed down, but used the chance to bend over his feet as he was raised into the air by Walker. Dunan spread apart his legs, thus bringing him close enough to Walker to injure him. Dunan raked across Walker face with his own claws, forcing Walker to release him, and Dunan used the chance to yank the wolf over him, the two rolled over, Dunan on his back. Dunan precariously placed his knees into the stomach of the wolf once more, launching Walker up just enough to roll out of the way. As he did so, Walker clawed Dunan from his belly button to his side.

Dunan rose up in a spin, whirling to face Walker who was already up and at him, ready to run Dunan through. Dunan raised his own hands and brought them down on the topside of Walker's palm, raising himself up and over the skewering. Dunan placed his hands along Walker's shoulder, grasping his fur. He used it to pull himself up and over, again spinning to land a blow against the back of Walker's head as Dunan ricocheted into the ground, turning instantly to avoid Walker's own attack to again attempt to impale him. Walker pierced the ground next to Dunan's ear, with Dunan smiling widely.

Dunan had his own clawed hand at Walker's throat. Walker too was smiling." Why don't you join us? I'm sure we can have our own kind of fun." Walker's tongue protruded from his mouth, and Dunan could feel the venomous sting of Walker's saliva as he licked his face.

"Get your nasty tongue off me, dog breath!"

Dunan brought his feet up, rocking back on his head, lifting his body up to kick Walker away from him. Landing on his hands, he brought his feet down just behind them. Rocking up, he lifted himself into the air, above a charging Walker. Dunan moved his body, but for once, was too slow. Walker slashed through his shoulder, sending Dunan into the ground. Dunan whipped out of the way of another stomp, bringing his body around in a round house kick, knocking Walker off balance with his foot. With his second foot, he sent Walker flying away, even closer to the gorge.

Dunan rose, wiping his face. "God, that was nasty." He shuddered, but then became serious. Walker charged him again, and Dunan leaped backwards, bringing his hands up, sheilding himself from the punch Walker had for him. Skidding to the edge, he smirked. The wolf wasn't paying attention to where they were. Dunan braced himself, ready for another attack.

Walker paused, gazing at Dunan ferverently. "I guess we are more alike than I care to admit." Walker crouched down. "You asked why I sided with Lox and Holden..."

"Yes, I believe you never answered me, either."

Walker growled, and positioned himself to attack. "How did you know I want revenge?"

Dunan sighed. "You're not like the other wolves here... I'm brash, but not blind. As I said, vengeance consumes everything, even those who spin it. I realized that a long time ago. My question now, is if you intend to harm innocent people for it."

"After what happened to me, no one is innocent."

Dunan sighed deeply. "I'm sorry you feel that way." Dunan raised his hand once more, beckoning."Come, let's finish this."
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Anya stood atop the building still, she hadn't followed everyone when they went parading away into the wooded area around the town.

She was still protecting the town from anything that would use the opportunity to attack the innocent people within the town. Behind her, she heard a WHUMP and pivoted on the spot.

She could see a large wolf, his teeth bared.

"My, how attractive." She commented, sneering. "Come on, big boy. Wanna play?"

The beast roared, charging her. She laughed, jumping back, off of the building on to the next. The beast came crashing after her, ripping tiles off the roof. It barreled at her, and she jumped away again, across the roof tops. Over and over, it came for her. She smiled, laughing the entire time. She jumped away again, this time coming to a stop upon a church roof.

"Come on, wolf." She said, ready to fight. It came at her once more, leaping onto the roof, and clawing its way at her. She twirled, and raised her fist. Behind her, the bell tower stood. With a force like a ton of bricks, she whapped it, the sound ringing out across the town. The wolf howled, clutching its ears. Anya used the opportunity kick it off the roof onto the ground. She leaped off the roof after it, aiming right for its chest.

The wolf landed on the ground, and she landed on it with both of her feet. A crunch, and the wolf stopped breathing. She turned her attentions to the woods. Absentmindedly, she reached over and snapped the wolf's neck, making sure it wouldn't hurt anyone else.

Anya sighed. "Why should I let them have all the fun?" She left the dead wolf, walking into the trees. She left the town, knowing that the majority of the wolves were converging on the others. They would leave the town alone for now, or so she hoped.

Anya set off, without a second thought. She knew she had killed a straggler, one that probably took no commands from anyone, or one that had been hungry. Either way it was, it was dead now. She came up to the edge of the clearing where everyone was fighting, but remained hidden from sight, due to the heat of battle. Dunan was fighting his hardest, him and the wolf he was fighting mere blurry figures as they clashed. Anya crouched down, and lifted off the ground, climbing a tree. She stood there, watching the fighting. Everyone had their own partner to dance with, much to her displeasure.

That is, until a rather slender wolf turned to her. The wolf leaped into action, landing next to Anya on the tree branch.

"So you're the reserve?" she asked Anya. Anya only stood there, balancing precariously on the tree branch.

"I asked you a question, bitch." The wolf stated, angry. Anya turned easily on the wobbling branch, like a dancer. "I heard you the first time, cunt. Yes, I'm the reserve, if you wish to put it that way, you overgrown twat waffle."

The wolf, now angry, lashed out, and Anya held up her arm, blocking, but sent flying into the fray in the clearing. She slammed into the ground, rolling. along the ground, before coming to a stop. Anya stood, the female wolf landing gracefully. Now, everyone was staring at her, her entrance having been abrupt and less than classy.

"Such a weakling." The wolf said, snarling her jowls into a kind of wicked smile.

"Such a cunt." Anya retorted. Anya rose, getting into a fighting stance. Anya rose her hand, much like Dunan. "Come on, bitch. Let's do this." Anya beckoned, sliding her left foot forward. The wolf charged at her, Anya raising her arms to block her slashing.

The female wolf shrieked in pain, her claws broken against Anya's metal arms. Anya's sleeves had been reduced to rags, the metal glinting in the moonlight.

"Your arms....they're fake!" the wolf shrieked. "Why was I not informed?!"

"Because no one other than Dunan knows, you self righteous cunt." Anyaslammed her fist into the wolf's ribs, sending her up into the air. The wolf landed, holding her side.

Anya snorted. "Please, you moved enough to avoid getting hurt too badly. Quit faking."

The wolf snarled, lowering herself to the ground. "How dare you mock me!"

"And how dare you rip my clothing. I think we're petty even, don't you?" She asked, jovial about the whole situation.

Karyn called out to Anya, busy with her own fight. "I don't know who you are, lady, but don't take Daniela too lightly-" Karyn was knocked down, before she could finish, but was up and fighting again.

"So... don't take you lightly, she says? Well, so far you're a bit of a bore."

The fem-wolf snarled again, attacking, her broken claws pointed at Anya's throat. "I'll rip you apart, you impertinent whore!"

"Don't blame your problems on me." Anya said,lifting her foot into the air, kicking the fem-wolf under the chin, with the effect of the beast biting her tongue. She howled in pain again, Anya leaning over, her attitude unchanged.

"By the way, honey, the name is Anya. Perhaps we can do away with the name calling? I mean, it really is kind of childish."

"I'l be sure to put that line on your tombstone..." The wolf snapped, regaining her composure.


"Yeah, yeah... whatever." Anya responded to him, her attention on the wolf. "Can't blame me if she scratches them." Anya breathed a sigh of frustration.

"Come on....Come and get me, Daniella."

"My pleasure!" said the wolf, charging at Anya once more.
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[SIZE="2"][COLOR="Red"](OOC just a post to get me back in the game..you guys are hella active lol)[/COLOR][/SIZE]

? Volt?estra ? Dawner shouted putting his wand to his said then thrusting it forward like a knife. Lightning shot out his wand and caught a wild that was getting to close to bar where innocents were hiding. It knocked the wild into a tree which toppled over right on him.

Dawner looked around not seeing any wild but hearing the gruesome battle his team mates were in. Dawner jumped from the tree he was on and ran to the clearing which was now a battle field, upon seeing blurs clashing into each other over and over he could make out the figures so he reached out with his mind and felt that it was some wolf and his Dunan. Dawner didn?t hesitate and stared to run towards him but suddenly he felt a spell heading straight behind him Dawner jumped and twist his torso to turn in the air, the spell almost clipped his head, he landed facing the back and the person responsible.

?You?re quick? Said a woman a bit taller than him, she had blonde hair, her tail swished from side to side in excitement. ? I should expect no less from Fabian?s son?

Dawner felt his heart jump, Dawner never heard his father?s name before but he knew this was his father. ?Where is he?? Dawner asked trying to keep his cool.

?Probly killing your leader as we speak? She said tossing her hair back.

?H-he wouldn?t do that, he a good man!? Dawner yelled back.

The werewolf tossed her head back a let out a fiendish laugh, ?Is that what your human filth of a mother told you?? She said then cocked her head to the side Dawner?s spell missed her by an inch.

?Don?t you dare speak ill of my mother you wench? Dawner said threw gritted teeth, rasping his wand so hard his knuckles began turning white.

?Ooo? Someone has a temper.? She teased. ? But I guess I would too if my life was nothing but a lie. Not only did your father abandon you but Mommy dearest filled your little head with lies and butterflies, allow me to fill you in.? she smiled happy that she could get at Dawner?s emotions so easily.

?Your father did not leave to fight some heroic battle against a great evil, your mother was nothing more then a fling a mere easy fuck and when daddy got his fill he left. It?s as simple as that, Fabian has been working with us for years now. So whatever fantasy you had in your head about your ?Father? dismisses it.?

?Lets say I believe you, I mean you could be right or wrong but it matters not? Dawner said willing himself to calm down. ?All that matters now his you being in my way?

?Big word from such a little boy, I guess mother didn?t teach you manners.? She readied herself, her wand in hand. ?Allow me to?
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Thw wolf came roaring at him, Dunan braced himself. Dunan was ableto get out of the way, but he was able to move fast enough to avoid a devastating blow to the chest. Dunan blocked, the wolf, though injured, set a pace that was sheer madness. Dunan managed to block, until Walker aimed a leg up at Dunan as well. Dunan blocked it, but left his face wide open.

Dunan sailed across the field, landing hard on the ground. Dunan rolled to his feet, and came running back at Walker for more. The wolf came running as well, but Dunan ducked down low, aiming for Walker's legs. Dunan pushed forward, lifting the wolf up and ever him, to slam Walker into the ground. As soon as Walker was back down to the grass, Dunan moved quickly, positioning himself over the wolf, aiming his claws to rip into Walker's chest to remove his heart.

The wolf was fast, grasping Dunan's wrist and anking him up to do the same. Twisting to the side, Walker's claws grazed Dunan as he lifted up and over, to lift Walker by the wrist and slam him once more into the ground. Walker managed to land on his feet, still grasping Dunan by the wrist. Dunan wrenched Walker off of him, but Walker oved to grab his other arm.

Arm in arm, Dunan was lifted up, to be ground into the dirt. Dunan contorted his body, coming back to land on one foot, and used his other leg to land a kick into Walker's groin area. Walker loosed his grip, and Dunan used that chance to pull Walker to him, repeatedly kicking him in the groin. Walker let go of Dunan, staggering back. Dunan lifted his leg again as Walker charged, and crouched down. As walker approached, he lifted up, swinging hilegs up to land another hit on Walker.

Dunan landed on his hands, but remained peering At walker from a hand stand. Walker charged again, and Dunan lowered himself, using his body to swing his legs to kick Walker's feet from out from under him. Walker fell, landing on his back.

Dunan jumed into the air, aiming a blow at Walker's exposed chest. Walker Lifted his legs up, to blast Dunan back. Dunan placed his hands against Walker's foot, Walker using his leg like a spring to send Dunan back.

Dunan landed on his feet as Walker got to his, charging Dunan once more. Dunan reared back, smacking Walker's arms to the side, landing a blow to Walker's chest. Walker grunted, moving back, more blood spilling from his mouth. Dunan didn't let up. He raced over, Walker moving just in time to block Dunan's furiously paced punches. Dunan inched the wolf back, hitting again and again against his arms. Dunan's pace became faster and faster, until Walker wasn't able to block, and Dunan scored a punch to Walker's jaw.

Walker staggered back, and fell to his knee. Gasping for breath, with blood welling up in his lungs, Walker was an indomitable opponent.

"I have to give it to you, you're one hell of an opponent." Dunan commented. "However, I think it's time this came to an end."

Dunan launched himself, landing and skidding across the dirt at Walker. Dunan pivoted on on leg, his other connecting with a force enough to crush a human body. Walker went flying, landing on the edge of the gorge. Unable to gather himself, Walker growled. Walker's leg was broken, as was his arm. Dunan had effectively crippled him.

Dunan walked over to the wolf, his eyes glowing malevolently.

"Finish it!" Walker snapped. "I am done for. Kill me!"

Dunan examined his nails, indifferent, or so it appeared. "Is that your wish? To die?"

Walker snarled. "I have failed. You wish to show me mercy?"

"If that is what you want..."

"Kill me. release me from my existence."

"If that is your desire." Dunan moved, kicking Walker over the edge. Down he went, a look of peace on his face. Dunan turned away, and heard a splash.

Walker was dead.

"Who's next?" Dunan asked aloud.
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The wolf raised her wand then brought it down making a slashing motion, Dawner recognized the move as a slashing spell which required no words. “Pretego!” He shouted and there was a clanging sound like a sword hitting a metal shield. Dawner had block her spell with a visible shield of blue light but she kept making the slashing motions until Dawner drew circles with the tip of his wand at the same time bringing his arm back then he thrust straight forward the shield shattered like glass but the pieces shot at the werewolf cutting her. She yelped in pain.

“I mistakenly underestimated you…”

“Your mistake just might cost you your life” Dawner said getting into a stance, with left hand beckoning her forward and his right bent over his head pointing his wand at her… he resembled a fencer.

“As you wished” She accepted his wordless proposal of a duel. She got into her own position.

“Venis illdom” a green ooze shot from her wand and took the form of a cackling skull, as it past over the lush grass it left brown and dead grass behind it.

Dawner rolled out of the way and the spell hit a tree and it turned black and crumbled into a decaying heap. Dawner twirled as he got up from his crouched posited and pointed his wand straight up as he kept spinning on his toe.

“Succendo” the ground beneath the Sorceress Wolf cracked open as fire erupted from it.

“Ascendus” she screamed, Dawner saw her fly straight up from the flames just her tail on fire. He took off his hat and tapped the rim of it twice and multi-colored ribbons shot out guided by his wand.

The wolf did not notice because she was patting her tail putting out the fire. The ribbons circled her body then bound her arms to her sides and legs together and she hit the ground face first.

Dawner walked to her and bent down, she stop struggling when he put his wand to her temple.

“Now… tell me where is Dean” Dawner said quietly.

“We bout know that’s not the person you wanted to ask for”

“I couldn’t care less where my father is all that matters is Dean, if my father has teamed with you then so be it, he will be dealt with accordingly. Now answer my question” Dawner pushed the wand hard and twisted it grinding the wand against her temple. Her face contorted in pain.
Still no answer… “Don’t make me repeat my-“ Dawner was cut off as he was picked up by a large werewolf.

“Sarah, you should have known better than to take on Fabian’s own flesh and blood alone.”

“Put me down you mangy mutt” Dawner flailed about, dangling in the air his wand on the ground.

The wolf backhanded Dawner hard.

“Is that the least you got?” Dawner manage as he saw stars.

“Feisty little firecracker” He barked then raised his hand to strike him again. Dawner used his psychic powers to pick up his wand.

“oh no you don’t” The wolf put his hand over Dawner’s mouth preventing him from casting a spell.

“Watch out Damien! He can use wordless spells!” Sarah shouted still struggling with her bindings, but her warning was too late. Dawner made the slashing motion as Sarah had in the beginning, a large gash was made on Damien’s face starting from his chin going across his left eye. The werewolf howled in pain then threw Dawner into a tree.

“The both of you are complete fools” said a lean werewolf. “Not only did you underestimate him but you failed to remember that he is a skilled sorcerer and a psychic though I’m not sure to what extent…” the wolf twirled a sinister looking dagger in his hand Dawner’s eyed it then he looked very afraid.

“Damn it Trevor just get over here and untie me.” Sarah yelled.

“Just a moment…” Trevor began walking to Dawner. “I believe you know what this is lad.” Dawner struggled to stand up but was shot down by a now freed Sarah who stood by Damian who had one of the ribbons bound around his bleeding eye.

“Of course you do” Trevor continued “The dagger of sealing, which is wrongly named because it takes the magical ability from its victim.”

Dawner was about to aim his wand at Trevor be he was too late.

“Damn…you” Dawner said in pain as Trevor sheathed the dagger in his chest. Dawner felt a burning sensation then it all went away as soon as he felt it. Trevor yanked the now glowing dagger out of Dawner’s chest.

“ How fitting that there is only 3 daggers in this world and this particular one happens to belong to your father.” Trevor Howled and a werewolf jumped out of a tree and took the dagger.

“Make sure you bring this straight to Fabian as he ordered” The werewolf nodded and dashed back into the forest and Dawner made a mental note of the direction he ran to before he doubled over coughing.

“Now to finish things” Trevor said as his companions surrounded Dawner. Before they could deliver a killing blow they were knocked back by a strong force.

“Who the hell said I was finished?” Dawner said rising to his feet. “Whilst I still have breath in my lungs so do I have the power to end you all.”

The air around Dawner pulsed with psychic energy, He was angry and his psychic powers were responding to his emotions.

The trio got up, Sarah was the first to try to attack.

“Incedio” Fire shot at Dawner who simply waved his hand, the spell hit one of the wolves who were fighting Dawner’s teammates.

Damien was next, he was inches away from Dawner who hovered above him just in time while Trevor tackled him Dawner repeled them both before hitting the ground.

“This will be quite the battle don’t you think?” Sarah said as she helped Trevor up.

“Indeed, though he must be handled with…care” Trevor stated.

“And tact” Finished Damien as he stood joining the others.

Dawner took his hat and coat off and tossed it to the side. “A hurricane will still cause destruction no matter how prepared the victims are.” Dawner stated. “Today you will die, end of story.” He said narrowing his eyes he could feel their emotions now only Sarah was slightly frightened, Damien was just angry but Trevor remained impervious.

“Well come at it then.” Dawner said growing impatient. He the quicker he dealt with them the faster he’d be able to get to Dunan.

[COLOR="Red"]OOC feel free to take Trevor and Sarah off my hands lol[/COLOR]
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Dunan turned his attention to Dawner, who was at odds with two of the wolves.

"Hogging all the fun...." Dunan snorted. "Hmph." As haughty as Dunan was, he came barreling at the wolves. Sarah had managed to get at Dawner, knocking him to the ground.

Dunan stopped behind her, lashing out with his foot. "HANDS OFF MY MAN, BITCH!" Dunan sent her hurtling away, chasing after her with a vengeance like no other. Sarah stood, sending a flame barrage at Dunan, and he leaped up, kicking her in the face.

Dunan landed, moving quickly as she held her face, screaming spells. Time after time, Dunan dodged her attacks, moving farther and father way from the others. Dunan jumped back, bending over backwards to avoid a blast aimed at his legs.

"Come on, Sarah! Hit me for once!" Dunan taunted. She chased him, spells flaring up at Dunan.

"Stop running!" Sarah screamed. Dunan only smirked. He came rushing at her, but she aimed a spell right at his head. Dunan ducked, narrowly missing a fireball. He uppercut her, sending her back. She landed on her feet, ready to attack once more.

"Vampire!" she screeched. "I'll burn you to cinders!"

Dunan readied himself, bouncing back and forth on his feet."Well come on then, sweets. Bring on the heat." Dunan raced at her, sending a kick at her head, meant to decapitate her. She narrowly dodged it, rocking back. Dunan bent over his foot, seizing her wand. She clawed his hand, making him let go. Dunan held his bleeding hand, his black blood dripping onto the grass under him.

"Aw... Poor little vampire...you're bleeding." Sarah cooed. "That must be painful..."

Dunan held up his hand, the cuts healing up. He turned his hand so she could see. "Sorry to disappoint..." His wound closed, his blood evaporating into thin air. He smiled. "I do believe we were fighting...."

"Fine then." Sarah raised her wand, shouting something. Blades of fire came rushing at Dunan, ripping and burning the air and ground. Dunan's eyes went wide as she swung her wand over and over, laughing. "Dodge this, vampire scum!"

Dunan turned his body, narrowly missed by the fiendish blades, he was gouged deeply across his leg, his shoulder, and his abdomen. Dust and smoke billowed up around the clearing, hiding him from view.

The smoke cleared, revealing Dunan and his wounds. A normal person would have been crippled, holding himself. Dunan breathed out, his blood spattering the grass. Quickly his wounds began to heal.

The wold smirked, unfaltering. "That looks painful..."

"It's not half as bad as what I'm going to do to you." Dunan launched himself, his wounds still not fully healed. He kicked, landing blows over and over. Sarah didn't have time to cast any spells, she was busy blocking and dodging Dunan's attacks.

She managed to get away from Dunan's furious onslaught, pointing her wand at Dunan. "You're gonna love this..."

She pointed, sending a blast of ice at Dunan. Razor sharp and pointed, Dunan was skewered like a shishkabob. Holding his wound, he looked down at his abdomen. His blood was melting the ice quickly, but he pulled it out and tossed it aside.

"That all you got?" Dunan commented. He smirked. "Sorry, but I'm not so easy to kill." Dunan came at her, and she aimed her wand. She let loose a blast of fire, it came roaring at him. Dunan held his arms up, engulfed in the flames.

The fire burned, and the wolf smiled. "So sad to see you go so soon..."

She turned away, her attention on Dawner once more.

The flames blew out, Dunan coming for her, his face burned, but healing up quickly. He grasped the wolfby the arm, and before she knew was happening, Dunan had snapped her arm, making her lose her wand. "I believe I'm your opponent..." Dunan said, letting the wolf go and kicking her across the field. Dunan picked up her wand, and snapped it in two. There was a spark, and Dunan smirked. "Well, that's that..."

Sarah got to her feet, roaring in sheer fury. Dunan shrugged, by this time his wounds had already healed up completely. "You know, if you're going to kill someone, you better make sure you do it right the first time. Other wise, they have a nasty habit of coming back to get you. A lesson for your next life." Dunan smirked as the wolf staggered at him, her one good arm raised. Dunan's power flared again, and he raised his hand. Before she could make contact with him, he had plunged his hand through her chest, ripping out of her back, holding her heart. She sputtered, blood purting from her mouth. She slumped down, and he yanked his hand out of her, still holding her heart. He lifted up her dead body, and tossed it too into the gorge, much the same way Walker had gone.

Sarah was dead. Dunan turned his attention back to the battle, going after the wolves attacking Dawner.
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Anya came blasting punches at Daniella, her fist flying with a fury like no other. Anya's dress was ripped all to hell, her torso bleeding from several deep cuts. Anya swung her fist at Daniella, but she caught, and blasted Anya in the chest, only enough force to send her rick rolling back.

Anya flipped backwards, at odds with Daniella. She grasped her gress, and ripped what was left of it off. She flung it away, revealing just how highher high-heeled boots went. They stopped just above her mid thigh, she was wearing a rather skimpy leather pair of shorts, the sides of which were tied strung together loosely, showing off skin. Her limbs glinted in the moonlight, her leather bra also dully reflecting the light. She readied herself, smiling. "Ah, that's better."

Anya came back at Daniella, her fist connecting with Daniella's palm. Daniella sneered. "Poor little girl...you're going to die.." Daniella smirked, holding Anya's hands. Anya smirked back, Yanking her arms down, and head bashing Daniella.

"OO! COLORS!" Anya said, seeing stars. She laughed, feeling light headed. Daniella was staggering, Anya had hit her with quite the blow. Anya shook herself, as did Daniella.

"Come on, Daniella. Let's play!"

"Fine then." Daniella came rushing at Anya, aiming to ripp out her throat. Anya lifted her leg up, kicking Daniella's arm out of the way. In a spiral motion, she spun, elbowing Daniella in the boob.

"Mine are better," Anya said. She laughed, jiggling her boobs. "See? At least I'm not a member of the itty bitty titty committee."

Daniella looked confused. "What the hell are you babbling about?"

Anya sighed. "Oh god damn it..." Anya lookeed up at the sky. "Never mind, you're too stupid to get the joke." Anya came rushing at Daniella, smiling fiendishly. She spun, swinging her leg into Daniella's side. Daniella went flying over the gorge cliff wall, Anya walking over to inspect whether she'd fallen or not.

Anya saw a struggling Daniella rushing to get above the edge, scared of the rushing water down below. Anya held out her hand, wanting to save the wolf. Daniella clawed at her, and while doing so lost her grip. Daniella plummeted into the water, and did not surface.

Anya turned away, looking at the fight. She was ready for more, and she ran over to her pretty kimono, wearing it loosely. It flapped in the breeze as she ran to aide Dunan's friends...
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Sarah was killed by Dunan and Dawner was fighting 2 more wolves. I grab Trevor by the shoulder and he looked around slamming into my abdomen.

"Two on one isnt fair. You know that." I said.

"Well neither is a tall freak like you." He said mocking me.

"Im no freak. Im a new breed. after 210 years, I finally learned how to control this berserker in me. You will die but its up to you. Quick and painless or slow and very painfull?" I said grabbing him by both shoulders and squeezing them hard.

"Ow, that hurt you fucking freak. 210 years old? A little old arnt you?" Trevor said.

"Yea but I'll give you one chance. Tell me where Dean is or you'll find yourself impaled by my sword!" I said holding my sword which was covered in blood to his side.

"Im not that easy to kill." Trevor said kicking my side.

I lost my grip and he rolled away from me. He came at me but I jumped up and around him. He again tried to ram me but I put my metal boot in his face. I heard a loud thump and him backing up holding his nose.

"You broke my nose, you'll pay for that." Trevor said while holding his claws up.

"I'll break more untill I find out where he is!" I said jabbing my sword into a tall oak tree till the handle touched the bark.

He charged again at me but I dodged and grabbed him by his tail. He yelped in pain has I flung him into the air then on the ground. He grabbed my leg with his claws and I jilt in the pain. I kcick him in the side sending him flying into a tree. He got back up and shook himself.

"I see that you are hard to break. Enough play time, time to take care of you!" I said running towards him so fast that it looked like I was in two places at once.
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Jen took a swipe at Karyn, narrowly missing when she jumped away. "Stop running, half-breed!" Jensen shouted.

"Then catch, me, full-blood!" Karyn answered back, sticking out her tongue. Then Jensen picked up a fairly large branch and swung it into Karyn's stomach. "AH!" she gasped, slamming into the ground. Jensen lifted the branch again to finish her off when a blur suddenly smacked it out of his hand.

"Hey, back off, pal!" Calil shouted. Karyn looked up at Calil and blinked.

"Aww, Calil! You saved me! You're so nice!" Karyn sniffled with a sappy smile. Calil flinched.

"Hey! Don't start randomly crying in the middle of a fight, you idiot!" Calil snapped back.

"You're the idiot for getting in my way!" barked Jensen. He ran forward and threw punches at Calil, who quickly dodged them all. Karyn leaped up and kicked Jensen in the head. Then Calil jabbed him in the gut. "Agh! Two against one isn't fair!" Jensen argued, blocking more attacks.

"You hypocrite. You were just fighting Karyn two on one with your buddy over there, right?" Calil replied. Jensen answered by trying to claw at her.

"Let's finish him off, Calil!" Karyn chimed. Calil nodded. The two kicked Jensen in the head with such force that it actually flew off. His body tumbled to the ground, spurting blood. "Thanks for saving me!" Karyn said to Calil with a grin.

"Yeah, yeah... Let's go find another one to fight." she answered back.

"Well, you won't have to search very far." growled a voice from behind. Karyn and Calil spun around to face their opponent.

"It's Sam!" Karyn gasped. "He's about evened out in speed, strength and intelligence... But we can beat 'im!"

"We'll see, mutt." Sam replied coldly.
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Dunan smirked, looking around. "Four down, ten to go."

Dunan Took off into the heat of battle, Anya coming up to his side, and together they peered at the remaining three battles.

Dawner was blasting away with his spells, holding his own. Daraco was pounding away at the wolf, Draco for sure didn't need any help.

However, Dawner was quickly wearing out, and Dunan moved to help him. Dunan came barreling into Damien, blasting him away. Damien went crashing into the ground, bouncing away like a rubber doll. Dunan smiled, and turned his attention to Dawner.

"Hey babe, miss me?" Dunan cooed, and moved to the powerful Dawner.

"Thanks for the help, Dunan." Dawner smiled sweetly, his eyes then moving to the wolf. "I think I can handle this. Go find Dean." Dawner pointed off into the trees. "I saw a wolf heading off in that direction."

Fine then. You better make it out of this alive, Dawner. Otherwise I'm bringing you back to kill you myself."

Dawner Reached up, grasping Dunan's shirt, balling it in his fist, dragging Dunan close. "Don't worry, honey. I'll kick ass and take names later." Dawner grasped Dunan's head and brought him down to plant a kiss on Dunan's lips. Dunan opened his mouth, Dawner's tongue snaking inside. After a heated kiss, they split, Dunan jumpin off and away into the trees, Anya heading off after him, her blue kimono flapping in her wake.

Off they ran, Dunan's focus split in two. There were the fights he knew were ahead, and the love he was leaving behind. Dunan shook his head, Anya watching him closely. The two fighters leaped through the trees, and Anya spoke.

"You really love him, don't you?"

Dunan snorted. "Of course I do, Anya. I would think it obvious..."

Anya snorted. "I'm better in fights than he is..."

"And I bet Dawner would win against you." Dunan landed on the ground, coming to a small clearing withinthe trees. A wolf was facing away from him, and he nodded to Anya. The two of them attacked at once, Dunan kicking the wolf from behind, surprising him, and then Anya snapping his neck after jumping on him.

Dunan side stepped over the wolf, he had been too easy to kill. There had to be others. Dunan caught whiff of a familiar scent, and looked up.

His breath caught in his throat, as he saw the shadowy figure at the edge of the woods.

The figure wore a white dress, looking like from an era of long ago. The many lace ruffles and ribbons that adorned her dress fluttered. Her brunette hair billowed in the breeze, her hat shaking from the wind. Her dress was adorned with lace, and it moved with the wind. She looked across the woods at him, her eyes still the vivid blue he remembered from so long ago, the eyes that were now filled with a sadness as deep as the lifetime Dunan had led was long. She called to Dunan, beckoning him to her. Her voice was like a dagger to the heart, it rand with the same sorrow as her eyes.

Dunan breathed in short rasps, frozen in place, his eyes wide.

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"I'll break you freak!" Trevor said with anger in his voice.

"Ok, first things first budy. Im no freak nor am I a half breed. I dont need berserk to kill you." I said coming out of berserk. "I'll get serious and finish you off quick. My special friend needs my help."

I grab the sword out of the tree like it wasnt even in the tree. I point the sword at him and swung it down to my right side.

"Im not a freak but a new specises. I am Triumpth!" I said running the same speed as before but this time I wasnt playing around.

He charged me and my shadow self disappeared. I reappeared behind him and swung the sword in a downward vertical slice. He dodged it and hit me with a summersault kick in my stomach.

I grab is ankle and crushed it with one hand. I let it go as he cried in pain. He still got back to his good leg and still charged me.

"I'll kill you for that!" Trevor said.

"I was made to take out entire clans and covenents of were-wolves and vampires. I barely tapped my potential after all this time." I said dodging attack after attack not even looking at him.

He swung at my throat and missed. That swing threw him off ballance and I had my swordup to his throat.

"I found something worth fighting for in this world. I wont let you, Karyn's father, Fabien, nor Holdren take it away from me like they took my parents away. Say hello to the devil for me if he really exist." I said looking down at him.

"Wait!" Trevor said trying to beg for his life.

"What is it. You want a slow and painfull death?" I said pulling the blade back to my side.

"I hope that half breed and you die!" Trevor said laughing.

I pull my gun out and point it towards his head.

"I wont let that happen. Good bye weak link." I said firing my gun. The shot from my gun took his head off with nothing left of it.

"May your soul be forgiven in hell" I said putting the gun back in the holster. "Karyn, you've helped me more than you know."

I started to run towards Karyn to give her my strength.
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"Aww it appears your clan is dwindling fast Lox...could it be your boasting is unfounded?" Dean could've swore Holdren would've been smiling...if he could've that is.

"How many have I lost my lord?" Though obviously angry, he kept his cool.

"Six down, I hope the rest of your clan puts up a better fight then they did. Dean's team is still whole and very much that way." Fabian chimed in, apparently the psychics had a link with the werewolves.

"You can end this now. Call your dogs off Lox, you really don't want Karyn to get hurt do you? Or worse you don't want Karyn to kill anymore of your people do you? A little half-breed laying to waste your whole entire clan do you?"

The comment about Karyn was enough to send the big beaset into a frenzy. He charged Dean, who until just a few moments before was still being held by Holdren.

"Save it! You two will have you chance when this is over." Holdren cryed, but the big wolf was out for blood. He lunged at Dean who was already rolling to the side. Dean got to his feet drawing his blade, it appeared this "battle" Holdren wanted so dearly was going to happen now.

Unfortunetly Dean didn't anticipate how fast the big beast was, and in an instant Lox was on him. Claws slashing, jaws trying to rip his throat out. It was all Dean could do to just steer clear of the vicious claws and jaw.

Dean suddenly found an opening, but just as his sword was about to score a hit he was grabbed from behind. He wasn't just grabbed, but he was somehow thrust onto the battlefield. He was standing beside Sile who seemed to be alone, seperated from the others.

"You shouldn't be out here alone girl." A female's voice sounded from behind Sile. Dean turned as she did, facing the foe. It was a girl, who looked very familiar...it was Sile's mother...Dean recognized her immediateally from the day they met...but she was dead.

"Mom?" That was when everything around her went black. Dean watched in horror as she was surrounded by a thick black fog...which quickly turned into a werewolf. Sile hit the ground, chocking, coughing...She made it to one knee, and managed to loose a throwing dagger, only to have another female werewolf come out of nowhere. The dagger hit the ground, bouncing off a blue aura emiting from the female.

"Wow Reaper, she sure is fighting that poison of yours. I'm amazed she's lasted this long." The blue girl said laughing.

"Shut up Tamara, leave him alone. Dad said to make her suffer, and we've done that." That's when Dean noticed the odd werewolf that seemed to just appear behind Sile. Dean tried charging him, tried calling, but it was then he realized he was just watching...watching in horror as the wolfs fist punched straight through Sile. Leaving a gaping wound...her heart in his paw.

"SILE!!!" Dean cried, but he couldn't make a noise in this world. It was all very real, and happening at that moment. But Dean could do nothing. "Holdren, end this. Get me out of here, I can't watch anymore..."

"Ruby, take her form. Azriel go hide the body." That wolf must've been Karyn's brother, the second in command of the Lox clan.

Everything dissolved, and Dean was back in the cave. Lox standing silently, staring at Dean with pure hate. "OH...looks like Dean's team finally is down a player." Holdren chuckled as he watched Dean on the ground...weaping...
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OOC: Alright, Inu told me what Sonya really is, so I'm gonna run with it.

Anya peered across the woods, noticing the young woman. She couldn't have been any older than sixteen. Dunan moved to her, his eyes letting out tears of scarlet.


"Sonya? Sister?" Anya repeated. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. "Dunan! Your sister is dead!"

"She's right there.. she's calling me... She's so alone..." Dunan's eyes were glazed over, he could only see Sonya... or whatever she was. Sonya called out once more.

"Dunan? Dunan?"

Anya peered at Sonya, something wasn't right. All she did was say his name. Dunan, seeing only Sonya, did not see what Anya did.

"Dunan! That's not Sonya! That's a puppet!" Anya grabbed Dunan, holding him back.


Anya backhands Dunan across the face, making him stop. "Dunan, look at her for Christ's sake! That's a demon puppet! It's not her!" Dunan stopped, looking over the girl he had mistakenly believed was his sister. Her face was Sonya's, but looking over her, he could faintly make out the joints that allowed her movement.

"A... puppet..." Dunan choked out, his sob gutteral, shaking his entire body. Anya could see Dunan's pain, he sobbed, falling to his knees. "Sonya.... Sonya...."

"That doll just looks like her, Dunan. Most likely, Someone too some of her hair from her body, and fashioned a doll that only looks like her. Some small part of her is in that doll, Dunan, but don't be fooled. Most likely, someone is controling her through manipulating the real deal."

Dunan looked up at Anya. "Holden....Has my sister?"

Anya nodded. "That's what it looks like. Or what's left of her spirit. I'm pretty sure he only has a fragment of her, otherwise that doll would be more convincing."

Anya turned to the doll, which still called out for Dunan. "Why don't you just shut up, you fake."

At once, other dolls appeared, falling from the trees, each of them with Sonya's face. However, these weren't dressed like the first one. All they wore were tight leather shorts and wrap around shirts, most of them exposing their cleavage in ways that were never like the original Sonya. She'd never have paraded around like these imitation whore-bags. The dolls tittered, making vaguely familiar giggling noises.

"All right, you two-bit knock-off tramps..." Dunan got up, his face eerily emotionless. He got up, and bared his teeth. "All of you little dolls are going to be destroyed...." The dolls started moving, coming for Dunan and Anya. Dunan knew all too well this had been a trap now, and he had fell for it, hook, line, and sinker.

Anya readied herself, and Dunan leaped off, after the closest one, shattering it to pieces. However, despite being broken, it picked itself up and began to swing at Dunan once more. Anya looked around, fighting off the dolls as well. The only doll that didn't move was the original one they had seen. She stood there, her little eyes looking unchanged. She smiled now, and tittered in Sonya's voice. "Dunan... Dunan...Dunan..." She chanted over and over, like a broken record.

"Dunan! Get to her! Get to the one in the dress! She's the control! Destroy her and all of these will shatter like clay and stay that way!"

Anya fought, but there were just too many dolls. Fighting and fighting, they made no headway. The dolls, broken and otherwise, just kept getting more and more fierce with every passing moment, repairing themselves after being broken, and then fighting with even more vigor. Soon enough, it was all they could do just to avoid being ripped apart by the dolls.

Dunan leaped up into the trees, and flew at the doll in the dress. Her expression changed, looking frightened. "Dunan..."

Dunan faltered, slaming into the ground, and being grabbed by the doll.

Anya came barreling over, bashing through dolls left and right. She aimed at the lead doll, But the doll floated away. She broke several of the dolls holding Dunan, and then together, they began fighting the dolls once more, back to back.

Anya bashed some headway, coming close to the doll. She managed to fight behind the dol, it being unaware, fixiated on Dunan.

Anya hurtled at the doll, grasping it and shattering its head. The doll fell, lifeless, half of her head caved in, her hair splaying about the ground. The doll began to disolve, and blow away in the wind. A single lock of wavy hair remained, old and held together by a red bow. Anya reached down, and picked it up, looking down at it. This had once been a part of a living, breathing girl, one Dunan had known so many centuries ago. His own sister, in fact. Anya held it to Dunan, and he took it, looking deeply at the single lock. The ribbon was faded and worn, binding hair that had long since lost it's vibrance. The hair itself began to dissolve, leaving behind only the ribbon.

"Sonya... this had been her favorite hair ribbon. I gave this to her for her fifteenth birthday..." Dunan clutched the hair ribbon, and sighed, tears once again at his eyes.

Anya sighed. "Dunan..." She reached over, and hugged him, allowing her cold hands to traverse his back, trying to make him feel better. She would eventually let go, and the two of them chased off, going further in the woods. More dolls appeared, each still bearing the face of Sonya. Attacking over and over, they made their way through the woods, Sonya's hair ribbon now tying Dunan's hair back.

Anya fought beside him, as they had so often, not wanting to even try to think of how baddly Dunan's heart must be torn.
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[COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Calil dropped to the ground from the trees and looked at the damp dirt looking for a sign, finding what she was looking for she took a deep breath and let it out. She had been tracking Dean for a while trying ro find out where he had gone. She jumped back into the trees and leaped from branch to branch for what felt like miles and miles til she could catch wisps of his scent coming from a near by cave, she jumped into a tree at the line where the cave was and watched, staying hidden and downwind to keep from being found. She watched silently as the wolves came and went through the cave every time one emerged she would catch a stronger wisp of Dean's scent. Knowing where he was was important to the team, but the urge to go and see if he was alright was important to her, she was torn between going back and letting the others know what he was and going in to find him her self. She took a deep breath and was about to turn around when she heard a strangled cry come from inside the cave and she knew instantly that it was Dean, it broke her resolve and she could do nothing else but look around for a way to get it. She saw a cover above the cave and took a deep breath. Launching forward she landed on it and watched the wolves come and go from above the cave now. She took another deep breath and reached down grabbing one of the wolves from the back, knocking the girl out she was pleased to see that they were about the same size and switched clothes with her. The good thing about being the way she was is that she smelt the same as them yet different as if she'd been rolling in something, a lingering scent that wasn't to much of a giveaway. She stood up and slid down the back of the cave and walked around entering with a bunch of wolves that were returning from what she guessed would have been a hunt, they smelt like blood. She looked left and right as she walked behind them and stopped in mid step as she spotted Dean curled up on the cave floor, tear stains running down his face. She wanted to race to him and comfort him but knew she had to stay where she was to keep her cover being blown. She watched in horror as the passing wolves threw some of their leftovers at him, and some kicked dirt his way.
"Look at the big bad man, crying like a baby. We should just kill you now and put you out of your misery."
The wolves around her laughed as the one spoke and kicked dirt in Dean's face, she gritted her teeth and yanked off the small stone ring that she wore constantly and threw it in front of his face. Taking a deep breath and made her words harsh and uncaring.
"And look, I took this off your little girl friend my self, she begged for mercy and called your name as I gutter her alive. She tasted quiet sweet for being so lean."
She let out a shrill laugh as Dean's hand closed around the ring that lay infront of him. Calil let her face remain hard and cruel but on the inside all she wanted to do was cry out to him and let him know she was there, it was torture as she stood with the group of wolves making fun of him.[/FONT][/COLOR]

Okay, I'm gonna get back into this as best I can for the moment, sorry for the absence I was doing the spring cleaning thing.
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Anya fought her hardest, but even with her limbs, being made of metal and circuits, she was winding down. Fighting and fighting, these dollies made in Sonya's image were tiresome. Dunan wasn't even showing a strain, but she knew he was aching in his heart.

Anya watched as chaos unfolded around her, clay pieces flying everywhere. Even though these Sonya dolls were flimsy at best, Anya also knew that a lot of power could be channeled into one, and then they might have a real fight on their hands.

Anya watched Dunan, but noted he never touched their faces. Anya couldn't blame him in the least, they did, after all, bear his long dead sister's face. Anya wondered herself if she would be so easily able to touch these dolls, let alone destroy them, if they had bore her own sibling's face.

But, her siblings had died several years ago, along with her mother and father, in that horrible train accident. Her limbs now were to replace those she had lost so long ago.

Anya swung her fist up, bashing a doll against a tree, shattering it into a hundred pieces. As it crumpled, a plume of smoke rose, a demonic face within. It dispersed, letting out a faint hiss.

Anya crossed her arms, the dolls were gone, for now. Anya sighed, and she looked over to Dunan. His eyes were hidden in shadow behind his hair, which fluttered wildly in the wind that picked up. His face had streaks of red tracing down his cheeks, but he made no attempt to wipe them away, nor did he say anything.

Anya came over to him, looking down at the shattered doll at his feet. Those haunting eyes stared vacantly up, almost as if silently asking 'why?'


Dunan did not respond. "Dunan... you know those things aren't your sister, right?"

Again, Dunan didn't respond to her. Anya reached for him, but he shrugged her off. "Please, Anya, I don't want to be touched right now. I can smell Sile's blood. Sile is dead. Others are injured. Dean is missing. Please Anya, leave me to my thoughts."

Dunan turned, walking away into the forest, his teeth clenched. Anya knew that he wanted vengeance on the person manipulating the remains of his dearly departed sister. Fighting these dolls had stirred up too many painful memories.

Anya sighed, holding herself close. Looking down into her cleavage, she wound her pretty blue kimono around herself once more. She wrapped it around her, retying the obi. After doing so, she set off after Dunan.

Quiet, they moved in silence, marching onto their enemies' territory. Anya thought to herself, wondering possibly what could happen now. ahead of her, Dunan stopped. Coming to his side, she could see one more doll, this one indistinguishable from a human, at least to her. She radiated sheer energy, her eyes hollow and without thought.

Anya knew she had only one purpose, to destroy them. She held a massive sythe, which made her look all the more formidable. This doll was obviously special in some way. Anya narrowed her eyes, watching every minute movement made from the doll. She bore no sign of joints, her skins was infallible. Anya could see that this one had skin as pliable as real flesh, and stark white. All in all, She was a much more convincing imitation.

"Dunan. Can we handle her?"

"I will handle her alone, Anya. You get inside that cave and rescue Dean."

"Will you be alright?"

"I am going to destroy this doll once and for all, no matter how much she smells and feels like Sonya." Another red tear fell down Dunan's cheek. "Her perfume is even the same..." He said. "They've gone out of their way to twist my heart strings around their fingers."

Anya knew too well the pain he was feeling. She had felt the pain of loss as well, after that accident. "Very well, Dunan. I'll go. But you better not be killed by a fucking psycho clone of your sister. Understand, buddy boy?"

"I won't be killed, Anya. Rest assured, no cheap knock-off of my sister would ever have a chance to trash a vampire."

Anya nodded, and ducked off, leaving Dunan to contend with his sister. Anya ran through the trees, ignoring the sight of wolves. They were busy, paying no heed around them. Anya quickly found the entrance to the cave, peering around for guards. There were none visible, so she removed herself from the treeline. There was no way she would be able to pass as one of them, her clothing was too ripped and showed off her artificial arms. So she simply walked past an unconcious girl. Someone from the tam had already gotten inside.

Anya looked around, noting a hooded man coming her way. Smiling brightly, she knew he was a fledgling sorcerer. She smiled even wider, sauntering up to him.

He braced himself, and held a staff at her. "Who are you? Only a fool would approach me as you are..."

Anya smiled. Obviously, he wasn't entirely wise to the situation. "I'm lost. Which way is magnetic north?"

The young sorcerer blinked in surprise. Before he could attack, Anya had grasped his throat. An electrical shock blasted him into an unconcious state, and she pulled his body into the bushes, stripping him of his cloak. She donned it, and proceeded into the cave, hidden beneath the scent of the young boy. She moved closer to all of the people standing around, but noticed they were all relatively relaxed, hungry for carnage.

'Jesus Christ.... Why am I even in here?' Anya thought to herself. 'Dear God, if they find out I'm not one of them, I'll be ripped apart.' Anya thanked her lucky stars that there was metal adorning her cloak, otherwise she might have been found out.

She noted all of the faces, and the several human bodies that lied in peices at her feet. It made her nauseous, the smell of coagulated blood was making her stomach turn.

Turning around, she assumed an empty spot near the wall. Her eyes gazed from under the heavy hood, and she spotted Cali, one of Dunan's teamates. Obviously, she had disquised herself as one of the wolves.

She moved, and stepped up behind her. "You. Come with me." She said, and Cali turned, her face expressionless. "What?" She snarled at her. Glancing down, Anya saw someone lying on the ground, still alive, tears staining his face. She surmised it was Dean, the person Dunan had said was missing.

"I will not repeat myself, wolf." Anya mimicked the inherit distrust she saw between various sects within the cave.

"Fine." Cali still hadn't reconized Anya. they moved away from the others, and when everyone's attention was turned away from them, and they had stepped around a corner, Anya flipped back her hood, revealing who she was. She held up her finger to her mouth, and smiled. "Psst... Dunan is handling what's outside the cave right now, dispersing their ranks. What's going on in here?"

Cali's eyes had widened in surprise when she had seen who it was under the hood. She smirked slightly, and spoke."You're quite the girl, Anya. Not many people would be ballsy enough to come into here..."

"Well, you were. So, come on, what's going on?"

Cali looked around, making sure no one was within earshot, and that no one was nearby to look at them. "Holden is off somewhere in the cave, he's been fondling a white orb often in his hand."

"I already know what that orb is, it contains a fragment of a soul. He's using it right now to help protect the cave from Dunan."

"Whose soul is it?" Cali asked, partially confused.

"Dunan's sister. Right now, he's fighting a doll that looks just like her."

"Callous bastard..." Cali quipped, making a fist. "Anyway, the Lox clan is thinning out, their leader is none to happy. He's already apparently tried to kill Dean. Holden's after something, but I can't figure out what. All I can do is be near Dean."

Anya nodded. "Alright, at least you have someone else in here with you now. Think we should make a distraction?"

"Not yet. What do you have in mind?" Cali peered at Anya, curious. Anya smiled. "Wanna start fighting? I'm sure these idiots would think that I cast a spell to make these babies.." She held up her arm, showing off the metal. "I'm sure we can start something to let Dean get away. Then, we follow suit."

"That sounds like something Dunan would come up with..." Cali commented.

Anya winked, her smile bright. "Well, he did teach me everything I know about fighting. About time I put it to good use."

Cali smiled. "You're an odd one, alright. Fine. We'll play it like that, but not yet. We need to get over to Dean. Think you can pretend to be inspecting him for something? We can let him know what we're about to do."

"Cool beans." Anya commented, and the two girls headed back out into the man area of the cave. Anya approached Dean, and snapped her fingers, pointing at Cali. "You. Hold him."

Cali did as she was told, yanking Dean by the hair, and holding him out to Anya. "Do what you're going to do, already. I don't want to touch this filthy vermin any more than I have to."

Anya stepped up to Dean, and his eyes were wide with fear. Anya began to move his clothing around, feeling him up. Another wolf came over, and demanded to know what she was doing.

"None of your business, wolf. Holden's orders." The wolf, no longer interested, went away, as did everyone else. The mere mention of Holden was enough to make the lesser people want nothing to do with them, for fear of irking wrath.

Anya leaned over, touching Dean's face.

"It's finaly nice to meet you, mister leader man." She whispered. "I'm Anya Romanov, and I'll be your hero for this evening." Anya placed her hands onto Dean's neck, as so not to arouse attention. "We're breaking you out. Me and Cali here, we're gonna start a fight. That will let you get out of here. Then, making it look like we're going after you, we'll escape, too."

Anya smirked. "Pretty good, huh? And don't worry about us, I don't think either of us intend to be a 'damsel in distress'...."
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