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Band of the Blood Moon (Mature)

Drizzt Do'urden

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Dunan lied next to Dawner, watching him. Dawner's body was still changing, and Dawner shook uncontrollably.

Dunan placed his arm around Dawner, kissing his forehead. Dawner rasped in a breath, his teeth long and pointed. "Thirsty.... so thirsty...." Dawner rasped out, and looked over to Dunan. "What's happening to me?" he gasped.

"You're changing into a vampire, Dawner. It will be over soon... and then eternity will span out before you...."

Dawner gasped out again, convulsing. Dunan knew he felt no pain, but the black blood of a vampire was coursing through him. Dawner's skin, already pale, became even paler, his body chilling, his heart beat picking up the pace. Dawner's teeth returned to normal, but only to sharpen again as the thirst panged through his body.

"Thirsty...." Dawner grasped a glass of water next to the bed. He downed it, but it was a much darker thirst taking over him. "Damn it...." Dawner clenched the glass, shattering it in his hand. Dawner threw off the blanket, feeling hot. He grasped Dunan, his powers resurfacing, his bound magics bursting out. Dawner's body was changing, therefore his magics were bursting through the seal placed on them. "What's.... going on...?" Dawner asked, feeling his arcane powers surge. Dawner shuddered, gasping in breath, suddenly feeling cold. Dunan embraced him, his own body feeling like a cool rag against Dawner, for Dunan knew Dawner felt like he had a fever, his head swirling.

Dawner looked up at Dunan, kissing him deeply. "I'm like you now, right?"

"Not quite... your body is still changing, still adjusting. The seal placed on you when you were human... it's breaking now that you aren't human anymore..."

Dawner's eyes shifted and swirled, changing between his human blues and a color rather like honey. Dawner convulsed again, Dunan's blood taking root even further through his body.

"Dawner..." Dunan sat up, baring his neck to Dawner. "Drink from me...It will ease your change... I know you're hungry..."

Dawner's teeth became sharp again, his mouth parting, against his will. He looked away, not wanting to take a healthy bite. However, the thirst panged through him, his pupils becoming like slits, his eyes now resembling that of a cat... or rather, a hungry tiger. Dawner inched closer to Dunan's neck, his fangs growing longer, his mouth parting slowly. He tried to Push away from Dunan, but Dunan had a vast amount of strength, his own eyes red as human blood, his pupils matching Dawner's.

"I'm not letting you go hungry, Dawner." Dunan pulled Dawner closer, mere inches from his neck. Dunan's scent was intoxicating to the newborn vampire. Dawner couldn't help himself. With a ferocity completely unlike him, Dawner bit down, deeply puncturing his neck. Dawner drank, until his hunger was sated. Dawner fell back against Dunan, his arms around him. Dunan held him close, smiling. Dawner fell asleep, and Dunan sighed. Dunan would have to feed soon as well.

Letting Dawner sleep, Dunan left the room after dressing. He stretched, coming down the stairs into the restaurant area of the inn. Dean was sitting there, moping again.

Dunan sat at the table with him, calling over the waitress. Dunan ordered a double round of booze, and after she brought the various shots over, Dunan pushed one over to Dean. "Drink it. The heat will soothe a little."

Dean obliged, gulping down the shot. He smiled feebly, and Dunan smiled, drinking his own shots.

"So, fearless leader, what's the plan now?" Dunan asked.

"I... don't know."

"Now, that's a first." Dunan commented. "Well, it doesn't matter. Can I make a suggestion?"


"My nightclub. We need some down time. Anya told me.. several women have been disappearing in Paris. And they're being found later... their bodies filled with mercury."

Dean sighed. "Sounds like dark magic to me."

"It is. She's got the nightclub ladies and gents on it, but maybe we could go there as well? Anya.... said she heard there were several sorcerers involved."

Dean looked down. "I... will have to think about it. Do you mind... if I ask how Dawner is doing?"

"He's alright. He's asleep right now... I just fed him. He's not all vampire yet, the transition is still going on. He'll still be the same Dawner, come nightfall."

Dean sighed. "I remember... how it was for me..."

"Indeed... you know how painless it is, and yet how it feels. You and I both know what he's going through. Amazing, how we can't put it into words, isn't it?"

"True enough..." Dean said, taking another shot. "He'll be okay.... he's stronger than you and I combined..."

Dunan nodded. "Yes, I know. That's why I fell in love with him. He won't change at all, mostly."

"Mostly? What do you mean, 'mostly'? Dean's brow was furrowed in concern.

Dunan smiled. "His sex drive will be... shall we say... hyperactive."

"Oh... like yours." Dean said, laughing.

Dunan leaned over. "Now, that's more like it. Happy fun time, Dean. Keep that smile. It reassures everyone that you'll be fine, therefore we all will."

Dean smiled faintly still. "Yeah... thanks for the booze... it did help."

Dunan beckoned for Dean to move in close. "I have a favor to ask...." Dunan motioned for Dunan to follow him back upstairs. Dean did so, wondering what Dunan wanted.


Dunan crossed his arms, a little nervous about asking this. "Can... I feed from you?"

Dean's jaw dropped. "What?"

Dunan nodded. "Yes, I know you're shocked. I'm getting weak, I haven't fed in almost two days. I... need my strength to keep feeding Dawner. I can't go too far from him right now, he's still changing. If he wakes up, he's going to be wanting me... and can you blame him? He's afraid that all of the rumors he's heard will be true. He's afraid he'll hurt someone if he grows too hungry and being just turned, he might not be able to control himself."

"He's still changing right? He might not be able to..." Dean said, his hand at his chin, thinking. "After tonight, he should be able to control himself, no problem. And yeah, I know it's you he wants nearby right now. You're his lover, and the one who turned him... to save him... from ......" Dean choked thinking about it, unable to finish the sentence.

"You have no blame in this, Dean. We know what was going on in your head, and we don't fault you in the slightest. Please, it's not worth beating yourself up over."

Dean nodded, and took a deep breath. "You're hungry... right? You've been shelling out a lot of blood lately... You must be starving..." Dean rolled up his sleeve, allowing Dunan access to his wrist. "Just... just hurry it up, alright? This is for you to keep Dawner in check..."

"Dawner will be fine...Even with out this. Thank you, Dean." Dunan grasped Dean's wrist, his scent rather normal now. Dunan bit, Deans blood coursing into his mouth like an elixer of life. Dunan drank greedily, until he had sated his own hunger enough to remain strong. Dunan hadn't drank nearly enough to fill his belly, but what he had drank would do, until he could go hunting for wild-life later that night, when he would take Dawner with him.

"You're welcome, Dunan." Dean covered his wrist, not about to let any one see.

Dean walked off, waving as he went back downstairs, probably to drink some more, to feel better. Dunan walked into Dawner and his room, to find Dawner looking around, mystified by his new field of vision.

"I... can see..."

"You've always been able to see..." Dunan said, smiling. He knew very well what Dawner was talking about. Dawner's eyes focused in and out. Dunan smiled, taking off his clothes and lying down next to Dawner. Dawner snuggled up to him, closing his eyes. Dunan drew Dawner close to him, and slowly, the two fell asleep.
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Anya walked through the Inn, exploring. She stopped at Dunan and Dawner's door, hesitant to knock.

"Come in, Anya." Dunan called to her. Taking a deep breath, Anya opened the door, finding a sleepy Dunan holding a slumbering and shaking Dawner. Both of them were unclothed, their more private parts hidden under a blanket.

"The change... it's almost done?" she asked, observing Dawner.

Dunan nodded. "Yeah, hopefully, he'll sleep through the rest of it."

"He's kinda cute when he's sleeping." Anya remarked, huffing. "But I'm cuter... and better in bed."

"I'm sure you are, Anya. Too bad I'm not interested in finding out."

"Yes, that is such a shame." Dawner said, waking up, and clutching at Dunan. "What do you want, Anya? I'm trying to sleep here."

Anya snorted. "Nothing that concerns you, blondie." She turned her attentions to Dawner, hiding her concern behind a mask of contempt. "So, you went and got yourself so banged up that Dunan had to make you a blood sucker, huh?"

Anya smirked, but her smile faded at Dawner's next words. "Yeah, yeah, keep telling yourself that. I know you were a little worried about me... And Dunan. I can read your mind."

Anya looked at Dunan, startled. "Can he really?"

Dunan smiled, and kissed the sleepy Dawner. That was all the answer she needed.

"Would you keep your mind fucking to yourself, Dawner? I don't need you in my brain..."

"Heh...Anya, he can't help it right now...his powers are not his to control right now...at least not until the change is complete..."

Dawner snuggled up to Dunan, and she didn't have to be a mind reader to know he did it to spite her. "Well, glad to know everyone is alright..." Anya walked back to the door, turning around to see Dawner making little bumping motions against Dunan. Dunan was smiling widely, more than happy to oblige Dawner's.... wants.

"Well, just be sure you two don't spend all day in bed... I'm sure Dean would have something to say."

"Don't worry about that, Anya." Dunan said, his hands all over Dawner, blatantly disregarding the common decency Anya usually hoped Dunan would uphold. "It's already been taken care of."

Anya groaned, and shut the door behind her, trying to tune out the noises coming from their door. Dawner's libido sure was good.... as was Dunan's.... as usual.

Anya smiled to herself, knowing they would be just fine, albeit that they were horny little fuckers. Anya set off herself, maybe Dean was lurking around somewhere...

And she wasn't wrong. Dean was sitting at the bar, a little giddy, drinking with the local patrons. She bought herself a beer, and walked over to Dean. "Cheers, buddy boy!" She said, and Dean held his mug out to her. "Cheers!"

They clinked glasses together, and downed them. Anya ordered two more beers, and downed them as well.

"Sad to say, I didn't introduce myself properly, Dean." She held her newly gloved hand out. She wore a new dress, which covered her mechanical parts nicely. Dean shook it, and proceeded to laugh and joke with her.

However, the booze Dean was drinking soon enough took its toll. Bending over, Dean ran over to the doorway, hurling outside.

"Aw, Come on!" Anya cried, downing her eighth shot and sixth beer. "Lightweight!" she laughed.

"Stick with me, Dean! You'll be a pro soon!" she said, downing both of them.
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?My time is almost here? A distant voice called to Dawner? in his sleep.

?Who are you?

?I am the endless power that rest within you, evil incarnate. Basicly I am the true you?

?But I am not evil? Dawner said, he began to feel as he did when he killed Tamara?this entity that frightened him like no other?

?Oh but you will be, you will be. Now that your human side has died, so shall I live? The dark voice laughed and Dawner felt a searing hot pain in his head.

Dawner yelled and shot straight up.

?Dawner, babe what?s wro-? Dunan started before he wore a confused look?

?W-why are you looking at me like that?? Dawner asked feeling his face thinking he at grown something that shouldn?t be there.

?Your hair its? changed?. That?s new..? Dunan said getting a mirror from the nightstand.

Dawner took it and gasped. His hair had grown longer stopping just below his shoulder blades and it had turned a blood red color but his ends were still blonde, Dawner?s eyes had become a honey golden color.

The mirror shattered and bits of glass cut Dawner, but they healed quickly. He got up.

?Sweets, where are you going calm down love? Dunan said moving after him.

?No just stay back, please.? Dawner eyes welling up, he was not in control with his powers at all and it scared him completely. Had his father planed this? Taking away Dawner?s magical abilities the only thing he could control, leaving him with wild untamed psychic powers? Being turned increased the problem also, it had to be some unseen scheme.

Dawner picked up Dunan?s leather jacket and started for the door, Dunan was before him in an instant. ? Sweetheart, just calm down, I can let you go out by yourself right now?you?re pretty?unstable? Dunan said trying not to say the wrong words.

?Dunan please I just need to get out alone? to think please.? Dawner begged but Dunan wouldn?t budge. With a quickness Dawner hadn?t process before he moved to the window but Dunan was too fast and cut him off.

Dawner?s fangs protruded and he out a low hissing noise. ?Move Dunan, now? His eyes began to glow, he never was a angry person especially towards Dunan but right now he was on the verge of snapping? deep within himself he felt someone chuckle?.

?You are going back to bed even if that means I have to tie you down? Dunan said moving toward Dawner but Dawner sent a pulse of telekinesis from his body, everything was repelled from him and shot against the wall? Dunan was thrown out the window being as the blast was directed to him. Dawner screamed as Dunan sailed away from the building he then stormed out of the room disgusted with himself.

Dawner ran down into the bar then out the back door attracting some people but most of them shrugged it off, being drunk they easily shrugged the distraction off and went back to their drinks. Dawner continued to run until he was in the forest the sun just beginning to rise.

?It?s almost dawn but I?ve never felt such darkness around me in all my life.? Dawner with tears in his eyes laughed at the irony of his own name? ?What am I becoming??

? Dusk? don?t you think that?s a fitting name?? Said a voice.., Dawner shook his head. ?Get out, get out, get OUT!? and nearby boulder exploded as Dawner fell to his knees crying.
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Dean was glad he threw up, it expelled much of the booze that would've clouded his mind more then it already was.

"Bar tender, two more" Anya yelled as she slammed her glass on the table.

"I appreciate it Anya, but I have to check on everybody else."

"Suit yourself lightweight, they were both for me anyways" she said with sly look in her eye.

Dean walked upstairs to see how his team was doing just as Dawner pushed past him...well at least it looked like Dawner. Peering into the room he came from he noticed the broken window and a form leap into it. Apparently things had gotten rough and Dawner tossed Dunan straight out the window. "I thought you had control of him?"

"I did two, the brat hit me by surprise." Dunan was shaking shards of glass out of his har. "Lucky that's only a second story window, otherwise I would've had to take the stairs."

"Hang on let me get the others and we'll go out and search for him..." That was when Dean noticed the dagger inbedded in Calil's room.

[I]"God what the hell now?" [/I]Dean ran to the door and ripped out the note the dagger pinned to the door.

[I]Sorry I had to leave the party just as it was getting good Dean. I didn't even have a chance to ask your little girlfriend if she wanted to be the one to open the gates of hell up for us. Don't worry I'll get her back to you in one piece...the alive part is all up to her. Your vamp buddy is probably realizing about now what a mistake he made by turning Dawner...well his bad. I suggest you focus your attentions on him and just leave your precious Calil to me. Holdren will be in touch once the gate is open...you can't run an army without its commander and his generals now can you?[/I]


"Bastard" Dean slammed his fist into the door splintering it. Just then Draco's door came open.

"Dean what is it?" Dean had always felt good about having Draco around. He put his hands on the big mans shoulder for support.

"Fabian...has...Calil." Dean was on his knees ready to vomit. How could he have snuck in here right under everybodies noses... litteraly. With vamps and wolves in abundance you think soembody would've smelled it.

"How could this be?"

Then Dunan's impatient voice rang down the hallway.

"Dean we need to find Dunan...wait what happened?"

"Dunan, take Anya...well try to she may be too drunk, but get her and go after Dawnie. Draco go get Karyn, we need to find Calil."

Draco nodded and tapped on Karyn's door.

They didn't have much time...it looked like the endgame was near...

Just then a vision hit Dean...a poisonous black cloud surrounded Stonehenge...

Apparently Calil got a message to Dawner via the Ankhs.

"Dunan...Dawner is still Dawner. I'm not sure what he's struggling with but he sent me a message from Calil. We'll go find her, I'm sure he's wandering around here somewhere. Get to him before he kills anyone." Dean walked downstairs to the main floor and waited for Karyn and Draco to join him.


Endgame? No don't cry not the endgame to the story, I'm talking armageddon. But I guess if we don't stop it...it would be the end of the story...uh-oh...
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OOC: Dude.... that's more fucked up than i care to admit.... and i must admit, I don't like how this is going...

Dunan dressed hurridly, he had to go after Dawner. He had to get Dawner settled down, before Dawner went crazy with all of the thoughts running through his head.

He walked back downstairs, and saw Anya guzzling down a beer. "Anya, head out. We got to find Dawner."

"Yeah yeah... sure thing." Anya got upm brushing herself off, and heading with him out the door. "I'll go this way..." She said, heading off in the opposite direction. Dunan ran off after Dawner, feeling his presence.


Dunan now stood on a tree branch, watching Dawner. Dunan sighed as he jumped down from his perch, and Dawner jumped.

"I'll be ready for another blast, next time." he said, and Dawner backed away, a chilling wind blowing out from him.

"Dunan...Stay away..." Dawner's eyes welled up with the red tears of a vampire.

Dunan cocked his head. "Hearing a voice?"

Dawner shirked away, his head down."Please, I don't want to hurt you again..."

Dunan bore no fear. "I asked if you were hearing a voice." Dunan approached Dawner. "Please, Dawner, answer me."

Dawner fell to his knees. "I can't... get the voice out..." Dawner clutched at his head. "How... did you know?"

Dunan still bore no fear. He knelt down beside Dawner. "I know what you're hearing."

Dawner graped onto Dunan. "Dunan! I don't know if I can stop myself!"

Dunan's fangs protruded from his mouth. "I can stop you, powers or not. All I need is love. I created you, as you are now. I bear power over you, no matter how strong you are, therefore you'd never be able to beat me, your maker."

Dawner clutched at Dunan. "I'm scared!"

Dunan held Dawner close. "I know you are. I was too. You're hearing your deepest fears play out inside your head, and I'm sure your father is manipulating that, even a little. It's not hard to imagine what's happening to you." Dunan tapped his finger to his head. "I can hear what's going on inside your head. I can see it too.Think of it as my own kind of telepathy. Because I turned you, I will always know if you're hurt, if you're sad.. or if you're scared. I have my own psychic connection to you. I am a part of you, and you are a part of me."

Dunan helped Dawner stand, holding the trembling newborn vampire in his arms, being Dawner's shelter, his castle. "Dawner... your psychic powers are making this more difficult for you. Vampires, just like humans, choose their paths through life. Emotionally, we are no different. Look at Dean, look at Cali. Look at me, for God's sake. Do I strike you as the monster you fear you might become?

Dawner sniffled, clutching at Dunan still. Dunan continued. "Power is power. There is no denying that. You hold immense power, and you might be able to blast me away, but you will never be able to get rid of me. First and foremost, I made you out of love, you know that."

Dawner nodded, listening. Dunan could feel the powers in Dawner's head exploding around, his heart wrestling with his fears and doubts. Horrible thoughts were pursing around in his mind, and Dunan could see them all with his mind's eye.

Dawner shook violently, the change within his body nearly complete. Dunan felt this, and held Dawner tightly against him. "I love you, and I will always be by your side. Fight your fears, fight your doubts.... fight them, like I did. You're strong, far stronger than I was when I was first turned. Dawner, fight those voices... fight the fears, the doubts, the images you have in your mind. Come nightfall, they will subside, and you will still be you, the Dawner I love."

Dawner looked up, looking into Dunan's eyes. "What if I can't win? What if... I hurt someone?"

Dunan shook his head. "You won't. I'm here, remember? You got a centuries old vampire backing you. You got a powerhouse of love fueling you, and one who can MAKE you behave...and I don't even have to touch you to do so."

Dawner fell into Dunan, holding him close. "I love you, Dunan. Please, stay with me...I'm so scared..."

Dunan smirked. "You have me for the rest of eternity. You really think I might bail? Please, Dawner, give me more credit than that. I turned you to be with you forever. Now, that's going to happen."

Dawner shook himself, smiling brightly. "I'm feeling better.... a lot better." Dunan believed him. No matter how hard Dawner might have tried to hide it, Dunan would have been able to see into his head, such was the fate between these two. Dawner's fears were subsiding, his heart's burdened load lifting. Dunan smiled as both of their heads cleared.

"So... can I see into your head? I mean, I am psychic..."

Dunan shrugged. "Nope. Only if I let you, just like before. It doesn't quite work like that."

"Damn..." Dawner said, smiling brightly. Dunan smiled too, wiping away Dawner's tears. "There we go..." Dunan kissed Dawner, his tongue slipping into his mouth. Dawner's own tongue trailed around with his, the two kissing passionately. They started moving their hands along each other's bodies, feeling each other's excitement.

Dawner pulled Dunan torward the Inn, a bulge in his pants. "Come on..."

"Oooooo..." Dunan commented. "Let's..."
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"Hey Karyn, Calil has been kidnpped and we are going to find her. Get your ass out of bed!" I said knocking on the door.

I could hear a loud thud and scurring inside. Must of gotten undressed and was looking for her cloths. The door to her room open and Karyn ran me over like a semi hitting a bunny.

"Oph! Karyn! That hurts you know." I said laughing.

"Opps, Im sorry Draco. Are you ok?" Karyn said not getting the joke.

"Im fine, how did you sleep?" I said picking her up from the floor.

"Great! Is their anything to eat?" Karyn said always thinking with her stomach.

"We dont have time to eat. Didnt you hear me?" I said grabbing her hand and pulling her with me.

"No, I havnt. All I heared was you banging on my door. I feel off my bed." Karyn said with a smile.

"Well, appearently Calil has been kidnapped by Fabian and we are going to find her. Where she might be only Dawner might know. Well about the food. I guess we could raid the kitchen before we go find Dean." I said turning towards the kitchen with my stomach taking my brian over.

"Yay, food!" Karyn proclaimed.
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Karyn ran a little ahead of Draco. When they arrived in the kitchen, Karyn leaped for the pantry. She grabbed a couple packets of pop-tarts and turned to Draco. "I found breakfast!" she declared, shoving one of the packets toward Draco.


"COMING, DEEEEEAN!" Karyn shouted back. She opened the packet, shoved a pop-tart into her mouth and headed toward the main floor, lightly tugging on Draco's tail. "C'monf! Eee odda oh alf a-eel!" she told him, pop-tart in mouth. Draco took a moment and decoded Karyn's words.

"Come on, we have to go help Calil?" he guessed. Karyn nodded, tugging on Draco's tail again.
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"My tail isnt a rope Karyn. It hurts when you pull it." I said pulling my tail out of her hands.

"Sorry Draco." Karyn said.

"Its fine lets go. She isnt going to find herself now." I said walking besides her.

How the hell she was managed to be aducted right from our nose is something that needs to be figured out when we find her.

(OoC: Sorry didnt have much to go on.)
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OOC: Sorry about my lax guys, been kind've hectic. It's coming up on the last push though...

Dean dashed out of the bar closley followed by Karyn and Draco.

"Dean where are we going? You said Dawner had a message from Calil. Shouldn't we be searching for him too?" Draco shouted.

"He'd already relayed it too me she's at..." Just then as they rounded a corner Dean slammed into something harder then any wall.

"Dean, what are you guys doing? Have you found Calil yet." Anya stood rubbing her shoulder Dean had slammed into, while he simultanousley rubbed his.

"No, but I know where she is. Listen you guys have to find Dawner it's...."

"Already did. He and Dunan are...well reuniting." She had an odd look of relief and contempt at the though of Dunan and Dawner.

"Listen go get them and meet us at stonehenge, it's only a couple miles southeast of here. Holdren's going to force Calil to open the gates of hell..."

That statment made Dean feel as horrible as could be. How had he let his love slip like that...he had to get her back.

"Okay I'll get them, you guys leave one of those assholes for me." Anya quickly took off towards the pub.


A half an hour later, huffing and puffing the trio arrived at a scene of utter chaos. Just as the vision Calil had sent the monument known as Stonehenge was completly blacked out by a cloud of poison. Apparently quite a bit large three figures could see looming outside of the cloud.

Rushing up on the scene as he'd thought it was Calil, Holdren, and Fabian. "Dean how wonderful you could join us. Calil was just telling us how she hoped you'd join us for the end of mortal life on earth."

"Dean I'm so happy you could make it." Calil, obviously under a spell, smiled wickedly holding a dagger. It was obvious it was the same one that took Dawner's powers. She turned slowly and entered the cloud, lost in the cloud of pure poison that would kill anything except somebody who infact lived on poison.

"CALIL NO!" Suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, dozens of flying demon like creatures appeared circling the sky. As one landed it was a hulk of a creature. About Draco's size with dark black membranous wings, it charged Dean only to be slammed with a fireball.

"Father! stop this madness!" It was Dawner and the others.

"Guys we're all together again, let's get rid of these minor demons and save Calil!" Dean drew out his blade and charged at the demons.
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ooc:Dean&&Dawnie or the main one's going toes to toe with fabe...fyi :catgirl:

Fabian gazed at his son not menacingly but strangly lovingly then it was replaced with a stern look.

?You?ve grown into a fine young man Dawner, I mean how could you not with such a strong father figure like Sir Dean.? He said gesturing to Dean who only glared back with pure hatred.

?But now you must choose to serve by my side or die here. What will it be son?? Fabian was visibly pushed back by some invisible force he dug his staff into the ground to gain some sort of holding.

?First of all don?t you refer to me as your son, and no one will die here but you.? Dawner said. Stepping to Dean?s side.

?Such arrogance?? Fabian chuckled. ?Just like your human mother, Well since by MY rod you were born I guess it?s only fitting you should die by my staff.? Fabian said.

?Is there any last dieing words, or questions you always wanted to ask your dear ol? dad??

?I always wondered what would I say when I finally met you, how I would try and get you to go to the light and repent. But right now I don?t see that happening. You?re actions brought you here to this point, justice will be serve Fabian, father or not.?

?Then come with it you preachy little bastard?

?Dean? I need you to take him down, are you up for it gramps?? Dawner joked and Dean smirked.

?Lets? Dean?s answer was short and sweet?

Fabian let loose a crackling bolt of lightning towards the duo. Dawner and Dean jumped into the air and Dawner cause Dean to rocket towards Fabian. Dean?s sword was pointed straight at Fabian as he was spinning like a drill towards him. Fabian let fly fireballs which got caught in the wind now circleling Dean only powering up his attack.

Fabian?s shoulder was singed as he dodged the attack.

?This will be interesting?? Fabian said before gathering himself.
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[COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]OCC: Sorry I've been gone lately, things are mad around my way, my husband goes underway soon and I'm due with my thrid kid on the 21st. Heh, so I'll be on here as often as possible.

Calil sighed as she entered the cloud, it was gone, the fuzz the was blocking out everything she was hearing and doing. She took a deep breath and noticed the sweet taste of poison on her tounge. Of course, this is why they had taken her, she could withstand the poison that no one else could, it was why she was used to fuse the two beasts together, their venom would have no effect, it made perfect sense. She looked at the dagger in her hand and sighed again. She felt safe in this cloud and didn't want to leave but she could hear the others outside the cloud, hear Dawner and Dean...Dean. She took a deep breath and turned searching for the person who she knew would be giving them the trouble. She spotted him, Dawner's father and followed their movements waiting, waiting for the moment where she could throw the dagger at him and render him powerless. As he neared the cloud she took a step forward to stab the dagger into his back when he spun around and threw her at Dean.
"Wretched bitch! I'll use you to kill him!"
She felt her body go numb and and her eyes went blank as the fog she had been enveloped in to begin with took over again.
He movements were not her own as she lunged at Dean, she knew that with him being vampire he could easily fight her no problem but what worried her was his feelings for her.
"D-Dean, I want you to promise me, if I start to get in the way of things, if you can't get past me without hurting me, than do it. Kill me if you have to, that way they won't be able to use me to open this gate or what ever it is. Promise me please!"
She fought her body as it lunged at him over and over, him easily side stepping everything she did but what bothered her was the look in his eyes when she had made her statement. Something was off about him, the look he gave her was hurt...mixed with something else she couldn't make out. Fabian's voice filled her head and she felt tears stream down her face.
'A part of him hates you you know, you can't help his blood lust, you'll kill him, the wolf venom flowing through you now makes you toxic to him, a danger. He wishes he had falled in love with someone of more value, some one who could help him.'
She stopped, the fog lifting ever so slightly as he heart wrenched.
'He still yearns for Sile, the woman who gave him everything, who kept him tame. You could never do that, all you could ever do it tempt him. What would he want to keep you around for. I've seen into his head, he loves you yes...but he hates you also."
She felt her body move again, under Fabian's command but she no longer fought it, she no longer let her mind work against it. All she could feel were the tears that were falling from her eyes as she charged Dean again.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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Dunan watched intently as Dawner and Dean fought. He didn't know what to do, and he sighed. He could feel the emotional turmoil inside Dawner's head, and yet, he was hesitant to get involved.

"Aren't you going to help Dawner?" Anya asked. She was concerned for him.

Anya could see all of his emotions on his face. She didn't have to be a mind reader to know what was going through his head.

"Anya, Dawner and Dean are fighting harder than ever. Unfortunately, Cali is their opponent as well." Dunan closed his eyes. "I am hesitant to get involved, not because I don't want to, but because these are their battles."

Anya shrugged."Their fights are personal? Come on, like you should use hat as an excuse for being scared."

"It's not an excuse! And I'm not scared!"

Anya smirked. "Then prove it, scaredy vamp." Anya's mental tactic worked, Dunan went full on charging into battle. Anya ran behind him, a smirk on her face. Dunan was so easy to play sometimes...
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Dean breathed the biggest sigh of relief when he saw Calil exit the poison cloud. He'd thought for sure she would've opened the gates by now, instead though she'd fought off the hold Fabian had over her...well at least for a few moments.

He'd been dodging her every move with relative ease, that is until he backed himself up to the poison cloud. "That's right Calil, finish him!"

"That's enough!" Dunan cried as he came out of nowhere slamming into Fabian sending him sailing head over heels onto the ground.

"Dunan!" Dawner smiled as Dunan got to his feet, it was short lived though as a mental blast from Fabian sent him to Dawners feet a small cry of pain came from his lips.

"Dean, get the dagger from Calil. If she doesn't have it she can't open the gates!"

[I]"Of course, if I can just get it"[/I]

That was going to prove harder then it sounded though. Dean may have been faster, but that was when Calil was partially in control. Her moves slowed by her second thoughts, when he went on the offensive it triggered whatever Fabian was pumping into her.

Her moves matched him step by step, Dean thought for a moment she seemed untouchable. He glanced around to find some help, but frowned when he saw everybody else engaged in their own battles. Dunan and Dawner fighting Fabian; Anya, Draco, and Karyn were now fighting off those flying demons.

Then an idea came to Dean. He sheathed his sword and held his hands out to Calil. "Calil, I know you're stronger then this. It's why I fell for you." He moved slowly towards Calil who seemed to be run by pure animal instincs, she acted cornered and figity. Dean just hoped she didn't lose herself and run into the poison.

"Please, Calil come to me. We can end this now." Dean was now within reach. He didn't even look at the dagger, he knew if he did she'd think he was going to try and take it.

He reached Calil and embraced her. For a moment she held him back...That was when Dean felt the sting in his side. Looking down the dagger was embedded in his side...

Dean collapsed to his knees. It was then he heard the voice. [I]"Thank you so much Dean Remington, though I had hoped you would've lived through this. You see I knew you and your team were as weak as mortals everywhere. Ahh so gulible. The daggers power has spilled into you, and once Calil realizes the prophecy will be fufilled. "The Gates will awaken when the blood of a true love is spilled with Michael's dagger."[/I]

[I]I'd thought for sure that it would've been Dawner who killed that vampire lover of his, but it turns out his being sired worked in your favor not ours."[/I]

Dean looked into Calil's eyes, she'd been given back her mind and the look on her face broke Dean's heart. He glanced over to the poison cloud that had lifted and in the center of stonehenge erupted a firey wall with a single simple looking door on it. The keyhole was shaped like the dagger in his side...

"Calil..get..the..d...d" Suddenly it ripped from his side and flew across the field into Holdren's waiting grasp. Dean looked to Calil, the look on his face was that of somebody who had failed...just as he had done.

"Get...the..d..d..ager...I....L..." Dean collapsed, the blood pouring from his wound. It was over...for him it was over...


Dean lie there moitonless as Calil cried out. Holdren turned towards the gate and began walking to it.

"Calil, gather yourself we have to stop him." Draco called out has he and the others broke in a run. Only to be intercepted by the remaining demons and Fabian.

The final battle is upon us. The 5 of you against Fabian and 6 demons. Time is of the essence though, Holdren is making his way towards the gate with the key to the end of the world...
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Dunan's breath caught in his throat.

"DEAN!" He and Dawner both cried, and they moved to run to him, but found their path blocked by three flying demons.

Dunan growled, his fangs protruding, his eyes glowing with a fury like no other. Dawner's own powers surfaced, but were merely a scratch on the surface, compared to the full might of Dunan now blasting out from around him.

"Hey, honey?" Dunan said, his ferocious nature rearing it's ugly head.

Dawner was flexing his newly found vampire claws. "Yes, babe?" Dawner's own fangs were protruding, both from grief and fury, and of hate and love. Together they were, Dunan and Dawner of one mind, and certainly of one desire. Vengeance.

"I think this might be your first real battle..." Dunan's mouth lifted upwards into an expression never before on his face, a sinister smile playing on his lips. He reached out, and grasped Dawner's hand, his eyes gazing into Dawner's, both of them looking like the darkness of the monsters of the same name as they had killed so recently, allowing them to meet in the first place. Dawner took in a raspng breath, and his powers, vampire and human, were all under control. His arcane powers returned to him, the seal placed on them gone completely.

"Oh, baby... I'm so proud of you..." Dunan remarked, his tone full of unbridled emotions, and he smiled once more, looking the part of evil itself. "The change is complete now..." Dawner smiled too, his powers amplified by the vampire blood now running through him. "Thank you so much, honey." He replied. "I love you."

The demons attacking them watched, curiousity on their faces. The vampires turned to them now, and Dunan swore he saw them cringe.

Dunan's emotions powered his love and anguish. "I love you too." Dunan took in a breath, and it was audibly heard, sounding more like a growl. Giving Dawner a light kiss on the lips, he pulled back, his eyes turning to the demons. "Normally, Sweetie, I'd shun playing with your food..." At this, the demons cringed once more. " But I'll make an exception just this once." Dunan laughed, and Dawner giggled. Both of them exuded auras of matching power, strong and full of the many emotions they felt. Loss, pain, anguish, love, all of these ran through them.

"I can drink from them? Oh goodie..And I was getting so hungry..." Dawner trembled, itching to fight, his hunger growing stronger, his fingers flexing almost involuntarily from the surge of power. Dunan nodded. "Of course, my love. Enjoy."

With a roar, the two went barreling into the fight, slashing with their claws, kicking with their feet, and Dawner letting lose with blasts of infused psychic and arcane power. The two fought, their power almost as if it were one, as indeed it was.

Dunan could feel something welling inside him, but he wasn't sure what it was. For him and Dawner both, their feelings were tainted with pain, and the lust for revenge. Dunan's fury was laced with sorrow, keeping him and Dawner both from completely loosing it to the fiendish nature that was their strength. Dunan's mind was filled with Dawner's thoughts, and Dawner's with Dunan's. Together, they fought, twisting, turning, ripping flesh.

Dunan seized one of the flying deamons, and shredded its wing with his claws.

"Honey! I got your first meal right here!" Dunan grasped it, and slammed it into the ground. Dawner leaped onto it, and grasped its neck. Dawner's head cocked to the side. "Shall we drink together?"

"Let's..." Dunan ripped off the monster's wind, and it shrieked. Dunan bent it's head back, and the other monsters held back, in avid fear. Fabien was watching as well, a scowl on his face, but also an expression of curiousity.

Dawner bit into the throat, as did Dunan. It screamed, and then fell silent as Dunan ripped out its tongue. The beast stopped moving, and then the two dropped the carcas when it was good and dead.

The vampires turned to their flying foes, and Fabien smirked. "You're hopeless little fanged animals... and cornered."

Dunan cocked his head. "Cornered, you say?" Dawner began his sinister tittering laughter again, hearing those words. Dunan continued. "Keep in mind, 'Daddy', that animals are most dangerous when cornered...."
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[COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Calil felt her chest heave as she looked at Dean, his cheeks turning pale. He needed blood, but it was the one thing she could not give him. She looked around thinking quickly but the only answer that came to her was that he needed blood, and fast. She took a deep breath knowing it was a long shot and lifted up the sleeve of her shirt and looked around for something to use, her sword was to big, she's slice her arm off in an instant. She kept looking around til she found a small piece of flint rock and grabbed it, the edges were sharp and they bit into her hand easily, putting the edge to her arm she pulled it across and hissed as it bit into her arm, she felt her blood flow warm against her skin.
"Dean, I know this is a long shot but you have to try, drink, please. I can't lose you...drink, for me..."
She let out a low moan as his lips wrapped weakly around her arm where the gash was and started to pull gently drawing the blood out of her body. She caught his head as he coughed, she smell of the sweet vampire venom mixed with the musky smell of the werewolf venom. She prayed hard that it would save him, make him stronger, not kill him. She looked towards the door and frowned as Holdren made his way towards it with the dagger, she pulled out her gun, aimed and shot, she smiled as the dagger flew from his hand and landed into Draco's.
"Hold onto the that for Dean, he'll be around shortly."
She could feel his grip on her arm tighten and get stronger as he drank from her and knew it was working. She could feel his strength returning and as she smiled she knew he was going to be alright. As this relief washed over her a wave of fear followed as Holdren looked at them for what seemed like the first time.
"What are you doing you mixed blooded beast?"
She gave a sarcastic smile to him and spoke.
"The one thing you thought I wouldn't do for fear of killing him, I'm letting him drink from me. Letting him grow stronger than you thought he could."
Holdren's eyes narrowed and he let out a angry roar signaling to the demons to attack her. As they swooped in they were thrown back by Anya, Draco and Karyn, Draco looked down and nodded to her.
"Keep him alive, we need him."
She nodded and hissed as she felt Dean's fangs grow and bite into her as he began to gain even more strength. She felt her vision grow slightly fuzzy but shook it off knowing she had to stay awake. She put her hand on the back of Dean's head urging him to drink his fill, even if it meant that her last moments would be as one of his meals.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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"DEAN!" Karyn had gasped upon seeing the group leader collapse.

"Pay attention!" a voice hissed. Karyn looked up and saw a demon soaring toward her.

"Eep!" she squeaked, bolting out of the demon's way. But the demon grasped Karyn's tail and tossed her onto the ground. "Ooowww..." Karyn groaned, blinking her dizzy eyes. She was lying on her back when she suddenly felt a heavy pressure on her torso. Karyn glanced up to find the demon sitting on top of her with its claws around her neck. Karyn could feel the oxygen being cut off from her body. She knew she had to get the demon off, but how? Then she remembered what she had with her.

Reaching into her pants pocket, Karyn pulled out the pop-tart she hadn't eaten that morning. She shoved the sugary pastry into the demon's wide-with-fury eyes, making him cry out and reach for his eyes, removing his hands from Karyn's neck. Karyn cried out angrily as she shoved her hips upward and to the side, sending the demon tumbling off her. "Take that!" she shouted, picking up a nearby stick and bashing it into the demon's skull, crushing it. "Okay, who's next?!" she barked, lifting the bloodied stick in triumph.
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Dawner and Dunan rushed to their foes. The three flying beast tried splitting the couple up two of them swooped directly on Dunan throwing him up in the sky.

?Dunan!? Dawner skidded to a stop and kicked off the ground focusing his telekinesis to surround him and left him up. One of the flying beast came flying up under Dawner. Dawner bit his finger tip and held his hand like a gun toward the beast gaining speed under him.

?Take that, Fiend? Dawner forced his blood out at the same time using his telekinetic powers to force it into a microscopic ray with such force that in shot through the monster?s eye and came out his head. The fiend shrieked as it fell to its death.

By the time Dawner got to Dunan he was spinning in the air at a high speed slashing the two flying demons that were attacking him, Dawner aimed his ?gun? at one yelling ?Blood shot? He repeatedly shot holes in it?s wings until it began to plummet down.

?Hey you there!? Dunan called sinking his hand into their last flying foe. ?You better stop wasting blood like that babe.? Dunan ripped out the demons heart and threw it to Dawner who caught it and sucked the blood from it until it was shriveled and turned grey. They both landed on the ground facing Fabian.

?What was that about being cornered, Father?? Dawner smiled, not attempting to wipe the blood trickling down the side of his mouth. His mouth between a snarl and grin. Dunan looked at his lover fondly.

?I cant help but to find the animal side of you quite attractive and a bit unnerving.? Dunan said thoughtfully.

?Oh just wait sweetheart you have not seen anything yet?

?It will only be a matter of time before you are consumed by your power Son?? Fabian said smiling? ?Oh what beautiful catastrophe you?ll inflict on the world, not to mention those who you love.?

Dawner growled and a distorted aura flared around him. ?I am not weak as you were, to have left your loves ones in search for more power only to be someone?s LAP DOG?

Fabian disintegrated the very spot were Dawner stood.

?I control the power, it has no bitch whip hold on me as it did you? Dawner?s voice echoed befor a huge boulder came soaring toward Fabian who blasted it into many pieces, Dawner appeared a few yards before him and stretched out his hand, he cause the shards of the rock to pelt Fabian.

?Let me demonstrate the power you?ll never be able to obtain? Dawner snarled showing his fangs.
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Deam tried fighting the thirst that grew in him. It was the first time in years he'd felt it, and it both excited and sickened him.

"Dean...please" Calil couldn't take much more, but the thrist was overpowering Dean. Suddenly he could here Sile's voice [I]"Dean, you must stop."[/I]...and he did.

Raising to his feet Dean let out a roar that surprised him enough to cut it off. Something had changed in him. Between losing Sile's blood and gaining Calil's something was set loose inside him, and now, thanks to Calil, he could control it.

"Thank you Calil...now do you think you can still fight?" She nodded shakily drawing her gun out again. "Let's finish this."

A group of demons was surrounding Draco, all searching for the dagger. "Karyn, Anya!" He yelled, "keep that dagger away from those demons." He turned to Calil.

"Let's do this." He embraced her and softly kissed her on her forehead, "we have so much more waiting for us. I promise we'll have plenty of time to find it." Dean turned and charged straight at Holdren. The man's eyes glew a sick fire red color.

"Time for the master to teach the student his place eh Dean?" Holdren closed his eyes, brewing up a psychic attack.

The crack of Calil's gun didn't phase Dean, though the bullet taking a chunk of skull apparently surprised Holdren.

Leaping Dean drew his blade and slashed down, Holdren side stepped at the last second and landed a kick that sent Dean back a couple feet. By the time Dean recovered and lunged again, Holdren had his blade readied.

The two clashed blades pressing faces close together. "Take a good look at this blade Dean, it's the blade from which yours and Malachai's was created. Just like your blade, you're my creation, and as such I have the power to destroy you."

"You've never held that power Holdren. You lost anychance of using me once you showed me Sile's kindness, Draco's gentleness, Karyn's innocence, Dunan and Anya's fearlessness, Dawner's passion, and Calil's love. You will die now!" Dean's blade glew again with the runes inscribed on it as he thought of all his friends and allies.

Kicking Holdren he rushed right in, a new wind given to him by the thought of his friends, the one who've been there for him. The one's who taught him so much, the one's who made him forget his past. This would be the end of Holdren, Dean knew it....
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"I will not let anyone get this dagger. Especially not ugly demon peons!" I said taking my sword out and securing the dagger to my belt. The demons didn't like being called a peon. They started to attack me.

One tried to charge me but was cut in half. Another tried to attack from behind but Karyn got that one. Tore its wings right off. The sound of it in pain almost made me laugh. Anya was having her fun with these peons too. Swinging her arms of metal around cracking skulls of them. Their was one problem though, their are too many of them.

"Dean, whatever your doing to kill that bastard, do it quick. Their too many of them!" I said grabbing one and tossing it into the ground with enough force that it actually splattered the demon.

"I'm working on it Draco, just dont let the dagger fall into Holdrens' hands!" Dean said.

"Right, they'll have to pry it from my cold dead body first!" I said slicing another demon in half. This is going to be a big battle between Dean and Holdren. All we can do is keep these peons off of him.
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Dunan smiled. "So, 'Daddy'. Still think you have a chance against the two of us?"

Dunan laughed, his mouth wide in an evil smile. Danwer leaped into action, and Dunan followed him. Fabien let loose with a blast of power. Dawner wasn't fast enough, not as a new born, to avoid it. Dunan shoved himn out of the way, and took it full force. Dunan crossed his arms, sheilding himself, being pushed back. Dunan dropped to one knee, panting. His arms were deeply gouged, his sleeves ripped to shreds.

Dunan stood, and he smiled again, his blood dripping onto the ground.

"Nice try, but I'm not so easy to kill." Dunan lifted off of the ground, coming full force at Fabien, who was already immersed in battle with Dawner, barely able to keep up with him as it was.He saw Dunan coming, and was only just barely to scramble out of the way. Fabien landed a short distence away, smilng. Fabien's sleeve revealed a slice in it, blood trickling from a wound in his arm. On closer inspection, Dunan saw a deep gouge in Fabien's left arm, deep enough to see the bone.

"Pathetic... " Dawner sneered. "All that power, and to what avail?"

"Enough to kill you two!" Fabien snarled. Dunan landed beside Dawner. "Think a good ol' one-two should work?"

"Of course." Dawner leaped, blasting off with his psychis powers, latching onto Dunan's hand and lifting him along for the ride.

"Do it!" Dawnr cried, and threw Dunan at Fabien. Dunan was moving too quickly for him to handle, and so Daunan latched onto his staff, but Fabien was a little more powerful, and twisted Dunan over him, his back turned to Dawner.

"A fatal mistake, Fabie." Fabien sneered, looking so much like an older, human version of Dawner. His eyes widened, and he looked down, to see Dawner's hand through his abdomen.

"Pathetic little vampires." Fabien shoved Dunan back, and twisted, throwing Danwer at him.

"Not excatly, Father." Dawner said, smiling. "Look at your staff..."

Fabien's staff snapped into two, and he gasped, bleeding profusely. He was finished, but whatever was going on with his body, he wasn't going down easily. Dunan and Dawner stood, ready for more.

"Come on, big daddy...Let's play some more!" Dunan called, laughing.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Anya smile, and she watched the two vampires rip things apart. They were sodden with blood, but she was busy with her own fights.

A demon charged her, but she backflipped away, slamming the toes of her boots into the demon. She heard and felt the crunch of bone, and so she reared up and charged. Grasping the demon while it was stunned, she ripped it's head off and threw it at Holden.

"Prick!" She yelled, and charged at him.

He waved his hand, a spell glyph appearing in the air. Anya ducked and dodged, and managed to avoid the spell caster.

"Think I'll go down that easy? Think again, prick!"
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[COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"][COLOR="Black"]Okay, back in the game![/COLOR]

Calil slid to a stop in front of Anya and shook her head, her vision still a little fuzzy.
"This is Dean's fight, stay out of it, just keep the demons off of him til this is over."
She frowned at Calil and than nodded curtly. Calil turned and grabbed a demon by the throat as it lunged at her. Squeezing tightly she heard it gurgle and smiled as she tucked her thumb under it's chin and turned her hand sharply to the left, hearing the sickening crunch of breaking bones she dropped the dead demon where she stood and watched as Dean and Holdren circled on another. It was even at the moment, they were on even ground as they circled around each other, but she knew as soon as they found an opening it would turn the tables and she knew Dean would win. She took a deep breath feeling the wind change direction and felt her body tense as they made their moves, Dean and Holdren met head on and she shuddered as silent thunder filled the clearing as they met in the middle. She spun around and shot her pistol as another demon swooped in, it fell to the ground now, it's head missing and it's body convulsing over it's quick death. She looked around making sure that everyone else was holding their own well, and to make sure that the dagger was still in their possession. Every thing was moving in their favor for now, but she knew better than any one that the tables could turn for the worst at any moment. [/FONT][/COLOR]
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OOC: thought i add a little Sentimental rubish to this bit... couldnt help meself :animeswea

The wind held an eerie chill to it yet it was comforting at the same time. The vampire couple stood facing the sorcerer, they were close to the finishing blow. Dawner just couldn?t bring himself to land it tough, but he knew it had to be him who did it.

?I grow tired of this staring match? Fabian said smiling despite the rather painful attack on his body. Dawner was surprised Dunan hadn?t realized no critical organs were too damage, Dawner had forced most of them out his thrusting hand using telekinesis. Though Dunan seemed unknowing Fabian on the other hand kept his eyes solely on his son a look only he could read? the wordlessness of knowing but Dawner ruined that private exchange.

?It doesn?t have to be this way?? Dawner said quietly.

?Well, it is.? Fabian answered curtly.

?Only because you made it that way!? Dawner yelled back. ?But like your actions got you to this point? they can bring you back.?

Fabian?s cool demeanor dropped instantly and he looked furious. ?To WHAT!?? he bellowed it seemed as if he caused a shock wave as Dawner was pushed back slightly until Dunan stood behind him. ?What could I possibly go back to? Your mother?s damn well hates me as she should. And you are a man now, all your precious moments? all the moment we could have shared, additionally it seems you don?t need me with such a strong father figure as your leader, god knows I haven?t the slightest clue on fatherhood? Fabian shook his head trying to rid himself of the painful thoughts that began to plagued his mind. ?The time for redemption has pasted, I cant say I honestly want it now? I don?t need it, because I know I will find the power I seek and then with it?. Change this world.?

?That?s rubbish! You and I know that?s not all that matters to you, somewhere you still love me AND my mother I can feel it? Dawner clutched at his chest. ?So don?t you dare stand there and try and cover that with some half ass dream! And there?s still moment for us to share, I believe I still need you and regardless of what you put me through I still care about you.?

A single tear rolled down Fabian?s face and he smiled?. No sneer, no grin?. But smiled a sincere smile non the less?.. Dawner saw it and almost burst into tears because what he saw was love more or less tainted but still love? and regret.

Fabian chuckled. ?I see you?ve also gain access to the power of empathy.? Fabian wiped the tear away. ?I really appreciate you trying to save me and all, but Son I am beyond saving, yes you can awaking my love for you but not my humanity?.?

Dawner almost had him? he tried projecting his feelings upon his father empathically, but his father being set in his ways seemed to be resisting somehow. Maybe this was meant to end ugly.

Fabian gained his composure and flared up his power around him. ?Now, I?d love for you to stand by my side but I know you will decline? I also know that in the end I you won?t let me leave here unscathed unless I renounce my ways?. Which also is not going to happen by any means.

Dawner wiped his face. ?Well I suppose this is it then.?

?I suppose you?re right, Dawnerthon.?

Dunan made a move forward but Dawner placed his hand out stopping him.

?I have to do this Dunan...? Dawner kissed him deeply. ? Please understand.

OOC: okay im a wuss i almost teared up at this lol
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"Dawner, if it hurts you so much, allow me to finish it..."

Dawner shook his head. "No... I have to finish thiis.... Please, understand..."

Dunan shook his head. "I do not understand.. perhaps I'm too old to understand these things...But if it is what you truly want...then so be it."

Dunan took a step back, bowing his head. Dawner faced his father, tears welling in his eyes. "I'm sorry, Daddy..."

Dawner ran up at Fabien. Fabien braced himself, but to no avail. Coughing up blood, Dunan could see the final blow had been struck. Dunan could smell it, Dawner's tears were flowing. Removing his hand from Fabien's chest, he fell backwards, his hand covered in blood. Fabien slumped down, a sad smile on his face. A peaceful expression came over him, and he fell face first into the ground.

Dunan reached out, holding Dawner close to him. His own eyes welled with tears, feeling the same pain Dawner did.

"Oh, my poor sweet Dawner... if I could take away your pain, I would..." Dunan held close his precious Dawner, allowing him to sob profusely into his chest. "This pain is too great to bear, it feels, at least for now. In time, it will heal. Rest assured, I know." Dunan smiled sadly at his Dawner when he looked up. "After all, Dawner, I'm almost four centuries old. I think I should know."

Dawner nodded, and Dunan wiped his tears away. "Yes, Dunan. I know. I'll be strong."

"That's my boy..." Dunan cooed. They turned their attention to the fight still going on.

"Come on Dunan, I hate this feeling... I wish to do more violence."

"Well come on, let's go play."
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It seemed whatever had awakened inside Dean earlier had taken him over completly. Though this time, he was able to control the abilities he was endowed with.

His sword with its blood red glowing runes rang out in an almost hypnotic mannger as it met with Holdren's "father" blade. The two were moving at a speed that seemed to Dean to be in slow motion, but he knew it to be the speed only vampires and certain other supernatural creatures ever attained.

As Holdren wound up a massive blow, Dean dropped a leg back and braced for the impact. The resounding "crack" sound puzzeled Dean enough to make him pause. Holdren used the opportunity to land a rib cracking kick sending Dean sailing backwards.

Rising Dean looked at his blade, and realized at once what the sound was. One of their blades gave way to the strain of the battle...and it wasn't Deans. Fortunetly, Holdren didn't seem to notice.

"You see Dean, the son never surpasses the father. I've created you, and now I'm going to end you." Holdren hissed as he dashed towards Dean.

Dean glanced around at his comrades, he saw Dawner had defeated Fabian. Turning back towards Holdren Dean rushed to meet him. "Holdren! Fathers create the next, stronger generation you bastard."

Holdren raised his blade high into the air, dropping it right at Dean in a seemingly slow moving arc. Dean braced his leg and swung right for the diving blade.

This time there was no sound, as if they were in a sort of vacum that allowed nothing to escape Dean watch everything. His blade found the weakened point on Holdren's and it cut through easily. As the blade continued, Dean didn't even see a change in Holdren's expression, it was as if he had stopped completly.

The blade reached Holdren's neck, and just like the sword passed through without a sound.

As Dean landed time started again, he turned to see Holdren's lifeless body laying unmoving on the ground. He saw Calil, already smiling and making her way towards him. He just started to smile himself when the black smoke shot from Holdren's lifeless body and slammed into him. Though it held the appeareance of being smoke, it contained an energy that hit him like a freight train sending him soaring into one of the large stone columns that was stone henge.

The smoke settled in front of him and Holdren's laugh erupted from it. The laugh continued to a roar as Calil unloaded a shot from her pistol that sailed straight through the smoke. "Forget something their Deanie boy? You mortals are all the same...tsk tsk. I guess I'll just have to resort to crushing you all in my true form."

The smoke flew into the air and landed right in the center of the group. The danger was made apparent as the very demons Holdren summoned to aid him, scattered in fear of what was coming.

The smoke expanded and small explosions, like thunder in a cloud erupted inside. As the cloud increased the team had to jump back, the only activity was Dawner still fighting it out with Fabian, neither realizing what was transpiring behind them.

As the cloud began to slowly fade away, a feeling of pure terror flew through Dean. Whatever was about to show itself was going to be the team's true test of everything they had...if they lost this the earth would be lost.

To ease their wait, Holdren exploded out of the cloud straight at Wolfie, apparently trying to surprise him and get the dagger. The beast was everything Dean feard he would be.

Like something out of an old myth, Holdren stood easily 15 feet tall and was as thick as the mightiest warrior. He moved with speed was so unexpectedly fast he was on Draco before the team could react. Dean feard he'd spear the Wolf with one of his two massive horns, or just crush him underfoot. Whatever was going to happen, this was a battle none of them would ever forget.
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