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Has Anyone Noticed...

Mr. Maul

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[FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=DimGray]...that things have really slowed down [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=DimGray]a lot [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=DimGray]on OB?

Why is this?

Do people have lives now? Or have they just moved on to newer, shinier forums?

If you don't know, then just making something up, because it's fun.

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[quote name='Mr. Maul'][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=DimGray]...that things have really slowed down [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=DimGray]a lot [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=DimGray]on OB?

Why is this?

Do people have lives now? Or have they just moved on to newer, shinier forums?

If you don't know, then just making something up, because it's fun.


[center][SIZE="1"][COLOR="HotPink"][I]Wait[/I].. is this some kind of joke? Things have slowed down..? [/COLOR][/SIZE]
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[SIZE="1"][COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]I'm cheating on this one with another forum.

Really though, I check OB nearly every day but never post. I guess I just like browsing.


(Also, you're like, Mr. I'll-post-once-or-twice-every-three-months :P)[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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I've noticed that the boards seem to be like taking a hit to the Corotid (to lazy for spell check). It comes in spurts, then it'll stop almost dead. Then your sutchers (once again lazy) tear and your spurting again. Since you have faithful medical providers(senior members, mods, admins) it never dies.

Hope that metaphor was sufficient to say I have no idea why, and i just wanted to be part of the conversation.
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[quote name='Drizzt Do'urden']I've noticed that the boards seem to be like taking a hit to the Corotid (to lazy for spell check). It comes in spurts, then it'll stop almost dead. Then your sutchers (once again lazy) tear and your spurting again. Since you have faithful medical providers(senior members, mods, admins) it never dies.

Hope that metaphor was sufficient to say I have no idea why, and i just wanted to be part of the conversation.[/QUOTE]

[I][COLOR="HotPink"][SIZE="1"]Yes, I Agree! Great Job!!!!!! [/SIZE][/COLOR][/I]
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[color=darkgreen][font=garamond]I have a life now, but I feel like it's as busy as ever on here. Actually, I'm heading back to uni for the first time after summer holidays in about half an hour, which means my browsing-and-very-occasionally-posting will go back down to very-occasionally-browsing-to-procrastinate.

3000+ users online at once is insane, I've never seen anything like that myself! Probably because I'm in the wrong timezone.
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[quote name='Ravenstorture][color=darkgreen][font=garamond]3000+ users online at once is insane, I've never seen anything like that myself! Probably because I'm in the wrong timezone.[/font'][/color][/quote]
[FONT=Arial]Yeah, those bots can be kinda hard to synch up your watch with.[/FONT]
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[color=#9933cc]The 3000+ members was a while ago, when the new version of OB opened. At the time, I believe it was for... v6 or v7, and the boards had been down for like, a week, while James and everyone totally rehauled the entire thing. We all waited and waited for the boards to be re-opened, and swarmed it like crazy.

OB is been a lot slower in the past couple years, actually. One of the (many) reasons, could be because it's not as boldy announced over on theOtaku at the main page. And yeah, it's a little tiny link under the "more" section - but my personal opinion is that it shouldn't even be under "more" if you want to increase traffic - make it it's own tab, right after "news" and before "fan art." I found OB (all those years ago) because every page on theOtaku would have some large advertisement/suggestion to go sign up at OB. And I finally said, "what the heck, might as well see what all the fuss is about."

Edit: what version are we on, anyway?[/color]
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[FONT="Arial"]I can't really say one way or the other. I joined back in October of last year and tend to visit a couple of times a week. I'm thinking that's no where near long enough to have an accurate idea of whether or not activity is dying.

Now as for the 3,000 online record, I'd be willing to bet that it was mostly bots instead of actual members. But then I'm basing that on other places I've been to. There's always a lot of stuff out their that's a program and not a real person. =P[/FONT]
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[quote name='Mr. Maul'][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=DimGray]Everyone knows that I'm a bot.

Why else would all my posts completely lack emotion?[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE]

Not [I]all[/I] of them, silly!:animesmil And besides, even if most of your posts lack emotion, [I]you[/I] don't ([STRIKE]most[/STRIKE] some of the time), and that's all we really care about, right? *huggles you*:catgirl:
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[quote name='Mr. Maul'][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=DimGray]Everyone knows that I'm a bot.

Why else would all my posts completely lack emotion?


[SIZE="1"][COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]Bots make me crash my car.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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[FONT="Comic Sans MS"][COLOR="Navy"]I've noticed it slowing down alot myself, I know my reason for not checking every three days or so from time to time is due to the fact I'm in the process of moving and I have two kids to watch 24/7 as well so it's not always the easiest thing for me to do. But I think it's just people get to lazy and just stop for a while and than get bored and decide there's nothing better to do and head back to see what's going on.[/COLOR][/FONT]
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[quote name='Drizzt Do'urden']I've noticed that the boards seem to be like taking a hit to the Corotid (to lazy for spell check). It comes in spurts, then it'll stop almost dead. Then your sutchers (once again lazy) tear and your spurting again. Since you have faithful medical providers(senior members, mods, admins) it never dies.

Hope that metaphor was sufficient to say I have no idea why, and i just wanted to be part of the conversation.[/QUOTE]


[color=#9933ff][size=4][font=monotype corsiva] I was moved by that euphemism. :animecry:

But yes I've notice the slow down myself and I'm not on as much as I used to be. Mostly because of teh same reasons as knuckles girl... okay I only have one kid and I won't be moving for another two years. But I've a full time job with crazy hours and I work per diem as well. Plus when I am online I'm usually arguing with people on AIM and YIM and since this messageboard requires mainly well thought out posts it's hard for me to figure out what to write so I just give up and let something slide.

But hey for now we seem interesed all over again since there's a new thread! Besides now that I have a new font and a new colour I've decided to post more again.[/color][/font][/size]
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[font=franklin gothic medium]OB's activity increased quite a bit during Jan and Feb, but it's down again a bit now (this is anecdotal, but I can easily check the figures - I've checked Jan and Feb's figures and we saw good increases then).

I really think it just comes down to advertising ourselves, mostly. We are theOtaku's official forums, but we have no way of posting our announcements on theOtaku at all. So that's obviously a factor.

Still, I also think a lot of things have changed in general. For example, a lot more people are using the chat system now. And since you can easily dive in there for a few minutes and dive out again... it's a pretty attractive alternative.

Speaking of this though, I must sent out a member email about the new FMA forum. With a new series starting, the timing should be about right. And I think a lot of lapsed members just don't pay attention to new updates.

So this thread reminded me. Usually when an email goes out, people do come in to check out the updates. [/font]
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[quote name='James']
[FONT=franklin gothic medium]So this thread reminded me. Usually when an email goes out, people do come in to check out the updates. [/FONT][/quote]

So...an easy fix to the decreased membership would be an email every.....day or so?

[I]"If you send it...they will come!"[/I]

[I][B]Edit:[/B] For some reason I can't errase that, so whoever added the omnipotent message..NOT COOL![/I]
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[quote name='Drizzt Do'urden']So...an easy fix to the decreased membership would be an email every.....day or so?

[I]"If you send it...they will come!"[/I]

[I][B]Edit:[/B] For some reason I can't errase that, so whoever added the omnipotent message..NOT COOL![/I][/QUOTE]

[font=franklin gothic medium]Ah, well, there's really no easy fix. And there's really nothing broken as such. I mean... as I said earlier, OB is the message board for theOtaku.com. As such, these forums really rely on Otaku members to make it a success or a failure.

I think it's worth keeping OB open a) for the people who use it regularly and b) so that new Otakuites can discover it.

But in terms of outside marketing, OB can only really get as much attention as theOtaku.com can provide. And from there, it's really a question of whether those members are willing to join.

Another disadvantage is that you need two accounts - one for theO and one for OB. There's no way to have a global Otaku account, which makes life a lot tougher.

So yeah, there's sort of a lot involved... but I figure, we can do whatever we can now and then to get the word out about some of the great stuff we're doing here, but beyond that it's really in members' hands. :catgirl:[/font]
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Ironically, Adam recently redid how the links on the main page to theOtaku work so the link to OtakuBoards is actually more visible than it used to be. It only happened a few days ago so it's too soon to see if it will make a difference or not.

As for noticing, since I joined it's always seemed to come and go. Busy vs slow. I figure people move on or get busy or simply don't see anything they want to post in. Though the cure for that is to post something you would want to be a part of. =P
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[quote name='Knuckles' Girl'][COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]I was thinking of something else too, alot of members here are still in school so that could be a reason too.[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE]

[size=1]Yeah kids. You should all drop out and make more time for the love of your internet life!

I mean, I turned out fine.

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