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Otaku Sin City (mature content warning)


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[COLOR="Gray"][FONT="Fixedsys"]People aren't born in Otakusin City.

They're forged out of the fires of passion that grip the streets and make the people so afraid to go out at night that only the people crazy enough to avoid the rapists and the gang bangers run the streets. It's the kind of city that makes Washington's politicians look that much straighter.

"Carrie, where are you going?" I yelled as she strutted down the stairs and marched towards the door.

"What the fuck do you care? You're only ever around when people don't want you to be. Don't try being a dad after being gone for two years, Korey."

"Hey, you think I want my daughter ending up like all those other sluts down in Chinatown, huh?"

I grabbed a hold of her wrist and stared into her eyes. Eyes so full of naivety that they could only belong to my 17 year-old daughter. Her blazing-red hair matched her fiery personality and made her look just like her mother. She had been through so much in her life and being the daughter of a deadbeat cop that has cut more than his share of corners certainly didn't help her with coping skills.

That and the fact that I practically disappeared when things got tight. I didn't know how to face my family after that money laundering scam with the Mafia went south. You don't cross the Mafia, ever. I'm pretty sure she'd never forgive me for her mother dying in front of her as dear ol' dad hid in the shadows, like a rat.


"At least put a coat on. It's colder than shit out there." I said, handing her a small coat.

"Here, take this too."

I slipped her an old 9mm I carried.

"If some douche bag is giving you a hard time, cap him first, ask questions later."

She still hates me, but I'd rather have her hate me and be alive to say it than to end up like so many other girls here. Only, they're not girls here in Otakusin city. They're sheep. Targets with tits. Potential hookers, strippers, drug dealers. My daughter wasn't going to be one of them. She was too smart for that.

I watched as she stuffed the gun in her purse and walked out the door.

"You have your ass back in this house by 11 PM! YOU HEAR ME?!" I shouted at the door frame.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]~~~~~~~~~~~

Hello one and all and welcome to one of OB's most ambitious (and hopefully most successful) RP's to date. I'm trying a lot of new things with this RP. For those of you not acquainted with the movie or graphic novel Sin City, I would suggest you look it up before posting begins.

Specific Rules about this RP:

Swearing, cursing, bloodshed and drug use all fly. So do it was long as you want, but keep it in good taste.

Sex is allowed. HOWEVER, I don't want all the details. So let's be creative and keep it away from porno smut. X-Rated but no money shots, get the picture?

You will be playing the character of yourself (Screen Name) If you have a multi word username, consider breaking it up into multiple names (i.e. Chibi Master would have that as her first and last name). Your character must have some sort of defect to them. As in, they have to be crooked in some way or have a dark past or something. The City of Otakusin City forces the characters to be this way. So there's no such thing as a pure character in this RP. So that also means that you can play crooked politicians, clergymen, prostitutes, drug dealers, pimps...etc etc. Get creative with this.

I am letting A LOT of the other rules slide in the name of creative leeway, but this RP is a VERY MATURE RP. So if you have any qualms about the content covered in here, then PM me or we can discuss it in the Backstage section (that will be up momentarily).

*I* get final say in your posts. If I feel you went too far or posted outside the boundaries, I will tell you to re-post. If you don't like it, that's cool. But remember, players, you can always turn down the wrong alley and end up dead. So let's try to be at least somewhat cooperative. I'm lax, but not a pushover.

Okay so all the details about your characters

Intro: Write a brief (500 words or so) intro explaining your character's angle in the story.
Name: Your screen name
Family (if applicable):

Here's my character as an Example

Intro: Read Above
Name: Korey Middleton
Age: 35
Appearance: Aged, with gray hair and many wrinkles on his face. Korey has grayish eyes that have faded with years. Normally wears a white polo shirt with a red tie and brown pants with suspenders on them. Always carries a pistol on his breast holster.
Personality: Is not above bending the rules for personal gain. Selfish until it comes to his family. Very street savvy. Good interrogator.
Family: Wife (Denise, Dead), Daughter (Carrie, 17)

Alright everyone, have fun and sign ups will remain until March 24th at Midnight.

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It's the same old song,
the same old tune,
The same old fight
Finished with 'I hate you'
Broken on the inside
Faithless and unsure
But I have to try
I have to bend the rules

I tapped my pencil on the desk, grimacing at the chicken scratch on the coffee-stained piece of paper that lay under my hand. My nails glowed almost neon in the half fluorescent, half black light of my apartment. This gig was never going to work, and I knew it. The only problem was was that I'd promised to be there, and once you made Andrew a promise, you didn't go back on it. It was the same way things had been when I'd first met him and fallen in love with his sky-blue eyes. Little did I know they were a trap, an iceburg lurking under crystal clear, devestatingly calm waters. He'd pulled me and sunk me, just like the rest of his little whores.

"[b]Hey, lovely lady, whatcha got there?[/b]"

Speak of the Devil and he shall appear. I turned with a fake smile on my face, arms open to the man who made my life a living hell. Still, putting up with the petting and oogling from the men downstairs was better than backtalking and earning myself matching wounds. Of course, he never got me badly enough to scar me; he couldn't have his hottest merch to damaged to sell, could he? I was fucked, though. He'd caught me in the middle of my one leisure, and it was a song I knew he'd recognize as internally dedicated to him.

He read the paper, ripping out from under my pencil, and then crumpled it. His eyes turned steely and I knew I was in for it. Only he didn't go for the painfully sharp blade in his pocket, even though I knew without looking that it was there. His looked turned devious, and I swallowed.

Oh, joy. I wasn't just a dancer for the night.

"[b]Trade with Karena, sweets. I've got someone who would love to see you tonight.[/b]"

I waited until he'd turned on one heel and left before I went to the door and locked him out. Not that there was a reason. Then I looked in the half of a mirror that remained on my wall, at the whore staring back at me, and I dissolved into tears. Even in the back of my mind, I knew he lurked on the other side of that door, grinning with sick pleasure at my pain.

[b]Name:[/b] Stephanie Renault
[b]Age:[/b] 23
[b]Occupation:[/b] Prostitute
[b]Appearance:[/b] Stands 5'6" even, with a curvy, belly-dancer build. She's let a little pudge remain around the middle, but most of it has been worked off from years of dance. Her hair is short, curled or straight depending on her client, and streaked violet. Her eyes are hazel, usually adorned in just enough makeup to be attractive but not so much as to be ugly. Wears whatever the hell Andrew decides she's going to wear.
[b]Personality:[/b] She is a very touchy-feely girl to begin with, but on the inside she hates who she is and can't stand the thought of being unfaithful. She's always thought of herself as a whore, a horrible person, and despite her attractions to other people, was always undeniably faithful to the ones she loved. How ironic that she really is a prostitute now.
[b]Family (if applicable):[/b] None[/size][/center]
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[COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"][b]Name:[/b] Raiha

[b]Age:[/b] 17

[b]Occupation:[/b] Prostitute, agent for Mistress Phantom's Tea House

[b]Appearance:[/b] See attachment; wears all black most of the time, and caters to a very specific sort of client.

[b]Personality:[/b] Cool, occasionally fiery, and calculating. Never goes into a situation unprepared, and is categorically conniving and manipulative.

[b]Family (if applicable):[/b] None

[i]The client stepped out of his shoes at the door, then crossed the threshold into Mistress Phantom's venerable establishment. Immediately he found himself inundated with cries of welcome from the various whores and maids who worked in the tea house. Mistress Phantom looked up from her writing desk in the foyer and bowed pleasantly to the businessman, noting the Prada shoes and the Armani tuxedo. He handed her a generous tip and leaned forward just a little.[/i]

"Is Raiha available this evening?"

[i]The mistress brought her lips up in a curvaceous smile.[/i]

"Oh yes Mr. Johan, right there! Right there!"

"You like it don't you? You're such a dirty little girl Raiha."

[i]Sometimes the soundtrack got them off faster. Which got them off her faster. Even so, after the deed was accomplished she poured him a cup of tea and ask him to visit her again sometime soon. Right before she took his money. Raiha had that effect on men. She helped him into his shoes and bowed goodbye, her pigtails bobbing jauntily as she did. He snuck a glance as she turned to walk back down to her room, catching the view of her big white bow contrasting against the black of her flounced and ruffly skirt.[/i][/FONT][/COLOR]
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[SIZE=1][B]Intro: [/B]I light up a cigarette, my last one I swear, and watch the dancer at Bobby's. She moves with the grace of a seasoned pro, yet she's still so young. Knowing bobby she's probably 16; that's his taste of late, I should bust him for it but then I'd lose my favorite snitch which is what I need right now.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=1]Bobby's a big man, one of those guys you'd picture snapping quarterback's necks rather then tossing drunks. He sits down across from me, smile on his face. He thinks I don't know about the girls he's been running, but that's the least of my worries now. Another one's gone missing, another one who fits....her description.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=1]His voice is sour; smells something like week old tequilla mixed with god knows what. [B]"What seems to be the trouble Officer Do'urden? I believe my last payment should've been enough to keep you out've here. "[/B] He's talking about the money he pays me to look the other way with his young dancers....and younger prostitutes. [/SIZE]

[B][SIZE=1]"Not what I'm here for Bobby. I need to know if you've heard about the girl. The 12 year old from high town?" [/SIZE][/B]
[SIZE=1]I walked in knowing his answer before he gave it to me. More then anything I was interested in the clientell. [B]"You know I don't dabble in girls that young. Though..I've considered it, I'd make a shit load more money if I did." [/B]His smile shows the sincerity of his comment. Instead of a laugh like he's expecting, I reach up and break his nose.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=1]He won't go crying assault to anyone. He knows I keep the straight shooters off his ass, as long as the money keeps coming.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=1][B]Age: [/B]28[/SIZE]

[SIZE=1][B]Occupation:[/B] Detective, homicide/missing person's[/SIZE]

[SIZE=1][B]Appearance: [/B]States 6' 3" tall and weighs about 210pounds. Solid build, not too bulky but big enough to cast a shadow. Hair is dark brown, almost black which he wears in a slightly military style cut.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=1][B]Personality: [/B]Drizzt is calm and calculative at most times. Though admitedly he's proven that he's choosen the path less traveled, he still holds a little bit of hope that he can find a way to save the city.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=1][B]Family:[/B] An ex-wife and a 4 year old daughter, though they live in a different part of town. [/SIZE]
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[I][SIZE=1]In other cities around the world, people have never seen a dead man walking. In Otakusin City, they're ten a penny - there's one round every corner, one every street, in every house, apartment or filthy, disease-ridden squat. I know all this because I am a dead man walking.

I started something eighteen months ago, something that I couldn't finish, and it's coming back to bite me right in the ass. I just intend to finish it before I'm finished.

The colours haunt me on those rare occasions when I fall asleep. The grey, the white and the crimson, splashing across my vision, infecting my subconscious. The moment they brought those young girls into the room, the white-hot fury consumed me, and I began my life as a dead man.

Bone and cartilage crunched under the cold, hard metal of the butt of my pistol, warm blood gushing down the weapon and onto the pale skin of my hand. The man pleads, but I'm so far gone under the weight of my own sins and the chemically-induced fug that clouded my vision and my judgement that I don't even notice, simply pounding away at the exposed, bloody flesh until it was no longer living, just a hunk of dead meat.

I stand, panting, clouds of vapour billowing from my mouth, over this lifeless husk of being that lies slumped on the cold, hard concrete beneath me. Blood ran into the cracks in the paving slabs, and mingled with the crisp white snow that seemed to fall more often than usual in Otakusin City.

I dragged the corpse into the nearest alley, leaving a wide smear of blood along the ground. I hauled it into the metal dumpster, and stepped away, my crusade done for tonight.

[/SIZE][/I][SIZE=1][B]Name: [/B]DeLarge - it is generally assumed that this is his surname, but no-one has ever discovered his first name - it appears to have been wiped from all official records, and he never reveals it.

[B]Age: [/B]30

[B]Occupation: [/B]He dabbles in anything available to him, whether legal or illegal. However, he ensures that his nights are always clear, as he has "business" to attend to during the nights.

[B]Appearance: [/B]Often seen as "unkempt," DeLarge is pale, with deep, dark rings under his dull blue eyes, and a moderate growth of stubble around his chin. His muddy brown hair is long and unruly, hanging down over his face. He wears dark t-shirts or button-down shirts, depending on what he has clean, a battered black leather biker jacket, faded black jeans and beaten-up Converse trainers of various colours, depending on his mood.

[B]Personality: [/B]DeLarge very rarely sleeps, and as such he is constantly wired on a heady cocktail of methamphetamines, pep pills and energy drinks which keeps him constantly awake and alert. Due to this, people find him very difficult to relate to - they just cannot match his high levels of energy and adrenaline. However, he is uncompromising, and will do anything necessary to get results.

[B]Family (if applicable): [/B]Daughter (Cerys, deceased)
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[FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][B]Intro:[/B] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=purple]I walked into the bar where a detective was rumored to be. I had began to believe that he might give me a job. I needed one, after all. [/COLOR][/FONT]

[FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][COLOR=purple]It had already been a week since my last job. I was sent to kill a notorious murderer. For someone who was wanted, he was too easy.[/COLOR][/FONT]

[FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][COLOR=purple]"Hey, give me a coke. I'm thirsty." I handed the man a 10-dollar bill. I normally didn't let anyone keep the change, but I was feeling generous today.[/COLOR][/FONT]

[FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][COLOR=purple]After receiving the drink, I turned my attention to the detective. I always keep a picture of my potential clients with me. I watched as he punched the guy in the nose.[/COLOR][/FONT]

[FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][COLOR=purple]"Hahahaha! Nice one. Though I probably shouldn't be laughing, considering I'm jobless..." I took a sip of the Coke.[/COLOR][/FONT]

[FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][COLOR=purple]"Anyway, I have a question for you. With all those criminals out there nowadays, I figure you're gonna need a bodyguard of sorts, and I'm willing to do it. You know how many people will kill anyone helping the police. Besides, I don't ask for pay in money. All I ask is for a place to stay and three meals a day. That's all I ask. So, what do you say?" I looked at the man with a small smile on my face.[/COLOR][/FONT]

[B]Name:[/B] Tetra of Sound, more commonly known as Tetra or the Sound of Death.
[B]Age:[/B] 15
[B]Occupation:[/B] Assassin for hire or bodyguard. She refers to herself as a ninja because of her fighting style (She just likes to call herself a ninja...). She is notorious for her work. Tetra has no current client. She never takes a job where she has to kill the innocent or protect criminals. She requests to be payed with the following services:
A place to stay
Three meals a day

Light -

Dark -

Tetra is 5 feet, 3 inches. She weighs about 155lbs and her eyes change color with the light. They are a gray, almost black in light and red (or appear to be so) in the dark. Her hair reaches about midway down her back and is black, despite how it seems to be a dark gray in the light and purple in the dark.
[B]Personality:[/B] Tetra is a very calm person. She loves jokes. She is difficult to anger. However, when she is angry, she will attack anyone who tries to attack her or literally stands in her way. Tetra always keeps a promise. She plays a lot of video games, mainly ninja ones. Tetra is very creative, so one of her hobbies is drawing. [/FONT][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]She also sings a bit. Some songs remind her of her family.[/FONT]
[FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][B]Family (if applicable):[/B] Tetra has no known family. Rumor has it she killed them all years ago. [/FONT]
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[FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]Hmm, while I don't want to be one to turn a potential RP-er down, I feel that this world is a world more set in realism than that of fantasy. So Tetra, could you please re-read the conditions for characters and look what everyone else has posted.[/FONT]
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Rurouni. It's a code name. My real name? Even I can't remember that. I think I lost it right after I killed the first one. Probably a few years ago, the first job. My job? Why I'm basically a corrupt assassin for a corrupt police department in a corrupt city. Shit doesn't get much better. After killing the first, I saw my humanities slipping away and saw myself killing not for the good of the country or the city, but for the twisted politician's greed itself. Having realized the many mafioso kills, and other politicians I'd eliminated, I left. I wasn't aiding the city, I was furthering its decline, the jobs got more and more personal to the boss and instead of being a man of honor and duty due to serve a purpose to protect those innocent, I realized two things. One, no one's innocent, not in this city, and two, this wasn't what I signed up for.

But, my troubles didn't stop there. Oh no, when hit man after hit man came after me, I'd made myself a reputation between the family and the police. Stories were told, rumors were exchanged but no one knew the man's real name.And so, as I find myself in this shit filled environment with Mafioso, who would most likely have you killed and your head put on a silver platter on one side and crooked politicians who would do anything to have you back to take kills or back as a kill, I look at myself and wonder.

Who am I?

[b]Name:[/b] Rurouni
[b]Age:[/b] Twenty-Seven
[b]Occupation:[/b] Ex- Police Intel Agent. Freelancer, he will do anything to survive in today's world.
[b]Appearance:[/b] Standing at a height of five-foot-nine, his body is built well. From the intense training of Police work, he's kept himself in shape and well conditioned. His short dark brown hair is matched perfectly with his dark brown eyes. Rurouni's organized when it comes to appearance, close shaven, kempt clothes, the usual.
[b]Personality:[/b] Rurouni is a very skeptical and analytical person. His training as a cop taught him that and that's what's kept him alive. His bare instincts show through most conflicts and he won't stop until necessary precautions are taken. He's rather calm and seems to react well to stress and stressful situations. He's also known to have a smart ass side to him aswell
[b]Family:[/b]Mother and Father who live out of town. He doesn't contact them usually.
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[size=1]Very interesting. I haven't seen the movie in a few years, but I know the gist. Please let me know if I need to change anything.

[i][color=indigo][b][u]Journal Entry[/b][/u]

He watches me, every night. 2235HRS (10:35PM) sharp, never late or early. He sits comfortably in the same filthy, cum-ridden booth. His name, I do not know. The girls tell me that he is a mob boss. Never speaks a word, unless you count various tones of grunts and moans. Before he arrives, I am instructed by one of his minions named only "#8" to wear a white, skin-tight lace dress that barely adheres to the curves of my naked breasts and ass. The usual.

Tonight was different. I entered the Pink Room-where I dance-pushing the bead curtains aside and turned on the black light. He likes the black light, how it illuminates the white dress and my lipstick; and the fact I cannot make out his face. I only know he's of a brick shit-house build...from what I can make out in the booth. Continuing, the bills start to drop in the snatch box just outside of the booth. I take the bills and push the button for the shutter to slide open and reveal this man behind a double-plate glass. The glass is bulletproof; too much temptation has resulted in dancers getting shot, or some sick bastard breaking through the glass and raping a dancer. So the new installation of bulletproof glass is one luxury us dancers are allowed.

As I began to dance around the pole, I see the shimmer of light bounce off his glasses as he follows my movements and begins to jack off. I pay no mind; I see it every night for six hours. What I don't see every night is the door on his side burst open. I cannot see the figure's face, only a silhouette of a very tall, skinny person. I hear the single boom of a shotgun, and I see the window explode with dark red blood and fragments of brain matter and other various pieces of His flesh splatter against the glass. I know I cannot be shot at, but I flinched anyway and ducked behind the over-stuffed sofa.

I peeked over, and saw the blood and tissue seep down the window; the figure remained. He walked up to the window and pressed a brass badge against the glass.

[b]"You can talk, you know. I can hear you. Just press the intercom button on your right,"[/b] I told him. He did so.

[b]"You talk, and I'll fucking blow your tits off,"[/b] the com clicked off and the man walked out.

Just another night in Otakusin City. One less "boss" I have to fuck to get information out of. One more story to justify that the police are as corrupt as the men and women they slaughter.

But what am I to say? I am one of them.[/i]

[b]Name-[/b] Athena Rave
[b]Age-[/b] 26
[b]Occupation-[/b] Espionage Agent, [infamous] 12th Precinct, Otakusin City Police/Exotic Dancer, incognito

[b]Appearance[/b] [url=http://img2.timeinc.net/people/i/2007/specials/beauties07/beauties/scarlett_johansson.jpg][u]Athena[/u][/url] stands at five foot, two inches tall. Her physique is unexpected for an agent of a corrupted police department; perfectly proportioned, smooth hourglass curves, silky bronzed skin, and platinum locks that sway as if they were in melody with her petite waist. But don't be taken back by her appeal, this lady lives up to the phrase "she's got looks that kill". Athena is normally seen-or rather, recognized-in her incognito get-up of leather bondage straps and fishnet pantyhose or lacy lingerie. I say "recognized" for whenever she is on official business, she makes it a point to blend in with the scum of the City. Otherwise, she would most likely be dead, as a uniform would negate her occupation as a spy.

[b]Personality-[/b] Quiet, impersonal, and ever watchful, usually. But she knows how to switch emotions on and off, depending on which crowd she is involved.

[b]Family-[/b] Unknown. Rumor has it she has a brother, but has been unable to locate him.[/size][/color]
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[SIZE="1"][B]Intro:[/B] They call me, Afro. I suppose that name was given to me when I was a little kid. I never wanted to cut my hair, so I just let it grow, it turned into what most people see today. When I was about ten, my brother would call me Afro instead of my real name. He took a liking to it and never stopped saying it, no matter how much it irritated me. I eventually got over it and accepted the name, my father enjoyed I had a name like that. You see, he was the original arms dealer in my family. He was the reason why I and my brother were taught to be strong; we were made to be cold and taught to separate business from family.

I and my brother understood this; we understood it was to protect those who were close to us. I took this very serious, I never told anyone about them. I never spilled that secret out that I was named something else; I never let anyone onto who my family was. And when my father has taught us how to be strong and how to use our crude weapons better then guns, he taught us the trade. He raised us to become some of the best arms dealers alive. We learned the proper techniques; we learned how to deal with people who would try to cheat us, who would try to kill us for our supply. Now, arms? dealing is not something that is just learned, it is born into you.

To be an arms dealer, you have to be great at spotting liars, thieves, tricksters and amateurs. I and my brother were born for the work, together we could spot out any bad deals, any deals that were set up by the police and any deals that looked sketchy. We were the best team of dealers any father could have asked for. My father eventually passed away, it was a long time coming since the arms dealing industry was a stressful one. We took over immediately; it was rough at first, getting people to deal with his sons. But after you make an example of a few people who cross you and deal with someone else, they all tend to flock back. It took use a few years to get all of our father?s customers back, but we got them all and made quiet a nice living.

I eventually branched out and started my own family; it?s an interesting thing to have people suddenly depend on you. To have the same woman with you every day, it?s even more fascinating when you have a child together. Our relationship didn?t last much longer then about three years, I eventually told her I was the notorious arms dealer known as Afro. She stayed with me only because I took care of her while she was pregnant; when she gave birth to our daughter she left me and Jasmine alone. It was probably the only time in my life I regretted being in my business. But, the void filled when I was raising Jasmine, she made it all better for me. I took care of her and made sure she was protected. I may not have discussed my personal life, except with my brother, with anyone else, but people always found a way to give up someone else?s personal life.

It happened one day, I remember like it was yesterday. Jasmine was seventeen years old; she had her license and was out for a drive. I had her tailed of course to make sure no one approached her that would hurt her. Unfortunately, she was so use to being tailed by my guards that she managed to disappear from their sights fairly quickly. As a father, that was the most terrifying thing I have ever
experienced. Little did I know that far worse was coming my way. The details on this situation are still blurry to me, but from what I was told by my inside sources in the police force, she was at a night club in some part of the shadier part of the city. She got scooped up by this guy, Dante was his name, and he wooed her in all the right ways. She became smitten with him and followed him to ?his place?; unfortunately this Dante was not some guy who just found her.

He had been following her and saw his chance to get to her. He was a stalker of sorts, a paid stalker. He followed her to the club and took advantage of her situation; he was good at wooing women and for being a particularly effective assassin. Someone had leaked my personal life to another, I still don?t know to this day, and they sent Dante to deal with my daughter. He did his job well and he paid the price for a job well done. A few days after worrying about her and wondering what happened I received a note through my window tied on a brick. The note simply said, ?Look outside.? I did what it said, and saw the only thing that was worse then seeing my wife walk away from us. It was the mutilated body of Jasmine hanging by her wrists by the gate that was in front of my home.

After that, I made sure to pay a visit to Dante. Giving a small increase to the cops who were under my pay roll, they let me in to see him. I made sure he suffered for what he did to my daughter. He barely survived the night after they took him to the hospital. Currently, he is in prison, and every month he ends up in the infirmary for being beaten brutally. Several of the guards are easy to bribe, while hundreds of the inmates are old friends and employees. They take care of Dante whenever he gets out of that infirmary. Last I heard, the last beating he took got out of hand when I divulged that he killed and mutilated jasmine. He?ll never walk again from what I know. But, to this day, I still look for my daughter?s true killer. Dante may have done the act, but he was simply paid to do it, the real man behind the operation was still a mystery. I still look for him, I always will until he can feel my cold blade against his throat, just before I completely remove his head.

[B]Name[/B]: Afro-he dropped his last name to protect his family?s identity

[B]Age[/B]: 36
Occupation:[/B] Arms dealers, though recently he has become a part time revenge assassin as he looks for his daughter?s murderer.

[B]Appearance:[/B] [URL="http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b18/Sagethefiend/exclusive-character-bio-iafro-sa-1.jpg"]Afro.[/URL] He stands at a staggering height of 6' 6" and many people think his thin body structure would be impossible for him to walk around, be he is actually much faster and stronger then people suspect. He always smokes a hand rolled cigarette rather than buying anything from any supplier, he prefers to know where his tobacco comes from. He always seems to wear the same attire in every dealing he makes; he will occasionally wear a black suit with a black shirt with a purple tie.

He however will never remove his sandals for any reason except for the traditional Japanese way for showing his respect for others. If he has no respect then he will keep them on. He hardly wears the head band; he usually keeps it tucked away in his pocket unless he is looking to intimidate someone. Since he is notoriously known for killing people when he wears that head band during deals that go sour, or during his search for his daughter?s killer.

[B]Personality[/B]: Afro is a cold-hearted dealer, and an even colder killer. He takes no insult from anyone and has an iron fist when it comes to his family or anyone he is fond of. He also has a strict policy when it comes to his business, and he has an honor code when it comes to his adversaries. And due to his brash nature, he is very straight forward with what he says and says few things altogether.

[B]Family[/B]: Karen (his wife that walked away from him after their daughter was born.) Jasmine (His daughter, Deceased.) Omega (Brother, co-arms dealer.)[/SIZE]
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Intro: I guess I am who I am, I was washed in and out of citys and I ended up here, Otakusin. My name is Botar, but some call me "15", A few shady characters I deal with call me a Bot, on a count of me being such a cold hearted, calculating, Fuck-you-over, machine. I kill, and im not ashamed of it. It gets the loan sharks and the gamblin' halls the money they wont and a little money for me on the side. I guess when it comes down to it, I am a man, but I kill like a machine. Poker face? thats the only face I have.

The first time I killed was in Otakusin city, It fucked me up so bad, for three days I vomited. Then, I did it again, and it was like making coffee; An every day ordeal. You can trust me as much as you can pay me.

Name: Botar. "15"
Age: 32.
Occupation: Hitman.
Appearance: I dress in a suit jacket over a hooded sweatshirt. I wear a Fuddora as my hat of choice along with black framed glasses. I have medium long black hair that I part to the left. Im six foot tall and have a lean frame. You can usally find a 9 millimeter pistol in my hollster, but inside the suit jacket, I have an assortment of other hand guns in there. My eyes are a deep brown and my expression never changes.
Personality: Cold. There's little emotion here. I can hate, and I can trust. Drizzt, that dirty bastard gives my nickname Bot, a bad reputation, that cop is the only one I truly hate in this war, and he's the next to go, and i'll get a lot for this crooked cops fucked up head.
Famiy: I don't even remeber anymore.
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[SIZE="1"][COLOR="SlateGray"][B]Intro:[/B] I hate this city. This city that seethes with hate, and violence. Corruption, and filth. This whole fucking city could burn and I wouldn't give two shits, to be honest.

What I do like, however, is killing. The night ain't right without a little killing. Not like these fucks don't deserve it, afterall.

As a matter of fact, just last night I killed someone. Two people, actually.

I heard a scream down an alleyway, so I went to investigate. I wasn't going to help the dumb bitch, I was going to kill her. It was a rape, anyway.

I silently crept up on both victims, dodging glances by ducking behind dumpsters and discarded piles of trash. Her screams were loud and piercing and the rapist kept telling her to shut the fuck up and that he would kill her if she didn't. He didn't kill her, and wouldn't for obvious reasons.

I got about as close as I could and pulled my knife out. I stole it off of this commando I murdered just last week. It was a large folding knife. The kind made for slitting throats and stabbing weaklings.

"Shut the fuck up!" the rapist yelled once more before slapping the broad, hard. She shut up, thats for sure, sans for small whimpers of pain and discomfort. The rape was going as well as a rape could, for him, I suppose.

I stepped around the large dumpster in one swift and fluid motion, I kicked the back of his knee, sending a shock of pain through his body and forcing him to keel backwards. At the same time I pulled back on his chin and ran my knife from ear to ear. The woman didn't scream. Not until I pushed my knife into her stomach.

Ah, yes.. Tonight will be just as good.

[B]Name:[/B] Silpheed

[B]Age:[/B] 26

[B]Occupation:[/B] Murderer

[B]Appearance: [/B]Stands at a solid 6'1'', with a good 180 lbs build of muscle. Oddly enough, without caring about much he cares about how he looks. His hair teased up and styled with gel, he also wears black business slacks and a button up shirt, with sleeves rolled up to his elbows.

[B]Personality[/B]: A whole lot of hate. Very smart ass and uncaring. His views on the world are very black and white, as well. There is bad and really bad.

[B]Family:[/B] Had family, or still does. Doesn't care, doesn't really know.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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[font= Franklin Gothic Medium]Fantastic job on the Sign-ups everyone. I'm going to push back the start of the RP till after my spring break . We'll start March 30th.

Thanks for your understanding and patience ;)[/font]
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[INDENT][SIZE="1"]I roll the cigarette with the finely-honed skill of a terminal cancer patient and pause only for a moment as I place it between my lips, swearing that if I can get through a day without any kind of shit I'll give them up for good. The lighter's naked flame dances beneath the paper as I take a long, slow drag and savour the flavour as it dances across my tongue. Another bad day in a lousy week in a crappy month in a shitty year of a piss-poor career...and I'm left wondering how I manage to drag myself out of bed every morning to come back to it again, or even just how I can sit here and not even think about eating a bullet.

Maybe I'm just getting too old; the longest serving captain of O-City's infamous 12th Precinct affectionately known among fellow officers as the "Dead Men Walking" for the amount of cops who've been killed while patrolling our precinct. Next year marks my tenth having taken over in the big chair since Captain Quinn was murdered, Quinn had been a decent man, refusing to give up territory to the Mafia to push their whores further into our streets. He'd been sharing a meal with his wife in a small Greek eatery less than two blocks from the station when a single gunman had walked in and just shot him in the head and then left just as calmly. The day I was promoted the Don who'd made the hit invited me for a meal in the same restaurant and told me what an unfortunate thing it had been, but that people had to learn their place in the world...I agreed, so I stuck my fork right up to the handle into his eye and killed the bodyguards before they had a chance to react...I started a war and didn't give a shit because I'm not going to be walked over, I'm not going to let good upstanding people get walked over by dirt.

The decanter makes that strange glug noise as I generously top up my ice-filled tumbler and I salute to the two orphaned badges on my polished desk swearing that tomorrow they'll bury four of their own.


[B]Name:[/B] Gavin Kane

[B]Age:[/B] 52

[B]Occupation:[/B] OCPD 12th Precinct Captain

[B]Appearance:[/B] [IMG]http://extremecatholic.blogspot.com/images/ed-harris.jpg[/IMG]

[B]Personality:[/B] A hard-nosed cop with an even harder fist, generally speaking a calm, collected personality offering concise orders that convey a sense of pride and confidence to those serving under him. Follows the regs as far as possible but will bend or break them if it means getting a suspect.

[B]Family (if applicable):[/B] Biologically none, however Gavin considers any of the officers serving under him in the 12th to be his kids.[/SIZE][/INDENT]
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i do so hope i'm not too late.


"Mmmm.. yeah..." A man groped tighly on Inu's ass, but he didn't respond. He was wearing a school uniform, looking innocent with a lunch box in his hand.

"I'm gonna do things to you no one else ever will" The man was an infamous mafia crime boss, and a pedophile.

This man was Gregory Mannings, and the person who was responsible for the killing of his family. They were accompanied by Manning's guards, but they would be no challenge, once he got down to buisness.

They were in a hotel, going up to the penthouse suite. This was the boss's fave place to do his own buisness.

"You like that? huh?" He groped Inu's ass again, and Inu pressed tightly against him, but made no sounds. They walked into the suite, and Inu looked around. It was impressive, albeit dirty money paid for it. Inu's earring glittered in the light.

"I like the room." The boss smiled, thinking this was one bootycall he would enjoy. Inu stood near the boss, as he sat at a desk, and fondled his body as he dealt with mafia related issues on the phone. Soon he was finished, and ordered his guards to leave the two of them alone. "Why don't you come give me a lap dance..." The man sat on the bed, and Inu obeyed. He unlatched the lunch box, and sat it on the bed, before beginning to undress himself, sexually stimulating the man. He began to undress the man as well, then straddled him. He proceeded to make the man desire him even more, then took him by the tie over to the bed. He pushed back, and the drew the lunch box to him. "Tell me... do I look familiar?"


"Do my lips remind you of someone? Do my eyes? Do I look like someone you killed?" Inu grasped the lunch box, flipping it open, and pulling out a blade. He stabbed the man, over and over again, taking his revenge. "I hope you enjoy hell."

Inu removed a gun from the lunch box now, and left the room, covered in blood. He walked to the door, not caring at all the guards saw him. He looked only to the door, and shot at the men, not even grimancing from the bright flashes.

His job was done. Later, he met his client in an alley, and received a large briefcase full of money. He left, taking care not to be seen as he opened his car door, and got inside.

"Inu? Did you get the job done?" asked his partner. She was a young child, her innocence already sullied. She was much like him, but she was far more pure that he would ever be.

"Yeah. Wanna go out for a bite to eat tonight? I'm thinking mexican."

"Sure! Sounds great!" she said, excited for the meal they were going to have.

Name: Inu-Yasha Fandom

Age: Unknown, appears to be a teenager

Appearence: Weighing in at 134 lbs, he stands at 5'4". He's often seen wearing a school uniform, from Otakusin Academy. His uniform is jet black, with red trim, made in the tradition of Japanese school uniforms. His hair is long, down to the middle of his back, and is a stark white. His eyes are a ruby red, due to his being an albino. He has a single earring, on his right ear, fashioned to look like a cross.

Personality: A sweet guy, but one of the most cut-throat individuals on the street. He's willing offer a helping hand to those who need it, and yet by the same token, to him, any life can be bought for a price. He's merciful, to those whom he kills, their deaths are swift, unless they've pissed him off. Then, hell will be a welcome respite when he's finished with them. He has no problems dressing up like a woman to get what he wants.

Family: None known, but is often seen with a small Asian child during the daylight hours. Witnesses have heard him call her 'Arianna'

Occupation: Assassin, whore, drug runner, he'll do anything for a price.
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[FONT="Centaur"][B]Intro:[/B][I]It had all happened so fast.

One moment, Nathan Hawthorne had been rustling around in his pocket for the keys to his apartment, trying desperately to hug onto his groceries as he wrestled with the door. The next thing he knew, he was on the floor of his apartment, his groceries strewn around him, and a blade held at his throat. A low, grizzly voice came at him from the owner of the sword.

[B]“Well, Nathan? Tell me how they did it. How did they find her?”[/B] Nathan recognized the voice immediately, and became petrified with fear. Afro. One of the toughest arms dealer in town, and a close business associate of his. Afro was the wrong man to anger, to cross, to irritate, even. He opened his mouth to make a sound, but found he couldn’t; he could only open and close his mouth repeatedly, like a fish out of water, and hope that the blade didn’t lose its patience. Another voice from the shadows caught his attention.

[B]“I’d answer him, Nathan. He’s even less interested in your bullshit than usual. Answer him now, and don’t beat around the bushes. Trust me.”[/B] It was Afro’s brother, Omega. Always the cooler and person friendly of the two, it was a surprise that he was helping to orchestrate this interrogation on Nathan. The cold steel of Afro’s blade pushed closer to Nathan’s skin, and the man had to put all of his effort into not flinching, or fainting for that matter. Nathan opened his mouth to speak quickly, while he still had some of his wits about him.

[B]“Do what, Afro? Howdidtheymanagetodowhat?”[/B] Nathan was already out of breath, and could barely calm himself down enough to sputter out his sentence, let alone to add the proper spacing to it. Unfortunately, it only got worse for him. Afro pulled his blade back and sheathed it, then grabbed Nathan by the collar and pressed him against the wall. He put his face right in front of Nathan, and Nathan could easily see the rage filling every crease in his skin. Afro’s words came out in a low, guttural snarl.

[B]“How they found my fucking daughter you asshole. You’re one of the few people in this hell hole who knows exactly which part of town my daughter and I were located”.[/B] Nathan’s eyes filled with fear, and he quickly found his voice again.

[B]“Afro, you know I would never betray you! We been working together for years now. I owe half of my clients to you! Why would I betray you?!”[/B] Afro examined the man thoroughly, his eyes scrutinizing him for any sign of dishonesty. He was both pleased and disheartened to find none. It meant his search was once again fruitless, and it made the next part much more difficult. He dropped Nathan to the ground, and unsheathed his blade.

[B]“I can see in your eyes that you have remained a more than loyal accomplice. I apologize then, for what must happen next. No one can know about my search for my daughter’s murderer. And more importantly, this cannot be allowed to happen again. Whether or not you leaked the information about my whereabouts is inconsequential. It has become clear to me that no one should possess this knowledge. So goodbye my old friend… You must---“[/B], Afro’s sentence was cut short by the quick sound of metal. Nathan stared at disbelief at the scene, and could barely keep conscious, let focus past the sound of his own heartbeat, to hear the younger brother speak as he held his sibling at gunpoint.

[B]“Why? Why kill him? He’s of no real threat to us. Even if someone caught on to what we were doing and came after Nathan, it’s obvious that he would remain loyal to us. Killing him solves nothing—it only temporarily feeds your rage.”[/B] Afro remained silent, his cold gaze fixed upon Nathan. Omega continued with his plea.

[B]“When Jasmine was killed, I was heartbroken. She was my niece, and you know I cared for her dearly. I rallied behind you one hundred percent in catching the bastard and seeing that he was brought to justice. But this… Afro, you’ve killed dozens thus far, people who knew nothing, people who might’ve known something but refused to reveal it, anyone who you came across that didn’t provide you with exactly what you need. Some of them weren’t even criminals! But I stood idly by, and watched as you slaughtered all of those people, and tried to justify it by saying that it was all for Jasmine. Fuck, the unfair responsibility I put on her shoulders by saying that! Jasmine would never have wanted this. I can’t even imagine why Jasmine’s death justifies these killings for you. And before you kill another, I need you to explain yourself… Or else I’m going to end this path of meaningless deaths you’re blazing.”[/B] The room was deathly silent after Omega finished, and remained that way for several minutes; all the while, Afro’s eyes never moved from Nathan’s face, and Omega’s never once wavered away from Afro. Finally Afro, without changing his posture or moving his blade, diverted his stare to Omega and responded.

[B]“Jasmine was my life. Everything I did in life, I did to protect Jasmine and you, and eventually Kelsey once she entered into your life. I knew that if anyone knew where we were, if anyone could even find the approximate location, that all of our lives would be in danger. So I trusted very, very few with this information. When Jasmine died, it could only have been the product of disloyalty—disloyalty in someone that I had trusted my very life with. The fact that any one of the people I killed was even remotely suspect, that any one of them could have possibly done it, means there’s just as much chance that they will do it in the future. Just as much of a chance that one day, I’ll wake up and find you dead… Or you’ll wake up and find Kelsey dead. Could you live with that? Could you live knowing that you allowed there to be even the slightest chance of Kelsey’s death?”[/B] Omega’s arms had fallen helplessly to his sides now, and his head was hung with hopelessness. Without raising his gaze or speaking another word, he leveled his gun, and fired two shots. The body slumped lifelessly to the ground, and crimson blood began to leak onto the floorboards.

[B]“You had me worried there for a second. I thought you might actually kill me.”[/B] Afro sheathed his blade and smiled at his brother. He grabbed Nathan’s motionless body and tossed it against one of the walls, next to some of Nathan’s documents, a canister of gasoline, and a suitcase full of assorted explosives. As he prepared the room for annihilation, Omega began speaking once more, almost as if too himself.

[B]“In Greek mythology, there’s this couple; Jason, of Jason and the Argonauts, and his first wife, Medea. Well, Medea helps Jason with his task to capture the Golden Fleece, and in some versions of the tale does most of his work on her own. Through her antics and defensiveness of her husbands, however, she manages to get them into a great deal of trouble, which results in Jason not receiving the kingship he sought after by retrieving the Fleece”.[/B] Afro stared, confused at his brother. He opened his mouth to question the importance of the tale, but Omega began speaking again.

[B]“Now here, the tale diverges greatly. In one account, Jason’s marriage to Medea ensures them the throne elsewhere, though the details of that account are irrelevant. What’s important is the other account. Here, Jason leaves Medea for the princess of another land, in what is obviously an attempt at a throne elsewhere. Medea, in her rage and having recently birthed his two children, devises a plan for revenge. She kills Jason’s new wife and her father, than slaughters their children in the ultimate show of vengeance.”[/B] Omega grew quiet again, and Afro took this chance to question him.

[B]“…And the point being?”[/B] Omega looked up at Afro, and, seeing that he had finished preparing the room, walked for the door. Afro set the timer for the explosives and followed behind Omega. They walked all the way down the hallway unnoticed and entered the elevator. Omega pressed the button for the first floor, than began speaking again as the elevator doors closed.

[B]“Jasmine's funeral was peculiar, wasn't it? Absolutely no sign of Karen... No sign of her own mother. You sent her notice of it, didn't you?”[/B] A series of explosions could be heard from overhead, but it mattered little to either of them. Afro knew who his next target was.[/I]


[B]Name:[/B] Omega

[B]Age:[/B] 28

[B]Occupation:[/B] Arms Dealer. Though he’d prefer not to dirty his hands with murder, his loyalty to his brother has persuaded him to assist in seeking out the person who has killed his niece, making him somewhat of a hitman as of late.

[B]Appearance:[/B] [URL="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v628/Reizou/AWILDER.jpg"][Omega][/URL] [URL="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v628/Reizou/anime-guy-1.jpg"][Outfit][/URL]
Omega is a bit shorter than his brother, standing at 6’1’’. His build is basically identical, though- lean and toned, though many mistake him for fragile. His eyes are a golden, olive tone, and shine dully through his rectangular square rimmed glasses. His regular attire is shown: A black leather jacket over a white short sleeved button up shirt and black tang-top. His bottom half is covered by dark blue jeans and black converses with white lining. In addition to this, he has a cross piercing in his left earlobe and a green lantern tattoo on his inner right bicep.

[B]Personality:[/B] Omega is much more amiable and agreeable than Afro, and this has helped their business over the year. Though Afro’s straightforward demeanor and no-nonsense attitude meant the customer always received all of the information upfront, it usually also resulted in the customer feeling horridly put off and cautious of Afro. Some may have been criminals, but they preferred to deal with criminals they could trust, or even predict on some level. That’s where Omega shined. He could relate to almost anyone, and always managed to make the customer feel as if he or she could handle at least one of the brothers.

That’s not to say that Omega can’t be every bit as much of an asshole as his brother. He can be just as cold and inhumane, though he finds it more straining and unnatural for him. He often only relies on this persona if he’s performing a job without his brother, or if he’s attempting to intimidate his way into information.

[B]Family (if applicable):[/B] Afro [Brother], Kelsey [Girlfriend][/FONT]
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[quote name='botar15']Wow, i'm glad I got a character down for this. This RP looks like it's going to be amazing! Good thinking Korey.[/QUOTE]

[FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]Heh, thanks. It looks like it is shaping up to be a wonderful RPG.

Inu-Yasha Fandom, I'm not quite sure about your character. It seems like they are a he, but they are having relations with another male? Maybe I'm dyslexic at night. Who knows? @_@[/FONT]
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[size="2"][font="Tahoma"][color="#FFFFFF"][center][font=Tahoma][size=2]<tablewidth="480" border="0" align="center"cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1<td valign="top"background="http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/5044/table002.png"><fontcolor="#FFFFFF" size="2" face="trebuchetms">[center][/size][/font]


[font=Tahoma][size=2] [/size][/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2]When you're [b]alone[/b][/size][/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2]And life is making you[b]lonely[/b],[/size][/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2]You can always go downtown[/size][/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2] [/size][/font]


[font=Tahoma][size=2] [/size][/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2]When you've got worries,[/size][/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2]All the [b]noise[/b] and the[b]hurry[/b][/size][/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2]Seems to help, I know,downtown[/size][/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2] [/size][/font]


[font=Tahoma][size=2] [/size][/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2]Just listen to the[b]music[/b] of the traffic in the city[/size][/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2][b]Linger[/b] on thesidewalk where the [b]neon[/b] signs are pretty[/size][/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2] [/size][/font]


[font=Tahoma][size=2] [/size][/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2]How can you [b]lose[/b]? The[b]lights[/b] are much [b]brighter[/b] there[/size][/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2]You can forget all yourtroubles, forget all your cares and go downtown[/size][/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2] [/size][/font]


[font=Tahoma][size=2] [/size][/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2]Downtown, things'll be[b]great[/b] when you're[/size][/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2]Downtown, no [b]finer[/b]place for sure,[/size][/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2]Downtown, everything'swaiting for you[/size][/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2] [/size][/font]


[font=Tahoma][size=2] [/size][/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2]Don't [b]hang around[/b][/size][/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2]And let your [b]problems[/b]surround you[/size][/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2]There are movie showsdowntown[/size][/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2] [/size][/font]


[font=Tahoma][size=2] [/size][/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2]Maybe you know[/size][/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2]Some [b]little places[/b] togo to[/size][/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2]Where they never[b]close[/b] downtown[/size][/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2] [/size][/font]


[font=Tahoma][size=2] [/size][/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2]Just listen to the rhythm ofa gentle bossanova[/size][/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2]You'll be dancing with 'emtoo before the night is over[/size][/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2][b]HAPPY AGAIN[/b][/size][/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2] [/size][/font]


[font=Tahoma][size=2] [/size][/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2]The lights are much[b]brighter[/b] there[/size][/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2]You can forget all yourtroubles, [/size][/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2]forget all your cares and godowntown[/size][/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2] [/size][/font]


[font=Tahoma][size=2] [/size][/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2]Downtown where all the[b]lights[/b] are [b]bright[/b][/size][/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2]Downtown, waiting for youtonight,[/size][/font]


[font=Tahoma][size=2][b]You're gonna be alrightnow[/b][/size][/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2] [/size][/font]


[font=Tahoma][size=2] [/size][/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2] [/size][/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2] [/size][/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2]And you may find somebody[b]kind[/b] to [b]help[/b] and [b]understand you[/b][/size][/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2]Someone who is [b]just likeyou[/b] and needs a [b]gentle hand[/b] to[/size][/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2]Guide them along[/size][/font]



[font=Tahoma][size=2] [/size][/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2]<tablewidth="480" border="0" align="center"cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1<td valign="top"background=" [/size][/font][color=black][font=Tahoma][size=2]http://img269.imageshack.us/img269/4197/tableweird.png[/size][/font][/color][font=Tahoma][size=2]"><font color="#FFFFFF"size="2" face="trebuchet ms">[center][/size][/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2][font=trebuchet ms]The guywho had been hitting me was losing his touch. It was either the exhaustion orjust plain boredom. I would offer him to whistle a tune, but for some reason Ireckoned he would not appreciate it. [/size][/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2] [/size][/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2]They wanted information. WhoI was, what I did, where I was from, what I was doing out there and of course[b]who[/b] I was doing it [b]for[/b].[/size][/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2] [/size][/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2]The first question were easyto answer genuinely, but naturally guys like the one with the awful sewerbreath which he was projecting heavily into my face made it harder. When I toldthem what they asked for they would beat me until they were sure. It took somebroken ribs before they would consider me hurt enough to sincerely mean myanswers, which remained the same.[/size][/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2] [/size][/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2]By the time I lostconscience, they knew about all I had to spill.[/size][/font]



[font=Tahoma][size=2][b]Name:[/b] [/size][/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2]Dutch, B.[/size][/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2][b]Age:[/b] [/size][/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2]46 years old [/size][/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2][b]Occupation:[/b] [/size][/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2]Freelance (Photo)Journalist[/size][/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2][b]Short description ofsubject:[/b] [/size][/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2]- dark brown hair, steadilysilvering[/size][/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2]- green eyes[/size][/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2]- 6'2" tall[/size][/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2]- 178 lbs[/size][/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2]- several visible birthmarkson face[/size][/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2]- long black worn outleather jacket[/size][/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2]- camera bag with dimgreens, blues and reds[/size][/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2][b]Interrogated subject'sbehaviour:[/b][/size][/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2]The subject did not needmuch convincing to tell us the information we required, most of the time.Sometimes the guy would act like a clown and try to be a wise guy, andconstantly he was whistling or singing songs until we would remind him we didnot appreciate it during our interview. [/size][/font]

http://img269.imageshack.us/img269/4197/tableweird.png[color=black][font=Tahoma][size=2] [/size][/font][/color][font=Tahoma][size=2][/size][/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2] [/size][/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2]Does not seem to feelthreatened much by pain, but that could easily be a façade. Sometimes hiscynical side would come up to taunt us, but that was taken care of smoothlyevery time. [/size][/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2] [/size][/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2][b]Further notes:[/b][/size][/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2]Subject mentioned a brother,Dylan. That's all the information on relatives we got out of him.[/size][/font]


[font=Tahoma][size=2] [/size][/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2]<tablewidth="480" border="0" align="center"cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1"><tdvalign="top" background="http://img6.imageshack.us/img6/4197/tableweird.png"><fontcolor="#FFFFFF" size="2" face="trebuchetms">[center][/size][/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2]I knew that by the time Iwould wake up, the head ache would not be the result of a beautiful romancewith a bottle of whisky the night before.[/size][/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2] [/size][/font]


[font=Tahoma][size=2] [/size][/font]

[font=Tahoma][size=2]I sure hoped there'd be someleft to convince me otherwise, though.[/size][/font]



[/center][/color][/font][/size] Edited by dark_apocalyps
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