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Cooking, hassle or passion?

Akieen Cloud

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[COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Okay, I'm practicing to be a chef, my dream job is to own a little diner or something like that of my own; and I've been told I'm a really good cook and that it won't be a very hard thing for me to do as far as the food goes, its just everything else that goes with it.
But the other thing is, I listen to women, and men who cook every night and alot of people say that they would rather order out than mess with hassle of cooking a meal for the night. I personally can't understand how some one can say something like that, I would rather cook than order out. Now here is my question,
which of you think that cooking a meal, no matter what time of day it is is a hassle and why, and who thinks its an enjoyable pass time, or even a passion like me? [/FONT][/COLOR]
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It's an enjoyable pastime for me. Especially since I'm not that great at it. You might be wondering though, why do I like cooking if I'm not good at it? Well, it's a challenge for me I guess. :animesmil

I just like trying new recipes and if I go wrong with it, I work even harder to get it right. I just feel bad for anyone who tries out one of the recipes that I've cooked up for the first time. xD

But yeah for me, cooking is better than ordering out. (Unless of course I don't have the time or I know what I cook won't be edible.)
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Cooking is very enjoyable for me. I dont know what it is about cooking but it makes me feel better when Im eating the food because if its fabulous, I can say "WOW I made this." In some cases though cooking can be a big hassle, especially if you have picky eaters in your house. You have to make things the way they want it. I also hate it when someone says I make way better cookies from scratch......because it takes like forever and I just wanna say "THEN WHY DID YOU JUST SIT THERE AND WATCH ME WHEN YOU COULD OF DONE THIS!!!!!!"

Sorry got a little carried away with that but for the most part cooking is definitely a passion of mine!!
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I think cooking is sort of fun, but I'm terrible at it. Everything and anything cooking related that I touch is automatically cursed. The food usually comits suicide while I'm in the middle of trying to prepare it via burning or exploding. Even if it's a cold dish.

I remember a couple summers ago my grandmother came to visit. She loves to cook and she did so while staying here. She was using a mixer and I was upstairs in my room. I thought, 'Hey, maybe I'll go and ask if I can help cook!". As soon as I had finished thinking that, I heard a loud "POP!". Turns out that the mixer exploded.:o Now, most people would say that this is mere coincidence. But trust me, with what I've seen food and appliances do, I knew it was a sign. I didn't help cook anything all the rest of the visit.:animedepr
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I wouldn't say it's enjoyable, but as a college student, it's quite a bit cheaper to cook instead of ordering out. Whether it's a hassle or not, just depends on what I decide to make and how long it takes. I try to stick to simple stuff, but it's worth doing a little more on the weekends. The rest of the time, quick and easy, and that includes microwavable stuff, is what I prefer.
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Ahh possibly the easiest question for me to answer ever on here. Cooking is a passion hands down for me. If I have free time during the day I'll spend hours making dinner. Usually I experiment with recipe's that I know by heart, and adjust things to attempt something new, though noteably I usually forget to write as I go and some things get lost forever.

Other times I'll get online and attempt receipes from other countries. In fact I made a nice Boulgogi (think I spelled that right) from Korea, complete with Kem-shi (once again think that's right). Though the Kem-shi was given to me as a favor by a Korean restauranteer's wife who lives nearby me.
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It's ironic I noticed this thread now. I'm literally just about to go bake a cake. :P (Chocolate sponge with mint buttercream.)

I'm going to be totally honest here. I adore cooking. My speciality is cakes, but I love cooking main dishes too. A particular favorite would be Soutzoukakia.

The only trouble I have with it is... When I spend hours cooking, by the time it's all ready and served up, I'm not hungry anymore. x.x
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[quote name='Axel Alloy']It's ironic I noticed this thread now. I'm literally just about to go bake a cake. :P (Chocolate sponge with mint buttercream.)

I'm going to be totally honest here. I adore cooking. My speciality is cakes, but I love cooking main dishes too. A particular favorite would be Soutzoukakia.

The only trouble I have with it is... When I spend hours cooking, by the time it's all ready and served up, I'm not hungry anymore. x.x[/QUOTE]

I know what you mean. I live in a house of 5 and I usually cook lunch and dinner. I start at 5 and when its done by 6:30-7 what I made doesn't appeal to me anymore. I am currently taking a culinary class at my local vo-tech and then I am going to go to college for it and take it to the mission field. I love to cook!!!!!!!!!!!
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[FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]Good topic.

Well at the moment cooking is a hassle for me since I don't really like cooking for others simply because I can't cook. But I'd like to learn how. (My mom keeps nagging me to cook something) I can make the basic meats here and there, but when it comes down to it, I mainly overcook it until the meat is all dried up. I don't mind it, but I don't need people whining about it either. (I didn't ask them to eat it in the first place.)

However, once I get my associates at ITT, I think I might enroll in a cooking school to get a bit more comfortable and whatnot. God knows that while I'm watching these cooking shows, I have no idea what they talk about. 1 tablespoon of whatever looks like a cup when they poor it from a bottle, and I'm like "huh". So, yeah, I should probably make that another goal :).[/FONT]
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[COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]I'm with Dritz in alot of this I think and alot of others who replied as well. I love to cook. I think I've been cooking since I was 13, the funny thing is when I got into cooking I wanted to be a vet and now I want to own my own diner, funny how things turn around on you like that. But yeah, I love to cook, my husband says that when I'm cooking I get this look of pure bliss on my face that he never sees til it's dinner time, or a weekend breakfast when I go all out. lol. I can't help it though. I just love how you can take simple things, like chicken, boil it for an hour or so, add some vegetables, noodles and at the end of a cold day have a steaming pot of home made chicken noodle soup. I dunno I suppose it's also therapeutic for me as well, if my kids are getting on my nerves or if I've had a rough day I love to just go in the kitchen and start to make something to eat, I don't care if it takes hours to make either, at the end of it I'll sit down and enjoy it. I guess you can say I'm one of those people who enjoy food, I love to eat it and I love to create it. I mean look at some restaurants, it's an art form almost. Although the quantity you get for your price bites the big one its still really pretty to look at. But that's why I want to go with a diner, I want to make and serve good food with out breaking your wallet; just seems morally wrong to me that some places do that.
"Come try our food it's fabulous!"
You get there and it costs you $100 for a meal for two, yep, diner is the thing for me, a big burger, with onion rings, potato salad and all the fixens for $5.00. That's the kind of place I want....yeah. Heh, sorry, I just really get my feelings into it when it comes down to talking about food. lol.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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[size=1]I hate cooking because I can't cook. I make an absolute mess and it tastes horrible. I do, however, understand the passion. My girlfriend is a chef (a violent chef might I add...) so it means I don't have to cook normally and that I get to see what the big deal is.

Apparently it's a massive deal lol.[/size]
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[quote name='Knuckles' Girl'][COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Heh, sorry, I just really get my feelings into it when it comes down to talking about food. lol.[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE]

Ah, don't be sorry!:animesmil Everbody has something that they get all passionate about! For me it's Karate!:catgirl: But that's off topic...

Hey, did you know that if you accidentally (or on purpose, I guess) warm shrimp up on high for a minute in a microwave with their tails and whatnot still on they explode? 'Cause I sure didn't until earlier today!:animeswea
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[quote name='chibi-master']
Hey, did you know that if you accidentally (or on purpose, I guess) warm shrimp up on high for a minute in a microwave with their tails and whatnot still on they explode? 'Cause I sure didn't until earlier today!:animeswea[/QUOTE]

[COLOR="Blue"]:o They do? ah, thanks for sharing...i sure was about to do that. :animeswea

Anyways, back on topic here. I actually think it is both, depending on who you're actually cooking for. For example, if someone is cooking for their family (or friends) and this family (or group of friends) is greatful and thanks the chef, then it would be an enjoyable pass time (or maybe even a passion). On the other hand, if someone happens to be cooking for a group of ingrates who are disrespectful then it would probably be a hassle and an unenjoyable experience. I really don't cook often, but when I do, it's really fun (except when I burn the food). So it's a passion for me almost all of the time. It's fun using ordinary foods to make a truly wonderful creation. :animesmil[/COLOR]
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[SIZE="2"][FONT="Garamond"] I love cooking. Often times I find myself contemplating what to make for meals. x3
To me, cooking is something I do to calm down. Sometimes I go on a cooking rampage and bake pies, cookies, muffins, cakes, rolls ect.
Experimenting is loads of fun as well; I always mess around with herbs, since I'm currently taking a class in Herbology I know a bit about them.
Most everyone in my family cooks. Sometimes, while we are cooking together, my sister and I dream about opening up a little restaurant or something like that. [/FONT] [/SIZE]
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I just realized how jealous I am KG; base commisaries always have the best selection of food, and at the best prices (most of the time.)

When I'm in the area I'll run down to Wright Patterson AFB and hit up their commisary.

I was going to start a new thread for this, but I would sort've feel like I'd be better off just posting here....

Favorite dishes to make/recipes to prepare them:

I'm going to go ahead and list one of my top recipes as Beef Bulgogi:

1lb beef (cut into strips)
4 tbs chili paste (don't use if you don't like a little spice)
4 tbs olive oil
2 tbs sugar
3 tbs seasame seed oil
2 tbs seasame seeds
1 small yellow onion (or 1/2 a typical large one really depends on how well you like onions)

Marinate the beef/onions in the mixture for about an hour (no more then 1 1/2 hours or the marinade is all you taste)

Save the marinade while you're cooking the beef.

Grill the meat/onions for about 15 minutes. When you're just about done pour a nice helping of the marinade onto the meat.

Grilling is the typical way to do it, I've found that pan frying is great. It gives you a different texture to your meat. After you marinate dump everything into a pan and heat on medium/low. Let it slowly heat up to a boil and then turn the heat up to simmer. Don't burn up all the sauce, keep a little for flavor.

I've been told heating it on high straight to a boil and then simmer is just as good, but I wouldn't reccomend it.

Whatever way you do it, serve over white rice (I'm sure you can read the directions on the box.). Though if you can find asian style white rice it works out MUCH better.

[B]Edit:[/B] If anybody tries this recipe, let me know how you liked it. Either on here or pm, doesn't matter.
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[quote name='Drizzt Do'urden']I just realized how jealous I am KG; base commisaries always have the best selection of food, and at the best prices (most of the time.)

When I'm in the area I'll run down to Wright Patterson AFB and hit up their commisary.

I was going to start a new thread for this, but I would sort've feel like I'd be better off just posting here....

Favorite dishes to make/recipes to prepare them:

I'm going to go ahead and list one of my top recipes as Beef Bulgogi:

1lb beef (cut into strips)
4 tbs chili paste (don't use if you don't like a little spice)
4 tbs olive oil
2 tbs sugar
3 tbs seasame seed oil
2 tbs seasame seeds
1 small yellow onion (or 1/2 a typical large one really depends on how well you like onions)

Marinate the beef/onions in the mixture for about an hour (no more then 1 1/2 hours or the marinade is all you taste)

Save the marinade while you're cooking the beef.

Grill the meat/onions for about 15 minutes. When you're just about done pour a nice helping of the marinade onto the meat.

Grilling is the typical way to do it, I've found that pan frying is great. It gives you a different texture to your meat. After you marinate dump everything into a pan and heat on medium/low. Let it slowly heat up to a boil and then turn the heat up to simmer. Don't burn up all the sauce, keep a little for flavor.

I've been told heating it on high straight to a boil and then simmer is just as good, but I wouldn't reccomend it.

Whatever way you do it, serve over white rice (I'm sure you can read the directions on the box.). Though if you can find asian style white rice it works out MUCH better.

[B]Edit:[/B] If anybody tries this recipe, let me know how you liked it. Either on here or pm, doesn't matter.[/quote]

You know what, I think I may have to try that now. I've never cooked that before. I'll give it a shot next week when I go shopping again.

(I never thought about posting recipes. Maybe I should make a world or a section on my site dedicated to them. :P )

PS: My cake turned out ok. I'm glad to see I haven't lost the knack. It didn't half come keen though. *Arms spark*
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[COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Hmmm, what's my favorite thing to cook....I'm not sure, everything really, but I have to say the one thing I can make over and over is stuffed bell peppers.

4 or 5 good sized green bell peppers
1lb ground beef
1 small onion
1 1/2 cup ricce
2 cloves of garlic
1 can diced tomatos
I large can of tomato juice or V8

brown the beef in a frying pan adding the onion and garlic and diced tomatos, while that's going you hollow out the bell peppers and take out the seeds.
add the rice and enough water to cook the rice to the ground beef mixture.
when the rice is almost done you put your bell peppers in a baking dish and stuff them with the beef mix putting the extra around them like a bedding.
Cover them with the tomato juice or V8 which ever you prefer and bake for about 45 minutes at 350 degrees or until the flesh of the peppers are nice and tender. Take them out and let them cool for a few minuted, serve with your favorite side and enjoy stuffed peppers.

Family recipe, and I love it! If anyone tries it and enjoys it, like dritz, lemme know.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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I tried that recipe for peppers KG, I'd only ever made them with Sausage...not sure why I never thought to try ground beef

Turned out awesome, I'm going to attempt something with them though and try some sort've breading on the inside...not sure whether to try stuffing (like stovetop, but idk about that) or something a little different. But something good other then rice (just for something different).
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Cooking is time-consuming, irritating, hot, tedious, tooth-grinding work.

I cook/work in food service all day, I have no intention of cooking when I get home. I'm also no good at cooking.

The only time I might cook is early in the morning. My brother goes to sleep around 6 in the morning, and I wake up at 5, so the time in between 5 and 6 is our brother-sister bonding time, in which we often make pancakes or cold cereal and play Mario Kart until I have to be at work at 6. I don't enjoy the food preparation part, but I love hanging with my brother, so it's okay.

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[SIZE="1"]I enjoy cooking from time to time, although generally speaking they're pretty simple dishes that involve steaming some veg, grilling some meat and then throwing some kind of sauce from a jar on top of it accompanied by potatoes, rice of pasta depending on my mood.

I can certainly understand though how a person could quickly lose all love for cooking if they were doing it everyday, if not several times a day for others. It's already annoying enough to do it and just have people toss the dishes back at you and expect you do to the washing up as well.[/SIZE]
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