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The Padded Room Party: Random Thoughts


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[quote name='Gavin'][SIZE="1"]Stubbing a toe far more painful one would logically assume it to be.[/SIZE][/QUOTE]

[SIZE="1"][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Man. I stubbed my toe yesterday & almost died... but not quite.

My feet are still hurting by the way. I bought these new heels that I really love & that I wore last night because they're the only shoes I had last night that weren't flip flops.

But yeah, my feet hurt.

I can't wait til 10:00. That's naptime.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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[quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Calibri]Fix'd[/FONT][/QUOTE]

[SIZE="1"]Dear God how tired was I when I wrote that...

But yes, the point stands: stubbing one's toe is ridiculously painful compared to other injuries.[/SIZE]
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[COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]I know that feeling Chibi, but its cause I've been so stressed latly that I've been smoking more than I should be, lets just say that my 'little brothers' wife is kinda psycho, but we won't get into that. He's not really my little brother, but he's my best friend who is like a little brother to me and his wife HATES my GUTS! She thinks I'm trying to take he place which is WACKED! But Oh well. *shrug* so much for a friendly visit ne? [/FONT][/COLOR]
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[FONT="Trebuchet MS"][quote name='Gavin][SIZE="1"']But yes, the point stands: stubbing one's toe is ridiculously painful compared to other injuries.[/SIZE][/quote]Try accidentally ripping the entire nail off when you slip and slam your toe into some metal shelves. Gives a whole new meaning to the word pain when it comes to one's toes. It's been a long time since I did it, but I still remember how much that hurt. o_O[/FONT]
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Whatever is causing my symptoms is giving me dreams of the same theme. I keep traveling through time.

First one: I met the guys that planned and executed the Columbine Massacres before they actually did. I tried to tell them not to do it. They seemed creeped out that some random girl was screeching at them...

Second one: I went back to the year 2001. I tried to tell my parents about 9/11. They didn't know who I was (I was 6 at that time, but showed up as I am now.) and thought I was crazy. I tried to tell anyone I could, but no one believed me.

Third one: I went to the future. I was in a white room that I couldn't judge the size of. There was a person in a hospital gown. She looked familiar and had a medium-sized, angry-looking scar over her right eye. I don't know anyone with a scar, though, so I didn't know why I found the person familiar. It was me. Older me said, "Stop hopping through time. It's very stressful and you'll hurt yourself, therefore hurting me, you moron." Apparently, older me was not happy. I ignored this and asked,
"What the hell'd you do to my eye?!" She glared at me. My glare is sort of unnerving when I'm the one receiving it. Older me sorta snarled at me and said,
"It's technically [I]our[/I] eye. And let's just say someone you love dearly is running around with a pristine face right now."

I woke up soaked in sweat and veeery thirsty. It still feels like someone's sitting on me, only the fat guy is eating junk food on top of me and gaining weight in record time. My mom thinks it could mean I'm going to have an asthma attack at some point soon. But there's not much I can do about that, I guess...
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[size=1]I keep dreaming about an area evacuation. We all get kicked out of our houses and shoved into these little shelters, and no one will tell us why, so me and some friends sneak back in to see why and there's all sorts of weird stuff going on. It's disorienting.[/size]
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[FONT="Microsoft Sans Serif"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="#862A51"]I seem to keep having recurring dreams in terms of location. One of them in particular likes to keep happening at this one mall that, up until I was just thinking about it, I didn't know if it was based off a real life mall or not. And nothing ever really happens in the dream, either...just that it's there. It's weird.

...I also have one every once in awhile with a currently unidentified male. I don't know who he is or if he's even someone real, as I never see his face, and his voice is always a whisper. The first couple times, I don't really remember what happened...but last time I dreamt about him, he told me he loved me.

So...I dunno.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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[quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Calibri]My roommate just turned off the light.


Him: "Eh, I don't think it's goin' anywhere."


[SIZE="1"]It's a trick, he turned it off to steal your food.[/SIZE]
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[size=1][color=navy]I got my laughter in for the day.. Seeing people actually mess up in games and having them do commentary with it can be really fun, especially if you like seeing people screw up.


How do you even get that part of the game? I recall hearing about it once before, but I don't remember.

Warning.. If you watch it you're going to hear a lot of swearing.

I can't make it to 10 minutes without cracking up so hard. (I've yet to even reach 7 minutes without stopping the video.)[/color][/size]
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[FONT=Calibri]I had a great morning. Forgot to buy milk yesterday so I ate breakfast in the caf (yay pancakes), dozed through DiffEq because I taught myself all that stuff last night without realising it was today's lecture, then two classes later 76-Trombones'd my Mechanics professor to the amusement of half the class.


Also, [COLOR="DarkRed"]Magus[/COLOR], half the fun of that video is the guy's voice itself.

"**** you, Blooper!"

("How the **** do you—what?!! What are you doing there?")[/FONT]
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[quote name='Magus'][size=1][color=navy]How do you even get that part of the game? I recall hearing about it once before, but I don't remember.

[color=deeppink]It's a custom level. It's not actually in the game, though I sure felt like that guy when I played the original Super Mario Brothers 2. D :[/color]
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[FONT="Trebuchet MS"][quote name='Boo][size=4][b][font=comic sans ms]It's better when they're cold.[/font][/b'][/size][/quote]It's always better when they're cold. =P

Anyway, I think I'm coming down with a cold. Talk about terrible timing. It's fall break and I'd rather not spend my week off being sick. XP[/FONT]
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Did you just abbreviate an abbreviation?[/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE]
[FONT=Calibri]Not to my knowledge. Unless you know of a café that serves pancakes and eggs and biscuits and has cold cereal dispensers and what, I'm pretty sure what I said was short for cafeteria.

I'm actually not sure what else you might mean....[/FONT]
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[quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Calibri]Not to my knowledge. Unless you know of a café that serves pancakes and eggs and biscuits and has cold cereal dispensers and what, I'm pretty sure what I said was short for cafeteria.

I'm actually not sure what else you might mean....[/FONT][/QUOTE]


Go about your merry way then ^-^[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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