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Who here has a Tamagotchi?


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[SIZE="1"]I used to have a Gigapet Nano. I was twelve or thirteen at the time. I had it in my jeans and forgot about it, so it went through the wash and that was it. They were just getting popular, and I played with it all the time.

I still have it somewhere, but its been dead for ten years, lol.

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[quote name='SaiyanPrincessX'][SIZE="1"]I used to have a Gigapet Nano. I was twelve or thirteen at the time. I had it in my jeans and forgot about it, so it went through the wash and that was it. They were just getting popular, and I played with it all the time.

I still have it somewhere, but its been dead for ten years, lol.


wow tht sux lol what is a giga pet?
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[quote name='SaiyanPrincessX'][SIZE="1"]Exactly the same as a Tamagotchi I believe. You have a little animal and you take care of it like a real pet. You feed it, play with it, clean up the poo, all that exciting stuff.[/SIZE][/QUOTE]

oh, i tink i remember having one of those when i was little... it was big and shaped like a dinosour egg though
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[size=1]I remember having one or so as a kid, but I was pretty into the Digimon ones, which is where Digimon got its start before the actual anime started. You could battle your Digimon by pushing your little toys together and naturally Digi-volve them. That was my golden 5th grade year.

I'm sure I still have it...

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[quote name='xxxscenekidxxx']i have one ^^ its the music one lol when i first got it i took really good care of it but after a couple of weeks it started to get boring... i still carry it aroun though n play with it n stuff...[/QUOTE][size=1]You still play with your tamagotchi? How is that even possible? Did you name it Methuselah?[/size]
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[quote name='xxxscenekidxxx']they just came out with a new version... why would i name it methuselah?[/QUOTE][size=1]I haven't heard a word about tamagotchis since 1997. I inferred that your tamagotchi was over ten years old, and that you were a sad, creepy little person who has carefully fed their tiny pixellated pet every day for over a decade.

Actually, I kind of hoped that was the case, because it would make for a really good story.[/size]
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[quote name='Sara'][size=1]I haven't heard a word about tamagotchis since 1997. I inferred that your tamagotchi was over ten years old, and that you were a sad, creepy little person who has carefully fed their tiny pixellated pet every day for over a decade.

Actually, I kind of hoped that was the case, because it would make for a really good story.[/size][/QUOTE]

lol no i think theres been at least 4 new versions sence 1997... hmmm... that would make a good story tho... :p
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[quote name='Drizzt Do'urden']hmmm the tamagachi's of old were like the kids of old. Feed them, play with them, and clean up after them and they were fine...since kids these day's are more active do you need to by your tamagachi a cell phone to network with other tamagachi's?

Or do they do their networking via facebook?[/QUOTE]

lol my tamagatchi just ran out of bateries... oh well :animesigh it was fun while it lasted :animesmil
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[quote name='Drizzt Do'urden']hmmm the tamagachi's of old were like the kids of old. Feed them, play with them, and clean up after them and they were fine...since kids these day's are more active do you need to by your tamagachi a cell phone to network with other tamagachi's?

Or do they do their networking via facebook?[/QUOTE][color=#CC3333][font=georgia][size=2]Ahaha..sad thing is this is probably so true. I use to have nanopets, gigapets, tamagotchi, and the little baby one. I was like obsessed when i was like in the 5th grade with those things. I even jonied nanopets.com and took care of online pets. (ya, cause i was a retard like that).

I think I won one nanopet thing online too. I didn't know they still made those, that was like a 90's kids thing, like the beanie baby things. Yes you know you had one, so don't even lie. But ya, I remember every girl had like the baby or the kitty ones and all the boys had to have the "Dinopet" one where it was a dinosaur. I think I had them all, cause I was special and spoiled like that. [/color][/font][/size]
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I used to own a myriad of random virtual pets. My very first I got back in 1996 and it was a 'Cool Dino'. ( Which you can't get anymore, it seems. ) My second was a dog watch-style virtual pet. Then I had a bunch of other ones too.

But, as for an actual Tamagotchi, yes. I have one to this day. It's blue and yellow and I bought it years ago from a local value store for £1. xD I'm thinking of bringing it back to life and making a skin for it... (Yes, I make Tamagotchi skins in my online store. :P )
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