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X-Men Origins: Wolverine


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[SIZE="1"]Somewhat surprised there's been no thread on this but oh well.

So I decided to go see the new Wolverine prequel at the weekend with my brother, didn't exactly have high expectations walking in what with knowing 90% of the plot from the outset through the sequels but I figured it might have some nifty CGI, a couple of decent fights and maybe some well written dialogue.

Sadly coming out of the cinema just over an hour and a half later I was left with the distinct impression this had been a waste of money. Don't get me wrong the beginning of the movie has all the makings of a successful film but a lousy ending comes crashing down so fast you're left so simply gape and internally scream WTF?!!! to the point of aneurism. I'm not going to post spoilers simply because there's not that much to spoil in the movie and what there is to spoil just isn't worth spoiling.

While not quite as bad as Dragonball Evolution I just hope they don't screw up the Magneto Origins movie this badly.[/SIZE]
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I agree completely. The beginning of the movie (say, the first thirty or so minutes) is awesome. From the way they showed it, I'd watch an entire series of films depicting Wolverine through the several American wars (especially WWI, where he and Victor ripped apart trenches). And when they first introduced the team, that was cool too. Agent Zero and Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds, you sly fox) shined, and I actually liked Blob before he became a severely obese moron.

And then the minute Logan decided to bale on them, the movie started going down hill. I almost vomited in my mouth with they did the "helicopter blows up, Wolverine walks away in slow motion. Zoom in on smug "I'm a badass" face shot while flames ploom up behind him". Seriously. And on top of that, there were a few instances where even the CGI kind of bothered me.

I liked Gambit, and he was basically the only reason I sat through the rest of the movie, but they BARELY USED HIM! But my only gripe is that I wish they would've played up his being cajun a little more. But he did have a great opening line.

"Are you Remy LeBou?"

"I dunno... do I owe you money?"

Anyways. It wassn't TERRIBLE but it wasn't great, and not really good. I guess mediocre is what we're looking at here. Hopefully the sequels they set up for the movie (with the surviving characters who aren't Wolverine or X-Men) will be a little better. But I don't see that hapening. So... yeah.[/color][/size]
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I too was disappointed with the ending and thought the beginning was great. Like Zen said before about the helicopter part, I hated that scene and could barely watch it. I mostly went to see Origins cause finally Gambit was used as a character but left feeling shocked they did use him as much as I thought they would. I find him to be one of the most interesting characters in X-Men and yet they really just made him look like some annoying guy Logan met with no real use. Gambit was going to be used back in X-men 3 but because of Origins they didn't. I really think they should have just had him both movies. :animesigh
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I haven't seen it yet, but just to comment on the "I'm a badass" comment. That's how wolverine was in the original comics, I know they don't reallly depict him that way in ANY of the movies, and I'm sure this is no different, but I'm going to go check it out tonight or tomorrow I'm not for sure which one.
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[COLOR="Blue"]Sometimes I feel like I'm the only person who likes this movie.
It was better than "X3", I'll tell you that.
I saw some inspiration from the comic, even though a few liberties where taken. The big one that got was: "Isn't Sabertooth blonde?" And yet, he's not in this movie.
Besides that, it was an enjoyable movie.[/COLOR]
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  • 3 weeks later...
I finally had the opportunity to take this movie in and I must say I wasn't dissapointed. With all the dissapiontment I heard from friends I thought for sure this was going to be a half-assed attempt to ressurect Wolverine's good name.

After the first few minutes though I quickly realized that this wasn't the case, in order to shy away from needing spoilers and reveiling anything I can tell you that, though he's still pg-13 wolverine, they're dangerously close to bringing back the REAL wolverine.

Though as Dragon said there are a few liberties and character traits left out. I still found it to be an excellent watch...
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[color=deeppink]Fun fact: people taking liberties with Wolverine is how Wolverine became Wolverine. That's how most long-term comics work.

I enjoyed it. They did a superb job presenting the Weapon program without making it too complex, and nearly every character was portrayed wonderfully. Blob was the highlight.

It wasn't as good as the first X-men, but I wouldn't call it bad by any means.[/color]
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