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Anyone here from 2001-ish?


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I just popped on here because my life finally decided to give me a little breathing space instead of kicking my ass.  I popped on here to see if I could reach out to a few people who were important to me as individuals.  There's a few who seemed to have never returned here, and I have no way of contacting them. :-(

Besides that, life's been an unpredictable rollercoaster.  Still avid in video games and anime, though.  I doubt that'll change anytime soon.  Although, I might be getting a dog soon, so there's that.

Anyways, it's good to see some old faces.  Kind of weird to see James apologize for being a dick (as in I never thought he was ever a dick).  Curious what transpired there haha.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 5 months later...

Oh man, this thread is such a trip. I used to be on here as Hyper/HyperShadow but couldn't figure out how to get back into that account, so I made this new one, haha. Every few years I'm reminded of this place and stumble down a nostalgia rabbit hole looking at old posts and sites, and though I've read this particular thread before, I don't know why I never posted until now. I think reading about the end of AIM made me remember how much I spent time on there talking to people from this website -- especially you, KittyLynn! I put my email in the "About me" section on this profile should you ever happen to come back here and see this message. Would love to reconnect again, even if it's just to trade emails about old times and what we remember. There's something special about how much this place was my life back in the day.

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  • 1 year later...

This thread has indeed been quite a trip. I was here back in the day as an immature youth in the early 2000's or so; getting banned a few times for being an idiot. I am hoping that 15+ years is enough to wipe that slate clean! If not..well then the trip down memory lane will be pretty brief! Pretty sure I was here as my current name, or something similar along these lines. I remember quite a few of the old members. James for sure! Pretty sure I crossed paths with quite a few of the people posting in this very thread as well. Good times. I spent quite a bit of time on these forums with a good friend of mine back in my high school days, not sure what his forum name was but there was something to do with Master Debater in his signature. that might have been it.

I tried signing up for this months ago but for some reason something or the other would never work, could never get past the bot thing? Not sure if any others had that issue but after a winter storm up here and having to use some personal time at work I had the itch to try again, and it worked! Good times. Good see the place still up and running to some degree..and just in case 15 years isn't enough to wipe a slate clean, the path down memory lane here was awesome everyone!

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  On 1/24/2019 at 1:37 AM, SSJGOTEN said:

This thread has indeed been quite a trip. I was here back in the day as an immature youth in the early 2000's or so; getting banned a few times for being an idiot. I am hoping that 15+ years is enough to wipe that slate clean! If not..well then the trip down memory lane will be pretty brief! Pretty sure I was here as my current name, or something similar along these lines. I remember quite a few of the old members. James for sure! Pretty sure I crossed paths with quite a few of the people posting in this very thread as well. Good times. I spent quite a bit of time on these forums with a good friend of mine back in my high school days, not sure what his forum name was but there was something to do with Master Debater in his signature. that might have been it.


I'm pretty sure I remember you if your name had some numbers trailing after it. Either way, I know we had to have crossed paths a few times in the DBZ forums given your name.

  On 1/24/2019 at 1:37 AM, SSJGOTEN said:

I tried signing up for this months ago but for some reason something or the other would never work, could never get past the bot thing? 


Obviously... you're a bot. :wink:

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 1/28/2019 at 8:28 PM, Yukazi said:

I'm pretty sure I remember you if your name had some numbers trailing after it. Either way, I know we had to have crossed paths a few times in the DBZ forums given your name.

Obviously... you're a bot. :wink:


Ahah . Yeah I was heavy into DBZ at the time. There definitely might have been some numbers after my name for sure; like Roman numerals or something not quite sure.

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  • 8 months later...

I haven't posted here in quite a while, and I know no one else really has, either.  But I got hit with a super hard wave of nostalgia today, and since this is the closest thread to the topic I could find, it shall do.

When I first showed up here, I was kind of a lurker.  It was the Anthology and the Theater that drew me out, and in particular I remember the Event Coordinator competition, where White and Sandy hosted competing events, swapped control of the events halfway through, and the community voted on who was the better dude.

I was a part of White's game, Mafia.  I don't remember whether the mafia or the citizens ended up winning; the most I remember about the event now is that, as part of its course, I ended up striking up a pretty long-running dialogue with a member by the name of Tekkaman, who had a habit of posting in grey text and highlighting user's names in a dark violet color—which, actually, is precisely where I picked up my own habit of black text with crimson names.

And, long story short, I was browsing around on a P2P musician garage sale site when I ran across this bass, and he was the first person I thought of.


I honestly spent twenty minutes considering buying this bass just for the memories of that color scheme alone.  And I don't even like painted bodies.  Both of mine are natural stain.  Just ... whew.  You know?

Edited by Allamorph
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  • 2 months later...
  On 1/7/2020 at 10:02 PM, Petie said:

It is sad that things are pretty dead here but if it's any consolation, the site itself isn't going anywhere. At the very least, it will remain available as an archive. 


Good to know that the site ain't going down. We do drop by every once in a while, right?

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  • 4 months later...
  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

For some reason, I decided to login for the first time in seven years.  It only took me two days to remember my password.  

I've been a member of this site for eighteen years, and this is the first time I've ever been on here as the sole active user.  

It's a sad, wild trip. 


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  • 4 months later...
  • 1 month later...

It's been around sixteen years or so since I joined. So much has changed - both here and in my life. I enlisted in the military, went around the world, lost friends and family, forged new bonds, and I never would have imagined how much I've seen and learned these long years.

I sincerely hope everyone has been doing well, and Desbreko, wherever you are, I hope you're having an awesome time.

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