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Majestic scenery.


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One of my favorite things about life in general is how beautiful the sky can get. I have so many pictures of clouds, some reflecting a sunset, some ominously dark with rain. I make frequent use of the phrase "******* picturesque as ****."


My cell phone camera takes pretty decent quality photos, but it unfortunately couldn't capture exactly how beautiful this was. And it disappeared so quickly, too; I took the picture and went inside a store for about ten minutes, and when I came back out the gold had faded to pale pink.


One good thing about having a late afternoon class in late summer was that I was always treated to some fantastic clouds on the way home. I have quite a few pictures of hot pink clouds like this.


I took a picture of this because it was so cute. Cotton ball clouds covered every inch of sky here, no matter where I went. I think a front was about to come through.


Rainbows are my absolute favorite thing ever. Even knowing the science behind them doesn't make them any less magical. This particular rainbow came after a terrifying experience driving on the interstate in torrential rains with a giant couch hanging out of the back of my truck, so it was pretty much the proverbial rainbow. I was lucky enough to get stuck at a red light long enough to take a picture.


This one is from when I had a crappy standard cell phone camera, but I'm posting it because it was the very first double rainbow I ever saw, and it showed up right when I was really desperate to see one in real life (you can kind of make out the secondary band and the dark middle). That was such a good day, and the rainbow was just the cherry on top.

I have more but I'll refrain from flooding the thread unless other people participate. So yeah, share some pictures of your favorite scenery. It doesn't have to be sky, just anything you've seen that you think is beautiful or interesting. Edited by James
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[quote name='chibi-master' date='02 July 2010 - 03:06 AM' timestamp='1278054402' post='696322']
Here's a pic I just submitted to DA... I took it a couple months ago in NYC.[/quote]
That's awesome. I'm guessing that's the Empire State Building? I've never been to New York. Sigh.

[quote name='Lady Shy' date='02 July 2010 - 09:23 AM' timestamp='1278077010' post='696343']
Beans with breakfast is a very strange concept to me. There's way too much protein on your plate!


This is a water tower near my house that was built way back in 1927. The picture is blurry because the vehicle was moving when it was taken, unfortunately (except I was driving and not photographing). It's kind of scary during the day because it's just this huge fairy-tale looking castle turret kind of thing that could totally house Rapunzel. There's even a pirate ghost who hangs around, apparently. But at night it's totally illuminated and really pretty. [url="http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1060/1008170025_9fcba1532b.jpg"]Here[/url] is a much better picture of it, just not one that I took. Edited by Tonks
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Took this during the one snowfall we had this past year. I really like it. It is just some college girls going to class.


This was for a photo assignment. I had to promote a product so what better than to take pictures of Converse. My coworker let me borrow them and hooooooo boy they were smelly >_<


This is the lead singer from the band called Pillar that I took last summer at Creationfest '08. I was in the mosh pit all weekend and I was pretty lucky to get that shot. I apologize for the DA watermark.

This thread may give me motivation to pick up my Nikon D60 again. Edited by Japan
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Oooh, majestic scenery, eh? Well, the pictures I'll be sharing this time are all from my trip to Japan last fall. And just a fraction of the two thousand or so I took during that time, too. I'm not even getting into some of the photos I've taken recently either, at least not yet.
Anyway, here we go!

Bottom of Tokyo Tower. I think there's something strangely awesome about this point of view.

This is one of the first photos I took on my trip, and it's also one of my favorites. Just, gosh, so beautiful. Taken from the special viewing deck at Tokyo Tower; it had been crappy weather aaaaall day, but then at that moment the clouds decided to part a bit and gosh, so lovely~

Some pampas grass and stuff. I might've screwed up on the editing a bit, but it's still gorgeous.

Taken on the Shinkansen, so it's not the best quality. But yeah, that's Mt. Fuji right there. Awesome awesome stuff.

Kyoto Tower was pretty cool too. I went up there right as the sun was setting, and I got this nice little shot.

This here's Ginkakuji in Kyoto. Super super cool when I got to look out at this viewing point. Just... gosh, you can practically see all of Kyoto. It's awesome.

A nice view of part of Kiyomizudera. *is running out of things to say* :V

And finally....

Gosh, I. LOVE. THIS. SHOT. Best part about going to Yokohama that day, definitely. The sunset was so so so so SO gorgeous, I don't think I'll ever see something like that again. Just... wow.
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[quote name='Miss Anonymous' date='04 July 2010 - 12:52 AM' timestamp='1278219121' post='696489'][IMG]http://i582.photobucket.com/albums/ss270/Iuliathe3rd/tower_1.jpg[/IMG]
This is one of the first photos I took on my trip, and it's also one of my favorites. Just, gosh, so beautiful. Taken from the special viewing deck at Tokyo Tower; it had been crappy weather aaaaall day, but then at that moment the clouds decided to part a bit and gosh, so lovely~[/quote]

I LOVE when you can see individual rays of sunlight coming through the clouds like that. That's like the definition of majestic.
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