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Star Wars: A Universe In flames Index

Darth Vectis

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[size="2"]First off, I would like to say I am as excited as you guys are about this. This thread will purely be an index of all the characters you can reference for your posts or include. I will be building this into sections as I can, putting the deceased, the living and the a NPCS that people feel they do not want messed with due to their own plans. The Deceased and the Untouchable NPCS can only be referenced in peoples posts, the others are free game to be used as you will. We are also allowing people to create their own characters and add them to this list, either post in this thread who you want added or shot me a pm and I will update this list. This will be a constantly adjusted list, so look at it closely. For now, I have mainly the Jedi/Republic side of this conflict. I have a few Sith and I'm building it daily. But, without further adue, I give you the Index of our Star Wars!

Republic Index:

[size="3"][u][b](Republic: Deceased )[/b][/u][/size]

[b]Master Oâ??laan Dek Taar:[/b] [u]Jedi Grand Master[/u]
Neti Male, 8226 years old when he was assassinated. Master Dek Taar was an advocate of keeping the balance without intervention.

[b]Rook Vaneer:[/b] [u]Jedi Master[/u]
Echani Male, he was an advocate of keeping the balance by taking action.
Selona Meri:[/b] [u]Jedi Master[/u]
Chev Female, she was an advocate of keeping the balance by taking action.

[b]Vossler Kellborn:[/b] [u]Jedi Master[/u]
Human Male, He was the second highest ranking member, and he was an advocate of keeping the balance without intervention.

[b]Talemâ??ileraka (Talemi Leraka):[/b] [u]Jedi Master[/u]
Twi'lek Female, she was an advocate of keeping the balance without intervention.

[b]Chula Nadao:[/b] [u]Jedi Master[/u]
Nautolan Male, he was an advocate of keeping the balance without intervention.

[b]Laura Fal Jadori:[/b][u]Jedi Master[/u]
Human Female, she was an advocate of keeping the balance without intervention.

[b]Asyr Hu'lya:[/b] [u]Jedi Master[/u]
Bonthan Female, she was an advocate of keeping the balance without intervention.

[b]Fsx'et Osos: [/b][u]Jedi Master[/u]
Verpine Male, he was an advocate of keeping the balance without intervention.

[b]Pwoe Saquesh:[/b] [u]Jedi Master [/u]
Quarron Male, he was an advocate of keeping the balance without intervention.

[b]Saarai Wyyrlok:[/b] [u]Jedi Master[/u]
Chagrian Female, she was an advocate of keeping the balance without intervention.

[b]Mas Wyyrlok: [/b][u]Jedi Master[/u]
Chagrian Male, he was an advocate of keeping the balance without intervention.

[b]Mitts'tae'nuruodo (Staen):[/b] [u]Jedi Master[/u]
Chiss Male, he was an advocate of keeping the balance by taking action.

[size="3"][u][b](Republic: Living )[/b][/u][/size]

Corrun Durron: Jedi Knight
Human Male, (former apprentice of Corrun Dorrun) he is an advocate of keeping the balance without intervention.

Xillian Sizhran: Jedi Knight
Falleen Male, he is an advocate of keeping the balance by taking action.

Mord Wyyrlok: Jedi Knight
Chagrian Male, he is an advocate of keeping the balance by taking action.

Mikkat'hae'nuruodo (Thaen): Jedi Knight
Chiss Male, he is an advocate of keeping the balance by taking action.

Selona Dorah: Jedi Knight
Human Female, she is an advocate of keeping the balance without intervention.

Kend'ittakassa (Kendit Takassa): Jedi Apprentice
Twi'lek Male, (apprentice of Corrun Dorrun) he is an advocate of keeping the balance without intervention.

[color="#0000FF"]Kendra Ccalla[/color]:Jedi Knight
Wroonian female, killed on kashyyyk in the early battle, she is an advocate of keeping the balance by taking action.

General/Admiral/Commander names

* Reeech
* Danyar Meez
* Ben Astar
* Kyp Astar
* Djuj Bellis
* J'im Bo
* Tighe Bodalla
* Tighe Gorshun
* Nik Bruuar
* Jori Carver
* Nom Carver
* Allyn Dollan
* Fiaid Dollan
* Rayce Farelle
* Thrak Farelle
* Toma Farelle
* Allyn Fera
* Devon Goldam
* Devon Kishanti
* Thrak Gorshun
* Giz Gunnar
* Aran Gunnar
* Jens Hantonar
* Scur Jal'daan
* Pol K'Ardi
* Owen Keez
* Doran Krotan
* Lot Krotan
* Aran Nomante
* Evan Nordan
* [color="#0000FF"]Dax Olesa[/color]: Grand General of Kashyyyk forces.
he is overconfident, stubborn and under-qualified.
* Fin Olesa
* Lan Olesa
* Ulen Orsalan
* Jordan P'Der
* Han Porinom
* Ben Pulastra
* Nom Pulastra
* Tan Pulastra
* Jacen Qe-kora
* Maik Rosaar
* Jayce Sulvara
* Uster Trasidar
* Eeyan the Tutt
* Ash Ulrand
* Ben Ulrand
* Fin Ulrand
* Kam Zanabi

Sith Empire Index:


[b][u]Darth Mosruq:[/u][/b] [u](Sith Master)[/u]
Male, exact age unknown, the race of Mosruq is known exclusively to his two top generals and his three sith lords.

[u][b]Darth Baric:[/b][/u] [u](Sith Lord)[/u]
Human Male, Third of the Sith Lords of the Sith Empire

[u][b]Darth V'n:[/b][/u] [u](Sith Lord)[/u]
Twiâ??lek Female, a rare red Twi'lek and second of the Sith Lords

[u][b]Darth Vectis:[/b][/u] [u](Sith Lord)[/u]
Zabrak Male, first of the Sith Lords

[u][b]Boust Thanarr:[/b][/u] [u](Sith General)[/u]
Kajain'sa Nikto Male, one of the two generals trusted with the Masters identity.

[u][b]Beshtra Kelyk:[/b][/u] [u](Sith General)[/u]
Kaleesh Male, former commander of rebel forces on Kalee and second General to be trusted with Mosruq's identity.

EDIT: We have decided that we will use a color coding system for the unusuable characters, seems like it will be easier to manage and change. Enjoy kids!!!!![/size] Edited by Anomander
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to further explain the use of this index, I would like to make some demonstrations in the auditions, i referenced the dead master[b] [b]Rook Vaneer.
[/b][/b]In that post i said he was my character Xillian's teacher. this is helpful information, so that if my character is referenced other people can pick up back story that is relevant. to get that information added i would PM Anomander, subject.. INDEX the body would be what i want to add (if you have a lot, try and keep it tidy so he can copy and paste it) in my example that would be Xillian Sizhran: (former apprentice of Rook Vaneer)

if we keep this list up, we can create a flowing back-story that posters can follow.
basically, if you want to make a new npc, or reference these important ones, you can, just make sure Anomander has the information you are adding.
second example is the head general of Kashyyyk will be Dax Olesa I want to use him in the story so i will request that he is made unusable, then add the information:
Dax Olesa: [i]Grand General of Kashyyyk forces.
he is overconfident, stubborn and under-qualified.
i hope this helps.
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