Ducky Posted January 21, 2011 Share Posted January 21, 2011 We all have 'em. What are some of yours? I have two that I'm aware of: 1. People looking over my shoulder when I'm on the computer. I don't know why this bothers me so much. It just does. It feels like an invasion of privacy, no matter how innocent the website or how familiar I am with the person doing the looking. 2. People who see you in passing (maybe on the way to class, or work, etc.) and ask "How are you?" with absolutely no intention of stopping long enough to hear the answer. I HATE IT SO MUCH. It's like language in the act of devolving, because clearly asking someone this question means nothing nowadays, or at the most it's a way of saying, "I acknowledge your general existence." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lyndy Posted January 21, 2011 Share Posted January 21, 2011 (edited) [color="#556B2F"][font="Times New Roman"]I agree with number one completely. I don't care if my friends and I are looking at something together, but if I am talking to someone, I would want a little privacy, so I would just put my laptop into my lap or just turn it the other way or just type really quick so that they don't know what I said. :V But I absolutely can't stand it when my mom comes into my room to ask me something and then she would crane her neck just so she could see what I was doing on my computer and she would ask what I was doing. It annoys the crap out of me. ._. Another thing. I don't know if all school are like this, but in high school, there are chairs that have racks underneath them to put your books in. People like to put their feet there as well. So, if someone is sitting behind me, they would put their feet on the back of the chair I am sitting in and it would kick my chair and send a horrible vibration through my body. And every time they even move a [i]little[/i], it would send a bolt of vibration up my spine. It makes me want to punch someone. I have plenty of other pet peeves, but I can't think of them at this moment so I shall just leave you with those two.[/font][/color] [color="#556B2F"][font="Times New Roman"] OH YEAH EDIT: I don't really like it when people are near me. It's fine when they are in front of me, but I don't like it when they are to the side of me or behind me. And slow walking people in the hallway. A person would be walking and then they would just stop. Right. In. The. Middle. Of. The. Hallway. And I'm like "...seriously? Are you stupid? There are people behind you so get the eff out of the way."[/font][/color] Edited January 21, 2011 by Lyndy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sangome Posted January 21, 2011 Share Posted January 21, 2011 [color="#9932CC"][font="Microsoft Sans Serif"]I also agree with number one there. Heck, I don't like people standing really close to me when I'm sitting down in general. One of my friends has a weird tendency to suddenly bolt upright when she's talking, so I'm constantly telling her to sit down before she makes me a nervous wreck. Similarly, I hate it when I'm out shopping or at school, and people are DIRECTLY behind me. I know it can't be helped, but it feels like they're breathing down my neck. Going off those two, I hate when people walk halls or aisles at a freaking snails pace. I don't expect people to run down the halls at my college or something like they're running a marathon, but good grief, would it kill you to speed it up a little? Some of us have places to go. :/ And...huh, I thought I would have more. I'll have to think of some.[/font][/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Spectacular Professor Posted January 21, 2011 Share Posted January 21, 2011 [font="Comic Sans MS"]I hate it when people on the freeway notice an opening that's barely able to accommodate their fat-ass SUV and decide to swerve right in front of you just when traffic is slowing down at a junction. Two separate occasions today this has happened. Also when you get a little sarcastic on the internet and someone decides to take you down a full peg over an issue that doesn't even exist.[/font] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nony Posted January 21, 2011 Share Posted January 21, 2011 One of my pet peeves is when people respond with a "yes" when someone has asked them "do you mind?". That is not how it works. :| Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Katana Posted January 21, 2011 Share Posted January 21, 2011 [size=1][color=royalblue]I agree with all of these, even if I was one of those people that put their feet on the book-rack. :V I hate when people correct my speech if I'm not looking for the help. I use the phrase "me and Sangome" but know fully well that the proper grammatical term would be "Sangome and I". I'm also really annoyed by texting. Now, I know, I'm being a hypocrite, because I text. But I am SO pissed off by people who are glued to their cell phones and maintain conversations all day and night that are probably about nothing in particular. When I see kids out to eat with their parents and all they're doing is playing with their phones, I'm really tempted to drop something on them. Likewise, when I go out to eat with my friends, I have one in particular who is ALWAYS texting and it makes me frustrated. Are you not satisfied with the company you're with? Put the phone away and get in on our conversation about man-eating pandas.[/color][/size] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Tentacle Posted January 21, 2011 Share Posted January 21, 2011 Pet peeves? Â This'll be a long list so here's my top five: 1) Â The sound of babies crying in a public restaurant. 2) Â People who drive 45 mph in the 55 zone, especially when I want to run 65. 3) Â Those idiots who drive through the parking lot with the bass on their stereos turned all the way up. 4) Â The sound of someone talking on a cell phone in a public restaurant. 5) Â Neighbors who let their dogs bark all damn night. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sangome Posted January 21, 2011 Share Posted January 21, 2011 [quote name='Katana' timestamp='1295633118' post='704099'][size=1][color=royalblue]I'm also really annoyed by texting. Now, I know, I'm being a hypocrite, because I text. But I am SO pissed off by people who are glued to their cell phones and maintain conversations all day and night that are probably about nothing in particular. When I see kids out to eat with their parents and all they're doing is playing with their phones, I'm really tempted to drop something on them. Likewise, when I go out to eat with my friends, I have one in particular who is ALWAYS texting and it makes me frustrated. Are you not satisfied with the company you're with? Put the phone away and get in on our conversation about man-eating pandas.[/color][/size] [/quote] [color="#9932CC"][font="Microsoft Sans Serif"]OHHH, thank you for reminding me of this one. See, at my house, it's the exact opposite of today's society -- my [i]parents[/i] are the ones that text like crazy, whereas I barely text at all. My parents get upset if people don't reply RIGHT AWAY; my mom even started crying once because my dad didn't reply right away, and she thought he was mad at him. It's like I live in some sort of bizarro world. But yeah, that's another one I have -- texting while driving. But I feel this one is fully justified, given how many people are severely injured or outright die each year because of it [and I think a study somewhere said that you're more impaired while texting and driving than you are [i]intoxicated[/i] while driving]. My mom usually doesn't do this, but my dad is a HORRIBLE offender. I'm getting to the point where I'm seriously considering hiding his Blackberry whenever he takes me to school, since I had to get onto him multiple times the other day for using it while driving.[/font][/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
chibi-master Posted January 21, 2011 Share Posted January 21, 2011 [quote name='Lyndy' timestamp='1295581906' post='704080'] [color="#556B2F"][font="Times New Roman"] And slow walking people in the hallway. A person would be walking and then they would just stop. Right. In. The. Middle. Of. The. Hallway. And I'm like "...seriously? Are you stupid? There are people behind you so get the eff out of the way."[/font][/color] [/quote] This. This, so much. I can not count the number of times this has happened to me today alone. Pet peeves, huh? Well, my biggest one is kind of silly, but it drives me up the wall. Eraser shavings. If I am sitting at a table or something and you sweep your little eraser shavings into my personal space, I will not forgive you. It makes me want to grab the person by the back of their hair, slam their head into the table and mop the shavings up with their face. It's that annoying. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lyndy Posted January 21, 2011 Share Posted January 21, 2011 [quote name='chibi-master' timestamp='1295648303' post='704104'] It makes me want to grab the person by the back of their hair, slam their head into the table and mop the shavings up with their face. It's that annoying. [/quote] [color="#556B2F"][font="Times New Roman"]Wow. I never knew you were so violent, Chibi. But if I had eraser shavings, I would do my best not to brush the shavings to someone else's area.[/font][/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ducky Posted January 22, 2011 Author Share Posted January 22, 2011 [quote name='Lyndy' timestamp='1295648511' post='704106'] [color="#556B2F"][font="Times New Roman"]Wow. I never knew you were so violent, Chibi. [/font][/color] [/quote] Really? Everyone else knew she was a secret serial killer. *pie'd* Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nony Posted January 22, 2011 Share Posted January 22, 2011 (edited) OH! I just remembered another big one! The Friend Wall. Dear lord this has got to be one of [i]the[/i] most annoying things to encounter when you're walking somewhere. A group of friends, which often tends to be composed of all females but not always, just has to walk together in a straight horizontal line. And in so doing, they block a good chunk of the walkable area. Frickin' FWs... Edited January 22, 2011 by Miss Anonymous Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CaNz Posted January 22, 2011 Share Posted January 22, 2011 [quote name='Miss Anonymous' timestamp='1295660372' post='704112'] The Friend Wall. [/quote] I love these... I take pleasure in walking right through. One time I had a friend wall, and directly ahead was another wall... we just kept walking forward and through... I guess our friendship was stronger. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lyndy Posted January 22, 2011 Share Posted January 22, 2011 [color="#556B2F"][font="Times New Roman"]More pet peeves. When I ask someone a question, I expect that someone to answer it. ._. If I ask a group of people the question, and no one answers it, that's fine, because it means no one knows the answer [usually]. So I don't get mad when that question doesn't get answered. But if I say someone's name when asking the question and they don't answer it and just ignore me, it pisses me off so much. It is probably my biggest pet peeve. Another pet peeve is when people are singing.. I think I'm okay with other people singing, but I just can't stand it one bit when my mom sings. My mom usually like to sing at 6-7 in the FRICKING MORNING. WHEN I AM SLEEPING. I MEAN C'MON! REALLY?! I guess you could say that is another pet peeve of mine. Do something early in the morning and waking me up. Can you not wait two to three hours before singing or doing something that wakes people up? It pisses me off. But almost everything pisses me off.[/font][/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Felix the Cat Posted January 23, 2011 Share Posted January 23, 2011 (edited) Well what I REALLY hate is when I'm in a big room with a LOT of people who are standing so close to each other that I can't get out. Actually.. I guess you could call that claustrophobia :P Well a real pet peeve would be something especially my english teacher does well. We're sitting at a test, trying to concentrate and she keeps on TALKING. Now I have this bad habit of listening to people when they talk so I CAN NOT concentrate! (Though I still get the highest scores on test in my class, truth be told) I hate that and I hate her for it o^o "Oh and don't forget to add an F or a T, don't put little crosses there." (<- Me thinks "It SAYS so on the frickin' sheet now be quiet or IMUNNAKILLYEW!") Edited January 23, 2011 by Felix the Cat Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ducky Posted January 26, 2011 Author Share Posted January 26, 2011 I just became reacquainted with another pet peeve of mine. I absolutely [I]hate[/I] when people say, "You either hate me or you love me." (And similar variants thereof.) AGULDKJLKDJLDKKDGJ NO. Granted, it sort of depends on the context. There are occasions when it's less obnoxious than others. But for the most part, I just find it irritating as hell. In my experience, when people say, "You either hate me or you love me," they're being particularly loathsome and simply don't want to deal with it; or they're refusing to compromise because they're too immature to realize that they're not always right; or they don't want to hear people -- no matter how kindly -- tell them they're not perfect and they have personal faults to work on; etc., etc. Basically, "You either hate me or you love me," = "It's my way or the highway; I refuse to compromise or accommodate other people [I]ever[/I]." And that's an attitude that rankles me to no end. -3- Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Japan Posted January 26, 2011 Share Posted January 26, 2011 I am discovering this when I work with some managers at work. I HATE being constantly blamed for things I don't do. When I try to tell them that it wasn't me, they glare at me for 'talking back' If I don't say anything I feel like I was called stupid (Or treated like I have no clue when I have been working at that job since AUGUST 2006!!!!) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Katie! Posted January 31, 2011 Share Posted January 31, 2011 When people don't use directionals when turning/merging/etc. I would actually enjoy knowing when you're going to come right on into my lane, thanks. And I hate when I'm the only person in a store, aside from employees. Before I go in, I check to make sure other shoppers are in there. Otherwise, I will walk around UNTIL I see people go in there. I hate being in stores alone. It freaks me out. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vicky Posted January 31, 2011 Share Posted January 31, 2011 Boo. (LOL JOKES lav u) I hate the NHS. I hate crappy drivers. I hate facebook whores. I hate doctors. I hate barking dogs at night. I hate unnecessarily loud music in my house. I had slow walkers on the street. I hate train commuters staring at me. I hate people rushing for a seat on the bus when it's empty. I hate overly drunk man-whore-boys who think they're the dog's balls. I hate nosy neighbours. I hate TV adverts that use the non-word "bestest". I hate people trying to sell me things. I hate it when my girlfriend switches the TV to music challenges when I'm watching Star Trek. I hate really really old people talking up the footpath. I hate that scally mother's with prams think they take priority of every human being and therefore have the right to CANE other people's legs with their stanky £5 baby pram. I hate people with hardcore tattoos on their elbows and wear a t-shirt in the snow to show them off. I hate little kids who swear. I hate little kids who scream outside my house. There's a few more but that'll do. Also, people who wear trainers on a night out annoy me. Really? You gunna pull in smelly sneakers with your creepy toes hanging out? No. Go home and dress like a person. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Boo Posted January 31, 2011 Share Posted January 31, 2011 (edited) [quote name='Vicky' timestamp='1296486484' post='704563'] [b]I hate how some barbarian tribe decided to constantly use the 'z' in their bastardly version of the English language.[/b] [/quote] Fix'd. Edited January 31, 2011 by Boo Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
chibi-master Posted January 31, 2011 Share Posted January 31, 2011 I hate when it's so cold that the inside of my nose freezes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vicky Posted February 1, 2011 Share Posted February 1, 2011 [quote name='Boo' timestamp='1296488743' post='704564'] Fix'd. [/quote] Cheers Boo! I forgot that one :P I also dislike banks taking my money three days before my debit date :(. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maully Posted February 4, 2011 Share Posted February 4, 2011 [quote name='Miss Anonymous' timestamp='1295631610' post='704097'] One of my pet peeves is when people respond with a "yes" when someone has asked them "do you mind?". That is not how it works. :| [/quote] [color="#2E8B57"]See, people being pissed that I DO MIND are a pet peeve of mine. If you don't want the honest answer, don't give me the chance to give it. Another one I have come from working a phone job. I hate when I give the stupid normal greeting, "thank you for calling BlahBlahBlah," and the customer answers, "How are you?" and prattles on without stopping. If you have no interest in how I am, don't ask. It's not a necessary part of this exchange. Tell me what you want. I also hate when turn signals are not used. BAH, lazy jerks, it's just a quick flip of the signal. I find the mispronunciation of the word [i]nuclear. [/i] People, like our former President, who pronounce it [i]nucular[/i] need punch in the face repeatedly. [/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nony Posted February 7, 2011 Share Posted February 7, 2011 (edited) [quote name='moletta' timestamp='1296783116' post='704675'] [color="#2E8B57"]See, people being pissed that I DO MIND are a pet peeve of mine.[/color] [/quote] There's definitely that too, yeah. You know, the other day, I committed a sin. I was sitting at a table, and someone came up and asked, "Do you mind if I sit here?" And of course I replied with "YEAH GO AHEAD!" ADSFADSFASDAF >:( Edited February 7, 2011 by Miss Anonymous Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shinmaru Posted February 7, 2011 Share Posted February 7, 2011 [quote name='moletta' timestamp='1296783116' post='704675'] [color="#2E8B57"]I also hate when turn signals are not used. BAH, lazy jerks, it's just a quick flip of the signal. [/color] [/quote] Of all the dumb things people do on the road, this pisses me off the most, ESPECIALLY when I want to merge onto another street but can't since someone is coming and ISN'T USING HIS DAMN TURN SIGNAL AND I DON'T KNOW IF HE'S TURNING OR GOING STRAIGHT, so I'm just sitting there with my thumb up my ass before he turns on the signal like half a second before he turns. Ugh, seriously, if you don't use your turn signal, I hope you die in a fiery wreck. Jerk. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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