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Dragon Age RP (process in the making?)

Akieen Cloud

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[font="Comic Sans MS"][color="#000080"]So...I've been on a pretty creative streak lately and an idea just kinda decided to land in my lap while I was watching my husband play is 360. A Dragon Age RP. I'm sorta working it out on paper at the moment but before I even put it up here I was wanting to get some feed back from others to see who would be interested and maybe get some ideas on the main story for the RP as well. I mean since it's Dragon Age the main enemy is going to be darkspawn of course but there's always more to a story. So I suppose the purpose of this is to see how many people would want to be a part of a Dragon Age RP and some good ideas to put on the table. [/color][/font]
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[b]Well, how much will this take from the game? Because I've played through most of the first but haven't touched on the second.

I think it could be fun. We would just maybe have to throw some things in to keep it from being the Lord of the Rings or something. (Like, keeping elves as second class citizens, etc.)

Besides that, I think it could be a fun RP.[/b] Edited by Lilt
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Well, I wasn't a big fan of the game, and it was mostly because I didn't like the story nor the characters, and from what I hear DA2 is worse. That being said, with a few editions I bet you could make this story less cliche and turn it into something interesting and creative.

These kinda games could be interesting to RP with because they allowed you to make your own character. DA in particular (only Origins) was fantastic with the opening because depending on what you picked, were you were in the world would be different. An interesting thought for an RP might be to allow people to choose there characters, but start them off in different sections of the world and perhaps have them all be recruited as Grey Wardens in order to meet with the group.

DA also had a leveling up system that is difficult to Mimic in an RP, however if you did something simple, such as for every post (you can ask a person to lengthen their post if you deem it too short) they gain a level, using the DA game as a background, people could gain more abilities by participating.

Quests were a main part of DA as well. Most were mandatory, but there were many small sidequests you could do. Perhaps mentioning these sidequests to the RPers could give them something to write about, and also you could reward them with better equipment ( also based on the game)

If we did something new and interesting, I would definitely be part of this RP.
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[font="Comic Sans MS"][color="#000080"]The leveling up system is something I would need help with, which is one reason I decided to ask around before I dived head first into this. If it did happen it would have to a collaboration of people who came up with the story, not just me. There's no way I could keep up with all that by myself(I can't multitask well enough to eat and walk...) But that would only be if some one or a few people would be willing to stay dedicated to help write and maintain the story. But I was thinking about all that CaNz, maybe not in the way you described it but kind of the same track. I do want to keep all that in, it would make the RP very different and unique. [/color][/font] Edited by Knuckles' Girl
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Well, I was just putting forth Ideas. I would be glad to help collaborate with you if you wanted, and if we do go with some of my ideas I can make you an easy system.

I definitely would like to make this as unique as possible, Magical Medieval age is a very common concept for an RP so anything that makes this one stand out would probably make it better as well.

As far as the story goes, I wouldn't mind brainstorming with you until we have a solid 'Main Story' but I don't think I would wanna write the whole thing either. Edited by CaNz
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That sounds like a great idea. As far as the story goes I had no intention of going off of Awakening or DA 2. I wasn't very thrilled with the two at all, I agree with you that origins is the best of the 3. That would be the one that I would go off of the most. Just PM me whenever you want to start throwing ideas around.
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I think this resource will be useful if we were to make a "level up" guide. It might take a little time to make, but If you want we can talk about this too.
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Well, As far as the leveling up branches go, I figured everyone would get to choose from the type of skills they liked the best. I don't think spells were included in that one link, but I know it is somewhere on that wiki. In the next couple of days I will draw up a possible guide that we can adjust or use based on your reaction.
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[b]Actually, with the talk about choosing the skills, why don't we throw in some character classes that weren't allowed in the game?

I can't think of any at the moment, but I know that when I played Dragon Age there was at least one class they didn't have in there that I wish they had put in.

They wouldn't be overpowered classes either or ones that don't fit. But I think we should talk about what classes we want to have available in the RP as well. Who knows, maybe we could come up with some new combination classes or just new character classes in general.

If this will mostly be about Origins though, this will be good. That's the one that I'm the most familiar with and the one that I liked the most.[/b]
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I figure we can use character classes that aren't there if Knuckle's Girl agrees, I was thinking about throwing in the bonus classes from Awakening just for fun.
in terms of leveling, I don't think we will have problems with overpowered characters, unless one person posts after every turn (but if that's the case, at least the RP would be productive)

There is a lot of combat in DA and I figure the skills will just be a simple way to aid the writer. This game isn't Dungeons and Dragons, and nobody wants to count up damage and hit-points, but instead of saying "I hit the darkspawn with my sword" they could say " I toppled multiple enemies with a [b]sweeping strike [/b]from my sword" ...or something like that.
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