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Your Nuts


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I like cashews and almonds most probably. Honey roasted when possible. Pretty much to the point where I will eat til I explode. I have exploded several times now. However, walnuts are pretty awesome as well in autumney dishes and in combination with goat cheese and honey. Or with yoghurt. Nuts are great replacements

Recently I found these great packages with dried fruits and nuts together. Not the standard boring ones with your favourite legumes in them and some currants, but with awesome nuts and cranberries or plums and stuff. Too bad nuts, and these packages in particular, are so expensive. I'm a poor student after all. Stupid system.

Talk nuts here. What are your nuts? Are you nuts for nuts? Thank you very nuts.
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[color=#0000ff]I'm a fan of cashews myself - they're always good. I don't think I've ever tried them honey roasted though. I'll need to give that a shot.[/color]

[color=#0000ff]While not actually nuts, I also do really like peanuts. Honey roasted peanuts are especially good.[/color]
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I love all types of nuts. :biggrin:

However, I am sad, because I have a wisdom tooth coming in and it hurts to eat the hard ones.

Pistachios have to be my favorites, because they have such a unique flavor and color and they are fun to crack. That is the nut I never tire of.

Cashews are my second favorites. They are like peanuts, but like...ultra. They are also nostalgic for me. They remind me of outings with my mom when I was little. And peanuts are good, too. (Peanut butter ftw.)
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[quote name='Silver Mech']
[quote name='chibi-master']Macadamia nuts are really good! They have an odd texture, but the flavor is really light. They're good alone, but are best in cookies because they get even softer when cooked that way.[/quote]
I should look for ome on [u][b]Amazon[/b][/u], then.[/quote]

[quote name='Silver Mech'][size=5]I should look for ome on [u][b]Amazon[/b][/u], then.[/size][/quote]

[quote name='Silver Mech'] [size=6][u][b]Amazon[/b][/u][/size] [/quote]

[center][img]http://i195.photobucket.com/albums/z158/Allamorph/Misc/lolz/reactionz/1336812246294.jpg[/img][/center] Edited by Allamorph
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[quote name='Petie']Actually, Amazon has a [url="http://www.amazon.com/grocery-breakfast-foods-snacks-organic/b/ref=sa_menu_gro11?ie=UTF8&node=16310101"]Grocery & Gourmet Food[/url] department now.[/quote]

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[font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif]For some reason I imagine the Schwann's foods guy becoming the Amazon foods person. Driving around the frozen food truck and stuff.

But I love pecans. I put them in Pancakes, pies and in certain chocolate confections (chocolate covered pecans are amazing). Prailined too. OMG x-x[/font]

[font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif]I also love to snack on cashews if I'm up for something salty. Peanuts are hit and miss for me. I don't like the effort involved in picking off the shell, but then again I didn't like Planters peanuts that came out of a can. So I just end up being stupid and eating the peanut shell and all. Tasted pretty yummy >.>[/font]

[font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif]Something that isn't exactly a nut, but it's along those lines is Sunflower Kernels. I love those things to death. They're pretty awesome in salads and even by themselves if you're up for a more healthy alternative. Lightly salted ones are amazing. [/font]
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Candied cinnamon almonds; I'm addicted. Cashews are nummy. The only kind of peanuts I can stand to eat are boiled. I don't even like peanutbutter or peanutbutter anything. Pistachios are also quite tasty; I have good childhood memories associated with them.

And Nutella. ******* Nutella. Unf.
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[quote name='Allamorph' timestamp='1337561663' post='711832']


[quote name='chibi-master' timestamp='1337568564' post='711833']

I live in the South. Boiled peanuts = unf. But regular peanuts pretty much make me gag.

[quote name='Allamorph' timestamp='1337579704' post='711837']
[font=Calibri]Posts like this are why we need a Dislike button.

Except for [color=DarkRed]Boo[/color]. He would just dislike everything.[/font]

So would I, until the novelty wore off.
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