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Worst case of SPAM ever!


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[color=chocolate]What was the worst case of spam that you ever read? *Please, no names*. On this board called Anime Temple, this person wrote in the Genral forum, a thread called "Hey there." It just said, im me if your fine okay? and they posted about 3 copies in each forum. Sad.....Forgive me if this post was already posted.
For those people that don't know, spam is piontless, meaningless posts. Now dont go around posting any spam.[/color] :naughty:
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[SIZE=3]I'm not sure but Big Poppa Hump was really bad...(if there are any questions about who Big Poppa Hump was refer to N-Man's signature.)I used to be pretty bad at posting..but i'm getting alittle better[/SIZE]
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spam not good...i dont know if i spam...*looks at Transtic and wonders y all topics he's made were closed :D *

Thimoc will forever be the king of spam *looks scardly at Transtics avatar :eek:
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Spam bad... I remember one time on v.2, when I was here for a week or two as 'Dan_Lucking', and there was this guy called Hobo Jack. He completely spammed up the GD forum with threads like 'Hobo Jack is the master spammer' and when you looked in the thread it'd just have a one word post. Compared to him, thimoc wasn't that bad. At least not what I saw of thimoc. As i said, I was only here for 2 weeks or so.
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spam (spam)
Unsolicited e-mail, often of a commercial nature, sent indiscriminately to multiple mailing lists, individuals, or newsgroups; junk e-mail.

tr.v. spammed, spamĀ·ming, spams
To send unsolicited e-mail to.
To send (a message) indiscriminately to multiple mailing lists, individuals, or newsgroups.

well, there it is for u.
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well if i had to say there was this guy on a forum that i am on and he made a thread that was called 'h', and all he said was h. gosh what a weirdo.

well i don't know if i spam but if you see me spam tell me.

i used to spam a lot, but i got real better, and i think i hardly spam anymore.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Vegitto4 [/i]
[B]Ok, this is spam, but I like the avatar TN. He dosen't scare me regretfully. [/B][/QUOTE]

i don't think this is spam, mearly a recognition of what spam is....
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Guest cody722_3000
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deus_Ex_Machina [/i]
[B]Spam bad... I remember one time on v.2, when I was here for a week or two as 'Dan_Lucking', and there was this guy called Hobo Jack. He completely spammed up the GD forum with threads like 'Hobo Jack is the master spammer' and when you looked in the thread it'd just have a one word post. Compared to him, thimoc wasn't that bad. At least not what I saw of thimoc. As i said, I was only here for 2 weeks or so. [/B][/QUOTE]

cough cough hobo jack was thimoc cough cough

Thimoc has many many identitys...for all we know he could be one of you...we may never no...
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by cody722_3000 [/i]

cough cough hobo jack was thimoc cough cough

Thimoc has many many identitys...for all we know he could be one of you...we may never no... [/B][/QUOTE]
Actually, we would...TN has his IP address memorized.

[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i]

Don't give thimoc a royalty name... he's the bum of spamming... and yes, Kyo is scary... and cute... [/B][/QUOTE]
The first and second statements I agree with. As for the last...:nervous:

The absolute worse case I have ever seen was Ulitmia(aka: Tyco, Ultima, Urrutiima, FantasyMaster13). First of all, the boy couldn't spell. Secondly, he was stupid. Thirdly, he used the Test forum on v2 to gain about 1000+ posts. Fourth, he just generally pissed me off. He was so upset about not becoming a moderator he whined for months. He was the biggest pain in the rear-area I've ever known, online-wise. So, it wasn't that he spammed one time and that was the worst case...[b]he[/b] was the worst case.

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[B]I couldn't get to V.2 before it ended. But the Thimoc posts were around 3,200. He posted like mad. The hump war was hilarious. Poppa Hump registered another name and pretended to be a girl who supported poppa. Then someone named themselves big poopa hump (or something along those lines) and just constantly argued with him. Ahhh, those were the days[/B]
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[color=indigo] I think all Spam is bad...I hate canned meat, it is just disgusting, Although I have not tried the new turkey kind, but i'm sure it is gross...

I think the worst case of spam on the boards was when the thread titled "is this Spam". It was open for maybe .02 seconds. If you have to ask if it is spam, it is...[/color]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Justin [/i]
[B]Actually, we would...TN has his IP address memorized.

I do... in fact I banned thimoc just recently again... I don't remeber his name but I don't care... I swear I check the IP of every newbie who posts... I know just about every major spammers/banned members IP or variations there of...
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[FONT=century gothic]Anyone who posts for post count is invariably a spammer.... thimoc, Ulitmia, firemac.... just to name a few....firemac bugged me especially....got on my bad side with his first twenty posts, and I just never could stand him....[/FONT]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Elite DBZ [/i]
[B][B]Then someone named themselves big poopa hump (or something along those lines) and just constantly argued with him. Ahhh, those were the days[/B] [/B][/QUOTE]

Haha, I remember that. That person who impersonated him was me! I got banned for it too!
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Guest cody722_3000
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i]

I do... in fact I banned thimoc just recently again... I don't remeber his name but I don't care... I swear I check the IP of every newbie who posts... I know just about every major spammers/banned members IP or variations there of... [/B][/QUOTE]

OhOh whats me ip?dont check i mean if you memorized it cuzz you or altron banned me....(say who?say adam..)
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[SIZE=3][FONT=century gothic][COLOR=crimson]altron didnt ban you... he cant... lol
worst case of spamming ever... the test forum in general... people spam there and it dont even count for post count roflmao![/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
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[COLOR=deeppink]thimoc, viridiancity.com, IM_GENGAR (or so I'm told), gaygeta (or whatever), and Ulitmia/FF/Apocolypse/Ultima/Urritmia/Blank/FantasyMaster/some others, it's too big of a list...

To set the record straight, Big Pappa Hump was NOT a spammer. He was a flamer- as in he flamed other members a lot- and a war starter. He never outright did stupid, spamming things, just stupid, insulting, deragatory, and downright mean things.

Also, there at the end of his normal posting days, Stock as a wee bit of a spammer. Heck, although I actually liked the guy, thought he was funny. Except for the Mystical Monkeys. Bah...

Also, for a while, the ENTIRE Dragonball forum was spam, mostly because of Foredaddy... Nothing meant towards him, though.[/COLOR]
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