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Being deprived of something you love...

Zaku II

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What would you all do if your parents made you quit doing something that you loved and had a talent for just because they didnt want you to do it and wanted you to do things they like personally? PLease note that this activity would be completely legal and not against any morals or beilefs that you and your family have.

I would like to know what you all would do........
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I'm being deprived of my boyfriend right now :( all because of his parents....

Anyway, if my parents took away my computer and Stereo i would kill.... well they can't do that anyway, they were all bought by me, plus they would have to listen to me whine and complain.... heh and i know they don't like that.
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You sound like a little pussy talking like that, I would rebel and do it anyways. Matt D sure has a smart plan, everyone listen to his smart plan.
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