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Otaku VS. Bird Studio(c)


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To see the first round of my grand bout with BirdStudio(c) go to [url]http://theotaku.com/askotaku/issue6.shtml.[/url] Now read on to read about round two!

[B]Dear Otaku "Owner",

Alright fine now we know that you know nothing about Dragon Ball. We Bird Studio© are the original creators of Dragon Ball and other animes and for the copyright,it is supposed to be copyright not (tm). My boss has told me about you Americans, in America the designers of Dragon Ball are FUNimation Studio and they are very different from the episodes and series we have origianly created. And we will call America if we need for the authorities and yes there are autorities that will take care of this matter.For one there is no disclaimer on your site for Dragon Ball and you can get arrested for that. You have no real proof of your pictures of who they are. And if you want we will call as soon as we can to either get your site deleted or you arrested.[B]

That was the email I received yesterday, and here was my response:

[b]Dear Otaku "Owner",[/b]

My name is Adam.

[b]Alright fine now we know that you know nothing about Dragon Ball. [/b]

Alright isn't a word. You mean 'all right'. Who says I personally need to know anything about anything? All my site's content has been written by the fans.

[b]We Bird Studio© are the original creators of Dragon Ball and other animes and for the copyright,it is supposed to be copyright not (tm). [/b]

What's your name? In a business/legal letter of this nature you usually sign it personally with your phone number, fax number, etc. Also your email is on yahoo.com.

[b]My boss has told me about you Americans, in America the designers of Dragon Ball are FUNimation Studio and they are very different from the episodes and series we have origianly created. [/b]

What does this have to do with anything??

[b]And we will call America if we need for the authorities and yes there are autorities that will take care of this matter.[/b]

Believe me, no one will care but you.

[b]For one there is no disclaimer on your site for Dragon Ball and you can get arrested for that. [/b]

I'll post a disclaimer when an official representative of Funimation emails me with an official address with all his personal information so that I can contact him and confirm. I will not do ANYTHING for you. If you can call America then you can do this.

[b]You have no real proof of your pictures of who they are. [/b]

I have no idea what you just said there. Besides, you have no proof of who you are either, I think you're a 12-year old just banging on his keyboard.

[b]And if you want we will call as soon as we can to either get your site deleted or you arrested.[/b]

In America our jails are so filled with rapists and drug dealers that there's no room for website owners who don't do anything wrong. Maybe in Japan you can arrest people for no reason but here the rules are different.


PS - You=suck
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[size=1][color=royalblue]Well, first off, the form of the email is very wrong. I believe, if this email [b]WERE[/b] to be true, the form would be proper, and a bit more informative and not so abrupt. I am sure the person who sent it to you, was probably a kid who for one got banned, or just is one of those annoying kids who like to get back at people. None-the-less, great comeback! It's funny.. :wigout:

- MG[/size][/color]
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[COLOR=deeppink]*quickly hides his Brid Studio disguise*

Yeah, you show him who's boss!

*mumbling* I'll teach him to talk to me like that... I'll call Uncle Bartholemew... He'll arrest that big meanie... Then my mommy will bake me yummie cookies and milk...[/COLOR]

I'm sure everyone here is smart enough to know I'm joking, but I'm just making sure I don't get flamed for people thinking I'm serious.

Ha ha ha, Ask Otaku just keeps getting better and better, especially now that the Bird Studio guy is rambling on about who-knows what...
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[color=indigo] Hehe, that was pretty funny. I wonder which member of the boards wote that one. Come on, fess up...your lack of punctuation and your horrible grammatical errors destroyed any chance that you may have had at playing a good practical joke. Also, by writing this message you have participated in a fraudulent act and by passing it on to the owner of the website you have participated in utterence, both of which are felony offenses in the US. If I were you, I would give up trying to pass these fake documents and forget that this ever did happen.

Oh, and by the way, if this does happen to be a real company, you have zero recourse and you really need to look into hiring a better attorney to handle these matters. We all know that a company as big as Bird Studio would hire an attorney that was well versed in American law before they ever sent a threatening messege. Internet laws, being what they are in America, as a company you would have to seek civil action in this case, which means no one would be arrested.

So next time you want to try a prank at least make it sound professional or plausable :) [/color]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Adam [/i]
[B] And we will call America if we need for the authorities and yes there are autorities that will take care of this matter.[/B][/QUOTE]

Hmmmmmmm...I dunno 'bout that legal stuff...but, America has telephone number now?:cross:
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[SIZE=1]Heheheh! I have already read the first one, and I was laughing pretty hard! This one is funny too, god, who does he think he is... Nice reply Adam ;)

But, he could be a Japanese person, because his english grammer isn't too good... but hey, they started it, right?[/SIZE]
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LOL! That is funny and I seriously don't believe that it was a japanese person, but just saying what if it was. I mean what if they are who they say they are? I think it was a lil kid tryig to get attention.[/size][/color]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Adam [/i]
[B][b]You have no real proof of your pictures of who they are.[/b]

I have no idea what you just said there[/B][/QUOTE]

[COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]LOL, that one set me off right there ^_^ Great read. . few people I showed this to laughed about it =P Nice job- [/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[SIZE=3][FONT=century gothic][COLOR=crimson]u showed me this yesterday lol, funny
i dont know i got the impression they were french
probably a judge of some sort ;)[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
my other guess is it is adam himself being very bored with all the work he does(nt) do for o3online
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Way to go ADAM!! Man I neeeded a good laugh!! *whipes his eyes* That was great...oh and yeah there is no way he would be the real deal..A letter from a corporation is pretty much perfect in every aspect as grammer goes, even from places such as Japan (My mother has recieved many and I looked through em just to see if there were ANY grammer mistakes...NON) So yeah I am guessing this is just a little annoying brat who thinks its funny to mess with the cool people!
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ~Mystical Pan~ [/i]

That's got to be the funniest I've seen today. :D

though, I'm curious..I wonder who writer of the email is.... [/B][/QUOTE]

The writer is a representative of Bird Studio© and he sounds angry! Quickly give in to his demands before it's too late!

Either that or mail him a copy of a phonics book.....
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i'm guessing it's [email]birdstudio@yahoo.com[/email] and if it was from japan, and they used yahoo mail, wouldn't it be like [email]birdstudio@yahoo.ja[/email] or something. cause japanese websites don't use .com, or at least i don't think so. TN, correct me if i'm wrong.
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