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Tips on Blitzball


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Okay first of all, with each game you'll earn experience points by passing, shooting, tackling, breaking past opponents and so on. It's important to get everyone involved. On an unbalanced team it becomes more difficult to earn experience for weaker players. According to the strategy guide, defenders are the most likely to fall behind.

It is also important to learn new techniques. Don't set more than two of your players to mark a single enemy, beause only one player can successfully learn a technique at a time. Also, let the enemy perform the technique. If you mark an opposing team's player to learn his "Volley Shot," make sure he shoots at least once. Finally, take player's levels into consideration. If a level 5 player is trying to learn a technique from a level 12 player, he won't have much luck.

Finally, you can recruit new players by pressing the square button at various players throughout Spira, If he's available, press X afterwards and you'll be able to offer him a deal.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crazy White Boy [/i]
It is also important to learn new techniques. Don't set more than two of your players to mark a single enemy, beause only one player can successfully learn a technique at a time. Also, let the enemy perform the technique. If you mark an opposing team's player to learn his "Volley Shot," make sure he shoots at least once. Finally, take player's levels into consideration. If a level 5 player is trying to learn a technique from a level 12 player, he won't have much luck.[/B][/QUOTE]

[COLOR=deeppink]That's what marking does? I thought it meant guarding... -.-''

I have a completely different strategy, based on the original Aurochs.(bleh, I don't remember how to spell that)

I just give the ball to Tidus. I take my character with the highest defense, put him in the middle front, and just have him pass to Tidus. After that, I just break and dribble all the way to the goal... The Jecht Shot works wonders, but if you didn't get that, then you're going to have to break right through them... I shoot the Jecht Shot or the Sphere Shot depending on how many people are blocking me, and what their Attack is.

For the defense, I just pray that they run into Botta. He's got the highest Attack, and he has Venom Tackle.

Also, this one's for me, but does anyone know what Pile Venom does?

Note- I'm going to edit this later with a more detailed strategy on this how I do it...[/COLOR]
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  • 2 weeks later...
one of the best things to do (as been said countlesss times) is to level up your guys.

one of my favorite things to do is to break one defender at a time, like i pass it to tidus and there are, say three guys on the way to the goal, k?

i move in to one of them, break them, and move on to the next one. Tidus should have a high endurance, so breaking one guy at a time should be no problem.

Jecht and Sphere shots are my best friends in the game. even though my tidus is level 50 and he could normal shot past any goalie. especially Jecht shot. the thing to remember about JEcht shot is it knocks off the two players on the bottom of the defender list.



(end list)

The Jecht shot would take out Balgerda and Abus. Bickson isn't anything to worry about most of the time, so if you broke to him and used the Jecht shot fairly close to the goal, it's in.

oh, two more things.

Spin ball helps every now and then.

Finally, if you are in desperate need of getting past the goalie, use a nap shot (preferably napshot2 or napshot3) and make him doze off. a sphere shot from the half point will make it in, with SH to spare.

well, that's about it, hope this helps.

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Guest BlitzAce
What I suggest is to get a goalie with the technique Super Goalie, Tht is a great move and helps the goalie immensly. Also you can get Jecht Shot 2 by learning all of Tidus's key techniques, that is tha best move in tha game.
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one of the advantages to keeping the original Aurochs is that they are the cheapest characters to play Blitzball with. I mean, Jassu (or someone like that) costs 10 gil per game, and it costs less to hire him for 99 games than to hire a certain guado for 1.

If you can put up with the original Aurochs, be sure to, because they are extremely inexpensive.

I only say this because i lost a really good player because i didn't have the money to keep him, and the Goers hired him :flaming:. Of course, now i can live without him (of course, when you have a level 50 tidus, you can live without most of your team :toothy: )

And if you want to learn certain Key techniques that you can techcopy, find a team that knows the move and play them in countless exhibitions until you learn it.

That's about all.
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Guest BlitzAce
Geez Myst you sure do play a ton of Blitzball, you and your Jupiter Sigil, and your Aurochs reels, and Status Reels, and Attack Reels....GEEZ! you're just too good, too good. oh yeah (go online) Plus You've probably already beaten the game.
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  • 3 weeks later...
Oh yeah that reminds me...

If you want Wakka to get any good overdrives, etc, play a lot of blitzball.

You get the following items from blitzball:

Attack Reels (overdrive)
Status Reels (overdrive)
Aurochs Reels (overdrive)
Jupiter Sigil (used to power up his final weapon)

And don't make fun of me just cuz i've beaten the game and you haven't, Blitz.

I'm not sure but this might be a SPOILER so ill mark it as one.


You can get Wakka as one of your players! that's right, he never really retired. Find him and scout him. He's actually a good player, and he is 1 gil per game! Costs 99 gil for 99 games.

-----------END SPOILER----------

By the way, wither moves are really useful. Extremely useful, especially when they take away the ED stat of a player. Because of a wither tackle 2, i beat the Ronso fangs 13-1...

If you wither the center and steal the ball from him/her a lot, you can score a heckuva lot of points.

By the way (to everybody), what are your highest scoring games? And against who?
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