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Transtic Nerve

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[QUOTE][I]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve[/I]
Compared to Bin Laden, we the "western devil" stepped foot on his holy land.... and then proceeded to stay there during the gulf war... that land is Saudi Arabia... where we HELPED Osama Bin laden.... and trained his men.... he's an religious extremist, blinded by his own faith, and stupid by his own morals...[/B][/QUOTE]

[COLOR=purple]See what happens when you help a wolf? They turn around and bite your hand.

It just makes me sad, and the same thing happened with the Jews. After we rescued them from Germany, what do they do? Retaliate against us, and now we do the same with Osama bin Ladena dnt he same thing happens.

Its really hard for my eyes to not be clouded by hate and emotion right now. Osama bin Laden and the men we trained butchered thousands of innocent lives to get at our government.

I'm starting to think anarchy would be really good about now...[/COLOR]
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I remember when I first heard about that. I was just going to math class and my teacher had the tv on. We spent the entire class hour watcing it. I know how big of a thing it was. But i got a little tire of seeing just news about that in the Tv for the next 3 weeks after it. It was very depressing. Personaly I would just like to forget that day.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DBZChikaGhan [/i]

[COLOR=purple]See what happens when you help a wolf? They turn around and bite your hand.

It just makes me sad, and the same thing happened with the Jews. After we rescued them from Germany, what do they do? Retaliate against us, and now we do the same with Osama bin Ladena dnt he same thing happens.

Its really hard for my eyes to not be clouded by hate and emotion right now. Osama bin Laden and the men we trained butchered thousands of innocent lives to get at our government.

I'm starting to think anarchy would be really good about now...[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE]

Explain to me your concept of anarchy, and I will tell you if its good.
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