Boba Fett Posted March 22, 2002 Share Posted March 22, 2002 As to your remark about "stupid element rpgs" i am in it so lay off! my charecter... Name Abob Teff Element diamond weapon staff made of a single, flawless diamond cannot break, or be broken special technique diamond armor(covered in a armor of liquid diamonds, it heals/protects him Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ratboy Posted March 22, 2002 Share Posted March 22, 2002 elements are not the ones that are stupid it is the people that copy other people. I'am sure you herd of this game called warriors of gian. Well then I'am sure that you have herd of a game called warriors of elements they just totaly riped off there plot from that Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Boba Fett Posted March 22, 2002 Author Share Posted March 22, 2002 [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ratboy [/i] [B]elements are not the ones that are stupid it is the people that copy other people. I'am sure you herd of this game called warriors of gian. Well then I'am sure that you have herd of a game called warriors of elements they just totaly riped off there plot from that [/B][/QUOTE] Alright, read the people who copy other people are stupid part does this mean YOU are stupid Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Axel--Ignition Posted March 22, 2002 Share Posted March 22, 2002 [color=crimson][size=4][b]I hope you are not bombing my RPG, it is my most successful![/color][/size][/b] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ratboy Posted March 23, 2002 Share Posted March 23, 2002 Yes I am bombing your rpg you copyed your information form Gaian warriors Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Boba Fett Posted March 23, 2002 Author Share Posted March 23, 2002 wow , this is a heated discussion.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pressure Posted March 23, 2002 Share Posted March 23, 2002 [COLOR=purple]Ahem... *cough* *cough* Off topic.. Now then.. as to this whole who copied who.. simple explanation.. no one copied, you simply got your ideas from one man... Aristotle.. the four elements, Earth, Fire, Air, and Water were once thought to be what all things were made from, simply in different portions. Aristotle and his fellow Greek philosophers named that based upon common sense and reasoning, the gods had created everything in the universe out of Earth, Fire, Air, and Water. They proved their point by burning wood. The boiling water and sap could be seen seeping out which accounted for water. The steam and smoke accounted for air. The fire burning the wood was well, obivously fire. And the wood and ash were earth. However, we now know that everything in the world is made from the 112+ elements found in the periodic table. So nobody ripped off anybody elses ideas, they all developed from Aristotle's. And if you want to be original so bad, create a RPG with 112+ players... all with one element, Carbon, Gold, Hydrogen, etc... Moving on.. it's against the rules to offend anyone else or put anyone else, and such is a case showing of spamming. I'm not trying to go all ModGod here.. but you should not be knocking anyone else's RPG... If you have a problem with an RPG, tell a Moderator or keep it to yourself. There is no point in fighting over it. It won't help at all. So just swallow it and move on.[/COLOR] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Boba Fett Posted March 24, 2002 Author Share Posted March 24, 2002 Ok we will "move on" but we need more members for this rpg or it will sink... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ratboy Posted March 24, 2002 Share Posted March 24, 2002 This post is to notify the people that the new rpg will now be called the redemer of elements and that the new thread willl be placed to atract members just to remind people that any amount of members may join as long as they do not copy the information from anybodys rpg or get there names and special techniques from any other rpg or cartoon. I may be making a big deal out of this but you know.[B]I just want a origanal rpg that people can have fun playing.[/B] IF if I offend any body that is religous with the reddemer himself. I ask that you remember that this is a game:modrod: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Boba Fett Posted March 26, 2002 Author Share Posted March 26, 2002 Good, mabye a new name will convince people of the excellence of this RPG! I think the new name will greatly raise the appeal.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Boo Posted March 28, 2002 Share Posted March 28, 2002 [center] [IMG][/IMG] When you're [b]alone[/b] And life is making you [b]lonely[/b], You can always go downtown [IMG][/IMG] When you've got worries, All the [b]noise[/b] and the [b]hurry[/b] Seems to help, I know, downtown [img][/img] Just listen to the [b]music[/b] of the traffic in the city [b]Linger[/b] on the sidewalk where the [b]neon[/b] signs are pretty [img][/img] How can you [b]lose[/b]? The [b]lights[/b] are much [b]brighter[/b] there You can forget all your troubles, forget all your cares and go downtown [img][/img] Downtown, things'll be [b]great[/b] when you're Downtown, no [b]finer[/b] place for sure, Downtown, everything's waiting for you [img][/img] Don't [b]hang around[/b] And let your [b]problems[/b] surround you There are movie shows downtown [img][/img] Maybe you know Some [b]little places[/b] to go to Where they never [b]close[/b] downtown [IMG][/IMG] Just listen to the rhythm of a gentle bossanova You'll be dancing with 'em too before the night is over [b]HAPPY AGAIN[/b] [img][/img] The lights are much [b]brighter[/b] there You can forget all your troubles, forget all your cares and go downtown [img][/img] Downtown where all the [b]lights[/b] are [b]bright[/b] Downtown, waiting for you tonight, Downtown [b]You're gonna be alright now[/b] [img][/img] And you may find somebody [b]kind[/b] to [b]help[/b] and [b]understand you[/b] Someone who is [b]just like you[/b] and needs a [b]gentle hand[/b] to Guide them along [/center] [center] [font=trebuchet ms]The guy who had been hitting me was losing his touch. It was either the exhaustion or just plain boredom. I would offer him to whistle a tune, but for some reason I reckoned he would not appreciate it. They wanted information. Who I was, what I did, where I was from, what I was doing out there and of course [b]who[/b] I was doing it [b]for[/b]. The first question were easy to answer genuinely, but naturally guys like the one with the awful sewer breath which he was projecting heavily into my face made it harder. When I told them what they asked for they would beat me until they were sure. It took some broken ribs before they would consider me hurt enough to sincerely mean my answers, which remained the same. By the time I lost conscience, they knew about all I had to spill. [/center][/font] [center][indent][size=1] [b]Name:[/b] Dutch, B. [b]Age:[/b] 46 years old [b]Occupation:[/b] Freelance (Photo)Journalist [b]Short description of subject:[/b] - dark brown hair, steadily silvering - green eyes - 6'2" tall - 178 lbs - several visible birthmarks on face - long black worn out leather jacket - camera bag with dim greens, blues and reds [b]Interrogated subject's behaviour:[/b] The subject did not need much convincing to tell us the information we required, most of the time. Sometimes the guy would act like a clown and try to be a wise guy, and constantly he was whistling or singing songs until we would remind him we did not appreciate it during our interview. Does not seem to feel threatened much by pain, but that could easily be a façade. Sometimes his cynical side would come up to taunt us, but that was taken care of smoothly every time. [b]Further notes:[/b] Subject mentioned a brother, Dylan. That's all the information on relatives we got out of him. [/size][/indent][/center] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Create an account or sign in to comment You need to be a member in order to leave a comment Create an account Sign up for a new account in our community. It's easy! Register a new account Sign in Already have an account? Sign in here. Sign In Now Share More sharing options... Followers 0 Go to topic listing All Activity Home OtakuBoards Theater A new RPG on the elements × Existing user? Sign In Sign Up Browse Back Forums Calendar Staff Online Users Leaderboard Activity Back All Activity Search Otakupedia Graphic Worm theOtaku Chat × Create New... [center][img][/img] I knew that by the time I would wake up, the head ache would not be the result of a beautiful romance with a bottle of whisky the night before. I sure hoped there'd be some left to convince me otherwise, though. [/center]
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