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If you were to be any Anime character out there.........


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Guest Krillen214
Well other than the obvious bald headed, human, from Dragonball Z. I would probably like to be Shinji, anybody that has seen a minute of Neon Genesis Evangelion knows why.
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I'd like to be Isamu Dayson from Macross pluss II

Ya gotta love a guy that can get beatin to a pulp and hop out of his hospital bed like nothing even happened.PLUS:::he can fly a plane/Macross like nobodies buisness.

I wanna fly a plane!!!

::Gets mad cuase he hasn't reached his goal yet::
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeusTheSnail [/i]
[B]I would have to be Gene Starwind. For these 3 reasons!
1. He has the Outlaw Star (duh!)
2. He is very good with the ladies
3. He has red hair
Red hair is the coolest!! [/B][/QUOTE]
Yep, I want to be Gene too. For the same 3 reasons. :smirk:
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