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Megaman X fanfic...but it's not what it seems.


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X sighed, walking into his quarters. The glow of the lights - kept dim- provided some measure of relief to the Legendary Maverick Hunter. A calming, hidden darkness.
"Does he even know?" X wondered, picking up a mirror and looking at the reflected image. His helmeted, boyish face, the dark blue eyes. Eyes that had seen more conflict and death than almost any other being. X turned away from the mirror, letting it drop out of his hands and land with a clatter on the desk. Pressing a hidden button on the desk, he watched as a small control panel extnded itself, the ancient LED display glowing brightly in the gloom.
"Should I tell him?" X wondered aloud. "Should he know the truth?" Only silence answered him as he finished typing in the passcode. X heard the tell-tale click of the magnetic lock release. X opened the hidden, unlocked compartment in his desk and took out the two small items within. He struggled to keep his hands steady as he placed them on the table, silently wondering why Dr. Light had made him with human reflexes like nervousness.
The first item, held in an obsidian frame, was a picture of a beautiful smiling girl. Just barely entering adulthood by the looks of the photograph, with long brown hair that fell down to her shoulders. X's eyes locked with the girl's - also large, and the same dark blue as his. Unlike his own, however, these eyes had never seen battle, never known the horrors he had faced. Sigma...and X had seen to that.
X's eyes shone with tears as he remembered. Not even three weeks before X finnally arrived to destroy the Maverick Sigma. The girl had died that day; caught in between X and Sigma. And niether Sigma or Zero knew what they had really done. Since that day, X knew, there was only one thing he felt he could do. Until today.
X turned his attention to the second item. It was a crystal datachip, one he had encoded long ago to hide and protect the truth. And now, that same chip would be used to reveal it.
Picking up the chip in one trembling hand, and the now-cracked mirror in the other, he sat back in the chair. In one smooth motion, he slipped the chip into his controls and waited as the self-activated program set to work.
X turned the mirror over and found himself staring into himself. Herself. The same girl that had vanished long ago.
X had died that day.
Now, X would live again.
X removed her helmet, her hair lolling out, messy from being held in the helmet for so long. But it didn't matter.
Only one thing did now. She had to find Zero.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i]

Post the next chapter, I insist! [/B][/QUOTE]

Yeah I agree too, I also would love to see the next chapter Alexander.;) I find the story quite interesting its like reading a book's introduction and getting sucked into it all the way to the end.:)
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