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Guest cloricus
Eps: well the worlds f---ed, but I take it you already know that? how long have you been dead anyway?
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[COLOR=darkblue]Rico: I'm not really sure what's going on either...I've never really seen anything like this before...blue blood...and Spyder's physique...it's all new to me...

[i]Rico took a seat on the hallway floor while Spyder took a deep breath to...try to explain everything that's been happening so far...

~An hour later~[/i]

Eps: So that's mostly it...you know who we are, right.

Harle: Yes...but to answer your question...a long time.

Spyder: Oh...okay...

Harle: So where do we go on from here...now that I'm here as well.

Liam: Well, that's something we'll have to talk about...

Rico: Where to...I'd say out of the city...depending on what we want...[/COLOR]
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[COLOR=royalblue]Valeigh: ...I just want to avenge my sister.

[i]She touched her healing lip and her eyes flashed.....[/i]

Rico: ...What about the Lightbearers?

Spyder/Valeigh: We can deal with them.

Harle: Even if they did kill off alot of us.

Spyder: They're power isn't boundless.

Valeigh: I could kill one easily.

Eps: Because you're part of them?

Valeigh: Yes...[/COLOR]
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Guest cloricus
(Piro now owns Eps char)

Eps: I want to go in to the city, time for some payback. If not why did I even come and find you people?
I can take on any stupid lightbearer any day, any time!
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The Harlequin: Still as arrogant as ever

Eps: Well I could, don't you think?

The Harlequin: Perhaps. We'll see.

Eps: And you could?

The Harlequin: Have so far.

Valeigh: Would you two stop it.

The Harlequin: Well why don't we all find something more interesting to do?

Valeigh: Such as?
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Guest cloricus
Eps: well if you haven?t noticed the movies haven?t been going for years... and I don?t think any one plays sport any more.

Harle: ...


Eps: any way I can kill a lightbearer with my arms tied behind my back!
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Spyder: Sleep. I need sleep. now. I know I am a wierd, deformed, lovecrazed, psychopathic killing freak, but I am a very very tired psychopathic killing freak. I need to restore some stamina, anyway. I have a feeling that there will be corpses to form in the near future, and I will be damned if I have to fight to keep awake during all of it.

[I]Harlequin look at her comically.[/I]

Spyder: Shut up and die. Oh, um, never mind.

[I]Spyder leaves the room in search of somewhere to sleep, muttering about what she will do to people if she is woken.[/I]
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The Harlequin stares for awhile at Spyders retreating back, then shrugs and turns back around.

Eps: Well, aren't you going to follow he...

Eps's sarcastic remarks is suddenly cut off as his jaw is misaligned by The Harlequin's right heel. Valeigh, Rico and Athen quickly jump between the two combatants, forcing them to leave it there. Eps get's up, spitting blood, a humourless smile on his face.

The Harlequin: You have no right to comment.

Eps: You'll pay for that one day Harlequin.

The Harlequin: I live for the day.

The Harlequin stalks out into the night, driven to sudden aggravation by Eps's sarcastic remarks. He turns, wishing to finish the combat, before realising the futility of it. Sliding back into a comforting state of despression, The Harlequin once again retreats into the night.
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[i]Athen chuckled, despite the death stare he recieved from Eps. Smirking back at him, he proceeded to remove his highwayman coat and unsheathe the blades hidden in its folds[/i]

Athen: *unsheathes a pair of kama's (shortswords)* polishing is in order for my old friends I'd have to say :smirk:

*Eps sighs and walks out of the room, grumbling something about lunatics*

Athen: suit yourself *continues polishing*
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Guest cloricus
Eps: *mumbling* all damn lunatics....

*walking out of the room*

seeing the blood coming down my chin I turn in to a corner and the familiar bright yellow glow of my face healing. I thought about getting revenge on Harlequin but realising that could get me kicked out of the group. Besides he could be useful... someday.
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He had a feeling that the other member of this admittedly ragged and untrusting group would expect him to apologise. Great. Not that he would of course...

The Harlequin (mutters): Next time I suppose I should just slice him into pieces small enough for a vultures gullet, and the hell with apologising.

Damn Eps. The Harlequin wondered at his overreaction. Perhaps it was just his aura's stabilising as his body and mind adapted to death.

Anyway, there was no point in hanging around for the night, it would just stir things up more, and The Harlequin wasn't sure what the reaction would be if he ended up cutting Eps's throat, in self defense or otherwise. The Harlequin pads off into the night, wary or the other stalking denizens, to find somewhere comfortable to try and break his insomnia addiction again, resolving to return early.
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Guest cloricus
after searching the house for a while for spyder, knowing the whole time where she was - but needing time to think of what to tell her I found her in a room to the side.

Eps: you might want to go find him, and tell him not to mess with me because he cant kill me and I cant kill some one who is already dead...
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[COLOR=seagreen]Valeigh: It would appear that it doesn't matter.

[i]Eps jumped, startled. Valeigh's voice had seemingly come out of nowhere, but she was really standing directly behind him, sword in hand.[/i]

Valeigh: Your feud with him is both annoying and childish.

Spyder: And how dare you wake me up!!!!!

Valeigh: Come on Cassanova, let's let the lady sleep.

[i]She snatched his collar and flung him out of the room, then she turned and winked to Spyder before closing the door behind her.[/i]

Eps: You'll pay for that.

Valeigh: .....*level's blade* Don't try it.[/COLOR]
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Guest cloricus

annoyed that I hadn?t being paying enough attention to realise that Raiha had come into the room and have enough of all of this I walked out the door and went for a long walk, there was going to be a fight soon. Allot will die and I didn?t want to be fighting with anger for the people on my own side.
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[i]Athen stood and looked down at the now highly polished blades before him. He replaced them all in their sheathes, except one, a large obsidian blade.

Athen leant forward to pick it up, as his fingers touched the cold surface, a long past memory surfaced in his mind. A dark and musty room, he was there, along with Spyder and Harlequin.

A figure stood before them, voice wreathed in malice and mystery spoke to them all[/i]

???: we, as you know, have set ourselves against the light bearers, but at a cost. we have lost many from our cause, dead or trapped in their own minds. To stop their great plague we have assigned three members to take down the light bearers leaders.

[i]The figure motioned for Spyder, Harlequin and Athen to come forward[/i]

???: each take the blade and recite your vow, Athen. .

[i]Athen leant forward, took the Obsidian blade and spoke[/i]

Athen: with this knife I vow to cut short the breath of the Leader of of the Lightbearers, Sellum. But if I fail, let the breath be cut short be my own

[i]Athen gripped the blade and sliced from his wrist to his elbow, letting it bleed onto the blade, letting it taste what it would drink in failure[/i]


[i]The room snapped out of focus as Athen was brought back to reality[/i]

Athen: too much time has been wasted here....*he sheathes the blade* we must move on...

Valiegh: *walks into the room* what was that?

Athen: nothing, just talking to the spirits

[i]Athen smiled, Valiegh felt she wouldn't be surprised it fangs sprang from his gums at that moment. But it was fleeting, it vanished as Athen left the room and Rico walked in[/i]
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The Harlequin was getting sick of dodging who/whatever had decided to follow him. He had, and not for his own sake, that it was not Eps. The Harlequin knew that he had an excellent chance at taking Eps down, but strangely enough, he didn't want to. Whether Eps could heal or not though, if Eps went too far, The Harlequin ws more than ready to let him spend the rest of his life in pieces.

The soft tapping was still behind him. It was definitely humanish. Too purposeful for any other creature of the night. Perhaps he'd attracted the notice of a rogue vampyre. That would make things fun.

A metallic chuckle sounded behind him.

????: Very good.

The Harlequin's interest quickened. A telepathic vampyre? This miht just be the thing he was looking for.

Vampyre: Yes, I know you're already dead. It won't matter. So am I.

The Harlequin: Quite obviously. Why don't you step on out, so we can end this pathetic charade you call a stalking.

Vampyre: But of course.

The vampyre was once a classic archetype businessman. The Harlequin judged him to be one of the oldest vampyres he'd ever seen. Without pausing for further talk, the vampyre advanced, hands held like talons, ready to encircle The Harlequin's neck, to capture his neck in a fatal embrace. But that was an old tactic.

As the vampyre swung, The Harlequin ducked, spun around, and drew his kris across the vampyre throat in a rising blow on the return. Startled, the vampyre stumbled back, not really injured. As The Harlequin advanced to finish the fight, the vampyre recovered with surprising speed. His hand shot out and grasps The Harlequin's throat. Twisting, it sliced both arteries.

Undaunted, The Harlequin threw a cresent kick over the vampyres arm, hitting it again to bring his leg down. The Harlequin then spun his twin viper off his back, and in a vicious series of circular cuts that flowed into one another, removed most of the anatomical neccessities in the vampyres body.

As the creature sunk to the ground, blood bubbling and hissing from it's wounds, The Harlequin decided it might be a better idea to return to the house. The chances of encountering a pack were slightly too high for his tastes. He was more than willing to take on several of them, but considering packs usually consisted of at least twenty, he was cautious about engaging them.

Stepping lightly over the rapidly decomposing body, The Harlequin retraced his steps back to the house.
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Guest cloricus
[I]after walking for a few hours I decided to go back to the house to see if any thing was happening or if they had decided to leave with out me. as I got to the house I sensed that every one was asleep and that Harlequin wasn?t back yet. I walked in and found some old chair and moved it in front of the front door, in the shadows and waited. about an hour later I awoke only to feel the presents of Harlequin near the front of the house, most likely checking to see if it was safe.[/I]

[I]The Harlequin enters the house, seeing the blood running down his neck...[/I]

Eps: I see you had some fun while yo... *[I]once again I was cut off from finishing my sentence by twin vipers in an x around my neck.[/I]

Eps: you don?t have to do that every time we come any where near each other you know...

Harle: maybe if you didn?t come near me we mightn?t have this problem. *[I]removing the blades.[/I]

Eps: do you want me to heal though cuts?
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The Harlequin wondered at Eps's sudden stance of something that just may have been close to reconciliation. Still, it might be best to go along with it... for now. The Harlequin's musing was interrupted by an inquiring sound from Eps.

The Harlequin: I don't heal remember. I don't have to. And no, there's no pain.

Eps: I have a feeling I could still heal you.

The Harlequin: You'd only kill yourself. I'm aware that your form of healing works by flooding life into the wound. The backlash would suck everything you had out. Of course, I'd grow immeasurably stronger. Lifeforce, of any entity, being what it is. So if you're ever feeling generous...

Eps: I think not...

The Harlequin: I thought you'd see it that way. Now, I'm going to get some sleep. I don't recomment disturbing me. in fact, I recommend you do the same, whether you need to or not. It's good for your auras. Your psyche is seriously misaligned. But then, isn't everyone's these days.

Eps: Where'd you get that from?

The Harlequin (mocking): ...wreck the malls with cows on Harleys...

Irritated by The Harlequin's strange remarks, Eps stalks out of the room.

The Harlequin (to no one in particular): Well, that's that settled.

The Harlequin sits in respose, and flows into the waking trance that serves for him as sleep, when he is disturbed, it is once again the sooty darkness of what may once have been day.
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Guest cloricus
hearing in my head "Well, that's that settled." feeling relived that for the moment harlequin wasn?t going to kill me. I returned to the chair in front of the door I sat and stared blankly.. serving as sleep for people who don?t need it. waking to find a dark normal day and wishing for it to go back to before.
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[I] I had merely used the excuse of sleep to get away unnoticed. The sudden arrival of Harlequin had been a shock, but my quest lay ahead unperturbed. Creeping upstairs once more, I unlocked the door at the end of the hall and opened it, dreading what I would find.

The door opened onto a narrow stairwell, light streaming through gaps in the boards from the dying fire beneath. It gave the ascent an ethereal appearance, the billowing smoke and dust capturing the golden rays and setting them alight against the black silhouette of the steps. It was only after I had ventured inside and turned around to close the door when I realised that wherever this was leading me may be inhabited, as the door had been locked from inside. The Dark Era we lived in had not been yet long enough for skeletons to mark its plight, but rotting corpses. Only if they had died before the light fell. After that, and death would mean little to them. I placed my sword by the door just in case anything happened, tied my hair up into a tight bun and drew a dagger out from a leather belt on my thigh. It was titanium, black, and the blade was rippled. My mothers, the first blade we created together.
Creeping up the stairs, I paused once I reached the top. It was light, too light? I wondered if the moon was full tonight. I tapped the blade lightly on the soft side of my elbow, the only exposed part of my arm. Blood dripped black from the wound and I licked it, testing acidity. The sourness was so strong I recoiled violently. It was definitely a full moon tonight. I spat on the wound and the bleeding stopped immediately, as a result of the herbs I kept under my tongue. Continuing forward, I breached the top of the staircase and the narrow well opened out into a brightly lit wooden panelled room. The light came from a circular window nestled at the top of the apex, the full moon fully visible through the dusty glass. Glancing around, I found the room to be empty except for an item of furniture, a cabinet maybe, covered with a white cloth, and an old, well-kept scythe leaning against the wall. I walked over to it, testing the blade on a lock of my hair. Although it was not very sharp, the metal was free of rust and the wooden handle was well oiled. I picked it up, and was surprised at its weightlessness. A quick check revealed the wood to be hollow, and lined with steel, a mark of excellent workmanship. I replaced it against the wall and turned my attention to the cabinet. Drawing back the cloth, I found it to be an antique duchess. A quick search of the draws revealed little - the corpse of a newborn baby in the bottom draw, swathed in red velvet. Examining the child, I decided that the cause of death was a broken neck. Odd. A small top draw contained a secret latch, and in turn a secret compartment, which held a locket on a delicate silver chain, and another key.
I quickly replaced everything as I had found it, minus the locket and key, and walked back toward the stairs. Pausing to reconsider, I turn and grab the scythe and return downstairs, careful to lock the door behind me.
As I walk back down the hall, it strikes me that the floor of the room appeared somewhat higher than I imagined. Glancing up, I realise that I may have to pay the room another visit. One day. But now, for sleep. I crept downstairs carefully in search for my true love.[/I]
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Snapping out of trance, The Harlequin saw who had disturbed his reverie. Spyder. A poignant ache filled him, as he realised how easily he could have lost her over the past few days, as he realised, again, how beautiful she really was.

The Harlequin: How do you always manage to look so good?

Spyder: You're just biased.

The Harlequin: You're only coming to that conclusion now?

Spyder: You think I'm that slow?

The Harlequin (long suffering sigh): Still can't work out when I'm being sarcastic, can you?

Spyder shrugs, and sits next to him, imitating his cross legged position of repose.

The Harlequin: Was there something?

Spyder: Nothing, really.

The Harlequin: Just the usual.

Spyder: You complaining?

The Harlequin: No...

In a display few have ever seen, The Harlequin bares his soul with a display of pure happiness, tinged with grief, as tears run unashamedly down his cheeks, and he and Spyder take refuge in each other's arms.
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Spyder: I knew you were coming. I didn't believe myself for the last couple of days, but then you showed up.

Harlequin: And left again, shortly afterwards.

Spyder: I don't blame you.

[I]Harlequin glances at the weapon Spyder has leant against the wall as she had entered the room.[/I]

Harlequin: Nice. Where did you get it?

Spyder: Upstairs, in a locked room.

Harlequin (sighing): You never miss an opportunity to rub it in, do you?

Spyder: No, I don't.

[I]Harlequin takes one of her pale, scarred hands in his own.[/I]

Harlequin: I don't blame you, either.

[I]Spyder lies her head in his lap and falls immediately into a deep cataplexy, oblivious to the night that surrounds her.[/I]
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[COLOR=royalblue][i]Valeigh rested in a half awake mode on the rooftop...perched like a sleeping tiger....one eye was open, and she could sense everything around her....Beneath her, she could sense Spyder, Rico, Harlequin, and Eps.....but Athen's scent was removed...[/i][/COLOR]
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[i]Athen walked through the deserted streets, a cloud of dust swirling around his body. What little light there was rreflected back off his obsidian blade. A Sig Sauer 9mm had also been drawn, one of the last few gunpowder weapons that had not been destroyed by the light bearers[/i]

Athen: [i]must make haste. .Sellum is undoubtably almost upon us. .kill him before the morrow and their religion will regard it as an evil omen, a sign of doomsday[/i]

[i]Athen smirked again and increased the pace, coat flying behind him[/i]
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Guest cloricus
[I]after following athen for some way I was beginning to be intrigued to where he was going, and if he might need some help in doing what ever he was going to do. I decide to go up and ask him. I run up past where he was walking and hid behind a corner, as he came past I jumped out...[/I]

Eps: hi athe.... *[I]again I had a blade to my throat...[/I]

Eps: oh come on, why dose every body do this to me.

*[I]athen glares back.[/I]

Eps: ok maybe I should be more content to just call out?.

Athen: do you want some thing or are you just bugging me?

Eps: mainly just bugging, any way where ya' going?

Athen: ....

Eps: can I help you with what ever your doing, you might need another pear of hands, and I have my weapons with me??

*[I]athen seems to be thinking about it.....[/I]
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