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Shattered Pristine

The Harlequin

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As I walk through my home, the shell which has sustained my remnants of an existence for countless aeons, aeons that could have been moments, days or years, the profound despair of one who realises the nothingness inherent in existence, descends upon me yet again. With a quiet, yet inexorable dignity, it eclipses the shattered pristine of my mind, my thoughts, my feelings, my conscience. Its familiarity is almost comforting, as is the common mixture of pity and envy I feel for those blissfully ignorant fortunates who are not blessed, or perhaps cursed, with the insight that they are as pointless as trying to extract blood from stones. They exist like insects, running busily around trying to better their existence, to add an element of permanence to their lives. Yet they seem to fade in and out of the phase of my life like day and night, or is it perhaps just their habits, as incomprehensible to me as the mysteries of the universe. I know not. All I know is that such extroversion, such ability to take joy in life, is far beyond me. Society, people as a whole, are beyond me. I lament it not. Perhaps my insights led to my solitary habits, or perhaps my introversion, brought around by my solitude, made me come to such bleakly refreshing insights. Should all life perish in an apocalyptic firestorm, should all the rocks of the world crack and run to sand, should the oceans recede into sulphurous lakes, the futility of existence will remain. So to will my apathy towards life, existence, pain, pleasure, joy and people. Thus I remain the emotionless shell of my own devising, trapped behind my self constructed walls of silence, imprisoned by my own fortress of solitude.
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[color=deeppink]Mesa like :)

The [i]only[/i] problem I had with it was the wordiness. It sounds very, very affluent, which is extremely impressive, but sometimes a reader can get caught up on wordiness. At times it can be like biting off more than you can swallow in one reading :)

Perhaps adding periods in place of commas would help break it up a bit. Other than that, it's great :D[/color]
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