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Hybrid Wars: Path to Destruction


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Tristam: Rajaah, I'm going with you...

*The ninja stood up and walked over to the hybrid pair. Rajaah opened his mouth to speak but Tristam cut him off*

Tristam: Don't argue with me, my mind is settled. I will go with you wether you like it or not...
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Nightfire- Why again are we going to cheack out the Hybrid tribes? No one said that it was a nessesity to get mixed up in all of this.

Rajaah- We need to know. This will affect everyone, and I would prefer it if humans and Hybrid's were to be friends rather than enimies.

Tristan- We also [I]care[/I] about what's going to happen.

*Nightfire ignored that*

Nightfire- I usually stay out of other people's fight's, not push myself into them. Even if I do start a few, it dosn't mean that I like getting mixed up in these things you know.
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*Tristan stopped and turned facing Nightfire, his face couldn't be seen but the way he stood could tell that he was not a very cheerful person by her remark.*

Tristan: For your information nightfire, this is -everyone's- fight... if these nuclear weapons are used again this could mean the end of EVERYTHING..... And that includes you. So if you don't think this is your fight, you should either change your mind or kill yourself now...

Nightfire: ........

*tristan turns his back to her, thoroughly ticked off but more aware than ever.*
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<< Rajaah stopped at Tristan's yelling >>

Rajaah: << Loud >> Tristan! Calm down.

Tristan: << Simply nods >>

Rajaah: Tristan please wait here ? << Looks at Nightfire >> may I speak with you.

Nightfire: << Looking upset >> FINE.

<< The two walk off in the distance about 5-10 minutes. Until they come a crossed a grove. Rajaah simply stares up at the serene sky taking slow deep breaths, as his closes is eyes. The sounds of the forest pause for a moment as if all have taken a moment of silence. >>

Rajaah: << still as he was >> Close your eyes Nightfire.

<< She does so >>

Rajaah: << Compassionately >> Do you feel it?

??.. Please Continue ??.
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The others waited for Nightfire and Rajaah in camp. Carrot walked up to Tristan.

Carrot-Hey, may I ask you a question?


Carrot-Why do you want to go first to the tribe? Wouldn't it be easier for you to fit in if you go to town with us?

Tristan-I have my reasons.

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Great... I'm not very good with things like this so don't blame me if it turns out horrible... but ok. Someone should help me a bit though.

Rajaah- *takes a deep breath* Consentrate... You should feel it...

Nightfire- *Thinks of this as a wast of time, but tries again nonetheless* What am I looking for exactally?
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