Boba Fett Posted June 5, 2002 Share Posted June 5, 2002 Boba laid on the floor of his cell, exactly where he had been thrown by the clone trooper. He couldnt move. His small body was wracked with spasms of sharp pain. He knew his legs were both broken, as were the majority of his ribs. Obi-Wan, who was still weak from the earlier stun blasts, managed to use the force to gently lift Boba onto his cot. Boba closed his eyes and tried to ignore the terrible pain. He heard screaming, it must be Mara. He knew that she and Lalaith had some kind of mental link. That meant that wherever Lalaith was he was also in agony. Boba tried to shut out the screams, they hurt his ears. He cried out to Mara begging her to be quiet, but to no avail, she continued to scream..... Boba laid on his cot and moaned, this was the end. The Empire had won. They were doomed. Nobody knew they were here........ That meant no rescue....... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mist Posted June 5, 2002 Share Posted June 5, 2002 Mara clutched at her head, messing her perfectly styled hair. It fell out as she screamed, clutching harder. " I...can't...stand it!" she said, shaking in pain. SIren's eyes widened. "Stand what?" "AHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sui Generis Posted June 5, 2002 Share Posted June 5, 2002 Lalaith: [i]Falls to his knees panting filled with pain[/i] They wouldn't have.... Palpatine: Why do you think they wouldn't let you become a Jedi...[i]Smirks[/i] And they want to kill you... Lalaith: They wouldn't.... Palpatine: Don't you find it convienant that they left right before we came...[i]Smirks[/i] Lalaith: NO!! Palpatine: [i]Grins[/i] Yes...But I can save you, and your friends... Lalaith: [i]Looks up[/i] How... Palpatine: [i]Extends his hand[/i] Follow me and you'll see... Lalaith: [i]Sits there for a second the clasps Palpatine's hand[/i] Only if you let them go... Palpatine: Very well... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Boba Fett Posted June 5, 2002 Share Posted June 5, 2002 Boba laid on his padded metal cot and listened to Mara's screams, then they suddenly stopped. Boba realised that meant one of two things, Lalaith had died or he had turned to the dark side Then clone troopers came and dragged them out of the cell.... Boba gasped, they were handling him so roughly he *spasms in pain*, and then everything went black. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mist Posted June 5, 2002 Share Posted June 5, 2002 ---------------------Three Days Later------------------------------- Mara sat motionlessly on her cot, staring at nothing in particular. After, Siren had knocked her out, Mara had come to a resolution in her dreams. Lalaith was gone, and most likely, not coming back. So until he did, she wasn't going to be...her. Siren sighed as she banged on the wall. "I can't do this anymore!" she screamed in anger, her fist turning red with each hit. "Stop it." Mara muttered, turning around on her cot. [i]They don't knw[/i], she thought, [i] they don't know he's turned...[/i] Mara laughed bitterly. "Duty before feelings." She whispered, falling asleep. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Boba Fett Posted June 5, 2002 Share Posted June 5, 2002 OOC: Ok, this is all happening too fast. I posted the knock out thing, then when it is done I see Lalaith has turned and Mara is already uncontious. So I changed my post. Oh well it is all fine now. -------------- Boba heard her say those fateful words, and in a shocking realisation understood. Lalaith, their friend, was gone to the dark side. Why would he do that? There was only one explaniation. He had made Palpitine let them go. But they were still in a Imperial prision, just on a planet, but Lalaith probally didnt know that. Their only hope was Mara, mabye she could use her mental link to contact Lalaith and tell him of Palpitines treatchery.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mist Posted June 5, 2002 Share Posted June 5, 2002 "Mara, you have to get that link through!" Siren wailed, shaking Mara by her shoulders. Mara turned away, pushing Siren off. "What's the point," she asked, whirling around and glaring at Siren, "So I can get hurt again. Duty before feelings." she said coldly, crossing her arms. "You can't." Siren whispered in fright. "Can't what?" Mara asked coldly. "Give up on him." Mara stared at Siren listlessly, her emerald eyes resembling cold steel. "I already have." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Boba Fett Posted June 5, 2002 Share Posted June 5, 2002 Boba got up(he has been through a bacta soak and is healed, mostly). Boba: "Mara, I cant belive you. You should be ashamed of yourself, giving up on Lalaith. You of all people." Mara refuses to repond, she stares straight ahead and doesnt move........ A clone trooper walks in to give them food. Boba kicks him in the head, then runs out of the cell, heading for the exit. Along the way he grabs his armor and his sniper rifle from the guards desk. He manages to escape into the jungle, there using a transmitter implanted in his leg, he calls his ship to pick him up. Once aboard he sets course for Coruscant, his mind made up. The rebels were weak and were now powerless. He would become a bounty hunter like his father. It was his destiny, he would fufill it. Boba checks his armor for tracking devices, and anything else Imperial. Then he goes to sleep.......... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mist Posted June 5, 2002 Share Posted June 5, 2002 Mara smiled. "See. That's the reason why I don't trust bounty hunters." She mumbled, sitting back on her cot, her arms still folded. "Whatever." Siren mumbled as she fell asleep on her cot. After a few minutes, Mara crept upon Siren's bed to check if she was asleep. When Mara found out she was, Mara sat down stiffly on her cot and stared coldly a the wall. And as her eyes were empty, so were the tears that streamed silently down her face. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sui Generis Posted June 5, 2002 Share Posted June 5, 2002 Lalaith: Palpatine you said you would let them go, yet I see them everyday in those cells.... Palpatine: In due time, in due time! Lalaith: [i]Shakes his head[/i] Whatever... Palpatine: Whatever what? Lalaith: [i]Sighs[/i] Yes master....[i]Thinks: Mara were are you, don't give up on me yet[/i] Palpatine: [i]Points out to a planet[/i] This will be the next victim to our destruction, and you will unleash it young Lalaith. Lalaith: [i]Steps back in shock[/i] I will not kill so many for no reason... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mist Posted June 5, 2002 Share Posted June 5, 2002 Palpatine's laugh rang in Padme's ears as she was thrown into a cell. "Ugh...Where am I?" she said, facing the ground. She sat up and was suprised to find herself staring at Mara. "Mara," she said, rushing to the other woman," It's so good to see you." Mara nodded, whiping her tears away. "It's good to see you again, Padme." Mara said, no emotion presnt. in her tone. Padme gripped Mara's shoulders. "Mara? Are you alright?" she asked, searching her eyes for a reason. Mara looked away. "Just fine." she answered as she tore away. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sui Generis Posted June 5, 2002 Share Posted June 5, 2002 Palpatine: Very well then...Gaurds get young senator! [i]The gaurds run out[/i] Lalaith: You wouldn't! Palpatine: I wouldn't?! [i]The clones come back in holding Mara[/i] Palpatine: [i]Paces around Mara with a smirk[/i] Now either you do what I tell you or...[i]Flips Mara's hair[/i] She'll die, a very slow and painful death...[i]Grins[/i] Lalaith: [i]Looks at Mara[/i] Fine...[i]His eyes droop as they take her out of the room and back to her cell[/i] I'll do it... Palpatine: [i]Laughs[/i] Good... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mist Posted June 5, 2002 Share Posted June 5, 2002 Mara laughed as they threw her back in the cell. "Idoit." she mumbled. Padme looked at her oddly. "Who?" "Lalaith. He's sacrificing millions of lives for mine. Stupid man..." she replied, staring off into space. Padme was thunderstruck, shock written all over her face. "What?" she exclaimed, shaking her by her shoulders, "Mara, what are you saying?" Mara just laughed. "Mara...the name is mine, yet I don't know who "Mara" is..." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sui Generis Posted June 5, 2002 Share Posted June 5, 2002 Lalaith: [i]Strode across the throne room and looked out the window[/i] I'm gonna kill people I've never even seen....[i]Puts his hand on the glass and sighs[/i] Its not right.... Palpatine: Time for your training... Lalaith: What training?! Palpatine: Well you've got to learn to accept pain now which one of your friends should be tortured first? Lalaith:....... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Boba Fett Posted June 5, 2002 Share Posted June 5, 2002 Boba arrived on Coruscant hours later and spent the remainder of the day prowling around the under levels of Coruscant, killing all who got in his way. That night he went back to his ship. He didn't know what to do. Lalaith was lost to the dark side, Mara had given up hope. Obi-Wan was so distraught over Anikan he wouldn't be any help. That left Siren, who was so loyal to Mara she wouldn't leave her side under any circumstances. That meant it was up to him to topple the empire, great. He changed clothes and went to the public archives. There he got the coordinates for two planets, Myrkr and Kamino. He stocked up on supplies by emptying his bank account of the bounty money he had been given by Mara. He went to a shady arms dealer on Coruscant's surface and bought a stolen E-web heavy repeater blaster. It had been modified for use on a starfighter for ground support. Then he went to [I]Dexter's Diner[/I], where he bought food and asked the four armed owner about the best way to shave an Ysalamiri. Then he loaded the [I]Idiots Array[/I] with the food and welded on the E-web, which could now pop out of the hull and blast enemies. When he was done he lifted off and set course for Myrkr. ----------Two days later on Myrkr---------- Boba blasted a clearing into the dense forests of Myrkr with his ships newly installed blaster cannon. He landed, then left the ship with a laser sheer and a bag. Boba walked for several minutes before he found an Ysalamiri, fifty cm long salamander-like creatures that had a unique ability to push back the force. They created a 'bubble" one meter in diameter around themselves in which the force did not exist. He shaved all the hair off the animal, than mercilessly shot it. He repeated the process nine more times until the bag was full. Then Boba walked silently back to his ship. He set course for Kamino and watched the stars elongate outside the veiwport. He used the two day trip to engrain his armor with the Ysalamiri hairs, effectively stopping the force from affecting him. ----------Present time---------- When he arrived on Kamino he hid his ship under the raging seas of the watery planet and went straight to the cloning center. There he killed a fully grown clone that was ready for shipment to the Imperial fleet, and took his armor and put it on under his own. Then he took the clones place on the transport that was almost finished loading. Once the transport Boba didn?t have long to wait. A mere three hours later he was serving aboard the Emperors flagship, the [I]Dominant[/I]. He had sliced into the assignment log and assigned himself to a permanent guard station outside the Emperors throne room. Now he could keep tabs on Lalaith, and not even Anikan, with all his force powers would be able to detect that Clone Trooper #78577877002H was really Boba Fett. He stood outside the Emperors throne room listening to Lalaith agree to anything, as long as Mara stayed alive. He could be so stupid sometimes.......... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mist Posted June 5, 2002 Share Posted June 5, 2002 Mara looked at the wall. Padme and Siren were both asleep, and they didn't look like they would wake up soo, But that was okay for Mara. Tears ran down her cheeks as she moaned in agony. "Lalaith..." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sui Generis Posted June 5, 2002 Share Posted June 5, 2002 Lalaith: I won't choose a friend to be tortured! Palpatine: Fine they all will... Lalaith: You said you would let them go...[i]Lights his lightsaber[/i] Anakin: Stop it Lalaith... Lalaith: [i]Throws him with the force[/i] You said you would let them go, yet you make them suffer!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mist Posted June 5, 2002 Share Posted June 5, 2002 Mara layed her head down, tears still falling, and fell to asleep slowly, and unwillingly, for the dreams that would ensue her would eventually consume her... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Boba Fett Posted June 5, 2002 Share Posted June 5, 2002 Suddenly the door slides open and Boba steps into the room. Boba: "Nice try you old coot. But Lalaith and the others are leaving now, I dont care you like it or not." Palpitine shoots force lightning at Boba but it dissapears a meter from his face. Palpitine looks bewildered and confused. Boba: "As I said, we are leaving and there is [I]nothing[/I] you can do about it. Lalaith you coming?, I havent got all day." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sui Generis Posted June 5, 2002 Share Posted June 5, 2002 Lalaith: [i]Shakes off Boba's hand[/i] I'm not going... Boba: What?! Lalaith: Just trust me! I'm not going!! [i]Walks off back towards the throne room[/i] Boba: Idiot! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mist Posted June 5, 2002 Share Posted June 5, 2002 Mara smiled in her sleep. [i] He's not leaving. He's gone from me. I hate him... I hate you, Lalaith... for hurting me. Yet...I love you.[/i] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sui Generis Posted June 5, 2002 Share Posted June 5, 2002 Palpatine: Who was that? Lalaith: None of your business... Palpatine: [i]Strides towards the door[/i] Oh yes it is... Lalaith: [i]Throws him against the wall[/i] Oh yes it're right, and they're escaping! Palpatine: Anakin attack him now! Lalaith: [i]Pushes Anakin back as well and lights his lightsaber[/i] Noone move...if I hear one shot fired you both will die! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mist Posted June 5, 2002 Share Posted June 5, 2002 Mara woke up and realized something. [i] My soul is dead.[/i] She gently shook Padme awake with tears gathering in pools in her crystal clear emerald eyes. "Wha-" Padme asked, getting up groggily. "I'm going to cry one last time for him, Padme," Mara said resolutely, gripping tightly onto her friend's shoulder, "And then, I'm going to lose myself." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sui Generis Posted June 5, 2002 Share Posted June 5, 2002 Lalaith: [i]Slowly pacing backwards he slams the throne room door shut[/i] Clone: Halt! Lalaith: Shut up! [i]Cuts him in half. Strodes down into the cell room and kills the gaurds[/i] Padme: [i]Comforts Mara then looks up to see Lalaith[/i] What the... Lalaith: Are you guys gonna get up or are you guys gonna sit there while every single soldier in this place comes here?! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mist Posted June 5, 2002 Share Posted June 5, 2002 Mara got up and stared at him coldly. She walked up and gently kissed him, and with that, she slapped him. "You have no right," she said menacingly, as he stumbled back, stunned, "To yell at us. " She walked past him brisquely, but when she came close to him, she whispered. "So don't." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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