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Star Wars:Rogue Squadron-The New Beginning

9mm Avenger

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[color=indigo]It has been sixteen years scence the Battle of Endor, and the death of Emperor Palpatine. Between now and then, the heros of the New Rebublic, thier conquests fraught with peril, have established what they have always dreamed about. A government with equal rights for all species, a peaceful scociety.

But now, the Fleet Command, lead by General Wedge Antillies, has had a major problem with too many pilots. Many pilots, under the command of a Quarren Admiral, have become restless. The Quarren, named Nadon Zanales, seized this opportunity and took his Star Destroyer fleet over to Bastion, the throne world of the defeated Imperials. Zanales instated himself as thier leader, and his New Empire continues to draw more and more recruits everyday, both human and non, men and women. Zanales's ultimate goal was to be the undisputed Leader of the Galaxy, master of all. But Zanales was bested for leadership by a mysterious figure, only known as Darkness Incarnate. Zanalas's feverous self-richousness has been knocked down by this powerful stranger.

As the New Imperials continue to push into the New Rebublic, with pilots dying everyday from sneak attacks rather than dog fights, General Antillies decides to reinstate the infamous Rogue Squadron, as the New Rebublic's new hope.

Pilots from all ends of the spectrum have applied, but only a select few have made the cut. So far, only five pilots have been actually assigned to Rogue Sqadron. These five will soon have the immense task of being an elite unit until the other eight pilots are accepted.

These five's first assignment is to stage a daring commando-style raid on Bastion, to find out exactly who Darkness Incarnate [i]really[/i] is. They pray the rest of thier Squadron will be here soon, or they will face it on thier own....[/color]
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Abob Ttef arrived at his small quarters at 0600 hours, as his orders stated. He was always on time, always following his orders [I]exactly[/I] , it was the Chiss way.

He had joined the military at the age of thirteen, and had been honored to serve as Thrawn's aide. Thrawn had done something unspeakable, unthinkable. He had attacked outsiders, in collaboration with a mysterious human who wore all black robes. Abob had disagreed with Thrawn decision, but being a lowy aide and a cadet, he had no business arguing with the captain.

So he had been forced into exile, along with Thrawn and the rest of the bridge crew. Thrawn and the others joined the empire, lead by the man who Thrawn had collaborated with to attack the outsider vessel.

Abob decided that if this empire was made up of humans who attacked defenceless ships full of their own species he wanted no part in it.

Abob had fled to the outer rim and found the rebellion on Hoth. There he had fought as a snowspeeder pilot. He had crashed and been left for dead by the imperials.

Later he joined the a fighter squadron and had risen through the ranks rapidly.

He had never accepted a promotion, he liked fighters and had no desire to sit behind a desk.

Abob unpacked his things and then headed for the simulator to begin training, first up was the dreaded Redemption senario..........
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[i]Marth walked twords his quarters, small, but large enough to benifit a naval lieutenant. He unpacked his things, and sat dwon on his cot to think.

He had been accepted into Rogue Squadron. That, in his opinion, was a high honor. For so long had he heard about the famous Wedge Antillies and Rogue Squadron, the collection of the best and the brightest the Fleet Command had to offer.

As far as he knew, only four others had been accepted in. Marth guessed that left him as Rogue Five. Not bad, all things considered.

He got up, and headed twords the simulator. Perhaps he would fly as a TIE pilot. Yes, that would be good. If he guessed right, at least one other in his squadron would be flying. Fighting againts a worthy opponent was something that almost never happened in peace time. But, Marth thought, he woulden't be here if it was peace time. He smiled, and made his way to the simulator..[/i]
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[I]As Marth walked towards the Simulator Rooms from his quarters, so did another pilot, coming from the ship's galley... A one Kyle Stryker, Lieutenant in the New Republic military, and much to his surprise and joy, the new leader of Rogue Squadron... Rounding one of the many corners, Kyle noticed another pilot, someone he had seen when he was briefed by General Wedge Antillies when he got his position, and been shown the profiles of those already in... Jogging to catch up, Kyle tapped the person on the back, and he turned around... [/I]

[B]Abob:[/B] "Who are you?"

[B]Kyle:[/B] "Lieutenant Kyle Stryker. Or, as you'll be calling me quite often soon, Rogue Leader."

[B]Abob:[/B] "So, you're in Rogue Squadron too..."

[B]Kyle:[/B] "That I am... So, where are you going?"

[B]Abob:[/B] "Simulators."

[B]Kyle:[/B] "Well, so am I. We might as well get started..."

[I]Kyle began to walk off, towards the simulation rooms, and Abob followed him at a distance... [/I]

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[I]A TIE Interceptor suddenly flew into the base, it's elegant design, made perfectly for speed, caught the attention of a few people. They all knew, however, that the TIE was not here for anything bad. No, the pilot, Xanko, had been a valid accet in the 128th Tie Interceptor squadron, the best of the best of Imperial pilots. It touched down softly next to the main A-wing fleet. The pilot opened the hatchway, climbed out, and leapt down to the floor. He was approached by General Reikan. (I'm gonna assume he's still alive and in charge, if not just tell me otherwise.)

Reikan: Welcome Xanko, hopefully you will become a true asset to Rogue Squadron.

Xanko: I'll try my best.

The Iridonain saluted the general, the walked over to inspect the A-wings. Xanko had always favored speed in his ships, and the A-wing matched a TIE interceptor in speed..... he was keen to see what he could do with one.

Reikan: I heard you had a thing for speed........ why not go down to the simulators? I hear a few of your fellow Rogues are already down there.

Xanko: Yeah, I'm pretty keen to meet them.

With that, Xanko walked out of the main hanger, and started to follow the directions down to the simulators.[/I]
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[color=red]Correct my if I'm wrong, but isn't the One Eighty-First the best of the best? And no, General Reiken, I believe is retired.[/color]

[i]As Marth eneterd the Sim room, he saw another pilot enter[/i]

[b]Marth:[/b]Hey...Lieutenant Stryker, isn't it?

[i]Kyle turns around to look at Marth[/i]

[b]Kyle:[/b]Thats right.

[b]Marth:[/b]*salutes* I guess your our new Rogue Leader. A high honor.

[b]Kyle:[/b]*laughs and returns salute*You were raised among the Chiss, weren't you?

[b]Marth:[/b]I was.*sees a small silver tube hanging off Kyle's belt*Your a Jedi aren't you?

[b]Kyle:[/b]I am.

[b]Marth:[/b]Always a pleasure to meet a Jedi.

[i]Abob finally arrives in the Sim room[/i]

[b]Abob:[/b]Who's this?

[b]Marth:[/b]Lieutenant Marth Rigfield, Rogue Five,New Rebublic Star Fighter Command.

[b]Abob:[/b]*looks at Kyle*Wow, he certiantly knows what to say.*slautes to Marth*

[b]Kyle:[/b]Well, shall we get the Sim started?

[i]Kyle and Abob head twords the X-Wing Sims, while Marth heads tword the TIE Interceptor Sim.[/i]
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No, the 128th Patallion is definately the best TIE Interceptor squad.......
And could you please tell me who the new general is then if Reiken is retired.... it would certainly help us all out.

[I]The door to the simulator room suddenly shot open, and Xanko walked inside. He could hear noises from the simulators, but no-one appeared to be around.

Xanko: Hello?

No response cam from the room...... as Xanko waited for a few minutes.

Xanko: Bah....... probably busy In the simulators. I'll meet up with 'em later. I'm gonna try an A-wing sim.

Xanko walked along the room, until he saw a sign above a metal door that said "A-wing simulators, tutorial."

Xanko decided he'd better learn how to fly the thing before he started in the proper simulators, so he walked into the room. He found himself in a dark room, with a large monitor at the back of the room, and a circular device at the sentre of the room. Xanko sat down in one of the chairs, and reacting to this, the tutorial started to begin.[/I]
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Abob got into a x-wing sim and strapped in.

It wasnt as good as his old clawcraft but the x-wing would have to do.

Abob noticed the Redemption, sitting like a duck in orbit around a planet. He decided to let two of the other X-wings engage the TIE bombers and he and the other x-wing would gaurd the defenceless ship from the incoming TIEs.Abob watched as the other two x-wings picked off bomber after bomber, but they kept coming.

Abob suddenly had problems of his own. Three formations of TIEs were incoming. He rotated his ship to face the group that was trying to attack the Redemptions belly and armed a proton torpedo. He fired the torpedo into the center of the Ties and they all exploded in a fireball.

Then he set his lasers on linked fire and flew off to engage the other groups..............
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[I]Kyle was having problems of his own... He was one of the pilots who had went after the Tie Bombers, or in pilot slang, "dupes"... He and his wingman had stopped the first 6 dupes that had been released from the[/I] Warsprite[I], an Imperial Frigate... Several TIE fighters, also know as "eyeballs", had got past him, but they seemed to have been taken care of by the two X-Wings guarding the ship... But now yet another wave of eyeballs and dupes were incoming, each of them pulling off some fancy flying... "Well, those must be piloted by some cadets who think they're something pretty special... Better show them a thing or two"... Switching his lasers to linked fire, he sprayed red laser at the incoming wave... And just as he expected, all the TIEs broke hard, letting the bolts fly past them...[/I]

[B]Kyle:[/B] "Green Two, engage the dupes. I've got the eyeballs."

[B]Green Two:[/B] "Yes sir."

[I]The other X-Wing, Green Two, broke to the left, chasing after the dupes which were taking a long way around the X-Wings... Bringing his X-Wing around, Kyle took off after the eyeballs...[/I]
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[i]Marth looked at his Interceptor's data screen, and easily spotted Kyle and Abob[/i]

[b]Marth:[/b]Baal, mark them as....Oh. No R7.

[i]Shrugging at his mistake, Marth whipped his Interceptor-known as a "squint" in pilot slang-around and pressed down on the right foot pedal, which controlled the speed. Pulling the control yoke to his chest, Marth swung around behind an X-Wing, and opened fire. His rapid-fire laser cannons chewed through the shields, and impacted on the hull. With practised aim, Marth took out the R2 unit so it counden't make repairs. He then blasted through the cockpit canopy with a well placed burst. The X-Wing vered off course, it's pilot no longer alive.

Marth peddled the left rudder in his squint, and it slewed sideways. As this was the[/i] Redemption[i] scenario, he angled for the medical frigate, which was now docking with the Corellian Corvette [/i] Korolev[i]. He opened fire on the frigate, easily sliding in-between the crew's lazy shots. It wasn't to hard to blst apart the shields when continuous dupe runs had softened them up. He was about to blast again when a red beam flashed past his viewport. Grimacing, he swung away from the frigate, and tried to get into posistion to get rid of the pilot who was on his tail.[/i]

[b]Kyle:[/b]Got you know, Marth.

[b]Marth:[/b]That's what you think...
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Major Gryphon Birdroar always had a bit of a tendency of being late. he thought to himself man get accepted into rouge squadron and then get kicked out man this sucks. as he runs down the corridor he ran in to general (whatever the new generals name is)
general: aw you must be major Birdroar
Gryphon: thats me sir
general: your fellow rouges are in the sims huryy up and you can make the next one.
Gryphon yes sir
he thinks to himself well at least im not kicked out as he runs towards the sims
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Erm, Gryphon0235, I don't recall you signing up, let alone been accepted for this RPG. Please, if you want to join in, sign up in the sign up topic and see if you're going to be accepted...

[I] Kyle turned the control yoke slightly to the left so he was directly behind Marth and his squint, and tightened his finger on the yoke's front button... Red lasers lanced out of the tips of the X-Wing's S-Foils, quickly catching up with the squint... At the last second, it swung to the left, hard, only a few spare bolts grazing it... Turning the X-Wing hard to the left as well, Kyle followed Marth's path, pulling up as he began to, and then ducking back down... "Well, I've got to admit, he's got talent, and lots of it" Kyle though as he pressed on the trigger again, more red lasers lancing out at Marth's squint... Executing a roll, followed by a sharp dive, Marth dodged most of the lasers, and continued to evade Kyle... As he followed Marth's course, Kyle quickly realised what was happening... "He's keeping me occupied, letting the dupes destroy the[/I] Korolev [I]and the [/I]Redemption[I]... Letting out a light growl, he pulled the X-Wing up, scanning his targeting computer for the next wave of dupes...[/I]

[B]Kyle:[/B] "Damnit, a wave of dupes are closing in fast, and it looks like the other two X-Wings are busy. Bluey, give me an intercept point if I went at maximum speed."

[I]The white and blue R6 unit behind him beeped and whirled a few times, calculating the question and scrolling text across the X-Wing's computer... Grimacing as he read what his R6 unit had told him, he flipped a switch on the console in front of him, the S-Foils folding up behind him... With a new jet of speed, the X-Wing sped off, heading for a point just a few klicks from the[/I] Redemption [I] and it's fellow Corvette...[/I]

[I]As the X-Wing drew closer, Kyle took a quick moment to glance over his readings, checking his shield levels, hull density, among other things... Focusing back on the battle, Kyle gripped his yoke tighter, waiting... The moment the dupes, now quite close, appeared at the edge of his cockpit viewport, Klye flipped the S-Foils switch again, commanding the S-Foils to fall into it's attack position... Keeping the dupes around the centre of his vision, Kyle leveled out with his targets, and clamped down on the trigger...[/I]
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Abob flew straight at the other formation of incoming TIEs, his quad linked lasers firing furiously.

Three of the TIEs held formaion, and were turned into space dust by Abobs lasers. The other was smart. The TIE dove under the laserbolts and started to fire at the x-wings belly.

Abob spun his ship around to face the TIE, but it was gone.

Abob sighed and armed another of his proton torpedos. It was normally considered overkill to use a torpedo on a TIE, but he couldnt waste anymore time, the Redemptions sheilds were beginning to buckle.....

Abob waited untill the TIE was farther away from the Redemption and he fired the Torpedo. The TIE piliot dodged left, then right trying to avoid the rapidly closing missile. Then in a orange fireball, the TIE exploded.

Abob turned back to the Redemption, to find a lone interceptor Straifing the Korolev. Abob flew off to ingage it. He hated this ship, he would much rather be in a interceptor..........
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[i]Marth sighed in frustration as he looped around and saw Kyle shoot off twords the attacking dupes. He was upset that Kyle saw through his plan so quickly. As he pressed the right pedal down further, he noticed his left Ion engine was flatering. Cursing, he shunted some power from left to right.[/i]

[b]Marth:[/b][i]Man...He must have been aiming for my engine array...One clean shot there, I would have been space dust. He's got skill.[/i]

[i]As his Interceptor sped forward, Marth noticed another X-Wing flash twords the dupes, but it coulden't be Kyle. He was to far out! Marth suddenly realized it was Abob about to make mincemeat of the dupes. Altering his course a little, Marth wasted no time firing at Abob's X-Wing. The shields absorbed most of his attacks, and Marth dearly wished he had some proton torpedos. He achived his desired affect, however. Abob's X-Wing swung up and away from the surviving dupes. Marth flollowed Abob, quickly gaining on the slower ship. Abob pulled a complicated manuver, a tight, compact weave, one that looked as if he was spiraling out of control. His ship spun around and around at dizzying speed. Marth had trouble getting shots to hit the constantly moving profile. This Wotan Weave variation was used for avoiding starfighter shots, but Marth had shot down many pilots who used this technique. Marth pulled his squint a little left of Abob, and opened up. As he suspected, Abob made a mistake by spiraling right into Marth's laser fire. The shots impacting on the shield stopped the spiral abruptly. Marth's shots pierced the forward shields, but Abob rebalanced them to compensate. Marth risked a glance at his scanner display. Kyle had reached the dupes, and was ripping them apart. Firing one more burst at Abob, he swung around to deal with Kyle.[/i]
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Abob's R2 unit told him that the Interceptor that had been about to turn him into space debris had left, and was now heading for Kyle. Abob checked his sheilds. They would hold, for now.

Abob turned around and flew after the interceptor, who he suspected of being pilioted by Marth. He got in behind Marth and started blasting away.

Marth dove in a zig zag pattern to avoid Abobs lasers. Abob grinned, Marth had fallen for his trap. He armed his proton torpedo and tried to get a lock on Marth.

To Abobs confusion Marth got far away from him, the turned and attacked him head on, firing as he flew. Abob didnt understand, Marth's lasers wouldn't do any damage at this distance, so why was he firing?

Abob decided to wait untill Marth was a little closer before he pulverised him. Suddenly his computer beeped, he had lost the lock on Marth!

Then Abob understood, the weak lasers that were being absorbed by his front sheild were messing up his targeting system.

Abob tried to fire the torpedo manually, but it was too late, the screen went blank, he was dead.

Abob climbed out of the simulator and walked back to his quarters, disgusted with himself for being tricked............
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[i]Marth flew away from Abob's disintegrating X-Wing, pleased with himself. He had always wanted to use that trick. The fact was, Kyle was still flying. Marth scanned around for him, but could only find two eyeballs, and a dupe making runs. He looked at his scanner, and his profile seemed twice as large as it should be. Marth's eye's went wide. Kyle was shadowing him! For how long, he didn't know. Marth looked up just in time to see the nose of Kyle's X-Wing shoot infron of his viewport, followed by the rest of the snubfighter. Marth tried to react, but the ion wash from Kyle's engines flowed over his craft. He was pushed backwards, and Kyle had already turned around, and a flare from his ship indicated a missle lauch. Marth grimaced, his face set. It was a dirty trick, but one that required mad skills. Marth regained control of his squint just in time to right himself before the torperdo crahed into his squint. The screen went black, and the Sim disegaged.[/i]

[b]Abob:[/b]Well, he got you good.
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Marth got out of his sim and looked at Abob.

Marth: "Did you know he was shadowing me?"

Abob: "Only in the moments before I "died".

Marth: "Oh well, at least nobody will use that trick on me again. I will remember that one...."

Abob: "Speaking of tricks, where did you learn the one you used on me?"

Marth: "Its a long story."

Abob: "Fine with me, how about we go to the bar?"

Marth: "Sure"

Abob and Marth walk down a corridor towards the bar. When they get there they select a booth in the corner and begin to order drinks..........
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[I]Meanwhile, Kyle was chasing after the remaining dupe... He was the only one left out of the original four, and the[/I] Redemption [I] and the[/I] Korolev [I] were still wide open to attack... Luckily though, the Imperial Frigate[/I] Warspite [I]had already hyped away... As Kyle and his X-Wing sped for the dupe, it was able to launch two missiles at the Corellian Corvette... Lasers veered up at the dupe and the missiles as they came, but none connected... With a fiery explosion, the missiles hit... And to Kyle's suprise, the Corvette remained... Kyle didn't know how, but the shields had holded... Focusing back on the dupe, he noticed it was turning around for another pass... "I'm not going to get lucky again..." Locking his S-Foils into the attack position, he streaked past the[/I] Korelev [I], and began to fly head first at the dupe... Shifting all his shield energy to the bow of the X-Wing, he opened fire... The first few red lasers hit the dupe's wings, collapsing one and scratching the other... It went into a spin, then veered slightly to the side... A missile launched from one of the missile tubes, passing Kyle before he knew what to do...[/I]

[I]Grimacing, Kyle turned the control yoke to the left hard, the X-Wing performing a tight 180 degree turn which ripped at the hull's density... He heard a simulated sound of some kind of crash behind him, and felt the craft begin to spin itself... Knowing he was about to be terminated, he let loose his lasers on the missile which was bearing down on the Corvette... There was an explosion next to the Corvette, but before he knew what had happened, his screen turned black, and the sim disengaged...[/I]

[I]A few minutes later, Kyle arrived at the bar, quickly tracking down Abob and Marth in their corner booth... He sat down next to the to Marth, a grin on his face...[/I]

[B]Marth:[/B] "Won, didja?"

[B]Kyle:[/B] "Heh, I wouldn't call it a win. I'd call it dumb luck. And lots of it."

[B]Abob:[/B] "...I thought Jedi didn't believe in luck."

[B]Kyle:[/B] "True, but I never truly became a Jedi."

[B]Marth:[/B] "Anyway, what happened?"

[B]Kyle:[/B] "Well, there was a lone dupe left, who had shredded the [I]Korolev's[/I] shield... I did a head-to-head confrontation with it when it came around, destroyed it, but let a missile get by. I took a steep turn which must've crushed my engines, or something similar, and then fired upon the missile. I hit it a few metres before it hit the [i]Korolev[/I]. Almost destroyed the ship , but it still remained intact... Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to get a very large drink..."
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[b]Marth:[/b]A drinking Jedi...Well, there's something I've never heard of.

[b]Abob:[/b]*grins*Nah, they drink all the time.

[i]Kyle returns with a rather large glass of Corellian Whisky.[/i]

[b]Marth:[/b]*stares at the size of the whisky glass*Wo...So anyways, Kyle, where'd you learn to shadow squints?

[b]Kyle:[/b]Couple years back. I had to get into the belly of a Star Destroyer, and I was in an A-Wing loaded with explosives. By hovering directly below the squint, I realized nobody would notice me until I got into the bay. Once I was in, I stole a TIE fighter, and hit the countdown timer.

[b]Abob:[/b]Then what?

[b]Kyle:[/b]Boom, what else? The sormtroopers coulden't find where the bomb was!

[b]Marth:[/b]Let me guess...It was in the A-Wing's power core.

[b]Kyle:[/b]*evil smile*You guessed it.

[b]Abob:[/b]Well, I have to admit, I need some devious tricks like you two. Marth, will that laser trick you used on me work with X-Wings?

[b]Marth:[/b]Sure. Just set the lasers to single, and let them fly. It only works on shielded targets, however.

[b]Abob and Kyle:[/b]Obviously.
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Marth: "So, has anyone heard when the rest of the squadron is supposed to show up?"

Abob: "No, but I hope they arrive soon, I dont like the idea as flying as a half squadron. We would be crushed, no matter how good we are."

Kyle: " Last I heard they were all still in the selection process. Why did we get in before they did?"

Marth: "Beats me. I hope they have some ground skills as well as flying ones, because some of the people I've flown with, you wouldnt belive........"

Abob: "Let me guess, they could fly like heck but could barely walk , right?"

Marth: "Yeah, The New Republic seems to have a lot of those types these days."

They continue to drink and talk, untill a messenger arries and tells them there is a mission briefing in ten minutes.

They pay the bill and walk to the briefing room.

I know we wont get to do the mission untill the others get selected, but the breifing will prepare us for mission sims.
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[I]As the three walk along quite a few hallways to get to the briefing room, they continue with conversation...[/I]

[B]Abob:[/B] "What do you think the mission will be?"

[B]Kyle:[/B] "Well, I doubt it'd be that big. Maybe escorting. Even with my Jedi senses I can't really tell..."

[B]Marth:[/B] "I think it might be some commando run. With hardly anyone picked yet, it'd probably be a good choice."

[B]Abob:[/B] "Yeah, I guess..."

[I]The three arrive at the briefing room, and after a quick check by the guards they enter the empty room... Taking up seat at the front of the small room, they wait...[/I]
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[color=red]ooc:I hate to start with an ooc, but we have a problem. Only three people are posting! SS Trunks and Hybrid seem reluctant to post...And frankly, the other people in the sign up I don't really want to choose, because of...Well, I've seen them in RPGs before, and there not that good. Eep...We need good RPGers to sign up for Rogue Squadron...[/color]

[i]Kyle, Marth and Abob settled down in the breifing room and waited.[/i]

[b]General Antillies:[/b]This is it? I thought I excepted two more people..

[b]Kyle:[/b]Well, I haven't seen them around yet...

[b]Antillies:[/b]Alright..Well, your mission is a commando raid onto Bastion to find out the indentity of Darkness Incarnate. You'll be flown in there in a Star Destoyer pretending to defect to the Empire.

[b]Marth:[/b]A Star Destroyer defecting to the Empire...Thought I'd never see the day...

[b]Antillies:[/b]Quiet. Now, on planet-side, you'll have to quietly infiltrate the Imperial Palace in Bastion's main city, Bastion. All three of you are proficient with laser sniper rifles, so I don't think taking out perimeter sceurity will be a problem. Darkness's throne is on the very top, so get there by any means possible. If your lucky, you'll be able to use the turbo-lift unhindered. Now, Sims of this mission have been loaded into the VR terminals, so get cracking. The mission will occur in two days. Dismissed.
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I'll post the link to the sign-up thread in my sig, and talk to people like Flashy, James and Neil, try and get them interested...

[I]The three walked out of the Breifing Room, all chatting about their coming mission... As they came to a fork in the hallways, Kyle broke off from the other...[/I]

[B]Kyle:[/B] "I'm just going to get a bit of relaxation. I'll join up with you in the VR rooms soon."

[B]Marth:[/B] "Okay. See you later Kyle."

[B]Abob:[/B] "Yeah, bye."

[I]Kyle casually saluted the two, before continuing down the hallway, heading to his quaters... A walk and turbolift ride later, Kyle finally reached his quarters, walked over to the console by the door and typing in the code, following by swiping his I.D card in a slot on top of the console... The door opened silently, and he entered his room with a sigh... He got onto the bed, closing his eyes, falling into a light meditation...[/I]
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Thanks, Locky. My last Rogue Squadron was a big bust. I want this one to succeed.

[i]Marth wandered back to his quarters, and sat down on his cot.[/i]

[b]Marth:[/b]With only a three man squad, this'll be incrediably tough..I hope General Antillies knows what he's doing..
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Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I've had one hellava lot of school work. I'm free now though, so I'll definately be more dedicated to this RPG.

[I]Xanko finally, after many hours of tutorials and advanced flight simulations, exited the training room, feeling some what fatigued. He had learnt how to fly an A-wing, X-wing, Y-wing, T-wing, a Speeder, a medical frigate, and a troop freighter.

Xanko headed back to his dormitory, he still had failed to meet another member of Rogue Squadron... and hadn't been breifed on this supposed mission they were going on. He decided to get some sleep, then try and find out what was happening in the morning.

Xanko arrived at his quarters soon afterwards, he tossed his flight helmet on the floor next to the bed, and took off his shoes. Next, he removed his rebel flight armour, leaving on only his orange jumpsuit. He unclipped his lightsabre from his belt, and leyed it down on his bed side cabinet. Then, he took off his belt, throwing it carelessely on the floor.

Xanko then lay down on top of his bed, not covering himself with any sheets. He had to be somewhat cautious, otherwise his horns would tear the pillow to shreads.

Lying back, he couldn't help but think where the rest of his squad had been. The only person he had actually talked to was the base general... and that made him somewhat frustrated. He slept very uneasily that night, he hated being left out on any details what-so-ever, especially since he had been training non-stop for over 20 hours just so he could be properly prepared for this mission.

For all he knew, the rest of his squad could be on the mission right now...[/I]
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