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legend of legina (sign ups)


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k this is 20 or so years after the mist has been banished form the world or so tought but it seems that the humans and ra seru need to team up again to stop the return of the mist. this time there is a 4th member to the new hero sons and dathers and he hold a dark serect. k to join you need to post a sign up like this ps no blasters or modern stuff only dark ages stuff.like knives and staffs.and you must have a ra seru unless you are planing to just tag along for a bit only the 4 that i think are "worthy of ra serus shall get one. the rest get magic armored eggs ( new thing.)

fighting arts:(ps please make 4 or less you can always get more later.
final complete weapon:

here's mine
name: kredion lightborne
fighting arts:
angel blows
round kick
demon's dance
gavity slash
bio: son of noa who has purple hair teal eye's and wears black pants with black shirt and a leather vest with a yellow ball of light on the back.also fights lke his mother more kicks less punching.
weapons sports a bow and arrows for long range fights and sneak attacks and a staff with spikes one both ends for close quater combat.
final weapon: angel bow dove arrows and angel staff.
other: hates to be alone and tends to like fights with seruwearers
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name: Cort
age: 20
ra-seru/egg:Sim-Seru Juggernaut
fighting arts
Heel Kick
Spining Heel Kick
Punch to Uppercut
Dash Punch
bio: Brother of Noa.Was evil but was reborn and raised to be good.Still controls most of his powers
weapons: Spear and Blade Boomerage
final complete weapon: Spirt Lance,Orion Boommerage
other: Still as the abillity to transform in to his "Juggernaut"form.Controls a Juggernaut and can summon him at any time to help{takes alot of energy out of Cort to summon Juggernaut or to Transform}.has all attacks from when he was evil
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