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Star Wars Jedi Starfighter

Guest Padme Amidala

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Guest Padme Amidala
I just got this game a couple of days ago for my birthday, and so far it seems pretty good. You play these no name Jedi people who have OK powers, but NO lightsabers! You don't even get to play Anakin or Obi Wan! I'm not even sure if you get to get out of your ship! You hear Mace Windu talk and Count Dooku, but that's it. I'm dissappointed.
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[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]Well, though I can not remember the name of the Jedi you play as, the game is somewhat of a sequel to the first game - Star Wars: Starfighter. You take the role of three different people, all of whom are out to try and stop some evil plot from hatching. In the new game, you play the female Jedi, who is in charge of testing the Jedi Starfighter (I believe). This game was released before the movie, so I don't think they wanted to use anyone like Obi-Wan or Anakin. Plus, getting the voices from Hayden or Ewan would be a bit more expensive then who they decided to use.

I am glad that they have a game based off of a lesser known character. While I love flying around my X-Wing as Luke or Wedge (Star Wars Rogue Squadren 2: Rogue Leader for the Nintendo GAMECUBE), it was really fun playing Starfighter as a bunch of nobodies. It will always be easier to create a story from scratch, then having to work around a bunch of details such as style of dress, appearance, the way they talk, what books or movies have them doing at that time. . . this way, they can make up the story as they see fit, instead of having to follow a set storyline. Hmmm. . I might be repeating a lot that I said here, but all in all, it gives the game makers a WHOLE bunch of freedom in designing the game ^_^ I have yet to play THIS game, but I have played the other, and was very impressed.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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