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The Shield


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DOes anyone watch this faith fully? I saw the previews ever since it came out but never watched an episode. I turn it on for the Season Finally tonight and was blown away. I like it. I always like shows that are not afraid to show the harsh reality of life. Anyone under the age of 15 probably should not watch it though. It is pretty rough. There going to be rerunning the first season on monday nights from now on. So I am going to be sure to watch them. If anyone else is interested it comes on FX Mondays at 10 eastern. I do not know if they will still be showing it on tuesdays or not. As for you guys who are outside the US, I have no idea for you guys. If you have not seen it I suggest you watch it at least once, if your old enough.
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Its about a cop who's methods of busting baddies is a little questionable. He doesnt do things like bad cops who want money and power. hes a good cop who is dedicated to taking the bad guys down. But he uses extreme measures to get them. For example, he plants drugs on guys and threatens to turn them in if they dont talk. Hes not a good cop, not a bad cop, just a different kind of cop. Its a real interesting show.
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