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Warriors of Gaia

Guest Pyromaniac

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[SIZE=1][i]They all look up at a htin but extremely tall building.. very rugged and easy to climb but no visible enterance.. yet again..[/i]

Pyro: What's wit these things and their hidden enterances?!?

Burn: Dont look at me I dont know..

Scyth: Hrmm... I'm sure we could figure this one out just like we did the last one

Laurii: Well, this [i]is[/i] the electricity temple or whatever..

Burn: Ya so?

Pyro: I think I get it.. where does electricity come from.. mainly in nature

Scyth: The sky!

Burn: Of course lightning! So..

Laurii: So the enterance would be atop this mammoth structure so it can let electricity in..

Burn: Ooo I get it now..

[i]They all look up to the top of the temple having to arch their necks back and then some..[/i]

Pyro: :eek: This will take a while...[/SIZE]
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Burn:you cant give up lauri!extends his hand)

Lauri:thanks burn.

they climb atop the emmense wall until they reach the top.

Pyro:Ahhhhhhhh(makes a little girl scream,leaps into schythes arms.

Kaiyu:oh god what now

pyro:im afraid oh heights!!!

all::laugh: :laugh:
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Gaia Warriors Present:
am i missing anyone?

Lauri:ok, were at the top, now we need to work our way to the botton of the temple!:mad:

Burn: Well we mise as well sit down and take a quick rest-ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

*Burn is grabbed my an unknown hand that rises and pulls him down.

Kaiyu:Burn Nooooooo!

*Everyone hears screames from the distance

All:Oh my god we have to get him out of there.

Zaden:No we must not, it could be a trap!

Scythe:So what, if it is a trap, we can take them on easily!:smirk:

*They all Approach the ladder which is used to climb to the 3rd floor.

*Pyro Leads the group ahhead and is trapped by a force field that cant be broken, sepperating him from the rest of the group.

Pyro:Oh ****!

*Then all of the sudden 3 little Monsters of some sort with spiky hair approah him. One of the trys to make a move!

Pyro: Ive had enough of you weak creatures!

He Pulls Out his sword of flames and slices the monster in half.
the other creatures run off in fear. then the force feild dissapears.

All: well that was quick!

They Approach the 2nd Floor, they find 3 treasure chests on the floor un opened.


Kaiyu runs over and opens the chest but it explodes in his face!

Kaiyu: wtf!! owwwwww!

All: :laugh:

then they realise that long pipes com out of the walls shooting poisinous darts out of them rapidly.

Kittell: Kaiyu! make an ice shield while i use my eye laser beam to disarm the chests!

Kaiyu: right!

They open the Chests to find Stronger armor for every one and 10,000 gold!

Scythe:Alright now lets get out of hear and get burn!

All:Kaiyu take your sheild away!

*Kaiyu takes his shield away and darts start to fly arround again, they manage to fly right into scythes a$$ and he jumps up and runs through the air!

All: :laugh:

They finally make there way to the first floor where they see Burn Hanging by chains being tortured by some of those creatures, and right next to them was THUNDER!!!!!

All: :eek!:

Burn: everyone, you made it, help me..please:frown:
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[COLOR=royalblue]Laurii: You...MONSTER!!! *leaps at Thunder* *transforms at the same time*

Scythe: Should we help?

Burn: No, just help me!

Scythe: Okay...*slashes little critters*

Pyro: Okay, I'll melt the chains.

Laurii: Now...eat this! *slash across face*

Thunder: HEY!

Laurii: *flicks tail* Problem? Did I ruin your good looks? Not that you ever had any...[/COLOR]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Krillin6913 [/i]
[B]ok guys im gonna do the battle again so know one post until i do k? [/B][/QUOTE]

[SIZE=1]Ok, I wont, lol :D And whats with controlling my character all of the sudden? As in, the whole force feild mess, how do you know my character can create a sword of flame? I never said that..I didnt really appreciate that :flaming:[/SIZE]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Krillin6913 [/i]
[B]hey sorry piro munkie i just wanted to make things interesting, if you dont like me controlling you why dont you start us off now ok? [/B][/QUOTE]

[SIZE=1]If you knew me personally you'd know that I cant initiate anything. So [i]that's[/i] why I cant start us off.. your posts are supposed to be from your characters perspective at all times, not anyone elses character.. if a battle starts up then the person will post what he/she does in that battle. You can talk as another person but it's not very respectful to fight their own battles for them..[/SIZE]
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Guest TenchiDaPimp'
i'll type the story in a little bit so no one post a story until i do cause i've got an idea for it k thanx
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by pedro [/i]
[B]waz up poeple [/B][/QUOTE][COLOR=royalblue]**** YOU! GO AWAY! You post in topics that have nothing to do with you...and they mean nothing! Go spam in a different forum! Here's a link for free! [url]www.pojo.com[/url][/COLOR]
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