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Tamers: v2


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?Aww,? Gatomon said. ?You?re a human, aren?t you? You?re the smallest one I?ve ever seen. Are you okay??

?Can you... get me out of here?? the child said hopefully, but sadly as if he knew that that was not possible even as he asked.

Gatomon shook her head, and the boy lay back down. ?Why did he bring you here??

?We sorta stole a Mekanorimon,? BlackGatomon explained. ?I guess it knew we weren?t supposed to be flying it, because it brought us here.?

?Meka...? the boy said.

?A flying machine.? When the boy nodded, she asked, ?Why are you here? Surely a hatchling like you can?t have done anything that wrong.?

The boy sat up again. ?I don?t know. I was with Mommy, and I saw all these green flying letters... she reached for me but her hand went right through me... then I was in this building. The robots caught me and threw me in here. They?re waiting for someone called Machines-amon... Machina... Machinedramon! Their boss or something.?

?Do you have a name?? Gatomon said. ?Or should we just call you ?Human?? Look, I?m a Gatomon, and that?s my twin sister BlackGatomon.?

?I?m Masahiko,? the boy answered.

?Masahiko,? BlackGatomon said soothingly, taking the boy?s hand in both of her own. ?That?s a nice name. Don?t worry, Masahiko. We won?t let anything happen to you.?

Masahiko seemed to accept that. He put an arm around each cat as he leaned back against the wall.

The peaceful moment was short-lived. The bars opened again, and an Andromon, maybe or maybe not the same one who had brought them there, was standing in front of the entry. ?Machinedramon awaits. Come.?

Gatomon, BlackGatomon, and Masahiko exited the cell and were led back along the same route that the cats had taken when they were brought to the cell. The machine Digimon they passed showed no interest and paid no attention.

Soon, they were back at the hangar, where a large machine Digimon awaited. He had the head of a Gigadramon, one Mekanorimon arm, one Gigadramon arm, powerful legs with skulls on the kneecaps and claws on the toes, and two humongous cannons on his shoulders. He may once have had a tail, but it had apparently been cut off at some point. Two Hagurumon accompanied him.


?Yassuh, great Lord Machinedramon, suh!? one Hagurumon said.

?Right away! At once! Consider it already done, my master, sir!? the second one added.

?Oh, brother,? Gatomon and BlackGatomon sighed in unison. There was no such thing as a normal Hagurumon. They were always kissing up, or making up nonsense words, or generally being hyperactive. They were usually good at what they did, but the cats wondered whether their service was worth the sheer of having them around. Apparently, Machinedramon had infinite patience.

As Andromon restrained Gatomon and BlackGatomon, one of the Hagurumon somehow brought the gears on its side together to grasp Masahiko and carry him in front of Machinedramon.


?M-Masahiko,? the child stammered.

?YOU HAVE COME HERE TO DESTROY US,? Machinedramon accused.

?I?m not here to destroy anybody! I just ended up here, I didn?t do anything!? Masahiko cried.


?I didn?t mean to, honest! I?m just a kid! I didn?t know there was a world in the computer! I just wanted to play Donkey Madness, I promise!?


?Millenniummon?? BlackGatomon gasped, her heart nearly stopping. ?What did he promise you? What do you know about him??


?Safe?? Gatomon piped up. ?Do you know who he is? Do you know what he?s done? The sovereigns themselves banished him from this reality! Data streams are nothing compared to the stories I?ve heard about the things he did! Humans aren?t one hundredth the threat he is!?

?Yeah,? BlackGatomon said. ?I guess since the digital world?s structure is weakened by the D-Reaper, he?s trying to return.?

?You can?t allow this!? Gatomon told Machinedramon. ?He?s a liar and a manipulator. He?ll tell you what you want to hear. By the time he?s done you won?t even [i]remember[/i] D-Reaper. It?s nothing compared to what he?ll do!?


[i]?Are you out of your mind!?[/i] BlackGatomon screamed. ?Or your CPU, or whatever you have??


?Compliance,? Andromon said, beginning to walk away with the cats.

?No!? Masahiko screamed, trying to pull away from the Hagurumon. But even a Rookie is stronger than a small child.

Machinedramon turned his attention to Masahiko. His cannons pointed at the screaming child, who began to thrash and kick, to no avail. Machinedramon watched him with revulsion. Noted the disorderliness of his movements. There was no logical pattern to them. His screams served no purpose. Expenditure of energy with no gain. Such madness. Such chaos. That was what they brought to the digital world. It troubled him deeply to endure the knowledge that those things were infesting the digital world. Nothing that disgusting could be permitted to exist, especially in a pristine place of order and precision like the Metal Empire. Whatever Millenniummon had done, he was not a disgusting creature housed in flesh and full of blood and bile.

?Please don?t hurt me! I won?t touch a computer again, I swear! Please don?t kill me!?


?Right away, my lord, sir!? As the Hagurumon began to carry a terrified Masahiko away, Masahiko?s wristwatch began to glow, and nonsense figures began to run across it. It fell from his arm as the band shortened and the face became larger. It became a digivice, white with a black band and a black circle around the face, and floated back into Masahiko?s small hands.

In Andromon?s efficient grip, Gatomon and BlackGatomon felt a strange surge of energy, and could hear each others? thoughts and feelings. [i]She?s just like me... and yet, she isn?t,[/i] they thought, and then they wondered which of them had thought it, and what she meant by it. Then there was a moment of confusion. [i]Which one am I?[/i] And then, they realized that there was no difference. There was only one now. It felt natural, as if this was how it had always been. Their bodies began to glow, and the glow melded together, becoming one, as their minds were already one, as they should be.

?Gatomon/BlackGatomon...? She only had one voice now, but was able to say both names at once, in both their voices at once. ?...DNA digivolve to...?

The glow took on the shape of a tall, beautiful cat girl whose face was hidden behind a purple veil, but could be seen through it. Her arms were similar to Antylamon?s, with three-fingered hands that nearly touched the floor. Two pointy cat ears poked through the flame-red hair that reached down to her knees. Her hair was held in check by an ornament with a jewel at the end, which held it in a braid. She wore four bracelets on each arm, and two on each of her two tails.

?...Bastemon!? she/they finished in a rich, sonorous voice, one better suited for song than speech. The last of the glow faded.

A hologram appeared above Masahiko?s new digivice. It identified her as Bastemon, an ultimate-level Digimon of great strength and grace. Her attacks were called Helter Skelter and Vampire Dance, but the digivice offered no evidence as to what they did. Or a reason why Masahiko was able to get that information from the seemingly random strings of numbers that played over the hologram.

?Perhaps this day wasn?t so bad after all,? Bastemon said as she snapped a kick that knocked Andromon into a wall, freeing her from his grip. She executed a flip that put her directly behind the Hagurumon holding Masahiko. A punch sent the Hagurumon flying, and Bastemon pulled Masahiko to herself and leapt away, Machinedramon?s blast narrowly missing them.

?He is in our care now,? Bastemon said. ?We will not let you kill an innocent child over your misguided vendetta. He is not the threat. You are.?

Bastemon flipped in midair to hit the wall feetfirst, and kicked off, sending herself flying past Machinedramon and to the elevator, which began its descent the moment she?d touched it. But, knowing she hadn?t the time to wait for it to carry her downward, she sprang from it and launched herself at Andromon.

?Lightning Blade!? Andromon shouted, sending an energy arc at her. She ducked under it and rolled, leaping up and striking Andromon with a vicious flying kick. Machinedramon began unleashing Giga Cannon blasts at her, but she was already moving again. Ducking, spinning, and rolling, she dodged each of the cannon blasts, using the flawlessly efficient Machinedramon?s predictability against him. And she managed to keep a screaming Masahiko out of the line of fire. Finally, she heard the click of the elevator platform reaching the bottom, and she flipped over into it and fell thirty feet, to land easily in the cell block. The platform began its ascent the moment she had touched it, and she easily rolled off of it and leapt to her feet. Before Andromon could begin the chase again, he would have to wait for the platform to finish its rise and then descend once more. Plenty of time to get away. She set a bewildered, dizzy, and slightly green Masahiko on his unsteady feet. The poor kid?s eyes were wider than dinner plates, and he was nearly hyperventilating.

?Are you okay?? Bastemon asked.

Masahiko half-nodded, his eyes still wide. Exactly three seconds later, he leaned over and threw up.

?We?re, uh, sorry about that,? Bastemon muttered lamely. ?Can you run??

?Uh...? Masahiko stammered, wobbling.

?We?ll take that as a no,? Bastemon said sarcastically. ?We?ll try to be more careful with you this time, but we... we mean all of us... still need to get out of this city practically yesterday.?

?Right,? Masahiko said, a bit more steadily.

?There we go,? Bastemon said, smiling. She let Masahiko climb into her arms, and tried to hold him as comfortably as she could. She ran as fast as she could through the small cell block, in search of the next elevator platform. Stealing a ride was out, but she was fairly certain that she could outwit the mindless machines that stood in her way. [i]Maybe we can tell them to calculate pi or the size of the universe, or say that they?re endangering their own mission, and the whole lot of them will shut down,[/i] she thought. [i]Yeah, right. And maybe Millenniummon sings opera.[/i] Then she laughed at herself internally. [i]We?re the same person now and we [u]still[/u] go on like that. Some things never change.[/i]

Bastemon ran into an empty room, and once she reached the center, the floor began to rise around her as the section she was standing on began to descend. ?Is this the way you came in, Masahiko?? Bastemon said.

?I don?t know. I didn?t wake up until I was in the jail room.?

[i]Guess they knocked him out to make him easier to transport.[/i] Bastemon cursed the machines for hurting a child that young. [i]We oughta turn ?em all into soup cans.[/i] What she said was, ?That?s okay. It?s how we?re getting out. Hold on tight!?

?Like I have a chooooooice!? Masahiko screamed as Bastemon dived into the room the instant the platform descended far enough for her to do so, rolled, and leapt to her feet, glancing around for danger, all with Masahiko in her arms. No opponents were visible, and she sat Masahiko down. ?Could you... warn me when you?re... about to do that?? he gasped.

?If we have the time,? Bastemon said, grinning impishly.

?And do you have to talk like that??

?Why shouldn?t we? We?re both inside,? she said, tapping her head. ?You?d have to be like this yourself to really understand. But it comes naturally. Any other way just wouldn?t feel right.?

Bastemon ran from the platform room to the adjoining hallway, and found it unmonned. She backflipped to land next to Masahiko and usher him into the hallway.

?How?d you turn into one Digimon, anyway??

?We aren?t sure. We were separate, I was BlackGatomon and I was Gatomon, and then we started to... come together. When our thoughts were as one, our minds became one, and then our bodies became one, and then we were as we are now. That make any sense??

Masahiko nodded, though he was still clueless. ?What?s it like??

?Wonderful,? she said, twirling. ?We feel each other?s strength, each other?s love... and the power! We could take on an army!?

?Will you always be like that??

?Do all humans ask this many questions??

?We don?t when mommies give us that look you?ve got right now.?

Bastemon grinned. [i]We think we?re gonna like this kid,[/i] she thought.

?Remember what you said about taking on an army??

?Yeah?? Bastemon sighed, half exasperated and half amused.

?Can you do it now??

Bastemon looked back at Masahiko, and then followed his eyes back to the room that they had just left. From the ceiling, several spherical Digimon wielding chainsaws and mines floated down to hover about six feet above the ground. ?Oy vey,? Bastemon sighed.

?This thing says they?re Giromon,? Masahiko said, looking at the analysis hologram of his new digivice. ?Mischievous Ultimate Digimon who use their Spinning Mine attack to deal with intruders.?

?What it doesn?t say is that they can throw it up to a hundred and twenty yards,? Bastemon said grimly. ?And their chainsaws can do the same to your limbs.?

?Out of the frying pan...? Masahiko began.

?And into the fire,? Bastemon finished.


'Kay, that's it. And if I may, I'd like to ask that Gato and BG always have to DNA to Bastemon. Please? And maybe AncientSphinxmon for their Mega, though my heart's not set on it or anything.
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Oooh, another subplot! And what an amount of digis!:eek:

Is that Masahiko-guy a fictional char? Not that it would matter much, but just curious if the rest of the Tamers know him...

But I think we should try to stick to the old characters more, because they're quite stranded now that Yamaki&co have appeared.

...oh no, where were we?! Who was with who and stuff!? Well, guess I have to check back...:(

Okay, now I'll continue the court-plotting I started a [I]month[/I] ago. So, to the Dump i go...

Henry rolled in his "bed", having nightmares about backstabbing Takato, Rika as the digimon empress, and having a Numemon as a wife!
Suddenly he was tossed from the stack of hay he used as a bed. He opened his eyes, and found himself staring in the wetty eyes of a Numemon.
"GEEEH!!!" he shouted, but then he realized he was awake -and the Numemon was pointing a roughly shaped spear at his face.
"Com wit me, ye scum!" the Numemon mumbled.
"Wh-what? Why?" Henry yawned, obviously not taking the slimy mon seriously.
"Follo me, murdera!"
Henry decided to do as said. Terriermon, Pabumon and the MarineAngemons followed him to the moldy corridor. Numemon-soldiers forgot to check the room properly, so Mikemon was left sleeping solemnly at one of the dark corners.

"What is it?" Henry asked, when he was faced with a hall-full of angrily groaning dumphabitants. At the throne stood Vademon with a faint smirk on his tiny mouth.
"Zo? You dezided to murder our King in de firzt day of your vizit, eh?" counselor asked.
"How do ye exzplain diz den?" he said, lifting a green d-power in his hand.
"Hey, that's my..." Henry shut up ashtonished. Then he went furious. "Where did you get that?"
"It layed nexzt to our beloved king ZhogunGekomon! You confez your evil deed, [I]human[/I]?"
"N-no! We were at our room -if you can call it so- the whole night!"
"Or were you?" one of the Numemon asked suspiciousy.
"Hey, you guarded us!" Henry replied.
"Did I?" then he realized what he had said"...Eh, I was a-away only a moment, Vademon-sir!" Numemon trembled.
"O zut up! De Tamer did it! Murderers have been caught! I'm de KING...eh, ofcourse, we vote for it later, BUT now! Off wit deir headz!(I've always wanted to zay that)"

"Henry! What do we do now?" Terriermon asked, squuezing Pabumon in a similar way he was squeezed by Suzie before.
"That slimy Vademon is obviously the one behind this... but how to prove it?"

[Okay, please leave this part to me, because I can't continue it right now, and I've already fuigured out the "ending" of this situation! But there's several other subplots to continue, so please work on them. Pleeease!]
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Masahiko is Jeri's little brother. J-Reaper tried to strangle him, remember? I know I won't touch the Dump situation. I could never figure out how to do Vademon's speech pattern.:p

Let's see, there's the main group who just got finished tangling with ArcaDaemon and company, there's the group underwater, there's the group in the Dump, and now there's the trio or duo (depending on evolutionary stage) in the Metal Empire. And Ryo, Hopmon, and the Pururumon formerly known as Zhuqiaomon are in the other dimension, in the no-digivolving section thanks to Yamaki's control spires.

BTW, I think we oughta split the main group up some.
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Uh-oh...Apparently I've managed to miss all the episodes including Jeri's family... Heck, I wouldn't even know that her mother died if it wasn't for this forum!

Well, luckily I haven't miss anything extremely important considering this story, so I guess I'll continue it now.


The time seemed to stop. There was the grouning group of Numemons, Nanimons, Gekomons, Otamamons, Sukamons and even a few Digitamamon. Above all stood the malicious Vademon, smirking satisfied of the situation. Then there was the amazed Henry, with Terriermon and Pabumon standing behind him. MarineAngemon and Pearl floated nearby.

Suddenly a shadow appeared behind the crowd. A fiery, four-armed digimon with three faces approached the counselor Vademon.

Henry glanced at his D-power.
"Asuramon, ultimate wizard digimon, type vaccine."

Then everything started moving again.

"Well? Wat are ye waiting for? Exzecute dem!" Vademon demanded with his face turning pale as he saw the approaching figure.

Two Nanimons lead by a BomberNanimon approached Henry and his friends.

"LEAVE THEM BE!!!" a mighty voice roared from the main corridor. Then a gigantic blue figure filled the room.

The lesser digimons fleed in panic, leaving the astouned Vademon and his employer on the throne-stand. Henry and his companions retreated to a corner, within a respectful distance from the shape.


Henry had seen the dragon king Azulongmon before, but everytime he was as ashtonished from his size and majesticity. Only the sovereigns front-portion could fit in the cave -the rest of him wriggled along the neverending tunnels.

Vademon writhed in terror, but Asuramons eyes burned as he saw his masters worst enemy.


"Hah! You can talk as much as you want, ex-tyrant! I will be highly rewarded when I hand the Ultimate Digimental to master Milleniummon! And your reign will be over for good! You brought us nothing but misery and slavery! You shall be defeated!"

"YOU'RE...MISLEADED...CHILD...ONLY...SORROW...WILL...REMAIN..." Azulongmon tried to talk, but his powers were diminishing with great speed.

"Henry, he's becoming transparent! We must help him!" Terriermon squueked.


The dragon-sovereign exploded to a rain of blue stars. The rain landed on Henry and Terriermon, giving them the secret power of DIGIVOLUTION.

"Henry/Terriermon BIOMERGE to... MegaGargomon!"

MegaGargomons head crushed to the ceiling.

Vademon had also cought some of the evolving rain, and he had become the weird invader Ebemon.

"Letz zee whoze better NOW, humanzcum!" Ebemon hissed.

"So shall it be! [I]Twin Rockets[/I]!" Two smileyfaced missiles crashed into the throne-stand, breaking the whole backwall.


The two MarineAngemons found a small Chibomon on the floor.
"Buba bobla boo?" Pearl asked shyly.
"Bob bobla bub", MarineAngemon replied.
"Buu...", Pearl smiled happily. They had just adopted a child together!


Asuramon had found the Digimental-stoneplate behind the throne, and escaped the hall. He ran through the endless corridors and plumbing systems. Finally he saw daylight infront of him. But the tunnel ended inside a great canyon, with hundreds of feets drop to a small river running beneath him.
"Oh crap!" Asuramon poundered what to do next. Suddenly a voice shouted behind him.
"Hey! That's my bloody treasure!" the general Nanimon had woken up just to find out his precious stone had been stolen.

Nanimon rushed against Asuramon, making them both slip from the tunnel into the abyss.


A Bukamon was enjoying the refreshing water of the canyon, when two figures splashed into the water. Bukamon saw a stoneplate sinking to the bottom of the river, while the figures went along the rough stream.
"Hey! This would make a perfect dinnertable for mom! Oh boy is she going to be pleased when she gets a table THIS fancy!"
The Bukamon started to poke the plate towards his home.
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Mmm, I would have disagreed with you, James, back when Tamers:V2 was popular. Someone had moved it once before, and, much to the Digimon forum dwellers' dismay, it seemed to disappear from sight. I begged TN to move it back, so we could continue working on it without fear of losing the thread or someone who didn't understand Digimon completely hacking it to bits.

But now...it seems as if the interest is dying...I dunno what to think...
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What IS it with all this "appropriate" forums issue anymore?

I thought this was settled between the mods already: this is THE ONLY fanfic-story (if you can say this that) that is allowed to stay here, where people can use it the most easily.

Isn't it more important to serve the users of this boards, than the perfect order? How come this one thread causes so much opposing among the staff -it's just a harmless "dynamicstory"!

This really is the only one of it's kind, and -as Ginny said- it's really been losing interest. So let it wither away respectfully, PLEASE!:bawl: (obviously you can see this story means a lot to me...;) )
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This is one thread. One. That hardly constitutes a huge problem. It'd be one thing if everyone started posting fics here, but this is the only one allowed, and everybody pretty much accepts that. For the long time it's been here, nobody has said "If that V2 thing's here, then I can post my fic!" It's not causing any such problems. Besides, this is more of a project, worked on by all of us, and is even being posted on the site itself.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GinnyLyn [/i]
[B]Mmm, I would have disagreed with you, James, back when Tamers:V2 was popular. Someone had moved it once before, and, much to the Digimon forum dwellers' dismay, it seemed to disappear from sight. I begged TN to move it back, so we could continue working on it without fear of losing the thread or someone who didn't understand Digimon completely hacking it to bits.

But now...it seems as if the interest is dying...I dunno what to think... [/B][/QUOTE]

[color=royalblue]It's pretty simple, really.

Fan fiction goes in the Stories/Fan Fiction forum. You [i]can't[/i] miss this forum. It's within the Public Otaku section.

RPGs go in Adventure Arena. Once again, you [i]can't[/i] miss this forum.

The rules of the site apply here as much as they do in any other forum. It would be wrong of me to say "Oh okay, in Digimon you guys can do whatever you like...but when people in Dragonball ask for the same thing, I'll have to tell them no based on what has happened before".

It's a double standard that can't continue.

Now, if you would like me to make a Digimon-specific announcement about this...then I'd be happy to do so. I'd be happy to direct people to the appropriate forums.

The simple fact is, everyone here [i]should[/i] be aware of the rules by now. And everyone should be aware of the basic functions of each forum.

Just as the Digimon forum itself is merely a click away...so is the Fan Fiction area. There is absolutely no reason why the thread can't be moved in accordance with the site's rules. If people want to reply to these threads...they'll just have to use the appropriate forum.

I don't see what's so hard about that.

I mean, c'mon everyone...if you're going to be too lazy about clicking a link in your browser that doesn't say "Digimon"...well, then you surely musn't care about the story. If you [i]do[/i] care about it, then there is no reason why it won't flourish in the correct forum. It's just a matter of everyone knowing to look there. :)[/color]
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*eyes James with innocent amusement* I know, I know.
In the words of Cera, pffft. ;):D

If I was still interested in this thread, I'd sulk for a little while, wonder if you'd be kind enough to sticky Tamers:V2 in the RPG area, and hope for the best.

But now...*shrugs* Move it where you want. Matters not to me. (Not that I speak for everyone here, just myself.)
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[color=royalblue]Exactly. There is really no reason to keep it here...people are complaining about something very minor in reality.

If I had wanted to [i]delete it[/i]...well, that'd be different. All I'm doing is moving it to its correct home. :)

Anyway, yes...I'd be happy to leave a redirection [i]and[/i] sticky it in its destination forum. :)[/color]
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Well, since it's moved already, let me remind anybody who wants to add onto the story about the [b]no-crossovers rule[/b] and the [b]no fanmades[/b] rule. Existing Digimon only, and characters from Digimon Tamers only. They do [i]not[/i] get sucked into the DBZ universe, or even the universe of S2 or S4.
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Puppetmon paced back and forth, thinking hard. How was he supposed to make Milleniummon agree to let him and the Leaf take out the tamers. Suddenly, Ghoulmon walked past him. Seeing this, his frown slowly turned into a sly grin. He crept over to Ghoulmon and stated casually "Hey, my tri-optical friend, I have a way to get you back your old job."
"I'm listening," replied Ghoulmon.
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ZeedMilleniummon?s body began to dissipate into data particles as he screamed out loud across the boundaries of space and time. ?What?s happening to me??
?We are DNA digivolving, monster!? cried Monodramon. The two began to merge as the boundaries themselves began to disappear in a series of brilliant flashes of multicolored light. And when the light disappeared, all that was left was the boy known only as Ryo Akiyama, and the egg that would soon give birth to his worst nightmare.
A single pair of eyes watched Ryo from beyond, wondering who this strange young boy truly was. And for the years to follow, all the eyes could see were opponent after opponent, tearing a path of war and destruction across the digital plane. And then, they awoke.
Monodramon stood up in a shivering terror, having had the same dream again, just as he had so many nights before. What is this all about? He thought to himself. He climbed to his feet and began to walk off into the distance. Who am I? Where am I? Food!
Nights before, all he could think about was a metal beast, deep within himself, hungering to be released. Get out of my head! He cried. ?Monodramon. You cannot ignore me. I am a part of you.? Said the mysterious voice in his head. ?It is our destiny.?
?NEVER!? Monodramon opened his eyes to find himself in an unfamiliar setting. Everywhere he looked he saw temples around him. He saw 22 statues, 11 on each side. Half were digimon he recognized, such as a Patamon, a Veemon, and a Hawkmon. The other half were children garbed in odd clothing, such as a girl in a cowboy hat, a tall boy with glasses, and a girl dressed in a pilot uniform. At the base of the temple were a statue of a boy with a weird hairstyle, and a statue of an Agumon.
?This is impossible.? But just as soon as he spoke, the Agumon statue shattered, revealing a tall, black, humanoid lizard in armor. The BlackWarGreymon attacked Monodramon, sending him flying. ?Pathetic rookie.?
?Grr!? Monodramon?s form disappeared, revealing only that of the more feral Cyberdramon. ?Desolation Claw!? he cried. His blast struck BlackWarGreymon, but only staggered the beast.
?You are a threat to the new sovereign. For this, I must destroy you. Terra Destroyer!? A giant ball of energy appeared in his hands and flew at Cyberdramon. The metal beast went flying. BlackWarGreymon struck Cyberdramon in the gut, and began to beat him. ?Prepare to die, anomaly.? He placed his foot on Cyberdramon?s chest in order to pin him down and raised his claws into an attack position.
?Wait.? A ray of light appeared before the battling Saurian. ?Cyberdramon. Hello my friend.? That voice. Monodramon thought to himself, I recognize it. Is it?
?You recognize me. How ironic, that my long time enemy is now a part of me. Like my ?child? I guess you could say. I?m responsible for you, Cyberdramon. I can remove your feral personality. Help me.?
Cyberdramon could only think for a brief few moments, before he finally stood to his feet. ?What must I do, Millennium.?

?LadyDevimon, I have guest for you.? Cried Pixiemon
?Pixiemon.? LadyDevimon said as she looked out of her bedroom window. ?Bring them in.?
Rika, Jeri, and a forlorn Mako followed the ghoul digimon to find Yamaki, Riley, Tally, Susie, Kenta, Kazu and their partners with Kumbhiramon, Mihiramon and Pixiemon. ?Yamaki.? Said Rika.
?Well Miss Nonaka. It?s been a long trip. Where are the others??
?We haven?t seen them since we got here. How did you get here??
?It?s a long story.
Susie looked past Yamaki?s leg to see Calumon. ?Cawumon. Thewe you awe.?
?NO! Not the Princess Pretty Pants treatment.?
?Humph. Evewybody?s a cwitic.?

ArcaDaemon sat in his throne room, twirling a medallion in his hand. He thought to himself, only about the tamers and the numerous battles he had fought with them before. All this power and I am still defeated by children. His body began to itch with anticipation towards another battle with the tamers.
?May I be of service, my lord?? Said a mysterious Devimon figure, standing hidden within the shadows.
?Leave me be, weakling.?
?I only want to help. After that horrible altercation with Master Milleniummon, I decided to provide you with the assistance needed to retain your throne.?
?You? You? HAHAHAHA. You were once nothing more than a pathetic Pidmon when I found you. Not even a true demon. And now the two-winged angel wants to help me? HAHAHAHA.?
?But I??
?Need help. I on the other hand have some UNFINISHED BUSINESS TO TAKE CARE OF.? He rose into the sky and flew off, bursting through the ceiling of his fiery domain.

A pathetic Pidmon. I?ll show him. Devimon?s mind began to wander on days gone by. He remembered his life as the two-winged angel Pidmon. ?You have been a throne in our sides for far too long Pidmon. As your punishment you shall be banished from our realm forever.? Said Seraphimon
?We are the most powerful of all digimon. You, Seraphimon, are strong enough to overthrow one sovereign alone. Why should we bow down before the likes of Zhuqioamon and his worms??
?Enough with your insolence. We Harmonious are the guardians of those who have begun to rebuild their own lives within this worn torn world. If you cannot respect that, then you do not belong here. Seven Heavens!?
Seven, yellow spheres of energy flew at Pidmon and flung him through the kingdom walls. His body began to break apart until a shadowy figure stood before him. ?I will give you a new life. But you will serve me.?
?As you wish. Anything.? Devimon?s thoughts returned to the present. ArcaDaemon is a fool, just as Seraphimon. I?ll destroy them all. Even Milleniummon will be my slave. He spread his wings and flew off into the sky behind ArcaDaemon?s path.
Jeri sat down and watched as LadyDevimon explained to Yamaki and the others, the situation at hand. ?Pixiemon is a liaison between all forces. It is with his aid that we have tried to come together, not as enemies, but as allies in our efforts to rebuild the digital world. But we have been constantly attacked by our former king, Ghoulmon, who is against our alliances.?
?What type of villain has a crap name like Ghoulmon?? said Kazu.
?Oh just kill the suspenseful moment, Kazu.? Said Kenta
?C?mon, how can anyone get their butts kicked by someone with such an idiotic name? I?ve beaten up worms with better names than that.?
?You sure they didn?t suck your brain out or something??
Meanwhile, Jeri looked to see Impmon and his tamers sitting next to her, neither so much as uttered a word to the other. Is this revenge for what Impmon did to us? She asked herself, although the answer burned deep down within her. BOOM.
?WHAT WAS THAT NOISE?? everyone cried in unison. The group ran outside to find the massive figure of ArcaDaemon, evolved to his highest form, attacking the outside wall. He stabbed his claws into the wall and climbed to the roof with all his strength. ?TAMERS!? He cried. ?I WILL DESTROY YOU ONCE AND FOR ALL!?
?Dammit.? Yamaki yelled. ArcaDaemon struck every section of the castle with beams of pure, dark energy. He killed several Bakemon in his path, tossing around smaller digimon like dirty old rag dolls. ?DAMN YOU TAMERS! COME AND FACE ME!? HE began to tear the castle apart with his bear hands, killing innocent digimon who dared to oppose him.
?Crimson Claw.?
?Bunny Blades,?
?Diamond Storm?
Their attacks only bounced off the monsters armor as if he were nothing more than rubber. ?Well, I see this is a hopeless battle. Unless?? said Kumbhiramon. His body began to glow as the Digimon began to digivolve to stop this menace one and for all.
?Renamon biomerge to?Sakuyamon.?
?Devidramon digivolve to?Megidramon.?
?Ranamon digivolve to ?Calamarimon.?
?Gazimon digivolve to ?Greymon.?
Lucemon cried out to everyone. ?Everyone. Attack at the same time. Maybe we can stop him together. Grand Cross.?
?Spirit Strike? Sakuyamon said as she led the way. Everyone?s attacks struck ArcaDaemon at once. He was practically unmoved, but obviously not undamaged. A few blemishes began to show across ArcaDaemon?s body. He fired his blast in every direction, sending the army flying at his whim. Lucemon climbed to his feet as fast as he could. This has to stop. He can digivolve just as we do but his power only increases slightly with each change. At this level, he should be nothing more than as powerful as an above-average mega. Our combined efforts should stop him.
He dashed at ArcaDaemon, full pace. He leapt into the air and began to strike ArcaDaemon in the face. ?Grand Cross.?
?Pathetic angel. Your abilities have been tainted by the stench of human filth. I?ll destroy you all.? He smacked Lucemon on top of the head, and continued to pound him into the ground.

Devimon arrived at the ghoul?s palace. Ooh. Looks like I?m missing the fireworks. He flew into the window.
Alice sat up in her bed as she heard the fighting above. I have no other choice but to help them. She changed forms to Youkomon. Devimon stared at her blue fur and a smile crossed his face. ?Where are you going, foxy??
?What do you want??
?My aren?t we pushy.?
?Fox Tail Inferno.? She cried.
?Evil Wing.? He punched her around the room back and forth. ?Touch of Evil.? She crumpled across the floor, injured from the attack. ?You?ll make a perfect toy for me.?
?No she won?t. Let her be.? Said a mysterious figure, clad in a red cloak. The figure grabbed his hand and punched him in the face, sending him flying out of the window where his body crumpled in injury.
?Are you ok miss??
?The others. We must help them.? She stood to her feet and digivolved to Kuzuhamon.

ArcaDaemon continued to bat Lucemon around. ?Leave him alone.? Cried Kuzuhamon. ArcaDaemon extended his arm to reach and toss her towards the edge of the castle. ?Die, rookie.? He struck Lucemon and walked towards the rest of the group.
?Armored Tiger Tail.?
?Darkness Wing?
ArcaDaemon staggered back from the damage. His chest cavity began to crack, releasing leaking data. ?I?ve had enough of your human tainted insolence.? He struck the ground, sending shockwaves that tossed them aside.
?JUSTICE KICK!? A metal foot struck him and sent ArcaDaemon falling to the floor. A humanoid figure clad in blue and silver armor stood before the group.
?Justimon? That?s impossible.? Said Sakuyamon.
?I need your help. I can?t fight this villain alone. Justice must be met.? The others stood to their feet and regained their strength.
?Amethyst Mandala.?
?Lightening Spear?
?Darkness Wing.?
?Armored Tiger Tail.?
?Atomic Ray.?
?Megiddo fire.?
?Nova Blast.?
?Justice Fist.?
Their attacks sent ArcaDaemon falling from the castle roof, to the ground below, and all he could see was the fading sunlight in his eyes. ?Justice must prevail.? Justimon struck the side of the castle and sent it falling onto ArcaDaemon?s crumpled body.
Is it really Ryo? Thought Rika. Kuzuhamon stood next to the body of Lucemon and cradled him in her arms. ?I?guess?this?is?goodbye?I?only wish?that?I. could keep the people in your digital life?alive.? His body dissipated and the dust particles flew into the air. Tears rolled down her eyes as her twin, Sakuyamon watched the entire event, while keeping a wary eye on ?Justimon?.

ArcaDaemon attempted to lift his arm in order to remove the rock from his chest. A pair of hands other than his own lifted the boulder from his chest. ?You?re?nothing?but a ?pathetic?? his voice trailed off as his body dissipated into nothing but data particles.
?Nothing but a pathetic Pidmon. No. I am Devimon. I am the lord of evil. And I will destroy all foes. Even Milleniummon will bow down before me.? Devimon held his arms to the side and began to absorb each and every data particle, left behind by the now dead ArcaDaemon. ?HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.?

How do you like my first effort? This is actually part of a trilogy I am doing for this story. Hopefully you guys liked this. I?ll try to get the other two parts up as soon as possible.
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Hey, you guys wrote all those characters in, not me:p ;) Here's part two of the story. I hope I did well with this. It may seem that I'm death-happy right now, from this story, but that's not the case. I'm tryin to keep wih the stories thatmad me loves Tamers so much. Just wait till the conclusion, then you guys can take it in whatever direction. I tried t tie up some of the one or two million loose plot threads :laugh:. Here we go

[i]What is destiny? Our friends have been searching a world that is completely not their own, in an effort to find the answer to that very question. But the true question is: Will they ever find their answers?[/i]

The image of ones and zeroes appeared before the crystal, and shaped itself into the form of a familiar body. Cyberdramon appeared from the image. ?I?ve held my end of the bargain, Monodramon,? said Milleniummon, ?now you will help me accomplish mine.? The lifeless Cyberdramon dissipated and his data was absorbed into the crystal.

Rika rode across the desert on the back of Kyuubimon, Justimon by their side. ?Do you have to follow us?? said Kyuubimon.
?Do you feel uncomfortable around me?? Justimon answered
?Well we??
?Ok look,? interrupted Rika, ?I don?t know who you are or where you came from, but you are making a mockery of my friend! Where is Ryo??
?Your partner? Aren?t you Justimon??
?Yes. But I have no idea who this Ryo person is.?
?Ryo is my friend. If you are not Ryo, then you are not Justimon, plan and simple.?
?I am Justimon. Who do you think you are to tell me I am or am not somebody??
?Grr. You come here, saving us like you?re Super-friggin-man and then claim to be somebody you are not. We will not accept that. We will not accept you; no matter how hard you try. You are not Justimon or Ryo and that?s all to it. Let?s go Kyuubimon.? Kyuubimon ran off full pace. ?I am Justimon. I will prove it.?
On the other side of the desert, Kerpymon Devidramon and Tally continued their search for Henry. ?Henwy! Henwy! Tawwy. Do you think we wiww find Henwy??
?I?? she turned her gaze to Kerpymon and turned her gaze downward, ?We?ll find him, and the others. I promise.

Jeri, the twins, Impmon and Calumon searched on the eastern part of the desert awhile the rest searched the western area. ?Takato! Takato!? She turned to find Impmon and the twins, separated in their search. Poor Impmon.

The two Marine Angemon, their new child, Pabumon, and Mikemon traveled in their heart-shaped bubble, followed several steps behind by MegaGargomon. ?Have you found anyone yet!? said MegaGargomon.
?What, you expect me to actually do manual labor!? cried Mikemon ?I?m far too beautiful to be bothered with such a task!?
Why did Azulongmon have to take a form with an ego to match his true size? ?Hey I see something!? The clouds cleared from his line of view to reveal a large pink rabbit with a jester?s neckpiece and ears shaped like angel wings. He flew down towards the creature. ?Uh, hey. Have you seen any humans???
?Henwy?? said Susie.
?Susie? It can?t be?
?Oh, Henwy.? She grabbed MegaGargomon and gave him a massive hug. However as she did so, a light appeared and she split back into Susie and Lopmon. ?Oh no!?
?Henwy!? she screamed as the two of them fell.
?Can we just leave em?? said Terriermon.
?I was just kidding you know.?

Meanwhile back at ArcaDaemon?s palace, Devimon entered the door with his arms bulging as if there were filled with muscles he couldn?t contain. Stop it. He thought to himself. ?Devimon!? cried a Reapermon.
?What?? he said angered by Reapermon?s audacity.
?Where is ArcaDaemon?? Devimon tossed the medallion at Reapermon. ?You figure it out.?
?No?Without ArcaDaemon, who will lead us.?
?Who do you think nimrod??
?You. HAHAHAHAHAHA. I am a mega, whereas you are nothing more than a champion. A weak, worthless champion.? VenomMyotismon and the rest of the Dead army came to Reapermon?s defense. ?Champions, especially weak ones like you, have no place on that throne.? Devimon slashed Reapermon across the chest. Reapermon?s body deteriorated and Devimon loaded his data. ?That?s impossible.? The dead army cried.
?Now, I am your new king. Do not tick me off.?

In the undersea kingdom, Takato and Guilmon traveled from city to city, both of them were completely quiet the entire time. ?Takato-mon. What?s wrong??
?I don?t know Guilmon. I?just wish I hadn?t of said what I did to Henry.?
?Takato. You have your way and he has his. Maybe one of you will see the other?s way.?
?Guilmon, you never cease to amaze me.?
?Cool. Can we have bread now??
?Ha, ha, ha. Ok boy. Just as soon as we find Queen Plesiomon.?
The bubble headed towards the main palace. The two stepped out and entered the palace to search for Queen Plesiomon, in order to give their last goodbyes. As they traveled towards the throne room they could hear screaming. ?Reef trash. You will serve your purpose to our queen as you were meant to do so.? Said one voice
Takato ran to the door to find Queen Plesiomon and her soldier, holding the Reef henchmen captive. ?Don?t worry,? Queen Plesiomon said, ?this is your destiny. I am a queen, ruler of the most powerful undersea empire in all six regions of the Digital World. You are nothing more than a puppet. If you don?t die fighting for your lord, you will die our captive. No matter what you do, it is your destiny to die one-way or the other. Don?t think of this as torture or punishment. Just see this as your destiny.? She bit each one of them, one by one and loaded their data.
?Argh. What are you doing?? cried Takato.
?Takato. My human friend?I??
?You?re a monster. You are no better than the Reef lords!? he ran down the hall with Guilmon only to be stopped by a group of Dolphmon blasting their sonic beams. ?They will not be very friendly if you continue to try to escape us, friend Takato.?
?Why?? he asked.
?Because it is my destiny. Before the D-Reaper, this world was once beautiful and full of aquatic digimon. MarineDevimon and his henchmen arose from a virus that was discovered in an underwater abyss. Rather than ally with us in the effort to overthrow D-Reaper, he attempted to overthrow me and take over my kingdom. The battle ended with a stalemate and more causalities than either force could sustain. MarineDevimon and myself could not survive the injuries we had sustained. Our individual codes are beginning to break apart. It is the only way to survive. We must load as much data from each others armies in order to maintain the integrity of our own codes.?
?You mean this whole war is just for loading each others armies, so that you can survive.?
?Gee you?re a bright boy.? Replied Crabmon.
?We will not be a part of this.? Cried Guilmon.
?So be it. Destroy them?
?Flaming Rock Breaker.? Guilmon's hands caught on fire as he slashed his enemies. ?Pyro Sphere.? The Dolphmon attacked Guilmon and left him battered, while Takato batted off foes with a coral staff. ?GUILMON!?
?Venom Axe? cried Sandiramon as he projected the axe from his mouth. ?Takato. Get to Guilmon! I?ll give you the energy to biomerge?
?Guilmon biomerge to?Gallantmon.? Guilmon and Takato merged to become the knight-like Gallantmon. With he lance arm he fired off a lightening joust at Queen Plesiomon. ?You insolent fool. I gave you a home.? She bit down on his arm while Sandiramon fought off a Whamon that came to her aid. Queen Plesiomon tossed Gallantmon into a glass wall and blasted him with a stream of water. ?Argh.?
A noise reached the ears of all those within the palace. Fighting stopped as the group looked to the sky to see the castle surrounded by an army of Seadramon, MetalSeadramon, and MegaSeadramon. ?In the name of our new lord. Hail Devimon!? said the lead MetalSeadramon.
?HAIL DEVIMON!? said the rest.
?LIGHTENING JAVELIN!? All the Wave Makers and their former allies could do was watch as the entire palace fell before one humungous blast of power.

MegaGargomon flew down to the hill carrying Susie and Lopmon in his hands. ?Susie, take Lopmon and get her as far away from me as possible.?
?But Henwy??
?DO IT!?
Susie took Lopmon and jumped from MegaGargomon?s arms. The others came running to the newly found group. MegaGargomon jumped backwards as far as he could.
?Stay back?
?Henry. What?s wrong?? said Jeri.
?We still have Juggernaut placed in our body.?
?That can?t be,? said Yamaki, ?I guess our little experiment hasn?t been fixed just yet.?
?Yamaki, can you fix us??
?I don?t know. I?ll see what I can do.?
?Thank you.? MegaGargomon diffused into Terriermon and Henry.
?Pa.? Said MarineAngemon as he projects a heart bubble to contain Terriermon.
?Hey what is this??
?Sorry Terriermon. As long as Juggernaut still exists, we have to take whatever precaution we can to keep you de-digivolving everyone out of existence.?
?Ahh. Well ok. But if anything goes wrong, I?m blasting everyone for my revenge.?
?Glad you could finally join us chumly. Now lets get back to the castle. With Kenta and Alice the only ones standing guard, I?m starting to worry about those pour ghouls.?

Back at the Ghoul?s palace, Alice sat in her bed shivering. Lucemon. Why? Why am I shivering like this? What did Devimon do to me? A voice began to go off in Alice?s head. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Alice, my weapon of pain, join me. Alice could only wonder what was happening and shiver even harder in near pain. Kenta saw her lying across the floor.
?Hey, Alice. Are you alright?"
?Like you have to ask.?
?I was just trying to help.?
?I?m sorry, Kenta. It?s just that?something?s wrong but I don?t know what it is.?
?The reaver??
?No. This is something worse.? BOOM. ?What was that?? The duo ran through the hall only to find the ghouls, fighting against an army of Vilemon.
?We?re under attack.? Said Kenta. Alice changed into Youkomon. ?Climb aboard. Don?t worry. I?ve been practicing to keep control.? Kenta did as she order and the two ran to the aid of their allies.
?Darkness Wing.? Cried LadyDevimon as she blast a few Vilemon to data.
?Fox-Tail Inferno.? A few Bakemon ran through the castle, trying to put out the fires that the Dead Army had started. A hand rise from the ground and grabbed HAHAHA, pulling him into the ground. Devimon, his body shining as if he had absorbed data, rose from the ground were the hand once was. ?Are you afraid? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA?

?Kenta, I hear screaming.?
?Let?s go.? Youkomon jumped to the top of the stairway, only to be blasted back down. A new Reapermon jumped down. Youkomon stood back to her feet.
?Bone Duster.? A burst of flames shot from his hands and struck her back down.
?Youkomon, combine your powers with mine and he can stop this overgrown Grim Reaper. Darkness Claw.?
?Dragon Wheel.? Their two blast struck Reapermon and sent him flying back to the wall.
?Impressive but ultimately futile. You cannot stop us, no matter what you do.?
?That voice,? said Youkomon, ?I remember it. Devimon! Show yourself!?
?Well my pet, glad to see you remember me. Evil wing!? Blast of energy shot from his wings and struck the duo of female digimon.

?Hey whudyathink is going on over dere?? asked Impmon.
?I don?t know, but it can?t be anything good.? Said Riley. ?Let?s go help out.?
?Ai, Mako, let?s biomerge.? Said Impmon. ?Ai, Mako?? The twins just stood in place crying their hearts out.
?No,? said Mako
?You killed those Digimon.?
?I?I?Grr. Never mind, Impmon Digivolve to?Beelzemon.? He led the charge towards the palace. As the group reached the door, RedSinduramon was sent flying out. ?Aahh?
?What?s goin? on in dere?? cried Beelzemon
?I?m going on.? Devimon grabbed Beelzemon and flew the two of them to the top of the palace. ?Let go a? me. Double Impact!? The bullets just bounced off Devimon?s chest with no damage done in the process. ?That?s impossible. I?M A MEGA!? Devimon slammed Beelzemon into the top of the palace. ?And I?m a Digi-God, traitor.?
?Double Impa?? Devimon struck Beelzemon. Bang, bang, bang. He pulled Beelzemon close to him. ?Ah, a demon with a conscious. You make me sick? Devimon impaled Beelzemon through the belly and tossed him off the castle. ?NO!? cried the twins as they ran to Beelzemon injured body. ?This is the end for all of you, you pathetic tamer filth!? Devimon?s body grew to the size of the Empire State Building, tearing his way through the castle itself.


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Here's the finale to my story. If anyone wants to continue, I've left plenty of room. If you want me to continue, just ask. Hopefuly, I have some more ideas flowing through me. Let me know wat you think.


Deep underwater, the remains of Queen Plesiomon?s palace began to move as if by some unknown force of nature. A hand extended from beneath a boulder and moved it to one side. From beneath the rock appeared Gallantmon. ?Gallantmon mode change to?Crimson Mode.? Bulky red armor covered his body and in the place of his red cape, appeared five pairs of angelic wings. ?River of Power!? a voice called out. A beam of energy flew and struck him in the chest. Gallantmon flew towards Metal Seadramon and rammed him in the belly. The other Seadramon came towards him. Gallantmon pulled out his lance and cried ?Infinite Justice,? launching a beam at all his opponents.
The Seadramon fell towards the ocean floor as Gallantmon tried to find more survivors. ?Sandiramon, Plesiomon. Can any one hear me??
?Gallantmon!? cried Sandiramon. ?Over here?
?Sandiramon.? Gallantmon began digging his way through the rocks to find Sandiramon, badly damaged, but still alive. ?Gallantmon, we have to find the othersss.?
?River of Power!? cried MetalSeadramon. Gallantmon dodged the attack and grabbed MetalSeadramon, flying him into the sky above the ocean. MetalSeadramon wrapped himself around Gallantmon and began squeezing him. ?Grr. Aw you can?t stop me. You will not get away with what you did.?
?Fool. You spend all your time being the good little human puppet. Your kindness will be your undoing in this ravaged land of ours. Devimon is our new king.?
?Well have a message for your new kingdom.? Gallantmon tore himself free from MetalSeadramon. ?Invincible Sword.?
As MetalSeadramon dissipated, Gallantmon flew back into the water and towards the now-destroyed undersea kingdom. He and Sandiramon spent nearly several hours fishing out as many survivors as possible. They were many in number, possibly 2/3s of the kingdoms inhabitants. However, there was one inhabitant in particular who did not make it.
?Queen Plesiomon??
?Takato. I?m sorry that my interference caused you to break up with your friend. I just wanted to live long enough to continue protecting my kingdom. Now my own obsession with life has brought an end to my life. How, unfortunate. Goodbye, Takato, Guilmon, Sandiramon. Thank you for every thing.? And then she was gone, breaking apart into nothing more than individual particle which floated away.
?What do we do now. Without our queen, MarineDevimon and the Reef Lords will surely destroy us.? Pointed out one Coelamon.
?We will keep you safe. Are there any other alliances you can stay with??
?The Trench Dwellers are friendly. But they may not have enough food to sustain us all. They are led by Lord Whamon.?
?Well, I guess we will take you there then. Right Sandiramon.?
?It iss out of our way. But it sseemsss we have no other choice now.

?Megiddo Fire? cried out Meggidramon. His blast struck Devimon?s chest but not a single scratch was even hinted at by it.
?Evil Wing!? he cried out.
?Gazimon digivolve to?Garurumon.?
?Howling Blaster.?
?Pixie Bomber.?
Devimon?s laugh tore across the Digital World, like a bad scrape in a biking accitdent. ?Nothing will stop me. I will load all your data and destroy even Milleniummon. Nothing can defeat me.?
?Rika, I need you.?
?Rika.? Kyuubimon just stared at Rika, unaware of what to think of their situation. ?Fine. Dragon Wheel!? she transformed herself into a dragon-shaped fireball and struck Devimon?s chest.
?Touch of Evil? Blasts of darkness flew from Devimon?s hands and sent his attackers scattering. ?Why am I doing all the work? Oh, Alice my pet.?
Inside the castle LadyDevimon ran to Alice?s side as the girl began to scream out in pain. ?Stop it. Get out of my head.?
?Alice,? said Kenta as he ran to her side as well. Youkomon stood to her feet and pounced on Kenta. ?Your energy will sustain me.?
?Darkness wing!? Youkomon took the full force of the attack. As the dust settled, Kuzuhamon stood were Youkomon once was. ?Spirit Strike.? Her blast sent LadyDevimon flying across the room. She flew to the roof and attacked Megidramon, stiking him in the gut with her staff.
?Stop this at once.?
?Never. Amethyst Wind.? Noticing Kuzuhamon?s attack, Rika cried out, ?Alice stop!?
?Never. Spirit Strike.? Her blasts missed Rika, but not the castle. The piece Rika stood on tore apart sending her over the edge.
?RIKA!? screamed Kyuubimon.
?Gotcha.? Said Justimon. The heroic digimon scaled the roof as fast as he could and placed her next to Kyuubimon.
?Who are you??
?I?m not Justimon. I?m nothing more than an anomaly. I was a copy of Monodramon, created during his DNA digivolution with ZeedMilleniummon. I was to be a perfect copy, one devoid of Zeed?s virus, as a sort of balance created by the Digital World. But, Zeed?s influence still reached me and like the real Monodramon, I suffer Cyberdramon?s ferality and rage. I made a deal to be rid of that piece forever, in exchange for this power, the chance to prove my worth, as a hero.?
?Justimon?so you?re not Ryo.?
?But you can still help us.?
?But I??
?We have to stop Alice. Kyuubimon.? Kyuubimon de-digivolved to Renamon and joined her allies. ?Renamon bioemerge to?Sakuyamon.?

Inside the castle, Jeri held Calumon in her arms fell before the crumbling ground. Devimon?s blasts sent the ceiling falling everywhere, while the ground quaked with extreme power. A piece of the ground broke apart sending Jeri flying into the air. ?Calumon!?
?Jeri!? Jeri fell to the floor, half-conscious from the fall.

?Kahuna Wave?
?Lightening Spear.? No matter what happened, Devimon withstood. He sent his arms about this way and that smashing everything he could find for miles around. ?Touch of Evil.? He blasted Kerpymon and sent her to the ground.
?Evil Wing! The Digital World is at last mi?argh!? Devimon?s eyes began to scrunch up resembling those of a Bakamon, while his hands began to change shapes, resembling a golden scythe. ?What?s happening to me? TOUCH OF EVIL!?

As the castle continued to crumble, Jeri awoke to see what appeared to be the leg of a lion. ?Leomon.?
?Jeri. I cannot come back. But a part of you will always be with me and vice-versa, no matter what happens. I could not have asked for a better partner Jeri. And you have the two greatest partners in the Digital World.? He disappeared
?Leomon, come back.? CREAK. A piece of the ceiling broke and fell towards her. ?This is goodbye.? And then nothing. The fall stopped. Jeri used what little strength she had left to lift herself up and find a Lucemon holding the faling debris. ?Calumon.?
?Yes, Jeri. It?s me? he tossed the debris to the side. ?Help me.? She climbed on his back and the two flew to the top of the castle.

The twins tried to move Beelzemon?s body to safety from the destructive blasts of darkness. Beelzemon grunted and raised himself. ?Beelzemon are you ok?? said Mako.
?I?m fine. We have to stop that thing. Will you help me??
?Uh?no?I don?t want to biomerge with a murderer.? Said Mako.
?This isn?t the time I need your help. If you don?t join me, we are all gonna die.?
?Sigh. Fine?

At the top of the castle, Devimon body continued to bulge and change. ?STOP IT!? Dark energy erupted from his body.
?He can?t contain his power,? said Justimon, ?I HAVE A PLAN!? Smack. Kuzuhamon?s foot struck his face. Sakuyamon flew towards her and slammed her down. ?Alice, snap out of it.?
?Crystal Sphere.?
?Argh.? Justimon jumped as far as he could towards Devimon and began crawling up his chest.
?Get off me!? he swatted at Justimon. Devimon grabbed Justimon and slammed him into the castle. He then picked him up and began crushing his body with all his might. ?I will kill you.?
?Go ahead. All I wanted was to be somebody I?m not. Now I will correct that problem and your own. Take me.? Devimon crushed Justimon?s body to data and absorbed the particles. ?HAHAHAHAHAHA?
?JUSTIMON!? cried Rika.
?Touch of ?.? ArcaDaemon?s shoulder busted from Devimon?s own. ?What?s going on?? The shoulder dissipated, as did Devimon?s arms. ?TOO MUCH!?
?CORONA DESTROYER!? called out Beelzemon.
?Lucemon.? Said Alice. ?You?re alive.?
?Alice. Help us fight Devimon.?
?CORONA DESTROYER.? For the first time in the last few days, Devimon felt pain. Physical pain was below him, ever since ArcaDaemon. But now the overload was more than even he could bare.
?I don?t care about wasting energy. We have to stop this thing before he destroys us all.? Beelzemon Gemini Mode, fired another Corona Destoyer.
?If I must die. I?m taking you with me.? Devimon slashed Beelzemon and sent him falling again. With his last hand he punched the ground breaking up the entire area.
?HENWY!? Kerpymon cried as she fell into the abyss below her.
?SUSIE!? MegaGargomon stood to his feet and fired several Gargo Missles. Devimon staggered back several times, screaming at the top of his lungs each time. ArcaDaemon?s other should burst through his own and disintegrated. ?MEGA BARRAGE!?
As all the missiles struck his body, Devimon?s data slowly began to break apart.
?ARRRRGGGGHHHH!? all that was left was his head, which spat out one last blast of darkness, knocking MegaGargomon into the abyss and destroying what was left of the castles. Those who remained fell in behind him. ?Lucemon, we have to go after them!?
?But Devimon??
?We have to save them.? Lucemon hesitated and flew after the castle. But it was too late. The abyss closed behind the tamers and their surviving allies. Only Lucemon and Jeri remained. ?NO!?
?HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. You?ll?never?see?your?friends?again. Argh.? The head deteriorated, while tears began to flow from Jeri and Lucemon?s eyes.

From inside his crystal, Milleniummon gazed at all that was occurring. He felt a bit of satisfaction, deep in his corrupt soul, but at the same time he had a kinda of mournful feeling, as if a piece of himself had just died out. ?Well, I removed the part that gave Cyberdramon life, and now Monodramon is gone. Too bad. Justimon could have been a great warrior within my regime. But, there is no time for such weaknesses as tears. Soon, I will be free again. And all will be destroyed. Pharoahmon?
?Yes my lord??
?You are in charge of the Dead army.?
?Thank you sir.?
?Yes, thank me.? He stared at his glowing hand, and a piece of his crystal cracked.

Within the abyss, Beelzemon Gemini Mode awoke, slightly conscious from the last series of attacks. His body broke apart into three pieces: Ai, Mako, and not Impmon but an injured Boogeymon. Boogeymon stared at his hand and thought, I survived just enough, to turn into this?freak. Oh, the irony.
Pearl healed Terriermon before trapping him in another heart bubble. As the others regained their strength, Kenta sat by Alice?s side. ?Devimon is gone. The touch of evil shouldn?t hurt you anymore.?
?Ken?ta.? And then she passed out.
?Hey, Kazu??
?Yeah Kenta.?
?Do you think she?ll be ok??
?I don?t know. She looks pretty bad. And Devimon?s touch.?
?Don?t worry Kenta. We?ll help her.?
Rika sat with only tears in her eyes. ?He may not have been Ryo, but he was still a good friend.? RUMBLE. ?What is that?? The walls began to crack as each D-Power in the abyss began to light up. In place of the left wall appeared several holograms. One of Leomon, one of Lucemon, and one of Justimon.
?It?s a digimon memorial hall.? Said Riley.
?The Digi-World made it, just so that we could give our goodbyes.? Said Rika. ?Goodbye Justimon.? She pointed her D-Power at Justimon?s pedastal, engraving the words, ?In Memory of a Hero.?
?Now how do we get out of this dump.? Said Kazu.
?We use the underground tunnels. They should take us somewhere.? Answered LadyDevimon.
?Well, I guess we have no other choice.? Said Yamaki.
?First we rest. Then we get out of here.?

In their wooden airship, Puppetmon and Ghoulmon transported themselves all the way to the last place anyone would expect: The land of the Sovereign.
?Are you sure you know what you are doing?? said Ghoulmon.
?Must you question my authority? Once we find it, we will be the most powerful digimon ever. Even Master Milleniummon will have to bow before us.?
?You had better. Or I?ll grind your bones into firewood. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA?


Good? Bad? Horrible? Oh and about Boogeymon,I have him in there because of some discussions I've had at Megchan's. It is well believed that Boogeymon and Phelesmon are Impmon's champion and ultimate form. Since Lucemon is Calumon's speculated rookie, I decided to use Impmon's speculated forms. Was that a good choice? Or did I screw Impmon up?
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I always thought Bogeymon and Phelesmon were freaky, but whoever said evolution had to make sense? [Points at Candlemon to Wizardmon, Goblimon to Fugamon, and Pagumon to Raremon] As for writing more, the rule is, whoever wants to add something can. It's a free board. I for one would like to see more.
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That was very good stuff you wrote, Shadowdra! I had to go offline to read it all without spending too much money!

There were FEW minor mix-ups:

first, Azulongmon is no longer Mikemon, but a Chibimon (Veemon's fresh). Now all of the four sovereigns are babies:
Azulongmon>Chibimon, he's where-ever the MarineAngemon's are.
Zhuqiaomon>Pururumon, in Parallelmon's alternative dimension.
Baihumon>SnowBotamon, he was with Jeri, but assumabely he fell into the abyss as well.
Ebonwumon>Tanemon, with Mojyamon and J-Mojyamon in the north.

second, Tally's Devidramon digivolved into Gigadramon, but supposedly Megidramon is Gigadramon's next form.

We musn't forget Masahiko and Bastetmon, nor the fifth digimental, which is supposed to be the ultimate weapon to defeat Milleniummon (and also his way of becoming an overlord). I've thought that Justimon will become the fifth sovereign -the sovereign of Power/Truth/Justice or whatever you want to call him.
But that is still open, so let's see where things are headed.

And the devas? I think we should collect them in one place.
Sandiramon was with Gallantmon, Vajramon in the alternative dimension, and Kumbhiramon and Mihiramon, Pajiramon, Makuramon, Chatsuramon and Majiramon in the abyss. Indramon and Shinduramon are dead. Antylamon is with Suzie, and Vikaralamon STILL swimming in the sea (one water-loving pig, eh).

All the tamers are in the abyss, except Takato in the ocean, Jeri with Luce/Calu, and Ryo... in the other dimension? Oh, and that Masahiko-dude. Where's he?

Villains: Milleniummon is still in his lair, ordering his minions, which are Pharaohmon, Machinedramon and Asuramon, since Puppetmon and Ghoulmon are planning to betray him. Then there is Parallelmon, who is wandering around in what's left of Digiworld. I assume Ebemon was killed by MegaGargomon, and the out-of-nowhere Devimon died as well as ArcaDaemon, right?

Finally, the supporting digimon-characters: LadyDevimon, Pabumon, Pearl, Piximon, and RedShinduramon are in the abyss also. The first Lucemon is dead.

Are we updated now, or did I forget someone/-thing?

It REALLY good that you decided to join us Shadowdra. Now we might be able to carry this story to an end, which would be ultima-cool! Oh, I feel so happy!:D
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Puppetmon turned to Ghoulmon "We're approaching the land of the soveriegns. Just a bit of ocean left, so turn on our Digimental Radar."
Ghoulmon twisted some knobs and dials "Check," he replied "wait just a minute. According to this radar, the ultimate digimental is right under us."
"Somehow, the ultimate digimental must have fallen into the water! Swich to Submarine Mode!" yelled Puppetmon.
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Also, with the part that Justimon represented gone, Ryo's Cyberdramon will no longer be psycho. Of course, with the Control Spires in the other dimension, he's stuck as Hopmon. And Millenniumon is stuck in limbo [i]and[/i] in the crystal, which I guess means he'll be MoonMillenniumon if he gets out of limbo before he gets out of the crystal, and either ZeedMillenniumon or plain Millenniumon if he breaks the crystal and [i]then[/i] limbo. With the Sovereigns out of power, the door's open, but Millie's gotta get out of the crystal first, which he's on his way to doing. Bastemon and Masahiko are cornered by a buncha Giromon at the moment.

I think I'll take the other dimension, or at least the next part. Who's got the Fifth Sovereign line?
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