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Dragon War

The Unholy Newt

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[font=gothic][color=crimson]OOC: Outright, I would like to apologise for that owl post. I have learnt my lesson, and will never leave the computer for even a minute while my father is around. Secondly, you're all crazy. Haven't I said that a few times already? And Hunter, technically you're quartercast. So he's not far off. And I'd like to know the gold to silver ratio in this world if 50 gold marks is nothing...

IC:[I]They slowly assembled themselves and left the village, Lacroix making sure to stay between Hunter and Raistlin. They reached the edge, and Hunter stopped and dismounted.[/I]

Hunter: Till I return then.

[I]He remounted his horse and they continued along. Lacroix only glanced back once. Serena stood at the gate, a faraway look on her face. Lacroix stared a while, his version of a goodbye wave, and resolutely turned and faced the front. They rode in silence for a while, Raistlin humming "Go to Hell" under his breath.[/font][/color][/I]
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OOC:So your dad wrote that post? Damn. And if 50 gold marks is nothing, then I guess 100 silver gold marks is nothing too. Same goes for 400 steel pieces. Damn. I have equal amounts of each SOMEWHERE in my pouch...^_^=
[i]As they rode on, Hunter occasionally flinging a stone behind his back nonchalantly, Raistlin hummed his "song", and Hunter ignored him until he reached the part about his mother. At that point, Hunter hummed a large stone into the back of Raistlin's head, and stone hurts more than clay. As Hunter passed Raistlin's unconscious body, he picked up his fifty fold marks again.[/i]

[b]Hunter:[/b]I guess fifty marks gets me nowhere.

[b]Rasitlin:[/b](getting up and rubbing his head) Why'd you wait to hit me?

[b]Hunter:[/b]Anyone insults me, I'm okay, anyone insults my mother, I get extremely pissed. She is the ONLY family I have, and she lives with insult enough. Do not piss me off, or did that leg of lamb not teach you a lesson?

[i]Hunter and Raistlin cast an extremely bad stare at Elysan, who was giggling. Hunter handed back the gold, and his hand. Raistlin took both, and they made up. Though both still managed to get annoyed at little things. Sometimes Hunter would even get annoyed at how his horse's hooves hit the ground. Something was making them edgy, and it wasn't each other...[/i]
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[font=gothic][color=crimson]OOC: Actually, I'd be most appreciative if someone could explain the "Laundromat" comment to me. That was the post I was talking about by the way. My Dad was just being strange. Newt is dead, or bored with this. Maybe both. Maybe he'll come back. I'll ask him tomorrow. EFK, the general gold to silver ratio is 1:10. Copper to silver is 20:1. I can't quite remember what steel is, probably due to the fact it comes up less. But they're the basically accepted ratios in nearly every fantasy area. The average cost for a good quality sword, which is relatively expensive, is never more than 2 gold pieces. So 50 gold mark, which are worth about twice as much as a gold piece, is actually quite considerable. At least, in common fantasy usage. Sorry for that people, just had to a)clear that up, and b) show off my extensive reading/roleplaying/gameplaying.

IC:[I]Lacroix cantered ahead, ignoring the two antagonists. He too felt what was making them edgy, and he was more concerned that it was ahead of them, rather than trailing them. If it had been behind them, there was no way it could have ambushed them. As annoyed at each other as they all were, Lacroix doubted they'd pay attention enough to realise that there was something ahead of them. He signalled back his intentions to Elysan, hoping she was sane enough to pay attention, and galloped ahead, increasing his search, often doubling back and veering off the road to make sure nothing eluded him.[/font][/color][/I]
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OOC:This is just a waste of time without Newt. I'm out. Sorry everybody. See you in the other RPGs.
[i]Hunter turned back, not willing to leave his home behind. He went back o his own palace in Lanas...[/i]
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