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Serch for the Aniar Stones (~*Play*~)


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[i]The group stops in front of the forest.[/i]

Relee-This doesn't look too friendly.

Elsyan-Miko, did you say "Omen Forest"?

Miko-yeah. That's what the sign said.

Elsyan-I've heard rumors about this forest. It's under an ancient Dark Wizard's curse. Travellers would often travel through here, but none of them ever returned. What happened to them is a mystery.

Mara-I've heard that rumor too, but we can't let that stop us. We'll just have to be the first ones to get through.

[i]Slowly, they entered the Omen forest while wondering what dangers lay before them. [/i]
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Auron didn't hesitate to stride into the forest. He had his hand on his hidden katana in case a creature jumped out with speed. His long-sword lay sheathed on his back. Without knowing it, a man was watching them, half-blinded, and unable to speak for over-exurtion. Relee sensed him. "Look...", she said, motioning towards the man. "It's Ryan!", Mara said, the group riding over to him. "Who is this?", Relee asked, looking at the man on his knees. "We met him...in the town...", Mara said, knowing what had happened. "Are you alright?", Kain asked, noticing the burns on his arms. "Share a horse. We must be going", Auron said, noticing something behind the clouds. Auron turned away, Mara letting Ryan on her horse.

"We must hurry", Auron spat, as his horse broke into a run. He had to dodge a low tree limb, as another ball of fire broke into the forest. "They know we're here", Kain shouted, trying to catch up to Auron. The whole group was following Auron, not knowing where he was going. He took a sharp turn to the left, making the others turn around, and the horses stumbled. "We'll take refuge here", he said, walking into a small cove. "Their attacks shall not hurt us here", he said leaning his head on a wall.
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[color=red][size=1] Mara nodded as the group unpacked their things for the night. Her gaze lingered curiously on Auron, knowing there was more to him than he seemed to want to show.

Later on that night, when everyone was asleep, she walked up to the man queitly.

"You're a hybrid, aren't you?" she asked curiosly.

Auron just looked on into the night, his jaw tightening.[/color][/size]
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"Yes", he said, still staring at the sky. "My mother was an elf, and my father a warrior who died in search of the Aniar stones. I hope that on my journey, I will learn some about my past", he told her, wondering how they sent a fireball from the sky. Mara just sat there, bewildered, because she hadn't heard him talk this much since...ever. "How would they help you find out about yourself?", she asked curiously. "I don't know...", he replied, signaling for rest.
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[color=red][size=1] Mara nodded, getting the picture.

"Good Night." she said simply, not waiting for a reply.

She walking off into the forest, alone. Not far from the encampment, but far enough to be by herself. She sighed softly and climbed nimbly up a tree, staring at the star in the sky.

A tear slipped down her cheek. One after another, they soon turned into turrents. She wiped them off as they fell, but they just kept coming.

"I'm sorry, mother," she whispered, "it's all my fault."[/color][/size]
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I was very happy that the group had once again found and helped me. When we got to the cave I fell asleep almost immediately. I dreamed of this forest. The bits of darkness were just fading from the skys. I walked out of the cave with cautiousness, knowing the fireball shooting things may be still searching for us. I looked across the forest, with eyes that were normal again. I could see better it seemed. Something faint and bright in the distance caught my eye. I traveled away from the camp, into the forest. The thing got brighter as I moved toward it. What was it? It wasn't a sentient thing. Anything sentient would have dimmed the light. I stepped into a clearing. A gigantic tree loomed over me. I looked at the trunk and saw the bright thing inside of an abandoned owl nest. I stepped over to it quietly looking in. It was an Aniar Stone. I reached toward it. Soemthing jerked me quickly away. I looked up to see gaurds grabbing the stone and stuffing it into a sack. The gaurds holding me shoved me up against the tree. One of them drew back their fist and swung at me.
Just as the punch connected with my jaw I woke up in the cave. I sat straight up and uttered a low groan. My mouth seemed to be swollen shut. I flexed it and found that it was broken. I healed the break but could not repair the bruising. I stood up quietly and dashed out of the cave.

OOC: I fixed my post. Sorry for the extra work Aries.
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Miko:Spppss.....hey! Mara!

Mara: Miko? *Quickly wipes off the remaining tears......

Miko: I want to talk......

Miko sits next to Mara...

Miko: I've been thinking, about the Aniar stones and what Auron has been saying. I know whats going on. Auron knows too.

Mara: Well then tell me! I want to know as well.....

Miko: He keeps saying things like..."They know we are here."And,"They are coming."I think I know who THEY are. I believe that they are some kind of clan that is trying to stop our goal from gathering the other stones. Maybe they are the Kings henchmen......

Mara: I see, now I know why Auron didnt want us going back into the village, the whole reason those people died was because we were there, and if we would have went back in, then more would have died.

Miko: Whta should we do?

Mara: We have to let the others know, and next time we get to a town, we have to disguise our selves so that our where abouts cannot be known.

Miko Nodds his head and stares into the moonlight....

Mara: Listen, what did you want to tell me earlier?

Miko: Forget about it.....its nothing, it can wait.....I guess....

Mara: Oh....Um...Ok....................I guess.......

Miko: So....maybe we should get some rest before we get out of the forest......huh?


Edit, Hey sorry, we must have posted int he same time......lets just go by both of our story lines.
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OOC:Actually, Krillen's post coincides with the story more, so I'll go with that...

Auron woke up, staring at Ryan, who seemed to be having a nightmare. Ryan's eyes opened, and he felt his jaw. Ryan ran off, looking for Mara. (OOC: Fixed that :p)

Auron motioned to Kain, Tyron, and the others, and they walked out into the forest, following Ryan.

OOC: Short, because I want to post this before anyone, so that everything will be cleared up.
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OOC: I edited mine so that yours is correct Krillen. Let's just go with that.

IC: The going was tough. I could no longer see as well as I had in the dream. I had hoped to get someone else to go with me but I could only find the way myself. I tripped over a rock that looked slightly familiar. Somehting behind me rustled. I looked back, squinting but could see nothing. I got to a clearing in the forest about twenty minutes after I left. Something bright winked on and off inside of a hole. I smiled and walked up to it. I reached out a hand and was jerked violently away. I whirrled around, execting to see a gaurd there. It was Auron. My mouth gaped open, while my mind attempted to understand. He pulled me into the brush and whispered in my ear.
[b]Auron-[/b] "There is a group of gaurds comignt his way. You would have seen their lanterns if you had not been partially blind. You were about ten seconds from getting shot." He fell quiet as about seven gaurds walked into the clearing.
[b]Gaurd 1-[/b] "There it is. Grab it." Another gaurd walked up to the tree and extended an arm.
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Kain: I'm going to get that stone.No way i'm i going to let the king get this one.

As one of the guards puts the stone in the sack Kain throws a shuriken that rips the bag open.Kain charges in and cuts the first guards he comes two in half then he trys to grab the Aniar stone but another guard cuts his arm leaving a deep gash.
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Guys, just remember to read every post that was posted after yours so that you know what is going on in the story, and lets ease up on finding the stones one after another. We arnt in any hurry to finish this RPG you know.......


Miko: Kain!!! Are you alright???

Kain: Im fine, dont worry about me.....

Miko: That does it!!!!Argh!!!!!

All of the sudden the bag which Miko is carrying glows a bright blue as if something is inside of it calling out. Its the Aniar Stone! Could this bright blue Gem be the Stone of Water???

Miko: Whoa!!!!

Miko slides the ring on his finger and points it towards the 2 gaurds hoping that somthing cool will happen. And that it does, a jet of water forms in mid air just inches away fromt he ring and it knocks the Gaurds down rendering them unconsious.

Mara: Wow!

Miko brabs the Aniar stone which is made into a neckless. But the stone repels him. Why is this?

Miko: Hey! What gives?

Mara: I see, you have the Water stone, Water beats fire, so the Red Gem must be the Fire Stone, they are repelling eachother, why dont I hold onto this.....

Miko Kicks the Neckless over to Mara and she raises it above her head. Feeling the emense power around her body, she places it around her neck.
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[color=red][size=1]OOC: Yeah, ease up guys! We're still developing the story, you know...


Auron shook his head imaptiently.

"We must be off." he said, "it's dangerous to be here now."

Mara just stared at him.

"Yes," she said after awhile, "Let's. Everyone, mount your horses."

"Hey!" Ryan said, "I don't have one."

Mara shrugged.

"You can ride with Miko." she said simply, getting casually onto her horse, "unless you want another arrangement."[/color][/size]
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Lol, yes, too many stones, too fast.

Auron jumped on his horse, and took off, not knowing where to go. He looked back at Mara, and she shrugged. "That village, remember?", Kain said, looking at the expression on Auron's face. "Ah, yes, we can take refuge there", Mara said, cutting in for Auron. They turned around, knowing where to go now. Auron was fingering his hidden katana, sensing that something would go wrong in that town.

They arrived at yet another sign that said five miles until the next village, and the horses looked tired. "Only a little way to go", Relee said, petting her horse's mane. Auron took off, heading for the town, the others following him, and everyone slowed down because of fatigue.
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[color=blue] [size=1]OOC: erm, I sorta had the guards to have one for a reason... Krillen, I really didn't like that post there.

Relee looked at the others that were traveling with them. Then she turned back at her horse.She fed it another carrot, leaning over carefully. She tossed everyone else a carrot. Miko ate his carrot, since he was sharing a horse and all, he didn't have a horse to feed. Relee laughed at this sight. She looked back down to her horse, and stroke its hair gently. She had forgotten about her sadness and smiled. She watched the horses neigh quietly as they chrunched wildly at the carrots. Relee smiled lightly as she calmed down. She had her guard down. She wasn't at all much of a fighter. She relied on her magic. Even though it wouldn't protect her for long. About a year ago, she was nearly killed by one of the king's guards, but she was saved, when another figure struck his head with a club of some sort, causing him to drop cold right in front of her.[/color] [/size]
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ooc: yes, don't find the stones all at once. -.-'
[i]Elsyan couldn't help but to keep looking back at the forest.[/i]

Elsyan-(thinks) I wonder what was so bad about that place that no one ever survived?

[i]She shook her head and brushed the thought aside. Whatever it was was behind them now. After a few minutes, they could see the village in the distance, maybe about a half a mile away. The group then stopped.[/i]

Auron-There's the village.

Mara-Yes. Now if you have any cloaks, hats, or anything else you can use to disguise yourself with, do it now. We can't risk being seen any longer.

[i]The group nodded. Elsyan drew out a hooded cloak from her pack and wrapped it around her with the hood covering her face. Soon they were ready and once again started towards the village.[/i]
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OOC:Sorry Juuthena, but you cant expect all of us to go along the same story line as you, I meen, how could we have known? Heres a suggestion, if anyone would like to start a specific event that could give the RPG more depth, then I would PM everyone and let them know. Dont tell them what you will do, because that will ruin the surprise, just tell them what they should not do, or to just stay away from that part of the story. Eh, just suggesting things thats all.


Everyone enters the town in shock.....

Mara: Wh-Wh-Where is everybody?

Auron throughs off his cloak and hood.

Auron: They got here before us, they knew we were coming, everyone is already dead.....

Miko: No............NO!

Kain: All of these people.......because of us?!?! What did we do?!

Elsyan: Somthing not right here, I'm sensing somthing.

Miko: There!! I see somthing!

Auron jerks is head over to Miko.....

Auron: What was it Miko?!

Miko: It had a tail....Like a Dragon.

Auron: OH crap! What color?!

Miko: Ummm...I forget, I think it was blue! Or maybe Red! Crap I dont know.

Auron: Maybe it was camoflauged......Yes, this Dragon is unique.

Mara: Dragon?! Uh oh, this isnt good.

Auron: Everybody draw your weapons!
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Elsyan-A....dragon? Did Runeth wander off [i]again?!?![/i]

*everyone falls anime style*

Auron-You mean THAT'S all it was?!

Elsyan-*opens up pack* Let me check....*sees that Runeth is sound asleep* erm....guess it's not Runeth. He's right here sleeping.

Miko-Don't worry us all like that!!

Mara-just be ready for the dragon right [i]there![/i]

[i]Everyone turned to see that the dragon had already shown itself and was staring at the group as it was preparing to attack.[/i]
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OOC: Remember, Auron doesn't talk like that :p "Oh crap!" :laugh: But yeah, I've already started my plot in the story...his past, his dream, all of that cr-stuff ^_^;;
Auron drew his long-sword, knowing that his katana was useless against such a monster. Kain, Tyron, and the others with weapons follow suit. "Wait....wouldn't there be..mass destruction if there was a dragon in the town?", Kain said, staring around at the peace. "Yes, it was a trap from the beginning", Auron said, staring at the dragon. He took a step forward. "Do not be afraid, if we die...we die honorably", Kain said, following Auron. They both agreed, and dashed off to the right, leaving the others confused, and following. "What's going on?!", Relee shouted at Kain. "It's called a strategy", Kain said. "You're a black mage, right Miko?". "Well, yes...", Miko replied, looking at the dragon. "Well, do something! We can't get close enough with our swords", Kain said, staring down Miko.

"You've got the ring, Miko", Auron said, reassuring him. "I don't even know if this works!", Miko said, staring at it. Mara stepped up. "We both have the stones. We can use them to defeat the dragon".
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[b]Ryan-[/b] "Where's the dragon! I can't see!"

[b]Auron-[/b] "Right in front of you. About 100 feet." I raised my staff and pointed it in front of me. A jet of ice flew out and hit what I presume to be the dragon. I willed the spell to feeze it's feet to the ground. The dragon howled in fury.

[b]Ryan-[/b] "Auron, go now!"
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Auron nodded gratefully, and ran off, looking at Mara, and Miko, pointing the stones at the dragon. "Elsyan", he thought, maybe she could use her skills as well, now that the dragon was frozen to the ground. He stopped while running, Kain coming up behind him. Auron took his bow, and aimed at the dragon. "What the hell are you doing?!", Kain said, looking at Auron. Auron shot the arrow directly beside it's head, distracting it, while he ran up with Kain, his long-sword drawn, and slashed at it. Elsyan ran up closely behind, and shot with her bow.

They ran off to the side, nearly being burnt to a crisp. It was now up to Miko, and Mara. They had weakened it considerable with weapons, now it was up to the spellcasters.
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"Hey Mara! Wait!"

[I]Mara turned around seeing two people running towards her. It looked like beastmen. the first one looks fermilliar.[/I]

Mara: huh? Tyron? Who's that with you?

Tyron: Meet Aerow, my best friend.

Aerow: Hey.

Mara: Hi.
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[color=red][size=1] OOC: Yes! Time to show off...Meh! :p
Mara shook her head and leaped off her horse, cutting off Auron and Miko. She pulled out her wisten, a long silver chain with two shrap jade disks at th end, along with her.

"Auron, I'll take him with me. You, Kain, Ryan, and Elsyan must be the steel of the group. Let Relee, Miko, and myself be the magic."

Auron nodded curtly.

"Miko! Relee! You both posses a type of magic, do you not?" she asked, her voice calm.

Both nodded.

"Then you are with me." she said simply, skirting around the horses to the left.

"We knew that." Relee muttered teasingly, following Mara.

The group of three left Elsyan to catch up with Kain, Auron, and Ryan. They treaded softly, hiding and running between smoldering building.

"What are we supposed to do?" Miko asked quietly.

Relee and Mara glanced at each other, both grinning.

"Miko, you go for an offensive attack. Relee, back him up and make sure the two of you don't get burnt to a crisp! Me, I'm going to use my best weapon: Time."[/color][/size]
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[color=blue] [size=1]Relee hesitated at the sight of the dragon. She stared at it for a couple of seconds and then turned back at Miko.

"Miko! Here, take this!" Relee said, tossing him a small blue glass from her waist. "Drink it, it'll help repel the dragon's flames. a drop will work for ten minutes! Don't drink too much!" Relee directed, drinking some of her own bottle, then tying the string around the bottle.

Relee Crossed her hands, all except her index fingers, which were poiting to the sky. She whispered some words as she kept her eyes closed. Just then, a blue dot of light sparked from the tips of her fingers. She opened her hands, her wrists still touching, as the spark grew larger.

Relee half-opened her eyes and kept on repeating the words. She glanced slightly over to her right to see Miko dropping about two drops of the potion on his tounge.

He stopped at the flavor, and put on a strange expression as the potion began to take effect. He then threw the bottle at Mara, which opened, and drank some as well.[/color] [/size]6
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[color=red][size=1] Mara brushed of Tyron and his friend.

"Fight," she said, "or stay outta of our way."

She thrust her arms towards the sky, her eyes wide open. A silent wind blew past her and no other, as grey lightining flashed in the sky. She brought her arms togther as rain fell onto her alone.

She brought her hands into a cup and caught a few drops. She threw them onto the ground before her, and time froze for her. She had to access the situation.

The world before her was silent, unmoving. She could see Auron and Kain, running, sword drawn. She saw Tyron and his friend behind her, troubled looks pasted on their face. She saw Miko's unpleasant expression of the potion Relee gave him, and Relee herself, developing her spell.

She threw her arms aside gracefully, sound restored. She shook her head, and swayed her hand to the left. She flipped them deftly, and sound and movement in slow motion was restored.

She ran around the building quickly, seeing that Auron and Kain were about to run head-long into the dragon. She went up to Auron and whispered something into his ear. He nodded slowly, being the hybrid that he was, he was the only one who would know that she had frozen time.

She flicked her wrists, pulling her arm back towards her body, plunging herself into a world of black.

"Five minutes ahead!" she shouted, the blackness whirling into the place where she had been standing.

The dragon was attacking Kain and Auron viciously, Relee realeasing her spark and Miko starting his own spell.


Mara shook her head, thrusting her hands forward, balled into fists. She had unfroze time. She ran back to her small group and smiled.

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