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Corporate America

SSJ5 Vegeta

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With all these scandals and stuff, it's kinda' hard not to look down upon corporate America. The Enron case, now the World Com scandal. I definetly agree with President Bush's new laws of doubling the maximum prison sentence for big business executives caught in money laundering schemes.

So I'd like to voice my opinion...

I think corporate america is crap. Especially resource companies like oil and timber companies, they lease government land, land that belongs to all of us because we pay taxes on it then turn around and strip it bare of what they need to get off of it, then they turn around and make us pay for stuff that belongs to us, and they keep all the profit from it, and don't even give us any money back. Somethings wrong with that. And you'd think that with the profits oil companies make, I mean billions of dollars off of us last year, something like 20 billion just in profits off of us last year when the gas prices were lower, that's after they've already paid off everything, the workers, and themselves, just in profit. So I ask the question. Why in the hell are gas prices so high, and why in the hell do they need to launder more money? Because they're greedy and I hate to think that's what america has become.
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[color=deeppink]We're not the only ones making oil. The United States, in fact, is the largest [i]importer[/i] of oil. What they're making us pay helps cover the costs of what they [i]buy[/i] from OPEC countries such as: Algeria, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Venezuela.

Also, think about what is going on in the Middle East right now: conflict. Wars and conflicts almost always raise prices of natural resources, especially since the largest producer of oil, besides the US, is Saudi Arabia...the Middle East.[/color]
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BabyGirl I agree totally. If it wasnt for Saudi Arabia selling us oil the u.s. would have nothing to do with them. I really dont get why they cant settle their conflicts since they have been fighting for thousands of years, ever since the time of Jesus. The U.S. has an oil reserve in the Alaskan wilderness but congress wont let them drill there. In a way I agree with their choice because the land is so peaceful and full of harmony. But then again I think that we should drill so that we dont have to rely on other countries for their oil because they know we need them and son they can raise the prices as high as they want. As for corporate america, that crap doesnt surprise me at all. there are so many greedy people in the world that money is being laundered and embesseled all the time. People are just too stupid to check into it and when they do they either get payed off or in some cases get killed.
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I can say nothing about corporate america due to the fact I would probably be banned.

However, the double-time sentence for big company execs is totaly bogus. Why should they be punished more for things smaller companies do all the time? I'm not trying to defend them, if that is what has creeped into your head, I'm just saying that it's unfair to make one rule more intence for one type of person than another. It's like saying just because this upper-class person commited murder his sentence is 100 years, but this middle-class person commited a murder in the same way and only gets 60 years. In my mind it's unfair.
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[color=indigo]I find it funny that so many of you think that you will be banned for voicing your opinions. If you have an argument about any issue, please post it. Not everyone may agree with you but, as long as you don't swear and present a rational post, you won't be banned.

I think all of the Mods, SuperMods, and even the Administrators enjoy a good argument/debate. A difference in opinions should inspire us to learn so that we can defend our point of view or modify the stance we take on an issue. I am sure that every staff member would agree with me when I say that you should never be afraid to voice your opinions (again, in a rational, polite manor) on OtakuBoards.
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[color=royalblue]Heaven's Cloud is absolutely right. I don't ban people for their opinions -- only if they go overboard in expressing them.

In any case, I think that most of corporate America is above board. In cases like this, it's easy to paint everyone with the same brush, so to speak.

As far as resources goes...I think western countries need to push harder for research into new fuels (hygrogen, for example) so that the reliance on OPEC drops. It constantly annoys me that much of the world is ultimately relying on some cartel of often untrustworthy nations.

I'm not sure about how much oil Australia imports though. From what I know, we are pretty self sufficient...meaning we have enough oil reserves to satisfy our local market. Of course, a large percentage of our own oil is exported (which is minor in global terms) and we [i]do[/i] import some oil.

In any case, it'll be interesting to see what happens with these scandals in future. President Bush gave off some good rhetoric, but really, he hasn't addressed some of the core industry reforms that need to take place. I think all Americans (and those of us in markets that are affected by America) definitely have a stake in the issue.[/color]
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IN the US government, theres a rule. Well not really a rule, but kinda an unwritten law. You TRUELY can't blame the government for anything. Guess what? YOU, the voters, picked that government. True politicians don't keep to their words and do stuff we don't approve of but you still picked them. People only look at top issues with a politician now, gunc ontrole, abortions, civil rights, this that or the other. Not many look beyond that, and because of that, we vote in people who don't use our tax dollars right. And if you can't vote yet, then it's obviously not your fault, but I'm sure you get the drift. perhaps when it's time you can vote, you'll pick someone worthy of the job.

I don't like the way the government is run, I don't think I ever will till I'm president, but that won't happen. SO what I can do is sit back, read some info, and vote for who I think is best suited for the job, despite party affiliation. I look past those major issues and go into what the government will do for me and my money and how i live my life.

America has always been coporate. Always. But hey, I guess thats a draw back to democracy.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i]
[B]America has always been coporate. Always. But hey, I guess thats a draw back to democracy. [/B][/QUOTE]

Yea but America really isn't even a true democracy. The congress votes on things, and so do commitees of people you elect in your town. A true democracy would mean all of us would have to vote on even the smallest things like wether or not they should put up a new stoplight in your town. That works for small communions of people, but I guess not for something as big as the U.S. We don't live in an actual Democratic environment, we live in a Republic.
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And a republic is better than a true democracy, in certain respects.

Think about how many idiots live in America today. Would you really want them voting on issues of national security and such? I hope not.

Of course, there always the idiots in Congress voting on them to make up for the rest of the idiots. Oh well...

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I think the mindset of a lot of people in America is the essence of what's wrong.

Being a leader is about sacrifice, not self-gain.

But in our TV and movies and media the opposite is portrayed. People want to be in power to get the money/girls/boys/etc. rather than to sacrifice themselves to make the world a better place.

So we have people growing up, following the wrong ideals, and they come into power and cause these problems.

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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i]
[B][color=royalblue]I don't ban people for their opinions -- only if they go overboard in expressing them.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE]

That's what I was getting at...

[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Justin[/i]
Of course, there always the idiots in Congress voting on them to make up for the rest of the idiots. Oh well...[/QUOTE]

::Salutes Justin::
Exactly what was on my mind Justin.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Justin [/i]
[B]And a republic is better than a true democracy, in certain respects.

Think about how many idiots live in America today. Would you really want them voting on issues of national security and such? I hope not.

Of course, there always the idiots in Congress voting on them to make up for the rest of the idiots. Oh well...

-Justin [/B][/QUOTE]


Im disgusted with how all these BIg business's are acting. Come on, most of these guys are already filthy rich. It sickens me to see how much greed they are filled with. We have people dieing on the streets becuase they dont have a home or job, and these business men are sitting up in there mansions trying to figure out ways they can increase their bank acount. They need to be figuring out how they can give back to the community or something. If iot wasnt for us everyday normal average citizens, they would not be filthy rich.

GREEDY B*****!

On a second note, I think we should all be researching more cost efficeint(sp?) and more enviroment freindly fuels. BUt we also rely way to much on other countries for our oil. There is plently of places we can get oil form in america and offshore. California wonders why they have power problems, but everytime they try to build a power plant some activists stop them cause they are building it on some animals home. Dont get me wrong, im not saying that we should not care about endangered animals, but some people take it way to far. I know this isn ot the cause all the time, but it does happen alot.

Main problems is, people want things that are good for the enviroment. They want things that can help preserve our earth and they dont want things that destroy it. But when you ask them to spend money, or get of their butts and do something about it, they immediatly change thier mind. I know where I live people constantly complain about education. When or governer introduces a tax bill that would raise property takes by 1% for the purpose of funding schools, everyone got upset and and would not pass the bill. The governor tried several other things. Nothing passed. The people here want it to change, but they dont want to have to pay for. they expect the goverment to just go use that million dollars they have sitting around somewhere. They are still sitting her wondering why our education spending is so low. Once again, i do not want to generalize everyone under this but there is a majority of people like this.
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[font=gothic][color=crimson]If "pro" is the opposite to "con" what is the opposite of progress?

No matter what we do though, no matter what fuels we research, something will be harmed. It's not really a situation we can win. Even something like solar power. Where do you put the panels? On some animal's habitat? There has to be a level of compromise, a decision.

The filthy rich bastards aren't the problem. It's the fact that they are let flourish.

6th time...[/font][/color]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Amphion [/i]
[B]California wonders why they have power problems, but everytime they try to build a power plant some activists stop them cause they are building it on some animals home. Dont get me wrong, im not saying that we should not care about endangered animals, but some people take it way to far. I know this isn ot the cause all the time, but it does happen alot.[/B][/QUOTE]

[color=deeppink]There will always be extremists out there who would kill other [i]people[/i] for the lives of animals (case in point: Cowboy Bebop, Session 4). I read an article the other day about animal-rights groups being upset about animals in commercials...particularily a Subaru one. I guess some mother and daughter set a rabbit free into the woods (in this particular commercial), and the activists were all up in arms with, "What if that wasn't a wild rabbit?! It's going to die!" Blah blah blah...

Oh, and off-topic, California IS building new solar energy plants. They have one (or several) in the Mojave Desert. [/color]

[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Harlequin [/i]
6th time...[/font][/color] [/B][/QUOTE]

[color=deeppink]You might as well stop keeping track.[/color]
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I agree with Adam's concept.

Leaders ought to have a sincere desire to better the world, or at least the small portion of the community they have domain over.

And we shouldn't give up ALL hope of having good leaders; whereever there's a corrupt politician, there's a good one.... somewhere. ^_^ At least it's an optimist view of things.....
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