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Zelda Quiz

Dante the Demon Slayer

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[color=darkblue][size=1][b]Answer:[/b] Um, I'm not too sure about this one, I'll give it a shot. (I haven't played it in a while.)

[spoiler]Golden Darknut - Spring
From the tree stump near the abandoned house in Western Coast, change the season to Spring then head over the Pirate Ship and over to the far east edge of West Beach. You will find the Golden Darknut there. He takes quite a beating before he dies.

Golden Octorok - Summer
From the tree stump in Spool Swamp, change the season to Summer. Then head down all the way to the screen below the vortex to Subrosia. You will find the Golden Octorok there. Do not think you can knock it down the hole for a quick kill. You must kill it the old fashion way via sword.

Golden Moblin - Autumn
Change the Season to Autumn using the tree stump one screen right of Lvl 2 Snake's Remains, then go left to find the Golden Moblin. He also takes a lot of damage before dying.

Golden Lynel - Winter
In the Tarm Ruins Change the Season to Winter via tree stump near the small pool of water with Armos Statues. Then head right (you must have the Armos Statues already moved) to find the Golden Lynel.

Then, if I remember correctly, you have to talk to the Old Golden Wise Man. He's inside a cave somewhere.[/spoiler]

Again, I'm not too sure about this answer. I'll edit this post once I find out if I'm right nor not. ^^

[EDIT]The cave is somewhere in [spoiler]the Gnarled Root Dungeon.[/spoiler][/color][/size]
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[color=darkblue][size=1]Cool! Um... *thinks of a question*

[b]Question:[/b] What were the first 3 [b][u]weapons[/u][/b] (Not items: like potions) that you got in Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past? (For the GBA)

[b]Extra:[/b] How did you get them?[/color][/size]
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[color=indigo]Well, there's a few different possibilities. First is either the sword or the Lamp. Or you can get the Lamp after you get the Boomerang. Or you could skip the Boomerang and get the Ice Rod, Bombs, or Bow & Arrow as the third one. So yeah, there isn't a set first three... (And I [i]could[/i] explain how/where you get each of those, but I really don't feel like typing all that out).

If you get them in the order you find them, though, without skipping any, it's the Lamp, Fighter's Sword, then Boomerang. You get the Lamp from the treasure chest in Link's house, the Fighter's Sword from your uncle down in the secret passage into Hyrule Castle, and the Boomerang on B1 of Hyrule Castle.

[b]Question:[/b] Which Zelda game has the most numbered dungeons, and how many does it have? (As in, Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, and so on).[/color]
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[color=indigo]Nope, it's not A Link to the Past. While LTP has eleven dungeons, only eight of them are numbered. (And only then in the GBA remake). The light world dungeons don't have numbers, only the Dark World ones. Try again.[/color]
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[color=indigo]Yep, it's the original Legend of Zelda. Ask away.[/color]

[color=seagreen]Um, are you going to ask a question, or shall I just ask another one? It's been a couple days...[/color]

[b]Edit II:[/b]
[color=indigo]Right, I'm just asking another question, then.

[b]Question:[/b] What are the two ways you can get medecine in Link's Awakening?[/color]
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Taking wild stab. *pulls out Black Mage stabbity-stab-stab animated gif*

Way 1: When visiting Crazy Tracy at full heart compacity, she will sell the medicine to you for, I think....4o Rupees?

Way 2: When visiting Crazy Tracy at partial (injured) heart compacity, she'll sell you the medicine for only 1o Rupees!

Is that right? If it is, I'll edit this with a question.
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[color=indigo]Nope, that's not it. Bleh, I'll just tell the other way and ask another question. The second way you can get medecine is by finding it in treasure chests in a couple of the later dungeons. You can find some in Level 8 I know, and I think there's one other dungeon. Possibly Level 6, but I'm not sure.

[b]Question:[/b] In which Zelda games does Ganondorf/Ganon use a weapon or weapons?[/color]
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Hey Desbreko, what's your definiton of weapons. All I'm saying is that hands could be considered weapons, and if that is your def. than it's every game that Ganon fights you in, DUH! (ok this is probably spam [so please don't ban me] because my only reason for posting it is for you to see my new avatar... but if the question bugs you I've accomplished more.)
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[color=indigo]You know, I always enjoy your posts in the Zelda quiz, Olga, I really do. [i]Really.[/i] *glares*

As for the definition, I'm going with Dictionary.com:
"1. An instrument of attack or defense in combat, as a gun, missile, or sword."

So yeah, I mean something like a sword or a trident. Something that can be held [i]in[/i] his hand. Meaning attacks such as fireballs and that sort of thing wouldn't count, either.

And yes, you have accomplished more. That avatar isn't helping, either. *gets freaked out from looking at it*[/color]
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[color=indigo]Um...I already said Zelda II isn't one of them. And he doesn't use a weapon in the original, either, he just shoots fireballs at you. So no, still wrong. Everyone always seems to forget Ganon is in the other two games that are the rest of the answer.[/color]
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