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Zelda Quiz

Dante the Demon Slayer

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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by the spiegal [/i]
[B][color=green][B]Answer[/B] : They are the same[/color] [/B][/QUOTE]
[color=indigo]Actually, no, they aren't the same. The 1/2 Magic upgrade makes magical items use half as much magic power. The double-long Magic Meter lets you hold twice as much magic power. So they aren't the same, and there is a good reason why one is better than the other.[/color]
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My thoughts speak that the [b]1/2 Magic is better[/b], and with reason. Because certain times (such as a Medallion) are cast with a certain portion of the green meter, reducing the cost is much more effective than providing extra magic.
Example: Let us say the Meter is 1o units (it's not, just bear with me), and using the Quake Medallion costs you 5 units. This allows you to use Quake twice under normal circumstances. With an extended Magic Meter (2o vs. 1o), you could use Quake 4 times. [i]However[/i], reducing the cost by half (in this case, 5 into 2.5) allows you to use Quake four times [i]without[/i] an extended magic meter. With it gives you eight Quakes. See the wonderful difference?

[b]Q:[/b] In [i]Link's Awakening[/i], items/treasures with wings were obtained by using what equipment? (easy easy question if you get what I am asking)
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GinnyLyn [/i]
[B]My thoughts speak that the [b]1/2 Magic is better[/b], and with reason. Because certain times (such as a Medallion) are cast with a certain portion of the green meter, reducing the cost is much more effective than providing extra magic.
Example: Let us say the Meter is 1o units (it's not, just bear with me), and using the Quake Medallion costs you 5 units. This allows you to use Quake twice under normal circumstances. With an extended Magic Meter (2o vs. 1o), you could use Quake 4 times. [i]However[/i], reducing the cost by half (in this case, 5 into 2.5) allows you to use Quake four times [i]without[/i] an extended magic meter. With it gives you eight Quakes. See the wonderful difference?[/B][/QUOTE]
[color=indigo]Um, no, you'd still only be able to use Quake four times with the 1/2 Magic upgrade. The 1/2 Magic upgrade is [i]instead[/i] of the double-long magic meter, not in addition to it. Your magic meter stays the same length with the 1/2 Magic upgrade, magical items just use half the amount of magic power. You never get an extended magic meter in A Link to the Past; it's the same length from beginning to end.

So my question still stands. ^_^

And by the way, it is Roc's Feather, for Ginny's question. She was asking what items with wings are obtained using the item, not what item has wings. And in Link's Awakening, there are items (such as bags of Magic Powder) with wings, that float above the ground. To get these items, you need the Roc's Feather to be able to jump up to them.[/color]
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Guest Tical
the double is better. If something takes 5 units, and the the 1/2 has 5 units, and the double has 10, the 5 would leave you with 2.5 on the 1/2 scale and 5 on the 10 scale, making the double better. But then again, youd be able to use the same amount of attacks on either one. So niether one is better. *does the equasion every way and gets the same answer then comits hara-kiri*


Actually, Unless you know how many units each one has you cant determine. You might have 6 units before the 1/2 and 4 before the double so unless the units are the same at first they are equally good

[color=indigo]I combined your double post. In the future, please just use the "Edit" button in the lower-righthand corner of your posts if you want to add something, as double posting is against the [url=http://www.theotaku.com/rules.shtml]rules[/url]. - Desbreko[/color]
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[color=indigo]The amount of magic that can be held in the meter has nothing to do with it. What I'm saying is, take a magic meter--it could be the one from LTP, could be the one from OOT, could be the one from TWW--it doesn't matter which. And then take that one magic meter, and figure out whether it's better to keep the meter the same length and have magical items take half the amount of magic, or whether it's better to make the meter hold twice as much magic power. The question has nothing to do with comparing the magic meters between games, I was just telling which games the two different upgrades come from.

So no, that's wrong. As I said before, there [i]is[/i] a definite reason why one is better than the other.

I really didn't expect this to be all that hard, though. My brother figured this out right away, as I was typing up the question. I guess I'll give a hint.

[b]Hint:[/b] The answer has to do with restoring magic power as well as using it.[/color]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by JJRiddler [/i]
[B]Not taking any powerup's is the best beacuse it takes alot more potions and bottles in the field to restore it.[/B][/QUOTE]
[color=indigo]... Okay, to me, that makes absolutely no sense. Having to use [i]more[/i] potions is a bad thing, not a good thing. And again, one [i]is[/i] better than the other; they're not the same, and it is better to take that one.

Yeesh, fine, I'll make it easier. I'll tell you right now that the 1/2 Magic upgrade is better than a double-long magic meter. Just figure out why.[/color]
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The 1/2 magic powerup is better because it takes less to restore it, yet allows you to use twice the magic.

As to greatdeitylink's question, all I can think of is 2. The battleship type game, and the cannon game. If that's what you mean by minigame, anyway.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gamemasterkev00 [/i]
[B]The 1/2 magic powerup is better because it takes less to restore it, yet allows you to use twice the magic.[/B][/QUOTE]
[color=indigo]Finally! Woo! *shoots off bottle rockets* :toothy:

You can go ahead and ask a question of your own. Those other two don't count, since JJRiddler didn't get mine right when he asked his.[/color]
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[color=indigo]Hmm, lets see.... Makar and Hollo stay at Forest Haven, and then there's one for each wilted tree. And there's eight wilted trees, so that's...

[b]Answer:[/b] ...ten Koroks in TWW.

[b]Question:[/b] In Oracle of Seasons, how do you get the Subrosia Smithy to do anything for you?[/color]
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[color=indigo]Bleh, I saw his file name once, quite a while ago, but I can't remember it now. Heh, I remember it was something really stupid, though. :p Probably the only person that has any chance at this one would be Samgee Gamwise, since I think he has the copy of MM that Olga's saved game is on. (If the save file is still on there, that is). :cross:

But, uh, no, that doesn't really work as a question. That's a question about you, not Zelda. :rolleyes: I'll ask another one to keep the quiz going, and he can just take my place some time later if he wants to ask another (real) question.

Oh, and hiachi, please do not one word post. That was complete spam, and served no point whatsoever.

[b]Question:[/b] Which Zelda games has Tingle appeared in?[/color]
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