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I just rented this game with the hopes of someday buying it.
I found it to be one of the best racing/stunt games I have played to date.
It's myriad of characters combined with the intensity of the tracks is enought to make any racer drool.
How do you all feel about this game?
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Kinetica seems to be one of a kind in its era, but future releases of titles like Stuntman and AutoModelista seem to produce some competition in the "Auto" gaming business.

Games involving vehicles and racing sims tend to get more popular by the day, as many are influenced by films, or vice versa. Another factor which makes racing sims more influenced is the lifespan, you could sit down for hours and play.

Realism is also something to think about. None of the car companies which starred in any of the GT games allowed them to have their cars wrecked, it would be great if we could see that happen for once. "The Getaway" has already made an appeal to this feature.

Games involving vehicles can produce a vast evolution, it just depends on what the limitations in that particular game.
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Although futuristic racers have made significant gains in speed and style over the years, Wipeout XL will always remain the leader of the pack in my eyes, lol. :D

While Kinetica doesn't allow the player the opportunity to achieve speeds quite as blinding as Extreme G3, the assortment of sweet trick combos and multi-tiered racing tracks (complete with clever short cut paths) make this quite an enjoyable racer.

Furthermore, the racer designs, featuring contestants attached to wheels by their respective limbs, are neat.

Sensei-San, I wouldn't attribute the success of sim-oriented racers to connections to mainstream media, such as movies and such.

Futuristic or arcade racers tend to lack the wealth of options and vehicles found in simulation racers. The Grand Turismo series in particular, has helped catapult sim racers and further the overall evolution of racing games by raising the bar in terms of available options, car customization, vehicle selection, and overall depth of the season mode.

Titles such as Kinetica or Extreme G3 rely on blinding speeds and flashy designs, while simulation racers provide superior longetivity.

Most racers based on movies are of low quality anyway. Look at 007 Racing or the plethora of useless Star Wars racers, lol.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crazy White Boy [/i]
[B]Sensei-San, I wouldn't attribute the success of sim-oriented racers to connections to mainstream media, such as movies and such.[/B][/QUOTE]

Yes it is true that movie based games are usually rubbish, however, many of today's games are inspired by movies. Take it to this point of view, if there were no "guns" and "violence" in today's films, we certainly wouldn't see them in most games, that's a fact for sure. For example, look at Driven, it is a powerful F1 racing sim which derivesfrom the Hollywood movie. After a considerable amount of crashes, the car will lose parts, ie-a wheel, or the bumper. It has been noted that these "parts" are the equivalent of a human's "parts", as if the car had lost a wheel as a human would lose an arm.

Many games have some sort of correlation with each other, no matter what the genre is. Whether it involves killing or kids running in fields, you will be sure to see it in any other game.
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