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Digimon journany 2 The Serach For The Lost Stones (PLAY)


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blackagumon: lets see ( pulls out a piece of paper form behind his back.) ahhh next is the swamp gyromon knew right were it was and so did guilmon........

veemon: then thats the way we go!

blackagumon: one prob we sort of need to fly.......witch means me veemon renamon and the otehrs who can't fly get left behind granted if you digivolve you can but i don't have the energy left in me right now.......( faints and dedigivolves to koromon)

renamon: oh boy he dedigivolved least he will be easyeir to carry.....
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renamon: since i can't digivolve to my mega or ulimate yet i iwll go on aeroveedramon ( stares at the fainted koromon) but koromon here is totally out of it we need to keep him safe and out of troble at the same time each time we get close to a sotne som,ething bad happens.

aeroveedramon: hmmm blackagumon and you are the of this party get thinking

renamon: dig a hole and bury him in it?

angelicmon: are you still a bit sour form when he almost took sides with devimon??


both: oh boy
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"What the!"

Just as the Airdramon comes within five feet of the group Angelicmon screms...

" Golden Gate!"

A gate appears from his hands and the Airdramon goes flying threw the gate and appears in another gate behind the group. it turns around with an angrey look on its face

" Uh oh!"
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renamon: just kill it it should be easy was it being a champ and you ulimate

aeroveedramon: point taken but i really don't want to waste the energy....

( koromon's mons eye blinked)

koromon: whats going on?

aeroveedramon; just a champ following us and looking liek it wants to ram us....

koromon: i got a idea lift me above your head i am going to make him blind!going to need your help renamon....

renamon: ok on 3! 1! 2! 3 NOW! dimond storm!

koromon: bubble blow!

(airdramon fell back and turned around and ran)
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Gabrielle: Hi, look I have a favor to ask of you. I am here to warn the tamers of a terrible danger.

Aeroveedramon: What danger?

Gabrielle: Armageddemon, Daemon, and Milleniummon are working together to get the lost stones. Which is why all the tamers must be together only the combined power of all of them will defeat these all powerful digimon seperated each of them is in danger. I have been made a tamer so that Palmon and I can warn the other tamers but we can't get to all of them in time. Aeroveedramon will you let us ride on your back because with your ability to fly we would get to the tamers a lot faster than we could on foot so how about it?
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Aeroveedramon: Ok but you might have to explain the evil danger to the others.
*gets ready to fly while koromon and the stone are once again in his hands and Renamon, palemon, and Gabrielle are on his back*

Aeroveedramon: ok keep all body parts inside the digimon at all times. And we have more guests on AeroVeedramon airlines. Gabrielle and palmon now lets fly.

*jumps up and there off again*
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koromon: great now if only i had my tamer with me you guys would get along great!

gab: really?

koromon: almot sure of it but then again.....

aeroveedramon: we are geting close to the landing area....

koromon: cool hey aeroveedramon: can i please see your stone???

palmon: why do you guys keep those stones?

koromon: they only help us magna digivolve. ( sighs)
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Angelicmon: Well See, we and our tamars saved the world, abotu a year ago.

The group noods.

Angelicmon: And well after we did that we found ourselves back in the digital world, and we have no idea where are tamars are...

Gab: Wow! Who'd you guys defeat...

((What the hell was the guys name?))
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